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To see a doctor this is a while ago, because I had some issues with my Douglas environment, very broadly speaking, and my regular doctor was away, so seeing her replacement now, the replacement doctor was not a doctor I would ever have chosen for myself.


We weren't a good match. We didn't get along from the get go. He was a fucking arrogant asshole. I mean, he was a qualified doctor as well. Yes, absolutely. But that is a Venn diagram with a lot of crossover.


I'm going to call him Doctor Dick Biscuit. OK, there it is.


Now, Doctor Dick Biscuit decided after running noticed that the solution to my Douglas malaise. Was that I should go on the pill, the pill, there's more movement of named all the things the pill, that's a bit fucking vague, isn't it? Pretty much things you prescribe, Doctor, could be called a pill. It's like, yes, but this is the pill.


It sounds like this is the giant pill in the town square.


We all scurry out and nibble on Monday. What does it do, witchcraft? Shall I call it a pill? I said to Dr. Dick this because I said, look, I don't want to take the pill, I've been on the pill before and the pill tends to give me suicidal ideation. You thought I was all at a trauma.


Now, don't think this kid didn't enjoy me bringing that to the table, the table being a consultation about my body, he's like, no, no, thank you very much. And you know what he did? He shocked me.


He said, you will do well to listen to me.


It was our first fight and I did what I always do in a bit of conflict. I made a joke. This was my joke. I said, instead of going on the pill, how about I have a hysterectomy if you get it. I don't know why he didn't get it. As far as jokes go, that's a classic. I can't think of a context where that wouldn't be a joke. Like what planet would I have control over my own body?


Not this one. So clearly it's a joke. And also should have been clear that I was joking because I used jokey words.


I didn't use formal terminology. I did not say hysterectomy. What I said was, why don't we just whip out the whole kit and caboodle?


And then if that wasn't clear enough, I was joking, I followed up with the thought of her day cluttering is in fashion, Doctor, and this does not spark joy. Thank you. I'm delighted I'm delighted you enjoyed that joke because Dr. Dick Bizkit did not he did not get my joke.


And so I did not get his humanity and things just escalated from there. And he just began shouting at me and then he just fully laid into me, at which point I began to cry. And then Dr. Dick Busca took my distress as proof his diagnosis was correct.


Clearly, I was hormonal plastic compound dick biscuit Fatmeh, men calling women hormone.


Pretty much it's the number one hobby of mankind of all time. Like a man is allowed to call a woman hormonal. Just whenever a woman says or does something a man failed to predict. That's it. It's like, oh, I wasn't expecting that.


So clearly, you're just a cluster fuck of internalized, kind of helps you make up to be a bitch.


Like men go women hormonal, as if men don't have hormones. That's the bit that shits me because news flash, fellas, you've got hormones and sometimes you get testy.


Yes, you do sometimes Karen gives it a bit of a squeeze. And you get upset and fair enough here on only human happens to the best of us. Look, I've they known to want to nibble a bit of dark chocolate on a full moon out of. Witchcraft. But I've never had to punch a door, so we all had our things, Phyllis. Like, honestly, what do you think boys will be boys means if men are so good at neutralizing their hormones like it's not the convenient alibi for sexual assault that so many people are so desperate for it to mean?


Do you know what boys will be boys means? It means we are not preparing our boys for the real world. It means we know we know the boys are at the mercy of their hormones, which is culturally incapable of holding them accountable for their actions. So we hold women accountable. Stop that fight, you fucking idiots fight. Leave it. So for you. It's not a rally, but. Your time to do that? I feel like I've got to walk around the.


Look, I don't need my hormones to be unreasonable. I would just love men to know that, like, I don't know, I can just be unreasonable because the more I have plenty of what I call pufferfish moments.


Right. You know, pufferfish the fish that get startled and go, oh, this is a solution. It's not. That's what I get filled with this impotent fury, and I can't do anything about whatever it is I'm angry about because I'm just like, oh, oh, if you leave me, I'll fuck you up. But otherwise I'm just giving it all. And it's only little things that'll set the pufferfish off. Little thing, not the big picture.


Little things like the paleo diet don't even look sideways at me with that shit because my response is out of control. It's disproportionate. Someone who just innocently say, I'm on the paleo and I'll go.


First of all, I don't care to your breath stinks, eat some fucking fiber, for fuck's sake. Three, we don't know what they ate. We have no clue what Paleolithic humans actually ate. But we are dead, son. They didn't eat cauliflower popcorn, you prime.


And you see, it doesn't matter where on my cycle I am, same rage.


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