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Okay, so you know internal monologs? That one always confuses me a little bit because you don't hear your own voice. We do. Yeah. I think that I don't have an internal monolog, and I have off on Tasia.


You do not have an internal monolog. You hear your own voice. I hear my voice. I could hear anyone. I could hear my voice.


I could hear Morgan Freeman's voice. I could conjure a voice and know that I couldn't imitate that, but I can hear that.


If you were to sit here and talk to yourself in your mind, I hear me.


In the same way that you hear me right now is how you could hear me in your head. I'm literally repeating it as you go.


Like a soundboard. We can just play these.


Yeah, but I just voice in the exact same inflection. I would say that's not an internal monolog. An internal monolog is basically your voice inside and you just hear it. That's probably why you talk to yourself a lot. No, because she.