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We get into Suika, everyone tell me your.


High score. Okay, let's explain what Suika is. It's this new Nintendo Switch game where you combine fruit to make a watermelon.


It's like 2048, but.


With fruit. It's taking over the gaming world. Well, not really, but.


Everyone's playing it. I played it when we were playing it around the era, and I haven't played it since. She got me into it. Yeah, I don't know if I created a monster. I honestly had to make a decision. I was like, I'm.


Becoming too addicted. I need to put this down. It felt like doomscrolling on TikTok.


But like Suika. It's addicting. Once I played it.


Eight hours passed. I streamed it, and I was like, Oh, this is like a two-hour stream. Well, whatever. It's like 4:00 AM. Where did the time go? This was the fastest stream of my life.