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I saw another thing on the sports highlights at some basketball game at halftime, they brought a fan down to the half court line and they made a half court shot and the crowd went nuts. And I was like, wow, what was the prize? And they said the prize was Tater Tots for Life. That's a prize, that's a curse I would have missed on purpose. What happens if this goes in Tater Tots for life? Who wants to deal with that for the rest of their life?


You'd be answering tater tots questions 30 years from now. Are you the tater tots guy you made that tater tots shot? Did you just feel like tater tots? Do you eat tater tots every day if you don't feel like having tater tots? Can you bring a friend every time you order and tater tots for yourself and actually slide them over to your friend? Or do they monitor that? How do they monitor it? They give you a card. They click it like a dozen doughnut thing.


You like talking about this on your deathbed? Listen, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm just going to put this out there. I have enough money. To buy tater tots for the rest of my life. I got that kind of coin. Sure, I'm lucky I can surround myself with financial advisers. We spent about a month crunching the numbers, looking at spreadsheets, comparing data, analyzing algorithms. It turns out you need sixty four dollars.


Brian Regan, nunchuck and flamethrowers only on Netflix now.