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Rock is so full as I couldn't.


Make it as a wild man. I really gotta take a shit. I think I just found my new voice singing. This is uncalled for the late 90s or early 2000s where it was like, boy, I go to the April, there's like, that like weird, like punk rock or like, that's like my favorite TikTok.


Jimmy Butler had the evil hair.


I don't even know any of the songs. I just remember we would sing like, what the fuck are we doing? Just sing regular. Man.


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome back to New Heights.


Hey, baby.


Presented by Wave Sports and Entertainment. And brought to you by the all new Experience smart money debit card. The debit card that builds credit without the debt. We're your host, I'm Travis Kelsey with my big brother, Jason Kelsey out of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Shout out to Northeast Ohio, baby. University of Cincinnati bearcats, you know what I'm saying? Always repping. Subscribe on YouTube and wherever you get your podcast. And follow this show on social media at New Heights show with one S. Jason, why don't you tell the 92 percenters what we got coming up?


Well, Shocker Trav, we got a great episode lined up for you, as always. I knew it. We're going to talk about both of our big wins, Travis's occurring on a completely made up day. But we'll call it this just for sake of the show. National tight end day and the Eagles victory in Kelly green uniforms. The first time wearing them in my lifetime, which was a pure joy. And we're going to talk about a little Kelsey family Halloween and take a look at maybe the biggest storylines coming out of week seven in the NFL. But first, as always, new news.


New news coming in hot.




Yo, Jason's. Putting out another Christmas album?


How about that? And if you want to see more of that singing that you heard earlier in the show, that might be your way to do. Nice.


Nice. You just made that our cold open. Nice. Well played. It was electric. It's going to get the people going. Yeah. Man jason, Jordan Malata and Lane Johnson officially announced that you're releasing the second Christmas album.


That's right.


The album is coming out December 1 for all you 92 percenters and just anybody enjoying some good old Christmas spirit. Second album's proceeds will benefit the Children's Crisis Treatment Center in Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


There's going to be some more charities we add in there, but those are the two that we're for sure partnering.


With, having some fun and making a difference.


Man travis, you know that we're doing this because you're actually on the album.


Oh, shit. Yeah, I am. And I yeah, we had a fun song. That song was for that song. That song was actually pretty sweet, man. I enjoyed doing it. The guys the team came out and hung out with me in Kansas City for a few hours and we knocked it out. Yeah. I think that they made me sound extremely better.


It's pretty remarkable what they can do.


Not saying it was good by any means. I'm just saying they made it sound extremely better than what I felt like. I left that studio thinking I was like, they're going to not use this at all. I don't know.


This is going to be terrible.


Yeah. They're going to replace me on this thing.


Yeah. Nick Kroll, the guy who kind of does all the audio and everything for us, he is a magician. I mean, it's insane how much he can doctor it up and make anybody pretty much sound good.


Thank God. Well, thank you, Nick.


So, yeah, we're excited about it. Obviously a lot of work went into it, got a lot of musicians involved with it this year, got more songs. It's a much bigger album than it was last year. We got some other added things that we're doing around the holidays, too, with some videos online. So we're pretty excited about Christmas time this year with the Philadelphia Eagles.


Awesome, man. Well, I can't wait to hear the whole album. I know what our song sounds like, but I'm pumped to see the rest of them, man.


Just go straight to the Jordan Malata songs. Individual.


Individual right there.


All right, now he doesn't need a lot of doctrine. Well, let's get to the next bit of no News, which is Travis investing in the Alpine Formula One team.


Oh, yeah, baby. Let's go Alpine. Alpine racing.


You, Pat Mahomes and Rory McElroy.


There's a bunch of people. There's a bunch of people. It's not just us three.


You three and many more are part of a group that's invested in Alpine F One racing. How did this happen? I mean, have you always been a big Formula One?


I have not. I have not. And it's starting to make its way to the US. And actually went to the first one down in Miami two years ago. Yeah, I believe it was two years ago and had so much fucking fun that I have been itching at the bit to get to another one. You know me, I like to go out and have a good time, and there are a lot of fun parties, and the race itself is electric, man. It's just fun to be around. It's a great atmosphere. And I feel like I've always wanted to get into sports in terms of ownership, in terms of just having a piece of owning a team. Always had Cleveland sports teams on my mind when I thought about that kind of stuff like the Guardians or the Cavs or even kind of looked into maybe the Columbus Crew somewhere in the MLS world around Ohio and even down in Cincinnati with Cincinnati FC. But there's just been nothing that really made sense altogether. And finally an opportunity came up and we knew the right people. I'm excited, man. It's fun. Had a few of the few of the guys show up in my homes and Kelsey jerseys to the race down in Austin this past weekend.


And I think it's just who knows? Maybe I need to throw on an Alpine know Onesie real quick. Get the know, show my love and respect for those guys as, uh but yeah, it's cool to team up with Patton in another world.


So Formula One, I'm not going to lie, I know what the cars look like. I don't know what the difference is between other than the way the cars look like. NASCAR is just a big circle, right?




Indy car, which is like Indianapolis 500. Right. And then Formula what is four? I know what the Formula One vehicle looks like, but I have no idea. Is that, like, in a stadium?


Is it like so the tracks are huge. The tracks are huge. And the next one is actually next week or two weeks from now. Yeah, it's actually the week that we play you guys. It'll be out in Vegas, and it'll be at night in Vegas, which in my mind takes me back to the arcade racing games. When you're sitting there and there's like, four arcade cars, you know what I'm talking about? And you would pick, like, Vice City and it would look like you're going through Miami or something.


What was the name of that game that you're thinking of specifically?


I forget what it was. It was in every single arcade ever growing up.


There was the R one version of it. Then there was like the Water Boat version of it, but it was all like, the same game. Gosh. What was it called?


I forget what it was. But needless to say, that takes me back to that because that's exactly what it's going to look like. These guys are going to be racing at night through the Vegas Strip.


How do you spectate that?


So there's, uh, they'll have suites that they like down in Miami. They had it all down at the Hard Rock Stadium. Okay, so it is in the it just that was just like the lot of land that they knew they could create a track on. I feel like.


Got it. Okay.


This is also me not knowing everything about F One, and I'm still learning.


Well, you're new. You're new. Just bought a team, so you're brand new in it.


I'd never seen this track before in my life going to the Hard Rock Stadium. So I'm like, they definitely just made this. But they'll create bleachers. They'll create kind of like suite level stuff that'll host, like, businesses and things like that. So it's a whole new world that I'm excited to jump in and dive in and get to know more about.


Do you get to drive the cars? That's what I really want to know, dude.


Yeah, that's what I want to know, too.


They got to let you buy.


I hope so. I mean, I think it's a bit much to just assume that I can get into one of these cars. Jason, the cars that they have are just they're not just like any you own.


Whatever percentage you own, that's your car.


Yeah, but every single time that car goes out there, you're paying for something to get kind of like new and everything like that. You're making sure that that thing is perfect at all times. And just letting a jamoke like me go out there and try and gas it.


Would you even be able to fit?


They might have a random one in the back that I can jump in. That's another good question. A lot of the racers aren't 65.


You're a big guy. Yeah, well, each car apparently is estimated to cost around twelve to 16 million. So you probably don't want to let a Jamote behind the wheel. Yeah, that's probably a good idea.


Yeah. Nonstop trying to tweak that thing in the right weight, all that shit, man. Aerodynamics, it's pretty cool how they get those things.


The science behind it, I think, is really impressive. But yeah, Pat has already invest. We've already talked about Pat's sports team investments. He's got the Royals, the sporting Kansas City soccer team, the Miami based pickleball team, the KC current women's soccer team, which there is some dispute whether that's his investment or Brittany's investment, but now he's officially killing motorsports.


Yeah, Pat's obviously been killing it. He's Royals, Kansas City. Soccer. He's got the pickleball team and all that, but Brittany's actually the one kind of like breaking ground, like some new areas with the women's soccer team. Yeah. Not only getting the women's soccer team, but it's the first women's, I believe, professional team to have their own facilities. Yeah.


Connor Borrowing did a whole class or something over at Wharton on sports management or ownership or whatnot. And in particular, they had, like, a whole case study done on what they've done with the KC current women's soccer team. Like, it's bigger than any other women's soccer team in the world, I believe.


So, hats off to Britt.


I know that one's, like, the most groundbreaking that they've invested in.


Shout out to the current hey. All right.


Fan mentions of the week.


Fan mentions of the Week, baby.


From the official Cedar Point instagram. Hi, Jason and Travis. We heard your latest episode. Sounds like you two need to make a trip to come see us soon. Oh, man. Feel free to bring plus one, Travis. Okay. Jesus. Guess Kylie's not invited. You fucking dickheads. If you'd be interested in being one of the first to ride the all new Top Thrill Two in 2024, let's Top Thrill Two. Yeah.


Oh, my gosh.


So apparently we found out after the episode that they didn't take down the Dragster. They're making it better.


It's coming back. Or is it just getting higher, and.


I think it's higher and faster, and now it's going to go both ways or something like that. Yeah, I mean, listen, I haven't been to Cedar Point in a while. Apparently there's a number of new rides that we didn't mention that we might need to go on.


Dude, we named all the rides from our childhood. I don't even know if the Pray Mantis or the Raptors got to still be there.


Pray mantis is gone. Apparently we found that out.


That was a fun one, man. You stand up on it, man.


And there's a number of new rides that we might need to check out, dude.




Obviously, I need to get my dipping dots fixed. So I think this offseason, we for sure got to make it back to the point.


Dipping dots and funnel cakes to Cedar Point, baby can't go wrong.


And speaking of dipping dots, that brings us up to our next fan mention of the week, which is dipping dots. Followed us on Instagram. Didn't know dipping dots had an Instagram, but apparently it does.


Yeah, they're killing it.


And do you think it gets frozen pretty?


It's clever. I didn't make me chuckle, but it was clever.


All right, dipping dots on Instagram. Messaged us. Hey, we heard Travis and Jason or Jason and Travis talk about dipping dots today on the podcast during the segment about Cedar Point. We'd love to connect and send them both some if they're interested. Yes, I can unequivocally say I am interested because I love ice cream, and.


I love dipping dots like you. Cool. But the girls are going to go.


Fucking nuts over, so they talked about sending some. Apparently it needs to be frozen pretty hard. It can't just be, like, barely freezing. It needs to be frozen frozen. So I think we're working out trying to get a freezer that can contain these things.


I might know a guy.


You know a guy.


I might know a guy.


Does his name rhyme with Matt?




Pat Mahomes also saw the Clip talking about his dipping dots freezer and Tweeted. Love some good old dipping dots. This is my mission now. I need a dipping dots freezer in the O line room for all of my that. I need that to happen.


Dipping dots. Can we please make this happen? That'd be pretty cool for you guys.


I don't know if the Eagles will let it happen because they're all about, like, frozen yogurt and stuff in the cafeteria. Which frozen yogurt? Don't get me started, Travis. Don't get me started.


What are you guys eating? Fucking cashew milk ice cream, too?


I think in somebody's head, they needed it to be semi healthy, and I don't think it's that much healthier, and it's definitely not as healthy for your mental health. So I think we need to get the real stuff in there. It's actually really good, whatever that is in that soft stir machine at the Eagles facility is pretty dang good.


You were a big time gogurt kid. You used to love that shit.


I'm not going to lie. I like dairy.


No gogurt. Remember gogurt?


Yeah. Well, gogurt. Any type of yogurt is dairy. I like gogurt. I like yogurt, I like cheese, I like milk, and I damn sure like ice cream. So I'm in on all the above. I need a gogurt right now.


Dude, there's no way they still make those.


Gogur was awesome because there's no spoon needed. You just need to just rip off the top. Boom. Instant yogurt. What was your favorite dip and Dots.


Flavor cookies and cream?


See. I like the banas.


The Oreo. The Oreo. My bad.


No, you're right. It's cookies and cream, I think.


Okay, well, that one the Oreo cookie and cream, whatever it is.


I like the banana split flavor. That's always been my favorite. Dip it out. But I'll eat any of them. Hopefully we can get that done. That'd be awesome.


That'd be pretty sweet.


I got to speak for the entire Eagles O line that we would take lots of photos and put them on Instagram with our demonstrators.


See what the tight end room in Casey wants, man. See what we can get.


Lastly, we got a mention from none other than our own Heights Schools Foundation.


Oh, yeah, baby. This was cool.


Travis and I both attended Cleveland Heights High School in Cleveland, Ohio. We are both members of the Cleveland Heights High School Hall of Fame. And this past week, the new inductees were in, and one of them gave a speech. We got mentioned at by the Height school foundation. 101 year old Dr. Howard Tucker is the Guinness World Record holder for the oldest working doctor in the world. He is a Cleveland Heights High School Hall of Fame induction, and he had a speech that entertained everybody. Shout out to T. Kelsey and Taylor Swift.


Dude. Shout out to Dr. Tuck. Man, what a guy, man. This is pretty cool.


It took me 83 years while it took Travis Kelsey ten years, and I'm hoping that now that he and I are in the same fraternity, he will manage to get me the autograph of his lady, Taylor Swift.


Dude, that's so cool, man. How about that? Dude, I just think that, first of all, being in the Heights High Hall of Fame was one of the coolest things that I've ever because if you know this when you're going to Heights, I don't know if they still have it. I should go back and see if they still have it. But in the main hallway, we called it the blue carpet area. Yeah, on the blue carpet, they had the entire registry. I would call it's probably like one.


Of those old school Bibles. It was enormous.


It was almost like a rolodex of everybody that was in the High School Hall of Fame and kind of like a little story on what they did when they went to Heights, what they do at Heights, and kind of what they do after Heights. And yeah, I would skip class and read that kind of stuff. And it was the most fascinating thing that I could ever read. Man, I always wanted to be in that. So it was cool to see Dr. Howard Tucker as excited about getting into the Heights Hall of Fame as I was, knowing that when I got in, it was simply based off of Jason winning the Super Bowl.


Did we get in after that or after your Super Bowl?


No, it was after. Just I was just an NFL player at this point in my life.


Just an NFL player.


Yeah, I was just an NFL guy. And, yeah, you won the Super Bowl. And they were like, oh, we should put Jason in the hall of Fame. And then they were like, you can't put Jason we can't put Jason in without Travis because they're brothers and they went to school together and everything. So, once again, that's definitely not the.


Way it went down, I think.


Thank you, Jason, for getting me in the Heights High Hall of Fame.


I'm just slowly getting into all that because of you. But that's fine. Yeah.


Dr. Tucker, congratulations on being the Heights High Hall of Famer and being 101 years old. Yeah, congratulations. You look like he was doing great.


He's a doctor and he's given speeches.


He's probably a better health than both of us. We're both obese. If you look at the charts, speak.


For yourself, shout out to the 92 percenters for all of your mentions this past week. Thank you for tuning in and writing us and making us laugh.


We always enjoy that, always the best.


But it's time now for, I think, everybody's favorite segment. NOTAM questions. That's right. No Dumb Questions is brought to you by State Farm. Talk to a State Farm agent today to learn how you can bundle and save with the personal price plan. Like a good neighbor.


State Farm is there every time.


All right, here's a few no Dumb questions, just dumb people from at. Lisa Davis, 44 59. No dumb questions. Question mark. What was your favorite Halloween costume and who got the most candy? The only one I really remember is when we went as Mario and Luigi in Cleveland Heights High School.


Who's got that fucking picture, man?


I got that photo. I can get that photo for the team. I'll get that. We'll make sure it's on the episode.


You see how ecstatic I was to be Luigi, man.


You'll see what it feels like to be a younger brother and your older brother force you into doing something.


Just comes home with some overalls. What? A Mickey Mouse hands.


I don't know what it was. Yeah, but it worked. It was a good outfit.


It was funny. It was definitely funny. And for whatever reason. You definitely look like Mario and I look like a long, thin Luigi. It was pretty good.


I will say halloween somewhat got ruined for us by dad, because dad, we stopped at a very young age.


The Grinch of Halloween. Well, he passed out candy. He just doesn't want to walk up and down the street with you.


Well, maybe that was it. Maybe that was the real reason. But the way he said it to us was not. Once you stop trick or treating, you've hit, like, another level of maturity. He hated when if anybody was even remotely at puberty level, if you were trick or treating, you are not getting candy at the Kelsey household. He would actively reject people. He would say, no, beat it. Get out of here. Not young enough. So we stopped before we got to middle school. We only did it we only did.


It it's definitely before middle school.


Yeah. We were young and it was kind of fun. Then we got to be a part of scaring kids, and we'd hide in.


Like, leave piles, teepeeing people's houses and egging people's cars. Yeah, no, that was of course kids don't do that to people. All right.


No, definitely do that to people. That's Halloween.


But now the egging cars was too much for me.


No. Well, do all that. Screw that. Get into trouble.


Kids do all that. I'm going to walk outside of my house is going to be teepeed, and all my cars are going to be eggs.


Yeah. Don't do it to my house. Don't do it to my house. But definitely go out there and do it. Because you're kids. That's what you're supposed to do. Go get into some trouble. It's all within within reason.


Within reason.


Do it.


Ed Kelsey's number one rule you could be stupid. Just don't be real stupid. That's a Stevie Bogus rule. Man. Shout out to Stevie Bogus.


Shout out to Stevie.


Stevie, we love you, big guy. We miss you.


Love you, Stevie. Yeah. Halloween candy. While we did trick or treat, what was our favorite Halloween candy? I can tell you. It definitely wasn't candy corn. We've already been through that. One of the most overrated corns or candy is candy corn.


Who doesn't love frosting? That's all it is, just pure sugar. There's no way. You just hate it. You don't like frosting.


It has to be the right amount. I will actively take frosting off. It's got to be like, if it's.


Not the right this much, right? Like this much frosting.


I don't know. It depends.


That's what's in a fucking candy corn.


It depends on how that much frosting listen, if candy corn was melted and put on cake, it might taste okay, but it's not. It's solid and chalky, and it has no business being eaten on a holiday or being represented as, like, the gold standard of a holiday.


It's festive, Jason. It's festive.


Listen, would you rather have candy corn or Reese's.


Okay, I'm not putting it over Reese's. That's what we're talking about.


What are the best Halloween candies? Let's just stop talking about candy corn. What are the best Halloween candies? What were you always excited about when you got in your starburst? Always excited about starburst.


Always excited about I was a Milky Way.


Anything chocolate. Snickers twix kit kat. I'm a big Kit Kat guy. Love kit Kat.


Kit Kats got a little overrated till they made the white chocolate ones, and that kind of switched it up and got me back on the Kit Kat train.


I like Kit Kat original more than white chocolate, but OOH. Nerds.


Nerds. Nerds are always bangers.


Those are so good.


God damn, I could go for some nerds right now.


How upset were you when you got to because Cleveland Heights cleveland Heights had, like, a lot of former hippies and.


Some people that were very healthy, still thriving. Hippies? Are you kidding?


I guess I was a hippie.


Always. Nobody yeah, you don't get off that train either way.


Cleveland Heights had there were some houses that would give you an apple. Do you remember that? And I remember just being fucked.


I wasn't putting an apple in my friggin trick or treat bag.


As soon as I got that apple, I was walking away and throwing it at the house. At the house. Hopefully unacceptable.


That was one of my favorite scenes in Big Daddy when he takes some trick or treating, and he's, like, knocking on the door and sees the guy just sitting there, not being like, I don't have any candy. What do you want me to get?


Yeah, right. And then he goes in the house and raises it.


He starts just handing the guy, like, stapler handing the kid, like, staplers and just CDs and wherever he has in his hand.


I thought it was, like, cereal or something like that.


Something like that.


There was some regular household items in it, too, though.




Is there a bigger litmus test for whether you're a good person than the people that aren't home? So they just leave a big tub of candy out front with the sign.


That says fucking rate. Only take one that's getting rated. I did that not too long ago. That's getting fucking worse, dude.


I always just took one, dude.


Yeah, you're a good kid.




Unsupervised. I'm taking the whole fucking thing. Are you kidding me?


What about all the other kids after you? What about all the kids after you?


Travis Snooze. You lose, man. You got to be quicker. You got to be quicker, man. There's candy all over the place. There's no shortage of candy around here, all right? Just because you say, choose one so you can get to the next kid, it's like, if you let me put my hand in your candy bag at your house, I wasn't just taking one. It was how much candy can I get.


So this is where you're kind of like you would look at it from a legality standpoint when it said please take one, you automatically instead of one piece of candy is like one handful.


Yeah. I'm like in my mind, I'm like, yo. That was always the ultimate goal was to see how much candy I could get. Yeah.


That's the game of Halloween. Yeah.


If you're not supervising me, that's like taking steroids. You can't take no, you got to.


Abide by the rules.


No, that's just flanking. That's all this is. That's just flanking. Catch them while they're not at the front porch.


Do you guys get trickortreaters?


Unfortunately we don't get trickortreaters 100%, dude. My street right now is absolutely lit every single year.


Love it.


So much fun.


Did you give out real size candy bars?


I did.


I did. What do you mean you got got?


I didn't know if everybody knew where I lived at the moment. And of course everyone knows at this point. It's all good though. I love Kansas City. Putting like just being there, handing out candy would have probably been a little aggressive. I just put it out on the front porch. I didn't say please take one. I just put a bunch of big king size candy bars in there and I was just like, all right, just see if everybody gets it. And sure enough, the first group of twelve year olds come by. It basically just ran.


You know how this works, Travis.


Yeah, you're right. I thought I grew up on the east side of Cleveland. It's a little different over know I'm over here. North KC. It's a nice neighborhood. Kids are supervised doing this or know, who knows? But I definitely got got doing what I did to other households as a so.


Hey, comes full circle.


Karma's a real. You got to love it, man. Wasn't even upset. I just screamed at them as they were running away.


Get back.


On. Hold on. You got to answer this. Are you in and out candy?


We don't have sidewalks, so we don't have trick or treaters, unfortunately.


What a fuck you. So what are you doing? You're taking the girls over by dad's?


Either that or we go to last couple years. I think Kylie's taking the girls over to her parents'house.




And then they walk around the streets there and I think her parents both give out regular size candy.


King size. Regular.


I don't know if it's king size, but it's not the fun size.


Well, you just have to buy if you're going to go king size, you got to buy so much because it's like your ammo. You just don't have as much ammo.


I don't think kids should be eating kingside. I think a regular candy bar is about as high as you should probably go. Or if you really care you give them an apple, apparently.


All right, let's move on to our. Next? No. Dumb question from at M. Rob Ten I can't understand, no matter how my dad or husband explain it, what is the flag for past interference for? Isn't the goal to interfere with the past? I mean, to an extent, yeah.


It's a fair point. Emerald. That is a fair point.


You definitely want to interfere. You don't necessarily want to interfere. You want to more. So just like, play the ball.


You want to interfere with the ball, not the player. I'll let Travis explain. He's our resident expert in pass interference, both offensive and defense.


Yeah, well, the thing is, this is a tricky situation, and at the end of games, they tend to just really harp on it. Is that what I did there? I'm kidding. So pass interference is basically when a defensive player or offensive player restrict the other person from making a play on the ball. I think that's kind of the gist of it. Yeah.


When the ball is in the air, the defender can't physically impede the offensive player's ability to catch.


That's the word fairway. You can't impede.


So you can't go out of your way to hit the offensive player's hands or body because it would be unfair.


You can go for the ball as long as you're going for the ball because you have a right to make a play on the ball.




But if you're holding a guy and restricting him or he has to strain through contact or you tackle him, these.


Are all illegal ways to defend the.


I was about to say you can definitely get called for it. I actually thought I got called for one yesterday, and they didn't. And I looked back and there was a flag right by where the contact happened. They called on the defense, and I was like, how about that?


The Chiefs not being called for a penalty. Who would imagine that?


That just seemed to be a pretty reoccurring thing. If you watch it long and it's always kind of on the ref. The ref is kind of like judging it. Some guys will let you play a little more physical. Some guys will let you they don't want the grabbing or anything like that.


I'm glad we're bringing this up, because this is one of the reasons I'm a big fan, that a couple years ago, they actually made defensive pass interference or offensive pass interference a reviewable play. And one of the reasons I'm against that, and I'm also against people just throwing things out on Twitter like they're officials, is because when you slow things down, it appears different than what it happens at real speed. And that call in particular is such a subjective call for the official. I think it's important to see what that happens in real time, and there's going to be times you disagree with it. There's going to be times where you think it's a no brainer, but I'm in big favor of leaving that on the do you you've played a long time in the NFL at this point. Are there certain officials that, you know, call that differently? Or like, when you go into a game, is there where you're like, I've played with this guy as the official before. I know what I can and can't get away with, or that he is a stickler for pushing off, maybe at the top of the route.


Does that ever factor into how physical you're being with your route running?


No, I feel like I just play the game how I feel like I can get open.


Whatever works.


Yeah. I think there has to be that balance of being physical.


It seems like it would be too hard to I would never go into a game be like, hey, these guys don't call holding. I'm just going to hold all day because then I'm going to have a record number of holes.


That is not what you want to do. 100%. I'm with that.


All right. From at Leanne Ellis. 5748. NOTAM questions. What are the books behind Travis? What is each of your favorite books?


Oh, shit.


What do we got back.


Don'T? Honestly, you guys know I can't read.


I've heard a bunch of people mention that The Odyssey is back.


There it is The Odyssey. Is that a good one?


Do you know who the main character in The Odyssey is?


Homer. Is that right?


It's not right. The name is Odysseus, but Homer, I think, is who wrote it.


Odysseus? What is this, Greek mythology?


So, yeah, Iliad and The Odyssey is a Greek, and Homer, I think, was the one who finally wrote it down, but I think it's like one of those stories and collection of myths and stuff like that that kind of assimilated assembled over time into, like, a congruent story. Anyways, yes, it is a book.


A little Mark Manson. The subtle art of not giving a fuck.


That's a good book, and I think it's an important thing to live your life with.


I've got the syndrome, dude.


So have you not read that book?


It is a full on syndrome of not giving a fuck. I just developed that. No, I don't need to read that to know how to give a fuck. Listen, there is an art to it. There's a very clean art to it.


I think you got it down because if there's an art to not giving a fuck, it's not giving a fuck about a book that's telling you not to give a fuck about. You want to know how good I am at not giving a fuck? I didn't fucking read that book.


What a play. What a play. There's no way we're the only ones who've made that pun. But that's even a pun. I don't even know. There's an art to it, baby. There's an art to it.


I know you're not a big reader, but I know you have read books. What's your favorite book you've ever read, Trev?


Jason. I haven't read one in so long.


We did summer reading classes. And dad made you read? Sometimes.


Dude, I don't remember any of these books. I feel like I read a book called The Energy Bus. It was a short book. It was real thin.


Yeah, it's a book.


Yeah. And Butch Jones, our college coach. Shout out to Butch. Butch on there. I think he was the one that recommended it to me.




And it was a book. The Energy bus. Obviously you can go out and read it yourself, but just bring the energy, man. Be a good person. One of my favorite quotes by Butch. This is what he say. Either you're a fountain or you're a drain.




Either you're a fountain or you're a drain.


Read it in, Butch.


Either you're fueling people with life or you're fucking draining it out of them. Be a fountain. Don't be a fucking drain. And I would just hear him with his microphone at practice. Kelsey, you're draining me. You're fucking draining me with your body language. I'm just like, god damn it. I'm fucking exhausted right now.




I'm not excited about this. Long drive drill.


Your practice is draining me.


Remember the book fairs?




Dude, those are my favorite. You know what I used to get the book fairs?


What's that?






They always had that one. Posters of sports posters that would be in there. Eric Lindros. No way. Ted.


Can I get it?


It's like it's a book fair. Go grab a book. We can get that too, but go grab a book. Dad knew what he was fueling.


We're at least going to pretend you're going to read this?


Yeah, go get a book. Get something. I don't know what to get. I don't know what I'm into.


I really liked the Goosebump books when I was in that age.


Then we got Captain underpants one year.


Captain Underpants. Yeah.


I'd rock that one. I don't really remember what the books were about, though. It was so fucking long ago.


There's another time traveling one that was really good, too, that I enjoyed.


Weird Signs. No, classic.


It wasn't the time traveler's wife. It was another one. Fuck was it? Favorite book? Harry Potter. I know it seems like it's like, oh, he's just know a blockbusting movie franchise as his favorite book. But no, I was a big fan before the movies. Thank you very much.


That was no dumb questions, just dumb people. Brought to you by State Farm. Go talk to an agent today. All right, before we keep going, we.


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And now for this portion of the ad labeled Personal Experience, to be read by talent outside of Travis and Jason Kelsey, because we are active NFL players and cannot participate. But you know who can? That's right. Our intern Sexy Brandon is back. Intern Sexy Brandon, how was your weekend.


With forgotten thought we'd forgotten that bit.


We will never forget that.


Costume we got.


I can be pandered, too.


That's fine.


I'll have Jake just smash that wreath we bought. And every time an intern costume comes.


Up, what we want to know is, were your picks from this last week as sexy as you?








You should skip the next seconds.


We probably can't say that, but yeah, no, I'm not I'm not great at this, but I am having a really fun time, so I don't know what that means, but I'm having a blast. Price pick, but yeah, get out of here.


Keep having a fun week.




I'm going to say the things you already know I'm going to say. Hey, folks, now that it's just us. Look, not a great week for me last week. I'm sure if you guys saw the picks put out on Social, not ideal, but here's what we're going to do this week. We're going to just keep riding the AJ. Brown train. I really going to take AJ. Brown with yards. I'm probably going to throw in jalen, and I'm probably going to sprinkle in old Travis Kelsey perception. Touchdown. But again, make your own entry. They've got everything from passing yards, receiving yards, pass receiving, yards combos. You got field goals in there. You could even do INTs, which I'm thinking of, but probably not going to do. But anyways, Price Picks has everything you want to play daily Fantasy, no matter where you are. Let me get the guys back in here and I'm going to leave. Gentlemen.




All right. Yeah. Hopefully Brandon did you guys right and you guys can win some money. And Brandon, hopefully you don't win too much money so you can keep coming back to your real job, and that's being an intern for us. And if you want to get into Daily Fantasy this season, go to Newhights, use the code New heights for a first deposit match up to $100.


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Just go to newheights to get 50% off. That's newheights. Let's get to our bold topics to wrap up week seven in the NFL, starting off with both of our games, but first, we're going to get with the Chiefs chargers game. That's right. Chiefs 31, Chargers 17. Trav, what are your initial thoughts for your first matchup with the Chargers this season?


Man, that was a fun one. We put it all together as an offense and as just a collective team, and it's fun, man, seeing everybody kind of, like, still rise up into their role in the offense and then just going out there and balling with old Patty Mahomes. Man, that guy is pretty darn good. Yeah, he's an electric play waiting to happen every snap. And it's just fun as hell playing with that guy, man. He was firing on all cylinders, both pass game and getting it done with his legs against a really good pass rush and really good defense altogether.


Well, was fun to watch. I was able to catch a little bit of it. Obviously, we were getting ready for the Sunday night game, but one of the things I really enjoy when you guys play at four and we're at Sunday night is I get to watch you in the locker room when you were at halftime. We're still not even getting warmed up on the field yet, and all the coaches come out, hey, brother's having a big day. He's already got 140 yards. Like, he's killing it. And I'm like, yeah, might set the record. Yeah, we were all watching and keeping track of it, so it's always fun whenever those two time frames take place. But, of course, Sunday was national tight end day, if you want to call it that. Baby, you guys got your six straight win. Do you think you made the most of this very not real holiday.


It is 100% real holiday, Jason.


No, it's not. It's not a real holiday.


How is it not a real holiday?


Because it's not.


Travis, what is a real holiday? Every day is made up.


No, every day is not made up. There are days that are universally acknowledged.


As being holidays, so it just has to be universal. We just got to get the world in on it.


Or America or America is in on it. No, it's not.


America's in on the NFL, and the NFL is in on it.


Let's take a poll.


92 percenters.


Let's take a poll.


Let's take it to the poll.


Disappoint me, don't you let me point this out. We're going to do this right now. I was going to wait till later in the day. I was going to wait till later in the episode. We're going to get to it right now. You know what other days people are petitioning that October 22 is you know how many people submit these patents? October 22 is also besides National Tight End Day, if we're going down this rabbit hole, october 22 is also National Nut Day. Okay?


National Nut day.




It's also I was going fucking nuts.




How about that?


How about this? It's also International Caps Lock Day. It's international Caps Lock Day.


How I was running was cap was all caps. That's how I was playing Caps Lock. Caps Locked. Yeah, I was caps locked in. I was locked the fuck in, and I was going nuts.


October 22 is also National Anna Day. It celebrates people that are named Anna.


No, that's birthday. You can't do that.


Where does this entire nonsense stop? Travis?


Nobody's getting behind either of those three. Everybody's getting behind national Titus Day.


October 22. As if National Anna Day wasn't enough. It's National Diego Day.


Oh, Diego is a fun name. There's a lot of anna's. There's not a lot of Diegos that I know. At least.


National Lauren Day. National make a Dog's Day. Make a dog day. Yeah.


National make a Dog's Day.


Yeah. We don't need a day for that. You can just make a dog's day. National Mother in Law Day, which I honestly I should really celebrate that day because we'd be lost without your lease. National Scar Appreciation Day. National Tight Ends Day. Oh, that's what we're also on. I'm over it. Fucking you don't get to just make days.


Can we make a National Center day?




Can we just make a national J? Just make a national Jason's day. There's got to be a jason's day.


There's a National Center's day. Attempted to be made. I will boycott it. I will boycott it. I will boycott National Center's Day. I guarantee it. The only day that we need to get behind is National New Heights Day.


You're just.


National New Heights Day will take place on February 30. That's right, motherfuckers.


Leap years.


Leap years at midnight. Only when you're caught in between that's when National New Heights Day is you're.


In between the dimensions.


Yeah. Where are we in is this February or is this March still? I don't know.


Well, you're here first, folks. We got a day.


I'm out.


I'm out on the national you're out on National Titans Day. All that up to say you're out. On national new heights.


I'm making a joke there's. No, February 30 does not exist but national tight end day.


All right, whatever. As a tight end and representing all the tight ends in the tight end world, I respectively want to just say, fuck you. It was national tight ends day, and all the tight ends were fucking balling. All right? Look at the state. It was a fucking tight end day. It was Eh, and it was McColl Harbin's day in Kansas City because he was finally back on the squad, getting back on track to the game and getting off.


You guys had a fun little handshake before the game.


Oh, yeah. No, we've been doing that for a long, long time. That's my guy, man. I don't know how he got out of New York, man, but we got him back in Casey. And sure enough, he showed just how great of a player he is, as I'm pretty sure the first return he had. He had he had a few fair catches, but the actual first return he had was like a 50 yard return late in the game and just catapulted us into scoring that drive and then going up two scores, 14 points, and sealing the deal late in the game. I mean, it's Mikole hardman, man. One of the fastest guys in the league. Back with the Chiefs, baby.


How about that? Well, not only is McColl back, but the offense is back. Last week on the show, you talked about naggy challenging you guys to stop talking and playing. Well, it was time to do just that. Seems like you guys got that all figured out against the Chargers with 483 yards of total offense pat through for 424 and four touchdowns. All four touchdowns going to different guys, as he is so used to doing, spreading that ball around.


MBS got in the end zone, baby. Rashid, rice, t, rav and pajeko.


Obviously there at the end.


T rab baby. Kansas City's most wanted.


321 of those passing yards and three touchdowns came in the first half alone. Damn, you guys are balling in that first half. There ain't no doubt about that. Is the goal always to spread the ball around as much as possible, or is that a big time emphasis this week?


I don't think you're a good offense if you're one dimensional or two dimensional. You got to spread that thing around and you got to get everybody involved. I think that's every offense.


It's like a sprinkler system. If you only water one area of the grass, people are going to be all muddy. You got to get the water all over the place. It's more like, oh, you're that kind of sprinkler.


That's a good sound. That was banger. Yeah. No, I think you got to spread the ball around. Obviously, there's going to be games where it doesn't always work like that. You just got to find a way to put up points and get downfield and it's just that much more fun, man. You get everybody involved, everybody gets a piece of the pie, everybody's in the just it's just that much more fun of a game. And certainly Sunday in Kansas City, that was a blast seeing everybody getting a piece of it.


Well, you guys spread it around but if there's one person who was hogging it a little bit, it was the Big Yeti himself. Had another monster game.


You want to see the fuck.


Finished with twelve receptions for 179 yards damn. And a touchdown is your second highest ever receiving game, trailing only a 190 1 YD performance against that same team, the Chargers in 2021. What is it about the Chargers that leads to Big Yeti sightings?


I just think it's irony that all of this keeps happening against the Chargers.


Fair enough.


It's just opportunity and then being able to just make plays. I think we had a good feel for the Chargers defense this time and sure enough, Coach Reed was dialing them things up.


Yeah, baby.


And always fires me up when you hear, when you leave the huddle, knowing that you're about to get a bullet from Pat right over the middle of the field.


This is coming right to me.


Oh yeah, they're covered three. Let's go. I just think it's irony and I got all the respect for guys like Derwin James Kendricks, both Bosa and Khalil Mack. They have guys over there that are Pro Bowl caliber all stars. So it's just being locked in throughout the week. Kind of what I said about Coach Nagy challenging the team, challenging the offense, know, really just be us and stop hurting ourselves. We didn't have very many penalties on the offensive side I jumped off sides or offensive side I jumped off sides as one of the penalties. Yeah, false start. So that obviously punched myself in the face for that. But I think that just answering the bell and keep getting better. I feel like the games in October, November obviously going into December, if you have a chance to hit the playoffs, those games are so crucial in learning more about this football team and just keep finding ways to get better every single week. And you got to go out there and just play your tail off. That's the only way to get better, man. You can't be hesitant, you can't be thinking about it. When that ball snap, you got to go and we'll fix this after the game.


But I think we just put a full game together and it was fun to find a way to grind it out at the end.


Well, we got to talk about your touchdown because I still don't understand how you scored or held onto the ball.


I do not know how I got in there. It all was just like bang, bang, bang. It was like snapped. The ball looked bad. Pat through it right at my knee, caught it, fumbled it up to my chin. And then somebody's on me, I'm thinking I can lean in. And then I just become like a piston, just like a straight up pencil, like a pencil dive. I'm just like holding the ball. I'm like, this is not a good scenario. This is not I feel everyone coming in and punching at the know.


I don't know how you held onto it, but I did see my man Creed Humphrey and I think was that Trey Smith as well? Both of them.


Juan's in there, too. Juan's in there, too. Getting some action.


Yeah, there he is.


My dogs, all three of them are in there making sure I find a way in the end zone. But, yeah, that was brotherly shoved you.


In the end zone.


That's a real brotherly shove right there.


Well, that touchdown was your 50th touchdown from Pat damn. Which is the fourth most touchdowns by any quarterback tight end duo in NFL history. It came with 15 seconds left in the first half, a nice little shovel pass for a yard, and a nice little brotherly shove, and you're in there.


Listen, my dog, Patty Mahomes knows how to give me the ball. All right, now. All right. He knows how to get everyone the ball.


Yeah. Nice little read. The end is stretching up.


It was nice. It was real nice.


Second half, defensive battle. The score was 20 417 in the first half with five touchdowns scored just in the second quarter. But the second half of the game was a little bit different. Dominated by defensive stands until the Chiefs final drive at 330 left in the fourth quarter that ended with Isaiah Pacheco touchdown.


Yeah, the screen that Trey Smith had a fucking gray block on as well. Excuse my language. For all those that are counting my.


Swears, it felt like the second half, I wasn't obviously at that point, I'm getting ready for my game, but watching it and being tuned into it, it felt like it was almost like there was less possessions for both teams. It felt like it went quicker. I don't know if that is what it felt like to you guys.


The whole game actually felt like it went pretty fast to me. But I know the first quarter flew by and the third quarter flew by.


Third quarter was over quick.


Yeah. Second quarter and fourth quarter. I don't know. I remember a lot more in those drives, for sure.


What were the big adjustments the Chargers made to kind of slow things down in the second half a little bit?


They pushed me at the line a little bit and had a little bit more bracket coverages on crossers. I don't think it was always focused on me, but they had, like, a thief or a robber coming from the sky to kind of take anybody that was crossing the field.


Yeah, but it was usually whichever side of the field you were on for.


The most part, yes. Correct. I think that was really the only adjustments they made against me in coverage, you know what I mean? So I don't know. They tightened up. I think the biggest thing for us was getting that run game going in the second half, and we couldn't get it going fully. We had a few decent runs here and there on first down, some good gainers. That set us up for second and medium or second and short. But I think that's the memo going into next week is we got to be able to run the ball better, even when they know we're running the ball and we're kind of running out the clock, or at least taking that time getting down the field.


Well, the Chiefs defense continued some dominating performances, and they got even better there in the second half against the Chargers with a shutout not right now, in the second half and finished with five sacks and two interceptions. Did Chris Jones get a sack? Did he keep his sack streak alive?


It's a good question. I think he got in there. I'm not sure.


Interim brandon, can we get a maybe.


In a little bit? If he didn't, I know who had a great game was his first game back was Charles Menehu.


Oh, there we go.


My dog was a not only I think he had two sacks, had a few QB pressures, and a swatted pass that ended up getting deflected into Legerius Snead's hand. So that was a big time turnover for us in the red zone. And just seeing him back out on the field, enjoying what he does best, and that's just wreak havoc as a defensive lineman. It was great to see him out there having some fun with his new team.


My dog, the LeBron stat of this game was that Travis Kelsey now has five career games with at least 150 receiving yards, joining Shannon Sharp as the only tight end in NFL history with at least five games of at least 150 receiving yards.


Yeah, LeBron stat would have been LeBron's the only one, you know what I mean?


I don't think that's a LeBron stat. This is where you're at in the rankings of a collective, but shout out.


To UNC, listen, baby, anytime I could be listed in any category, you know what I'm saying? That's good company right there.


And we did find out Chris Jones, no sack. Unfortunately, sack streak breaks, but I'm sure he'll be quick to get another streak going. Last thing for the Chiefs game, as we all saw on social media, taylor was in attendance, and it's turning out that it was good she was in attendance because they put your stats up when she's at the game and when she's not at the game. I don't know if you're aware of.


This, but when TSW not be aware of this is at the game.


You are averaging. 99 yards. And when you are left with only your friends and remaining family, there you are at 46.5 yards a game, as.


It says in the edit or whatever it is, left to his own devices. Well put. Well put. It's hard for me to wrap my head around that sentence, but yeah, not.


Only is social media noticing it, but it appears that Big Red is noticing it because he weighed in. That's right. In his post game press conference.


Coach Reed man, what a guy.


He was asked about your big game, and his response was, kelsey keeps getting better with time. Taylor can stay around all she wants.


What a guy. Listen, when you're getting Big Red's approval and blessings, you know you're doing something right.


That's right.


Shout out to Chiefs Kingdom. There we go. Way to get a dub, baby. Divisional game, baby. Always, never easy. No matter what the score looks like, never easy. It's just, you know, you got to come with it. And sure enough, we got another big one next week. Perfect.


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Who's that? Trav?


That's Dr. Teal. How about that? It's game time, Jason. And we know better than anybody that means high impact action on the field all season long.


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All of the 92 percenters out there tuning in, you can find Dr. Teal's episodes at Walmart. Eagles 31, Dolphins 17. On Sunday Night Football. You guys were out there in the Kelly Greens looking fucking clean.


Yeah, baby.


Why the heck did you guys ever stop wearing those things? Those things look sweet.


Well, I think Jeffrey Lurie bought the team and he wanted to make his own thing, maybe. I don't know. I don't know what happened with Kelly Green. Going to midnight green. I personally love the midnight Green.


There's nothing wrong with some good midnight green.


I also love the Kelly green. I like both of them.


And it was silvery gray that they got going to that Kelly Green, man. That's a nice fun it was dope.


It was nice touch. I've always wanted to wear the jerseys, and I missed out on it. The last year they wore them was the year before I got to the Eagles. So to be able to wear the jersey was pretty special, for sure.


Initial thoughts from the game, though. That's a huge win over a high powered offense over there in Miami.


Yeah, obviously. Huge game for us coming off of the jets game. Wanted to bounce back and get back in the win category. And we knew we were in for a tough game, obviously. Dude, the Dolphins offense has been unbelievable this season. They almost broke a record that has been around as long as the NFL has in terms of scoring the most amount of points in a game. The speed they have on offense. Can I just say, every time I think I'm used to how fast Tyreek Hill is, I'm not used to it. TV does not do it justice like you see it on the field.


How is he that quick, bro?


It's insane.


Imagine running a route and you're just in your route and all of a sudden you feel this fume, like just like a car just flying at the speed of light just flies past you like, what the fuck was that? Whoa. When you're on the field, you feel how fast he is, man. And it's mind blowing. It's absolutely mind blowing, man.


We knew offensively we were going to have to come with our A game. We knew the firepower that they have as an offense in Miami. But our defense, man, they showed up big time.


Yeah, that's huge, man. Got paid place layback, man.


I mean, really, they only gave up one touchdown on the day, and that was kind of a busted type of coverage. Like they were double teaming Tyreek. But again, that speed is deceptive. I think he still found his way, bro. And then we obviously had the interception for a touchdown that happened off. Like, Jalen was getting hit while he was throwing it. But the defense was so dominant all game long, so really fired up to see that performance from them. Mean at that point, the best offense in the NFL.


Good team ball right there, man. You guys complimented.


And then for us, still got to clean up the turnovers. But it felt like we were playing really good football and we were playing as a unit really well. I don't know, I just felt like everything was kind of clicking. And it helps when you have AJ. Brown and Jalen hurts. There's no question about it. So, yeah, felt good.


Well, before we get to all the stats and all the teammates having unbelievable game shout out to tight end you and Dallas got her. You actually pulled up to the game in style.


It's pretty cool.


Dude. Dude, where the fuck did Landon Dickerson get that Mustang? That is just car.


Yeah. Sick. And Landon drives me to the game quite frequently because Kylie drives herself down and then we drive back home together after the game.


You drive with Landon? Yeah.


Normally we're in his truck, but he just recently got this nice Mustang and decided to drive it. And let me tell you, we were getting some stairs. And it wasn't because we were Landon Diggerson and Jason Kelsey. It was because that was the most badass car I've ever been to a game in. And I once went to a game in a fire truck with Danny Watkins.


As the fireman himself.


This might have topped it.


It was like an old school fire truck, too. That thing was sweet. It was a vintage fire truck. That thing was Carly. I like that thing.


But this thing was cool, too. I don't even know what style of making all that stuff. All I know is that it was loud as shit and we were blaring some good old 80s rock and roll.


That's what I'm talking about, man. You can't go in there and listen to new music.


Or something like that. You got to.


Pull it out. The nickelback would have been electric, but not in a classic Mustang like that, man. You just got to blare some good old rock and roll. It's a hell of an entrance if you're going to show up to Sunday night. And ball out.


It got us in the mood right away.


Starts it out. Listen, like Dion said, man, look good, play good.


And Landon was like in full dress as mode, full leather.


Like Grease Lightning, dude.


He was straight out of Greece.


I love it, man. Landon Suco.


Landon Suko.


The offense was rolling, though. Huge game against another high powered offense. Going into it, you knew you had to put up points. Man, Jalen finished the game with 279 passing with two passing touchdowns and one rushing TD. And AJ. Brown had yet another record. Freaking game, man. Ten receptions, 137 yards, and a tuddy. I've been telling you, the key to the Eagles red zone offense is getting the ball to your tight end and feeding him and you guys finally did.


That might be a little biased, but yeah, you've been saying that.


Dallas, I mean, he's one of the best weapons you have on your team. One of the biggest mismatches. Whatever. Dallas's five receptions for 77 yards and a touchdown definitely helped out last night, and no doubt. Why do you think you guys were able to find the success in the red zone? I know you guys have kind of been harping on touchdowns, or at least that's what you've been telling the 92 percenters. What do you think it was this time, though? Just focus.


Yeah, we executed. We didn't kill ourselves. We had one mishap in the first drive where we had, like, a quarterback draw on a hard to convert third and nine. But outside of that, we were pretty efficient in the red zone. I think I'd have to go back and check the stats.


I don't know.


We're putting more time into it. Obviously, this is something that we've wanted to get corrected, and for the most part, we didn't kill ourselves. We didn't have unnecessary penalties. We didn't have drop passes. We didn't have sacks that we took. So I think when you're kind of not killing yourselves, a lot of the times the issues get corrected.


Yeah, I can see it. And you found out that you had a really good tight end. The Brotherly Shove dominates again. You went four for four on the Brotherly Shove.


It's crazy.


You guys are running that four times in a game.


We've run it more than it's that's.


The most unstoppable playing football the way you guys do it. An offsides penalty was incorrectly called again on Landon and the Brotherly Shove. It's you every single time, dude.


I know. I'm destroying Landon's rating right now because he's getting unnecessary penalties on him. Listen, I don't know what to do. I need to get in a four point stance for the play so I can get as low as possible. I think that the goal we're going to try and do is go up to the referees before the games and just remind them, like, hey, in these situations, I'm going to have two hands on the ground. There's been a lot of people online that have been saying, hey, can you wear different color, like wear pink colored gloves or put something on your hands and listen? As we've talked about on this show, I don't want Rest looking at my hands like I'm not wearing any auxiliary colors to let these dudes know what's happening with my hands on defenders. So that's not going to happen. But I'm going to do my best to just remind them. Just a friendly reminder. Hey, if you see another hand on the left side of that ball, that's because it's my left hand. It's not Landon diggerson's hand.


So but you're still off Jason, huh? You're still off sides.






I'm not off sides.


Your hand is off sides.


No, it's not. I'm the center. I'm allowed in the neutral zone. How do you think I hold the ball?


Travis, you're a cheater. That's all I hear is you're a cheater. Yeah, well, maybe you should wear pink gloves then so the refs know my.


Holding calls go through the roof. Not a fucking chance.


The biggest brotherly shove was in the fourth quarter. Fourth or one on your own. 26 ballsy move there by Siriani and the gang. The Eagles looked like you guys were going to punt it at first and then took a time out and ended up just putting the ball in Jason's hands. And always a fun one. Were you surprised by that?


Know, I'm never surprised when we call it on a 1 YD situation because it's such an efficient play for us. But that one was one where I was like, out on the field when I knew it was short, I was like, man, do we sneak this or our defense has been playing really good. Do we punt it and kind of hope that they hold these guys off?


I'm assuming Sirianni heard the booze. Maybe Philly knows how good this play is.


Apparently there were booze. I didn't hear the booze. All I know is the punt team came on. I'm like, you know what? I get it. I think that's fair. And about immediately when we got to the sideline, he's like, no, screw this. What am I thinking? Get back out there. We're doing this. And I'm like, all right, you know what? That's fine.


What is it like at the bottom of those piles? It's what you expect, right?


Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of people weighing on you. You're getting squished and you're just waiting. A lot of it is just like slowly people start to get up and you're always the last one up because you're at the bottom of it.


I'm nonstop. And I'm pretty sure everybody in the family or everybody that knows you is all in on this exact same mindset as we were talking to intern Brandon before this. When there's a QB sneak, I'm nonstop, like, trying to find you. I'm just like, where is he?


At the bottom?


And it fucking blows my mind when you just pop out of the side standing up and kind of running out of it. I'm like, how the fuck is he? How is he standing? After a QB sneak and everybody's like, initial reaction just to dive right at your feet. It is the most mind blowing thing I've ever seen. It's like magic when you pop out the other side. Like standing up.


Yeah. Typically if I'm still standing, that's not good. So hopefully that doesn't happen often.


The new heights. Reddit wants to know how accurate this meme is of Jason at the bottom of a bush. Peter griffin.


I think that if there's I don't know if that's that exact grabbing, but that one is a good one as well. People keep asking, Is it, like, painful? And it's weird. It's not, like, painful.


It's football.


Yeah. It's grueling. It just drains you. It is an energy draining play. You're just, like fighting and keeping your feet moving and falling down, and people are falling down on top of it's just it's a mental toughness play.


There's no question about advertised everything you think that is, it is. That pretty much Siriani's post game press conference. He weighed in on the old conversation of banning the shove or the tush push, whatever you want to the brotherly shove or tush push, whatever you want to call it, in quotes. People can't do it like, we can do it. Don't ban this play. If everybody could do it, everybody would do it. He's not lying.


That's right.


He also said every first down, it's first and nine, knowing that if you get a fourth and one, shoot a lot of the faith in that play. All right, I don't know what the fuck I just read, but basically every basically, first down, you guys are only thinking about nine yards instead of the.


We don't need to think about ten. We only need to think about nine, because if we get it to well.


You guys are also going for it on fourth and three. So you guys are first and seven every fucking time.


We didn't do the quarterback sneak at fourth and three. We just went for it on fourth down in that part of the field, and AJ had a big catch.




I don't know. I think he's fired up just because it's something that we do really well.


It's prideful, man. You know what's coming. You're in quotes saying that to the fucking lineman, get you going up against it. That's good stuff.


And more and more people are trying.


To ban the play, which that's probably because everybody that's not running it or everybody that's running it, that's not the Eagles is only getting 67% success rate this year. So, yeah, the shit's unfair.


Fuck that.


Fuck that play.


I will say this fuck how cool.


That name is to Philly the Brotherly show. Fuck that.


I'm not going to say whether it should be banned or whatever. All I'm going to say is I disagree with people that don't think it's an exciting play. Like, there are people that say, like, it's not football. It's not like an exciting is there a more exciting play than the brotherly shove on fourth and one? When is the crowd you want to see more punts? That's what you want to see.


You want to see yeah, but that.


Happens once out of how many punts what's more exciting, a punt or people smashing together for 1 YD?


You got my vote, bud.


The crowd might be roaring more for that play than it is in the red zone right now.


It is.


Whether it's an away game, whether it's an away game, or a home game.


I haven't been in the stadium yet while you guys are doing it at this point. It's a season I already know. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. The punt team goes out there and they're probably booing, Siriani. Like, we know you got that.


You fucking run it.


It's unstoppable. I can hear every fan in Philly. Philly, don't kill me for my terrible Philly accent or whatever I just tried to do right there. The big play. Slay and the Eagles defense. The Eagles defense ended up holding the high powered Miami Dolphins.




The record setting Miami Dolphins offense right now with Tua and Tyreek Hill and all those fucking speech. You guys held them to 17 points.


Yeah. And listen, in fairness to them, they're down some guys right now. They have some injuries going on. But yeah, I mean, incredibly impressive performance by our defense. I didn't know how it was going to go, to be honest with you, because, dude, you start seeing Tyreek Hill run like we said before, and you're like, man, that guy's fast. And then you start seeing.


If I was an offensive coordinator, this is my kind of fucking seriously. There's a lot of everything blend off of each other.




Very tricky offense to kind of like.


You have to be extremely disciplined defensively.


Everybody's got to stay in your gap. Stay in your gap. Stay in your gap. Contain, contain, contain. And then that's what you guys did. The Eagles defense, the defensive line played phenomenal. Four sacks and an interception by the Eagles defense. And the return of big play slay. And he came out. And his name he held up to his nickname, man.


Hey, they call him it for a reason.


Got him a huge interception in the red zone.




That's awesome, man. The game is just so much easier when the defense does really well and the offense does really well.


How about that?


Isn't that just like it's so simple if they just mesh together like that. But it's any given fucking Sunday.


I mean, if your defense is playing well and you're not turning the ball over, usually pretty good recipe.




You're going to have a good shot.


Where do you think this ranks in terms of the best defenses you've played with?


They played a hell of a game the other night, and to date, they've played pretty good, minus maybe a couple of games. But they've been at times, just dominant. And it's tough to say. I've seen some really good defenses, defensive players. I'm not a huge fan of comparing different years to different teams, but they're all different, man.


They'll bring their own challenges.


I know this one. These guys are damn good. The front five, four, whatever package we're in, the defensive line is dominant. They're big, they're strong, they're fast, they're athletic. The linebackers all play well within the system. And the DBS, I know we just added another one as we'll talk about here in a second. But yeah, got a lot of good players and they're coached really well. And that's led to what is turning into one of the best defenses I've ever seen.


So nice.


Hopefully that keeps happening.


The LeBron stat of the game for the Eagles versus Dolphins is with their win over the Dolphins, the Eagles now have an eleven game win streak against animal teams. See that's a LeBron.


I don't even know what kind of that's a LeBron.


That's a fucking LeBron stat all day. 100%. That's great shit right there. That's good shit. Animalytics is what we're going to call that.


We lost to the jets, not an animalytic team.


Not an animal.


We lost to the Chiefs, not an animalytic team.


Yeah. Only time you play teams with animals, you win.


Yeah, well, call us a zookeeper.


Nice. All right. Trade news. Yeah, baby. As we end this week for the Eagles, breaking news, really today, howie Roseman is working his magic yet again. Going out and getting one of the best safeties in the game. And he's been that way and kind of like under the radar to a lot of people. I know him as one of the best because when I play him, it is a long day every time I play Kevin Byard. Big time. Big time trade. You guys got Julio Jones and now you guys got Kevin Byard going into the second half of this season. And Byrd is a two time Pro Bowler, two time first team All Pro, and former NFL interception leader. And one of the coolest nicknames in the name is the Mayor.


I mean, dude, when your nickname is the Mayor, that's a good sign.


I feel like we both played byard at the Titans last year. What you're really getting is a physical player, smart player, and that's always good at the safety position. Guys that understand zone coverages, that understand run game fits, and just a guy that's not going to be out of position, he's always going to be there to make the play, strong tackler. And honestly, he's really one of the biggest safe. He's one of the bigger safeties kind of left in the game. He's not a small dude and he's still very athletic and can run with you. So, yeah. It took us an overtime to beat the Titans last year, and I remember every single down that I had him, man to man, he made it tough on me, man.


I honestly do not know much about Byrd. I've talked to guys on the team, including AJ. Brown and Julio Jones. I've played with him in Tennessee. And let me tell you, everybody's fired up. This guy's joining the team, which is making me fired up because I like good players and good teammates. All right, now, yeah, I'm fired up. And listen, if we accomplish anything this year, we are going to have to send the nicest of thank you cards to the Tennessee Titans for AJ. Brown. And now Kevin, byard South The Braves northeast. Dude, loving that.


Well, Jason, as we finish up this Eagles Dolphins matchup, I'm really curious. Did you bring the Eagles Kelly Green jersey home so that I can get it when I come to Philly? So that you can get yeah, that's I call dibs on it.


Trav you can't call dibs on something that's not up for sale or grabs.


Well, you're not doing anything with it.


Yeah. Damn. I'm keeping it.


Jason stop.


It's going to go right with my mum's suit in the basement.


Jason in the closet.


No, it's not going in the closet. It's going in a trash bag in the basement. It's my trophy. It's my first time ever wearing Kelly Green. It's going to go where it belongs.


Right next to the Super Bowl.


Ray I did talk to Raekwon Davis after the game. I do got to get him a Kelly Green jersey, but that first one I'm going to have to keep just because that was really cool. My first time wearing that.


Man fuck, that's so gold. That's so much more gold than you people even know. The 92 percentage.


I'll get you one, though. I'll get you one.


Fuck, I don't even that alone. You put it in the bag. Just keep it in the trash bag. I don't even want it. Let it be in your home. Damn, that was good. All right, well, shout out to the Eagles. Hopefully we can play them. The Fighting Miami's coming up here in a couple of weeks in Germany as well as you guys did.


Dude, that's going to be awesome. I can't wait to watch that. All right. I'm sure all of the 92 percenters out there tuning in are looking to come up to a Chiefs or Eagles game this season. And that's where today's sponsor might come in.


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Been to a lot of sporting events. I don't know of any off the top of my head that are happening.


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It's on point.


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Yeah, okay.


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I know what a low credit score and a lot of debt feels like to get out of that hole, man. It's like having shackles on it just breaking them off.


Yeah, that's difficult.


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That's right. Not going to lie, I wish I had this back in the day. I think we both do.


Kind of already talked about this. My credit score would have been a lot better if we would have did this, no question.


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We had to say that legally. Player insights on NFL storylines. That's right. Only two teams in the NFL are sitting at six and one right now. I'm just saying, who would have thought.


All the people that read the keep.


Us in this year, man, that's crazy, man. Let's talk a little week seven roundup, though, man. Let's give some quick thoughts about the biggest headlines for week seven. This dude Miles Garrett, man.


Dude, it's insane. Yeah, Miles Garrett might have by himself. Dude, have you been watching him?




You could not draw up a better, more synergistic defensive coordinator and defensive player like Jim Schwartz. Plus Miles Garrett in the whole NFL has seen, like, his style is just get off the ball as fast as possible and wreak havoc. And let me tell you, Miles Garrett is doing as much havoc as possible.


He is wreaking havoc.


I don't know what we're doing. Why are people still letting tackles block this guy one on one?


We got a chip.


We can't every time the tight end is staying in, he's not getting out.


We're the biggest mismatch on the field, Jason.


Yeah, but the tackle and the tight end together are going to double him all game long. I'm not letting him be one on one with anybody. It's not an option.


Yeah, either that. We got to get the ball out quick. We got to get the ball out quick, boys.


Behind backup quarterback PJ. Walker, the Browns beat the Colts 39 to 38.


That was a good game, too.


Miles Garrett had nine tackles, two strip sacks, one tackle for loss, one pass defended, four quarterback pressures, and of course, this highlight where he jumps over the line to block a field goal.


Shit. The ultimate flank, the hurdle.


It's insane how good this guy is.


He beats you with power, speed, finesse, power, more power.


He practiced against us this offseason and single handedly ruined the practice. I'm watching. I'm like, Dude, we can't let this happen.


It's got some shit figured out, and.


I'm watching it all happen in real games, too. Like, what is happening?


Yeah, fuck.


He's crossing over, and then a center is just blocking him one on one. That's ridiculous.


That's a tough situation.


Tell you what, I ain't making that call. There ain't no chance I'm blocking it. We're sliding this. Fuck that. What are we doing?


Dude, I'm with you, man. You can't let just one dude just fucking completely take it over. But I'm pretty sure everybody has this mentality, like, we can't let this guy do it. And he does it yet again against the Colts.


Man, I guess he's on gameplay, on.


Notable shout out to believeland. And the dog that they got at D Line, man, that dude's a fucking beast.


I mean, I guess the Colts did okay. They still scored 38 points. Damn good, too, but yeah, Miles Garrett. Holy cow. He's having a hell of a start to the season.


Yeah, we already went over national tight ends day, Jason.


Yeah, it's my favorite day of the year. The holiday we all know and love was celebrated all across the league, with tight ends having massive days.


I mean, you can't deny that it was a tight end.


Mean, there's no question about that.


Mike Kasecki sealed the game against the Bills with a 1 YD TD. Gasecki proceeded to do his infamous gritty. Yeah, which is really the know it's not the gritty.


Is that what he calls it?


I heard it somewhere. I'm not sure if he called it that's good, but after getting roasted for it last season, he's been hitting his version of the gritty, which is the fucking best. I love it's. Epic.


Dude. What's that new one called? It's not the gritty. It almost looks like you're running in a circle that is all over social media. What's that called?


That's a good one. I don't know what that one's called. 92 percenters. Help us out, man.


I enjoy watching it.


Pacheco, isaiah Pacheco hit it when he got in the end zone after that last touchdown.


Oh, did he?


Yeah, he hit that thing. But let's get back to some tight ends. Here Mark Andrews. Tight ends Mark Andrews. Four catches, 63 yards, two tuddies, 38 to six blowout victory over the Lions, which was definitely not on my bingo card right there. I did not expect them to just go in there and absolutely walk the lions, man, the lions have been on fire lately.


Yeah, the lions have been fantastic all season long.


But shout out to Lamar Jackson. Lamar Jackson's first half was pretty damn impressive. I didn't get to see the second.


Half, but shout out to the Ravens defense, too. The Lions offense has been putting up points, it seems like, on everybody, holding.


Them to six, dude, big time plays. This was Mark Andrews 9th career game with at least two tuddies, though. Tied with Antonio Gates for third most such games by a tight end in his first six career seasons.


Damn LeBron stat.


That is that's a damn good LeBron stat. Giants tight end Darren Waller led all Giants receivers seven catches, 98 yards, and a TUD, and a 14 to seven win over the Commanders. The old fighting b enemies, vikings TJ. Hawkison put up eleven receptions, getting double digits and receptions. That's how you feed a fucking tight end on a national tight end day or the day after national tight end day, whichever way you want to say it. Eleven receptions, 86 yards since he did play on Monday night against the 49 ers, and they found a way to get that dub. That was a wild game, that I.


Was a great game, too.


Here in a second.


As a tight end yourself, do all the tight ends conspire together to have momentous games on national tight end day?


Dude, I think everybody's so in on it that the game plans are a little bit more around the tight ends. I think everybody's in on national tight end day but you.


Well, if that's the case, you guys should just don't do national tight end day. Do national tight end month. Then you get a month of getting plays designed for you.




Or national tight end year. No, you can't national tight end season.


No, that doesn't work.


No, it's not as good you can't.


Do a whole season.


Yeah, it's too selfish.


Too way too selfish. You can't just make a whole you.


Can'T do a season.


Shout out to all the tight ends, though, baby. Way to fucking show up this week and shout out to all the game planners for feeding the tight ends. As you can see, the list of stats I just went down, all those teams got dubs because they fed the boys. Feed your horse. As my dog Chris Pearson says, feed your horse.


I think the whole world's in on this. Flag football is coming to the Olympics, baby.


We're going to win a gold medal.


We're going to win it. Who's going to beat us?


Well, I was saying specifically me and you. We're going to win.


Yeah. You're out of your mind. All right. It was announced out there in the ball backer, I would get roasted in flag football.


Jason, little Italian guys around.


Listen, the whole reason I started playing football was because I could hit people and put a helmet on. Flag football is not going to be drawn to my strengths. It was announced that flag football will be an Olympic sport in the 2028.


Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, and it's going to be in the backyard.


This is cool. This is really cool because we actually talked about this with Nick Siriani, too. The NFL is encouraging players to participate in the Olympics. It's already generated a ton of interest. Tyree kill AJ. Brown, Michael Parsons, and Gronk are some of the guys who have already expressed interest. Dude, I'm excited about this.




Yeah. We're going to be long gone.


We're going to be old.


I don't want to speak for Gronk, but Gronk is probably going to be a little bit old, too, at that point.


But I mean, me and Gronk are the same. Yeah. We're all in the same boat in that regard. I think we're all just going to have to be, like, assistant coaches or some shit. But I need a gold medal, so I need to be on that roster somehow, some way.


Dude, as we've talked about before, one of the downsides of playing football is that there isn't an ability to represent your country as of right now as a football player.


Yeah. You can't be world champions, like you said.


Yeah. Well, as Noah Lyles said. Yep. So we're excited about this. I mean, this is going to be really cool. For the first time in the history of our sport, guys are going to be able to represent their countries and play football, albeit flag football. Not anywhere near as cool, but it'll be fun. And do you think the USA team is just going to absolutely demolish every other.


Be? Yeah, we're going to absolutely smoke everyone. Like, who has a chance?


There's some foreign players in the NFL now.


Jason. No, don't do this. Jordan Malata I'm actually Australia, this is becoming an Olympic sport because I would love to just see what flag football looks like in other countries right now.


Dude, maybe they're doing some weird stuff that we've never seen before. I mean, you got to think like New Zealand, new Zealand's probably playing rugby. I don't know if Peter King is going to like what they're doing out there in the flag football field.


Just lateral in it left and right.


What if they just come out with a rugby offense? It's going to catch us off guard.


Yeah, it's not it's an interesting thought that was actually brought to my attention by one of our trainers shout out to Julie in Kansas City. And it was actually brought to my attention that the Summer Olympics are actually when training camp is I know guys.


Are going to miss training camp, which is probably why there's a lot of interest.


It's actually surprising that the NFL would.


Encourage me out of this long drive through.


Yeah, so that's an interesting scenario, but we'll see in a few years just how it all plays out.


The thing that the players are going to have is the NFL is for sure going to be encouraging this as they already are because there's the one thing that the NFL is trying to do, and I think it's blatantly obvious with how many foreign games we're having. The NFL wants football to be a world sport and they sure are trying. And the Olympics is one way that all of these other countries are going to be able to compete and gain interest in the game of football. Even though it is flag football, it's still going to be football and I think the NFL is going to want football in general being played and viewed. So the best way to do that is have the best players in the NFL dominate the freaking Olympics.


Dude, you know what other sports is making its entrance to the Olympics?


Spike ball.




I thought it was already in La Cross. Isn't an Olympic sport?


I don't believe so. Not a summer Olympic sport. I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure it's going to be 2028 is going to be the first year. That's cool, dude.


I might be able to do that.


That's what I'm saying. I could play center midi center D. I mean, I can play center D at 40? Are you kidding me?


There's no chance.


What, you don't think I could play center D right now?


I think we should go play lacrosse with some legit lacrosse players and see how bad we are at this point.


First of all being yeah, no, I hear you, but legit? That's American. That's American going against whoever else is out here playing lacrosse.


Well, Canada is good. I think Canada is where I believe the game, like the current rules got invented.


Right? You might know a little bit about history that I don't know.


I know it's a native American sport. Intern. Brandon, please get on the Google machine or whatever search engine you use, but I believe, yes, lacrosse is a native American sport, but I believe the current game rules were written by Canadians. Brandon, can we please, for the love of God, type something on the computer to say yes or no to? That should be an easy Google.


Can you do something as an intern for us sometime?


Modern day lacrosse descends from and resembles the sick ball games played by these brandon, we just various NATO. We already said that. This doesn't answer the question. Do you know how to Google?


For those of you that don't know, jason actually played all the way through high school. OOH, we got one. Hold on.


Jean de that's French. Whatever that is. Recorded observations of a lacrosse game in 1683 in what is now southern Ontario. Canada. Whatever. Either way, it's got roots all in the North American region, so I don't know. There's some good players up there north of Lake Erie that are getting into it.


And I can see Canada giving the NFL a run for its money in flag.


No chance. Is it Canadian rules or is it NFL rules? Flag.


Oh. What if they just create their own rules?


Get you get, like, an extra skill guy up there in Canada, don't you?


You also get the running, like, on.


What'S the field they're playing on in the Olympics?


These are all questions that we can't even answer right now.


We just know it's a sport.


Yeah. I was going to say those of you that didn't know, Jason played lacrosse from 7th grade all the way through high school. And I played 7th, 8th grade years and just in the backyard with Jason all the way leading up to when I started playing one of the funnest sports I have ever played in my life. For those of you that have a lacrosse team or are thinking about playing lacrosse, highly suggest.


It awesome sport.


And if you're around any lacrosse, like college games or even indoor lacrosse, electric, it's great. All of it's. Good stuff, man. It never gets enough love, so I wanted to throw that out there that yeah, me and Jason played every single sport, and we were really good at all of them. Moving on, baby.


All right, let's get to our stamp of the week.


Yeah. For those of you that don't know what a stamp is, we always give a shout out to whoever's taking their game to new heights week by week. And this week, I'm going to highlight a very familiar name, a guy that is taking the wide receiver position to new heights, and that's AJ. Brown. AJ. Brown had his fifth reaching 125 receiving yards, tied with hall of Famer Calvin Johnson Megatron. This dude is getting into Megatron conversation, dude. So he's tied Megatron and Pat Studstill. Hopefully I said that name right from 1966 jesus. As the longest streak in NFL history. So he's got one more game of over 125 yards receiving, and he is the record holder. Had ten receptions for 137 yards this past week and a touchdown in a huge Sunday Night Football game. And because he looked fucking sweet in those Kelly Green jerseys. You got my stamp of the Week. AJ. Hey, congrats on taking your game to new heights.


My teammate, as the guy that I was going to get my Stamp of the Week on, but that's fine. I hope that next Sunday is National Receivers Day, because I would love for AJ. Brown to break this record.


Start it up. Just say it, dude. Say it right now that it is, and then it will be a National Day.


What's? Next Sunday?


Tell them you declare it from henceforth.


I declare October 29 as National Receivers Day.


Just go. National AJ.


Brown. National AJ. Brown day.


And it's done. And it'll be on Google next week. So perfect.


All right, who's your stamp if you're picking AJ. Brown? I got to go. Kirk Cousins.




Hopefully everybody is watching the game Monday night right after the Phillies game. Obviously not in the best of moods as a Philadelphian, but I turned Monday Night Football on to watch Kirk Cousins take on the 49 Ers. Kirk, I mean, his nickname is a mocking nickname. He's known as Primetime Kirk. Not for good, but it's for his onslaught of poor performances and prime time football games. It is. It's a dig. I'm happy for the guy. He balled out.


Yeah, he was. He's fucking he's balling all year. He's been balling all year.


Arguably on paper and in real life, the 49 Ers defense is damn good across the board. And Kirk went out there and threw for 378 yards, two touchdowns, and Vikings 20 217 win against the 49 Ers. It was an impressive game. And let me tell you, they were getting pressure on them. Javon Hargrave armstead bosa the score. And those stats that Kirk put up were hard fought and impressed. I mean, some of the things he snuck out of, I don't know how he did.


Yeah, and he's doing it without Jefferson, which is mind blowing. One of the best receivers in the freaking game. Addison stepped up big time. Was an honorable mention for Stamp of the Week. Shout out to Addison. But yeah, no, it was a Kirk Cousins show, man. And he was finding ways. And he got my guy, TJ. Hawkins, in the ball.


All right now, not only was it Kirk Cousins show, it was the primetime Kirk Cousins show. He might be officially changing the meaning of his own nickname that was designed to mock him. I think that that's really cool, and I've always liked Kirk. So congratulations, Kirk. I'm balling out. I guess his former coach, too, like Shanahan over in Washington.


Yeah. Yeah, man.


I mean, this is a big game for Kirk.


Shout out to Kirk, man. Against the game with it, the chain swinging, big chain guy. Big chain big chain guy, sports center top ten chain. In his post game as he was running off the field, I'm just like, Damn, Kurt got chains on. Chains on, chains.


I don't know if he has a top ten play from that game, but it was a good game. All right, now, either way, exciting game took down, I mean, maybe the hottest team of football right now in the 49 ers who have looked darn near unbeatable, if we're all being honest. So shout out to you, Kirk. Yeah. Take your first New Heights stamp of the week, bubba. All right, that's it. We're done. Officially show's done. We're wrapping it up. Do whatever you guys want to do from here on out, because we're done. Make sure you're subscribed on YouTube to the New Heights channel so you know when new episodes come out. And make sure you check out our bonus video that will drop this Friday. We'll talk about our week, eight games, whatever else the interns decide to drum up and probably get to some pretty cool highlights. I think we're showing footage and stuff in that video, so you might want to check it out. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.


Once again, New Heights is presented by Wave Sports and Entertainment. And this episode is presented by the all new Experience smart money Debit Card.


Oh, how about that?


The debit card that builds credit without the debt.


How about that?


So convenient.


It is.


Follow the show on all social media at New Heights Show with one S for fun clips throughout the week. And thanks to our production and crew again, hey, for always making us look so much better than we are. Love you guys. And maybe intern Brandon gets us a little bit quicker info on these Google searches, but yeah, maybe. Other than that, you're the best brand, 92 percenters. Thank you for always tuning in. Until next time, peace. What's your go to karaoke?


My go to is Dan Band total Eclipse of the Heart. And I need you now tonight I fucking need you more than ever and if you lonely, hold me tight because we'll be holding on forever and we'll only be making it right we'll be wrong together we can take it to the end of the line you love it like a shadow only on a tight do I don't know what to do. I'm always in the dark living.