OUR #1 STAN PICKS | OfflineTV Podcast #3
OfflineTV Podcast- 541 views
- 23 Apr 2024
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And walk in and eat. You did all that today?
I'm so proud of you.Thank.
You.i like your sweats.
Wait, are we just starting right now?
Yeah, it's interesting that you decided not to do the dress code.
Yeah, I'm just feeling rebellious today.
With the sweats and crocs.
Well, anyway, welcome to episode three of the podcast. Our guest today is the rebel Masayoshi John.
Thank you for having me on, you all.
Taking full advantage of guest here. It sounds like you had an eventful day today, John.
It's been an eventful three weeks.
Why do you say three weeks?
We're doing the OTV fitness challenge.
Tell me a little bit about that.
30 days, crash diet, Training and homework to give more overall experience with a healthier lifestyle. Minus this one.
Minus what?
The coconut No, I think this fitness challenge, I would never recommend to my worst enemy.
Why? Why is that?
It's just too low of calorie while training, like CrossFit training.
You specifically are doing CrossFit because you're... I think we can say this. No, we'll save the main story for the video. But you have a goal that's different from the others that is forcing you to do a bunch of crossfit crazy cardio.
I wish I just kept my mouth shut.
Well, you look really good.
So that's a plus.
Appreciate it. It's crazy what 600 calories in walking every day can do.
Yeah, it's been funny. We've got a full gym in the OTV house now, and every so often, you'll just hear the...
I hear Scara on the treadmill watching anime.
Yeah. I just finished all the trackmania videos.
You've finished all of them? Yeah. You've watched every single one?
The one that intrigued me. I need to find a new series now. I was watching the murder documentaries, and I'm too creeped out. I kept saying things in my peripheral. I'm like, Oh, it's nothing. I see Tess.
I'm just paranoid now. There's a meme that's something along the lines of you ask a girl what her comfort show is or what her comfort podcast is. It's like some true crime, crazy detective. Yeah. So it couldn't be you, John.
True crime is intriguing. I just get paranoid. I'm just paranoid the whole time now.
I feel similarly.
Amanda, behind the camera, she puts on these true crime shows, apparently, but then she won't listen to them. She'll put it on as just background noise, and it's just this real… And then he murdered his mother, and then he murdered his father, Henry, who lives with Amanda, says that he is constantly… He'll be working or cooking and then just start hearing this dangerous, evil plot in the background.
The eerie sounds.
I don't know if it's giving him nightmares, but it makes him really uncomfortable. He'll be like, Can we turn that on? It's weird that it seems to be comforting for girls.
I don't feel that way. Do you feel it's comfortable for you, Amanda? No, it's just a background noise. We I would say the true crime YouTube channels, all their voices are relaxing. My background noise is like animal crossing music.
No, I like talking. That's why my comfort is I go and just watch people's Super Mario 64, their PPs. It's just them commentating or talking, freaking out, raging sometimes, but they're just chilling most of the time.
That's a good one, though. That's the game's nostalgic. It has great great sounds, and you're hearing someone talk.
Yeah, great music, too.
It's like your friend is just playing it in the room next to you. Yes. Yeah, exactly. That makes sense.
I have slept to true crime, though.
You've fallen asleep to true crime?
Yeah, for a good week, I remember that. But then I remember getting really paranoid and to lock my room every day.
I remember that. Yeah. John couldn't sleep. Yeah, I remember. And he had to go downstairs and check that the front door was locked multiple times. I've tried to find somebody playing Mario Galaxy because that's what I wanted. But then we found a guy who did the video, and he's just, Guys, he's really bad at the game.
He's so bad. Wait, I remember this. He has shown this to me.
He's really bad. But I want to watch someone play that. It's just there's no one else that's uploaded the video.
I'm so sorry to the dude because he's the top video of Super Mario Galaxy full play through, no commentary, but he's just so bad. The platforms, he's not getting all the coins, which is okay. But then he's doing the platform, he's efficiently, but it's just like...
We're being really nitpicky and judgmental towards this guy who's done... He's the only one that's done it.
It's just not fluid. But what I'm hearing is that there's a market out there.
There's a market.
So if someone's good at Super Mario Galaxy, just start uploading.
Oh, please upload that. Another comfort of mine is the Great British Baking Show. Oh, that's good. Oh, interesting. God, that's a warm hug. You know? Like your mother's... You just came home from school and your mom gave you a hug type of thing. That show is the best.
Speaking of baking, I don't know if you guys are aware, but I've been baking.
What have you been baking?
I thought you were to say we're baking now.
But wait, what? I'm on Cuties' show, Master Baker.
How was it?
It's the third season. We finished day two today. Starts with six participants. Each day someone's voted off or the worst person gets eliminated. I got second place yesterday and today.
Can you give us the dishes or the example dishes?
For context, the way the show works is she purposely picks six people that are not known for cooking or baking or anything like that. Then we all show up and day of, she gives us a thing to make, and we have to do it with no phone, no recipe. We just have to wing it.
That's awesome.
So day one was cake pops. Day two was ice cream cones, where we have to make both the ice cream and the cone. Okay.
Cake pops, you don't bake, right? You make the mold and you dip it in the chocolate. You do bake. Wait, really? Yes.
Cake pops. I did it in a way that wasn't truly accurate, but it worked. Also, I made a fucking fire lemon glaze. The way that you make a cake pop is you bake just a normal cake. Oh, what? Take it out of the oven, cut it up, obliterate it, and then glue it together with icing, and then you dip it.
Which is why it's so gooey on the inside when you eat a cake pop.
I thought it was an edible cookie dough type situation. You put chocolate on it and then you just leave it in the fridge.
Do you think that you are getting second because you're somewhat good at baking or you're just the tallest of the pygmies thing?
I think I'm surprisingly good. Okay. Making this stuff.
What was the other one? Ice cream and...
Ice cream and Waffle Coans.
How does that go? Wait, how do you... Okay, ice cream. Heavy whipping cream. Do they give you the ingredients, at least in front of you?
Yes-ish. There's a bunch of ingredients in front of you, but you don't need all of them.
Oh, because you can make whatever you want.
So day one, they gave us baking powder and baking soda. Everyone was like, Fuck, which one do we use?
What flavor did you make for the ice cream?
Oh, that was the other thing, was today everyone was assigned a flavor out of a hat. My flavor was... Ted had some... Ted Nives had a flavor from 2004 or something called Reverse the Curse. What? And so I drew that without even knowing exactly what I had to make. And then Chad was like, Oh, it's vanilla ice cream with chocolate-covered peanuts. And I was like, Thank God, because that would have been crazy.
Wait, chocolate covered peanut? I've never heard that.
Sounds good.
Yeah. It sounds bomb.
I remember making ice cream in seventh grade in science class. Is that what you did? Yes.
Okay, so three of us had remembered that, But we were not doing it that way. Because that was the whole, you put ice in a bag, you put stuff in another bag and you shake it. They gave us ice cream makers and said, no ice. So it was like, oh, okay.
Because the ice cream maker It just spins and it's really cold at the bottom and freezes it too, right?
Yeah. Tell me how you made this ice cream.
It was about 50/50 on people being able to make ice cream that was actually the consistency of ice cream. One person, Sina, it was just milk. It was worse than that, actually. It was salty milk.
Oh, shit. I think mine would be like that.
So ice cream is supposed to take about 20 to 25 minutes to firm up. If your chemistry is correct. What I'm learning on this show is that it's just all chemistry. We're just chemists. I'm very diligent and write down exactly what I've been putting in. So I know, okay, I put this, I put this, I put this in case something is off. I'm like, What did I do wrong? Smart. I added eggs to mine because I remembered in the movie Scott Pilgrim, the guy says, Vegan police, you got a strike because you ate ice cream on July 25th. The guy's like, Ice cream's not vegan? He goes, Milk and eggs, bitch.
There's no way that your movie background is carrying you through this baking show.
That's genius. But... Vegan police.
That, specifically, is gelato. And eggs for ice cream, you're supposed to do a special thing with it where you, tempers the wrong word, but you temper the egg so that it doesn't affect the chemistry of the ice cream. I did not do that. I put eggs in, and all around me, people's ice creams are like, Oh, it's getting firm. I'm like, Why is mine still liquid? What's going on? Cutie does this thing where she'll come up to you and look at your stuff and be like, Oh, yeah. You'd be like, What did I do wrong? She's I don't know. You walk away. Oh, my God. I showed her my recipe because I write it down every time, and she was like, Oh, yeah. You had the makings of greatness in you. There's one thing that's messing you up. At the time, I didn't know. I was like, Okay, is it the salt? Is it the eggs? It was the eggs. On the plus side, I had an exorbitant amount of heavy whipping cream. It's supposed to be 50-50.
Whipping cream to milk. I had 70-30. But because Because I had so much whipping cream, it became like whipping cream. It fluffed up and was had some consistency, but was not quite ice cream.
I think that was vanilla.
Yeah. But the flavor, though, my favorite. It tasted like a milkshake. It was incredible.
I'm so hungry.
Yeah, sorry.
I'm so hungry. That sounds fun.
Yeah, it's pretty fun.
That's a good concept.
I will say I'm doing better than I thought because I purposely didn't want to look up anything because I felt like that wasn't the spirit of the game. So not even looking up cookies, which I could not really tell you how to make because I just follow the directions. But yeah, we'll see.
What do you think you're going to have to make tomorrow?
No idea.
Even ice cream was a curve ball today.
Yeah, I'm going to be honest. I would have just done 100% heavy whipping cream, put vanilla in, be like, done.
I was originally 100% whipping I had no idea. Then I noticed the people around me, their milk cartons were open. I was like, There's got to be milk in there. There must be milk.
I had no clue.
Hey, now you know. I also, because of the chemistry, I was thinking... I thought wrongly, but I was like, Oh, if I put salt in there, it'll affect the freezing point, and so it'll help it get colder. But in reality, I realized afterwards, salt is used to melt ice. So another reason why it wasn't freezing.
Oh, my God.
Wait, I want to try this ice cream maker.
Oh, well, funny enough, I won it. So I brought it back.
Why did you win it? You got second place.
Me and first place, both. Wow.wow. Yeah.
Wait, I actually want to try making ice cream.
Yeah, it's in my car. I can grab it.
Let's make... Wait, Q. I really want to do that. Sure.
I know how to now.
Really, I really want to do that.
No, you can't tell us.
Yeah, I won't tell you. You'll You have to do it yourself.
I want to do that for the 420 stream. Oh, there you go. I'm talking to mom right now. Is that okay, mom? She said, yeah. She gave me a thumbs up. Oh, hell, yeah.
Thanks, mom.
I don't even know if I can join that stream. Why? I feel like if I join that stream, I'm going to want to devour everything.
Yeah, unfortunately, there are snacks being delivered for that stream.
Sorry, bud. Your workout's going to...
No, I'm just going to have sugar-free.
Maybe 420 lands on a Sunday.
Sugar-free Jello. It's a Saturday.
420 lands on a Saturday, but what's a cheat day if not moved over one prior?
Oh, they're treat days.
I'm sorry. Treat days.
Which is where I fast for 16 hours.
Then I eat and my stomach is so small. I pretty much don't even want to eat.
Super cool.
Yeah, that sounds like a treat day for sure. Treat day? You don't want to have the treat day on Saturday?
Honestly, it sounds better. Yeah. It sounds better because when it's Sunday and then I go straight into Monday, trading day, I feel terrible.
So treat day on Saturday, 4:20. You That would be fun.
I want to buy the peeps. Yeah. I want to buy Sydney and Cara, see if they're down. Yeah. I want to make ice cream.
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How do you make gelato? I don't know.
I feel like you need... Gelato does use eggs. Ice cream does not.
Did anyone make gelato there? Is it all ice cream?
Gelato seems hard. Yeah. And the judges are different every day, too. That's fun. It's like today's judges where Ted Nibb is in and Baby No Money. Yesterday, it was... And he was surprisingly... He knew his shit. Yesterday, it was Ludwig Wig and Trevor, who's worked on like, Rhett and Link and like, Smoosh and stuff. They didn't help us for shit. They were like, Good luck, fucker. Today, though, Baby No Money was going around being like, Hey, if you add some butter to that, it'll really help the browning. Hey, if you crunch those Oreo's, it'll really mix them in the ice cream better. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. This guy cuts. Wait, how? Yeah.
This guy knows his shit. Okay.
This guy's a chemist.
I love Baby No Money. Yeah. I see all his Instagram reels, and I'm like, you're an anomaly of a human, and I like that.
Would you guys do a Baby No Money music video?
Did you see the one he did with Moist Critical? Yeah.
I only saw the reels.
I think the thumbnail was just genius, though.
Yeah. Basically, he went to Critical's place, and they just went around the town and filmed them dancing and being goofy.
I like that a lot. Yeah.
It's a really good concept. We got two ads. You're welcome, Baby No Money. We just watched both of your ads. So his thumbnail is the thumbnail that Moisturial does pretty much for every one of his videos.
Yeah. Moisturial's just Baby No Money in the background or standing over, and then this is it.
I just love it in all aspects. I just want to open Bibi No Money's brain. You know that episode of Spongebob? I want to do that. I just want to take a little peek. I want to see his final. What's going on in there? Yeah.
Snoop around a bit. Would you guys want to be in Template music videos?
I would love to.
I'd do that.
Yeah, I'd love to. Okay. Be making an ice cream. Speaking of music videos, anyone's seen Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter?
I have. Yes. She débuted that song at Coachella, where I was this past weekend.
I watched that performance. Not that I went to Coachella, but I looked at the video.
Yeah, it was bittersweet for me. I had my phone stolen.
But it's okay because she sang Espresso, and it made you feel so much better because the song's a bop. Well, I don't know about that. Okay. Hey, but the song is a bop, okay? The song's good. And the vibes, summer, she's hot, too. Also, I think she feels like a pop star. I'm like, damn. I feel like nobody else is really feeling like a pop pop star lately. But she's doing it right. I look at feathers and I look at this, and I'm just like, Oh, yeah, this feels like a pop girl.
Jody has been fan girling over Spring Department all week.
Yeah, I really have.
It's her personality of the week. Wow.
I haven't seen you sink your claws into something.
Wait, no. I'm telling you, I've been saying this. It's my time for standing celebrities. Remember I said this last? Yes. That's right. Yes. She's now added to my list, and I'm standing her.
You're a sab stand. Do you draw any lines with... How do you feel about O-Rod?
O-rod? Olivia Rodrigo? Yeah. Why Why are we laughing?
I'm just not expecting O-Rod.
I also wasn't expecting Ron.
I don't even know how you piece that together.
I don't know. I don't care. I think they'd be very parasocial of me if I cared.
That's good.
I root for both of them.
Yeah. Oh, Because? Because they had beef in the beginning.
Oh, that's... Oh, my.
Wow. You know who else I'm obsessed with?
Didn't Toast inform me on that?
Wait, we went into a rabbit hole of actually watching videos on the couch.
The whole rundown on O-Rod and Sabrina Carpenter.
Yes. O-rod and S-Cart.
I call her Sabsi. O-rod and Sabsi.
I like that. I like it a lot. No. Does anyone know who Chapel Ron is?
I learned about her at Coachella.
Did you see her? Did you see her?
Please tell me you saw. I I didn't know.
I learned about her after. Okay, I'm actually... There were some people that I did want to see at Coachella, but I just hate Coachella, so whatever. I'm not going. I'm obsessed with her as well. She also feels like a pop star. I'm like, You are a pop star. There's just something about the look, the way you carry yourself on stage, the presence, whatever.
I'm going to misquote, but the way she would describe to me, they said something like, Chapel Roon is a fusion of Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter, and a third person that I'm forgetting. But it's like she has the flows and musicality of Olivia Rodrigo, but her lyrics are more elevated and like adult with the third artist that I'm forgetting. And then I forget how Sabrina Carpenter gets in.
I do think her lyrics are very like... I've lived that. I've experienced this. But just the vision, the esthetic. I'm like, Girl, you fucking get it. Every music video of hers, I'm like, Oh, I just... Whatever you're cooking, I'm eating. Okay, My King is karma. Amazing. Okay? God, you know what we should do? Presentations. I could give a presentation on this because the visuals, the makeup, the present. She's done it. She's fucking done it. Hey, can we sign into YouTube premium? How about that? I have to watch two ads. But to be fair, you know what? She deserves the money. She deserves that money.
I can't get this karma. I feel like you've played this song in the car.
You never heard it, John.
You've heard a lot of her other ones, though.
Okay, straight up.
Straight up. I think we should all pause the podcast. Editors cut it out. We watch it, we come back and talk about it. Okay.
All right, we just finished watching My Kink is Karma by Chapel Ron. I'm obsessed.
Not only that, she sounds amazing. She's jumping around, jumping around.
Girl. From that video, she looks like she'd be really fun to watch live.
She's just... How is it that one individual can have so much talent? So much charisma and energy, and you can sing. It's so impressive to me.
What is her background from before the year?
She, last year, was a camp counselor.
Okay, yeah.
According to my nail lady. I didn't look that up.
Well, that video was from 2022, so I think she was maybe earlier.
That seemed like she did ballerina in the past or something.
She's killing it. I don't know. I'm just like, dude.
There were two songs. That one wasn't my favorite. There were two songs, though, that were shown to me. I was like, Oh, okay. Yeah.
I like most of her album. It's funny because she opens for Olivia O'Rad. O-rad. O-rad. O-rad. She opens for O-Rad, and Sabrina opens for Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift. It's a huge tangle.
Yeah. Interesting. They're drawing lines right now.
Wait. I heard there was drama between Taylor Swift and O-Rod. Yes. Is that true?
Okay. Me talking about this, I'm not the person to talk about it because I'm not an authority on this. I feel like I've heard this in passing. I may say things wrong, but I believe... So originally, we're all aware of the O-Rod versus Sab C drama with driver's license. Okay. All that stuff happened. Sab C got a bunch of hate, and she was like, What the fuck? I was just being a person, man. Eventually, everyone agrees, Stop dating on these two girls. Sounds like the guy was in the Fuck that guy. Let the girls do their thing. But then there was some thing. There was an altercation between O-Rod and Taylor Swift somehow.
What happened?
And then, I don't know. Details are hazy for me. But then people think that Taylor Swift then asks Zabsi to open for her and platform her to be a big fuck you to O-Rod as like, Hey, you know your rival? I'm going to give her the big stage.
Do you think that's true?
Do you I don't know that it's true. I think that's just what the rumors and the shits that people are talking about is.
I like to live in my DeLulu world, where it's just everyone's friends, and everyone wants to support everybody. And regardless of maybe if somebody wrong someone in the past, we can all move on. And everyone can support everyone. I know I live in DeLulul land.
What was cool for me was at Coachella, O-Rod came out during the No Doubt performance. And apparently, I didn't know this, but O-Rod came out and was like, Oh, cool, cool. And then Leslie turned to me and was like, This is really big because no doubt is one of her biggest inspirations. So the fact that she's out there with them performing and they're doing this duet is really cool.
I love that. I get the shivers when anyone does something that I know is probably really important to them.
That was awesome. She just came out, same with her. Probably made her day and then went off, did her thing.
Did you see Billy Eilish and Lana Del Rey?
No, we left her with Shalana.
What? Okay, Billy Eilish has always been attractive, But she's just radiating this here. I see her. I don't know. I don't know. You didn't see it, the performance?
I saw clips.
I don't know. She's just getting hotter.
I just remember her last performance and thinking, How did she perform for four hours? Because you're walking on the venue, you hear her, and it was three hours. I feel like she had the longest performance. For which one?
Billy Eilish last year.
Our last Coachella we went to.
Was that last year?
I don't remember. I don't think it was last year.
I doubt it was three hours. It was probably 90 minutes, though. That's probably the longer end of a set. Typically, sets are 40 to 50 minutes.
I remember we went, we were watching it for 30. We went to KPP.
Then we came back and she was still... I do remember that.
She was still performing. I'm like, Oh, my God, are you like...
Might have been two hours, but it was probably 90 minutes. No way.
It's two hours. Anyways, she looks great. There was a clip. There was a clip of her kissing someone, and she... Oh, my goodness. Showed up. Showed her a clip, and she showed her to her.
You really are in your I'm in my Stan era.
I'm in my Stan era. And I'm living in it. Kiss it. Okay, yeah, great.
Billy Eilish tongue Kisses Actress. Is that what this is? What are we looking at? Hey, Lily.
Come on in. Hi. What's up, Lily? What are you doing?
I'm listening to a podcast. What are you?
We're looking up Billy Eilish tongue Kissing someone.
No, not that.
Odessa Ezeon?
Is that it? Honestly, she probably was kissing King... No. It's not this. It's like somebody's videotaping them in a crowd, and then she grabs. It's so hot. Everyone has to watch this. It's at Coachella. They're in a crowd. Wait. Oh, second one.
Second one. All right, do the puzzle. Do the puzzle quick.
The gatches have gotten so annoyingly. I'm not a robot. Wait. Yeah, they've gotten so much harder. Can I get a TSA precheck I'm not a robot.
That. I don't know who that is. Go back. Can you press back? Sorry. Completely press back. Go to the second one. Yeah, that one.
Quentin Blackwell? Quenlyn Blackwell? She's so hot.
I'm just like, Holy fuck, Billy Eilish, you have a Riz. Have you guys never watched an interview? I just watched her in an interview. I don't know. I think I'm just really... She's just beautiful.
I've seen Billy interviews, but I care more about the music.
She's musical and beautiful and charming.
It's hard to understand. What's crazy about her is the way that they made her first album was just in her brother, Finneas's room. She would sit with our... You know the old podcast mix we had, the Sure's? Yeah. She would just sit on his bed or on a couch holding a shirt in her hand, and he'd be like, Can you record that line?
She'd be like, Cool.
Do it again. They would just do that 200 times Just pick their favorite takes, go on, go on, go on. That's crazy. All just in his bedroom like that. Yeah. Inspiring.
I remember hearing that in an interview. God, they're just cool. Two talented siblings.
Yeah. I've been revisiting the Castle Crash's OST, and I just still love the shop song. You know what I mean? You know what I'm talking about?
Imagine if Billy covered that. That'd be so good.
That'd be so good. I start standing.
Stand now. She's worthy of standing now.
It sounds like a lot of time. I feel like you get the inside scoop from TikTok. Scoop, scoop. I've only reinstalled TikTok because you keep sending me TikToks, and I feel bad if I don't watch TikToks.
I send you really important stuff.
You really do. There's a frog just sitting in the rain.
It has to be watched.
And it's really sad music.
I have not opened the TikTok app in probably 6-9 months now. If people send me a link, I'll open it and then close it, but I don't go to the app because it was just sucking so much of my time. It does.
It's a time sucker.
It was consuming me.
I literally opened the app to go engage in my comments, and then I I find myself scrolling. I'm like, whoa, whoa, because somebody will tag me in something or measure me in something, or I just somehow I'm there. Then I'm like, no, get off.
See, for me, that's dangerous for me on YouTube because sometimes, let's say we're working on a video or something like that, and I need to search up one of our old videos or something else, like information or a how-to. I'll open the YouTube tab and be greeted by some things and be like, Okay, let's open a few tabs here. Then it'll literally go like, that action of me clicking a few things will make me forget why I opened YouTube in the first place. I'm like, Wait, why am I here? What's going on? Oh, this looks interesting.
I will say, for not using TikTok also for six months, I'm now missing out. It feels like on those life hacks, I would randomly come across. There's one of the when you fold the chip back from the bottom so you can have it stand. The little things I feel like that. The equivalent of those. But I feel like I have five that I now use, but I will now never get those again.
There are a lot of hacks like that on TikTok. There's so many.
Everyone has so many life hacks that they're just sharing. I'm like, That is the one thing I'm now missing out on.
I used to find a lot of music on TikTok, but now I'm in this weird boat where I will either be late to finding a song, where I'll find a song and show it to someone and be like, Hey, this is pretty good. And they'll be like, Yeah, I just want to take that for three weeks. This is crazy. You're just finding that? Other times, though, I'll find a song that has blown up on TikTok, and then I'll show it to someone, and then they will be like, Oh, this is really cool. I like this song. And then it will just show up constantly for their TikTok feed, and they're like, It's crazy. It's like you saw the future. That's what happened for that song by Artemis.
Oh, yeah?
I forget what it's called.
I don't know. I have two that I like.
But that one was like, it just showed in my Spotify for You. What's funny is the first time I heard that it sounded like a Russian club song, a good song for driving. I'm surprised that people are loving it.
It itches my brain. I'm like, the... You You're like,.
Well, now I got to hear it.
For me... Yeah, go ahead and play it.
Give me a snippet.
For me, it feels like... I think John will like it. It gives me the same energy as Drift Funk, where like, Oh, there's a place for this. There's a niche for it. But it's taking the world by storm right now.
It feels less niche to me.
I think it's because I'm just familiar with that niche. I could give you more songs in that style.
Give me more songs. Give me, give me, give me.
Is that the gist of it?
Yeah. It repeats like that for the whole two minutes. Yeah, I fuck with that. What's funny, though, is that I did a whole deep dive on this artist after. For one, his TikTok strategy, genius. Okay. So he released an album that sounds a lot like one of The Weekend's old albums. When The Weekend first came out and was gaining traction, song, people loved his sound.
Wait, that's so funny because when I listened to his album, I thought, this sounds like The Weekend. When I listened to The Weekend, when The Weekend was growing up. Exactly. What this guy did to get people listening to his music, if you go to his TikTok page, it's just post after post after post of a photo of The Weekend and the caption being like, damn, new music, but it's his music. That's so stupidly brilliant.
Yeah. That is so meta So many people are thinking like, whoa, new weekend music, but it sounds like his old stuff. But it's this guy.
What's up, dude?
Hey, what's up? Anahime.
You're going to Anaheim.
For what?
The number one tech player in the world was trying to go to Japan for a tournament.
They rejected his visa.
So he stuck in LA or California for a couple of days, and he's going to be in an arcade.
Oh, hell, yeah. Hey, their stance. Yeah, that's stance. We're all just stands of someone. So who do you guys stand? Somebody in my chat today asked me, who would I meet if I could meet anyone? And the first one that popped up in my head was Cher. And I don't know if that's my accurate answer, but I also stand Cher.
I Stan Donald Glover.
Oh, wait. No, stop.
My favorite actor growing up was Chris Farley. Jim Carrey. I would say I would freak if I saw Jim Carrey.
So you stand physical actors, like physical comedians.
That makes sense, though.
Yeah. Yeah.
You're a funny guy.
Yeah. Do something funny. Come on.
I would freak out if I saw Jim Carrey, though. Jack Black. I'd freak out. Yeah, I can't think of anything else.
Will Neff. I stand Will Neff. I stand Will Neff. Yeah, I It's like anybody that is like Will Neff. Will Neff stands Chris Farley.
He does. Oh. We connected on that. We're like, Chris Farley?. We're like, R-I-P.
I just look at people like Will Neff, and I'm like, Wow, you're a different breed. And I I respect that.
Will Neff has... Wait, Will Neff is the perfect... He's like, If Chris Farley and Jack Black had a son.
Yeah, in the best way.
I have no stands. Do I need to start standing? Am I empty?
Okay, to be fair, before, I just wasn't consuming media. And then now I was like, What if I just allowed myself to consume media? So now I'm standing because I'm like, damn, look at Zente. Look at her go. Go, you, girlfriend.
So empty. My Stan, Joe Hisayashi. Oh, you don't know that name. He composes the Gibly music.
Oh, I also stand.
I was like, I'm so familiar, but why?
You know the people that made... You have to know it from that. Oh, Bling Bum Bum.
That one.
Oh, that's a quick stand. One song and you stand them?
Yeah. I watched the one take of that or whatever it's called. Yeah. I stand them. That was really impressive. I literally, I watched it and went I follow them on Instagram. Basically, if I follow you on Instagram, I stand you because I don't be following everybody.
Wait, so what is standing? I thought Standing was like...
Okay, well, realistically, I'm not a Stan. I'm pretty sure Stan originates from that one M&M song. Yeah. Which is when he's like, oh, fuck, it's about a guy who's obsessed. He's writing him letters. The guy named Stan. Yeah, his name is Stan.
Basically, he did a music video where it's honestly really creative. The verses go between... Or the verse follows a fan of M&M named Stan, who is writing letters to M&M. And so the whole video is him saying, Oh my God, you're so cool. I'm your biggest fan. I'm going through all these problems. And then he's opening up and writing about, I think I hate my life and I'm going to kill my girlfriend, and all this stuff. And he's like, You're not responding to me. I fucking hate you. And it becomes apparent he's an obsessive fan. And then the last verse, it cuts M&M. To diffuse any confusion, M&M is playing Stan. In the last verse, M&M plays himself again, and it's like, Oh, hey, just saw your letters, man. Really cool that you're a fan. It sounds like you're going through some hard stuff. I hope you get well. But it's touching on that parasocialness where he is super obsessive, feels like he knows him, feels like he's talking to a friend, and then M&M is talking to him as a fan. But that Stan term came from that because of just this super obsessive fan culture.
It's a good song.
It's a really good song. It's a really good song. I don't know when it became like a... Is it a positive label now?
Yeah, it seems like a positive. Yeah. Okay. It went full circle, where in the beginning, it was super negative from M&M's song. And then, I don't know when that changed. I feel like K-pop reclaimed it. K-pop maybe reclaimed the word.
Yeah, to me. I didn't know about that because now when I hear… It sounds like a synonym for parasocial. When you just say, Are you also want to Stan. From the M&M origin. But to me, it's like a Stan is someone that any Snapchat story, Instagram story, any story or any tweet they've made, the Stan would know about, and then they can talk about it amongst themselves. It's a community.
Yeah. Okay. Technically speaking, I think there are fans and there are Stans, but Stan has been reclaimed. When I say I'm a Stan, I'm not really a Stan, literally. I'm a fan. But it's just throwing. It's been thrown around so much.
She's a fan with Stan tendencies. Got it.
I'm not. I have no Stan tendencies, but I am a fan.
I feel like words are just getting changed, though. I feel like when people say, I got banned on Twitch. I got banned on Twitch for seven days. I hate that. It's You were suspended. No, it's banned. It's like the words just change.
Words do change.
They really fucking change. Wait, that is so true.
Things don't really have the weight sometimes. I be doing that all the time, but I'm also dramatic. I It's a hyperbole.
Wait, was Stan added to the Miriam Webster Dictionary? That's always interesting to me when a slang term is added.
Wow. An extremely or excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan.
I I would not say I'm that. I love people, though. I'm like, damn, look at you go.
I look up to them. I would say I'm a fan. Just to circle back to Coachella, my favorite performances were Tyler, the Creator, and Kevin Abstract. Both of them, I think, just killed it. They were just genuine on stage, had great stage presence, had great songs, and had great guests. Kevin Abstract brought out Dominic Fyke, who I'm a big fan of. Tyler the Creator brought out Jadish Gambino, and then also brought out Asap Rocky, which I'm a big fan of. Wow.
I want to see Tyler the Creator. I just also love Donald Glover.
Yeah. We should get Donald Glover on the show.
John, that's your job. I'm not worthy. If Donald Glover came on the show, I would give the spot up. I don't know. I wouldn't want to talk to him.
John, your homework between now and your next episode is to bring Donald Glover here.
I should have never accepted this.
This one.
We give every guest homework before their next time coming up. This is your homework.
Wow, this season's so... Okay, I can do that.
Where are you going to start?
What's number one? I think it's the old tweet at Alan Glover. Can you please join my podcast for my homework?
So you're going to tweet at him?
Yeah, it'd just probably be a tweet. And then after that, have a meltdown.
You could also Look up where he's repped. Contact his agents.
Is that a thing? Yeah.
I would say that's the most efficient and likely way.
Find out who his publicist is. Contact them. Say you're on a highly successful podcast. When he wants to plug his next project, he should come here.
His hypothetical is still stressing me out. I can't put... This is so much pressure. What if he says no? They don't tell him.
If he says no, then you get an F, man. Okay.
I could live with that.
Can you?
I could live with that. Do you think that we have enough clout to get a celebrity onto our podcast?
I do.
Really? Yeah.
I actually spoke to... This might be too inside baseball, but I was speaking to a woman who is in contact with publicists and PR firms. She basically was like, Yeah, if you guys want guests for OTV or for your podcast, I'm in touch with a lot of celebrity actors who are always plugging things. So I was like, Oh, okay. And she's like, Yeah, if you wanted Kevin Hart, if you wanted The The Rock, and I was like, I feel like she's selling me. These are probably bigger than we'd actually get. But she did make it sound like, Yeah, it's basically just like she receives emails when actors want to plug stuff, and then she'll come to us.
I'm imagining The Rock coming into our home and him just judging us right now. I cannot imagine. The Rock, who do you stand?
I cannot imagine.
Do you remember when we got five The Rock EV things? Oh, You guys weren't there for that. No. We did an unboxing. I don't know if it made the final cut, but it was an unboxing TikTok products, and one of them was like, EV with the Rock's Head. What?
I can't even imagine that.
I don't know if it made the final cut, but I guess we can check. Yeah, I think it got cut out. No. It was just too random.
Evy with the Rock's Head? It feels like I get it at a swap meet. Yeah.
But we had six of those, and I just imagine him coming in and seeing those on a shelf.
They're like, Huh? Okay. What else he has been up to?
Pop Mart.
Pop Mart? Yeah. Are you still buying a bunch of those?
Unfortunately, yeah.
They messaged me. They messaged me on Instagram. Specifically, guys, because they commented on my reel and they were like, Cool. Then I said, Please send me boxes. Please, I'm begging you. Then they DM me. The moral of the story is you miss Every shot that you do not take.
Yeah. So, John, when you messaged Chana Scambino. Yeah.
Remember that? Yeah.
Hey, loved you. Was it Community?
Yeah. That'd be a deep cut from him. Loved you, Community. His new show is called Atlanta.
Atlanta? Shit.
He joined my podcast.
He was in the new Mr. And Mrs. Smith show, movie? I think it was a show.
It was a show. I've yet to see it.
How did they do new Mr. And Mrs. Smith? Is it the same actors?
No, they did a reboot where he's Mr.
Smith. Oh, what? We should watch it. I heard good things about it.
Wait, that sounds sick.
I'd be interested.
Let's watch it. I'm interested.
We can make ice cream and watch Donald Glover as Mr. Smith.
That sounds like a hell of a night. I'm in.
But not too late because I got to go bake again tomorrow.
I got to look at my playlist down. Is there any artist?
There's got to be an artist. Dan, John doesn't like anyone, doesn't support anyone.
No, I'm not boring. I love-You love Eric Doha. The tech and soundtrack goes crazy, though.
No? Sure. Don't play that game. You love Eric Eric Doa?
Eric Doa?
Oh, yeah.
Which I learned his name is Eric DOA.
I've called him Eric Doa forever.
I'm sorry, Eric Doa.
I want to message him and ask if he cares. Eric DOa. Actually, so with Baby No Money, I always called-Is it Baby or Beebe? I always called him Beebe No Money.
I've always called him Beebe No Money.
Apparently, a chat started clowning on Cutie for calling him Beebe. Hey, Beebe. What's up, Beebe? And they're like, His name's Baby.
I like Beebe No Money. Yeah, it flows. It flows. Baby No Money does flow, but I just like the Baby No Money.
I only did because it's like, what is it? Is it a watermark or what is it called in the beginning of the song? Is it at...
Baby No Money. Oh, now I'm forgetting.
Yeah. Damn it. I'm... You can let the beat rock. I do think Baby No Money sounds good. It does. It's just more like Bibi just goes off the tongue with no money. It's just in my mouth.
I asked him outright, do you care? Bibi No Money, Baby No Money, Bibi, Baby. He He said, All that's fine, as long as you don't call me Bibi Nas.Noted.No.
Bibi Nass.
You also like Bibi No Money. You used to talk about him.
Bibi No Money.
Yeah. Yeah.
Bibi No Money. I'm trying to think of... I can't stand people we've gamed with, though.
I can't know them.
You can't know them. That's interesting. Are you allowed to stand someone that you know?
Well, I know Will Neff.
Yeah, and we stand Will Neff.
Yeah. Well, I guess I'm a fan of Will Neff. I'm not a Stan. But am Wait. If I know him personally, can't I be a little parasocial? What's the line?
Who is that girl?
Yeah, I don't know. We're trying to think of who John stands, and I feel like it's Jack Black. You always talk about Jack Black.
I feel like we could get Jack Black on the podcast.
He touches Amy and stuff. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to me like that. Don't get my hopes up.
I can't be on that podcast. I can't do that one.
Wait, that's how I feel about Donald Glover or anyone. I don't know.
I just can't. You You know what's funny?
Have you seen Community?
Have you seen the episode where Donald Glover has this exact thing about the guy from reading Rainbow, LaVar Burton?
No, I don't think so.
Basically, the episode is like, he is a huge fan of LaVar LeVar Burton, but he's like, I never want to meet him. It will ruin my life if I meet him because I will embarrass myself and hate it forever. They surprise him with Levar Burton, and it goes horribly wrong.
That's exactly how I feel any experience with anyone famous will happen. I was on Cutie stream the other day, and it was basically like, Oh, we're talking about meeting Taylor Swift. And Cutie was like, What am I going to say? Nothing. I'm just going to walk away. Nothing I'm going to say. It doesn't matter.
Yeah, it feels like the Chris Farley, Jim Carrey, Jack Black. I watched their movies at the right time. These were life-altering, really funny movies that I watched over and over again. Tommy Boy, I've watched 30 times. If I had a bad day, boom, Tommy Boy, put it on, done.
Or like, Oh, I can't remember his name.
I love you, man. Forgetting Tara Marshall.
Which one? Jason Segel or Paul?
Paul. Paul.
Jason Seagal. What's his last name? Rud.
Paul Rud and Jason Seagal. I would say Jason Seagal, too.
I like Paul Rud. I like Paul Rud a lot.
Paul Rud.
Is Paul Ron Ant Man? Yeah.
Perfect casting. I love that he's Ant Man.
I love that he's Ant Man. I could only do like, Appreciate you in this would be like, what do you do for me? Got to go, though.
Yeah, I'm like, love what you do. Never talk to me again.
Okay, I met... Growing up, I used to watch Freddie W all the time. Oh, Freddie Wong, yeah. Loved Freddie Wong, loved Freddie W, loved his channel, was honestly super inspired by him. He's what got me into learning the effects. As high schooler. Honestly, probably is the reason I'm next to you guys because it pushed me into a creator space from just making things. Last year, I was at a dinner, at a YouTube dinner thing, and he was a speaker there. And afterwards, there was just a mingling part. And I was like, I got to do it. I got to say hi. I got to just have a connection with him because his work made It was such a big deal to me growing up. It was probably the best way it could have happened, where I went up to him, fully expecting, just be like, Hey, I just had to say hi. Thank you for everything you did. That's it. I go up to him and I say that, and he goes, Oh, hell, yeah, man. Take a seat. I'm like, Oh, okay. I sit down and he's like, So what's your deal? And he just starts up a conversation.
I'm like, Oh, my God. That's the daydream you have when you think about it.
Yeah. Eventually, we keep talking He talks about what he's doing now. I tell him about offline TV and this stuff, and he's like, Oh, no way. Yeah, we worked with Lily a while back. That's really cool. Then eventually, he's like, Yeah, here's my number, man. I actually have something that I might want to ask you questions about just offline TV and streaming and that thing. Would love to pick your brand. I was like, Yeah, here's my number.
That's crazy.
Get him on the podcast. Yeah.
There we go.
Oh, my God. Can we get Keira Nightly on the podcast?
That'd be fun.
Did I ever tell you when I hated Freddie Wong?
Why did you hate Freddie Wong?
I was like-Think about what you're going to say before.
Yeah, we're going to have him on the podcast, Dylan.
I hated him. Date back, I think I was 10 years old. Guitar Hero 2 came out. My aunt bought it for me under my parents' radar. They were mad. I got addicted to guitar Hero. Then Freddie Wong comes out with a very ironic video, but I'm really young at this point, and I I can't read into it. I thought he was a Jackass, a very egotistical Jackass. But you look back on it, he's just obviously super sarcastic and just playing over the top. He's like, Yeah, I'm the rock star. I'm the number one guitar player. He's flipping He had a guitar around him and he's just playing it. But the thing he's advertising is he's doing a green screen of the notes, and I don't think anyone has ever done that. I think that's all he was showing, just the VFX, and he's just acting for it.
For context, Freddie Wong, growing up, was a guitar hero god. He would go to Championships and just shred. I think he won Championships. This is the video.
I was like, What is this guy's deal?
But basically, he just Peacocks himself here. He's like, I'm a fucking legend.
I'm a rock star. Yeah. Oh, God. Why? Why? Z is such a good one.
Someone else shoots them up.
I love the idea of that's probably I'm sure there's viewers who have watched us who are young and don't get it and hate us because of that. In the same exact boat as John.
Don't realize we're being sarcastic.
I've just never seen this before, though. This is revolutionary. This green screen is doing right here.
They keyed out the HUD from guitar Hero, basically, and put it here.
Insane. Insane editing. For guitar content, God tears.
17 years ago?
17 years ago. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you were nine years old, 10 years old, and you hated him.
I was exaggerating. I just remember being like, what's this nice deal?
I just can't imagine you being mad or disliking someone.
So we found someone you hated, not someone you stand.
No, I was exaggerating.
Do you guys have a celebrity you hate?
If I did, I would not say it. Somebody in my chat asked me the question.
I was like, I can't think of anyone. Nothing comes to the top of my head, which makes me think no.
Actually, I can think of a few that I severely don't like. If they were in a film or in something, I'd be like, I'm automatically not watching it. Wow. Yeah.
Okay, give me the list later. I'm super curious.
But it wouldn't be for them as a human. It would be because I don't like...
Just for their work? Yeah.
I'm not soulless.
Okay. Who do you stand?
I used to stand them. Okay. I just need to find that soul again.
Right. Go on.
As a kid, I really wanted to see Jabbawockees.
Oh, yeah. You do?
Okay, yes. Emporeotics. I really wanted to see them. Then they were at Universal Studios, and my parents were like, Road trip. My brother and I were so excited. We got to watch them. Wait, that's cool. Mario Lopez was in the front. He looked like... I don't know. He just didn't look real. I'm like, How do you get your skin like that? That's crazy. That's cool. We went inside.
You stand Mario Lopez.
Yeah. Then we saw Jabbawockeez, and I remember freaking out. The crowd wasn't that big. I'm like, How the hell? Jabbawockeez here. Come on, Universal.
Was it early Jabbawockeez? Where it was the original, what was it, seven members? Yeah.
To frame it, they were probably third season into America's Best Dance Crew or fourth season. It's probably two years after they won.
That was when Quest Crew was on. Third season, yeah.
I feel like you still stand them. If you saw them, you would be like, Oh, my God.
Oh, yeah. I would still bow. My stand is I would bow to them as they walk by. I would kneel as they go by. Just to show I wish to show the respect of what they've done for the Splinter Earth.
I stand them, too. I would say that I liked the original members, though, because I had a realization where Jabbawockees are like any other, like, masked celebrity or figure where anyone can put the mask on. I realized eventually-Wait, I was just going to say, do you think that marshmallow...
Is it true?
I I cannot speak on that because I've worked with him. So I've signed NDAs, and I cannot say that publicly.
No way. Wait, that just confirms it. Because if it was a no, you would say no. And because it's a yes. But no, it could be a no.
Here's what I can say is they have played into that, and they've done reveals where Sean Mendes was wearing the helmet or Will Farrell was wearing the helmet. But that's all I can say. Anyway, back to the Jabbawockeez. When I realized that anyone could wear the mask and they could swap members out. Yeah. Because I think there was a performance where there was suddenly 15 of them. And I went, Wait a minute. Oh, okay. It's more like a... It's a mantra. It's a lifestyle. It's not those exact seven people.
But it's still the talent.
Yeah. No, and there's no getting around that.
Who do you guys stand? Jason stands no one. He's soulless. Amanda stands new girls. New jeans.New jeans.Sorry. Oh my God. Please, stands don't come for me when I just call them new girls.
I remember what I was going to say. I do think artists would go on this podcast.
That was profound. I'm glad we waited for so long.
Because you know how I have that avoiding DMCA, really old playlist I made for Spotify? That playlist was born because myself and my mods would message artists asking if this is done with any label because on YouTube it says it's not. Do we have permission to put on our playlist because we needed some written confirmation? Because this is when DMCA was really scary. It's like, if you get three strikes, you're banned.
Suspended? Okay.
But actually, no, this one is an actual band. This one was like, your channel will get wiped. This one was scary. I was like, Okay, so I'm going to make this playlist so I can listen to music. But then everyone just started joining the playlist because I just value music so much on my stream because when something happens, I have to change the song. I have to set the volume, so it sets the stage, and it's a scene for me. But then everyone wanted to use the playlist for the stream. Lo and behold, the playlist has 18,000 saves. Because of this, if you type DMCA in Spotify, my playlist comes up first now, so it gets more. Artist will just email me like, yummy. Yami. And they're just like, Yo, we got this new album out. Yeah.
You have a lot of power.
I also get offers.
Wait, same. I get offers for my playlist, too. Yeah.
I got offers like, Yo, I'll drop a band if you put this. If we got this new single on there, if you leave it for one month.
That's the whole thing. That's part of the label's marketing budgets is to pay to get their artist's songs onto big playlists.
I've listened to some of the songs, and I was like, If I like it, I'll add it.
Yeah, I would rather get the MTA strike than put this on my playlist. I'm sorry.
They've not been very good. When there's one that's sent to me and it's good, I'll add it. But unfortunately, I have not heard one. I'm sure that I've missed some, too, in my inbox. But the ones that I've listened to, I'm like, Keep trying.
I get to see my Spotify analytics, and it goes so far as that I can see when people put a song into their playlist and when that play comes from their playlist or them directly going to the song. And we get a lot of plays from your playlist.
That is crazy, though, the power of playlist. Yeah. And now making Spotify playlist is a job. Avera is going to just start making playlist.
I could do that, too.
Wait. Knuckle pop SMR.
Just one?
Just one? Yeah.
Give me more.
I just like the thumb, though. Have you ever popped your thumb?
No, I've never done that. Do you think you could do mine?
Did you- Rift?
Okay, wait. Now I got to try.
Did you learn these from the massage people in the Philippines?
No. It was a weird trend or era, I should say, in my middle school. Or era? Where everyone just walk, Have you popped your thumbs yet? We're like, No. Then they walk up to you and they would grab your thumb here. There's a set of three gods that would just be able to do it.
Wait, I also had this experience.
They would one tap it. They'd grab your thumb there. Yeah.
They just know how to do it.
I think Lily knows how.
They'd go around popping around their thumb.
Lily will occasionally be crack your whatever.
Okay. I can't do anyone else's thumb. I can only do my own. I was not one of the chosen ones. Yeah.
That was a good one.
See, I don't feel I'm not motivated to crack my things.
Why are you wearing it like that?
I'm thinking of everything. I wouldn't go out of my way to crack my fingers or my ankles or anything.
Yeah, It is a habit now.
I definitely crack mine out of habit.
Mine feels like a reset. So I use it in gaming. I've noticed I've made the same mistake three times. If I make the same mistake twice or two times or three times in a game, if I'm I'm off stream, I do this. I look away from my monitor.
This is crazy.
You guys are going to see that. I look away from my monitor, reset myself, and I just change the scenery real quick, and I pop my knuckles or I feel like sometimes I'll stand up and grab water. I'll just walk away and then come back. It usually resets me to stop autopiloting.
You're dedicated to the game, and I respect that.
It's like a form of meditation you're doing.
Yeah, it is what it is. It is meditation. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
You're like, I am present. I'm present. Okay. Click heads.
Baker straight up meditates in his chair. Jean, he just stands up and sits down again because it makes him readjust in his chair. Everyone has their own little thing.
Everyone has their own little thing. I used to do that when I was doing the whole whatever the hell it was called. What was that? Gc? Game Changers?
Game changer, yeah.
I would just walk onto my balcony and literally meditate. Vct GC. Everyone has their thing.
Balcony meditation. With your wind chimes, that'd be nice.
That sounds real nice. It's nice. It's rather nice.
It's a really dumb side topic. I think you could jet because I was randomly in the range. I was like, I wonder if I tried using your knife as a neon laser and it held left click and it works. You just like...
If you hold it, she just shoots consignively?
Except you only have five bullets. I was like, I need to show this to Brodin.
Hey, but two body shots, right? Three. You're fine.
I'm interested. You could do that. Even with Neon, I aim for the head anyway. Yeah.
I was just putting my cross hair here. I would over flick sometimes, but I just keep running in their general direction. As long as they don't crowd, she's like...
I want to see that and see where it goes.
Do I have another agent? Yeah, you might have another agent. I'll show it to you. I'll show you this chat, and you'll feel in the range.
How do you guys feel... What game is you playing right now? I have one that I've been playing a lot. It's a little different, but I'm curious what you guys are playing.
You said that like a girl flirting. It was so flirty.
Fuck our games. What are you playing? I have to know now.
I've been playing... Our friend Boxbox made a game.
Oh, I've heard about it. I've heard so much about this.
I've heard about it.
It's a primarily text-based game. It's like an RPG auto babbler, where majority of the game is you creating your build and work in the auction house or work in the markets. I love that.
God, I love auction houses.
When I first joined it, the fun of it, I thought was going to be like, I'll make this build and I'll put this thing here. Then as I've been playing it, I've been playing it for... It's a game that works in seasons. I played it last season and we got pretty high for being first-timers. What I learned that I enjoyed the most work in the auction house. It was almost like stocks. Like, okay, the fire swords are going for $250 right now. It looks like riot shields are under for $40. I could probably buy six riot shields and really buff our party. Then I'd buy it up and be like, Cool, I'm trying to find these up. I've got a tier three. I could probably sell this back for 20% ROI.
I have to play this. Something about small community auction houses just hit so good.
You ever watch the show The Guild?
I don't know, but I'm familiar with it.
But yeah, it's like four degenerate gamers. Or no, is it five or six? It's a guild of gamers. The whole premise is like, they just know life, this game. It's pretty much RuneScape, and there's a guild vault. They're like, What if we just meet in real life? I'm like, What? It's just them showing their friendship in real life after gaming for so many years together.
It was famous because Felicia Day made it, and it was a web series that got a lot of traction. It was the first TV show quality web series. A lot of people figured it out. But yeah, this Boxbox game. There's honestly a couple of really cool things about it. He's really built a community around it. The way it works is you're trying to... There's 100 floors, and you're trying to climb to the 100th floor. But you got to beat floor one to then access floor two. Then you beat floor two to access floor three, blah, blah, blah, blah. Every five floors, there's a boss floor, which is extra hard. But what's cool is that this game has been going on for I don't know how many months, and the highest anyone's made is floor 40. That literally happened two weeks ago.
John's eyes just lit up. Did you see that? Yes.
That's awesome. What's going to light you up even more is every 20 floors, the items evolve. So no one's seen. Exactly. What could be in 60? So what's really cool, too, is it all takes place in Discord, and there's a channel that's purely just who has cleared the highest floor at the moment. So season resets, and then first floor is easy, Whatever. But then it's floor 31. Pause. No one clears for 24 hours. And it's like, oh, shit. Floor 31 is hard. Write that down. 31 is going to be hard. And then next day, 6 AM, highest floor, 32. And it shows the names of the players that cleared it. You're like, oh, they did it.
They did it.
But so when it climbed up to 38, 39, people were like, oh, my God, we're going to see floor 40. We're going to start seeing the new items. This is crazy. And the floor 40 items were drastically different than previously. Fun.
So fun. See, that has been consuming your time.
That's been consuming. What's nice, too, is it's not a huge time suck because since it is an auto battler and there's limited plays you can do, it's like time. It's almost like a mobile game in that way. You spend 15, 20 minutes on it and you're like, All right, I'll come back tomorrow.
Cool. I like that.
Yeah. Or you could just waste all your time in the market I'll buy that and you sell it.
No, it's so funny that you can just spend hours in the market. I used to play a... It was a Minecraft MMO-RPG. It's called Dungeon realms. It's a hybrid of World of Warcraft and RuneScape. Because World of Warcraft is super open world and first person. Just imagine first person World of Warcraft with a RuneScape leveling. But in the main town, That's where I spend in my hours with the chest and the regulars. You see the regulars like, Oh, you're looking for fireorbs, too? Oh, my God. You're looking for the enchantment? It was just like, there's this one item that was just so expensive. It would just randomize the stats. And imagine like, Oh, God, there has to be a better one. I was thinking really Boomer Maple Story, where you'd roll the dice and you get the best stats. Pretty much like, 999. Imagine like, 999 are the best stats, It's like your weapon is 474, but it's really good. It's the rarest one. So everyone would buy that orb to get the 999. I just spent hours in there chatting up. Just trying to hustle people. I I just love small community auction houses.
It's just so different.
Well, Boxbox's game is in open beta now, so you guys can play it.
Open beta. Let's try it, dude.
Let's try it. I feel like I heard this two years ago. He started on this.
Yeah, I don't know. I found out about it on our Philippines trip because Céline was constantly... Every morning, she'd be on her phone. I was like, What are you doing on there? She's like, Oh, I'm playing Albert's game. I was like, I need to play this.
Well, I think the game you're talking about is a different one. Yeah. And then this is in a different-Oh, yeah.
My server The Thunder Rooms. I mean, it's still there. What are you talking about?
Oh, the one... Okay. You're saying the game that he heard about two years ago is a different one than what I'm talking about now. Yes. Yes, but he did take some of the assets. And so you'll see the same asset for this one. Oh, cute. I'm glad.
Yeah, it sounds similar.
There's also some themed floors. One of them, you just play against the Valorant agents. Neon shreds. When we went up against the Valorant floor, Reina, sure, she's hard. But then Neon, when she gets her ult, just wipes you.
Are there animations for it?
No, it's all text-based.
This is awesome.
The RPG. Yeah. And you got to kill chamber fast because if he gets his ult, one of your guys just died. Oh.
Noted. Yeah.
Yeah, I got the tips for you. Pay me some gold, and maybe I'll tell you how to beat some floors. Oh, my God.
This feels like... What's that anime? Sort Out On A Line.
Yes. It feels like that, too, when you're playing.
I can't imagine the 60th floor. I haven't even played, but I need to know now. I know, right?
If anyone's going to do it, it'll be John.
I can't touch a game. If I get... Anytime I touch an MMO, don't even think I'm a perfectionist. But anytime I touch an MMO, I have to... I got to try to maximize the stats of my time.
I've only recently learned that about In the last three months that John is a perfectionist. I didn't know that, and then it all clicked. And he is absolutely a perfectionist in the way that he learns and the way that he operates or applies himself.
The thing is, when you're being a perfectionist in Valorant, it's getting off the game is actually good because if I play too long, my reaction speed, I'm autopiloting. I'm not learning as efficiently. The thing with them, Mo, it doesn't matter. Time is XP. To be a perfectionist is to be on the game. Keep leveling.
Yeah, we learned that the hard way.
Do you have any OCD tendencies? I don't know.
I don't think so.
I would say I have very mild OCD and ADD, I've realized. But the OCD tendencies stir me in the direction or steer me in the direction of needing to perfectionist. But what's interesting was doing film broke that of me. I used to be way more like, anal retentive. This needs to be perfect. This needs to be here. But then when you work on a film set, there's so much out of your control. You have to flow with Yeah, you have to let it go.
Or else you're never going to release a project. That makes sense.
We've looked up an OCD tendency list. Order and symmetry, hoarding disorder, forbidden thoughts and impulse, fear of germs or contamination. There's a giant poll. Also, ordering and arranging aggressive thoughts towards other... What's the other one?
Superstitious fears, reassurance, and cleaning.
I just read them all for you, John. You weren't paying attention?
No, I was trying to read them. Okay. And I lost focus. He's a perfectionist.
I don't think John Has any of those except for...
Oh, there's 15 more.
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my goodness.
We saw a third of it.
Compulsive counting, perfectionism, contamination, nonsense Physical doubts, repeating specific phrases, harm to loved ones, compulsions, counting, checking. The counting one, sometimes I'll do, where like...
What does it count? Wait, what does it count?
You're just counting for no reason. Maybe I'm folding clothes, right? I'll be like, one, two, three. Then I'll realize, I've been counting, but there's no need for me to count these.
Our brains are so interesting.
No, it's I think it's really cool.
I learned that I had it or was tipped off when I was at Disneyland once. I was really young. I think I was maybe seven years old. We were exiting the park. You know how there's those chain stanchions that's just for the lines. As we were exiting, I would go right, stepping. I'd go left, right, left, kick a pole, left, right, left, kick a pole, left, right. It would be really noisy when I kick the pole. I did a left, right, and my mom was like, Stop kicking the poles, or I'm going to put your time out, or something. I did the left, and I froze there and looked at her and said, I have to kick the pole. I have to kick the pole. And she was like, Oh, okay, go ahead, kick the pole. I kicked it, but then I was done. But I had to finish that sequence or it was going to break That's so interesting.
Sydney, I know, has to end every stream on a 25 minutes, an hour, three hours.
Oh, yeah. She's very into like...
She definitely has.
If you change the volume on the TV.
Yeah, it has to be on a five or an even. But I feel that way, too.
No, I could leave that shit on 19.
I'm going for the perfect volume for the room. Yeah. I'll get it to perfect volume, and she's like, No, add two. It's going to be too loud. Add two.
Okay, sure.
It needs to be even or on a five for me. But yeah, I know that she has the time is very... Or numbers. I never check how long my stream is in that regard. I'm ending whenever I'm ending. I've never thought I need to end on a specific hour or time past.
That's so interesting.
Did not know that about her.
Yeah. If you notice, I guess her streams are always on a...
Wait, can we go to her? I need to see. Is this real?
Go to Cydian Twitch.
Yeah, twitch. Tv/cydian. Then we're going to go to Vods and we're going to see her, how long she's been live.
So 2:28. Wait, scroll up. Scroll up. 3:14. 30. 4:46. She failed on one. She failed on one. 51:50. Wow, it's always a zero, though. 5:07.10. That's crazy. She just has to add on the number to that.
I'm just imagining.
Wait, screenshot Is that the four? The one where she fucked Evan Sancher.
She pulls the VOD down.
I'm just imagining her doing her outro and then going to the ending screen and then just staring at the Stop Streaming button.
Isn't that interesting? Just how... It's satisfying. Our brain works. Well, yeah. When it comes to yours, what's the feeling following? I know a lot of people feel like, If I don't do this thing, something bad will happen. I have to do this thing. If I don't do this, my mother is going to fucking die.
That's interesting. It's funny because the way you say that, I can hear Sydney saying that. That's not how I would vocalize it. It's almost like a It's like a form of frustration, but it's not emotional. It's the negativeness of frustration, but you're not emotional about it. I don't know how to put that.
I think I understand what you mean.
Yeah. It's like a weight has just been placed on you. Yeah. You're like... Yeah.
I get it.
Can I take this off? I need to see what the mic looks like.
Wait, that's funny because I've also been wanting to do that.
Would it be really loud?
Yeah. Save it for Patreon, John.
We're going to strip the mic for Patreon.
Well, this episode... I got some mic side boob. I have to do this quick so we wait that we land on the exact second, guys. We're going to close this out because we want to land right on that zero. Yeah, this one's going to be for Sydney. Thank you so much for watching. We will strip the mics and take the condoms off of them for our Patreon episode. If you'd like to see what they look like, I mean, they're just normal mics, go ahead and check out the Patreon.
Time to rock the mics.
But otherwise, thanks for watching. Thank you, John. Remember your homework?
Of course.
Why were you guys dressed up, by the way?
Because today we dressed up.
It was the dress code. Come on, man. Do you do this every podcast? No, it was just today's Dress Code.
Yeah. He didn't check his messages.
He did not. Anyway, goodbye. See you in the next one.
Bye. Thank you for watching.