Transcribe your podcast

How do you guys get out of conversations that you don't necessarily want to be in? Because this happens a lot at parties or just like any event where someone's talking to you and don't necessarily... The conversation is stalled out, but you have to find a way to disengage because this person will keep talking and talking.


Well, it's like, We're talking blah, blah, blah. Oh, I'm going to get another drink. -sorry. -that's a common one. That one or like, It was really.


Nice talking to you. Do you just bust that out of nowhere? I think.


You'll know when the time comes. You can tell when the conversation.


It's like done. I usually say, I'm going to go take a shot. But that's why I'm like, I need to come up with a new one, which is why now.


I just say, Cheers. Or I want to.


Talk to other people. That's very honest.




Cheers. Cheers.