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What are you doing, girl? What's? That why it's stuck in the well. Leave me to her, girl. Leave me to her. I'll be right back. I gotta let her outside.


Well played. Well played. That was a good bit. Whoo.


Yeah. We're back.


Wow, we got a bunch of energy. Welcome back to new heights. Presented by Wave Sports and Entertainment. And brought to you by the all new Experience Smart Money Debit card. Debit card that builds credit without the debt, ladies and gentlemen. Get you one. We're your host. I'm Travis Kelsey. This is my big brother, Jason Kelsey out of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. East side till I die, as my dog MGK would say. And man, I'm just rolling with rhymes right now. New heights drops every Wednesday during the NFL season. Subscribe on YouTube and wherever you get your podcast united Two percenters. And follow the show on all social media at New Heights. Show with one S. And check out our official fan, also with One S. Jason, talk to the people.


Got another fantastic show for you guys coming up.


Ironic. It's ironic at this point.


Obviously, we're going to recap both of our Week Twelve wins, with Travis breaking yet another record and the Eagles getting it done in overtime, baby. We're also going to talk about the biggest storylines from around the league.


Yeah, buddy.


And some Julian Elleman cream talk.


More jewels, more Maverick cream talk. Hey, we got to get him back on, man.


He's a character. I love him.


All right, but first, as always, new news, new news.


New news. New Heights, one of Apple's most followed shows of 2023.




Not quite sure what that means. I think it means we're subscribed to nice.


We got some subscribers.


It says the first bit of new News is Apple podcasts put out their list of most popular podcasts of 2023, and New Heights is in the top three of the most followed shows of the year.


Oh. Do we know what the other two are?


Well, if it's Apple, it's not. So Joe Rogan's only spotify, so he's out. So Apple.


Can we get some help, Brandon?


Some news based shows, maybe?


OOH, you're thinking of CNN?


No, probably not. CNN.




I do know this. We're the only sports show in the top ten of their rankings, which I only sports. Is this still a sports show? Who knows? All right, so Huberman Lab and Smart list were above us.


Oh, those are good ones.


They're great ones. Huberman Lab is one of my favorites to listen to up and coming biohacking or health related things. Smartless is just hilarious. Shout out to Bateman and the crew. Scamanda. Is that how you say that? Scam anda scamanda. The Mel Robbins podcast.




And is Mel Robbins somebody I should know?


Mel Robbins, I don't know. They're top fucking five. Shout out to Mel Robbins.


I know. Mel Brooks.


Crime junkie, man. I can see I can just dive down that one.


I guarantee you're a big crime podcast.


How do you not love some good not necessarily big podcast guy in general, but, man, I mean, listen, we watched.


Enough Law and Order with podcast growing up. Yeah. That I think we got addicted to anything crime related.


Honestly, if Law and Order is on, I'll just sit there for, like, five minutes, and if I catch on, I am just there for fucking an hour.


Oh, I'm in. All I have to do, I'll never turn it on, but if I ever just hear.


We go, oh, nice. I caught it from the beginning, so I can get all the details.


Were you original law and order or SVU?


That was whatever Ed Kelsey was watching. I think he was.


SVU was the one with ice cube.


Oh, yeah. I mean, I think it was pretty much all of them.


Yeah, I think they're both good. SVU. SVU was just more diabolical.


I don't even know what that word means.


Like, Original Law and Order was just like, murder and typical. Like, SVU. There's something about SVU crimes that you're just like, man, this guy's a bad dude.


That's a stretch.


Yeah, this guy's a bad guy. All right, so, yeah, human Life is Smart list.


All right. Shout out to everybody.


Yeah. And shout out to the nine juba centers that got us up into that top three. Love you guys so much for continuing to make the show successful and listening to two morons talk about random things, including football moron.


Well, in other new news, kylie jacket auction a replica of Princess Diana's Eagles jacket signed by hey. Fan favorite of the show. And my sister in law, Kylie kelsey, jason's wife, has officially brought in $100,000 in an auction for the Eagles Autism Foundation. And the winner of the jacket has yet to be revealed, but we know.


Well, Travis, we're going to reveal the winner of the Philadelphia Eagles throwback jacket with Princess Cayana signature right now on this show, 92 percenters. Please welcome to the show the co creator of Always Sunny in Philadelphia whoa. Co owner of Rexam AFC, and the man who put on 60 pounds for a bit, mr. Fat Mac himself, Rob McElhenny. Not bad anymore. Not bad anymore.


Not anymore. No. I've slimmed down a little bit.


In shape, in spelt.


Yeah. I'm going for more of a Travis body.


I don't know if the big got dad bod going. I don't know. You know what I'm saying? You're way more jacked than I am.


I used to get Fat Mac walking around Philadelphia for a good six or seven. Definitely. I think I was more well known for that than being on the Eagles. But, Rob, thank you so much for one coming on the show, but also being a part of the Eagles Autism Foundation, you're always involved. And for bidding on this jacket, the last I saw and there was a tweet out that it was at 62,000 you had bidded up to.


Okay, well, we have to start at the beginning because I just read something from People magazine that says, kylie Kelsey Eagles jacket raises 100,000 for autism foundation. And Rob McElheny is outbid at 62K, which is accurate. That is accurate. I was outbid.


That's accurate.


Yes, that is accurate. Well, okay. So the answer is yes. I'll start from the beginning, though. I was just on Twitter, and I saw or sorry, x. I was on X, and I saw that the jacket was up for auction. And it was a great foundation, something that we believe in and love and have a lot of connections to. Yeah, and I really loved the jacket. I thought it was beautiful. And I thought, hey, this is a great cause. A great jacket put me in for 10,000. And then I think within a couple of days, somebody came in for 20. I thought, wow, all right.




Okay, now we're getting serious. Once again, it's a foundation I believe in. Love you guys. Love the jacket, love the Eagles. I put in for 25, and I thought, okay, that's a good donation. That'll get it done. Somebody outbid me for 30. Then from 30. Now I'm like, now it's getting serious.


I mean, again, that was personal.


Now it feels personal. And somebody puts in I put $35,000 in. Somebody goes in immediately and puts in for 50. Now I'm thinking it might be Jeffrey. I'm thinking it's Jeffrey Lurie who caught wind of this and was like, I'm just going to drive this price up as much as I can. And I was all in for it. I'm like, great. Again, this is a great cause I believe in. Let's go for it.


Well, I think that actually crashed the site at that point because I remember you tweeted out, I found out that you had bid, and then we went to go check it out. And it was like having issues.


They were having issues because I was smashing the button as hard as I could because I couldn't believe that somebody was immediately jumping on every time I bid. And so my final bid was going to be my favorite player representing my favorite player on the Eagles, 62. I thought that was a good number. I thought that was a number that would resonate in the hearts and minds of Birds fans all over the world. And again, was for a foundation that we feel really strongly about, that we really love and believe in. Holiday season coming up, it seemed like the right thing to do.




And then I got a text from somebody that I know who said, I've been the one bidding against you, Bozo. And it did not even cross my mind that this was a possibility. And it turned out that I live with this person.




What up.




Hey, guys.


Oh, my gosh. And it's our job.


I love this more.


You got to be sneaky sometimes.


We live in the same house. This is a foundation that's important to both of us. The jacket looks great on your wife. It's clearly for women. I want it.


Love it.


He mentions nothing about it. I'm like, what are you doing?


She did rightly. Point out that it's being modeled by a woman. Kylie Kelsey. It's a woman's jacket.


She looks great in it. I want to wear the jacket.




Princess Kyana.


It went from Princess Diana to Kylie Kelsey to a dude. That doesn't make any sense.


Make any sense.




Hi. We share a bank account. Maybe just fill me in. I'm 100% on board, but what are you doing?


It literally blew my mind.


Oh, my gosh.


I even came home one night. It was only over the course of.


Like, how much she's bidding, and from Jason Kelsey, who's saying he's crashing the site, I was like, no, I'll be crashing the site.


But I brought it up at one.


Point and was like, this is crazy. Somebody's outbidding me. And she just went stone faced, and I didn't.




I apparently can't pick up on the social cues of someone I've been married to for 18 years, but 15 years.




Well, there we go. I just did it again.


What is happening?


This is amazing.


So this is all leading up to the Monday night game. This is all around the same time. And then we were like, well, okay, now I know who's outbidding me. And I'm like, okay, well, maybe we can still have some fun with it. And you had an idea that I next immediately?


Well, yeah. I was like, okay, my next bid will be $87,000, which would make a lot of sense.




There we go. Brent Sellick.


We're all on the Travis Kelsey train these days.


That's right.


The city of brotherly love.


Go, birds.


Go birds, though. So go, birds.


Rob was unwilling to compromise on the 87, but I get it.


Go, birds.


There was no compromising as far as that goes, but again, we just truly believe in this organization, and it's actually something that we really lean into at Rexum as well. In fact, we've done a few episodes of the documentary about a lot of the work we've been doing with the autistic community and actually spanning the whole spectrum of all sorts of different neurodiverse neurodivergent disorders. And it's something that we talk about all the time. It's something that we feel really strongly about. So to be a part of it in any way, especially under the guise.


Of, I mean, I win, basically, I win the jacket for sure. He will not be wearing the jacket ever.


So we felt like an even $100,000 as a donation for good number. It felt like a good number.


That's amazing.


Oh, my gosh.




Holy cow.


We're just honored to be a part.


Of it with you guys? Do you guys have the jet? You guys? No.


By the way, we don't have the jacket.


I'm stuck with this dumb sweatshirt for now.


No jacket yet. Okay. All right.


It's still Kelly Green grand.


We can overnight that. I think the Eagles should be able to overnight. We can expedite we can FedEx that.


Thank you.


Thank you so much to both of you.


Thank you. Your wife looks great in it, by the way.


Oh, thank she she has a way of making anything look good.


That's right.


But no, thank you so much for one supporting Eagle Autism Foundation. Rob, I see every year at the golf outing that we do, and every dollar goes to Eagles autism related research or autism related research, and an autism related support for families. So it's a really highly run foundation and can't thank you guys enough for always being supporters of it and supporters of the autism community. So thank you to both of you. This is beyond generous.


It's awesome, man.


You guys are incredible. You're great at everything you do, including competing for a jacket and making it.


Fun for everybody to follow. Hell, yeah.


And the fact that she didn't do it publicly, she just did it just texted me on the side, and I was in the car when I got the text. That was like, It's me, dumbass. You literally called me a bozo, and I 100% was a bozo.




I didn't need the attention, but that's okay.


Oh, my gosh.


Just sliced at the knees. This is great.


That was fun.




But honestly, thank you both, and thank Kylie and certainly Ryan Hammond, who does an amazing job running that foundation and certainly all the work that Jeffrey is doing, and we just love being associated with you guys in any way, shape, and form. So we're happy to be a part of it.


Thank you so much for being a part of it. Thank you so much for buying this jacket, being Birds fans, and you guys are the best.


Go Birds.


Love you.


Thank you. Go Birds. Go Birds.


Go Birds.


Go Birds.


I'll even say go birds.




Yes. There we go.


Yeah. Trav, say it.


For this right here, I'll say it. Go Birds.


We deserve it.


You guys are awesome.


Thank you.


Thank you.


No, thank you. This is really cool.


That story is hilarious. Absolutely fucking hilarious.


What else are you guys up to right now? What's the latest?


Well, REXHAM is playing right now. Rob's like, I'm also checking the score.




It's currently two two. It's all over.




Okay. But again, in football, I have to call it football so I don't get stabbed when I go to Europe.


Nice. Well played.


Global football. Two two is actually not so bad. It was an away game, so we get a point.


It's still a point. Yeah. Nice.


Which is always a good thing. It's still a point.


So I'm feeling good, losing a point.


How many games are left in the season?


We're almost about 1500 games left in the season.


There's a lot of games.


Let's have a fun with it. You guys have like, in season, like tournaments, though. That's what blows my mind. Kind of adopted that from you guys.


Yes. That's a fascinating part of the sport because some people really care a lot and then other people don't care at all. And so you have fan bases that are sort of torn. But I do find that it's a win win because if you advance and continue to win through the tournament, everybody gets excited. But if you lose, nobody that and in fact, the NFC championship game last year, which we came to, we watched the Wrexham game in the parking lot with the tailgate before the NFC championship game.


Nice. Wow.


And we wound up drawing that game against a team that was three leagues higher than us.


Yeah, that was exciting.


And then we watched, you know, go in there and put a whooping on your competitors, which was fun.


It's going to be a little rematch this week with that one.


I know.


It's going to be some heated blood in this game.




We got to get some alpine racing on the Wrexham level.


Don't act like you know how to pronounce it now, Travis.


That was nice.


All right, we got to get the alpine racing team. Football. Football.






I've become so annoying with that. I'm now correcting people on the word soccer versus football and now alpine versus alpine. I mean, people just want to smack me.


I love it, though. You're all in. You're all in. That's how you know you're doing the right things. Yeah. You're all in, baby. That's awesome.


I'm all in. But yeah, we watch you guys week after week, mostly Jason.


Respectably. Respectably.


But man, that game, you guys were so deferential. I watched the most recent podcast where you were talking about the game and they were so respectful to each other.


Thank you.


So nice.


And giving it up for the defenses which are playing so incredibly well. But man, Patrick mahomes is something else.


Patty mahomes now.


Right now, that dude is incredible.




And the chiefs are not going anywhere and I do not want to see you in the super bowl, I really don't.


We go as Patty mahomes goes. All right now.


But yeah, again, I feel so honored to be a part of this with you guys. I'm just such a massive fan of you both and I know Caitlin feels the same way.




Thank you for having us on.


Also, can I just mention, I know it's sort of out there, but you're such good examples of positive masculinity and everyone's talking about it and they're not wrong. It's lovely how much you love each other, how kind you are to your mom and to your male teammates. And it's just really nice to see. We have two boys and we're like, big hug and kissers in our family, and I think it's really important, so thank you for that, too.


We're big huggers in the Kelsey household.


Spread the love.


Got to hug it.


Got to hug it.


No, the feeling is mutual. We're obviously huge fans and love everything that you guys do.


Yeah, you guys kill it.


Best of luck this year with Rexam and obviously go Birds.


We got to finish with that.


Go Birds.


I already said it once. I already said it once.


That's it.


You're not going to say it again?


Hopefully we'll see you guys in Sea Isle. If not, we'll be back.


Oh, my gosh. Get out on the beach. There we go. I'm in on that, for sure.


I have to ask you guys because I truly don't understand this, and I thought that I knew the rules of football.




But my kids asked me after the second false start that was called on my favorite player on the team who just made a very small mistake. Even so, I went back and rewound it to watch it, to explain it to them, and I can't understand what a false start is because it feels like you didn't move at all. Yet I see centers all over the league moving the ball constantly, looking around, setting. So I looked at both of those plays through the lens, not of a Birds fan, but of just someone trying to understand the rules. What is a false start?


What happened?


What happened?


Yeah. So it was definitely a false start. It was for sure a false start. Okay, cool. Bye bye.


It's a good lad right there.


Yeah. If you are set and you flinch at all in an unnatural way. So there's movements that are allowed, and there's actually one called in the previous game against Creed Humphrey that I kind of thought was a bogus call. It was a very natural movement for a center to make. But if you flinch and move in a way that isn't natural, especially if you're trying to draw the defensive players off sides, but if you false start, literally go to move, and it's not the right time to do that before the ball moves, it's going to be five yards. And it was very small in my head. I'm like, oh, they might not have seen it because sometimes they do miss.


It, but you just got to play it off better. You got to fucking point. You got to point when you do it.


I know. What's that over there?


I feel like they cut to you and you turned around and like, you were busted.


I know I should have acted, dude. And we do teach that they're like, no, if you move, you blame the other guy. Whether it's your fault or not, you're blaming the other guy.


Just scratch or something next time.




So it's a judgment call on the referee, ultimately. Right. Because I feel like I see centers moving the ball. Is it just once you're set and the ball is planted, then yes.


If you do anything. So the key things are either an abrupt movement, so if it's like super quick jerky, or if it's an unnatural movement. So if you go up to the ball every time and you're like moving it to adjust your hand, they're not going to call that. If you go up to the ball every time and do this with your hand, they're not going to call that. But if you do something either abrupt quick or that is unnatural to what you're doing the rest of the game, they're going to call you for a false start.




So it's just a judgment call. Just a judgment call. It's as confusing as passing.




I know what you're doing, Rob.


Especially if the defensive player comes off like, I do think if we wouldn't have drawn the defensive player off sides on the first one, there's a chance it doesn't get called because it wasn't that minor or that much movement, but because the defensive player just they have to call somebody. They're going to call the guy that moves first. Yeah. Thank you to Jake Elliott. Big time for and it was weird. You know, you're good at kicking. It's rainy, terrible weather. 60 yards tie the game.


Jake's got this.


I'm not even worried about this.


He's so good.


That was like the worst conditions to ever hit a 60 yarder.


Yeah, he's that good. He's unbelievable.


He's incredible. And I've asked him about it, too. And I asked him, what does it feel like when he goes out there as your stomach and knots? And the way he answered me was as if he didn't even know what I was talking about.


Yeah, you don't hit 60 yarders.


Why would I be nervous? I get jitters all the time.


Why would I be nervous about what he goes I don't even like football that much. He wants to be a tennis player.


Dude. Dude. And he funny. So Nick did a whole bit about so Tiger Woods, I guess, famously made like something like 300 plus consecutive ten foot putts or something. Like they're made five foot putts. And he had Jake you know how good Jake is at golf. He had him go up in the front of the room and he had Jake just start hitting these putts. And he's trying to prove a point. Like, out of ten putts, Jake's going to miss one. And it's going to be like, look at how great Tiger Woods was. Jake didn't miss a single one. There's just something about him that he does not get razzled in front of the whole group.


That's amazing.


It's real nice to have in your closer.


But I asked him too about and people find this fascinating. I know, I found it fascinating. I asked him. Were you just a football player? A soccer player? Were you always good at kicking things? And he goes, no, I wanted to be a tennis player. That's what I wanted to do. And one day I was just at gym class and we were just kicking balls, and I just walked up and kicked a 45 yard field goal like that. And the coach was like, I'll give you a scholarship. Come play on the high school on the high school team. And he said nah. And he waited until his junior or senior year before he started playing. Isn't that amazing?


How about that?


He's just naturally graded everything.


I guess he is. Every single competition that we do in the offseason is a team when we have, like, a chipping competition. Ultimate Frisbee. Jake Elliott is the first pick because you know he's going to be good at it. So he's a beast.


He's a beast.


I want that.


All right.


Thanks, guys. Amazing.


That was a great no dumb question from the Mcelhandy family.


Oh, yeah. Can that go in no dumb questions.


All right?


Oh, it's 100% going. Yeah.


Okay, good.


Nice work.


It's in.


It's going.


New news. Coming in hot.


Coming in hot. Coming in hot. Thanks, Rob, Caitlin. Thank you so much.


Thanks, guys.


Say hi to your wife.


Thank you, guys.


Yes, thank you.


Thank you.


Well, all right. Now how about Big Rob stopping through with his wife Caitlin? And that was fucking amazing. That was absolutely amazing. I just had the time of my life.


You can't not have fun talking to Rob, Caitlin. I mean, that was incredible.


The best. And we got a no dumb question, which leads us into our segment, no dumb questions.


Hey, there we go.


The Mackalenter family got us going. But let's answer a few not dumb questions because there's no such thing as dumb questions. Just dumb people right here.


You're looking at them.


No dumb questions. Brought to you by our friends at Buffalo Wild Wings. Let's go. Sports Bar.


Am I still in a lag? Is it good?


Yeah, you are off every time.


Are you before me? Am I late?


I just think we're on queue. It's just the sounds of our claps don't sound like they're on because of the delay or whatever technology there's going on there. All right. From Noel Randall via email. Why are reporters allowed in the locker room? This is a fucking fantastic question. Do they at least give you a warning before they come in so players can cover their hairy buns and stuff?


Hairy buns?


Yeah. Well, you hit it right on the noggin guarantee. Jason, I haven't seen your ass in a while, but you got some Harry buns.


We got that carpet matches the drapes for sure is Harry.


Yeah, we're just hairy people. Big Eddie's definitely got Harry buns. And they do actually this is a good question. They do actually give us a warning. I think after the game is over, after meetings and everything, they give everybody, I think, like ten to 15 minutes to kind of get situated, get dressed, or at least make yourself presentable. And then the media can just come in and it's a free law, free for all.


Do you have, like, little towels?


I'm not sure why they just make it like a free locker. I guess it's just kind of been that way since they made this rule that the media gets a specific allotted time after a game instead of just making certain guys go to the podium.


Well, they can only have so many guys go to the podium. So I think the media wants this time period so they have a chance to talk to every guy, essentially that played in the game, which doesn't always happen if you're injured or you're in a hurry. Sometimes you don't talk to the media, but for the most part, they can talk to whoever they want to in the locker room.


And if you remember the Marshawn Lynch, I'm just here so I don't get fined. As a player in the NFL, you have to allocate time for the media, and if you don't, you'll get fined.


Yeah, I mean, I guess you don't have to. You can just take the fine, but if you don't want to lose money, you have to.


Was it ever weird?


Is it weird having people in a locker room? I don't think it's weird.


The only time I feel like it's weird is if you're like ass naked next to the guy's locker that's getting interviewed. Yeah, because then there's just a whole bunch of people, like media people dressed in full on clothes, men and women just standing next to you being ass naked.


I don't know, I think I've just been naked in front of enough people at this point that I don't think it's really that weird.


I think it was more like getting that feeling when I first got to the league, I could give a rat's ass now.


I thought it was weird in high school when guys would wear, like, bathing suits into the showers.


That was weird.


That was weird. Get naked. We're all going to get naked now. It's not weird. You're making it weird by not getting naked now. What are you trying to hide? Just be naked. You know what I mean?


That's what's weird, dude. I fully understand what you're saying.


It's a little bit weird in the NFL because there's women in the locker. I mean, there's a way that you can shocker you don't have to get naked in front of the female reporters. You can cover yourself, go into the bathroom where they're not there, and just get naked there and take your clothes off there. So there's ways to not just be naked if you don't want to be seen. So I don't think it's that weird. And I got nothing to hide.


That's. Your answer noel. For our last no dumb question from at user Xbox badappa. This is a bot. This isn't even a real person.


This can't be a real person.


I got a hockey question. Who would you guys think would make the best hockey lineup for only using NFL stars? All right. It's actually a fun question. Damn. I'm going to have to think about this one.


Yeah, we had a best what do we have? Best basketball front five featuring football players once. Right. Or what do we do?


I get hit in the head for a living.


No, we did a pickup football game with only commentators. Maybe because I remember I picked Shaq and Randy Moss. Yeah, we did that one time.


Anyways. All right, best damn, you got a good memory.


So let's do starting. We don't we can't do a whole hockey team. So we're doing starting five and a goalie.




Start writing some down. Okay. Defense.


Do you have a pen and paper over there or something? What do you write?


Yeah, I mean, I always got to take notes, Travis. So we got defense. Defense.


Who are you writing down, you're doodling right now?


Are we current or former players or all the above?


I say all the above.


So any player in history?




That's where we're going. Oh, man. Okay. I think I'm going to go more modern.


I'm just going to go for the guys that I know that can skate. So at center, are we allowed to pick us?


Because I'm definitely I think we avoid us. I think we don't pick us.


All right.


Were you going to pick me or you 100%?


I was going to pick you.


Isn't there? Thank you.


But now I'm not.


Let's assume. Okay. For the sake of the question, everyone could skate. Although my first pick was going to be JJ. Watt just because I know he can skate.


I mean, I was just going to go the Watt brothers and then me and you and then just put like Gronk at goalie because I saw him at goalie.


Wait, at goalie you saw he was.


I think he did something with the Tampa Bay Lightning and he was in net for a practice or something like that.


How'd it work?


I mean, it was a great bit. I enjoyed watching it. I don't know if any of us in that against actual NHL players is going to look good, but Gronk made it looking as fun as possibly could. Kind of got jealous. I want to do it now. I'm like I want to hit up the blackhawks and get in net or something.


All right. I'm going at center. I'm going JJ. Watt because I feel like he's an Eric Lindross dude's, got a slap shot power player. He's going to back check hard. He's going to play a physical game in front of the net.


Team guy 100%. Yeah.


You're not going to find somebody that hustles like that.


And he's got some you know what I mean? He's not going to play his gas. No, exactly.


He's got a little creativeness to him. Left wing, I'm going with speed. I need some speed. If JJ. Watts holding down in the center position, I need speed. Going tyree kill. He's going to fly up and down.


We're assuming everyone can skate. This is like the rookie that the Blackhawks just got. I was talking about Benard. I don't even know how to say his last name. I just know I love watching that dude play hockey. So who else we got?


I'm going right wing. I got to have a left handed person because they need to be able to cut to the middle, get a good angle on the net.


Good angle. Yeah. Good shot.


I'm going. Mike vick.


All right. Yeah. I mean, fuck, you guys are a fast, powerful team right now. Who else? Who we got playing defense?


Defense. I feel like it's got to be two linebackers that were just like beasts. I'm going to go Dick Buckus and Ray Lewis to just bring that energy. Just going to bring that energy. Dick Bucks. Lot of just toughness.


Dick Bucks played tight end. I thought.


No, Dick Buckus played defense or middle linebacker.


Who am I thinking of?


You're thinking of the other Bears coach. You're thinking Mike. Dicka.


Dicks. Sorry. Mike. You're fucking you're a legend.


You're getting your dicks mixed up. What are you doing here?


Hate it when I get them shuffled.


Around and then a goalie because I don't know if anybody can play goalie. Usually goaltenders are really skinny, so they're agile and can move. I don't think any NFL player is going to be able to do that well. So I'm going to go the opposite direction, which is whatever youth team does where they just put somebody who occupies a lot of space. I'm going to go Tony Siragusa. Rest in peace.


Rip. Dude, I was on the same it's also going to bring good energy, dude. And that's fucking your goalie needs to be that fucking they need to bring the fuck.


He needs to know. Oh, my gosh. What's his what's his name? Goldberg. Fuck. Thank you.


I knew exactly we know exactly where I said it.




All right. That was a fucking that was a good no, dumb question.


That's a good lineup, I feel like.


Yeah. And Watt Brothers, let's fucking let's get on the ice together, boys. Let's get to create a team. That'd be pretty fucking fun.


That would be fun.


I think I saw JJ. Playing in, like, a men's league.


We should all seriously just go to a random open ice time where older guys get out there and just create a team and see what we can.


Do, see what we can get to get the boys together. It'd be like little giants.


That'd be fun.


Well, that does it for no dumb questions. And no dumb questions. Brought to you by buffalo wild wings. Let's go. Sports Bar.


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And now for the portion of this ad read labeled Personal Experience, to be read by talent outside of Travis and Jason Kelsey, because we are active NFL players and cannot participate. But you know who can? The cutest intern. I know that's right. Brandon.


Oh, wow, you got a nice little sign, Brandon.


That's right.


When you're fucking big dog at prize picks, they send you a little neon sign.


Oh, my gosh.


They also sent me a skateboard.


Prize pitch.


I'm not getting on that. I am 36 years old, and I don't think the insurance cover for being an idiot. No, I'm not getting on that.


Can you at least get on to picking surprise picks?


Oh, I can make some picks. I can make some picks.


Get out of here.


I got two running backs for you. I would look at Bijon Robinson versus the jets. I'm still kind of up in the air between yards or anytime touchdown, but I like running backs versus the jets. They have hit pretty consistently for me. I would also look at a young man by the name of Isaiah Pacheco. We've talked about him a lot on the show, him against the packers defense. I also feel like that is a pretty nice anytime touchdown. But as always, this is your price picks journey. So please look through the app. Look through anytime touchdowns, rushing guards, passing yards, combo productions. Look at the special leagues that Travis keeps talking about. I'm going to get out of here. I'm going to bring the guys back. I'm going to flip off my little neon sign, because we're done here, fellas, come on back. Oh, I got Travis first. This right. Can you there you go. Get Jason. Get Jason. There you go.


All right.


I heard the whistle. Heard it, too.


All right. Hopefully our Internet. Brandon did you guys right? Yeah. I have no idea if he's good or not.


All we know is that he's cute.


We know he's cute as hell.


We both were going there.


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Auto jersey? Yeah, I saw him. Saw him. Gave him a nice little fist pump. Wanted me to sign it. No, don't sign jerseys on game day. Didn't want my name to go to my auto. But it is now my auto.


It's now my auto. Okay?


State Farm did that. All right, now 90 percenters. Go ahead and talk to State Farm agents today to learn how you can bundle and save with a personal price plan. Like a good neighbor. State Farm is there.


Prices are based on rating plans that vary by state coverage options are selected by the customer availability, amount of discounts and savings and eligibility vary by state. Let's get us some bold topics to wrap up week twelve in the NFL. Man, we're already in week twelve.


Wow, man, this thing is flying by.


Let's start with your game, Trav. Chiefs 31, Raiders 17. Before we get into the game, we got to shout out, apparently, friend of the show, a new teammate and friend, Justin Reed shows up to the game. His pregame outfit, j. Reed little new.


Heights merch swag tastic. I was like I was like, Jay Reed, how comfortable is that thing? He likes me. He's like, Dog is pretty comfortable. I'm like, well, you look good in it, baby. You look good in it.


He did look good.


He's walking. Yeah, it's a great fucking photo, man. So cool that we get the support that we get from the 92 percenters, but when our teammates, because those are the guys that I really like, are like, do they fuck with me? Doing this every week, actually, like the show?


Or should I just shut up?


Should I stop talking about you guys?


I don't know.


But yeah, jay Reed, ever since he's been on the team, has been one of the smartest football players I've ever played with. One of the hardest workers, you name it, man. Comes down to play physical football. Absolutely love playing with him. Love having him on the other side of the ball. And obviously winning Super Bowls, no pun, no, don't want to hurt anybody, but winning Super Bowls with him has been fucking fun, man.


No yeah, absolutely. And you can tell just watching the tape, and by playing against him, he's one of the leaders out there. He's one of the guys that's really getting it all organized. So ton of respect for Jay Reed.


Shout out to Jay Reed for for repping new heights, baby, and taking the Chiefs to new heights when he got to Kansas City.


All right, Trav, let's get to the game. Do you have any initial thoughts from this one?


It was a game, obviously, everybody knows what's going on in the Raiders organization with the new coaching change. I've always had a bunch of respect for the guys that are on that team and even more respect for having to go through what they went through in terms of the coaching change and the scrutiny and everything and rallying together, man, we knew we were going to get their best shot. And the excitement of being the rivalry that it is. And sure enough, they came out 14 nothing. And we had to regroup, man. We had to regroup. We knew it was coming. And they got off to a great start. Offensively, I think we only had four plays in the first quarter as an offense, and that's hard to deal with. And luckily enough, our defense started getting stops after 14, after two scores, and we started rolling as an offense, man. Got a lot of the young guys involved. I say young guys, but I mean, got a lot of our weapons involved in Rashid Rice and Sky Moore. And right now our run game with that big offensive line we got, baby, it is rolling.


And when we do that, man, it opens everything up. As they say, man, your run game, you get the run game going, man, that pass game is going to thrive. So it was fun to put up some tuddies, especially in the second half. We got things rolling for Chiefs Kingdom in the second half after having whatever it was, our downs. But it's good to go into someone else's stadium and find a way to win like that, especially being down 14 nothing.


Well, Chiefs are now eight and three, the top team in the AFC West and currently the number two seed behind the Ravens in the AFC playoff picture. They are also four and o at the brand new Allegiance Stadium in Las Vegas.


I love that stadium, man. It is so fucking fun to play in. I came out of halftime and Rev Run is DJing and Rapping, man. I was like, no fucking run. DMC let's fucking go. It is Vegas going, man.


It's Vegas.


You already know. And before that, it was last year. It was what's their names. I'm fucking love is what I got.


Damn it.


Love is that's not their most famous song, but I fucking damn it. What is this is where my playlist fuck me because I don't sublime. God damn it. How did I not think of that dude. Sublime was playing as we were coming.


Out from they were throwing all the 90s. They got Rev run.


Yeah, this is last year. Sublime was last year. This year was Rev run, but I'm pretty sure they do that every game. They bring in somebody for the halftime show and they perform in, like, the rafters almost. This shit's sweet. Yeah. Nobody does it like Vegas, babe.


Well, as you were just talking about, first half comeback, the Chiefs offense didn't start hot. Early into the second quarter, you guys are down 14. The Raiders scored on the opening drive, and early in the second quarter, Josh Jacobs had a 63 yard touchdown. And obviously you guys are frustrated.


He said, man, that dude runs a fucking football. I'll tell you what.


Yeah, man, he can bring it just like anybody else. So you guys are down 14 points and the wrong motherfuckers finally woke up. With the Chiefs finally scoring down the field to set up a Pacheco first touchdown of the night and make it a one score game. Then on your next possession, you even things up a bit with a twelve play, 70 1 YD drive that ends in a mahomes to Justin Watson.


Touchdown, J Watt, baby.


The big Yeti had a couple of huge catches on that drive. One for 27 yards and one for 23 yards.


My guy J Watt doesn't get enough credit for that touchdown, man. He got absolutely smoked trying to get through second level on that touchdown. He was supposed to be on the other side of the field and 41 caught him trying to get through second level. Like trying to run through second level. Gets declied. He gets up off the ground, finds a void as Pat kind of starts to leave the pocket a little bit, dots them. Touchdown. Goes right up to the guy that just fucking laid him out and lets him fucking hear it.


That's amazing.


He got the flag for it, which I loved every bit of it. What you can't do is you can't go helmet to helmet after you can't point. You can't put your face mask into somebody else's face mask after you just score a touchdown that'll get you every single time. But I'll tell you what, man, fires me up. Fired me the fuck up, man. I was like, Hell yeah.


Jay Watt, talk your shit pimp. On that drive, you had a 27 yard catch that you officially surpassed 11,000 career receiving yards on.




Becoming the fastest tight end in NFL history to reach that milestone in your 154th game, and you're the only player in Chiefs franchise history to have 11,000 yards receiving. You're just setting records every game. You're the fastest.


Literally. Literally. I mean, you could do that just because it's a whole number. We're going to say that I was the fastest to 11,999, and I'll be.


The fastest to 11,000.


Knocking with it. I can get another kissing WiFi. At this point, it's just it's cool, but we don't need to say congrats every time I get to a whole number.


It's kind of nice, though.


It's whatever, man. It's whatever. Shout out to all my teammates helping me get these records every week. This is a LeBron stat, though, at this point.


Yeah. We'll be back this same time next November when Trav gets to 12,000 yards.


Knock on wood. Knock on wood.


The only other tight ends with 11,000 yards are Whitten, Gates, and Gonzalez. So I know it's a bit of a LeBron stat, but it is a LeBron stat with limited company.


That's a good company. J. Witt, Tony O, gates, you might.


Not care about records, but you know who does? A 92 percenter by the name of Taylor Swift. That's right. She liked an instagram announcement from the Chiefs about you breaking this record.


All right, now. Thanks, Tay. I appreciate you on the Chiefs page pouring. Got to love the support, the Yeti. Yeah. What's this next question?


Has she always been a fan of tight end receiving yards? Is she a big tight end receiving yards?


I'm not sure. It's a good don't know. I don't know if she's a fan of tight ends or not. Have to ask her.


Both of our offenses struggled in the first half this. What do you think led to you guys turning it around in the second half?


Well, it started in the second quarter when we finally got things rolling a little bit. Obviously got those two touchdowns. The second half was just that momentum. I think we came out after scoring two touchdowns, back to back drives, having the first possession in the second half, knowing that we could steal that momentum and kind of shift the points and just take the lead. And sure enough, Patty Mahomes walked us down the field, and Isaiah Pacheco obviously helping that pacheco, baby. Pop is just getting downhill. He's so fucking fun to play with, man.


He's fun to watch.


He's running hard, and when he gets tackled, I try and go over there to help him up, to be like, yeah, get my guy up, man. He's running his tail off right now, and he gets up faster than I can even move over there. You can help him, and it's just like, okay. All right. High five it. He's just a dog, man. All you young football players, you guys love the game. You guys love playing for the guys next to you. That's how you do it. That's how you show you love. Playing for the guy next to you. Is running your tail off like that. Being the first one to pop up, not letting the defense even feel any sense of I'm getting hit or I'm hurt or I'm getting tired. He just pops up, and he's like, Give me the ball again, baby. Just keep giving me the rock. And yeah, that's what we're going to.


Keep doing well outside of his touchdown on that first drive of the second half. There was also a big moment on that drive after Rashi Rice's 19 yard reception, where you pulled a man off of another man and it got a little heated, a little extracurricular.


What happened here? I think when you tackle a guy, you shouldn't try and rip the ball out when the guy's on the ground.


Yeah, it's over.


Yeah, the play is over. Why are we doing that?


Dude, I fucking love it. I love it. There's something about if you are protecting another player on your team, I'll take that 15 yard penalty all day, and.


I don't not all day. Not all day. You got to be smart. I'll do it. You got to be smart about it. Wrong time, dude.


If it's truly for protective reason now, if you're just doing it like a quick draw, then, yes, not acceptable. But if you're listen, it's on the officials to keep the game respectful and appropriate. And sometimes officials don't do that. I'm sorry.


And this goes both ways. I've seen offensive players do this. Yeah.


It's not on officials. Sometimes they can't see it. They don't know that this guy's doing some bullshit.


But what I'm saying is, it's just as much defensive guy there's offensive guys doing this kind of, for sure.




This isn't just, yeah, we're not playing one side of the ball here.


Defensive players definitely do it more. They're dickheads. But it does happen both sides of the ball. It does happen both sides of the ball.




The offense continued to dominate the second half, highlighted by a big day by Rashid rice 1340 left in the fourth quarter. Pat connects with Rice on a 39 yard touchdown reception, and the Chiefs went up 20 817.


Man, that was electric, man.


Rashid finished the game as the Chiefs top receiver with 107 yards and a touchdown. This was the rookie's 1st 100 yard reception game of his career. I'm not going to lie. This is big, and I think that we've kind of seen this coming from Rashid.




He's been getting better and better. You see him improving as a rookie.


My dog's getting comfortable out there. He's.


Know. This has been the big thing that I guess you guys have kind of been missing offensively.


Obviously, it's what people want to fucking point at first. They don't see the big numbers in the wide receiver room that they've seen in past, but obviously, it's a combination of a lot of things. But when a guy's taking a shallow cross to the house, that's electric. That's electric. And that's something we can definitely use when we haven't necessarily seen up to this point. Yeah, Rashid. Keep that shit coming, baby.


There we go, baby.


My guy. Just keep being you, dog. But that play alone was like everybody on the sideline was happy as hell for him. And it's just when you see, like we always mentioned, man, when you see a guy coming into his own in the NFL and having success, man, you can't be more happier for him, especially when you get a win.


Well, you guys got it going offensively in the second half, but again, we got to bring it back to this defense. The Chiefs are the only team in the NFL to hold their opponents to under 25 total points in every game this season. It has been a truly master class performance so far by Steve Spagnola and that entire defense. I mean, that's what happened. When you combine great players with great coaching and smart players, it's not only are they physically good, but they're smart. They play together. It's a very complete defense across the board, and it's fun to watch them play. It really is.


I mean, you think about we already talked about Jay Reed and how smart he is. We had a guy, our middle linebacker, Nick Bolton, go down, who hopefully will get back here. But my guy, Drew Trankel, who is an offseason addition, has been fucking just playing ball, man. When you think of a football guy, this is who I'm talking about, man. I'm talking about has, like, every brace. He doesn't give a fuck how he feels. He's going to go out there and play some fucking football. He's going to do it for the guy next to him, man. That's my kind of ball player right there.


That's a mayor right there.


And Trank has brought the mentality. He's brought smarts, he's brought athleticism, and just fits into this defensive mold, especially with a stud like Nick Bolden going down. It's going to be awesome to have both those guys on the field at the same time, man.


Speaking of doing it right, you also made a young fan's day when you gave her your glove after the game. That's right. Trap the stavros. Tweeted. What a day we had at the Chiefs game. T. Kelsey made my daughter's day, month, year, her first ever Chiefs game were over from the UK, and she ends up with a Travis Kelsey glove. That's right. Such a stroke of luck. But he's made a little girl happy beyond words. Chiefs kingdom. Hashtag Swifties.


Hashtag Swifties. I had no idea she was a Swiftie. I might have assumed that she was a Swiftie.


I mean, let's be honest. Who's not a Swiftie at this point?


I mean, touche. Ain't she has my guy Juju's number nine jersey on.


She had a juju.


Yeah, there we all she's on the good squad all across the board. But it was cool. After the game, I always try and give a souvenir to a little one. And those two little ones, the young boy next to her, they were just screaming their tails off, trying to get my attention. So, yeah, that's always like, one of the gratifying things after a win, is being able to celebrate it with the fans and the kids and everything.


All right. Well, way to go, Trev. That's what it's all about.


That's what it's all about, baby.


Let's wrap this one up with the LeBron stat of the game. With the Chiefs win over the Raiders, andy Reid earned his 125th regular season victory with the Kansas City Chiefs and officially became the winningest head coach for two different organizations. That's right.


This is not a LeBron stat. Do we understand? What a LeBron it's a pretty legit stat. This is as legit of a stat for a coach as it gets. This guy has won the most games ever in two organizations.


For two organizations. Reed surpassed Hank Stram, who had 124.


Wins, matriculating the ball down the field.


And, of course, holds the Eagles record for most wins by a head coach with 130 regular season wins. So a LeBron stat. There's, like, a parameter. I said he is the fastest to he's not the receiving yards record holder. He is the fastest to that number. There's a caveat in it. When you're just the winningest head coach in organization history, there's no caveat to that.


You got the most wins. Don't get me wrong. At the end of the day, I get what they're going because LeBron highest score or the best in just about every organization that he's been in.




So I get that there's a reason that LeBron has accomplished, but they come.


Up with LeBron stats to justify players that they know are great, to compare them in a specific time frame, a specific season, a specific category.


Yeah. 100%.


There's nothing specific about this. This is just an overall ass kicking metric that Andy Reid has done in the NFL move right here now with two different organizations, is he the only coach that holds the record for two different organizations?


I feel like he's got to be the only coach.


Does Paul Brown did Paul Brown maybe have does he have the Browns and the Bengals maybe?


No way.


Yeah, I think Andy's got he's the.


Only coach to do it for two. I remember it because our owner, Clark Hunt, came and gave him the ball and mentioned that he was the only one to do it. And you know what Coach Reed's response was? Everybody screaming, speech. All right, let's take a knee and pray. All Father. He just starts it off, and there we go. You could tell that he's not worried about this and he's worried about the next one. Man. That's why we love Big Red.


No doubt. Yeah, I guess he'll be the most winningest coach in Chiefs history with every.


Next game, I'll be sure to congratulate him on all the whole numbers that he gets to all the whole numbers.


We'll come back to him.


Yeah. So one and 125. We win this week. I'll congratulate him on being all right.


Congrats to you, Big Red. Way to go, baby.


Oh, shit. I got my. Dog. Kels calling me right now. He called him for request left. Yeah. Machine gun. Kelly MGK.


Okay, cool.


Kels was good, dog. You're live, brother. You're live, brother. You see my brother right there? I can't.


What's up, Jason? What up, dude?


What up? How are we doing?


What's really good, brother.


Hey, Jason, can I can I talk to your brother really quick?


Do your thing.


What you got for me, Kelv?


I'm sure you get asked this question behind closed doors a lot.


Oh, shit.


I would be remiss if, due to the nature of our friendship, and just as a Clevelander, that I did not answer this question personally.




Or if I did not answer this.


Question personally, I don't even know.


I will give you $500,000 cash, upon arrival, just for shopping or whatever you want, as well as matching that same amount as a donation to both of our high schools, both Shaker Heights and Cleveland Heights, as well as everyday breakfast and coffee delivery from my restaurant. If you would just come home and put on these colors right here.


You know that was the original dream, dog. You know that was the dream. Come on.


Come home, put these colors on, and rock the city.


I'll tell you what, man, that is an intriguing offer. It is an intriguing offer, because you know how much we love the east side of Cleveland. The Heights. Shaker Heights. Cleveland Heights. You already know, brother. I'm not going to lie, situation is pretty good in Kansas City.


I'm there with a briefcase like this.


Just for shots on arrival. On arrival. That shit's legendary, man. You already know. That was the original dream, though. You already know. When they brought the team back. I remember I think I cried in Coach Chaczynski's face when I was getting drafted to please let me fucking play for Cleveland. It was like, one of my dreams to play for the Browns. But my fingers crossed.


And there is no decision that needs to be made right now. But just know, my offer is real, and it's on the table, and I'll take the season. I'll make beats in the locker room every day.


You already know.


Studio in the closet. If that's what needs to happen to get to make Travis come home.


You already know, man. I'll tell you what, I'll consider it if Jason considers it, too, though. Because I know at one point, it was the Browns for him, too.


Except you all got to split the.


No, I get it. It's completely understandable. 500k for Travis, as long as I get the free coffee.


That was just personal shopping money from my own account, so you all got to split that.


You already know. You already know. It's Heights. It's the heights. Cleveland Heights. Shaker Heights. We just split it five piece.


Wait, did you graduate you graduated eight, too, right?


Oh, yeah. You know it. Jason was what, six? Yeah, he was six.


Yeah, dude.


Legend. East Side legends, dog.


I'm proud of both of you all. I'll see you soon, Trav. I'm sure I'll be sending you all.


The new music since you every time, dog. You know, I'm still rocking with everything.


My secret muse for sending music and.


Seeing what, you know, the real ones. That get back to you, dog. You're the best, bro. I appreciate you giving a shout. Shout out to Cleveland. Shout out to the brown Shout out to the East Side forever, baby.


Yeah, baby.




What a guy, man. Dude had no idea. Had no idea what that was going to be. Just trusted him. And in terms of like he hit me and was like, Yo, I got a request. I was just like, all right. He's like, I'm going to call you next time you're doing the pod. Let me know when you guys are doing it.


Hold on. Let's recap. Five hundred K and what was it? Coffee and what?


Coffee breakfast. And he would make beats in the locker room every day.


Is it coffee and breakfast just for you or for the whole team?


We'll have to iron out the details, but yeah. That's hilarious. Well, Chiefs Kingdom. You know I love playing for the Kingdom, baby. You know I love playing. I don't think I'll ever play anywhere else. But Cleveland was always the dream growing up, that's for damn sure. Being a sports fan in Cleveland, you can't not dream about playing for all three of the Cleveland sports teams, let alone the Browns.


Man, you're playing all the video games. You're playing franchise mode and everything with the Browns and trying to get it done. That was the dream growing up, for sure. But it worked.


Yeah. Yeah. You already know. I do remember crying in front of me. I will put my heart on the line for this city.


Where were you crying at?


In his office.


I had like when you visited your pre draft visit.


It was my pre draft visit. Yeah.


Got it. Got it.


Yeah. Him and Coach Embry, tight end coach down in Miami right now. I was crying in front of both of yeah, which is probably why they didn't draft me.


This guy does not have his shit together.


He is a mess right now. No, shout out to Kels, man. And shout out to his daughter. His daughter Cassie did a I think she was the MVP for beachwood volleyball this year. So shout out to Cassie.


No way.


She might be a new height know? Just east side of Cleveland ballers, baby. It's in the blood now. You already know. I appreciate you guys.


Did Kels play any sports?


No, he was full music. Full on music by high school. I remember hearing about him doing freestyles at house parties and stuff. Like, Kels was full music by college. He was already a hit. Well dope MGK my dog. We have some great news. 92 percenters. For those of you who don't know, hot barbecue is back at Buffalo Wild Wings, and you have to get it before it's gone.


So what do you mean it's back?


Like, it went away and now it's back. And I'm telling you right now that it's back. And I'm telling you all the 92 percenters is back.


Well, this is incredible. For those of you who weren't already aware, Bdubs took hot barbecue off the menu in 2019. And fans like me have been asking to bring it back ever since, baby. Well, really demanding to bring it back demand.


And I understand why. The sauce is a classic smoky, sweet barbecue with a spicy little heat on the end.


Yes, it is absolutely delicious.


But remember, 92 percenters, it's only back for a limited time. Of course, this is how they get you. They only bring it back just a little bit, so it makes you the trick. Run to the store. Yeah. So fucking get there quick, ladies and gentlemen. Go and try that hot barbecue at the Buffalo Wild Wings. Or order some hot barbecue while you still can.


Again, hot barbecue is available for a limited time only, while supplies last.


All right, now, 92 percenter, we want to talk a little bit about the new Experience Smart Money Debit Card and Digital Checking account. The experience.


Smart money.


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Hey, how about that? Once you fund your account, you can request a physical debit card, which gives you access to over 55,000 fee free ATMs.




You can also put this in your digital wallet and pay with your phone. Lots of options.


It also comes with a digital checking account linked to Experian Boost.


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Well explained. Get the Experian Smart Money debit card and digital checking Slash Kelsey.


Again, to get your Experian Smart Money debit card and digital checking account, go to kelsey.


Experian is not a bank. Experian boost results will vary. legal.


Know the legalese.


Let's keep the stay moving. Eagles 37, Bills 34 in an overtime thriller. Man, I'll tell you what, man, you guys are finding ways to win, and that is a fun way. Not always the best for stress levels, but it's fun.


It is not fun in the middle of it when you're continually filled with anxiety and stress.


But yes, news broke before the game. The lane Johnson was dealing with a groin injury going in for an MRI, but right before the game, it's determined that he will be out. So it's never easy playing without that big guy.


Nobody's going to replace Lane Johnson. He's a premier player, 100%, one of the best right tackles, in my opinion, to ever play the game. He's played at a high level for so long. Jack Driscoll got the call in the morning that there was a chance he was going to have to go and start. And Jack played earlier in the year. For us, a lot of people don't know is that Jack was working out mainly at center, and he's moving around at multiple positions earlier in the week.


More you can do, baby.


This week he really was at tackle in his preparation, so his technique, a lot of his sets, everything was more ironed out this week, I think. And a lot of that I think, had to do with. He's just more prepared because that's what he had worked at all week, but went out there with backups. You just don't want a backup player to affect how you call the game. All you want with a backup is to be able to go in there and to run your offense. Don't change things up.


Don't fuck it up, bud. Yeah, just don't fuck it up.


Just do it out there. And more than held his own. Had a great, you know, shout out to Jack for getting it done.


Hell, yeah. Well, hopefully Lane is doing all right, man. Just initial thoughts from the game before we dive into it.


Obviously frustrating start. It was offensively just struggling in the first half again, struggled to get anything going. We had the one scoring drive, but outside of that, it was a lot of the same stuff. And I think we made some really good adjustments at halftime regrouped and I think that we got some momentum going in that second half and had a few things fall our way, including a 60 yard field goal. Well, 59, I guess.




And even though it wasn't working out in the first half, we have such a veteran team and team that's been through it in a lot of these games that at all times we felt like we were going to get something going offensively. It was only a matter of time, and luckily we have a defense that kept us in it long enough to get going well.


Eagles moved to ten and one, holding down the number one seed in the NFC and with their second win in those beautiful Kelly Green jerseys. Should you guys just fucking wear them every wear?


I'll wear them. They're pretty nice. I think I look good in them.


The fact that you said you look nice in it is surprising because you don't think you look very nice in anything. I've seen you get dressed and asked the question.


I definitely don't look good in white on who look like the Michelin Man in that white on white don't look good.


Let's talk about the first half struggles, though, man. Outside of the touchdown drive that was capped off with Jalen's brotherly shoved touchdown at the end of the first quarter, not the best half of the Eagles offense. Unfortunately, this was the first rushing TD by quarterback the Bills defense had allowed all season, which is very impressive, man, especially with the injuries that they've dealt with on that defensive side. They've definitely still been very well put together and still playing fucking great defense, but this would be the only Eagles score in the first half. Jason, what was going on with you guys? And was it just like weather and getting acclimated?


No, I don't think the weather was crappy, but I don't think it really impacted the game that much. It wasn't coming down so hard that the ball was hard to handle. It was just kind of a sprinkling.


It looked bad. When I got out of my game and I saw you guys had, like, three minutes left in your game, I turned it on. I was like, okay, they are in a storm. Did it get worse as the game went on, or is it kind of looked that bad?


I think it probably just looked that bad. And the grass was in bad shape because Temple played on on Saturday, so the field was kind of not perfect, but I didn't think it made a difference in the game, to be honest with you. I thought that for the most part, I could grab the ball pretty good. There was only one time I had to tell the official to get a new ball in because there was a lot of mud on the ball after one of the plays. But outside of that, the ball was easy to grab. The wind wasn't that bad.


I didn't even know you could do that. You can tell the ref to get you another ball, so the ball had.


A bunch of it wasn't even mud.


It was like was it like after the huddle, you went up to the line of scrimmage, you got to get the shit out of here.


No, it was right after the play. So right after that play was on, I was like, that ball's got something on it, so they kind of sucked it off so they could wipe.


There's no way you just stopped playing. It was like, Yo, we need a fucking new ball.


Give me no. We just struggled to get in a rhythm, and I think the Bills did a good job of throwing us off. Sean McDermott is one of the best defensive coordinators in the NFL. Well, head coaches, also defensive coordinator. He's been great for a long time. Whether he's been with the Eagles, the Panthers, he's proven to be a guy that can throw any team off, and it just took us a little bit to get going. I mean, he was doing a good job of presenting things, disguising things, and I think as the game continued to evolve, we just got a better beat on things and we calmed down and we started getting into a rhythm.


Well, the Bills could have went up 13 seven with a minute 27 left in the half, but Jalen Carter thought a little different. He proved his dominance and got a hand on one of the field goals. How big was this play, like, momentum wise? Did you guys feel it on the sideline like we did?


Yeah, I mean, we were struggling to get anything going offensively, so whenever a defense makes a play like that and prevents points from going up on the board and similar to your guys game, we deferred, so we knew we were getting the ball after half. And whenever you know that, you feel confident that you're going to come out of the half with something good planned. I don't think we scored coming out of the half, but we did score the second drive. But maybe we did score the first drive, I can't remember. But anyways, it felt good and it was a big thing to go into halftime having some type of momentum. Thanks to Jalen, the Bills put up.


A lot of fucking yards. 277 yards of offense versus the Eagles 99 just in the first half alone, which is a mind boggling stat for it not to be, as the difference wasn't as big as those two stats made it seem. In the last four games combined, the Eagles have 38 first half points and 86 second half points. What you all talking about at halftime.


Which I'll be talking about, probably the same thing you guys talk about.




Yeah, this is what we're seeing out there. These are the plays that we think will work versus that, it's more the coaches kind of wrangling everybody up and kind of having one time to get a cohesive thought to the entire group, whether it's the offensive line or the offense as a whole, and everybody just gets on the same page. And I think we come out of the second for the second half with a firm understanding of what we're going to try and do for the second half. And it's worked out the last few times. You know how this goes. Some weeks, the second half adjustments are great. Some weeks you come out and the first half, you really put a dominating performance together. I just think it's probably a lot of coincidence that the last few weeks, it's been a second half game for us, so hopefully we can change that this week.


Well, like we talked about, the start of the second half was you guys are down ten points, but strike first with a 62 yard right now, six play drive early in the third quarter. And Jalen connects with pink shoes himself. AJ. Brown, baby, on just a three yard pass. But you guys cut the lead to three points. And then DeAndre Swift had his biggest run of the game on that drive, a 36 yarder to rally the offense. Man, that guy is electric. Was there like a conscious effort to get Swift the ball or get him more involved?


I don't know if it was Swift in particular. That play was something we talked about at halftime, is something that we thought that maybe might be there, and everybody executed it well. And my man Swift hit the hole 1000 miles an hour, and he's just an electric player. He's fast, he's shifty, he can make something out of nothing. Whenever you have a guy like that, it makes defenses play. It honest. You can't be overly aggressive because he'll cut it back at any second. You can't cheat it because he's going to truly hit it wherever it's open, and it makes it difficult to defend.


I'm sure he's playing with a lot of confidence, but so was Josh Allen that night. He scores. The Bills don't go away easy, and their next possession, they score, get the lead back up to ten points, but the Eagles immediately answer. Skinny Batman makes a couple of huge catches on the drive, including a 15 yard tuddy, cut it back down to three points. And on the Bills next drive, with 1242 left in the fourth, mr. Bradbury picks off Josh Allen in Bills territory, and the Eagles hit the ball on the Bills 24 yard line. Man, it's just turnovers, baby. And sometimes it's not necessarily turnovers on the first half. It's those second half turnovers that really fucking that really hurt you, man. And you guys capitalize on the turnover. On a third and 15, jalen Scrambles manages to throw an incredible 29 yard touchdown to number 13, Zach I ass.


Oz. Just say Oz.


Oz. Oz. And yeah, that was an electric play, man. Just you see him scroll or roll out to the left a little bit, and then just being like, you know what? My guy's back there, I'm about to give him a chance. I'm about to just give him a ball that he can go up and get. Threw it behind everybody else when Jalen's playing, like, know that you guys are arguably the hardest team to beat in the fucking league, man.


And you could tell in the first half, I feel like everybody was kind of off. In the second half, it felt like it didn't matter what we called, what we did. Jalen was going to do something to make a play, whether it was with his legs through the air or improvise off schedule. It felt like he could do no wrong. And this play kind of sums it up as, like, it's not even like it's open. He's just like, you know what? I'm going to throw this up, and hopefully Oz can make a play. And boy, did he I mean, that was dude, it's a pretty electric feeling when he made that catch. No doubt about it.


Well, with 152 left to play, the Bills are able to drive down the field and find Gabe Davis. I've seen that man make a few big time touchdowns my day. And the Bills are now up 31 to 28. And yeah, in the rain, knowing that you got to make a two minute drive, not always the most comfortable place to be, but you guys find a way to get Jake the make Elliot into range for a 59 yard field goal to tie the game up before it all ends in regulation. Jason, the clip of you reacting, what were you thinking when that thing went through?


Well, I mean, as you can see from the clip, I was still pissed off at the false starts. They show, like, a clip of Fletch's reaction. He's just, like, shocked that Jake just made a 59 yard field goal in the rain to tie it up. But I think both Jalen and I were still pissed off from the I mean, listen, we executed that two minute drive. Sean's throwing all these blitzes at us. We're picking them up, we're moving the ball down the field, operating at a really good level, and obviously two full starts by me make that field goal that much harder. So I'm still pissed off that I put Jake in this position. And for some reason, I still think he's going to go out there and make it because he's so I mean, it was just one of those things where it's like, this is so fucking stupid that I put the team in this position and it didn't need to be this. So, anyways, when you got Jake to make, he can make up for some pretty stupid things. Luckily.


Well, the broadcast immediately showed you leaving the field as well, though. Did you get banged up?


No, I had to take a piss.


That boy was hydrating.


I knew after he made the field goal that I wasn't going to have to do it on the sideline, that I was going to be able to go in.


You're about to blue tenet.


I was going to blue tenet because I had to go. I had been holding it. Sure. And then after he made it, I was like, yeah, this thing's going to OT. I can go do this in the locker room real quick.


Nice. Nothing gets in the way. Jason kelly taking a shit.


Piss, piss.


Yeah, we all know what you were doing.


It was a quick one. In and out.


Yeah. Well, the overtime victory, baby. J. Kelly is 59 yard field goal, sends it to OT, where the Bills win the toss and elect to take the ball, which I don't know if that's the right move.


I mean, it's always take the ball in OT.


No, not oh, I guess in OT you take the ball in the playoffs. You don't, because you want to know.


How, because you guarantee to get it correct.


So this is actually the right move. I apologize.


Because you can end the game with a touchdown.


Yeah. Brandon Graham, though, when you guys lost the toss, make sure that he told whoever called it right on the Bills side, it don't matter in quotes, just let them know that it don't matter if you guys got the ball now or if we got the ball. We're going to win this game. And sure enough, it was a big miked up moment. If you haven't watched it, we got a clip for you right here.


There we go. One and only. BG, baby. To be fair, he's like that at every coin toss. This isn't unique to this coin toss. This is standard BG.


We were in the Super Bowl as mom was like, on the big screen, and he was, like, talking shit to me. It was great. Five five, baby. Is he the most underrated trash talker? I'd probably say it's not underrated at all. Everyone knows he talks a good game, man. And the best trash talkers. Back it up. Back it up. And that guy is a bona fide winner, man. Well, the Eagles defense hold the Bills to a field goal on the opening drive. Insane moment. On second and ten play on the drive, jordan Davis chases down Josh Allen out of bounds.


Unbelievable effort.


Stopped what could have been a huge gain.


JD. Who already looked tired on the play, and we had some injuries in the game. He played a lot of snaps. Doug, I actually think he's even faster than what he displayed in this clip. Really? Oh, for sure. No question about it. When he gets moving, he is very fast.


330 plus, moving at over 16 miles an hour.


And you could tell he was tired because after the play, he didn't get up, he just lied.


Big man Hamstring.


Until they come get me off this field.


Potential candidate for fat guys in the highlight bracket.


Not a chance. I think it was an unbelievable play. It's not even JD's most impressive hustle play. He's got one at Georgia that, in my opinion, is way better than that one. But not trying to downplay that one. That was a huge play.


Huge play. Meant a lot in that game. Fuck yeah, it did. When you do get the ball, jalen continues to play. Lights out. He connected with Devante Smith on a few big receptions. First to one for 17 yards, got you guys in field goal range. Second one for eleven yards, got you guys down to the 28 yard line. And then with two minutes and 37 seconds left in overtime on a first and ten, jalen rushes for a twelve yard walk off touchdown on a QB draw. There were a few guys that commented on this. I'm not going to lie. I was sitting on the plane with a fellow by the name of Patrick Mahomes. And we were watching the game, and right before the play happened, or as the cadence is going on, pat screams QB draw.


No, he doesn't. He knew it by the motion or.


He just knew a touchdown. Yeah, he he just knew. Whatever the check was. I'm not sure. I got to ask him. But he knew it was going to be QB draw. And sure enough, you get big six two out there leading the way, baby. It's going to be a successful play, man. And per NFL Network reporter James Palmer, jordan Malata said on the game when he touched down that he couldn't believe the Bills gave him that look. That play is a staple within their offense, and when he saw the safety move, they all knew Jalen would score. Okay. Not only Pat mahomes.


Easy, Jordan.


I mean, if you're watching film, you know that is a possibility and that you got to be ready for it. Congrats on the game winning block, big guy.


I'll actually disagree with, so I don't think that that defense necessarily is open for that play. It is if you're well coached and you know how to block it, that defense can, quite frankly, ruin the play.


No, I hear you. If you don't know that you got to go out there and block that guy.


If I don't anticipate it coming off the edge, more importantly, if Jordan doesn't anticipate the end spiking, you know what mean?


Like, there's a lot of shit that can go wrong there.


Yeah, I've seen that play get stuffed by that exact blitz plenty of times. It is a play that, if it's blocked right, can be a huge play. But it's also a play that if the tackle, if Jordan doesn't anticipate the end spiking and collecting them if we don't get enough of a kick out, that there can be no running lane. So I think that Jordan might not even be giving himself enough credit for executing that play at a high level for that specific touchdown. Anyways. That's my two cent on that.


Well, shout out to Jalen. I mean, he's looking like an absolute beast right now, leading you guys to a ten and one start. Yeah, obviously the best two starts in NFL history, I believe, these past two years.


Certainly my best starts.


Nice. And he's playing lights out, man. Any final thoughts on the game?


First of all, the Bills are a really good team. Josh Allen, when he's on dude, he is such a dynamic player. He extended so many plays with his legs and being a Don't, I feel like a lot of people compare him to Bret Farf. He reminds me of like, a young Roethlisberger. It's almost just hard to bring him down.


Big boy.


He can make any throw on the field.


Big arm.


Yeah, man, he's an incredible player.


He's Ben Roethlisberger at four or. Five. He runs a 4540.


Yeah, he's faster than Big Ben. That's true. I was more speaking of, there were so many times where I thought it was going to be a sack, you know what I mean? And he just extends the play, just slithery out there. Devastating for the defensive backs who are trying to hold up for long periods of time. And I think their defense is really good. I think they're well coached. Like we said before, Sean McDermott is a great coach. He'll make it as difficult as anybody. And they have really good players. So really proud of the way we stuck with it and fought and played through to the end of the game. But we also got to get some things cleaned up.


Everyone, including myself you can always clean.


It up, baby, to make sure that we can hopefully not keep making it so difficult to close these things out.


Yeah. Well, when your quarterback's playing lights out and you have the best record in the NFL, that's usually math for MVP. And he's playing lights out right now, man, and it's fun to watch Jalen and you guys go to work. Well, the Bills became the fourth team to ever win the turnover battle. Have 500 total yards of offense outgain your opponent by 127 yards and still lose. That is what I call a buns stat. And I call it a bun stat because I am a part of a few stats like that. That's never fun to be a part of. But I'll tell you what, that means that they are playing lights out, and they can beat anybody. And I know we got them in a few weeks.


They've been getting things cleaned up. We knew coming in that we were getting a really good team. That's been a premier team in this league since Josh Allen has been there atop of the AFC. So, listen, they ain't going nowhere. And certainly happy we got the win, but it wasn't easy. And, yeah, Josh Allen now owing six at overtime games.


I didn't know that. All it takes is one game. All it takes is one game.


The one game actually changed overtime rules. Changed the overtime rules for the playoffs.


Pretty happy that they did that after our game. LeBron stat of the game. Eagles defensive end Brandon Graham, 55 surpassed David Acres on Sunday for the most games played in Philadelphia Eagles history.


Yeah. Again.




Again. Not a LeBron stat. LeBron stat would be like, he's the fastest to 100 games. This is the most games ever played by an Eagle. This is a legit stat.


A 180.


Just so we know, what is a LeBron set, what's not. That's crazy. Yeah, he's played a lot, and he's been available not only Eagle Green and Kelly Green. Now.


Not right now.


Yeah, man. Shout out to BG, baby. Big five five.


Congrats on getting it done. OT win, brother. Yeah. All right. Now it is time to shout out another one of our sponsors, Dr. Teals. It's game time, Jason. And we know better than anybody that this means high impact action on the field all season long.


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Let's keep it moving to some player insights in NFL storylines.


Let's get some quick thoughts to the biggest headlines coming out of week twelve in the NFL and start with the current playoff picture. After week twelve, there are currently four teams with an eight and three record or better at the top of the AFC. Those teams include, of course, the Chiefs at eight and three, the Ravens at nine and three, the Jaguars at eight and three, and the Dolphins at eight and three. Yes, sir. Is this the most competitive the AFC has been in a while?


No, I think it's been very competitive.


Pretty much always competitive.


Like always. It's always just like I mean, you add in Bengals and Bills from last year as well know, Jags finding a way to get into the playoffs and the AFC North is always I mean, you're going to grind a game out playing the AFC North. There's just some dogs over there.


But I do think there's usually one team, though I think it's rare this late in the season that four teams essentially all have the same amount of losses at the top.


I feel like at this point, this is where it typically separates, right here. It's that November, that late November, early December, part of the season where all these games are fucking instrumental to where you get placed in the playoff, if you're in the playoff. Think I think everyone having three losses. I can say that's probably been as close as it's ever been since I've been in the league, for sure.


Outside of those four teams at the top of the AFC in the NFC South, every team currently has a losing record. How about this? The Falcons right now are first place in the division with a five and six record. The Saints are also five and six. The Bucks, four and seven. The Panthers, they're struggling one in ten. Just fired my man Frank Reich. Shout out to Frank. Unbelievable. Coach hasn't panned out this year, unfortunately, but yeah, they decided to move on. Wasn't working out in just the first year as the Panthers head coach. It was reported that multiple Panthers players found out about ranks firing via social media, and a team meeting was called shortly after it. That's unfortunate, man. You never want it to happen like that.


Not like I mean, and Coach Wright has obviously been well respected in every building he's ever been in. So I'm sure the players finding out this way, that ain't how it's supposed to be done.


I don't know what to say. I still remember when we found out that Brian Kelly got the Notre Dame job over social media. When that kind of broke, I found out when Mark D'Antonio was going to accept the job at Michigan State, when we were at Cincinnati. This is before social media had really picked up. Found out about that on ESPN. On a little Ticker. This is kind of how it happens sometimes. I'm sure nobody meant for it to happen this way.


News just gets out, man.


But yeah, as players, you always appreciate to hear it in person. And I'm sure a lot of these guys wanted to hear that from Frank or from somebody within the organization before it kind of is made public. And they get asked questions, because the first thing that happens is everybody that knows you or wants to know information on this, they're going to start texting you. And it's nice to just be able to all be on the same page.


As to what's happening, especially a situation like yeah.


Yeah. There have only been six NFL head coaches since the merger who didn't finish their first season with the team, with three of those instances having come in the past three seasons. Urban Meyer, Nathaniel Hackett, and now Reich. The other one, I think, was, oh, my gosh, Falcons. Michael Vick Patrino. I always get the basketball coach at Louisville was either Patrino I think he was Patino or the basketball coach Patino. He's coach Patrino, right?


Yeah, sure. Bobby.


Bobby Petrino. There we go. All right.


Anyways, that's pretty good that you remembered that.


Yeah, bobby pulled the plug on that R1 quick. He's like, hey, I just lost my best player. Yeah, I'm out of here.


Fuck this.


I think that the league has become increasingly impatient, know, poor performances. And I think part of that is because we've seen so many coaches come in in the first year and have a lot of success. You know what I mean? For whatever reason, newer coaches have come on and done really well in their first years at a few spots. And I think the expectation of coaches used to be, hey, this is a two to three year timeline where we're going to improve the roster. The coach is going to implement his techniques and offense and defense and we're going to see this thing through. Whereas now, because some of these younger coaches and newly hired coaches have been so good in their first year when it hasn't been working out in year one, it seems like more and more teams are becoming impatient with coaches quicker than they used to anyways. Not that that's right or wrong. I just think the dynamic has changed a little bit.


100%. Well, the Lions are now owing 13 against the moon in a tweet that went viral for the Lions Packers game.


Lions are playing the moon.


It would reveal that since the AFL and NFL merger, the Lions are owing twelve on Thanksgiving when the moon is in a waxing Gibbos phase.




I don't even know what I just said. I hope I is paying attention.


This has got to be like some astrology just person that's super into that, right? Who knows?


This is a fucking LeBron stat is what it.


Is. I don't even know what kind of stat this is, dude. Is somebody paying attention to the moon phases in all of the games that are happening? Is that happening?


They're paying attention to the moon phases every night, Jason, not just on Thanksgiving.


But I will say it was a full moon last night. I'm pretty sure Winnie was acting all sorts of weird. I don't she was me and Kylie both like, what is wrong with her? And then I went outside to take the trash. I was like, oh, it's full moon.


Yeah. Those wolves on full moons, man, they.


Get a little wary.


You're a dad. I'm not a dad yet. I can't laugh.


You don't laugh at jokes like that.


Yeah. Are we blaming the mood?


I don't know.


I don't think we fucking better not be. We fucking better not be, man. I fucking if somebody were to come into the building like the fucking moon, man, I would just be like, no, stop.


I don't know if you know this, but Jared Goff is the first SAGITTARIUS quarterback ever to win a game in the NFL. I made that up.


Is that another dad joke?


I'm just trying to point out how ridiculous this moon thing is.


Keep it moving. NFL has Tommy DeVito fever.


How about does it hey, the chicken cutlets.


Yeah. Tommy beat the Patriots ten seven, man. His second NFL career win. He came out to the Sopranos theme song this week, man. God, he is eight. How much he's playing it, dude, he's fucking killing it.


I love it.


Fucking killing it. You know it, man.


Who does not love this?


Enjoyed seeing his family, the DeVitos, in the crowd, getting pumped up for every big play he made. After his touchdown pass in the second quarter, he celebrated once again with the Italian pinched finger gesture. The broadcast cameras then cut to his family in the crowd, and they're doing the same thing.


You gotta check this out.


Everybody in the stadium's fucking doing it. You kidding me? It's the most legendary celebration since fucking.


This is so good.


OBJ jumped on the best. Is DeVito the best story to come out of the NFL this season? Yeah, there's been a few, especially with quarterbacks.


Oh, my gosh. The Thursday night game I was at, the Bears, backup quarterback went in and won a game against the Panthers. Oh, my gosh. His dad's, like, an arm wrestler. There have also been, like, characters. Like, Tommy DeVito is like, a caricature of, like, a New York Italian 100% and Tyson pageant. I mean, dude, that's a personality and a half. And his dad's a former arm wrestling champion or something like that. So, yeah, it's been the year of some backup quarterbacks getting some love.


Well, last year you had Purdy. You had him jumping on the scene. I think you're right, though. These guys have a little bit more personality, and they kind of have, like.


What about Josh Dobbs?


Freaking dobbs another one. He's been in the league for a while and he's made some noise before. You're right, but I hear you, though. I hear Josh. I'll give Jay Dobbs a fucking another shout out, man. Are we no longer football, like, favorite family? Are the DeVitos are they taking over the NFL right now?


I mean, they're by far my favorite family right now.


Dude, is their mom more famous than our mom?


I mean, she should be.


How much laundry at this point? Shout out to the DeVitos, man. That was an epic scene. Everybody hitting it after he scored the touchdown. You got to fucking love it, man.


Julian Edelman introduces America to the phrase cream season. How about my man Jules? Former New Heights guest Julian Edelman appeared on the Fox NFL Kickoff show this weekend and talked about what he calls cream season. Cream season is here. What cream season really is, is there's a group of teams that can go out and potentially win a Super Bowl when you milk a cow. You sit and let the milk sit for a while until the pasteurization period goes. The cream goes to the top and you scrape that off and that's all the goodness, the greatness. The cream rises to the top. This sounds a lot like a macho man. Randy Savage quote. I kind of wanted to read it like I was Macho Man Randy Savage the entire time. Cream. I love football players talking about some cream. That's right.


I love it.


Cream season is now unofficially the three quarter point of the season where we're going to see who's going to rise to the top. I also like that Jules is taking it upon himself to educate the public as to the pasteurization process and how cream is made.


I just love a good analogy, man.


Yeah, I learned something there. I didn't know that that's when cream rises and I think it's you know.


What bull's nuts look like but and tastes like but. Now you know about the cream.


Now I know about the pasteurization process and cream. And shout out to Jules for educating the public while also making for a dynamic audio sound bite. As always.


As always.


We got to get Jules to the farm. I didn't know he was such a big agriculture guy. Got to get into the farm.


He just seems like a guy that knows a little about everything.


I bet he'd eat a Rocky Mountain oyster if we offered it.


Give me the fuck out of here. Shout out to Jules for the analogy. And let's keep this thing moving to some New Heights Stamps of the Week, baby. Yeah, that's right. All right. Now let's hand out some Stamps of the Week. We give guys who are taking their games to New heights some recognition. And this is week twelve's version of New Heights Stamp of the Week. And new heights. Stamp of the Week is sponsored by State Farm. Talk to a State Farm agent today to learn how you can bundle and save with the personal price plan like a good neighbor. State Farm is there. All right, now that was nice. My pick. I'm going with NFL Red Zone host Scott Hansen.




My dog was out here unfazed. During the late slate of games, a building alarm set off. That's right. It started fucking fire. Alarm started going off in the background of the NFL Red Zone broadcast. Hansen then announced that he and the rest of the crew had to evacuate the studio in Inglewood, California for unknown reason. Moments later, Hansen was back on air and said that everything was fine. He started powering through the rest of the broadcast despite the alarm, which was going off in the background, which included a loud voice telling people to find the nearest stairwell going off in the background. You guys got to watch this clip. It's pretty fucking legendary.


I still haven't seen this. By the way, is Scott Hansen related to chris Hansen, because that might be my favorite reporter of all time.


I am reminded of an old Chinese.


Proverb which says, may you live to see interesting Tesla.


I've never had this happen before. I'm pretty sure all of our professionals haven't either, but we soldier on already. The top five plays of the day. It kind of sounds like it's like an alarm specifically for the awards.


Yeah. The top five plays of the day.




Here we go. Big play alert. Big play alert. Find the nearest exit.


He's not related to Chris Hansen.


Dang it. Shout out to Scott for taking his game to New Heights. Well done, baby. Way to keep your composure.


Way to go, Scott. Way to go, Scott.


Who you got, Jason.


There were a couple options that I was thinking about. There's. Obviously, typical Eagles fan kid flipping off another Bills fan in the parking lot. Standard Eagles game. I have a feeling he learned that one from dad. But I decided to go with the guy that saved me and my two false starts. Bum ass Jake Elliott. Jake to make we've almost made him the stamp of the week multiple times, and I think now is officially the time to do it. Despite the race, despite 59 yards, despite wind, despite false starts, everything possible to not have him tie this thing and take it into OT. Jake Elliot goes out there and nails a 59 yard field goal to save the Eagles against the Bills. That's all I got. Yeah, I think that speaks for itself. Did I do all right?


Yeah. Shout out to shout out to Jake. Chicken little baby.


Dude, come on.


It's Jake to make you're the one that called him Chicken Little.


I didn't call him Chicken Little. Devontae Smith called him Chicken Little.


Oh, all right. My bad. Shout out to Jake. Keep fucking balling, brother. Hey, and congrats on taking your game to New Heights.


Way to go, Jake. All right, that's it. That wraps up another episode of New Heights. All right, now make sure you're subscribed on YouTube to the New Heights channel so you know when all of the new episodes come out. And make sure you check out our bonus video. This Friday, we're going to preview our week 13 games and take a look at some fan art and watch a you can't do that anymore submission for the greatest highlight of all time bracket. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.


Once again, New Heights is presented by Wave Sports and Entertainment. And this episode has been presented by the all new Experience smart money debit card. The debit card that builds credit without the debt. Get you one cuz. Follow the show on all social media at New Heights show with one S. Thank you to our production and crew for always pulling through for us, and thank you to the 92 percenters. Until next week, baby. Peace.


Sorry, guys. All right, you were saying.