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I think we would have less sex crimes, less of this weird, uncomfortable sex stuff if we were more honest about sex. I think gay or straight sex is kind of taboo and a lie, like the thing that makes you good at doing sex is the opposite. The thing that makes you good at getting sex, like to get sex if you feel like I'm a number one human buttons, buttons, buttons, credit card. And then to be good at sex, you're not a human, you're a fucking bit you have to be like, oh, shit.


I hope shit gets in my mouth, so then we don't talk about sex later and explore sex, and then we have people like our vice president, you know.


Yeah, that's like alone with a woman. How could I do sex?


He made a rule in Indiana that was like, if you don't want any gay people in your restaurant or your bakery or your store, you put up a sign and they won't come in and let you die, which is like, honey, oh, that's the weirdest way to come out of the closet.


It's like you're at a party where everybody is hanging out drinking and you turn off the music and you're like, we should make a rule that we don't suck each other's dicks. Because otherwise, what will stop us catch Sabrina Jolies in the comedy lineup only on Netflix.