Glenn Howerton (Dennis Reynolds), NFL Week 2 Preview And Bigger Than Ben Part 4
Pardon My Take- 1,217 views
- 18 Sep 2020
The Barstool Sportsbook app is finally here (this afternoon) get excited (2:52 - 5:01). We talk NBA playoffs and PFT and Jake attended the Heat beating the Celtics in Game 2 (5:01 - 12:32). Thursday night shootout between Joe Burrow and Baker and we go through NFL Week 2 games with a preview and picks (12:32 - 42:09). Fantasy Fuccbois (42:09 - 47:46). Glenn Howerton joins the show to talk about his career in TV, playing Dennis Reynolds on Always Sunny in Philadelphia, his new show AP Bio and more (47:46 - 79:10). Segments include Bigger Than Ben part 4, the finale and fyre fest of the week.
On today's part of my take, we have Glenn Howerton, you know him from Always Sunny, one of the funniest shows.
If not, yeah, yeah, you could put it is a funny show if you want to.
I would say it's definitely top three funniest shows of the last 15 years.
Always sunny at his peak goes toe to toe with any show agreed ever.
So we have him on the show.
Dennis Reynolds, if you don't know his character name, we have NFL Football Week to preview of the entire Slate fantasy. Fuck, boys, a little playoff basketball, a little bigger than Ben.
It's a fucking packed Friday show and it's all brought to you by our friends at the cash app. Go download the cash app. Right now, we love to cash out. The cash app is the best. We're actually working on it. We're going to figure out a way to get the cash app. I know promises, but hopefully at some point we'll have the cash up set up with the Bastable Sportsbook app. But right now, use the cash app, use it for your fantasy, use it for Christmas.
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So it still has all the lines and has all the lines. And this whole team minus Billy. No offense, Billy, but it's just the truth will be in Philadelphia on Sunday. That's right.
Live stream, city of Brotherly Love all day, lawter all day long. And we got some new bets that we're going to talk to in our NFL preview.
OK, so barstool sportsbook Abdeh is today again downloaded sometime in the afternoon. Get ready.
Six. I used to laugh at Big Cat when he would say that he has spent his entire life losing at gambling service of a greater purpose where he will eventually win.
And I think this is the beginning of that where like you have experienced so much loss as a gambler. Yeah. But now you get to experience the upside of still losing as a gambler, but also winning.
Winning as a responsible gambling is the name of the game, though. Everyone be responsible. Bet within your means. It's for entertainment. I love it. I will be a proponent of it, but do it responsibly. Yes, I my face is on like the top of it on a banner. And I when I first saw that I almost cried. What's funny, like I have reached my point.
There are a lot of obviously gambling websites and apps out there and they have people that are making picks, telling you what they think the best options are. And you have no idea if they're winners or losers in the past with us, you know that we lose our share of our bets.
So it's actually way more honest than this Thursday night game, which I want to talk about something else before we talk about the Thursday night game. But this Thursday night game is a perfect example. I said pre game. I love the under and if I love the under, it will absolutely go open.
I intentionally did not bet the over three and a half feel good. It has done it that Randy Propp. We'll get to him in a little bit. Randy. All right. But before we do that, let's talk a little playoff basketball. It's a football or football. Yeah, I know, I know.
But hold on, hold on. Hold on. Hank, we are a football show.
Joe Barrow and Baker Mayfield. Hold on.
But when have you guys care about them? Do you just let me finish. Let me finish. When have we ever done a show after two people in the room attended a playoff basketball game. Patty and Hank, we're at fifty and Jake were at the game tonight.
Yeah, it was electric. You talk about a bubble atmosphere. No disrespect to families, but I don't think I'm ever going to leave that bubble.
And how many suns did you suck off to spell suns? Spell suns?
Before I answer that question, I sucked off zero sun, zero daughters, OK? It was it was just an electric atmosphere. And there's nothing else I was saying next to Billy the Marlin, which was a dream of mine.
Obviously my only regret is I didn't get dressed up as Marlins man AWOL.
JP was the one who. Yeah. Things happen. Yeah. Shout out to him. How much, how much is that. When do you think was attributable to us being at the game, bringing our energy. Meanwhile, Hank was not in attendance and his Celtics really seemed to suffer a letdown in the second.
And I had to fucking watch because you weren't even there for this. I had to watch because they were watching it. They were twenty seconds ahead. And so he was doing the thing where he was like, oh, no, don't watch the tank to watch us.
You don't want to see the place. And then. Oh, that's well, I mean, it would be nice going on. It was actually Billy. Oh, you was so mean that I was like, oh gee.
Because I told him not to watch when there was an injury, OK? And I didn't want him to have to. That's good. That's I was trying to do him a favor. All right. But they are down to nothing. Hey. Yeah. And credit to us for not starting the show by saying the Boston Celtics are dead to nothing is not an insurmountable lead. No. By any stretch of the imagination. If they play like they did tonight in the second half, it definitely is beyond the stretch of you know, it's beyond their own possibility.
Hank, how are you feeling? Honest.
I feel terrible. The second half of the game, they put the zone defense thing again.
Celtics just played there is outcoached. Yeah, they had absolutely no good looks, the entire second half the heat were just doing whatever they wanted to, but after the game I was bummed out. Then it came out that the Celtics had like little players only meeting. They were throwing shit around.
There's a lot of reports and shit crashing. But I had a fight when Marcus Smart just threw everything. Yes, but when they all came out and did their press, they were like, you know, we're all good. It's all family. Like, it's that type of thing where hopefully it's one of those players only meeting that turns the season around and not like they just quit because they all came out, were like, oh, no, it's all love.
It's all family. Like, sometimes disagreements happen within family. So I'm just trying to spin that positively. But I don't feel I don't feel great.
I'd imagine they started like getting upset and they're like, fuck, man, this sucks.
And Marcus Smart, like maybe someone throws like kicks kicks a chair and then Marcus Smart just grabs his sledgehammer that he's been saving in his locker room and at his locker and just starts smashing everything inside.
Yeah. He's like, yeah, let's do it. Remember that episode of The Office when Kevin and his brother had to sell the jet skis? Yeah. And Kevin was no Roy. Roy? Yeah. His brother walks in and sees people just smashing. She's like, oh, we're doing this. Yeah, it's on. I've been waiting to throw this Ellsburg glass against the window. Yeah.
So, hey, let me ask you a very serious question. If the Celtics lose game three, is Brad Stevens coaching for his job? No.
Oh, I wasn't going to say that.
Hey, I'm I'm here. Is Brad Stevens on the hot seat right now? No. If they get swept. No, no, he's not in the hot the season.
I have a question. Bubble. It's a bubble. If they were to get swept or say they lose and five, are we at this point.
Jayson Tatum is twenty two, Jaylen Brown twenty three. I'm sure young. They're still very young.
Are we sure the heat might not just win the NBA championship. I like, I've thought about it. Well I've considered, I've lost one tournament once now once.
And that was when Yoni's went out and they didn't know how to play defense right out of coincidence. I've been tweeting out updated Jimmy Butler power rankings.
After every win that they have, he better get to one I just looked at at the remaining schedule.
If the Heat win the NBA championship, Jimmy Butler will be the number one player. That's what we do every summer.
Let's hope I was number one for a while.
Yeah, well, Brons been number one, but and I know you think that I'm being a little bit of a troll with the Jimmy Butler love for sure. I actually I actually really like Jimmy Butler. I've I've pulled a 180 credit to me for appreciating Jimmy Butler and loving you know what?
I needed the bubble. I needed Jimmy Butler. Sure. Bubble mentality to just come out, smack me in my face and slap some sense into me. But I actually really do like Jimmy Butler now.
OK, all right. Cheering Yeah. Where are you from? Around I spin around, spin all this money on a Jimmy Butler shirt. He's very, very good.
All right. So that that is our, ah, NBA talk. OK, Hank. OK, you good. Yeah. Let's talk some football fucking shootout tonight. The this actually I'm declaring this Browns Bengals game. Both teams one. Yeah. The Browns one save their season. They needed a win. They need to look good after. I mean they played the Ravens. Ravens are fucking awesome and the Bengals confirmed have their guy, which is the greatest feeling in all of football.
When you can say to yourself, we've got our guy, Joe. Joe Buhrow looks awesome.
Butler, Joe Butler, Joe Bura looks really good out there.
And yeah, you're right, they can lose every game this season as long as Joe goes out and throws, you know, like two touchdowns, one interception, 300 yards, I think Bengals fans will be like, yeah, we weren't going to win anything this year no matter what. I'm declaring that the winner of this game gets to claim the color orange in the NFL.
OK, looks like that's going to be the Browns right now.
The Browns, the Bengals are going for an all time back to recover here. We'll see if they can get it. So we're watching the last minute and a half. We also had Joe Buck tears, Joe Buck in the Hall of Fame. David Baker showed up to David Baker. This is going to Davis, but he's the Jerry Maguire, you know, the interviewer who would make everyone cry. Yeah, he just goes around making dudes cry.
Barbara Walters back in the day when he shows up the waterworks, they're going to start to flow with somebody. I like how you know, Troy Aikman was there to be kind of the shoulder that Joe Buck leans on when he finds out he's make it to the Hall of Fame.
I just like to say, Joe, if you don't have your induction ceremony speaker picked out, we'll do it.
I think we have anything going on that weekend.
We'll just check the schedule, slash Joe, make sure the fucking plugs look good that day because there'll be a lot of picks.
Also mentioned, Joe, you cried on national TV. A disgusting act.
Mm hmm. Absolutely can't show that type of weakness. Skip Bayless.
OK, let's do our weekend preview will go through all the games. Rapidfire, tell you what we think and then we have some picks as well. We we are brought to you by Pepsi. Oh oh oh oh. Oh, no. All right.
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We don't drink beers when we got to show. It's also September. I think we've all reached our maximum. So we're going to Pepsi it up. We're going to be Pepsi. We're the Pepsi boys.
That's right.
The Pepsi boys all fall long because Pepsi is a great sponsor and Pepsi is the sponsor of the show and sponsor the pro football football show and the sponsor of football watchers everywhere.
Also, they work with Khateeb show is Pepsi.
Coca-Cola? Yeah. Yeah, it's a great, great commercial. All right. So Pepsi, we love you. OK, let's do it. Let's go. Rapid Fire.
We'll go through the games, say whatever you think. Anyone can chime in and then we will get to our picks. Joe Burrow back door cover. Nope, not now. We're still waiting for it. Giants. It bears. Giants. It bears.
The bears are back. I'll say it for you. I think that the Bears win this game by ten points. I'm very nervous for this game, but I'm nervous for every Bears game. I am nervous because I like I said on Sunday, the Lions, it was more about the Lions implosion than the Bears. So we'll see. This is a big momentum game. Also, he can do well here. Then the real feelings Mitch throws every pass like he threw that touchdown pass in the fourth quarter.
Then I think the Bears have a real chance here.
Also, giants coming off a short week. Tell yourself that. Remind yourself that.
Yes, short week, short week job judge looked like he was in a little bit over his head. Yep. A lot of extra laps were ran after. I wish that they kept the camera on the field after that game to see if he did.
The old miracle on ice made his players do wind sprints on the field after the game. Yes. Would not put it past Joe Judge really to do anything. I don't I don't necessarily think that he's sane, but I think that he's a football coach.
He is a big time football coach so that this will determine my happiness for a while here, because like I said, if the bears play well and Mitch plays well, I will be full on believer mode.
Falcons, Cowboys. This actually kind of bizarre loser leaves town game of the week because.
Oh, Joe, Joe Burrow with back to recover.
There we go over there. We bank Joe that looks in possibly smart. We've got to wait for the confirmation that look good from here.
Big cat I'm going to call it. I'm going to say those points eye and give me the eyes.
Two hands on the ball, one foot down, 70 foot down.
This is electric radio and he holds on to it, maintains it if he survives the ground. Big cans of fat randy. Oh, my God. Fat Randy. We even mentioned Fat Randy, the comeback story of the year. Yeah, he might win Comeback Player of the year after that injury week. One, two, three, four, three. After both those injuries. Yes.
I think that Fat Randy Overcome overcame more tonight than Willis Reid ever dreamt of. Yes, just an insanely gutsy performance from our guy.
This is going to be electric fat Ray.
That fuck you fat fuck. You better fucking hit this. Oh, my God. That Randy snap is good. The hold is good.
The kick is good.
That could not have been more down the middle that he split the uprights like it was a wishbone. Never a doubt baby. Never doubt. I'm going to remind me, Billy, remind me after the show I got to go retreat. Everyone called me an idiot for betting on the Bengals. OK, ok.
But yeah. So Falcons, Californians, Cowboys. He leaves town game the exact same team playing against each other. The Falcons, as we said, they are the turbo cowboys. They're everything that the Cowboys are but just magnified.
Oh I actually think maybe the Cowboys. The Turbo Falcons. You think they flipped it.
Yes. Yes. OK, so this game, this game is the battle of who's the Cowboys and who's the Falcons. Right. So if the Falcons lose in like a thirty to twenty seven game, I'm going to say that the Falcons become the Cowboys and the Cowboys become the Falcons.
If the Cowboys lose like forty two to thirty two, the Cowboys are now the Falcons.
Yes. And the Falcons or the Cowboys. Correct. Yeah. OK, all right. So we'll find out on Sunday who becomes the Falcons and who is the Cowboys. I'm I'm done with the Falcons.
No, you're not. We go through this every single year. I am not quit. Verbal meme, Brokeback Mountain poster, big cat saying to the Dirty Bird, Hey, I can't thank you.
Still went. No, Billy, come on. Learn football did. Billy does. OK, now I can't.
Yeah. All right. Lions, packers. This is all about the Lions. Like whether they have any cornerbacks or not, if they're quarterbacks are healthy, they could maybe have a puncher's chance. If they don't, Aaron Rodgers is going to have another unbelievable game.
And Aaron Rodgers is Aaron Rodgers, the pettiest person in the world. The fact that he's going to probably be like he's going to have an MVP year just because they drafted Jordan love.
And I've already heard the take that the Packers like a real not joking take. The Packers drafted Jordan love knowing that it got them a better Aaron Rodgers to light a fire under. Right.
I would say that's not they should not fire. Did anyone that's not far off? It's not just the fact that they drafted Jordan love the fact that they did not draft him a wide receiver.
But like we've said, this is petty Aaron Rodgers, where if he has great wide receivers all around him, I think he actually performs better with no name guys, because then it's like, oh, look what Aaron Rodgers is doing again with these same like undrafted are like late round pick wide receivers. Isn't he just the greatest? That's the narrative that starts up right around him. So, yeah, Aaron Rodgers, possibly.
I'd say he's in the running maybe with our boss for one of the, like, pettiest Ravinia grudge people of all time.
Aaron Rodgers, imagine Aaron Rodgers has a champagne bottle for Jordan. Love sitting in his locker room. Yeah, in his locker. I've done that twice today in his locker. And Jordan love just has to stare at it every day. Like, why is my name on that champagne bottle? Yeah.
When you die, I would I will pop this. I would not be surprised if he did so. I think that the Aaron Rodgers revenge tour against his own team continues.
It really is, though, just the injury report. If Golladay plays defense like Golladay out and both of their and all their cornerbacks out, this is not even going to be a close game.
It is a sweet name, too. Yeah. Jaguars, Titans pass. Whoa, Vikings.
Oh, you should at least say with the Jags Titans game, this should be played on a Thursday night.
Yes. We should not be watching this on a Sunday. This is a Thursday night football game. It should be played in England, even though they shouldn't even they shouldn't play played in England. They should just play on England time. We should just get to watch this game at nine a.m.. Agreed.
But it's natural time. Yeah. And, you know, it just doesn't slap the same when it's not. Blake and Marcus Mariota pass the one PM game between one of the teams. Whoa, oh there we go.
So is that record scratch. Is that the game of the weekend gymnast's calling this game.
Yeah. All right. We have Vikings Colts next.
I think the Vikings are very bad. I think they're worse than they looked last week. I think the Colts are better than they looked last. Yes, I'm ready. I'm going to hold off judgment on this because Jim Irsay has not announced if the roof will be open or not.
Hank, shaking your head, MONEYLINE Dog of the Week.
OK, so Xavier Rhodes, who's now on the Colts, who's he's been old for like five years. Yeah. Nice little fun storyline to watch. He, you know, used to go, you know, man up Adam Thielen in practice. So does he know his moves.
OK, yeah that's that's a good storyline. Also Kirk Cousins playing against the person that Kirk Cousins wishes that he was. Philip Rivers. The best version of Kirk Cousins is foolproof. Absolutely. Kirk Cousins, he's working on the hole.
No, no cussing thing. I think he probably lets a couple dams and maybe even a few holes slip here and there. He's working his way to becoming Philip Rivers. So that's something to keep an eye on. That's going to be a fun battle to watch.
I still think that the Minnesota Vikings defense is going to figure out they're going to be really good. They're young.
And I know Mike Zimmer, but they're young and well right now. They're missing a lot of guys, but they're also very young in the secondary. I don't I just think it's been a bad year for the Vikings, Bills, Dolphins. Wait, wait.
Before we move on to did everybody here see the jersey say video today? Yes. To pump up video that he put out where he was standing behind the bench press. Very obviously somebody else had been lifting there, but he was wearing his his hernia belt and he was just giving a pump up speech. The way that he had the weights rack on that bench press was insane. He had two thirty five pound plates on each side. And then on the outside of that, a forty five pound.
I can't do the math that fast, but that's what, three hundred billion.
Fifteen pounds.
He's a beast that was like dude mercy built different built different belts. Different. That's true I think for sure.
I think his liver could probably be three hundred for a lot of him is built different. Yeah.
Bills dolphins just start to just start to have bills are going to win.
Forty Niners jets I just think forty nine point forty Niners by twelve and a half fifty I, I kind of like the Jets here.
You think the Jets are first at home. Did you not see the dressing down. That gleni gave Adam Gase earlier today and I know about the NFL.
If you tell yourself in your gut that this team could potentially be the worst team in the league and it's like week two or three time to take them because everyone's having the same thought and everyone's betting the forty Niners. And we don't know if our friend Greg Kittle is going to play. We don't know what Jimmy Garoppolo looks like. A little WPE action.
Yeah, it's just say w e early game. I'll give you that. Richard Sherman's out.
I'm just saying I just think just based off reputation alone, the jets are going to lose, the jets are going to score negative ten points somehow.
I'm actually going say right now this is going to be my my dog of the week. It's the hold your nose. This is disgusting. You're going to hate yourself at like one thirty five on Sunday when it's seventeen to three forty Niners. But you're not dead yet. I don't know. Rams.
Eagles. This is Eagles need this one. It's close to a loser leaves town game. I just the Carson Wentz, it's it's getting it's getting hot in here. Yeah, it's getting really stinky in Philadelphia right now.
There will be people calling for Carson Wentz and his head on a platter already.
If he loses, this game's already have for sure. The Rams, I think, are better even than they looked last year. I think the Rams are going be good this week or this year. I think they're going to be spicy. I think our boy Jagoff is figuring out. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Jagoff, Broncos, Steelers. I mean, I don't have to tell you I love the Steelers every single week. By the way, this will be for four people who are gambling on the barstool sports book out this weekend. The Eagles and the Steelers spreads are going to be boosted. So you're going to get I think it's like I don't quote me on this.
It might be plus 200. Is that right, Hank? I can't remember. But just know that if you want to bet on the spread, if you want if you're an Eagles or Steelers fan, you will get extra money if you bet on your team.
With the partial sports recap now with the Rams, are they the team that has to travel to Philadelphia and then they have to travel again to the East Coast next week because they're making a big deal out of that is going stay either the Niners or the Rams.
And I love little stupid travel. Looks like this that, Jake, because I guess in the past those teams would have just stayed on the East Coast for the entire week.
Yeah, they're paying the bills next week. OK, the Rams. Yeah, there we go. So the Rams is the the looming travel going to be playing a mental factor in this game? I would say definitely I like to.
Or you could go the other way after they beat the Eagles than the Rams. If they do stay on the East Coast, it's like another minute. It's another training camp. Love when that when the team stays together, they're like, oh, this is a second training camp for us.
Yeah. One of the teams usually gets that resort in West Virginia in the middle of nowhere, which to get to that place probably takes longer than it would to fly back to Los Angeles.
Yes, Jake, courtesy of Jordan Rodrique of the Athletic. The Rams will travel day before for both Back-To-Back road trips the next two weeks. Initial plan was to stay on the East Coast for two weeks. covid.
Yeah, we're going to hear more about this. Find like there has to be Eastern Gronk.
You can't buy him a compound, maybe testing they have like the labs or whatever.
And you're right, he Stanley Crunchie should be he should have a portable bubble. Yeah, he's got enough money. I don't buy it. I don't buy it cheap.
Move east. Just bring a dome with you. Stan. I love the Steelers.
I actually might put a future on the Steelers to win the Super Bowl. That's how much I love the Steelers. I'm going to get to bigger than Ben later. But that Defense Fox and Big Ben is back.
I love the Steelers, Panthers, Bucs. I think Tom Brady's going to eat this week. And everyone's like, oh, my God, Tom Brady is back.
Yeah. Bruce Arians did the classic Bruce Arians thing where he just spent the entire week making fun of Tom Brady to the press went, Adam, you and Adam. And that's what Bruce does. Bruce is usually two to three cockatiels deep before he gets in front of any microphone. And I think Tom probably knew that something like that was probably going to happen. But you know that Belichick was watching from New England. He's just laughing. Like, as much as you hated me at the end of this, you knew I would never I would never talk to a reporter about you.
I would talk to your family. I would probably berate you to your own children. Yes. But I wouldn't say to I wouldn't say that to anybody with a keyboard in front.
I would be little you and make you feel like the smallest person in the world during film study, but never publicly.
So Bruce is probably the opposite. Bruce probably treats Brady pretty nicely. Yeah. During any sort of film break down, which I think Brady probably is pissed off about.
Yes, I give it to me. Give it to me hard Bruce. Right.
Give me the fucking truth. Yes, sloppy. Spank me daddy. Choke. Don't tell me I was good. Yeah. Give me make me do the forced cluck cluck. Oh Brady definitely gets off by being yelled at in film study when he fucks up.
I think anybody that's that successful and that powerful absolutely has a little bit that kink to them.
It's like I can't get this at work. You've got to give it to me on the side.
All right. Chiefs or sorry, Washington football team cardinals. This is going to be the are they for real game? Yeah, it's my are they for real game? Because if if the Washington football team wins this game, I think you have to put them in the semi for real. Actually, it's the semifinal game because I also would say the same for the Cardinals. The Cardinals win this game. They're Semih for real. Yeah. Now we're talking playoff team like, hey, can they make some noise?
Not complete, but something I think one of the stats in the Washington football had the best defense in the entire NFL through week one, which is to be expected when you get a sense. Right. I think I want to say it was their DVOA ranking, but I'm not 100 percent sure.
But again, we have the worst off outlawed numbers on the show. So I'm sure they passed the eyeball test last night, I'll put it that way.
I think they had like four, maybe even for less than four yards per play on offense.
Yeah, we know. OK, how many did they have? I know we know enough.
We know they had enough points. But yeah, that that front line of the Washington defense is insane.
They are the Falcons with their front seven. They've got I want to say like five first round picks out of shelters in St. Chase Young's awesome Ryan Kerrigan. I would say. I think that the entire team should grow dreadlocks like like Chase Young, like the predators.
I like that. Especially Ryan Kerrigan. All right, chiefs, chargers, this one, if so, this is going to be the game that don't overthink a game of the week for me because you're going to look at a stat on Sunday morning and it's going to be 98 percent of the money is on the chiefs, right.
It's going to be something ridiculous. And I'm like, well, contrarian got to take the Chargers. Let me ask you this. When the chiefs go up, let's say 10, nothing start the game.
Is Tyrod Taylor going to bring you back?
Yeah, I've been thinking this about Tyrod for a while. Tyrod excuse me. He is the epitome of an average quarterback, but he's somehow worse than an average quarterback.
Well, because here's what he is. He doesn't make the mistakes that bad quarterbacks make. Like he won't give you the egregious interception, you know, like Bad Fitzpatrick last week.
He's throwing three picks. He won't fumbled the ball. He won't take, like, horrendous sacks. He just won't do anything. He will just pass it underneath and you'll just punt every single time.
Yeah, he is a rebound. Tyrod is the rebound quarterback. Right? See, take right after you get done with a crazy person that just fucks your brains out. Tara's going to come in. Might be a little bit stable for a little bit. Just get you a sense of normalcy. You look at him and you're like, that is a NFL quarterback playing the quarterback position. But you never think to yourself, like Tyrod is going to win us this game.
He is. He's maddening because he doesn't screw up. You know, when you want your bad quarterback to be visibly bad, you want to be like, this guy sucks. I fucking hate him, but he doesn't do anything that can let you say that. He just kind of thinks, here's the thing about trust. He is the epitome of a backup quarterback. He should have like a twenty year career as a backup. The problem with Tyrod is he gets put in situations where he has to be the starter.
He's like a Kyle Orton. Yeah. He's like, yeah, yeah.
He's like, do that. Just follow me on. And Chazz Whitehurst, he's really the guy that should be a great backup. If he was back, I'd be probably be like a top five back up in the NFL. But he just gets asked to start too much to get the Bills to the playoffs that time.
And then they played the most boring playoff game of all time. Do they lose seven? Nothing in that game. Am I remembering that the Jaguars maybe that was a game.
It was a windy game, was such a bad game. Holy shit. Was that a bad game? All right. So that's Chiefs Chargers. I'm just just take the Chiefs.
Ten, three, ten, three. Oh, and you know what?
It's going to be on that fast HERF Chargers first game on the fast or fast. I didn't realize that's when we're making our picks in our over unders. The overunder on that game is forty seven points faster on that turf. You might get that in the first half. The problem is the Chargers may not score. That's fine. Forty.
I'm taking that into account with my advance sabermetrics. Yes, I think the Chiefs might drop one hundred on them.
Ravens Texans Bill O'Brien is going to be coaching for his job soon.
Which one? The GM job or the head coaching job?
Well, Bill O'Brien, the GM might fire Bill O'Brien, the coach. See, I've been thinking about that. There's always a chance you hear about a coach giving somebody else GM duties. If it comes down to that, this might go the other way. Why not? Bill O'Brien might actually just say, you know what, my heart my passion is in fucking up rosters. So I'm willing to step away from coaching on the sidelines and bring somebody else in to deal with all my shit.
If you just did a press conference, it's like I don't like the direction of this football team, the way we're playing games, the way we're losing games. We need a coach in there who's more disciplined, who has who's more creative. Yeah. And then he says and for that reason, I Bill O'Brien, general manager of the Texans, is firing Bill O'Brien, head coach of the Texans.
I would love to see it's the opposite of Bill Parcells when he was in Dallas and said, if you're going to ask me cook dinner, then at least let me shop for the groceries.
Right. Bill O'Brien is insert a card bill O'Brien is like my passion truly lies in going to the grocery store, shopping in the Kroger and then dropping the bags off at your front door. Yes.
Social distancing delivery. Yeah. Just ring the doorbell for you. Yeah. Here are two running backs named Johnson. Go whip something up.
I it we joke about this all the time, but it is true an NFL coach can keep their job for many different reasons. But the best way to do it, one is obviously drafting a quarterback and then not playing them and then having them be a project and then saying, well, I got to work with them. They're my guy.
But the other one is giving yourself so many jobs that you can shuffle the deck at all times. So the GM coach is a nice safety blanket for Bill O'Brien because he can step away from the GM start play calling, then step away from the play call. Yeah, and focus on coaching.
He can just keep shuffling the deck and no one will notice. He might move the team.
He might move the team to Tennessee. Guess what? We're moving. Texans are going to be the Nashville Texans.
We should write a book about like a short book, How to Keep Your Job in the NFL first.
I think we know all the tricks we really do. Moving the franchise and being that voice of stability, that is the best thing that you can pass that buys you three more years. Yes. Yes, absolutely.
I don't want to. Oh, having like your owner. It is also good, yeah, because owner actually becomes legend of the team of the franchise, die like an old legend, you know, what he should do is you can't fire someone here in that if the owner of the team dies and then he volunteers to help the new owner with the coaching Servite interviews everybody.
And then he decides that, you know what, I'm the best person for the job. That's your Dick Cheney. Yeah. How he became vice president.
It's a it's a genius way. All right. Last one, Hank. I'll let you go. Patriots, Seahawks, Sunday Night Football. We'll be in Philly. It's going to be exciting. What do you think? Patriots by seven.
Oh, OK. I like the confidence. I can't wait to see what cam, where's the stadium that's going to be. I was thinking about that because last week they played one of the early games. So we got to see what he was wearing. Like when we woke up, that was part of our pregame. Oh, look, Cam, he's wearing the he's wearing the banana suit on the way and he's wearing the the bright yellow Double-Breasted piece.
What time are we going to get to see what Cam is wearing to this game is going to be like three o'clock in the afternoon.
I feel like they show that during. Well, I guess I don't know because it's not promoted on the same networks, but they usually show it during like the four o'clock game, like here comes.
Well, I guess that's what they do. If they're showing a doubleheader on CBS, they'll show the players arriving for the late game.
Oh, but I feel like sometime in that 4:00, 5:00 window, one of these games he's just going to show up wearing that the Speedo that Sacha Baron Cohen wore and Borat, everyone's going to lose.
Yes. That would be so fucking funny. All I'm saying for this game is if we don't get somebody tossing a fish in Pike Place Market as the bureau we riot, we need that in Seattle.
It's been because they they got on to the joke for a while and then they thought that the Internet was making fun of them, which we kind of were. But it's kind of comforting to see that.
Yes, just the dude tossing like a full salmon. Yes. Across the marketplace. They stopped doing it the last couple of years.
We need that Sunday Night Football. So can I not to be a downer for Seahawks fans right now, but can I give you a hilarious quote from Pete Carroll after Russell Wilson's game on Sunday?
Yeah, Russell Wilson threw four touchdowns, basically at a perfect game. The Let Russell Cook bullying online finally worked. They let Russ throw the ball more afterwards.
Unfortunately, Pete Carroll was like, that's not the game plan. He said seven and six carries wasn't enough for our guys and we need to get more. We were at twenty runs. We want to get more than that in general. But when Russ was completing every pass, we weren't discouraged about moving the football. But we love running the ball. We always have. And those guys will get more carries as we move down through the schedule. Essentially, Pete Carroll was saying we are gameplan was to still not have Russell Wilson throw the ball a bunch, but he was just so good we couldn't stop throwing the ball.
Yeah, he prevented us from doing what we were. He stopped me from doing something really dumb here.
Here's why I play nine games, too. I do you realize that everyone was everyone was applauding Pete Carroll on Sunday night. They finally let Russ Cook and then he gets in front of the podium. He's like, we hated our game plan today.
That was atrocious what we did.
Belichick basically called it the best player in the league today, probably sowing division because he said, I think he's underrated by the media or the fans, but I really don't see anybody better than this player. Seattle, Seattle.
So now Russ, like Russell Wilson is going to be like even Belichick knows I should cook.
I just love the Pete Carroll was disappointed that they didn't run the ball in a game where Russell Wilson was, like, positively sublime.
Pete Carroll is going to absolutely revert back to his old ways because we're getting Pete Carroll at night and Pete Carroll at night is the very essence of Pete Carroll gum.
The gum is going to be smack in the struts going to be happening. Hopefully we can get a little mist in the air. So he's glowing on the outside. Yeah, he I think he gets younger at night. Yes. He looks like he's no older than 53 at night. And then during the daytime he ages all the way up to like fifty five. Fifty six he gets a little like pop at his knee. That's just beautiful to watch what he got.
But how do we know that Pete Carroll isn't trying to play mind games with Belichick by making him think he's going to run the ball? I don't know.
I don't think that Pete Carroll is a conspiracy guy by Pete Carroll. He's not a true three member. He's a twin. The twins are weird. That's true. All right. Let's get to our picks. So barstool sportsbook app. If you're in Pennsylvania, you can bet starting Friday afternoon. If you're not, you can still download it. We're going to be in more states as we go down the calendar of a plan there. All right, quickly, let's do it.
Underdog. I'll take the Jets plus seven left. I have the Washington football team and this is my bird alert of the week.
I'm putting the can't do Washington football team or do they always play birds?
No, I just it just so happens. I think they're with their schedule. Do they have birds just nonstop. They are the bird hunters. Yeah. First degree murder at six hundred. The Washington football team is going to take out a second Fluctus. Wow.
Hey, Vikings, Vikings. I'm going to take the under in the Jets game as well. 42.
I have the Under and Jags Titans. Forty four, Hank also Vikings. I'm going to take over in the Packers game hoping the Lions don't have any secondary over forty nine over. New England at Seattle, 44 and a half rematch of the Super Bowl as well. How many times we're going to see the replay that has on a long line? Yes, Hank. Well, I'm sorry. Must credit Matt. Patricia. Yes.
Bills, dolphins. Josh Allen going off bills, dolphins.
OK, and then my favorites can be the Chiefs. Don't think just throw my favorite is the Colts. Colts aren't as bad.
I got a locker as good as people say hangovers. Pfft. And I was going to have the chiefs as well. OK, all right. So those are pics I have the can't lose probably. We also have PFG has some props coming on Sunday night.
Yeah. The props for tonight. Those are going to come out I think on Saturday, Saturday and Reloaded.
You're going to actually be able to bet on them on the barstool sports sportsbook. So they are they're fun. They're fun. Little props.
I've seen them. They look awesome, actually. You just give me one. Give one. Give a tease of one. OK, I'm going to give it no odds. Just give one. Run the jewels. Julian Edelman over under half a rushing attempt to run the jewels of the week.
Love it. I'm not going to give what the odds are. They're pretty even odds on it. I think he's going to get it. OK, I love it. So that will be there. I also have invented a new bet that's coming out on Saturday night that will be there for Sunday. So get excited for that. And then I have I can't lose Parlette. You ready for it? Hit me. Can't lose part. I did lose last week, but let's be honest, it can't lose this one special because this one is plus 400 at the barstool sports.
OK, plus four hundred cowboys. OK, bears. OK, you love the bears.
I do like the bears a lot this weekend. Yes. Bills.
Uh huh. And then just sit back and watch the Chiefs win, OK.
The Chiefs. That's free. Free. Yeah that's that's what I want. What I like to do is I do the three one o'clock because the chiefs can't lose. Right. And you just throw in the four o'clock so it's just a little extra and then you can sit back and be like while everyone's sweating out eight and a half, you're like, well I have them plus four.
You already won your parlay, right? Yeah. And now you get to watch that just as a coronation. It cannot lose. The chiefs can't lose it. Can you add that to the other games that also can't lose? You get a can't lose parlay.
Remember to gamble responsibly and it could lose, but it cannot lose. It can't lose. Can't says it in the name. So it's 011 this year. But that was a fluke aberration. Week one can't lose parlay. You know what it was. I didn't put enough gas in the car. I got in the car, I turned the key. There wasn't enough gas in the car for the can't lose part. I guess it up plus four hundred.
You didn't have a single right. You had your preseason week one ready to go. All right, let's go. Would do quick fantasy fuck boys. Then we got Dennis Reynolds, Glenn Howerton on the show.
You have an ad though. Before that. Before we do the ol fuck boys, I want to talk to you about three CZI. We love three on this show. I have their gummies right now. They are the absolute best one of our favorite products here at Borstel. I think everybody loves 3G again. Let me give a warning. They have their gummies, they have their vapes, their oils or tinctures. If you're going to take a Gumee, take half of a Gumee the first time that you do it, don't take a full one until you know exactly how you're going to feel, because this stuff is legit.
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You can even make your homemade edibles using those oils.
You have to be 21, but go to three Ch'ing that come from copy and check out. OK, ready. Finished. Do you have yours. Let's go.
There we go. Oh yeah. Yeah, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, what's up, boys? Oh, oh, it's hot, the arugula. My starting this week is Ryan Tannehill thinks the Titans are running team. He's putting up forty thousand two hundred fifty yards minimum this weekend. Minimum. Wow. You got that covid? Nah, that stuff's fake. Not as my date, bro. Set it up. Put out a pocket by Saddam is dangerous.
You have flakes in your head. You can't fucking hang out with me. That's right. It's dandruff shampoo, you fat fuck. You look like trash when you've got the flakes. Got to put some nice slick oil in here looking like a real man. Why are you looking directly at me. No one in particular. Oh my sleep is Jim or say he's jacked. I would love to walk into a bar with him and fuck some people's heads up only asleep, but when he's behind the wheel of a car and he's got the pills to put you to sleep.
Well, yeah. Let's go. What's up you guys? My name is Ricky. Tangelo. Bella. Cathy. I'm starting the course this weekend. That's right. The course is getting a big start. That's right. I fucking love the course. I'm also starting soup. By the way, the courts kind of suck today to say, oh, it's a get plays, a prime time play. I don't give a shit, Patrick. We get a hole in one today.
Get a hole in nine on Sunday afternoon. I don't give a fuck. I'm sitting across those entitled fucks. Those bastards tried to take my job, sit and cross sleep off this week. David Johnson. That's right. That's right. Houston's got the old David Johnson Duke Johnson backfield. But guess what? Duke is dropped out so fast, it's going to make everyone think that it's the NCAA tournament off again. Duke Johnson literally translates to Willie Colón, which translates to hitting it from the back.
And that's what Dave is. You know what this is? This is the double star of David this weekend because David Johnson's getting twelve points against the Baltimore D. Love it. How you doing? Are you doing? Is Rocco G. Dominico my start of this week is WD 40. Fuck you squeaky fucks in my Houston defense because they're not going to do well anyway, which is brocco. My my my sleep is melatonin because they'll put your lights out.
Oh, nice. All right. What's up, guys? Tony Baloney. He's back. Tony Baloney. My stardom is the chiefs on the fast track. You saw her. He saw the turf. It's fast. It goes so fucking fast. You better have the chiefs on the fast turn. My dad does landscaping. He was like, yo, that's half that shit's fast. Fast I amidst the Falcons, I officially disavow from the Atlanta Falcons are up with them.
I walked in one morning, I walked in early and did with the Falcons with the head in the toilet and the hair was touching the toilet water disgusted. I'm done with the Falcons at your mother's wake. Am I sleeper? Is everyone get an extra hour sleep this weekend? Daylight Savings Time to remember, to do your clock, set your clocks forward this weekend. It's very, very kind of know that. Go with your clock. You lost your virginity, daylight savings time.
That shit doesn't even count. Yeah, exactly. Wow. That's do you last. We lasted for an hour and five minutes. That's incredible.
That's a mindfuck. Yeah. Trust me, I know we in the spring or the fall. The fall. So when it fell back so yeah. You never had, you had sex were negative.
Never had an hour and five minutes.
Yeah. Five minutes. But it was, it was the first time it was like virgin.
Yeah. Hey so Hank's a virgin. You are technically a virgin. Congratulations. Hey sweet boy. All right. That's our fancy fuck boys. They're back. Let's get to Dennis Reynolds, Glenn Howerton, awesome interview with him. And then we're going to review bigger than Ben Part three, the finale part for the finale after our interview with Glenn was the finale.
I think so. I mean, it it went to like Monday night. It's got to be a finale. Yeah. Monday Night Football. It was like hard knocks.
They updated it using contemporary TV.
I actually was thinking the whole time, like, hard knocks is kind of on the ropes. Let's just do benot. Yeah, just summer.
Ben Roethlisberger being able to update in faster time than hard knocks is really an indictment of HBO Sports. Yes, that place has really fallen downhill.
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OK, here he is. Dennis Reynolds. Glenn Howerton.
Oh, OK. We now welcome on a very special guest. It is Glenn Howerton. He has his show, Season three of AP bio out on peacock streaming. Now go watch it right now. Get peacocking. Should have peacocke, but if you don't get it, watch AP Bio. Great to have you on, Glenn. We appreciate your time. Let's start with AP bio. So I have to it's got to feel weird doing a show.
You're in season three now where you don't have the control that you had with always Sunny, I would imagine. Right. Do you feel a little helpless at times, being kind of at the whims of other people when it comes to the direction or the writing or however may the chips may fall here?
What was important to me from the beginning that that I was a producer on the show so that I could kind of not just be an actor for hire, but actually to be able to feel comfortable giving script notes and things like that, because I and I didn't want to be a writer on the show for a couple of reasons. One, because that's a lot of work. And two, because I didn't want it to be my show. I wanted it to be.
One of the things I really liked about it was that Mike O'Brien, the show's creator, has a very specific comedic voice. And you know, Mike, a lot of what is my specific comedic voice goes into the show that I have already, and I didn't want it to feel that way. So, you know, it was there was a certain amount of trust that had to be put into it. Because you're right, I do have strong opinions about what's funny and what's not funny, what works storywise, what doesn't work.
And I spoke up about that stuff with Mike pretty early on and most things I found we agreed on then. Then there were things that we disagreed on that I felt very strongly that I was right because of my experience. And and then and there were quite a few of those things that I fought him on that he was one hundred percent correct about, because it made sense for the tone of AP bio. And it's what makes that show, again, special and different from from Sonny.
So, you know, in the three seasons that I've been working on the show, I've learned to to to really trust Mike and his sensibilities because he's just incredibly smart and funny.
So one thing that you've done a really good job of, whether it's AP bio or it's always Sunny, is you play very unlikable characters, but somehow they become very likable, like you almost find yourself rooting for them to be more unlikable, you know, whether they're narcissistic or sociopathic or whatever they are. How do you go about doing that? Because we're I think we're both very well know. We have people on our show who are narcissistic and sociopathic.
We want to make sure that they remain likable. I'm not saying it's us. I'm saying, you know, what advice would you give to somebody like that?
Right. Right, right.
Well, I think probably the key to it is I think the key to it is that I am not personally narcissistic. So I like to think that some of my who I am as a person comes through. I'm really not like the character. Most of the characters that I that I play on TV, thank God. And so I think some of that comes through. I think another part of it is that it's making it as an actor. You know, for me, these characters are.
They're they're they're overcompensating for a fragile ego, and I think I think it's got to be clear to the audience that. You know, this is a person who actually feels things very deeply, you know, that's been the thing with Dennis is that people are like, oh, he's a psychopath, he's got no feelings. And I think it's I think it's the exact opposite. I think he feels so much that it's scary to to to him. And he has to sort of act like he's better than everybody else.
And above it all, in order to combat his own feelings, that he's actually quite a fragile person. And I think in some ways that is like that is something that I think the two characters share, Dennis and Jack, although I will say that I think that Jack is I think deep down, Jack is genuinely a good guy. I think there's hope for Jack. I don't know that there's much hope for Dennis.
Did you ever find yourself in playing Dennis for so many years, like slipping into Dennis when you're off camera? Because I know we talked to a friend of ours. This is sounds like a namedrop Zac Efron, who played Ted Bundy.
And he was like, I had to basically, like, you know, have a decompression after we shot every scene because it was like so haunting, trying to be this guy who's a serial killer. Obviously, Dennis wasn't a serial killer, but there had to be moments where you had to catch yourself being like, oh, shit, this is Dennis talking, not Glenn.
When we're writing the show, we're really thinking we're really thinking as all the characters. So, you know, I'd say I spend more time working on it's always sunny thinking in the voice of all the characters, not just my own. And I think after playing the character for so many years. It's not. It's really not that hard for me to slip in and out of it, I think I would have a tougher time with it if I was in Zak's position, if if I was doing a movie where he had to really immerse himself in that, in that character, in that world, so that he because the thing is, is like he didn't have the luxury of playing that character, building that character's building that character over the course of many, many years, you know, while actually doing it and performing it, you know, whereas I had the luxury of creating the character and living as that character for years and years and years.
You know, he has you know, when you're when you're on a film, you have to you have to create that amount, that depth of life before you even start shooting on day one. So you're already, you know, so you're living as this as this person for a very compressed period of time. You have to spend more time as that character. Yeah. When you're doing it for the first time for a film than you would for a TV show, if that makes sense.
And I so I could see where that would be harder for him. It was probably harder for him to shake than that. It would be for me.
So if you spend a lot of your time kind of imagining yourself as other characters that you're also writing, if you were to like reshuffle the lineup of always sunny and put different actors as different roles, how do you think like what is the best alternate lineup in a different universe? Like, would you be a good Charlie? Would you be a good man? How how how do you think that would shake out?
Oh, yeah, that's a good question. I mean, the question. Thank you. I think it would be fun to. I could see myself having the most fun, probably playing Charlie's character. Yeah, personally, yeah, and I would love to see and I would love to see Charlie play my character because, you know, they've been a handful of times on the show where Charlie's character kind of takes charge of the gang and is weirdly the smartest one, the smartest and sharpest, you know, the Charlie work episode being probably the most primary example that there have been.
Others, though, where Charlie is kind of the the aggressor and the and the dick and the protagonist and and cocky Charlie is very funny to me, you know, I mean, that guy's got more gears than I think most people realize. He's a really, really tremendous actor. And I would say probably that he is the best at writing for my character amongst the three of us in a lot of the best monologues that Dennis has spoken, have been written by Charlie.
Feel free to use that in a future episode. I feel like that's that's a a lost little crutch that a lot of comedy's used to use back in the day is like one character makes a wish and then all of a sudden their personalities completely switch up. Yeah.
And no, no sitcoms do like the line down the middle of a room anymore. I miss that. Like and then the dog gets half the line on it and you have to take ownership of each side. These same old tropes that I think could make a real strong comeback.
I think you're not wrong. And, you know, as a writer, my, my now my wheels are spinning that it's actually not a bad idea.
That one's on the House floor for two years. I don't even need a writing credit. So if Charlie wrote a lot of the iconic Dennis scenes, what did you write? Like who what character do you feel most comfortable writing for?
Oh, God, I love writing for Caitlin's character. I love writing for four D. You know, the desperate need for approval and and know crippling insecurity is are things that I really do enjoy writing a lot. So I would say I probably have the most fun writing for for her character.
When when Rob Mack gained all that weight, did you just could you even look at him without laughing? Because that was it's just funny, like that whole entire season when he gained weight, just like you can't look at him without laughing and he wore it so well, like there was nothing wrong that he just casually put on fifty pounds. I still can't believe he just did that and then got ripped after that as kind of a show move by him.
Totally. No, I mean this is just a very tortured man. And when I say man I don't mean Mac, I mean Rob McElhenney desperately trying to figure out how to make his life as difficult as possible so that he doesn't have to face his own demons like they are just laughing at that.
Yeah. Yeah.
You know, he's a little bit of a he is a little bit of a glutton for punishment. And he's not one to sort of sit still and, you know, let things just kind of happened the way they've been happening. He's got to he's like, you know, once we settle into a groove, it's like, OK, how can I make this more difficult? And, you know, it's it it's a good instinct. As an artist, he's never he's never satisfied.
It's really interesting that when he gained all that weight, it changed his character. His character became sort of weirdly like slower and almost a little a little dumber. And but it did something to him to where it's almost like, you know, when you're an actor, a lot of times you when you when you're doing theater training, you train, you do mask training. And it's really interesting because when you. Put on a mask it you suddenly you feel you you don't feel like yourself, and it frees you in a way to be your little looser, it's hard to explain.
And I think when he gained 60 pounds, he didn't feel or look like himself. And and so he just kind of dropped into a whole new character. And I found it hysterical.
Yes. Yes. It's interesting because I think for a while there would always be comparisons made to The Simpsons, like if a new show came out and there was an episode or a character that mirrored somebody on The Simpsons that would get pointed out. And then South Park kind of became that type of show. I know Seinfeld was like that for a little bit as well. And then I think you guys have kind of taken that over for the for the at least last, you know, 10 years or so.
People will point out other new shows that come out and be like, oh, well, these characters, like always on your own, this show is always sunny, but set in Oregon, you know, like there's there's that dynamic of it. Do you find yourself watching new comedies and like, seeing those relations to to what you've created at all? And if you do, are you like, hey, they're us a little bit. Are you usually more of the lines like, oh, well, we set this and now it's evolved a little bit.
I definitely never take offense to it, if anything. You know, it's I mean, I think any artist would like to think that he's having sort of an impact on the world and an impact on on culture, because we are you know, we are sort of attention seeking on some level. Otherwise we wouldn't be in the performing arts. So I think, you know, whenever I see comedies where I I mean, I think if anything. We showed that you can do edgier comedy on basic cable, I mean, I know that sounds a little nesh, but like there wasn't a lot of there were there were like a handful of maybe I mean, there was like Curb Your Enthusiasm and, you know, there were a handful of, you know, sort of pay cable comedies, but really any basic cable comedies that were coming along and just kind of shaking things up.
So, I mean, I like to think that we opened the doors for I mean, we definitely definitely I mean, I think the most clear example is probably workaholics, you know, of of a show that probably looked at our show and said, OK, we want to do our version of that, which I think they did a really good job of doing their version of what we do, because that show is very different. But you can see the you can see them on the family tree.
I think you can see that there's some there's some lineage there. But but I but I, I think those guys also did an extraordinary job of of making it their own. I was a little worried at first. Not not for it. Not because they felt like they were copying us, but because I thought like oh no, they it never works when you're like, we're just going to do that. We're going to do the same thing. And there were certain things at the beginning that made me feel like, oh, no, they're trying to make the same show.
But then they very quickly kind of distinguish themselves from from our show in a way that I thought was great.
Yeah, I remember when I first watched Always Sunny, it was introduced to me as Seinfeld on crack. And I think that was a good brief description. In the minute I watched, I was like, oh, I get it. Yeah, it is Seinfeld on crack. It's Seinfeld unfiltered rated R.
What is AP bio then. Oh, what is AP bio? Election on crack. Oh, that's good. I also should say AP bio, so I always get all of my reviews off of Google like the people also ask. So it says, is AP bio a good show, questionmark? And it says most of it is silly and well beyond believability, even for a sitcom. But what matters most is that AP bio is funny.
So there you go. That's huge. That's huge. I would say I get what I totally get it. I mean, that's one of the things I love about the show, is that he's he's almost like has this, I think something that that a truly good show can do. I mean, South Park has done such a great job of this and had since the very beginning, it created a world that's like our world, but it's almost a little bit more of a parallel world in the sense that reality is slightly different.
But there are rules to that reality and we try to follow those rules. I think Sunny is the same way, too. I mean, you know, although I would say with Sunny, it's it's it's only its own little world in the sense that when you're when you're when you're with the main cast and then once you take that main cast and put them into the real world, they're faced with the fact that they're their version of the world is is just completely it's.
Yes. You know, and I think that comes through. But, you know, but I, I just love the I just love how overwhelmingly positive and optimistic the world of AP bio is. And even though my character's incredibly cynical and, you know, a little bit of a jerk, he's just surrounded by such joyful positivity. And I think it's really funny to watch those two things constantly clashing. Yeah.
We're going to get back to this interview with Denis Reynolds in just a second. But first, I want to talk to you about screwball new sponsor Hank Glenn Howerton.
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So when you're working on something that's newer like AP bio, you know, you're used to having that enormous run of success with always sunny when the show starts to come out. Are you finding yourself reading the reviews more often than than you would in the past? Because you're like you're a little bit you know, you're not you're more worried. You're not as confident that this next show is going to be as much of a success as it's been in the past.
Are you just of the mindset that, you know, like listen to the critics will do more harm than good? Well, I don't.
I don't know the answer to the second part of that question, whether it does more harm than it does good. I think. Look, I'm OK, I will admit that I'm I'm I read if I have time, I read all the reviews, all of them. So I do the exact opposite of what I think most people do or what they say they do, although I suspect they don't. And I, I actually dive right in. I read all the critical stuff.
I read all the bad stuff and all the good stuff. And I'm I think I'm able to do that because I've I've developed a very a very healthy sense of self through the years. And I think I've been validated. I feel validated enough by the people in my life that I consider smart. And funny and and also by years of working on a successful show that I've started to trust that whatever I think, you know, things that I think are good and funny are actually good and funny.
But I have blind spots just like anybody else does. And so I think reading the bad reviews for me personally, I think it's good because I don't take it to heart so much so that I lose faith in myself as much as I look at it and I go, oh yeah, we can make some adjustments. The show can be improved upon. I mean, I you know, I'm not so cocky as to think that everything I do is so fucking good that that can't be improved upon.
You know, there's some really great smart opinions out there by, you know, fans of the show and critics of the show, you know, and they often have some really terrific insight into, you know, sometimes it's just about what, you know, even people talking about what makes the show work makes me go, oh, yeah, that's true. Right. I mean, that is what makes the show work. Like, you know, sometimes it's shit I haven't even thought of.
So, you know, they tend not to break me the bad reviews. I like them. And sometimes when they're really, really bad, I have I weirdly actually really am incredibly amused by that. I think if I felt like if I if I didn't like the show so much, I think it might hurt my feelings more because I'd be like, oh, man, I really screwed the pooch on this one. I'm right, you know. But but I but I'm incredibly proud of AP bio.
I personally think it's I think it's hysterical. I think it's really, really funny. I think it's really unique and know. So if I read something bad about it, like just doggedly bad, which hasn't really happened to all that much, I think it's fucking hilarious.
Well, here's one from 2014 from police says AP bio sucks.
Dick, I think that that person knew the show is going to suck for years before it came out.
I saw Stewart. That's pretty good. Yeah, I was about to respond to that and I didn't even catch the whole 2014 event.
Is there a little bit of you just you could just search Twitter and be like all these people are just talking about high school. Who cares? Like they don't hate my show. The show, Shigeko. Damn, that's a really good point.
There's probably a lot of criticism out there. Oh, yeah. Just talking about how much they hate their AP bio class. And people are going to be like, oh shit. They're talking about that show. Yeah.
This person said AP bio can suck my dick. I did search AP bio sucks Dick. So I'm going to get a lot of those. But yeah, there's a lot of people in the last like ten years who really hated the Shogun. Yeah.
Yeah. Hey, listen, you know, everybody's entitled to their own opinion. I would just say maybe try to be more specific next time.
Yeah, that's fair. All right. So we asked this question to every one of our guests. How much money do you make off the residual checks for always Sunny.
Everyone gets this question, so don't feel like a special well enough to pay for all these goofy knickknacks you see behind me. I'll tell you that, yeah.
Who do you splurge on? What does that. What's that what do you splurge on what's like your you know, your was bleeding gums Murphy from The Simpsons had a thousand dollars a Faberge egg habit or something like that.
God, what's my split? Well, I mean, I don't. I don't. Definitely not clothes. I just wear t shirt and jeans every day. So I'm not not like a clothing guy. Definitely, probably spent a little too much money on building this house. My wife and I built built built a house in Venice four years ago or we moved in four years. Italy. What's at Italy? No, no, no, no, no, I'd be cool, yeah, that would be super cool.
No, no, no. Venice, Venice, Venice Beach, California.
Nice, nice. When you were when you get ready to start work on Apple, did you actually have to go back and learn some AP bio terms? Because for me, like if I had to go take the Remedios of that class again, I would be like, no, I'm out. You can do the show with somebody else.
I knew my character was going to be teaching much AP bio. So so no. But I did what I did because my character is a Harvard philosophy professor. Before he came to back to Toledo, I did read quite I was reading a lot of philosophy books and. You know, talk about reading stuff that'll make your eyes cross, my God, and then I think I kind of got to a point where I was like, I don't know that I need to be doing this because I'm not going to be writing the show.
So if there's a specific reference to a particular Fallot severe philosopher, I can in a script, I can just kind of look it up then. Yeah.
All right. So if you had to pick one always sunny episode, I'm sure you could ask this, but I'm going to ask you anyway, one episode you're like that's the one like that's the one I would I would send to someone convincing them this is the greatest show of all time. You're you're having them watch this specific episode. Which one are you picking?
Who I mean, I've definitely got I've definitely developed a handful of favorites over the years, but there's so many that I'm sure there's some that I'm that I'm forgetting I'm going to give you three that I think. Are just ones that really, really tickle me a lot. I believe it's called the gang hits the road from season five, the gang goes on a road trip or something like that, and it's the one where we're trying to drive to the Grand Canyon and, you know, make it out of Philly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. Great episode. Thanks, man.
The gang gets quarantined, which is extremely, you know. Was incredibly prescient because we quarantine ourselves in the bar because there's a big flu outbreak, I just that episode really tickles me. And then I'd say maybe the gang beats Boggs. Yeah, another one that I just it just makes me laugh.
How often do people come up to you? And they're like, Hey, Dennis system. But they're like, not joking.
Oh, not joking. Like, they're like, hey, the Dennis system, I use it, it works. And you're like, no, that's a joke, dude. Just relax. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, listen, but we had quite a bit on on social media, you know. But the thing is, is like we kind of I mean, to be fair, we designed that system. You know, to work, right? Right. I mean, it wasn't going to be it wouldn't have been funny to me personally if it weren't something that you could look at and go, oh, shit. Kind of that kind of works, right?
Yeah, right. You know, I need to be clear. I'm not advocating for no. If anything, the show is always advocating against anything the characters do. But but I do. It is definitely one of the most iconic things we've ever done on the show because I mean, well, first of all, I married my I was already dating her at the time, but my wife is in that episode, the Dennis System episode, she plays the pharmacist that my character Denis's in that episode.
And, you know, so any time I at that, people are always asking, like, did you guys meet on the show? And now we've known each other for a couple of years before that, when we had been dating for a little while. But any time I post pictures on Instagram of my wife and I, there's people like who it looks like a system really works like every like 50 like 75 percent of the comments are like about Dennis system.
And you're just like, dude, are you not reading the other like it's just that that episode was 11 years ago.
Yeah, but it did work. It had an impact.
Yeah. They're not wrong. Somewhere in the depths of your brain, the Dennis system already existed. You just hadn't written it down yet.
Right. Right. I'm I'm loathe to admit it, but I think on some level, I think that that that's probably true is, you know, a little bit of a really, really dark look at maybe certain things that I or people that I knew had had practiced in the past.
I mean, I I saw that show with Mystery on VH1. I read the game I'm sure I'm familiar with. Where is it the the art of the seduction speed techniques or whatever.
The game. The game. It wasn't. Yeah. You know, it wasn't based on that, but it was their way. I as I recall that at that time. When did the game come out? Do you remember the game.
I want to say like 2005, 2004. Somewhere around there.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah that sounds right. Yeah. So I it was, it was that, that was in my consciousness. I hadn't read it, but I'd heard about it. And I like you had you know, I had read about this guy. What was his name. Mystery. Yeah.
The mystery method. Yeah. You know, I mean his DNA system was like wear a funny hat. Yeah. And then be tall and then boom, you can sleep with anybody.
Yeah. Yeah. The whole I just, I just remember thinking like I just remember him talking about the whole like nagging thing. Yes. Yes I do remember that. And I do remember thinking like, you know. That that I can see how that works, if done correctly, but I can also see you, you know, people going up to like a pretty girl saying something really mean in her just being like, you know what the.
Like, you know.
But I think for those guys, it's a numbers game. It's like it's not about trying to bad every single girl that you hit on it. It's just it's like a percentage right now. You like it? Maybe maybe you find a girl who's so insecure that, you know, nagging her actually, you know, makes her like you. I don't know, it's filthy. It's really kind of turns my stomach if I'm being honest. Yeah, the nagging.
All right. Well, Glenn, I think you got to run to the next interview. We really appreciate the time. A.P. bio on Peacocke Stream. Now, we're huge fans. I also just had a I was going to say your name. Glenn is just I don't know why you didn't do Dennis. I know why you didn't do Dennis. I know why you didn't do Glenn. But it seems like a cop out because everyone else used their real name.
But we'll let you off the hook on that one.
Yeah, no, I was a cop out. I didn't want to I. I didn't want to be the character. Yeah.
So. All right. We'll talk about that next time we have you on. So thank you, man.
We really appreciate it. Yeah, it's great. Yeah. Thanks for having me on, guys. All right, Mancia, thank you. Bye bye.
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OK, let's finish up. We have bigger the best part three the what is it called bigger. The bigger company.
Biggest. The biggest. No the biggest comeback or something bigger than Ben. I'm sad. This is, this is ending. I'm sad. I really wanted to get more episodes. I wanted to just be a daily vlog.
It started with Ben getting everyone who still likes him, which is pretty much his coaches in that doctor, to say that he is the biggest competitor they've ever seen, the greatest competitor they've ever seen, the most competitive guy they've ever seen.
Has there ever been a superstar athlete, a quarterback that's won a Super Bowl point guard or, you know, power forward, that's won a title, an NBA title, a pitcher that won the Scion who everyone in their life didn't say he's the most competitive guy I would just once want to see, like the MVP of the NFL. And everyone be like, yeah, you know what? Like, I was playing Monopoly with him. He didn't really care.
He's just chill. Yeah. Just kind of a normal dude that you'd like to catch a cool hang with. Big Ben also had he had his doctor not only say he's the most competitive person I've ever met, but his doctor said, you know, I get asked all the time if I were to be being a doctor for other players going up against Big Ben, would I root for Big Ben? Absolutely. How much how often do you think a doctor gets asked, hey, if you weren't treating this guy and you were you were treating other players who are playing football against him, who would you root for?
Yeah, I feel like Big Ben just took these cameras with him. I think he took like a very hands on approach to this documentary, as he does in many facets of his. Oh, yeah.
And he just sat behind the camera being like, who do you think is the most competitive person that you've ever met in your life?
Just yeah, I just I want to do like a comprehensive list. I want to get a list of the most competitive people ever, as said by their wife and their best friend. Your childhood best.
I think everybody would just say, Ben Roethlisberger, if you ask me, Ben Roethlisberger, I was just watching him being like, didn't Tom Brady's got a documentary coming out next year. There's going to be an entire episode about exactly this. We just watched the last dance. Yeah. Actually, Jordan is the most competitive person I've ever.
I would say time, Tom. First time. Time is probably more competitive. Yeah. Never lost time. Time keeps on.
This was really just a Ken Burns seven part series about shaving.
Yeah, it was all about his beard. A little football. But pretty much just the beard, yeah, and the craziest part was he got his beard shaved, but he just got it trimmed and then his wife, his wife was like, Ben, the dogs won't even notice you. Well, he still looks exactly the same. He just doesn't look as like he looks like he just he just got dropped off her naked and afraid he hasn't been on naked, afraid for a week.
Right. And Ben's a guy that would come home with a different medical device on a different part of his body every single week. So like having a beard that's three inches shorter is actually the most normal that he's. Yes. Coming home from a week away usually like Ben. Who is this man? There's two hundred and sixty pound man in a wheelchair crying. Yeah. And yeah, I think they'll be able to figure out that it's just you been I don't think he's ever going to retire.
I he doesn't seem like a guy that knows at all what he'll do if he's not playing football.
I think he will retire. But much like like Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights, he's going to have to retire and pretend that he's paralyzed, like he's going to have to retire straight to a wheelchair and everything. Like, Ben, you aren't paralyzed. Yes. He's like, no, that's why I had to walk away from football. Sorry, had Wheelwright from football to roll downhill away from football.
We didn't talk about this last time, but it reminds me of the rehab scene that they had in the pool in last week's episode when he was doing like five pound little like elbow raises with this pool weight as like Ben, you have an upper body injury.
There's absolutely no reason for you to be doing a rehab in a swimming hole. He was probably just hot. And you know what? He probably saw like clips of Ryan Shazier regaining his ability to walk that in a pool.
And he was like, I want I want to do that. That's what rehabbing a spinal injury.
The only other note I had in classic Ben, there was a scene where he was I think he was out behind his house throwing footballs around and he's with the strength and conditioning coach. And they were talking about how, like, hey, your spiral, their spin rate, it's all pretty much back. And he said something like, yeah, you know, my arm just totally feels normal.
And then he caught himself and was like, well, I mean, it's like pops every now and then and like clicks out, like he almost said that he was healthy. And then he in the court himself is like, wait, hold on. I just want everyone to know I'm still dealing with stuff here.
It would be a great prank if the Steelers doctor told Ben he had a serious, serious injury that didn't exist whatsoever and then made his own documentary about Ben Roethlisberger is recovering from a fake injury that he doesn't know isn't a real thing.
He's never seen someone get injured like this and we've never seen someone rehab so quickly. You can tell Ben Roethlisberger like Ben, I've got some bad news. Your leg got broken off beneath the knee. But the good news is it's going to regenerate like a like a salamander's tail. Yeah. And then they had some Nyquil. They just showband like week after week. They just show them, like, pictures of his leg, like, look, it's coming in nicely.
He's like, yeah, you're right. My leg is coming.
Yeah. And then he sits in front of his doctors, like, I feel like I have my whole leg back, but it doesn't feel like my whole leg. But it was like a half like it's obviously like a ghost leg and different. But, you know, it looks as I do badly.
I like how they brought advanced analytics into his recovery with a spin rate. Ben definitely, definitely thought when there was like were they put like a sensor in the ball? Yeah, he was either thought it was magic.
He probably thought when they said there's a chip in the ball, he's like Tostitos in there. Can I can I eat what's going on here?
A microchip. All right. So that was bigger than Ben said. We need more we need more episodes and I want Big Ben to play.
But now we know that if he ever gets injured again, we at least get another documentary.
Oh, yeah. Big Ben. No bigger than Ben. Part two. Yes. Are you been too furious? That is our show. Everyone go download the barstools Facebook app. Oh, fire fest.
Yes. The week Billy thought about fireworks and everything.
So I guess I forgot my fire fest, huh? I forgot about Firefly. Interesting. Billy, do you have one? Yeah. Oh, no.
Fire is we've had to deal with Billy all week who told us that on Tuesday he has to focus on a school which really cool Billy.
And then we found out today that focusing on his school was just not doing the sheet for us.
Anyway, my fire fest of the week was on Sunday night after we recorded the show. I went to get my car to drive home and the guy at the garage wouldn't let me out because my monthly payment expired. But since it was too late, you couldn't renew it for me. So I had to wait there for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and then got home really late next morning. Missed my class. Hmm. That's kind of cool, though.
You're a badass. Wait, was that your first class of the semester? Yep, not well. That's just syllabus day. Yeah. You don't need to be there. Yeah. Professor was like bad luck.
Yeah. No, it's just Sylvester. Don't worry about that Hank, if anything.
Yeah. So I feel like my Apple TV and like I have a smart TV on bedroom and stuff in my living room, you know, big deal.
So I guess three, three places I use reha my girlfriend's family's cable login because even though I pay for cable, I don't know like what my like email and like password is. I mean, I don't think I ever set one up. Yeah. And they change their password, but like the new password they told us just doesn't work. So I've just been like out of out of TV.
Are you making this up as you go along right now? No, no.
It's it's it's one of those things where I just sit there and I'm like, I pay for cable. Right. But I can't watch this game right now.
And you also feel like I'm an asshole and reaching out right over it and be like, hey, can I get your login information correct? Someone who's not my in laws yet.
Right. Because I asked and they gave their like send it back. And then I was like, I don't think that like, can you ask again. She's like, no.
Yeah. Don't we have cable yet. We do. I agree. But I don't like I don't know how to get in online.
I don't know, I've been going through the same thing because I switched my cable provider five months ago. And so even when I try to watch like NFL Network on my phone or Fox Sports or something like that on my phone, it asked me for my new login. And I'm like, I don't know. I gave you my Verizon one, two years ago and I have no idea even how to track that down. Now, that is tough. You basically can't watch television anymore, right?
Thoughts and prayers. That brutal my fire fest is that Dave and Busters might be going bankrupt.
Yeah, that's more of a fire fest for the guy that that that's for us to just. Yeah. I tweeted Jesus today to say that. So we'll see how that works. I'll keep you guys updated.
Yeah. Jeff Bezos is Stanley Cranky.
Anyone really that has more than it can't be more than what, like five million dollars or like ten million tickets.
OK, here's what you do. Chucky Cheese filed for bankruptcy and right now they have a room. Did you read about their their vault? No. So they filed for bankruptcy.
They have a room right now that has like nine billion tickets because they just have tickets that continually print out like it's a mint. And they had to ask a bankruptcy court if they could shred these tickets because you can't have all these tickets go into circulation. It throws off the entire economy of Chucky Cheese.
Why don't you use every ticket in the ticket room to purchase and bail out Dave and Busters?
I think you just found the solution to all of our problems. I think we got it all of life's problems.
Is it Tour de France? Go on. Right now, I have no idea what's going on. I just realized I'm in debt to Cox Cable a lot.
I moved and I never canceled my Cox. Yeah, to Cox.
When where did you move from the bunker. Oh.
Hmm. So that wasn't smart. What do you got, Jake? Tour de France is ongoing. Who's winning? Do we have an American who cares? I'm sorry. I even asked my friend.
So who cares? Or just or actually for about a half a second, I thought you said that Mike Francesa was leading the Tour de France right now and he becomes very excited.
How long how how slow would the rest of the competitors have to go for Mike Francesa to win the Tour de France?
I think if you gave him a car, do it three times. How old is he? Like seventy five. Sure. Probably drive pretty slow.
If you gave him a car, he could win. They could do it. They could go their back and then do it again. I think maybe more. There's only three more stages after. It's like, oh wow, it's heating up. This is what we're quickly finding out.
Whenever when when we said that there's going to be so many sports coming this fall, it's going to be incredible. What we failed to to remember is that we only care about football when football's on.
That's true because like the U.S. Open this weekend, we were like, oh, my God, Sunday, the U.S. Open, if Brooks is in here, feel a little different. But what do you think?
I'm going to be watching it on Sunday Night Football, that game six Nuggets Clippers on Sunday. Yeah. What if that fucking U.S. Open tennis? No football. That was. Yeah.
The break between four o'clock and something like this, that perfect time. Laker Lakers.
No football Nuggets Sunday football. Right. Oh it's football on. Yeah. Football is that night.
Sure. Who cares. Yeah. It literally couldn't, it doesn't exist. It's a game. It's not even being played.
This is. All right.
Pre prediction. LeBron is going to stick it up in that game so that everyone forgets.
That's why I won't. That's why he does in game I won't. Game one game. I'll try to. Oh, there you go. Here's my prediction for game one ready tonight, bet the Nuggets every other game, bet the Lakers. Yep. All right, that's our show. Download Sportsbook app will be in Philly. We'll see on Sunday. Tune in. Live Stream is going to be electric. And let's do a number.
I've got 21 today. 18, let's go 21, 70, 63, 17, 72, 21, 21, 27, 21. Oh, Australia lost the war with EMU's seven. Just lucky number seven seven. That's good luck. That's good luck going into this weekend. Good luck.
Billy Hellyeah, seven.
I love you guys talking away. I don't know what to say. Say. Given today's inability to find solid. I'll be coming for you, love, OK? Some say it's better to be safe than sorry they got me take me. But be because. And we've given you all things to remember these Shenoy, I'll be coming for you anyway. They've got.