Transcribe your podcast

How do you daydream?


Yeah, no, that's a fair question. For those of you who don't know, I have offontasia, which means that I don't produce mental imagery.


Wait, there was something you mentioned recently. You mentioned your offontasia affecting it. I was like, That's right. This thing everyone does, you can't do. What was it? You remember?


Was it meditation?


Oh, I feel like you would be really good at meditating because you can empty your mind.


The meditation practices that I've seen or tried are like, Okay, and imagine I hear the breeze and connect with the air, and I'm like, Yeah, no, I can't do that.


Maybe Sydney's mind, even though it can't see imagery, isn't actually empty. Thank you, I imagine just words floating in your mind. Yeah, but she has no imagery.


Can you imagine sounds?


When I have a song stuck in my head, I don't hear it. What does that mean? What did you just say?


Yeah, my song stuck in your head then.