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What is it with the phenomenon when you go into a bookstore, you have to take a shot? Anytime I used to go to like, Barnes & Nobles, I'm like, Oh, I have to shot. Basically, immediately. No one else? No, but that is like a phenomenon. I've heard it. I think it has to do with the glue or something of books.


I thought it was like, it's a comforting, quiet place. So your body feels relaxed enough to be able to be like, I can jump now.


I don't take the shot. I just have to. Oh, you just wait through it. Yeah. Now I want to look at the phenomenon. The Mariko Aoki means a sudden urge some people feel to empty their bowels when in a bookstore. If it has a legit. It doesn't say why. Not yet understood. Thank you. But.