OfflineTV Podcast- 665 views
- 7 May 2024
Scarra gets trolled by QuarterJade and Brodin in this new episode of the OfflineTV Podcast where they chat about furries, other ...
Welcome to episode 4, guys. Our host, our guest today is Scara.
He said our host. Yeah.
You want to know something fun? What? Every guest we've had has come raw dog in feet. Just feet out, no socks. Dogs for free.
Yeah, I'm okay with it.
You got the memo?
Who the fuck just fell?
That was Michael. That was Michael. I'll be honest with you guys. I've looked at my feet wiki rating. It's not that good. You know what? I've come to accept that. It's fine.
It's not that good. Let me see your feet.
No, I don't want to show you.
Yeah, they're not that good.
I know. It's because you compare me to Sean's feet and Sean's feet are- Sean's feet are nice, but he's not on wiki feet. Yeah, well, that's- Which is surprising to me. That's their fault. You could change that.
Yeah. You're right. You're so right.
You can do the change.
This guy sleeps till two every day. You just go in this room.
Think about it. You take photos of Sean's feet. You sell them. Nobody knows it's Sean's feet. Sean doesn't know you're selling his feet. You make millions.
People think it's my Yeah.
No, not even that.
Oh, I mean, yeah.
You just create a new persona.
The thing is, though, I actually think Sean should do that. Yeah. That's how nice his feet are.
He's been wanting to do something different recently.
A new project?
Yeah. That's his new project?
I'm just saying. Okay, would you look down at someone who sold their feet pics?
Would you look down on someone? Yeah. Get that bag.
That's what I'm saying. If he literally was like, Yo, I've had to buy my wallet hold up and just take out his phone and start snapping pics at the table. I'd be like, Shit, man. That's what I'm saying. Pays pretty fucking well. If we can pay for four people. Well, Scara. Yeah.
Speaking of feet, we typically start these pods with our guest singing their favorite theme song. It could be from a TV show, it could be from anything.
Okay, my favorite theme song. I don't know how the beginning starts. And then it goes, Teen Titans, go. And then you have the...
Oh, it's a Teen Titans? Yeah, I fucking love that.
But I don't know how to deal with the beginning of it, man.
Okay, so now after you said Teen Titans, I know what you're trying to hum. Yeah, I don't know how to do that.
I'd love this theme song. It's like a… This is a crazy theme song. Teen Titans.
Banger. Then the follow-up to that is, if you were a furry, what are you? What's your persona? What's your persona?
It would probably be like, I don't like how you googled scar furry. I would like it to be probably a dragon. Also, did you know this is completely random? I learned this last week. That theme song plays in either Japanese or English at the beginning of the episode. If it's one language, it's a more comedic episode. If If it's the other language, it's a serious episode.
I, too, am chronically online. If it's the English version, it's a serious. If it's Japanese,You saw it? Then it's...I love Jody.You knew this? Then it's the comedic episode.
Oh, so this is why it's in your brain's palace right now because...
I saw one thing on TikTok. You guys saw it on TikTok?
I saw on Twitter.
Oh, I saw that on Twitter, but I saw this on... Yeah.
I like that you answered that persona question so fast.
Well, the thing is, it's like I-am a fur No, I just have things that people associate with furries, and it's just a common coincidence.
What about you is screaming furry?
Well, I have this suit, a baseball mascot of a...
He literally has a fur suit.
Not beating the allegations. Yeah, okay.
Okay, yeah.
So you're not for your scaling? Well, I guess it is an umbrella. Yeah.
I wouldn't say I am, but that's the techno definition of someone who was into that stuff. What about you guys?
Well, before we get into that, after they say their fursona, you're familiar with Power Rangers, right? Yeah. You know how they're like, It's morph in time. Torreotasaurus. Can you say fursona, and then what you're going to turn into. And then just do it to that camera for us.
I'm convinced none of your guests ever do this.
Every guest does. Yeah.
They are always suspicious like this. But the hosts don't. But yeah.
I did I do not believe you. Okay, so what did they do?
Well, it's up to you. You choose your... Yeah.
You start by yelling, like, Persona, and then you say what you're going to turn into.
My alternate persona is just my name, if that makes sense.
No, like the type of animal. Oh. Yeah. When you're ready, that camera.
They don't do this. I know they don't do this. He just brought it up to fake it out. They did not do this. I do not believe you guys.
Wait, every-Scar is pleading with our staff in the back.
They're just saying, We don't do this.
Okay, so they just go something like, Fursona, and then dragon?
Yeah, she would say that in one.
Oh, Okay. And then that, I can't remember.
Okay. It's like, Fursona, dragon.
Perfect. Yeah. And then in the edit, I think we typically will do something with that.
I'm going to I'm going to remember this moment as a moment I made a mistake. There's moments at times where time slows down, and time literally slowed down. I think I saw a man that started crying in the background, and I'm just like, I made a mistake. There's just problems, and I just made a problem.
What other times in your life have you felt that, the slow down at some point of the day?
I remember really embarrassing moments of myself. One of the times that I always remember was when I was in the debate club for the first I stutter on all of my sentences. My mom was like, You should learn to speak better. Join the debate club. I'm like, No. But because I didn't join the tennis club, my mom forced me to join the debate club. I was forced into it. I think during the competition, I peed my pants, and I was just like, This is the worst. Because I was so stressed and nervous about it. Sorry, so you said you think. No, I did. Okay.
I was going to say, You know it, or you know when you I was just so nervous.
Something came, but I don't exactly remember the situation. I just remember it's just a core memory in the worst possible way.
Tell me.
It was high school.
Oh, that's dramatic.
Yeah. What triggered the pee? Did they ask you a question? You were like...
I don't know. I think I just really had to pee. It was a common... I just didn't go to the restroom because you have to be in between. When you're debating, it's a very time-sensitive thing. What happens is you go up there and you give out your presentation. You have three minutes, and then you get cross-examined, and then they give their thing, and then there's more time left. It's a very time-intensive thing. I was just under a lot of pressure there. I don't remember all the stuff. All you need to know is that it's one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done.
Do you just muscle through it when that happened? Was this middle?
I don't see. You're asking me a lot of things in my long term, it's not terribly good.
You just blacked it out of it.
I literally just like... It didn't happen. It happened, and I accept it, and I'm like, Okay, well, we're going to throw that back there. It never happened. But if someone asked me on a podcast on a Friday or Wednesday, Tuesday evening at 10:00 PM, I might bring it up.
You got none of that right, dude. But hey, that... Yeah, that's an embarrassing moment. I would choose to also Did you think that was the best thing that you did? I was like, I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. Do you think Debate Club helped you?
I eventually became captain of the Debate Club. Damn.
So you were like, Sup, guys. First day, peeing, but I'm showing you all, fool. How it's done. And then you came back stronger?
I don't think I ever told anyone that. When I was at the school.
The thing is, how do you hide that? Doesn't everyone know?
Were you just at the podium?
He's asking very specific questions, and I don't remember. But it was like when you do a competition- people do. Yeah, some people do. Probably the judge and my opponent. But maybe all their schools and their friends and their best friends and their sons. Everybody.
Yeah, but like- It was televised, too. Yeah.
It wasn't televised, that one. But I think a lot of people didn't, though. It didn't spread around my school.
Are you sure? How are you sure?
Don't make me relive my-Yeah, you know what? Actually, no one-I have still wake up sometimes times, and I'm just like, Oh, my God, I missed my exam. I'm late to my class, and I'm just like, I haven't been to class in 14 years.
I have those things, though, too. I have nightmares where I miss an exam or I'm late to turn something in.
I wake up and like, Why am I naked in the classroom with a Scantron? I'll be like, What the fuck? But I really have to do this exam.
I never had one of those homework or school dreams ever. Really? Until I I think this was a month ago. I had a dream that I was in a class, a college-level class, taught by our friend Ryan Higa. I was in class. Céline was also in class with me. We came into class that day, and he was like, All right, pop exam. Every question was actually impossibly hard. And not just in the... It wasn't for a specific subject. It was impossibly hard, just weird life questions. This train is going this way, but there's a bird flying away. How many eggs do you have? That stuff. I remember just becoming so infuriated I'm looking around and everyone in the class is sweating. Looking at the clock, going by. Everyone's maybe 50% in. And by the end of it, we're like, I can't We're all going to fail. And then Ryan tells everyone, I guess I could stay for another 15 minutes, but that's all you get. It was something like that. There's, I think, elements, too, that I'm forgetting. But I messaged Ryan about that after I woke up and was like, You gave me my first homework dream, and I hate you for that.
And he was like, Oh, it was all part of the... You're supposed to get up and just leave, and then you'd pass. I was like, I hope. Did you do that? And he was like, Next time, right? Next dream. Next dream, I'll do that.
Do you guys have horror dreams or dreams you remember? Because the only dream I remember somewhat vividly is the one where I was like, My scariest dream ever.
I don't generally have really scary dreams. I do remember most of my dreams. The only time that I've had a really scary dream, but I can't remember, it was when I was taking ashwagandha, which is basically your- The drug? Yeah, you take my naturopathic doctor prescribed me ashwagandha because my cortisol levels are through the roof. In other words, I'm stressed, apparently, all the time. So I take ashwagandha. My dreams get weird, which is apparently a very common side effect of ashwagandha.
But they didn't warn you?
It's something I knew, and they did be like, Oh, there's side effects. Well, they didn't go into specifics. But apparently, yeah, weird dreams are very common. And the thing is, I'm pretty good about remembering my dreams. I don't remember any of them other than when I woke up and been like, That was a fucking weird dream. Or I'd wake up and be like- Cold sweat? Yeah, literally. I was like, Okay, not going to take that anymore.
Did I ever tell you guys the scary dream I had? I was next to the pool. It was like a pool party, and someone's phone rings next to me. They pick it up. Who is it? And then they give it to me. They pass it to me. I pick it up. I'm like, Excuse me, hello. The voice on the other end is a deep voice, and I told you not to do that. I was like, Excuse me, who is this? He just says, Run. It electroshocks my hand, and I wake up in a cold sweat, and I am... My heartbeat at that time must have hit 200. That's so scary. I spent the next hour being like, I'm going to fucking die today. It was in the middle. It was the very early morning. My room was very dark. I'm looking around my room That was the only dream I remember. I usually forget most of my dreams. That's the one where I'm like, if I get another dream like that, I do not want to go back to sleep. Like, ever.
Did this have anything to do with our Winchester shoot?
It was before that. Oh, before. I don't get scared about stuff. I don't know. I don't really get ghosty fear or something like that. I don't know.
Yeah, my scary dreams are normally related to humans doing something.
This is something where if that happened to me in real life, I'd be fucking terrified. But I was just like, I woke up being like, that was one of the scariest things I've ever had happen.
For context, we did a shoot in the Winchester mystery house. Haunted. World's largest haunted house.
Everyone on the staff squares as haunted. I go in there a little bit skeptical. And these four people are like, No, we swear it's haunted. They wouldn't even show us Tor, one of the places because they're like, We've had bad video in there. And I'm like, What the fuck? Okay.
You said when we got back, you had a bad dream.
I don't remember.
Oh, you don't remember. I remember. What did I say? We had the shoot there. We were there throughout the night, causing a ruckus. Then we slept there for a little bit.
Some of us slept.
We left, and then the night that we left, the next morning, you were like, I had a horrible nightmare.
Blocked it out of my memory. I don't remember anything.
See? And that's why ignorance is bliss. Really, knowledge is not power. It's responsibility. You don't want that.
So true, King.
Also, speaking of fears, Sean's birthday was recently. We watched The Grudge, which I had... This is my first time watching it.
I've never seen The Grudge. You haven't seen it? No.
Let's watch the Japanese grudge.
Wait. Yeah.
Oh, there's two because it was based off the Japanese one, right?
Yeah. I grew up when I was in middle school and I watched the Japanese version. Still, I think that scared the shit out of me. Truly, that was so scary. Then Sean wants to watch the grudge. He puts on the-For his birthday. Yeah. He said, For his birthday, his wish is to watch the grudge and have a sleepover. So we're like, Sure, man. Okay. We watched the grudge, but not the Japanese version. And surprisingly, not that bad.
Yeah. Yeah. Pretty good movie.
It wasn't- Had some cool stuff. Wasn't that scary?
No. The Japanese version is way scarier, but apparently the acting is worse. Oh. But it's been literally years since I've seen it.
I'm just saying it's a toss-up. Japanese one is scarier, but the English one has better acting, apparently.
I guess we'll just have to watch that one, and then I'll sleep over.
But so the next day or the next night, I had to go into the attic. My room is the only room with attic access. It looks just like the grudge attic, where you get up there and your elbows are resting and you turn because Because you walk up and you see the HVAC system in front of you. But there's a whole room and doorway and all this stuff behind you. So as soon as you come up, you peak your head behind and see just this looming door that's really creepy.
It's not even a door. It's a half of a door. It's a teeny tiny little rectangle that just leads to another dark, scary room.
If you've seen our Halloween short film, Horror Short, you are familiar with this. But, bye, Yvonne.
Bye, Yvonne.
The weird thing about it was I went up there and the hatch to the roof was open. It was just left open. What? I was wondering because my room had been really cold recently. It was just like, wafting in.
God, that is creepy.
Well, it's funny because I'm on my way to another shoot and I get a call from Bro and Bro is like, Hey, what What are you doing? You're sleeping? I'm like, No, man, I'm on my way somewhere in the car. Okay, I just wanted to hang out and see if you wanted to come to the attic with me. I'm like, No, I don't want to do that. I'm long gone.
He says, Come hang out in the attic.
Yeah, he's like, I'm scared.
I thought it would be fun at first, but then when I was up there, I was like, I think I'll go back to my room.
Yeah, fuck that. When I think of something happening like that, I get spoofed. Even though I don't really believe in ghosts or a paranormal, I'm like, I don't ever want to be wrong. I'd be the type of guy when I was really young, I'd go in the mirror or in the restroom at night and then say, bloody Mary twice.
Three times, dude. It's three.
No, but I'd only say it twice.
Just in case.
Then I would be scared to say it. Then I would just hide in the toilet for a little bit with the lights In the toilet?
You just getting in the toilet?
No, I mean, imagine there's a... My old house, old, old, old house had a shower and a toilet in another room with a door. I would just close the door. I don't know why I close it. I keep the lights on. I'd be checking. I'd be making sure to...
Dude, just go to a different room.
Get out of the bathroom. That's where she enters. That's where she comes.
Small me was not smart. I would argue that I didn't get much- You were waiting for Santa I was.
But I definitely am like, I don't want to risk any of this stuff.
I've heard my fair share of paranormal stories from people, like friends or relatives, that I just try Can we maintain a neutral energy.
They can or can't exist. And if they do...
Yeah, cool. You're on that plane and I'm on this plane. Yes.
The mortal plane is nice, but not nicer than your plane.
You guys should chill over there.
Yeah, what are you doing over here? There's so much space over there.
So full disclosure, I've watched about 10 minutes of the O2B podcast, a new season. I've not watched more than that. Fill me in. How are you guys feeling? How does it all look?
It's pretty good, man. Okay.
I like that there's dedicated hosts. I think you guys are... This is the nicest way I could put it, the people who like to talk a lot. And so I think those are necessary people for What do you mean by that, Scarra? Well, I think when your lips move up and down, words come out and not air a lot of times.
For successful podcasts, you can't have your lips be still.
So you do a good job.
So we are professional yappers is what you're saying. Yes.
And honestly, that's great. That's why I have a podcast with Peter because- You are a professional yapper.
Yeah. Especially when it comes to you.
Weep stuff. Yeah, which I just... Okay, this is so funny. I told Jody this year that I think I've become a weeb over time. The look she gave me when I said that was just like, incredible.
I don't understand. What do you mean become This year. That's what I said.
Well, at first it was like- No, you've just been in a weeb in denial, and now you are finally coming to acceptance.
You're an accepted weeb, but you've been a weeb. I don't know how to tell you this, man. You've been a weeb. So like I said- You're the most weeb person I know.
There are some moments where your lips should go like this, and some when they should stay like this. What the hell?
What movie is that from?
No, he's a debater. That came off the dome.
No, that's like a...
I don't know what movie that's from.
Master Master's in Disguise. Master of Disguise. The turtle guy?
The turtle guy? Yeah.
I swear he goes, And it should be like this.
I think you're right.
I think you're right, too.
Is that not ringing a bell to you guys?
That That was a great character.
I swear he's in the turtle costume. He's like, Your lips are moving.
I don't remember. Did you just subconsciously pull from this?
Have you seen this movie before? I did not remember this existed until she said it.
I forgot this movie. I used to love this movie as a kid.
Yeah, this is a perfect kid movie. Look at it.
It's crazy. You know what I watched when I was a kid? I remember being young and being like my... My favorite movie was Warriors of Virtu, which you You weren't even born when they came out.
How old are you? 34. 34. I was going to say three. Oh, my God. It's right there.
This is what I want you to do.
Go back a little bit. Did you just tell me this is what you're doing? This is what I want you to do.
You're crazy. I did not remember this scene, but you're crazy for remembering this.
Good for you. I won the debate. Thank you. Thank you everyone for coming.
Fuck. Unanimous winner.
I can't beat people who are cinema buffs, man. What can I say?
Yeah, just two cinema buffs here. You're going to weeb.
Well, Well, allegedly.
Wait. Well, no, never mind. Yeah, what? So you're a cinema. I keep wanting to say cinnamon.Cinemen. You're a Cinnamon. Yeah. You're a weeb. What am I?
I'm not a cinema buff. You're a bookie.
I'm a bookie.
You're what I tried to be and couldn't go all the way through.
What stopped you?
I just liked reading stuff with pictures. I went back to my kid era, and I'm like, I need pictures to go with words. The thing is, I still really like fiction. I still have some favorite series that always be like goats for me.
You want to know something fun?
When I was a child, my parents would try to bribe me to read. I would get, I think it was like a penny a page or like two pennies a page, something like that. At first, it worked where I was reading normal books, and then I found manga.
It went from me reading maybe 100 pages in a month to, All right, I read 1,200 pages.
Did they look at what material you were reading?
Well, they were like, What? How? Because we'd go to a Barnes & Noble or something or Borders, buy a book. Sometimes I would finish it that day and be like, Cool, we can return it. Let's get the next one.
This is what I didn't know about him. He actually reads manga. I've recommended him manga over the years, It's weird to recommend something and have them come back to me and be like, I finished it. Like, literally a couple of weeks later, and I was like, What the fuck? You read all of it? I recommended him Chainsaw Man because I thought it's really fucking cool story. He read it all and then some other stuff. It all worked out. The end of the end?
It's really good storyboarding inspiration.
Yeah, no, they are wild. I always recommend stuff that does creatively very crazy. It's super out there and how they do a lot of topics.
Yeah. Actually, Lauren, who does a lot of our thumbnail work, I recommended to her. I was like, Do you read manga? She was like, No. I was like, Find some because you're going to find that it really helps your design layout, your design eye.
Oh, the way they panel is insane, some of them.
I used to read so much manga, man, and now nothing.
No, now you're a booker.
See, but I used to be both. And now, I don't know. I let it go, man.
No, same. I always tell people at some point, I'm going to go back to fiction. I have a series I've It's just piling up. But the problem is the series that I want to read is one of my favorite series of all time. The author is just crazy and writes 100,000 words a week. It's an updating free fiction series called The Wandering In. They're the number one. They've won every award. They've won the best fiction web serial on-I've heard of.reddit three or four times. They're incredible. They've been around for multiple and I finished volume five. Finishing five volumes, I think, of this series is like finishing the entire Harry Potter series twice. So they're currently on volume-So this is where you're going back. Yeah, they're currently on volume 10. The world building here is just... It's such a unique story and would never have been released normally, I think, because there would have been an editor that was like, Stop this shit. But since there wasn't, the author had a lot of leeway to be able to really go crazy in terms of just how characters feel about stuff. Just write and ramble, and it's an incredible read, honestly.
This is where you will go back and probably go back to your roots with it and push you back into reading.
I would read this again. Yes.
When I... Noted.
At some point, I went from reading fancy fiction or just fiction. Fancy fiction has always been my thing I read. Then I got through stuff like Redwall. I got through... Before Percy Jackson even existed, I was reading whatever there was out there. I always say this, during my finals year of freshman for college, I... Wow, it came out terribly. But you understand what that meant. I read 29 books in 30 days. Almost filled my finals. It was really bad. Super fucking bad. But it was really nice. I read a shitload of fiction during that time.
It's just fun to...
I had a day I woke up. I read literally 24 hours. I did not leave my bed.
Damn. That's my dream.
It was fucking crazy. I slept on the floor in college. It's just like, damn.
Can we unpack that? You slept on the floor in college?
You know how you have those pictures of even early gamers where it's just their mattress on the floor? First of all, it's not even that bad. Let's be real. It's not that bad. He gave me a weird look.
Yeah, I think when you're in college... Do you have a bed frame? Yeah, you do, right? You have one now, right?
Yeah, it's nice. It's a really nice bed frame. But honestly, if I didn't, I'd be like, okay. But I think mattress on the floor is just a very stereotype of gamers. But then you look at stuff like Asian culture, which are famous for the Tommy mats and stuff like that. And then people aspire to be more Asian. And I'm just like, I'm just going back to my roots.
Why did you bring up this picture?
What is that?
That's That was your college norm.
That's not... Okay.
But- Did you have the TV propped on a cardboard box as well?
This is going to sound insane to you guys. I usually don't have TVs next to my bed at any point in my life. Really?
I don't watch TV.
Even as a second screen for other stuff, that's strange. Most of the people I've seen, room-wise, always have a TV or something that they can watch when they're in bed. Almost always. I visit a lot, but like...
I also don't have that. I have to say, am I the abnormal?
Well, I used to, and I would say you are the abnormal. Yes. Most people do have a TV that they fall asleep to. Absolutely. Wait, really? For real? Yeah. Everybody in this room has a TV in their room?
Okay, no. No. Leave a comment. I need to know. You guys are...
I feel like I visit a lot of people where that's the case, but then I always feel like it's me who's the weird one. But I don't know.
Well, so you always... You'll hear for better sleep.
Oh my But 71% of people living in tell them to not have a TV in their bedroom. Yeah.
So there's a lot of better health sleep stuff where it's like, you should get the TV out of your bedroom. It'll really help because so many people just leave it on and have that light.
Oh, wow. So you do yourself a favor.
I guess so.
I used to, throughout high school, I had a TV in my bedroom and would just fall asleep to it. That was my version of your white noise.
Yeah. Well, I've never I've never had white noise. Well, that's not true.
Oh, do you sleep with white noise now?
I used to sleep with rain sounds. Cool. Raining rain. In Washington because it just rained so much. Oh, you mean like real rain? And then I got a rain. I would have my little Alexa thing play rain when it wasn't raining because I got so used to it. And then now I have a literal white noise because, well, I got a lot of roommates. You're telling me, John's loud? I guess it was my TV, or it's my equivalent TV. I don't know. That is interesting. See, I have a really hard time falling asleep to TV because all I hear is the TV. I can't zone it out.
You're really interesting to me in that you, I feel like you're very sleep sensitive. I can put on the TV. I can fall asleep. I could fall asleep on a train by choice. It's not like I'm so exhausted. I could be like, Yeah, I'll fall asleep here, and then conk.
He's also a little different.
Yeah, I don't know if I can-I am a little different.
I can sleep in some places. Tv, though, I just can't.
I used to be able to sleep. My normal way to go in sleep used to be I would read or watch something, and eventually, my eyes would get so tired, I go to sleep, which is like, that seems pretty normal. Then ever since this year, it's like, if I don't turn off my phone, I don't go to sleep.
Wait, that's me. I can brute force myself to stay awake. I have to be like, Okay, it's 2 AM, Jody, please put the book down. Go to bed.
Do you guys have this where if When you look at lights, the light stretch.
Oh, a stigmatism?
Yes. No. I used to think everyone has this. I used to think everyone in their life had this. If you have a stigmatism, when you look at lights, it seems like the light stretch. The more tired you are, I love that he's-He doesn't notice. That was actually pretty fucking close. A stigmatism with an A. It's like that. That picture where the lights are stretching, I I see that every day.
You can do it. If you squint at a light, your eyelashes will do that. Yeah.
That's what I see. The more tired I am, the longer the light stretch. I can tell how tired I am. Right now, the light behind you is stretching, and I'm like, Oh, I'm a little tired.
I'm fatigued. Yeah, okay.
It's a thing where my body naturally tells me how tired I am. But I would not be able to bruteforce it. I would just pass out. I would commonly have...
Dude, when we were in Japan and I saw Scara reading manga on the train or something on the bus, and the amount of times that I hear, because you dropped your phone on the train floor, and then you go and pick it up, rinse and repeat. I'm like, Dude, just go to sleep. Because it happened three, four times where you drop your phone, and you just pick it back up and start reading again.
She catches me in the worst times.
I'm like, That's crazy.
Sometimes, yeah, I just can't... I'll try to proof for it. It doesn't work. Especially if we're on really quiet places like the Japanese train or bus.
I can't believe that you fall asleep, that your phone falls out of your hand and you decide, I'm going to do that again and again.
Well, obviously, to learn a lesson, you have to repeat it. So after the first or second time, I'm like, You know what? I didn't learn that that much. I learned a lot. I tried to learn a lot.
So I just go through. Maybe you try to learn a lot, but are not learning a lot.
Yeah. In some cases, some cultures call that being slow.
Why is he googling being slow? That's weird. Please do not do that.
You're a funny one, Skara.
I commonly think a lot of my happiness comes from if I think I'm funny or not. If I'm not funny, it hurts me sometimes. I don't like it. But then I have this thing where I am terrible. I've had situations where my hubris has been so bad that it's killed me. It means that I never am ever confident a lot about my statements because of that.I.
Have a question.Yeah. You are throughout the years, I think we've learned, your one-liners go wild. They just float out of you. I'm curious, do you have a humor, not inspiration, but do you know what influenced you? Who were you?
I'm being around funny people. I literally think... I tell Lily this. I told her this. I don't think you can be friends with Lily unless you're funny. Because her reaction to people who aren't funny is scathing almost sometimes. She does this as a joke, but I feel like the only way you'd ever be friends with Lily, good friends, if you're funny. I've picked up on humor from the people around me who I feel like are much funnier than me or have a lot of very specific types of humor, and I tried to incorporate that into my own. I still remember the first time I talked to John, and he told me that he studied people's humor. I always thought of John as who was like, go with the flow, like, ha ha, he just fucking shows up. Hey, guys. Kind of deal. Like a goofy little cartoon just jumps in thing. But he's more studious than probably a lot of people I know.Oh, yeah.This guy.He's a prepper. Yeah.
Yeah, he is a prepper.
Before he started playing Tekin, he was already watching all the YouTube guides, knew exactly what he was doing. I was like, What the fuck? The funniest thing is, I had an idea of you as well. Because some of the times I see you, I'm like, Okay, she's a very fairy-like girl. Then after a while, I get in my head. I'm I'm like, She's literally goofy. She's like, Whatever. Then I talk to you and I'm like, Oh, she's smart sometimes. She acts dumb as fuck. I think you're really good at that. This is a compliment, by the way.
Yeah, I was thinking of like...
Because I'm always speaking about that. Because I'm always just like, damn, she's smart as fuck. But a lot of times she just acts like an idiot. I'm like, Fuck, man, this is great. I just learned to see different sides of people.
Yeah, I guess. I didn't know that I was acting like an idiot.
Okay, this sounds really bad. Okay, we're going to have to do some editing magic to make sure this comes out better than they came out. It stays in. That stays in. No. Oh, man.
I'm learning a lot.
Jody's really smart. I'm learning a lot. And not stupid. Cheers to that. Cheers to that. Thanks, man. Yeah. I feel like it's really fun to get to know more people and get to deep dive into people. I'm like, Okay, interesting. You're like that.
I did not know. Before moving into the OTV house, I knew people at an acquaintance, pretty shallow level. Then I'm starting to understand people way more. Obviously, living with people, you interact with them way more. I didn't know that Scara's one-liners were so good until I met… Until we were here. He just comes in, he just… I don't know. Everyone's always like, Damn, Scara. He just has these one-liners. Then I don't know, everyone just has their different types of humor.
Yes. I I feel like sometimes I'm a little one and done, but I really like it when Michael drags out the scene. He's really good at dragging out a comedic moment to make it funnier. I'm like, I got to do that more. But I'm usually a one and done type of guy. I'm like, One bull in the chamber, boom. That was a good one. Then I just leave. It's funny to see a lot of people's different styles mesh together. I think that everyone's funny in their own way. Actually, you have to be a little funny, if not a lot of funny, I think. If If you're not, you're around people who are funny enough, you'll become funny. That's how evolution works. We got nature versus nurture. It's like nurture.
Do you think you could do stand-up?
No, I'd be terrible at it.
What if you only had to do a two-minute set?
My brother, who I very rarely mention. I'm the older brother who's currently studying to become a doctor. I don't know why I did that. He told me about his worst moment of his life, which was he did a stand-up routine in front of his friends. He told me it was the worst routine ever. He told me that he tried to throw in some Asian racist stuff in there. I'm like, Why would you do that? First of all, I know you're Chinese, but chill with that. It didn't fly well. He went after someone, and the stage manager who was talking to him was like, Wow, that last guy was terrible. My brother was like, Don't worry, man. I got this. Then he just did the worst of the night. Every time I think about that story, I'm just like, I could not do stand-up.
Wait, I could not do stand-up. It's so hard. I don't think anyone can... We're not cut off for that. Nobody here is cut off for that.
I think getting over her more stage fright, I think Lily could do it. I feel like Lily is the most trained of the talent because for people who don't know, every time I lived with Lily, if it was possible, she would sleep in till 2:00 every day. But if she has a voice acting thing, or she will I'm like, I'm going to wake up at 6 AM. Every time I'm down here at 8:00, I don't see her walking at the door fully dressed up. I'm like, That's a voice acting day she's going to. Because there's nothing else that she would go wake up and think for her. She's legitimately going to classes and all this shit and her things. I'm like, that is a professional right there. I feel like she comes off with the stand-up chops from people who've done class and does it a lot and enjoys it. I think that she's the person who tends to like the scripted stuff a lot more. I'm the person where it's like, just build me the framework. I'll come in, maybe throw out, and then I leave. But she's more of a person who can carry an elongated scene and has a better flow for it.
Bro, than this, too. I feel like because he comes from more traditional-Improved type beat. Yeah, he can do that stuff, where the rest of us, I feel like, are just much better at filling out a framework and maybe worse in specific situations.
Yeah, Stana was a hard... That's a stone beast.
Yeah, I would not. And A lot of the comedians that I do see Stana for, I'm like, You guys are gods.
Oh, yeah. Comedians that have specials and stuff, they're so talented. Also just knowing how stand-up is created. They're testing those jokes multiple times. Yes. Removing a word, adding a word, just to get the laugh a little bit funnier. In a college course, I had to do a stand-up routine in front of a class. Basically, we all It was a course by... It was a really big agent, or when he was working in film at the time. He was Martin Scorsese's agent, Robert De Niro. He had a course where he's basically just teaching you about the industry, and he would force everyone in the class, in the second or third week, to do a stand-up routine in front of everyone. It was this just perfect icebreaker of you're all going to just fail, and nothing It's going to be worse than this. But after that, we can actually do some work.
I like that.
Did it work?
Yeah. And some people did better than others. Mine was okay, but it's a feeling that's definitely you need to flex your muscles and get used to it. Just going up and doing it raw was like, oh, God. Because you're finding that cadence of like, yes, you guys hear about that? You've seen this? Hear about this?
It's hard. I'm cringing already. I would I don't want to do that. I would rather walk the glass.
What I will say, it's way harder to try to just write jokes. It's easier to pick a life event or life experience and then pull at it.
That makes sense.
I feel like that's what we do for stream. Yes.
We are storytellers, and we had to just tell our story. But it sucks because if you don't leave the house, you don't touch grass, you don't have the last two of us. I don't know.
You have that pea story. That was pretty good.
Yeah. But now I can't tell it yet. No.
But hey, for the next time. You said you had a lot of embarrassing moments. Just pull from that.
No, I have a couple I remember.
That could be your best joke. It could be your best bit. Work on that. Just tell that story 100 more times. Craft it. Make it a diamond.
If I tell it five more times, I might be too embarrassed. That reminds me of... So Cyd doesn't like doing karaoke with a group, usually, because she likes the karaoke that's more in front of people. For me, that's a terrifying experience. Going to a karaoke bar I've heard in certain areas, you literally go and perform in front of the entire club. That is a terrifying thing for me. But it has some appeal where I'm like, Oh, it reminds me of standup where even if you're singing a song, you know all the lyrics. It's like you memorize your bit. But to do it in front of people is like... We did a karaoke bar shoot in Saotel a long, long time ago, OTV. I went up after a person whose voice was Angeline, and I was like, Bro, I've...
Wait, is this video still live? Yes. There's a karaoke bar, OTV. How old is this?
I don't know. I just know that we went to karaoke.
Which era was this?
Bro, then you were in here.
Oh my God, it's Young Scara.
I don't even remember that.
Six years ago.
That is. Wow. Yeah, so we were singing.
Thong. Oh, I know where you were.
Oh, my God. I remember I sing Thong Song by Cisco. That is a throwback. The rest of the lyrics really matter when you're doing karaoke. If you get only sing...
Oh, yeah. This is the era where you guys would always interview yourselves after.
Yeah, I actually like this. It feels very officey to me. Yeah. I cannot believe that that's Lily. Lily Saint creep.
Good choice.
Yeah, great, great fucking choice.
Dang. Bring it back. Let's do it one more time.
No, honestly, I think that we kill-Caraokey? Wait, but I'm with Sydney.
I don't want to sit in a room with 20 people I know and we all sit down. I would rather gouge my eyes out. I actually hate that. That's my seventh circle of health.
Yeah, I think-Wait, What is your thought, and I'll ask you about that.
I prefer being in a bar, you're drunk with your friends, you cue your song, you go up, performing all these strangers, because the expectation is that you're not good. It's the same thing with... It's not the same as stand-up comedy because stand-up comedy is people are there expecting you to be funny. With karaoke, they either expect you to be good or bad. Great. I'm going to be one of those, but bad. And that's fine. It's the expectation that's set.
That is true. I think the next time, if we ever go karaoke, I'm down to get to one of these bars just because I think it's fun.
It's funny you say that. I got two things. It's funny that you have that mentality about friend karaoke versus public because the friend one is just the same as public.
It's not because no one's sitting up and no one's going up and performing. Everyone is sitting there and looking at the screen and singing.
I feel like you're with the wrong groups. Yeah.
I have been to karaoke with multiple groups, at least three to four times after a club, and every time I want to go home.
The groups I go with, you don't sit. You stand up in front of everyone and you perform for everyone.
That's the ones I've been to recently, and they're a lot more fun.
That sounds way more fun.
But I think you got to go with-The right people. The I agree.
Do you guys feel comfortable doing something like that more in front of a crowd of strangers or a crowd of your friends?
Strangers. That's crazy. We're thinking the same thing.
You prefer friends, huh?
It's probably... As long as I'm not going after a stranger, I'm done. I think in front of a stranger is better. I agree because they don't know who you are. But if it's our fans as strangers, that would be...
Yeah. Strangers have zero expectations. Right.
A good example is when I went to Alaska, we went to a neighborhood bar, and they had karaoke where you sign up. We signed up. Me and Trisha signed up to sing, and I was like, This is so fucking cool. There's just people going around getting drinks. Someone hit on Trisha while we were streaming. She slid them a fake number, and I'm like, This is a great time.
It's a great time.
I feel like, yeah, anonymity is a blessing in those kinds of places because you can really just do anything and be like, Well, they're going to see these people again. Versus if you're doing this in front of friends or family, it's like, I'm going to see them for the rest of my life. They're going to have this memory that we can talk about. I might not want to talk about that.
I have one song, St. Cureokey, where I'm like, People know me by that, but I want to be known for other things now. I'll have to do another song. When Arcane comes out later this year in November, I will hopefully take another one of their song.
I'm sure they'll have the Angers. I'm impressed that you know when Arcane is coming out.
I know the most important cultural moment of our time. Season 2, Arcane comes out November.
Season 1, nothing compared to season 2.
I'm just saying, okay, like, right? Doesn't even have to pay me. I showed her shit. I'm under 12 in the A's for that company. Who the fuck cares, man?
Scara does. That's who cares. Scara does.
That's right.
That's me. That's right.
I'm going to be stoked for Arcane, too. You think they'll have a premiere? Because the premiere we went to was during COVID, during quarantine. Do you think this one will be even bigger?
Oh, my God. I hope so. Was it during COVID?
I can't remember anything. I bet you it will be because the first one was a... People didn't know what to expect from riot releasing a show. But then they hit number one in 30 countries. It's like this one, the next one, I'm sure they're planning big shit. I hope so. It's riot games. They like to celebrate their own shit. And this is one of those things they should be proud of. Are there any things you guys are looking forward to? Obviously, I feel like a lot of us are excited for next Dune, whatever that is.
What am I excited about?
Moving. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. Did you hear what they're going to do recently? They're rereleasing the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Oh, I did. I do.
Are you going to see it? I don't know.
It's all in one sitting, right? What? Which, well, I don't know if that's true. Because if it's all in one sitting, I actually can't do that. It's like 12 hours.
Yeah, I can't do that.
I have a friend that's never seen Lord of the Rings. I was like, this is actually the perfect time because I think seeing it in theater is-It's in 4K, man.
I think the first one extended is three and a half, second one is three and a half, and the last one's four.
I'm down. I love Lord of the Rings.
Yeah, I would like... You brought up an interesting point. I don't know if I could do three in a row. Yeah, no, I can't do that. That's ridiculous. I can't do that. But I I would love to watch Lord of the Rings in theater. That would be awesome.
You could do one and two in the theater. Go get food, finish three.
You'd have to start it in the morning. Yeah. Get lunch. Finish. Start second, take a break, and the third, get dinner.
It sounds like Barbiheimer. It's like that day, where people were like, You got to dress up, too. That would be sick. I just got my Renaissance stuff. I haven't even tried it on, but I got some stuff, and I bought Sean stuff, some stuff for his birthday. So I'm like, Oh, we're all good.
What are you going to be?
I don't know. I have a pretty-A scaly. No.
You could be a dragon. You could be a dragon. That would be sick.
You could be a dragon. I'm not doing that.
Then we all slay you.
I would not do that. You know what I found out recently? What Sid told me was at the Renaissance Fair. They have the bar maidens pour you drinks.
Yeah, and they talk down you. Yeah. So you're to become submissive and breedable. You're excited for that? To drink some ale? Yeah.
Okay, that came out real weird from the left and the right. I'm just saying I found-How else did you expect us to receive that? I found out some information, okay? I'm excited to check out to see scientifically if it exists.
Right. Yeah.
That's going to be what I'm looking forward to for the rest of the sphere.
Are you an ale or mead guy?
I might have to try both.
Good for you. Yeah. Hey, double time with the barmans.
Science doesn't have a...
What are you going to be, Ronan?
Well, I have my scythe, but I don't think they allow bladed weapons in.
They definitely do not.
It depends on if there's a... You do the safety thing. Some things they don't allow.
That's real. I can't do that. I do have the rest of my costume, though. I could do that.That'd be cool.Leather armor.
That would be sick.
I'm debating between grunge, fairy, elf, thing, or fox girl because my hair is now red, orange, copper.
Okay. I think you'd always kill a fucking fairy, anything, right? So it's like maybe the one time you-Switch it up. Yeah, switch it up. Honestly, maybe.
So we've come I'm going to have a full circle. Fursona.
I mean, you don't need the snout. You just need the hair.
I need a tail for sure, and some ears.
You can I just buy that there. You already have the hair color. You're good to go. Yeah. You can draw us a little snout on you.
That's not a big deal. Yeah, I could just go full fox furry. See, the thing is, that wasn't really my idea. Sydney was like, You could be a fox girl. I'm like, Yes, I could do that.
Yeah. Yeah. But just like when Sydney told me some information, now that you have new information, it might affect your decisions.
Right. What did Sydney tell you recently, Ronan?
I haven't spoken to Sydney in years. But I was wondering, all this talk of rent fair and furries got me thinking, if a bunch of furries showed up at a rent fair, do you think the rent fair people would yes and it and be like, Oh my God, we're being overrun by animals.
I think so. I think they're pretty... The people who go to Renaissance fairs, in my opinion, are probably pretty open to funny stuff.
Yeah, I feel like they would have fun with it. To have funny stuff. Especially somebody showed up as a dragon? Yeah.
I I definitely think it's something where it's like they're going to be happy. People are just having fun. I think the spirit of the Renaissance fair to me is always like that. People larp at these things. Have you guys ever larp before?
No, I don't think so.
You've never... Well, even in your day by day, you've never been casting level one fireball. I guess maybe it's a little ha ha funny silly.
You're right.
That's what I...
Yeah, right. I don't know.
I don't know.
Have you larped? Are you a larper?
No. One time. I put on my cape and my wizard hat. You've never done that.
One time at my high school, my school went in the lockdown because they thought there was an intruder that was going to come and kill the students. And he was a lizard. Because there was a kid larping on my school property, who's from the school. He just was walking around, and he just had a sword and a cape and was dressed up. And we went into lockdown. I remember having to run to the nearest classroom, which was the drama classroom. And there were two girls in the back crying because they thought they were going to die. And then they had to announce, Sorry, everybody. Just Jerry LARPing. That's fucking awesome. That's actually my only experience with IRL Larping.
Well, false alarm, guys. Jerry was just having some fun.
Yeah, literally. It was a foam sword. It's even a real one. I don't know how that all unfolded, but we went into lockdown.
Did people hate on Jerry after that?
I don't think so. Not that I know of.
They were good. They were just like, Yeah, Jerry's having a good time. It's these guys who couldn't recognize a foam sword.
Speaking about Renaissance fair, would you guys ever go to a furry convention?
I would go.
How was it? Would Did you recommend it?
I've never been. Oh, the Renaissance fair, I've been before. Yeah, that's nice.
Wasn't your whole thing, you went to a furry convention?
No, that was an anime convention. I could see... No, it was a...
I mean, hop, skip, and a jump over there, really.
Hold on, hold on. It was a shoe K-pop anime convention.
Yes, like a shoe, like a serious shoes reseller.
Shoe, like the things I wear on my feet.
Yes. You could buy $1,000 shoes there. Keep. So anime Impulse was shared a convention center with three different conventions at the same time.
I see. Wait, Scarra, you need to go to a furry convention with this.
I know. It was crazy.
You have to. Yeah.
Okay, I don't know.
Wait, sorry. If I go to a furry convention, do I have to be in the full suit? No. Or can I rewear my Renfair Foxgirl costume?
You probably… There are also… I think you can wear it either.
Yeah, I don't think it- Can you look up furry convention walkthrough?
I think you could be there in just normal clothes, too.
Yeah, you can. You don't need to be. But it would be funny if you- We should dress up for sure. That's what I'm saying.
Yeah, you have to.
We should also buy a first two from-Hey, there's a lot of people in that crowd that are not dressed up. Yeah.
I'm curious. You know how at anime conventions or at comic-Con?
Yeah. Lily is famous in anime conventions.
People of interest will be there, and people will go up for signings and stuff. At furry conventions, is there any of that? Are there any world famous furries that show up and people are like, Oh, sign my tail.
I think there are people who are famous in the scene. But I would not be able to confirm.
Dude, you're so sly. Tell us later.
You dog. Sorry, you dragon.
Guys, I've never been to a fur convention. Sure. I don't even really want to go. I'm just asking you guys if you're interested.
Sure. Sure, man. I'll go. Yeah. I'll go.
Can I fit this in my mouth? Sorry.
We're back to that. That's why you're famous, huh? Okay.
Yeah, okay. It's a lot of effort.
Amanda just asked, Have you ever pooped your pants? I have not.
When you have serious diarrheo or something?
No, just have you pooped your pants, Zara?
Do you want to give us an age?
Oh, I think... Sorry, keep going.
What are we saying? Like past five years old? I'm assuming adulthood, right?
I'm assuming at some point in my life I've shit my pants.
We know you've peed your pants. Yeah. Sorry. Okay. That was the last time I'm bringing it up. I promise.
I won't pee my pants in the house. Next time you see me, you just can't say anything.
Wait, Scott, that's a really good bit. Okay, if you ever... You should commit to it at least once.
Just pee my pants in front of you.
Just pee your fucking pants. I'm like, I want so much respect for you. Do it now.
A lot of times women say things, and this is why it's confusing because they say stuff like this. I'm saying it as it is. I'm saying it as it is.
Scar, if I was streaming one day, you came in and just peed, the sheer shock factor is so funny. That is funny.
You heard it here first? Yes. Stay tuned to enjoy the stream.
What's the coolest or funniest way someone could be their fans?
Is there any way to redeem it?
I think so Red Bull does these things where they do superhuman stunts, like skydiving. If you skydive and you pee me there and you land first and you catch your pee with a cup, boom, Red Bull classic.
Wow, you came up with that so fast. It makes me think you think about this before going to bed. You're like, If I ever could, I would.
What do you think about it? It would be pretty great. But it can't be everything you read.
Generally, things I feel really bad about, maybe. Nothing like that.
Yeah, I mean, But sometimes you have to see how far humanity can go. A lot of times you need people thinking at the forefront to be able to get there.
Wait, I actually just went to a Red Bull thing and they were like, Hey, look, we have all this stuff available to you. You want to go skydiving? Sure. You want to go learn how to skateboard? Sure. You could do this.
Yeah, Red Bull is crazy.
You could do this. This doesn't have to be a dream, Skara. You could do this.
Yeah, but I'm not a Red Bull athlete, but you know who he is? Skye's Toast.
You're so right.
He could do it for us.
And he'd be down, too. Yeah. He loves heights. He loves peeing. Yeah.
The perfect role. His logo is yellow.
He also likes big spectacle.
Yeah. He's huge. That's brilliant. He's been trying to cook up ideas to make him go a step in his career, and I think this is it. Cool. I like this. Yeah, I do, too. But you wouldn't be mad if I came into your room where you're streaming.
If I had to clean up your pee, I'm going to be a little mad. If I don't, then I'm fine with it.
What if I get John to clean it up?
Okay. Cool. I'm telling you, that's a good bit. Or if you just moon the stream and shit on the floor. Wait, do you guys not think that that is like... That's so shock-out-you funny.
It's a power move. Yes.
Is that TOS? Yeah.
100%. You cannot defecate on stream. Trust me, I know the rules inside out. You couldn't twerk without getting permanent banned until a couple of years ago. Okay. Because some higher up at Twitch got really mad at someone. I don't remember. But twerking was just not legal for a bit.
They don't like buts.
I mean, I guess not. But yeah, I think there's a lot of things we can do. A lot of streaming is about pushing the next boundary, and Sometimes I'm not comfortable with some things.
But you're going to push that boundary out your butt?
No, no. Illegal. Push that boundary out of my bladder.
Yeah. Got it. Or you could push it on your butt and then you shake it out of your shorts and it falls on the floor.
I would have to replace the shorts, but that may be a small price to pay.
Well, you'd have to replace the shorts no matter what. Peeing, pooping. You might as well go big or go home. Would I? It's concerning, Scar. I guess you could just wash it. Yeah. The only thing is that I also use the same washer dryer that you use, and so I have some issues with that, but that's fine.
I mean, it's cool. I'll just tell you so you can go after me.
You also use the same washer dryer that Cyd uses, and her dogs pee on everything.
There we go. Pea your pants right now, dude. I'm just another animal.
And we're right back to the dragon. Wow, full circle again.
What can I say? Circle of Life. I want to say Lion King, best Disney movie.
I agree with that.
It's fucking just a classic, and they just did everything well.
The music's also incredible.
Just my favorite.
How did we go from Shitting Our Pants to The Lion King?
I literally said The Circle of Life.
Yeah, circle of Life. That's a crazy jump.
I legitimately think it's my favorite Disney movie of all time.
I think I'm with you, but I don't think I know all the Disney movies, but off the top of my head, that one.
I mean, it's easy. There's Wally.
There's-well, that's Pixar.
Okay, that's easy, he says.
Yeah, that's easy. Just that easy. There's Bambi.
No, why?
Seven Dwarfs.
That's the same movie as her. That's Disney. Yeah.
That's a good one, right?
Good one. Mandy Morse.
Ant's Life.
You combined to-Bugs Life?
Yeah. Let's switch topics. Let's be quiet.
That was also Pixar again.
No, but the other one was not. That was Dreamworks.
That wasn't even Disney.
Dreamworks is Dreamworks. Dreamworks.
Dreamworks did Confu Panda, right?
It's good. Yeah, and Shrek. They do good stuff. And Shrek, yeah. Let them go.
Did you know that Shrek was originally the project people would get sent to when... You've heard this? Yeah. Shrek was the What's the term? The black sheep of Dreamworks, where if you were working on something and people didn't like what you were doing, they were like, You've been banished to work on Shrek.
Now look at it. Shrek's the multibillion dollar... Exactly. It's a classic. It's a classic.
It's still alive to this day. Now there's Shrek Crocs.
It's true.
Shrek CTVs that are going for $2,000.
I still can't believe that Crocs became a thing.
That's what I'm saying because I think they're truly so ugly, and yet I wear them, so I don't really understand it.
I think that they went from something that people made fun of nonstop to something that became cool. I'm just like, wow, that's crazy how the cultural landscape could just shift like that.
Are they cool, though, or are they ironic cool?
It's like people wore them, ironically. Now I feel like some of the collabs are just really cool. I think there's just some collabs that I look at and I'm like, I love this collab. For instance, recently, Ivo Japan, the Fighting Game of Thrones, did a Sesame Street collab. They literally The Sesame Street characters. I love the Lightning McQueen.
Yeah, but it's ironic. But they do such a good job of being ironic.
Yeah, I think you could have a fucking great collab. I fucking love it. I think that they do a lot of crazy... Rees's, they do a lot of crazy great collabs. Yeah, like high heel crop. My favorite fashion collab in terms of out there was a Heela Klein's...
The Astroboy Boots?
No. Although That's funny. A sponge bob with her.
I got to ask, why are the little things you put on Crocs called gibbets?
No idea.
Oh, Jibbitz.
So yeah, that. Whatever that is. Oh, Teddy Fresh. They did like a... You should have seen Sean wear Sean.
I've seen Sean wear this.
Yeah, Sean has one of these.
This looks like Carl Jacob's merch.
No, Carl Jacob... Well, never mind.
But yeah, so I think that this is one of the best collabs.
Yeah, why Jibbitz? Jibbitz make me think it's the It's like the internal organs of a little chicken or something.
Have you guys bought Jibbitz before?
I saw my crocs pair I got in Korea because I needed a comfortable little shoe to wear, and they were platform. So I was in, and I did buy Jibbitz because they were right next to him, and they were cute, and they cinema roll and they light up and it's riding a skateboard.
That's how they got her.
Yeah, I do own a pair of Crocs that I do wear when I'm like... It is just convenient when I'm not trying to wear a real shoe.
I only wear Crocs, generally speaking, to the store to take out the trash and to pick up mail. That's it.
They have some cute ones, though. I had Crock sliders given to me. Well, I guess all Crock are sliders. They're cute little sandal platform things. They're cute. They're just whatever. Just crock.
I never thought I would own a pair of crocs, but then TwitchCon happened and we all got gifted.
We all got gifted crocs.
But I thought one was mine, or I think it is mine. People just kept wearing everyone else's crocs. I have no idea who's use now.
They're just all over the place. There's so many crocs in this household.
That's why you need the jibbits.
The thing is, mine had the jibbits. The One Piece one is the one that's mine. I bought one piece jibbits, which is fucking famous ass manga. It's like I put...
That's what you clarify.
Look, I'm not a weeb, okay, guys?
You bought One Piece jibbits.
But also I love the way you passively are like, Yeah, the biggest manga in the world, whatever. Yeah, this thing here. Yeah.
Well, I had to explain to Jody. You're right.
I didn't know. You're right, because I don't know.
She acted like, What is that?
To be fair, I don't know anyone in One Piece. I remember I was trying to buy Amanda a gift for Christmas. I was This person?
What's funny is you're in Nami cosplay right now.
That's what people keep saying. I don't...
You are. You should be Nami.
Okay, so if I dress up as Nami, will it get a lot of engagement? Yes. Okay, I'll just do it for the engagement, but I won't know any... Do people like her?
Yeah, she's literally like a top-She's sick.
Yeah. Yes. The whole room is murmuring, Yeah, do it, Jody.
What's her caught? She just wears a white-striped shirt.
Wait, what's What's the one from Wano?
That's it.
I could do that tomorrow.Simple. Yeah.yeah..
She does a lot... Wait. What does she look like? What's her outfit in the most recent arc?
Guys, I'm going to be such a poser if I do this. I will literally...
You could literally be like, Hey, Amanda told me to cosplay this. That could be your thing.
My title is just... Yeah.
Okay. Oh, that's her most recent outfit, the one on the right? That's not bad. Interesting.
My hair's much shorter than that.
What's interesting, the show starts with her short hair, and it looks like it grows out. Yeah.
Oh, my God. It'll be like me, IRL.
But yeah, she's one of the most famous. She's probably top five. Is she top five, Amanda?
You know who else I could cosplay? Yona from a Katsuki no Yona.
People love that show. I love that. Yes, you should do it. That's the one I do love. You should do it. You're not a poser.
Let's call that a Katsuki no Yona.
Oh, God. You really killed All of him here.
Yeah, put that in.
You can look at Yona of the Dawn as well.
Yona, not Yona. You know what?
Close enough, man. Yeah.
It's like I could-In the very early stages when she chopped off all her hair. Maybe John will cosplay as Hawk. I'm going to do this.
This is So what vampire night? Like, zero. Hey, what? No. Okay. Vampire Night was one of the first mangas I ever read along with Shugochara. So Ikito from Shugochara, zero from vampire night, and Hawk from Akase Gunoyana are like, My type. That's my North Star, baby.
Was it vampire night? I heard.
Yeah, that's weird. It's weird. It's a weird story. I'm pretty sure.
No, but everyone grew up on it. So every time I re-comments about it online, people are all I was like, Yeah, I grew up reading this, but I didn't know what it meant until later. I'm like, Oh, it is a little weird.
Basically, she gets with her brother. Yeah. It's weird. But I hated the brother. His name's Konami. Zero. So hot. He's so hot. He really is. He's all sad and broody and mean. That's hot.
That's hurt.
That's hot. The thing is, though, none of these guys, if you were to put them in real life, I would hate them. But as fictional characters, I'm like, damn, that's hot.
You're so mean.
That's hot. Yeah. In stories, it works. In real life, absolutely not. Because usually, they're not actually mean. They're mean because they're hurting inside.
Right. Since you know their internal thoughts, it's easier to-They're like, Coming around. Yeah, exactly.
Well, I'm going to cosplay Yona of the Dawn, and I won't be posing that one.
No, it's literally your favorite thing. I've heard about this for fucking years. That's crazy that she just spit more animation.
Yeah, get me on your weeb podcast, bro.
You are I'm literally coming up. I want to get you on a podcast to literally talk about that. I'm not even kidding. When you brought this up yourself, I was like, oh, that's it. I really said it in our podcast chat. I was like, at one point, I have to join you on.
Cool. We can talk about only those three.
That's fine.
I used to read a lot more manga, but I could force her to read something, I'm sure.
Not nothing I recommend to you, but I could force her to read something.
Why not? Would you recommend me?
Okay, so you do recommendations for people, whether it's songs or food or something, based on what you think they'd like, right? Yeah. Yeah, so that's why. For him, I recommend him something like...
We all just pause to read that.
Stop. For him, I recommend stuff that's very creatively out there and really cool. He literally is defined by the rule of cool, where it's just super crazy, crazy shit. I think as a person who's creative, that he would appreciate a lot of that. Yeah, rule of cool. But I don't know if I would recommend some of the stuff, same stuff, to other people.
Because it's too cool for them?
No, I just think they like other things. I'd recommend something else for her.
Because I don't like cool things?
Yeah. What are you saying about her?
Because I don't like cool things, and I come off as an idiot.
I don't think you'd like Chainsaw Man. Wait, really? Everyone says it's so good.
That and Full Metal Alchemist.
Okay. They're generically good, but since I know your taste, I think you would...
Wait, Scara is doing that thing. What Scara does when he talks about anime is he purposely says things where people are going to come into the comments and just try to rip him to shreds because he farms the engagement.
I don't do that on purpose. Do not say that like a dude. All of our short comments are ripping into me or Peter. Every single one. I've never been a part of such a community where the number one comment on every single thing we post is them shit talking our opinion.I'm just like, that is crazy.Mokey.
Though, it's good. It's good to have...Haters.Yeah, no, it's good to have that take because then you create a conversation about it.
But it's a funny thing. It's not like we're not trying to engage with it. We're literally, I do think, soul leveling is mid. I'm not going to lie. I'm in the arts hard current.
Do more for this episode.
Yeah, boost the engagement.
Say something.
It's so funny because the shorts that will go out there with that. Some people are like, what the fuck this guy said? Motherfucker, I'm going to show him what's up. Beat the shit out. I've read more hate comments about myself in the last four weeks than I've ever read.
You're like the meme of the one guy standing up with his hat on his chest, and he's saying something to the mic. You know what I'm talking about? He's like, If one person is going to say something, it's going to be me.
That's you. Someone's got to say it. Someone's got to say it, man.
Wow. Well, Skara. Yep. You've completed the gauntlet. You've bested the questions from hell. This camera, this camera, this camera. Tell the people what you're working on, man.
Is that what I'm supposed to do? Is this normal?
Yeah, that's how it Come on.
Okay. Well, I have my own podcast with Peter. We talk about anime manga. It's more manga-focused than anything else. I feel like me and him really love reading pictures, like children. We started as children. We grew up and then we reverted back to our childhood ways. Then it comes out every week. Aside from that, all the OTV stuff. It's weird to promote stuff that you guys are also in. It's all the OTV videos. I think I want to rip apart a Costco chicken on stream.
He's been fixated on this idea. I've heard this for the last 48 hours.
No, I've done it myself, not on stream. When I was ripping into it, I was like, damn, if someone else was here and we were talking and then something else happened, I have the base idea. I just don't know how to finish.
Wait, it sounds like a new podcast. Every episode, you just rip a piece of chicken.
That's what I was thinking. So originally, it was just going to It was just going to be a podcast where you're not allowed to use gloves. You have to rip it primally with your fucking hands, and you just pop, pop, pop. You rip it apart, and at the very end, you eat it, slash, rate how you dismembered it between the two. At that point, you've gotten closer and you've talked about life.
Wait, in that case, you should just be out in the wilderness. You have to make a fire, dress up like the Flintstones, and then rib a hot chicken. It should just be...
Yo, the podcast title, Tearing It Up.
How many podcasts can we possibly make, guys?
There's not enough of us. Tearing it up. This guy's a genius, man. This guy's a genius. Usually what happens is I'll think of names, and then Amanda will say something just completely out there. The name of the podcast would be like, We Kill Black Bears. I'll be like, What was that? I like that. Then I think about, and then that's how I get to my idea. I like Amanda's idea. You're a little out there, Amanda. It worked.
It is, and I do really like it.
Yeah, usually it's the idea, and it's something that will definitely get us canceled or in jail or in prison for an extended amount of time. I'm like, I loved everything, even the part where we went to jail.
Yeah, she's like, Let's go commit arson. And then we're like, Well, we can't really do that.
But good looks. Keep us on our toes. Anytime they say yes, we'll be like, Shit, we got to go work with a lot of people.
All right, well, Amanda is mouthing obscenities at us, telling us to wrap this up.
Yeah, literally give us a middle finger right now. Yeah.
Scara, thank you so much for joining us on the pod. We're going to be talking to you a little bit more on the Patreon part of this.
Awesome. He's going to deep put the mic. No, I'm not. You said that.
I mean, if you guys want me to.
I gaslit him so easily.
You would be leveling up John.
Does John do this, too?
Thanks for watching, guys.
Thank you. Bye. See you in the next one.