Use this trick to remember everyone's names
OfflineTV Podcast- 547 views
- 26 Apr 2024
offlinetv #brodin #quarterjade #lilypichu.
I am notoriously really bad with names. It is one of my greatest insecurities, and I don't know what is up with my brain where I just can't remember people's names, but I'm really working on it.
I have trouble, too, sometimes. I wish everyone were like name tag. I know it'll be awkward to be like, Hi, nice to meet, and to look down a little bit.
I learned to make associations with the word. Is this what you learned from Tensen? Yeah. Tensen said that the way she remembers people's names is if she just makes... I don't know, maybe she'll be like, Oh, Rebecca, robot, whatever it could be. She just picks it and goes with it.
Do you remember what hers was for me? Oh, my God. She said, You're me was when she sees me, she sings a song that's like, That guy's tall, not John, and somehow wrote it.