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Most of my friends under the age of 30 don't even have cable. I'm like, wow, where do you send your five hundred dollars a month? It's going to be embarrassing to have cable, right, you have cable, I'm getting rid of it.


So when I die, technology's moving so fast and there's times when you feel like you're on top of it, and then there's times when you feel like that friend with the flip phone.


We all have the friend or relative with a flip phone.


You're like, where'd you get that? He used that to call the past. What character were you on, Breaking Bad, but there's definitely moments when I'm the person with a flip phone, like I have a landline. Some of you are like, what's a landline? No one wants to admit they have a landline.


It's like discovering you're still paying for AOL. Here's how I justify having a land line, I'm like, well, I need a land line in case all the cell towers go out and then I could call no one. Our land line will ring, our land line will ring. My wife and I, we won't even move to answer it. Oh, it's obviously not for us. No one we know has that number. It's like paying a stranger 10 bucks a month to interrupt dinner, by the way, I know nobody's phone number.


I don't even know my own wife's phone number. If I was arrested and I was allowed one call, I'd be like, I don't know, nine one one. I do miss slamming down the landline when I was angry, you know, like you can go to hell, you can't do that with a cell phone, you can go to hell and. During to fall in the toilet. Stream, Jim Gaffigan, sinco only on Netflix.