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Those scales? What the fuck are you?


King Trident.


King Trident?




Little Mermaid. Oh, nice. Yeah, you're Aquaman.


You want me to model.


It off for you? Do I? Oh my gosh.




Scales. I got flippers. The best costumes are the ones that just don't fit.




Doesn't it fit? Because your belly button's showing, Jason. I don't remember King Trident's belly button showing.


Oh, well, you must not remember the movie.


Welcome back to New Heights. Ladies and gentlemen, presented by Wave, sports and entertainment and brought to you by the all new experienced Smart Money debit card. The debit card that builds credit without the debt. Love that. How about that, man? Love it. How can you not love that? We are your host. I'm Travis Kelsey. This is my big brother, Jason Kelsey. Happy Halloween, ladies and gentlemen. Hey. New episodes drop to you every Wednesday during the NFL season. Subscribe on YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts and follow the show on all social media. That New Heights show with one of us. Jason, tell the people what we have coming up on this spooky episode.


Well, as you can see, one of us got the text in the group chat that it was going to be a Halloween episode, and one of us did it.


One of us won, and one.


Of us did it. I wonder who.


Fucking guy.


We're going to talk about our week eight games. We got a huge announcement about the official New Heights fan club. Plus, make sure you're subscribed and stick around until the end of the show because we're going to be looking at some of the best New Heights Halloween costumes we saw this from this past weekend.




First, as always.


As always. New news. New news coming in.


All right. Before we get to this new news, as you guys saw on our socials. We talked about last week what our favorite Halloween candies were. Well, we put out a social clip on the social mediums, and you guys decided to voice your favorite candies. We thought it would be best to do a little taste test potentially in the episode and figure out what is actually the New Heights official Halloween candy.


Let's go, dude. I'm fucking pumped for this.


The way we're going to do this is we've narrowed it down to six. I might throw in two more now because Travis didn't do anything, so we might have some more time. But we got it down to six from your suggestions, the highest liked from the 92%ers. We're going to taste one at the start of each new segment. At the end, we'll declare what is the official New Heights stamp of the week? Halloween candy. We're going to start right now with the, I guess, unofficial official holiday candy and one that obviously I cannot freaking stand.


What could that be?


Candie corn. Treyo. What do you think? You like candy corn.


I do. I don't like a lot of it, but I'm messing with candy corn. Is this the candy corn of what our new heights, 92% have been recommending, or are you just straight up candy corn?


How can I get it to focus in? This one's missing a little nib on the end of it.


Yeah, the white. They're missing the white.


I mean-.


Not bad. You can't say it's terrible. You can say it's like it's-.


Okay, I'm not going to say it's terrible. It's good.


I don't like it. It's sugar. It's pure sugar.


It's frost. It's pure sugar. I don't like frosty. I don't like frosty that much unless it's mixed with other things. We're going to do it a little bit different because one of the things the 92% are said, Trabb, is apparently a lot of people mix these with salty peanuts.


That's got to be East Coast thing. We didn't do that in the Midwest.


I think what people are getting that from, so I got a little bit of salty peanuts. We're going to mix that. Right now? With some candy corn. I don't know what the right ratio on this is, so I'm just going to eyeball it.


Just go one for one, man. Don't do a half, do a... Oh, shit. You did like a fucking handful of each. There's one thing. Too much candy corn, it's too much. It's like too much frosted. You got to have the right amount. What are we thinking? What are we thinking?


It's definitely better mixing it with the nuts, for sure.




Sugar, salted sugar. Think about it. You don't want to just eat regular. Frosting is better on cake, not as candy corn, right? Yeah. So candy corn is better when you mix it with something else, i. E.


Nuts. And peanut butter.


Frosty is banging. Here's the thing. I would never eat this outside of-.


Tasting it.


Yeah. It being Halloween and it being like some type of festive treat.


It's just not that good. There's just a bowl of peanuts over here. A bowl of candy corn.


Even if there was a bowl out and it was a regular day, I'm not eating it. It's not that good to justify eating it. The other thing is all I've essentially done right there is just made trail mix.


That's a good one.


I think trail mix is overrated as hell. I'm not a big trail mix guy. I don't want trail mix. If I want nuts, I'll eat nuts. If I want M&Ms, I'll eat M&Ms. I don't need to combine- You don't want that hint of raisin in there. For my psyche, I don't need to combine M&Ms with healthy things and then be like, Oh, I'm being healthy, even though I'm still eating M&Ms. I'll just eat the fucking M&Ms, all right? I don't need to make a whole trail mix, like combination structure to try and justify why... No, I'm on a hiking trail, so this is good for me. I'll just eat the nuts or I'll eat the M&Ms.


What do you mean? It's good sugar and energy. What do you mean?


Whatever. Whatever. I'm out.


You went on a freaking hike of a century, man. Yeah, Mount Kilimanjaro. Where were you guys eating on, Mark? I'm not.


Killing the jar. I'm in Water Boys.


All right, now, Waterball.


Man, what were we eating? I took a bunch of Clif Bars.


Clif Bars? Are you fucking kidding me? That's a trail mix mushed together. That's all that is.


Yeah, but it's different because the trail... This is the problem with trail mix. This is the problem with trail mix. There's no quality control. When you go in, there's no guarantee you're getting a necessary amount of chocolate and salty things and pretzels. Just make it into a bar and I have consistency.


So you just want the proportion down.


Yeah, proportion control.


You're the guy that goes to a nice restaurant and orders a salad and the salad isn't tossed or broken up and you got to fucking use it.


I will be beyond furious if I get a salad that is not already mixed up in the rest. Yes, I will be furious. It's part of your job.


Dude, the one thing that kills me is if you get something to go, like I'll get an Uber Eats or something like that, or deliver food, I'll get a salad and they'll put the dressing. If I get a Caesar, they'll put the dressing on the side. I'm just like, Why couldn't you just mix it in there for me?


I think they do it because if it sits too long, it messes with the texture.


Why couldn't you just make it easy on me, man? I'm going to look like an idiot trying to shake this thing together.


God damn it.


It's just never the same when I do it.


Fuck. I agree. It does taste differently when you have to mix in your own dressing. I don't know what it is. I don't know why it does.


But it does. Because it's not pre-portioned. Fuck, there we go.


Those chefs have the portion control dialed in.


That's what they get paid to do, is portion it out. I'm not a portion of the chef.


New Heights fan club launch. Onto the first bit of new news. We have officially launched the New Heights fan club. Club 92, if you have been looking for the most direct way to interact with us in the show, here it is. By signing up for Club 92, you also receive exclusive access to giveaways, discounts from our sponsors, bonus content, and other awards just for the 92 percenters. There's also a draw-to-win free Season 2 merch and the first 592 percenters that sign up and submit a no-dumb question will get a free six-pack, courtesy of our friends at Accelerator. Speaking of which, I need to get another one because I don't have enough caffeine yet.


Fire it up and I'll talk to you guys about how delicious this Rocket Pop is. Man, I know you guys know about that Rocket Pop from the old school ice cream trucks. That's right. Get that thing right there. That little Rocket Pop right there. Red, white, and blue. Delicious sugar.


My eyes are.


Starting to go. Pure sugar on the stick. You got to love that shit. Love that. That's what I'm drinking. That's what I'm drinking. It tastes just like it. You guys should try it right now. Get us free sticks pack by doing exactly what Jason just said. That's right. Go to New Heightsshowwith1s. Com and click Join Club 92. Club 92 is free to join. There's no paywall, no subscription, none of that. Extra BS. I'm trying to stay out of the swear jar with that one and turn Brandon. It's just a free thing that we're doing to thank you guys for being such incredible fans of the show. 92 % is baby.


Listen, let's be honest. The best content we get out of this show is from the 92 %. One hundred %. This is another way for us to make this show better.


I'm with that.




That's newheightsshow. Com. Join Club 92 to sign up, ladies and gentlemen.


Well, in other new news, we're dropping another guest episode this week. That's right on Friday, featuring my teammate, former Australian. I guess he's still Australian, but now he lives in the US. Nfl office to tackle Jordan Milata. I don't know what he's better at, being an offensive tackler or singing, he's great at both. But either way, he will be on the show this week on Friday.


That guy is good.


Which means our special video that we're going to do of our opponents, we're going to have to do in this episode, make sure you're subscribed to the New Heights channel on YouTube and subscribe wherever you get your podcast so that you know when the guest episode is dropping, even though we just told you it's Friday. You won't want to miss our interview with Jordan. Again, make sure you're turned in. It's on Friday.


All right, now this Friday is going to be fun. I'll tell you what, man, Jordan has been one of my favorite teammates of yours to get to know, man. Down at the shore, having some fun with him at the Celebrity Bar crawl or whatever you guys call.


Your- I don't even know if he has a name, to be.


Honest with you. Yeah, there you go. The foundation event, Jason always throws at the shore with the Eagles, Eagle's Autism Foundation. Shout out to everybody involved. Yeah, getting to know him and see how he just takes over the energy in the room, every room he goes in. Man, that's a fun dude. I can't wait to chop it up with him.


His charisma is electric. His story is electric. Yeah. Obviously, everybody knows him as a former rugby player, never having played in the NFL or football before going to the NFL, which you got to be a pretty big freak if you're going to be drafting the NFL without ever having played the game. But yeah, I also want to talk to you about rugby. We talked about rugby a couple weeks ago. Rugby people have been all pissed off about what we said. I thought we were more than fair.


No, yeah, I've gotten some requests.


I would love to get Jordan's take. The Rugby World Cup just took place. All Blacks lost to the Spring Box.


Jason, doing your research.


Okay. Yeah, I watched the highlights. I didn't get a chance to see the whole thing.


Yeah. Let's keep the stay moving to fan mentions of the week. Some of the funnest times we have here. The first one is from Danband. The Danband. The Danband. Your singing was clearly a hit last week, Jason. The Danband commented this was fucking solid and not in the swear... They're not in the swear jar, I am. I'm handing over the band to you now. So, Jason, you are now lead for the Danband. This is now the Jason band.


It's the Jason band. Yeah, there's absolutely no way I can feel those shoes. I love and appreciate the support, Danband, but I respectfully, yeah, not going to do that.


This guy has his own career to take off.


I can't take that band down. It's too good. Do this. I can't take the...


Yeah. Well, next up is @EJKU-H-N-E right now on Twitter, New Heights show. I propose September second, 9/2 to be the 92% day.


I see what they did there.


We should make 9/2 official or stick with February 30th. He wanted to make it make sense and actually have a day. Jason, your idea was to make a mockery of it. It's just to make a play on it like, Oh, we deserve a day when that day will never actually come.


That's correct. I'm still on board with February 30th.


I'm with that.


Yeah. Listen, I get it. September second, 9/2, a lot more thought put into it. It can be an actual day. The whole point of this was that I don't want there to be a day. It's supposed to be a joke.


Yeah. If we make a day, he's on record for saying he will boycott the day.


I'll boycott that day. I'll boycott center day. I'll boycott offensive lineman day. I'll boycott Jason Day. Those days are all of a sense, as well as today there is one day, Halloween, that's actually happening. But when you guys watch this, it would have happened yesterday. But October 31st is also National Magic Day. That's nonsense. It's Halloween, all right? 9/2 is World Cocoa Day.


International Bacon Day. Okay.


Well, I do love bacon. If there's one day I might celebrate, it's Bacon Day. I'm not going to lie. I'll get on more with Bacon Day then. And World Beard Day. That's nonsense as well.


What is the bacon you're eating over there, Jason? You like thick bacon? You like crispy bacon.


I like thick if I'm being honest.


But here's the- You can't make thick bacon crispy, though.


Yes, you can if you do it right. It's not going to be as crispy, but you can get the outside a little bit crispy.


Charred up.


Yeah. Bacon is such a weird food because if it's cooked perfect, I don't know that there's anything better. If it is the right texture.


To out- Bacon. What was the fucking… The.


Dog commercial? The debate. What were those treats called? Bacon.


Yeah. That's exactly how I feel whenever I see bacon.


But if it's not cooked right, it's terrible. If bacon is done wrong, it's the worst food out there. Undercooked bacon, that's floppy.


Oh, not floppy bacon.


Are you kidding me?


I don't want floppy bacon. Not floppy bacon.


Floppy bacon is the worst. I don't want if it's burnt too much.


I don't want just a little burnt though. I'd rather have.


A little bit of - If I had the choice of burnt or flaccid bacon, I'm taking burnt bacon.


Flaccid bacon. God damn it. All right. Well, thank you, EJ, for sending that in. We're probably going to respectfully decline 9-2 being New Heights Day or 92% day and just keep it at February 30th.


February 30th obviously doesn't exist, but there is a moment in time between February 29th on a leap year and March first, right when the clock hits midnight, that you get a fraction of a second to celebrate.


This is a lie. You do not get that.


You do. It's in between February 29th and March first, which there's a time period where it's not either.


There is no time period.


You go down far enough, there is a time period that it gets... You're in the microverse. But that's when February 30th takes me. If you can time that up, you can celebrate.


I don't. This is all false information.


No, it's there.


How about we just act like we celebrated it in between then?


Midnight on February 29th is a new high day.


Moving on, thank you to all the 92% who sent in pictures of myself and my posters at the the Book Fairs, the school book fairs. That's actually really cool to see. I see I'm up there with a few familiar faces that I know. All right, man.


Yeah, I'm not going to lie. This is pretty awesome.


Dude, this is so cool. I remember only wanting to go to Book Fairs to look at the posters. There I am. How about that? Life hit you fast.


I think sometimes as a professional athlete, we lose track of these little things that as kids you interact with every day. Obviously, the book fairs are a highlight of our day.




One to get books. Kids read your books, but also to look at the posters. It's just really cool to see that, I don't know, you're on... I don't know. It's just cool. I don't know. You lose track of it.


It blows my mind sometimes, man. It's awesome.


What posters were on your wall?


Well, I mean, we talked about Eric Lindros. I talked about having... Ironically, I was a Flyers fan growing up, man. I know. I was a huge Flyers fan because of Lindros.


You were an Eric Lindros fan.




You fell into... Him and Lecler. You actually fell in love with Lecler more than Lindros, I feel like, at one point. You were a big Lecler fan.


When he went to Chicago, I think, did he play? I feel like he did. I think it was Chris, was another one I was a big fan of. I was a Black Hawks and Flyers. I thought they had some of the coolest logos, which I still think the NHL has the coolest fucking logos and coolest team names.


I had somebody just recently tell me, not somebody, the guy, Charlie Hall, who really is the behind the Christmas album that's launching later this week. He asked me this exact question because he met The Edge lead singer for U2 in Las Vegas. That was the guy that was on his wall growing up. Wow. He said it was like an iconic moment. I don't know. The guys that were on my wall were Wayne Gretsky. I had the one Wayne Gretsky in the New York Rangers jersey on the one wall.


Oh, yeah, baby.


Then on the other wall, I had Mark Maguire and Sammy Sosa in a dueling poster.


Oh, damn, I do remember that.




Was that '98 or '90? Stereoid era. Yeah, it was Stereoid. I forget what.


Year they did that in.


But- Go on YouTube one day and just watch those homerun derbies. Oh, my- There was never- -wasn't even a fucking goodness.


Well, there was even not to home... I mean, the whole year of baseball, that was the most electric year. You didn't have phones, so everybody would wake up to see Stewart Scott or-.


Scott Van Pelle.


-scott Van Pelt. - Rich eyes. - Rich eyes. -and all those guys. You're waiting to see, okay, did Mark Mcquire, Sammy Sosa hit a home run last night and who's winning? It was that type of race. It was the best year of baseball by far.


Growing up. The ESPN anchors literally fueled us as kids and gave us the love for sports and did it in a fun way, man. I'll tell you what, man, I owe a lot of my love for sports to ESPN and how they went about their business, man. But those fucking Mark Maguire and St. Louis the years, man. Damn, baseball just hasn't been the same.


Well, Trav, it's pretty cool that you're on these posters. Hopefully, there's a kid that's not reading any books and you're his idol, and he'll be really good at football one day, and it'll pan out for him. Let's go.


That's all the misfits, baby. All the little brothers. All right. Let's keep this thing moving.


It's time for no dumb questions. But as it being a new segment, it is also time to try a new piece of candy. Let's try which one we got on this one. -oh yeah, look what we got.


Let's do nerds. Let's do nerds. We're both big nerds.


But it's not nerds. It's nerd Clusters, right?


Yeah. Suggested by @LisaWes90, 95, nerds, clusters, or nerd ropes. This is where it has that little bit of gummy bear in it, keeping all the nerds together.


Yeah. I can't get this in Zoom.


That's good enough.


They got it. This thing looks like something out of like it has the same look. You remember the Everlast and Gobstopper? No, the Everlast in Godstopper had these very colorful-.


Yeah, it had that same shape of like...


Oh, wow.


Dude, those are so good. I could.


Taste it right now. It's so much better than the candy corn.


It's not even close. It's not even close. You were saying it like you can't stand it. It's disgusting. Like candy corn is whatever. You know what I mean? It's solid. It's sugar. It's pure sugar. That delicious treat right there, now that's a fucking piece of candy.


Man, these are dangerous. I could eat this whole bag. This is good.


All day. I was saying they're.


Fucking bomb. What do you think makes it about the nerd cluster that's so much better? We grew up with only nerds. Nerd clusters weren't a thing, right?


Yeah. We got older, nerd ropes came in, which is just nerd clusters strung out.


The clusters are the best.


Dude, those things are good. It's not too much anything, just enough. They got to figure it out.


The nerds by themselves were always missing a certain texture to them. It was a little bit too much of that harsh.


It would get that powdery sugar.


Then it would feel weird in your mouth a little bit. This is like, it's.


All homogenized. Then you give it five minutes and go into the box again. What?


I'm getting a little cross section here. Man, that's a good piece of candy. I'm not going to lie. I'm more of a chocolate guy.


They got that shit figured out.




Good. Looks like it's in the lead right now. When we get some no dumb questions, brother.


All right, it's time to answer a few not dumb questions because there's no such thing as dumb questions. Just dumb people.


That's right. You're looking at two of them. Brought to you by Buffalo Wildwings. Let's go, sports boy.


There we go. Fire up, everybody.


All right, our first no dumb question comes from @myracristina.


That's pretty good. I would have definitely botched that.


No dumb questions. What is the difference between a Jamoke and a Jabrony? Can they be used interchangeably? I'm going to defer this to our resident expert and potentially expert of the world on the differences between Jamoke and Jabronie and Travis Kelsey. He's the only one I really know that's still using Jamoke. Yeah. I'm not a fan. He's clearly outside of the rock, the most prominent person still using Jabroni. There's anybody that needs to answer this question? It's Travis Kelsey.


I use them interchangeably. I feel like Jemoke is more like stupidity. Jabronie is more like you're just a fucking loser. You know what I mean?


That's what I was going to say.


I call myself.


Both at times. I think that they mean.


The same thing. This is not me calling anybody else. I call myself a Jabronie and a Jemoke more than I call anybody else.


For sure. But I think what you're saying is they both mean the same thing, but the context in the way they're used is usually different. Like, Jamoke is usually used as either a self-deprecation or a lighthearted way of calling somebody stupid or a fool, right? Whereas Jabrony is the same meaning, but you're taking a dig at somebody more than Jamoke is like- 100%. It's more like a offensive, like you're trying to get at him a little bit more with Jabrony.


Is that accurate? I feel like you hit it right on the head. You didn't even need to defer that to me.


I've heard you use them a lot, so I've picked up on the context.


Yeah, you're a fucking deboner. All right.


Oh, my gosh. At Donald Gannon, 64,26. No, no questions. What is a hard count? I've heard commentators and people talk about it, but I have no clue what it means. Okay.


You want to get a hard count? This is your realm and I'm defer this to you, dude. It should be. I've also been all sides more than anybody. Well, I've got a.


Lot of false.


Starts too. -second most on my team right now. Just being the only one fucking moving.


There's no worse feeling than a false start on everyone but the center call.


Oh, yeah. Well, if you're the center, then it's game on.


I'm excited to answer this question because I feel like there are a lot of misconceptions about hard counts, silent counts, all sorts of counts. A hard count can be a number of things. But typically, all it really means is that it is not going to be on one.


All right? Okay. You've got to explain to people what on.


One is. On one is. So every cadence, every team in the NFL has a set cadence that they use. When we were with Chip Kelly, it was a very college-centric cadence, which was just, Set, ready to go. Then you would run the play. Nfl cadencees that have been around for a long time typically go color number-number, color number, set-hut. Yeah. Some that. It's usually some type of, Set! Green 15! Green 15! Set-hut! That would be on one. You snap the ball on the second set-hut, but that's on one.




Now, a hard count would be doing that, but not snapping on one and hoping to draw the offense-off sides or defense-off sides.


We're trying to trick them.


Typically, that range is in either numbers of two or three, which would be, said, hot, Green 15. Green 15 said, hot, hot. That'd be on two. Or you have on three, said, Green 15. Green 15 said, hot, hot, but that's on three. All of these things, I would argue, actually, when you do an on two or on three, you're not trying to draw them off sides. Usually, those are just ways to keep them honest and surprise them. The ones you're trying to draw off sides are usually double counts. You're either trying to draw them off sides or get them to show their hand.


Show their hand, which means if they're hiding a coverage as a defense, we'll try and do to try and just get you off your game. They'll try and in the beginning. As you get closer to the, Set, hot, hot, hot, that you actually start to move into the coverage that you're at. Well, you catch them thinking they know your count, you can get them to show their hand.


It's literally just repeating that entire cadence that I've done now probably too many times.


You just do it once. Do it one more time. Set, hot.


Green, 15. Green 15 is a hot. And you're looking. All right, safety is coming down here. Hey, lucky. Lucky. All right. Set, black 80. Black 80 is hot. And then you're on to the camp. You're on to the game race.


I love just the presence of feeling like you're a quarterback and you're looking at the deep end. There's nothing in front of this guy other than a wall right now, and he was just scouring for the deep. -but in my mind, it was different.


I can see the safety coming down here in a three by one. I can feel him. All right, so we got that. -that's on two or three, double count. Then you have quick count, which is trying to surprise the defense, which would be, Set on. -snap the ball.


Oh, always.


Gets you. Or for sound, which is, Set.


You do all of this to, like you said, keep the defense honest so they're not jumping the snap. They can't just think about just getting to their gap. They got to think about the snap count and just gives them another variable to have to work with.


In all of these cadencees, there's typically either rules built in or just a way you do it on whatever you team on. It's always different. Like the Green Bay Packers, if somebody jumped off sides, they would always snap the ball and run a free play regardless of what it looked like, it seems like.


Yeah, 100 %.


That was their thing with Aaron Rogers. It's a little risky because if the center doesn't feel it at the right time or he's wrong, then it's not a free play. But in general, probably better to take the free play because you get a shot down the field.


Every single time. You just get a big-time shot. You get a one-on-one matchup, too.


Yeah, it's a little bit more of a gray area and quarterbacks have gotten lit up sometimes. Very rare because they're supposed to blow it dead. It's a little bit more risky. Or if they jump off sides, the offensive line will reach out and touch the defensive player to get the free five yards, or typically how you see teams handle the defense jumping in a hard count situation. Then you have silent count, which would be there are no verbals, but there are physical cues, whether from the center or guard or whoever, that indicate when the ball is going to be snapped. That happens at away games when it's too loud to hear the quarterback doing all of this cadence. There are the same with verbal counts. There are essentially hard, silent counts, which would be on two or three. There are double counts in silent. There are quick counts in silent. You get to the same things, but done more on physical gesture rather than on cadence rather than on verbal cadence.


Ladies and gentlemen, that is why I deferred it to Jason. Jason, it is a round of applause. It was a great job. It might be the best dumb question you've ever fucking answered or not dumb question, I'm sorry.


I hope I didn't give away too.


Many things. No, you didn't sound dumb at all saying that. You told everybody what a lucky is. All right, well, that does it for No Dumb Questions brought to you by Buffalo Wildwings. Let's go, sports bar. Well, all right, let's tee up some bold topics, 92% to wrap up week eight in the NFL. Starting off with both of our games, and we're going to get to our third candy. Jason, since you're the only one that was genius enough, aka, you have kids and are actually doing Halloween. The candy number three for this topic is going to be Reese's pumpkin, suggested by Melissa Bridge. 56, 87. All right, 87. What do you got, man? Honestly, is it just a Reese's shaped like a pumpkin? Is that all it is?


Yeah. You got the little, it's like more of a singular.


Yeah, all right. Yeah, those are, I mean, they're Reese's.


I think these are actually better than... I'm not going to lie, I think these are better than.


Reese's cups. Is itor is it more peanut butter?


I think there's more peanut butter in these. That's what it comes down to.


It's a little thicker.


It's a little bit thicker. Look at that thick bar. Thick bar.


It might be the exact same. It's not. I can guarantee it. Just a different shape. This is just a different shape than.


All of this. It's got more peanut.


Butter, I guarantee it. You get more peanut butter on a bite, but it's definitely the same amount of chocolate and peanut butter altogether. I guarantee you. Can we please take this to the judges? You don't seem too excited. You were excited about the.


Nerd, bro. Well, the.


Nerd cluster- That was a surprise to you.


It was because I don't have that very often. I don't know. I think I might have had those once before. I'm not a big nerd cluster guy. Reeseas are like... I mean, this is a combination that is so tried and true. I've had these a million times.


We were around Reesees.


All the time as kids. That was what I was going to say. What's the first thing you think of with Reese's?


Go. Ed Kelsey. Knew it.


This is why we're fucking brothers.


There was probably a 10-year span of going in dad's car.


Every fucking day.


You could not… There was always Reese's in.


That car. He went to the gas station at the end of the street to just stack up on two king-size Reesey Pups.


And what else? Diet Pepsi. Diet Pepsi.


You can't make this shit out, people. That's an American father. If you try to tell me any different, you're fucking sick.


Road trips growing up were a standard stop every 45 minutes. The dad could buy three six cups, diet Pepsi, and I'll take a smoke break on his pipe.


Oh, yeah. No, I'm not smoking in the car. The kids are in the car. I'm going to just veer off to the side of the highway here. It looked like I got a flat tire, but really just be outside smoking out of.


A bite. Shout out for quitting. That was a baller move, though.


It was. It was a baller move.


Man, I'm going to say these are better than RACI's cups. I'm just going to say that.


It's the exact same thing, Jason. You're just taking more peanut butter out of the bite. That's it. You just like more peanut butter. That's fair.


In my view, that's a better concoction than a RACI cup.


That's a fair assessment. I like more peanut butter than I like chocolate, so I'll take that. God, that's-I like a good hint of chocolate.


I also like that it's got a Halloween centric. It's a pumpkin. Like, nerd clusters is just nerd clusters. This is an actual Halloween.


Specific thing. Yeah, we made this for this made of holiday. Yes.


Whoa, slow you roll.


Well, it sounds like you're taking that over nerd clusters. Melissa Bridge, 56, 87. Appreciate you sending that in.


I'm also just a chocolate guy.


Which is a little biased because I feel like I'm more sugar than chocolate.


According to Bo Allen, candy can't be chocolate. Chocolate and candy are two different categories to Bo Allen, who used to be 320 pounds.


What is he now?


300? He's like 270. I think he's on the-He's lost a lot of weight. He's lost a lot of weight. Looking good. Honey Bobo. Honey Bobo? Looking good.


Dude, he was a massive… He looked like a fricking just a big muscle. There's no way. Is he like-.


No, he definitely wasn't a muscle. -is he ripped?


He looks good. Okay.


Yeah, he's a good looking man now.


All right, Bo.


But yeah, he firmly believed that candy had to be the sugary stuff. Chocolate was not candy. That's chocolate.


I'm putting it all under one umbrella, but.


I get it.


I think if he wasn't your friend, you wouldn't say that.


Correct. I told him to his face, I disagree with this.


I see where you're coming from.


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Cute ass over here, Brandon. That's right.


Intern, Brandon. How was your weekend with Prize Pigs?


It was pretty good. It was pretty good. Everybody loves to sweat out their Sunday watching a Pittsburgh running back, get receptions. That's always what I had in mind for myself.


What's that T-shirt you got on there, Intern, Brandon?


It's a face of a friend of mine.


It's a face?


I thought she was going to get. It's a face. No, she's going to freak out that I have her face on a T-shirt.


That's cool.


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Let's get on to our games. Eagles, 38, Commanders 31. Man, that was a.


Close one. It was very close.


That was a close one. Divisional games, man. Divisional games are always no matter how far apart teams may seem, they're always a battle, man. And initial thoughts from your second game against the Commanders. What do you got?


Yeah, I mean, again, down to the wire, they were beating us for a large majority of the game, I think, the whole first half.


Yeah. Every time I looked at the score, you guys were losing, and I was like, Oh, no.


They got up on us quick. Sam Howe, man, when he's on, it was impressive.


It was methodical. He can sling it, man. He can sling it. The fighting to be enemies, man.


Yeah, but it was typically when you're playing quarterbacks that aren't well-known, if you make them drive the field and do short, ding-dunk passes, that's hard to continually do. Not for Sam Howe. He was very on point. He was executing it. He was taking some shots occasionally, but a lot of it was just, it felt like it was death by a thousand slants. I'm like, Jesus, what are we doing here? Can we get into something for a slant? But I'm sure it's a lot easier said than done. I don't know.


1,000 %.


But all I do know is that Sam Howe has played two really good games against us. The commanders have played two really good games offensively against us. I asked Eric, be enemy after the game. I'm like, Yo, brother, what are you see, N-E-B? How do we stop this? What are you doing to us? But they've had our number. This is the way divisional games are. Our defense goes out last week, shuts out the most explosive, high-powered offense in the NFL, essentially outside of 10 points. Then the commanders next week come out here and they give us another hard fought game. The division games, they know you that much more. They're always harder, regardless of how the teams are doing in the season. They have a great defensive line. They have great players across the board. They obviously are usually a little bit more hungry, or both teams are, to get an in-division win. I'm happy with the way we fought. We started out down, had two big turnovers in the red zone that we're going to get to in a little bit. I mean, you turn the ball over inside the five-yard line twice, it's going to be hard to overcome that.


I think, again, we got to get the turnover stuff cleaned up. We're harping on it. We're starting to do a lot better in the red zone, which is good. Now this last glaring thing, which is the turnovers, if we can fix that, I think we'll be putting ourselves in a lot of really good positions.


Yeah. Well, you guys went down 14-3. At that point, why don't you give everybody a glimpse of what you guys are doing on the sideline? Is it a panic? Well, it's ironic. You try not to, but is there a sense of urgency or is everybody locked in a.


Little more? When you are down two scores, everyone is like, Okay, we got to stop fucking around. We're going to tie it up. It's time to get going. You know what I mean? We can't afford to... You're not thinking that way when it's not 14-3, but it changes for sure. But I think that the difference between good teams or teams that overcome these things is we've overcome these deficits a lot. So it's not a sense of panic. It's a sense of urgency. And we know that we can do it. We just got to go out there and start executing as opposed to, Oh, I don't know how we're going to do this, which I think some teams do have that thought when they haven't done that. And ironically, the whole message from nick Ciriani this week was like, was believe, right? Believe in yourself, believe in the team. Nick always has a certain thing that he's going to for the week to try and motivate the team. It's just funny that the one thing he's harping on all week ends up, Hey, we're faced with this firsthand in a game. We're like, Hey, it's 14-3, but we still need to believe that we can overcome this and win and believe that the offense can get things figured out, believe that the defense is going to start going out there and getting stops.


We got tested with it the week that he was really bringing it all up. I think that it's ironic that both of those, they are coincidental, whatever one is right, that happened within that same week. But either way.


Yeah. Well, the Eagles offense put up season high, 38 points. Offense dominates. Outside of those two turnovers you were just talking about, Jaylen played his best game so far, so to speak. 319 yards passing the high and completion's passing yards and passing touchdowns with four, and a passive rating of 135.7 if anybody is into that shit.


I feel like we should know how pass the ratings are figured out, but I have.


No idea. I don't give a fuck. I could look at the completion's, the yards, touchdowns, and be like, Yeah, that's a good quarterback. Literally, I don't need a number to tell me his rating. Jaylen Hertz targeted AJ Brown and Devante Smith. He was 15 for 15. That man is just pulling up as soon as he gets in his gym, dog, just shooting from halfcourt. I mean, those guys right now are absolutely balling. They both combined had 229 yards of the 319, Jaylen Hurtz threw four and three touchdowns. So Devante Smith had 99 yards, one tuddy. And after declaring it AJ Brown Day last week, it actually worked.


How about that?


Yeah. No, he now holds the record for the most consecutive games with 125-plus receiving yards in NFL history passing Megatron Calvin Johnson, which is every bit of a LeBron stat.


But it is- Yeah, but I mean-.


It's one of the LeBron stats that actually means something. You know what I mean? It's pretty crazy. He finishes with eight receptions for 130 yards and two tuddies. Do you still get surprised by these performances at all?


No, it's getting to the point that you almost expect it. If it's not a 130 yards.


How the fuck did you guys get AJ Brown?


Talk to Howie and Vrabel. I don't know. I have no idea how that went down, but I'm sure happy that it did because, dude, it's been insane. He didn't just get.


Like- No, this stretch is legendary, but he's-.


No, but I'm just saying this past game, he didn't just get the record catching wide open crossers. He got it, morseying a guy jumping one-handed behind him. It's insane. It's like man.


Amongst boys. It's so insane, and you saw it live and you got so excited that you went over and.


Imitated it. I'm going to do what he just did. I'm going to... I think it was pretty much spot on. I think I nailed it.


That's a good one. Instead of Mega John, is he Mega John? Like Philly John?


Mega John. That's a good one, Tram.


I like that. Mega John. Yeah. Shout out to intern Brandon. Can we talk about this leap, though? Have you ever in your life gone up for a 50-50 pass? Even on the playground? I feel like I've never seen you play playground football.


Well, when I played receiver in freshman football and also when I played receiver in high school for a couple minutes, I did actually, Moss. There's a clip out there, me, Moss, and somebody one handed. It was for a two-point conversion.


I'm not making this up. I got to talk to Coach.


Hicks about that.


Was it a fade? Was it a fade?


Was it a fade? Was it a fade in the end zone?




Up. I'm not making this up. It was a two-point conversion.


You are so making this up.


Listen, it was high school.


Well, I enjoyed seeing you do that. That was funny as fuck. It might have been catch of the year and not yours. Yeah, I.


Think we know which.


One you're talking about. Julio Jones got his first touchdown as an Eagle. I'm not going to lie. I saw a number 80 score and I'm like, Who the fuck is number 80? They're like, Julio Jones. I was like, Oh, shit.


Do you see the speed at which every single player ran into the end zone to celebrate that touchdown?


They were hype, man. You must be doing something right.


He's a good.


Dude, man. I love that for you.


Guys, man. He's one of those guys immediately when he gets in the building that you're just happy that he's in the building. You're happy that he's with your team. He's been around a long time. He's a great player. He's a great teammate and he's got a great personality.


It's a hell of a legacy to have right there, man.


Yeah, everybody was excited when he made that catch and a little bit pissed off because he got... It was a debatable shot to the head, I think, but ended up being a no-call. They picked the flag up. Either way, didn't face him. Got right back up and had a smile on his face. I think we were all really happy that Julio got in the end zone. There's no question about it.


Shout out to Julio. Shout out to 08 High School Class. Stop the shove. Stop the shove, man. The brotherly shove sees its first defeat. Fuck. You guys put up 38 points to five tuddies, but there was one hiccup. The brotherly shove finally got stopped.


Not only was it stopped, it was a turnover on.


The one-yard-back. You want to talk about it?


You want to just say-I think the exchange is an underrated part. We actually talked about this, I think, last week maybe, or a couple of weeks ago on the quarterback sneak. There's a lot of movement while the ball is being snapped by the line, and in this case, with people pushing behind you as well. I think he just never really had the ball clean. I think that we got to make sure that we're securing the football. That's it. I mean, I think between me, Jaylen, and all the movement that's happening, we got to get that ironed out. Frustrating because I think we probably score if we do get the handoff there because we got a ton of push on where we were trying to execute it. Yeah, can't go anywhere without the football. That's for sure.


Yeah, that's the that, especially with how much success you guys have been having to have that outcome, let alone just to stop. That's a dagger early on in the game, man.


Yeah. I also feel bad. I think that Fumble gets labeled on Jaylen. When it's like a snap, like procedural thing, I don't think that that's fair to put that on one guy. You know what I mean? It's not like he got stripped of the ball. He just never got the ball.


Think of it this way. Somebody finally stopped it. Now everybody could stop bitching and moaning about how the fucking shove is just so unfortunate, so unfair.


Well, who stopped it?




Ourselves? It turns out the best way to stop the brotherly shove is the Philadelphia Eagles.


It's the only way. Wear gloves that look like the left guard.


How about that?


Offsides. There's all these certain things that - There's.


So many things you can do.


Yeah. Well, you guys have officially done all of them. No shot taking. No shot taking. No shot taking.


Hey, what's that?


There was another big moment to brotherly shove in the fourth quarter. It wasn't just that fumble. It was the fourth quarter. As Baby Y would say, You guys are sneaky. You guys are real sneaky. You guys fake the brotherly shove with an end around and basically walk into the end zone. I mean, I was waiting for that one. That one's the one that, you know what I mean? You got to keep it honest. And sure enough, you guys picked it at the right moment late in the game with 150 left and secured the W with that one. As my dog Swift, you got real Swift on that one. The commanders did score a TD after that though, and the Eagles were then in a possession of needing to recover an on-side kick.


Yeah, it was one of those where, I don't know if we were in, oh my gosh, I forget what we call it, but essentially like, hey, you have to get first down.


First downs game.


Because the first down would have been game over if we don't score a touchdown. I mean, when you're already up seven points, going up 14, that's a hard one not to just go and punch it in. It's different when I think it's within one score still. But once it gets to two scores, it's like, all right, it's harder.


To get a- Two, three. Yeah. But at the same time, what Jason is talking about is there's a mode that we go in as an offense that we don't necessarily want to score a touchdown. We want to end the game with the ball and not give the other team the opportunity to score a touchdown and then get a crazy outside kick and get another possession to where, if we can control not even giving them the football that late in the game, we'd rather put it on us than to trust the football gods and put it in their hands.


I think it was McKinnon did it in the.


Super Bowl. Yes, 100 %.


That's exactly what did at the end of the game. Listen, we would have far preferred him score a touchdown and give us the ball back to potentially go down to win.


The game. Yeah, because that gives you more of a chance. Yeah, 100%. The jets actually didn't do that against you guys and gave you guys an opportunity late in the game.


We were in the the opposite on defense, where it's.


Let them score. Let them score. Yeah. The jets decided to walk in.


I wonder if the commanders were in, do you think that they were in let it score? Probably not third and one.


I mean, if I'm knowing Eric, be out of me.


Third and one, they're probably like, Hey, defend the first down. But if he gets the first down, it's probably if you're smart, let him score. Yeah, that makes sense. Because if you.


Don't let him score, then the game's over. Forgot it was third down. Lebron Stade of the game, Jalen Hertz has 10,000 passing yards and 2,178 rushing yards in his career and joins Josh Allen, Kyla Murray, Cam Newton, Russell Wilson as the only players in NFL history with at least 10,000 passing, 2,000 rushing in their first four career seasons.


How about that? Let's get LeBron stat.


And that is as LeBron as we could ever. Shout out to Jaylen, though. He's playing great football, man. And if you're ever in a LeBron stat, I mean, you're getting compared to LeBron. So yeah, it's good territory. Up next for Philly, man. Since we're dropping the guest episode Friday, let's hit the Eagles' next opponent. You guys got the Dallas Cowboys staying in the division, man, headed to the- We do. -the Cowboys are headed to the link. Early thoughts on the game? You guys already played the Cowboys once or not yet?


Not yet. No, I have not played them yet. I mean, dude, the Cowboys, outside of the 49ers game, have been pretty much the hottest team in football league.


They are- They've been playing some good.


Ball, man. Jack Prescott is playing great, which when the quarterback is playing well, typically means the offense is functioning pretty well.




They got great players. They have a great defense. Their defense line is starstudded. Obviously, everybody knows Michael Parsons and DeMarcus Lawrence. Osa is having a big year, one of their D tackles. It's going to be a hard game. We're at.




Which obviously looking forward to getting it going at the link. This is a big game for us. It's a big game for them, and it's going to feel that way for sure.


Oh, NFCE showdown, baby. Cowboys have been playing great football. Michael Parsons encouraged the Cowboys fans to take over the link, which is impossible. I don't think anybody can take over the link. It's pretty packed with Eagles out there.


Yeah. Listen, there's going to be Cowboys fans in attendance. They still get a certain amount of the tickets to come to the game. But yeah, I think it's going to be pretty green in the building if I am a betting man.




Which you are not good. Odds of that happening, zero %. Unless there's some like, contagent or something that magically makes every Philadelphia sick in the city of Philadelphia.


Probably not that. I'll tell you what, though. There is that one feeling of if they were to win, all the Eagles fans leaving and the Cowboys fans still being in there, cheering and chanting and doing all that hoop. That would be the only chance. So it's not zero.


Gosh, I didn't even think about that. Yeah. Well, that's different, though. That's not taking it over. That's like staying. Well. Okay, call it.


What you want.


Either way, let's hope that neither of those happen. Yeah.


Well, you're in for a good one, brother. I can't wait to see that one.


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I'm not sure if you're aware of Trav, but it's football season. You know what I love doing during football season?


Being a football player. You love playing center for the Philadelphia Eagles. Everybody knows this, Jason.


That's true. But when I'm not playing, there's nothing I love more than hanging out on my couch and watching Chiefs and Bearcats games while drinking beer and eating some Buffalo wild wings. All right now.


That sounds like a quality evening right.


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Com. Delivery subject to availability, fees apply, please drink responsibly. This one is your fourth candy, which is Kit Kat. As we move on my game, this will.


Probably be the only.


Fun thing to talk about, is the candy at the top of this topic, suggested by Starkeast. Kit Katz, give me a break. I think it has a better jingle than a taste, but it's whatever. Who doesn't like chocolate wafers?


That's a good candy.


Yeah. Do you remember when mom used to bring home the actual wafer with the frosting inside? What was your favorite one? It was like Neapolitan. It was like chocolate, vanilla, and then the strawberry ones. I don't.


Even remember what they were called, but it was good.


I think they were just called Wafers or some shit. Either way, Kit Katz are a classic. You can't go wrong with them. I'm not going.


To lie, I.


Love Kit Katz. I love.


Kit Katz. Kit Katz is probably my go-to vending machine candy. If I'm getting candy, and I see Kit Kat, I'm probably going Kit Kat. But it's going to be hard-pressed to say that's better than that Reese's pumpkin. It's just a little bit more decadent. Like, Kit Kat is a little bit more like a... It's a wafer with chocolate, so.


It's- It's got a nice crunch to it.


Yeah, but it's a little bit of a lighter feeling. The Reese's pumpkin is a decadent tree.


Well, you just said it. You're taking the resease pumpkin over that. So shout out to Starkeast. All right. And all the 92% that thought that was on the board.


All right, Triv, we got to do it. We got to talk about it. Yeah. Broncos 24, Chiefs 9.


Fuck, that's embarrassing, man.


What are your initial thoughts? What do you want to talk about? I'll let you just talk.


Felt awkward during the game like we couldn't get anything going. You're talking about that sense of urgency on the sideline. They didn't feel like we had too much of that. When we finally had that sense of urgency, turn the ball over and get it ripped right out of our hearts, our defense is playing their tail off, man. For us to keep turning it over, putting them in bad positions and then saving our tail, it's getting real one-sided. I don't think I've been in a situation where we've stalled this much as an offense throughout the year. Definitely at this point in the season. We got a lot of guys that usually figure out how to get this thing going. You know what? It's just frustrating, man. Not putting up touchdowns week after week after week is getting old. It's getting old to watch. I know it, Chiefs Gangdom. I know it is. It's not like what we've been in the past. We got the best, in my mind, the best offensive mind in the game. We got the best quarterback. It's unacceptable, and we all feel that way. Don't think that we're not in this thing feeling the urgency.


We just got to go out there and freaking do it. It starts with not killing ourselves, man. I mean, just dagger's, just guys running the wrong routes, guys not guys running the wrong routes, guys not making blocks, guys dropping the football. It's frustrating and it's a challenge. It's a challenge at this point in the career… I'm not only speaking for myself, but it's a challenge at this point in the season to get this thing right now before it gets out of control and it gets really bad. One of the things we wanted to do this week was attack. As an offense, feel like we're on the attack. Don't get in there trying to feel the game out. Just be on the attack. I think rewatching that film, Denver just had a lot more energy. I think they looked at that 0-15, the last 15 times we played them and went into that game a little bit more hungry, man. That's making me sick to my stomach to feel or even say. But I think we got to have a gut check, especially on the offensive side of the ball. That's what we're doing. We're just talking about it today.


Everybody's looking each other in the eyes, trying to figure it out and trying to make sure that we do this thing the right way, man. Just not necessarily burn the ships and everything like that, but definitely circle the wagons, man, and keep this thing tighten it. Every single time we're in that building, keep getting better, because that was a pretty embarrassing game, and at least for myself speaking. My coaches and my teammates don't deserve that out of me for sure.


Well, I expect nothing less than ownership from you, Trav. I think you might be being a little bit hard on yourself, but that's the way you got to be in this league to make corrections. We talked about it last week. Divisional games are hard. Being on the road is hard, especially when that on the road is mile high. One of the most notable home field advantages in the NFL. Even though you guys had won the previous 15 or 16 times in a row, it doesn't mean that it's going to be easy. This one wasn't. Their defense did a great job. You guys handed them a lot with the turnovers. You went down early and just were never able to recover, unfortunately, even though it was a one-score game for the vast majority of it.


The whole fucking game, man. Our defense is saving us right now and giving us a chance.


What did the Broncos defense do in particular that caused you guys… I know Pat was sick before the game and had been reported that he had the flu or something like that. Do you think that that was that serious? Did you expect him to play?


I expected him to play. That guy, he'll play through everything. He doesn't care. He's one of those guys that he just likes to play this game, and he's the most accountable guy in the team.


Is there anything they were doing in particular that you guys feel like you really just should have done better against? Or is this mostly intrinsically just, Hey, we just got to fix what we got to do?


I'll always give credit. No, we didn't score a single touchdown. They were definitely doing things that that slowed us down or made us tick our feet. But I think that when you watch the film, everything's correctable on our side. It's not that we don't have the guys or we don't have the scheme. The right plays are being called and guys just have to execute. That's what's frustrating, man. That's what's frustrating, is that we're not executing and we hold ourselves as standard, man.


Well, the Broncos defense finished with three sacks, two INTs, two Fumble recoveries. As you said, to not give up a single touchdown. As you've also mentioned, there was a bright spot on the day for the Chiefs, which is their defense, continues to be stifling. They finished the game with six sacks, a fumble recovery. George Kahlofthis notably forced a big fumble before the end of the first half. Justin Reed, man, you want to talk about getting a good jump? He blocked that 38-yard field goal.


Dude, it was so electric. Bow. So electric. Then we get the freaking momentum in man. See, it's plays like that where you got to just feed off of that as a group. You got to keep the momentum going. I put that on me as a leader, man, to keep this thing rolling after a huge play like that, man. J. Reed has been playing his ass off as a safety, one of the best safety is in the league right now, man. You get one of your playmakers that make a huge play like that, keep it a one-score game.


You talked about this as well, the turnover battle. Chiefs finished the game with five turnovers, three in the first half. I wonder what the most amount of turnovers a team has still won a game with, because five is probably outof the game. Has there ever been a team that's turned the ball over five times and won a game?


I'm sure there has, man. It's a football man.


The Los Angeles, Rams and the Chicago bears are tied for the most turnovers and a win with nine turnovers.




That's unbelievable.


Punch me in the face. Get me out of here. Are you kidding me? You only get fucking 10 possessions. Twelve possessions? Yeah. What the fuck?


That's amazing. I just won a lot.


Of deep in touch notes. Things don't look so bad now.


We only had five.


We fucking lost. God.


Sorry. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. What do you think was the key to that? I mean, how many... I only saw about half the game because I was on the bus. I saw Nicole's punch drop. That was unfortunate. What did what were the other turnovers? I don't even know.


There was a late interception, which was like a fourth and fucking 30. Yeah, actually I saw that one. I tried to just do up to give it a chance.


Yeah, he was giving it a chance. Yeah.


It's all correctable. I think just keeping more focus on what's the prize, and that's the fucking football. Making sure that at the least, we keep it in our possession to play field position to get three points instead of just handing them the football. That all these things, whether it's early, a key moment like all that is just you have to lock in no matter how big the moment gets on taking care of the football man.


Listen, you're pretty much saying the same thing Coach Reed said in his postgame press conference, five turnovers. I think that's the obvious problem. We handed them 17 points. 17 points we gave them really off turnovers and great field position. Similar to what you're doing right now, Big Red, I take full responsibility for it. I saw things this afternoon. I haven't seen from the guys. That's my responsibility to make sure they're right. We weren't right today. Another guy taking accountability, McCle Hardman, after the game, tweeted, I lost us the game. Got to be better. That's on me. I don't know. As somebody from the outside looking at it, that's what you want to see. You want to see everybody taking accountability on their stuff.


You have to, man. You have to.


That's a mark of a good team and a locker room that's in a good spot. Fully anticipates you guys getting this stuff corrected.


Well, it's never one play. It's always an accumulative of everything. Mccall, I love you for saying that, but it's on us. It ain't on just you, man.


Any final thoughts?


I was thinking about this going into the building today, and yeah, it was a sour building. It was not a lot of high energy. Guys were... They weren't excited about the performance we just had and knew that we were going to get a good old talking to watching this film. I still felt the determination to get better. I still felt the high energy. I felt the sense of urgency already just in the Tuesday to find ways to be more accountable. You're going to have growing pains. You're going to have moments throughout the season that challenge you. Like your boy, Rocky, said, It ain't about how hard you can hit. It's about how you can get up and do it, right? It's about how you react to all these- How hard you can.


Get hit and keep going. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yeah, all that good shit. Looking back at all the years that we've had, there's always been a moment where things get real challenging or the things that you've been harping on finally catch up to you, and you either fix them or you don't. I think this is one of those throughout the year where we're going into a huge game next week against the Dolphins in Germany. A lot of commotion, a lot of extra added Super Bowl-like media and to focus in on the job at hand is going to be so fucking critical, man. This is a point in the season that's either going to make us feel and then be the team that wethink we think we are, or it's going to get even tougher. Because right now, we're tied in the conference with a six and two record for the number one spot. We got a tough division opponents. We still got the raiders twice and the chargers one more time. It's just that point in the season or that point in this team's season that we got to get this thing fixed right now. It's enough talking about it like my guy, Coach Maggie, says.


Well, before we move on from this game, let's get to LeBron stat of the game, which maybe is not the game that you wanted to set a record in or feel that you played well enough to set a record in, I guess. But Travis Kelsie now has 100 consecutive games with at least three plus receptions, the longest streak by any player in NFL history. It's 64 games longer than the next closest tightet. You're in N64 above the next closest tightet. That's pretty crazy. Take your stat, LeBron. You just talked about it. I know you guys are down right now, but one of the beautiful things about football, you have to line up and do it again this week, and boy, do you. You are heading to Germany to face the Dolphins in Frankfurt. Man, are you excited for this? Are you excited for this trip?


I've been excited for it. Right now isn't the time to ask me if I'm excited for it. All right, so you're.


Excited, but you're a little bit down right now. I'm ready to fucking move.


On from last week.


But you're excited.


We get it.


Well, when do you guys leave?


We leave Thursday.


We leave Thursday? Leave Thursday.


All right. Fly overnight. Get there Friday, get a good practice in, get acclimated to the the German-.


Time zone?


-area and everything. There's always that... What you're always going to juggle. We were talking about this. You're always going to juggle, when do you go out there? When do you let the guys get a whole week of getting acclimated? Or do you just surprise it on guys, on your body and try to not necessarily get acclimated? Just go out there and just play a game.




I'm a guy. I really don't feel jet-agged that much. I'm also a guy where if you wake me up at 1:00 in the morning or 2:00 in the morning from a good fucking deep sleep, I will fucking play you right now, wherever. I don't give a damn what time it is. I don't care if I haven't slept in three days. I love this fucking game. I love going out there and balling. I could care less if we got there Sunday morning, got there five days ahead of time. I just want to go out there and get a fucking win, man.


Well, you guys are 2-0 in international games, having beat the Lions in London in 2015, which I was lucky enough to go do, which was fun.


Right now.


Then you beat the Chargers in Mexico City in 2019. Yeah, I don't know. Clearly, Big Red has a good recipe going on for international games. I can't wait to watch this one. I hope you get a chance to experience Germany a little bit, but as you guys are right now, I'm sure it's nothing but business.


This trip. I'll do that some other time, man.


As far as the actual game goes, one of the biggest headlines in this trade deadline, a couple of weeks we've had here is that Jaylen Ramsey has made his Dolphins debut last week from his return from injury, and he immediately got a pick in his first game back. You've played against Jaylen in the past. How big of an addition is it when he is healthy in this Dolphins secondary?


He's pound-for-pound one of the best athletes I've ever played against in my life, man. The guy's just he's a lanky, great runner, can move sideways. You got good lateral movement, which if you're in press coverage, man, that's one of the hardest things to do is get a guy's edge. Yeah. He keeps you in front of you with it. He's a strong guy. On top of everything else, he's smart and has this great instinct for the football man. I got all the respect for the big guy. Happy he's back playing football, man. Nfl missed you, dude. We're going to be locked in this week and no excuses. I'm sick of not putting up touchdowns.


Well, hopefully you'll get some touchdowns and maybe a couple of stines of beer after the game. Looking forward to watching this one. Pretty cool. All righty. It's time. That's right. It's time to shout out one of our awesome sponsors. We've talked to you guys about this one before, the new Experience Smart Money debit card and digital checking account. But I'm guessing not all of the 92 % know about some of the features we like most about it. Triv, why don't you share something?


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That is a win-win, man. There's a lot of stuff I could get for $50 if I was in college. What? If I was in college. You know what I mean? If I was in college, 50 bucks was like a fucking million bucks to me. You know what I mean? I could make that stretch all month.


Hell, yeah. That's dinner for like-Ten times.


That's 10 dinners.


Easy. Ten dinners? Ten? Yeah, 10. If you go dollar value menu all day, that's not a dollar anymore. But back then, you could probably.


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Just go to thefarmersdog. Com/new heights to get 50% off. That's thefarmersdog. Com/new heights. All right, let's get to the next topic.


What's the next candy? What do we got? Suggested by Michelle Henry-Seven. We got- I don't think this is- -take fives. That was a 92%ers.


I think Jets, Jake might have influenced this decision a little bit. I don't think I have the right candy. I got Reese's take five. Isn't there an official take five that's not Reese's? It's just take five?


1,000 %. There's 100 % of take five.


It's in a red package. I can see this in my head.


Let's just substitute it with something else.


Should we not.


Even do take five?


No. Because then Reese's has like two submissions.


Well, let's see how it differs. Go ahead.


If this is better than Reese's pumpkin, I'll put in Reese's take five. All right. Is that fair?


Yeah, that's fair.


That's really good. It's really good.


Give it to us. What are we thinking?


It's essentially just a Reese's with pretzel and caramel added to it.




It's- Tramix.


-it's a take five. It's just not a Hershey product anymore. It's a Reese's product, which are two completely different companies.


They are. Well, I don't know. Does Hershey's own? Does Reese's own? Yeah. I think.


You're right. No, we're breeding it.




That is the take five. It's just not Hershey's take five. It's Reese's take five.


I don't think take fives had peanut butter in them before Reese's took.


Them over, though. I think you're wrong. I think it did have it. Oh, okay. Is there a... What is there? Like a little like, what is it? Praxel?


Yeah, the pretzel has always been in it.


That's a take five.




Right. Well- It's just Reese's now. It's a take five.


I do know this. It's very good. Sure, are we leaving this in its own category for competition? Sure.


I think if we're right, I don't know if we're doing this right, but yeah.


I'm not going to lie, whatever it is, whoever owns it, whatever it was in the past, currently, it's a pretty dang good treat. I'm going to defer to make a final judgment on this one, but this one is definitely going to be in contention.


Okay, all right. This guy, he's at Kelsey. He just likes fucking Reeseys. Let's go to week eight roundup. Let's get to some quick thoughts about the biggest headline from week eight. Per Adam Schefner, 12 of the 14 NFL games this week have been within one score in the fourth quarter, which brings the season total to 85 of 120 games. That's 70% for all you math wizard out there. Games are really fucking close in the NFL as expected, any given Sunday, baby, doesn't matter. As we get closer to divisional, this is the heart of when you start to really play your divisions. It sure does feel like any given Sunday out there right now for a lot of teams. You got eight weeks of film to look at. Teams identities are pure. You know what teams are trying to do on the offense and defense side in terms of scheme, or at least you have a tick on it, which can help you hurt you. Offensively, since 2010, this is the fewest points per game in the NFL. So defenses have the upper hand right now, or at least have the upper hand compared to past seasons or the last...


What is that? If I get to what? Like 15 seasons? Thirteen seasons? Six rookie quarterbacks have started a game this season, which is the most quarterbacks to start a game, or rookie quarterbacks to start a game through eight seasons since 1970. Yeah, just alone in week eight, 49ers, three-game losing streets, giants finished the game with minus nine passing yards.


Mind-blowing. Four-game difference between the best and worst records and the AFC. I mean, that's tight. And three wild records broken. Cmc, most consecutive touchdowns with 17, AJ Brown we talked about, and then Tyrie Kills, the fastest to 1,000 yards, man. Don't love playing that guy right now, but bring it on, Cheetah.


Not the only thing he's the fastest too.


Let's… Let's go ahead before I move on, though. No, I.


Mean, I think that's… Listen, it's.


Week eight. You're in the heart of the season, man.


Teams are starting to click. You're starting to get some frontrunners, some teams that are playing really well. Vikings, unfortunately lose. Kurt Cousins do a torn Achilles because they started to seem like they were turning into hum.


Shout out to.


Kurt, man. The Ravens have been on fire all season. The Lions. Yeah, it's starting to get interesting. Right now it's still at a point where everything is pretty close outside of some outliers at the bottom of it. But this all could change drastically over the next 10 weeks.


Well, we got more throwback jerseys, the Titans and Seahawks. Dude, those things are sweet. I'm not going to lie, man. I love the Titans. The Seahawks are cool. I do like that shade of blue and the green mix. Both got big wins, though. Throwback Unis might be the might be the way to go. Everybody's getting a dub in them.


We've talked about this. The Titans's throwback Unis are awesome. I do not think that they should have the rights to those. Those should belong to the people of the wonderful city of Houston, Texas.


Not right now, O'Neillors.


Whatever. They're going to wear them.


They're going to look cool. You think the Ravens would ever do a throwback jersey and wear the Browns?


That's what I'm saying. That's why I think even though it's a little bit different because Tennessee, we did get this wrong the last time we talked about this. Tennessee was the O'Neillors for two seasons or something like that.


But still- Oh, well then-.


-that belongs to Houston. Even if the Browns went to Baltimore and was the Browns for a year and then went to the Ravens, I would still be pissed off if Art Modell put the Browns uniforms back on them. Obviously, there's no longer an Oilers team either, whether actually is a Browns. Like if you said instead of being the Texans, went with the Oilers, it'd be a completely different story.


Well, there's only one way to decide this.


Sudden Death?


Next Titan's, Texas game. They should just declare to whoever wins this fucking game gets it. Whoever wins it gets the fucking throwback for forever.


That is electric. There's no way Tennessee is going to allow that because they're going to make a lot of money selling this Oilers throwback.


Such a nice jersey, man.


I know. It's a great jersey. I'm not denying that. I'm just sorry, Tennessee fans or Titansans fans. I think that's a Houston history to me, but whatever.




What are the Seahawks throwbacks? Has Seahawks even been around that long they have throwbacks?




What? How long have the Seahawks been an organization?


I'm going to say '70s. It's like the silver helmet with the… What is that? Blue. It's like the ocean blue almost.


Yes, that's actually a cool helmet. I do like that helmet.


I don't even know what that would be. What blue is that?


Seahawks, originated '76. How about that?


I'm like- Yeah, you're on it. I'm just a sports history.


That was one thing, listen. Swami. Swami. Swami. Swami. For someone who we joke around, read books. Sports tribia. I mean-.


I was on it when I was a kid. I was on it when I was a kid, dude. You're still on it. I was fucking on it. Yeah. Do you ask me anybody's average, how many home runs they had? How many goals somebody had in hockey? What team anybody played for in college? I was fucking on it. Let's get some trade deadlines. Here we go.


Nfl trades are happening right now as we speak. Trades that have come in as of late, obviously, Commanders and Bearers have agreed to trade that is expected to send Divins of N. Montez Sweat, who we just played, to Chicago for a 2024 second round pick for Sources.




Commanders and another trade are now sending the 49ers, Chase Young, to San Francisco for a 2024 third round pick. Shout out to the Commanders for waiting one week to send all of their best D-Lime in other places. Thanks for that one. Yeah, the 49ers, I mean, dude, they just keep adding other players.


What do they get another one? Didn't they just get Gregory.


From the fucking- They just got Gregory. They already got Bosa. They already got Hardgrave. They already got Armstead. I mean, it's pretty a height.


It's impressive. If you don't have to play those guys, fuck. Yeah, well, we do.


It's going to be our third time playing Chase Shong when we play him.




Then another trade, the Vikings and Cardinals have agreed to trade that to a trade that will send quarterback Josh Dobbs in the seventh round pick to Minnesota. Obviously, they needed some quarterback help with Kirk Cousins going down, unfortunately. One week after he was the stamp of the week, that's a shame, and it's for a six round pick per sources. More NFC East trade talk. The Seahawks are finalizing a deal to acquire giants delinement Leonard Williams. Thank you, Seahawks, even though we still play them and we'll still play Leonard Williams. Certainly happy that that monster is not in our division anymore. In exchange for a 2024 second round pick and 2025 fifth round pick.


He's a.


Fucking beast. The last one we got out here is a three-time pro bowler, pass rusher. Frank Clark is expected to sign a one-year deal with the Seahawks.


The Seahawks. Back where he got drafted. Back up there in Seattle, where he started off wearing a 5-5. That's right. Frank Clark, baby. One of my favorite teammates of all time. Nitty, Northeast Ohio Football in Cali too, but Northeast Ohio Football.


Is the trade deadline officially closed now?


I think that's it. I have no idea.


I don't know about any of that shit. I think it closed as this recording was being done. Yeah, that's it.


Nice. Here we go. That does it for week eight roundup.


It does.


That's it, man. Now onto New Heights, stamp of the week. But before we get to that, let's get to our six candy.


Yeah, this is the last one we have.


Yeah, the last one that I don't understand how it fucking made this list. There's so much better candy than this list.


Listen, I don't have the Halloween version of this, but I do have this, the Standard Twizzler. I'm not going to lie. This is.


The most-Actually, I'm a little.


Disappointed at 92%. It's the most overrated candy in the history of candies.


You said that about candy corn.


Well-you're taking this or candy corn?


Dude, let me check. It's been a while since I've had a Twizzler. I'm probably taking candy corn. I mean, there's nothing good about this. The fact that people are making money off of selling this is my mind.


It's been so old, man, and it's just I don't know who the fuck eats them. I haven't seen anyone eat a Twizzler in years.


I see people eating them. I think Cali's parents. There's people that like them, typically older generation. I just don't know how in a.


World- You go to the candy store. There's no way I'm picking that.


In a world where Laffy Taffy fruit roll up. I would rather have a fruit roll up than this.


How did Laffy Taffys not make this list? If we're going candy and not chocolate, how did Laffy Taffys not.


Make this list? Is this healthy? Is that why people eat it? Is it like a healthy treat?


There's nothing better than Laffy Taffy. Laffy Taffy has to be the best Halloween candy. You get a joke with every fucking candy.


That thing's… Man, nerd cluster has got a lot of sugar in them. It's not even like it's healthy. If this thing was a healthy piece of candy, I'd be for it, but it's loaded with sugar.


Don't fucking candy healthy me. Don't healthy candy me.


All I'm saying is I could understand that logic of somebody to be like, I want to be a little bit healthier. I'm going to get a Twizzer, but it's not. No. This thing has nothing going for it.


There's no.


Way that. The texture isn't even good. You chew it and it- Rubber. -it folds in your mouth. It's not even gooey. It's a weird plasticy texture to it.


Yeah, well, this is the oldest time. Liquorish, man. I'm out. Don Portney, I'm sorry we just absolutely chopped down your candy.


But I'm out.


I'm out on it. I don't think there's one redeeming quality of a twiddler.


I'm right there with you, man. No excitement at all. Zero excitement. The only thing that's good about twiddlers-.




Excitement. No fun, sir.


What? The only thing that's good about twiddlers, which I'm convinced is the only reason it's still around, is the branding. Like Twizzlers, it's just a good name. And it.


Swirls- It's a.


Solid name. -that's the only thing it has going for it. It's a marketing genius. If Laffy Taffy would have twirled it and called it Twizzlers, it'd be the best candy in the world.


I fucking love a Laffy Taffy, too. That's a good brand name, too. Laffy Taffy. You can be.


Laffy Taffy. In contrast, take five. I want an awful name for a candy. Yeah, nobody's calling anybody Twizzlers. Reese's Take Five. This would be better if it had a better name. What the fuck is take five? You're taking a break or they eat a piece of candy.


And they take five. Yeah, Kickhead. Kickhead actually stole that idea from them. What? Give me a break. Give me a break.




Me off a piece of that. Weak-ass bar. Sorry.


I think Kickhead is… Whatever.


Shout out to Kickhead. I didn't mean to just chop you down. I was having fun there.


Yeah, that's my stance on Twinsler. Let's get to the stamp of the week traff, as is every week, it's time to hand out some stamps to the players that are taking their game to New Heights in week eight. New Heights stamp of the week is brought to you by State Farm. That's right. Talk to a State Farm agent today to learn how you can bundle and save with a personal price plan like a good neighbor. State Farm is there. There.


I'll jump it off, man. All right, who you got, Trav? I like keeping it in the tight end world, baby. My guy, Trey McBride, over in Arizona, man. Arizona Cardinals, tight-end Trey McBride, 10 receptions, 95 yards, five yards short of a 100, man. He almost had a hundie and a tud. How about that? Man, that's always a good day. On McBride's touchdown, he's first stopped at the two-yard line, and then the whole Cardinals team helps him bulldoze his way into the end zone. That's what I call team effort. They must love that dude. This is McBride's first TD of the season and the most receiving yards he's ever had in the game, or at least this season. I'll tell you what, man, he's over there with my guy, Zach Erts, in the tight end room and taking after him and getting a good 10 yards, 95 yards and a tuddy. Congrats, Trey, on taking a game new heights.


The official is clearly screwed up. He should have been blown dead on that one play. I mean, he was definitely going backwards and wrapped up, but whatever. Nope.


Keep fighting. Keep turning their feet over, baby. That's what I'm talking about. Jason, who you got?


This was a tough one. I didn't know whether to go Jameer Gibbs up in Detroit who shoutouts to Jameer Gibbs not only for having a great week, but also getting the lions to draft you, which helped us acquire DeAndre Swift. Big shoutout for that.


Right now. I like how you put that in there. I like that right now.


But I think I'm going to go with Will Levis just because, man, for somebody that was big sad on draft day and it was hard to watch as he kept falling the rounds. Yeah. This was an awesome first game, goes out there and has a monster game throwing for 238 and four touchdowns.


Four tuddies. Including one just like, I mean, across his body, throw to the left of the end zone was an amazing pass.


I'm a big across your body thrower.


The Titans beat the Falcons, 28 to 23, which snaps a two-game losing streak for the Titans. Big shout out to them for trading us all their good players too, except for Will Levis' outstanding debut. On a serious note, a guy that is obviously, I think, very publicly had a bad draft day or a draft day that didn't go how we wanted it to. That's how you go out there and respond, right? In your first.


Game- Four tuddies.


-four touchdowns. Big win over the Atlanta Falcons, snapping some losing streaks. Shout out to my man Will Levis, baby.


Taking your game to new hats. Well, I think we got to do it, man. We got to give our candy stamp. All right. Since we've been trying to review these candies throughout the episode, it's time now to give out the winners. Jason, who are you going with?


I'm going to do it. I think I feel very confident in saying the New Heights stamp of Hallowe'en candy goes to Reese's pumpkin. That's right. Reese's pumpkin. I know nobody expected this to happen, but it's just perfect for Halloween. They're individually wrapped. They go right in the bag. They taste fantastic. It's got a little Halloween flavor to it with the pumpkin. All of these were good outside of candy, corn and Twizzlers. But I think Reseas pumpkin, when you take in everything that has to do with this holiday candy, I'm going to Reese's pumpkin.


Yeah. Well, all you need is a Diet Pepsi, Ed, Kelsey. I'm going to go nerd Clusters because it was definitely the best of the bunch.


They are good. I'm going to give you another one right now. It is great. I'm not going to lie.


Look at this cluster. It's got five clustered to one. That's a good bite. That's going to be a good bite. That's literally looks like an everlasting gobbie-topper. That's it. You had to pull up an everlasting gobbie-topper.


Snowsbers are made of snowsbers.


That's so much sugar. Nurses are nothing but sugar. I found that out.


Well, let's get to our last topic here. Let's do it, trip. New Heights costume challenge. All right, 92%ers, if you saw last week's bonus video, we challenged you guys to share your best Halloween costumes with the boys. That's New Heights themed or just whatever fun shit you came up with. We were excited to see what you guys entered, and you guys pretty much always deliver and sent us straight New Heights theme stuff. We're the static about that. Got to love all of that. Got to love the 92 %. We're always throwing us in. Oh, my gosh. This first one by Danny Marie 0815 on Threads- Adorable. -has her baby dressed up as Jason in the mumber's outfit, and that face just gave me happiness.




Looks homemade, man. Gosh, that's well done. That's a round of applause right there, Danny.




Wonderful. Our next favorite is from, Emma Lynn, on TikTok, wrote, Halloween costumes go hard this year.


But first, as always, new news.


Okay. Look at that. Look at your mustache.


The facial hair as well. That's a Andy Reed mustache right there. That's pretty damn good. With the new news audio in the background, hats off to you guys for that one. The beard and mustache were electric.


Got a little baby in there in a nicer bag with one person.


Miranda A. Peters on Twitter shared this photo dressed as us doing our podcast. There we go. Pretty spot on with the headphones and the microphones and the mustaches. The facial hair is always on point. The facial hair is always on point. They did a little arts and crafts with the- Construction. Yeah. They did a little arts and crafts there with the table. I like it. I like it a lot. I even got the Season 2 logo in there. Let's see. This next one is a TikTok from @Jack's writes songs. All right, Jack's writes songs with the caption, He needs to calm down. What is this clip?


Who is this? What is that about?




Two, three.


Oh, my fucking gosh.


Whoa. I did not.


Expect that. Oh, my fucking goodness.


What? Two.


He is a.


Well-known athlete. Oh, that.


Was great. That was so good.


I love how they had the.


Cover on them. How did the picture get on there? One, two.


She put me on the map. How dare you. She put me on the map right there in the video.


You didn't see it. Dude, that's fucking- That's so good, man. That's amazing.


That was so good.


The commentary is, God damn, that was golden. All right, hats off. That was well done. You get a round of applause for that one. I enjoyed that. This next one is from Tom Eglideon maybe on Twitter, and who included Mama Kels in the Halloween action. That's right. We got the whole fam together. Look at that. -got two 62s. Oh, no, Mama Kels did the half-and-half-Jersey. Double-jersey. I got the 87 on the front, 62 on the back. Well done. Then the boys are in their football unis. Man, that takes me right there. Those helmets, man. Those helmets take me back.


It's like Bernie Coesar days.


In quotes, the captions, We wore our Sunday best. The last but not least TikTok here from Bella McCartney. She captured the video out right now and did an impression to both of us using a clip from the show where Jason blames Kyle for forgetting his jeans at the Kelsey premiere. Let's see this thing.


I was going to have jeans on, but Kyle... Kyle what? Kyle was running late. I just came straight from football. Kyle was going to bring the jeans.


Kyle was late. Why didn't Jason bring jeans for Jason?


Because I was at football. I need the jeans.


Yeah, that's good. That's good.


Yeah, you're a fucking- I was an old-timer. I think Kyle is a big fan of.


That- The.


Little TikTok? -that TikTok clip as well.


For sure. Yeah, no, how can you not be? Well, thank you for sending all those in, 92%-ers. The winners has to be Jason's mom or the baby in a mom or suit. I mean, the excitement and the laughter and the costume is, I mean, it's spot on.


Shout out to everyone who, one, was noted on the video. But also, I mean, there were so many people that dressed up.


That was so cool.


Travis and Taylor and me, and Kylie and mom. It was probably the.


Most- It was a Kelsey Halloween.


It was a major, not a Kelsey outfit. There's a New Heights. There's a new Heights. There's a new Heights. There's a Kelsey. It was a pretty creepy watch in that many people be us, but it was awesome. I love and appreciate you guys for supporting this podcast. That wraps up the Halloween episode.


Yeah, right now.


Make sure you're subscribed on YouTube to the New Heights channel so you know when new episodes are coming out. And also make sure to tune into our special guest episode. You're not going to want to miss this one with Jordan Melana this Friday.


I'm fucking pumped.


Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.


Once again, New Heights is presented by Waves Sports and Entertainment, and this episode has been presented by the all new experienced Smart Money debit card. Hey, you. The debit card that builds credit without the debt. Go get you one, people. Follow the show on all social media at New Heights. Show with 1S. And thank you to our production for always making us look way better than we are. We're just a bunch of dummies that love talking to you, 92 percenters. I appreciate you guys for tuning in. See you next week or see you on Friday.


All right now.


Trick or treat, smell my feed, give me something good to eat.


Kyle, you want to grab that? Well, I can't give you the whole bag. I'm still eating candy. Jesus. I do want to give you a bag of- Shit. Yeah, I mean, they probably want to autograft, which.


They're going to be disappointed. They must not know they're not making the best use of their time.


I'll give you the ones that I've already had. Give them some nerd clusters. These things are fucking fantastic. Jamey, we're not going to be individually-I don't want to watch you, Jackass. Give me the Twicks. I guess Twicks isn't going to get eaten on camera today.


No, just get one. Just grab one out of it.


Jesus Christ.


Did she give you one?




Gosh, I love Kylie. I fucking love Kylie. She's the best sister any guy could ever ask for.


I don't even think Twicks is on the menu, actually. It didn't make the cut. I was just trying to be funny.