Patrick Beverley, March Is Here, NFL Cuts, Mike Tyson Is Back + Fyre Fest Of The Week
Pardon My Take- 752 views
- 8 Mar 2024
March finally feels like it has arrived with Day Basketball. Shaka Smart needs to stop going on the court. NFL Cuts and Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul (00:00:00-00:30:08). Hank may be in the Patriots Documentary and he reveals his number 9 Patriot (00:30:08-00:42:33). Patrick Beverley joins the show in studio to talk about his NBA Career, how he went from Arkansas to overseas to the league, who he has current beef with, what makes him a dawg and tons more (00:42:33-02:00:53). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week and a tease for a big Monday (02:00:53-02:14:57).You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake
Hey, pardon my take, listeners. You can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime. Members can listen ad free on Amazon music.
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On today's part of my take, we have an incredible interview with Patrick Beverly, our coworker, also many year NBA pro. He's on the Milwaukee Bucks.
Also first team dog.
First team dog. It was awesome. It was an hour and 15 minutes interview that could have gone even longer. We all walked away being like, that rocked. We talked about everything with Pat Bev, all his feuds, his crazy story, getting into the league, everything. We're going to talk a little more NFL cuts. We got some more cuts coming down the line. Tyson and Jake Paul are fighting. We have fire fest of the week, Hanks number nine patriot. And it's all brought to you by our friends at draftKings. Are you all about the NBA action? You've got to try pick six, the newest fantasy app from DraftKings, an official partner of the NBA right now, new customers can earn a 100% instant deposit. Match up to $100 in pick six credits when you deposit $5 or more. Getting started is simple. Just download the DraftKings pick six app and sign up with code. Take pick at least two players and choose if you'll have more or less of a stat. Like will they score more or less than 30 points or have more or less than eight assists? Lock them in and compete against others for a shot at a huge cash prize.
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And then a lot of work to be done.
No place to hang out on washing.
And then I can't name all on.
The sun oh, no we gonna rock.
Down to Electric Avenue and then we'll.
Take it higher always on our it's.
Pardon my take presented by Marshall Sports.
Welcome to Pardon my take presented by DraftKings. Go download the DraftKings Pick six app now and get started with code take. New customers can earn a 100% instant deposit match up to $100 in pick six credits. Today is Friday, March 8. Boys. I'm feeling the March madness. I'm feeling it. I'm feeling it. We got bubble watch everywhere. We got big games everywhere.
Conference tournaments underway.
Conference tournaments. Day basketball is here.
Day basketball is nice. Not just like a couple of games. We're talking about balls deep in day basketball.
Balls deep in day basketball. This is the time. I was thinking about it. These two weeks before conference tournament. March Madness is such a weird. We're, like, in the middle of everything. We're in the middle of NFL free agency happening. We're right before NFL free agency happening. NBA is kind of in a weird lull. Hockey playoffs haven't started. We haven't gotten a conference championship. We're getting through that, though, right now to one of the best portions of the year, and that is March. And I wish someone had told me that Murray state racers were the worst team in the country.
Oh, did they fuck you?
Oh, man, they fucked me bad.
But, yeah, it's awesome. I mean, there's nothing better than bubble watch and all these teams fighting for their lives. We had, like, Seaton Hall, Villanova the other night.
That was a great game.
Pug versus max. Pug came out victorious. Pug is our people's champ. A lot of people were saying they didn't know that's what pug looked like.
Like someone said, he looks like if you and Jake had a kid.
Yeah, I agree.
Pug is just, like. He's better off being a figment of one's imagination.
We also have senior night.
Senior night.
Always big.
In some cases, multiple senior nights. That's what I love about this time of year. It's like, if you're thinking that maybe you're going to kind of graduate, you can have senior night and then you can come back and do a second senior night.
Armando Bacott finally had his final senior night.
His last one.
He had a unc. I think we have UNc Duke on Saturday. But there was one senior night that bothered me. I didn't realize this until I turned it on. I think it was two nights ago. Did you guys know that Joe Gerard, Syracuse legend, transferred to Clemson and then he had a senior night against Syracuse?
I didn't know that.
That's kind of fucked up.
That is fucked up.
You should just say. No, you know what?
I'm good.
I don't need my jersey and everything. I've only been here for a cup of coffee. I'm a Syracuse legend.
Every night's senior night. If you're young. Gravy.
That's a guy that loves MIlF, tank. Yeah, I know rap.
I don't love MIlfs, but that's like saying, like, I like bacon. No, some people don't like MIlfs, actually.
No. By very definition, I think a yeah would be loved.
Because it's someone that you'd love to.
Like. He's like, posting a picture of his dog online, being like, retweet this.
Well, he's also kind of like the Dana beers of the rap game, where it's just like, he's going to say something that's universally beloved and make it his own brand. Like, I'm the beer guy. I like drinking beer.
You know what gets slept on? ICE cream.
You're the ICE cream guy.
Not enough people are talking about how good french fries are.
Donuts. You're also interesting. You're the ICE cream guy and the donut guy.
I like food.
Hank's the golf and vacation guy. That's a pretty good brand.
Yeah, he's doubling it up.
I got to find a boondoggle. Did you see Tennessee SEC champions? Yes, my Tennessee volunteers.
We had Yukon and Tennessee clinch in the last few days. I think Purdue as well.
There's some arguments going on online, some discourse about Dalton Connect doing the put the ring on my finger celebration. Yeah, like, save that for the tournament, buddy. I think if you're Dalton Connect and you transferred from. Was it Dakota? Yeah, one of the Dakotas. You transferred from Dakota, and you won an SEC championship, which is supposed to be a very difficult conference this year. You should be allowed to stick your ring finger in people's faces.
He won an SEC regular season championship. I think winning the SEC tournament is the ring. That's where I think the tournament is. It feels like when you get into the tournament, conference championship week. That's the thing. If you ask Yukon, would they rather win the biggies tournament or the Big east regular season? I think they'd want to win the biggies tournament.
Do you get banners, though, right?
Yeah, you get. There's something about winning the year on a banner.
There's something about winning your tournament, though, that is special. Yeah, I agree. So hopefully they win that and then he gets another ring. Double ring.
Yeah. So as I've discussed on this show, I'm heavily leveraging the volunteers this year. I think Tennessee and Houston are my two a.
Why is that?
Just going with all free work volunteers.
Oh, that's good.
Good joke, Hank.
Look at that brain.
Is Lib left or right?
Did you sleep well last night?
Lib is left.
You slept well last, didn't you?
Oh, wait. Did you take your medicine?
Hank might be on his medicine right now.
Yeah, I take my medicine every day.
That's why you're locked in dosage.
I haven't seen the tongue out yet. Once the tongue comes out.
Good for you, Hank.
Okay, I forgot what.
Oh, yeah.
Dalton connect. So I want Tennessee to do well. I think that they could do well. But watching him play last night, I was thinking to myself, like, I could see him getting shoved around in March.
I could see, like, a physical team just like.
Well, Houston putting the.
Yes, exactly.
I could see a tough team like Houston, Kelvin Simpson being like, go out there and beat the fuck out of the skinny guy.
And see what happens. So I'm a little nervous about that, but I still really like Tennessee is very good.
We also have coach watch with Shaka smart. Did you guys see the clip? Shaka smart. The fact that he's not been teed up. I'll try to find the clip for runs. He's playing defense as a six man on the court. It's insane. And I don't know, Max. I mean, you're a big. Does not. How is this allowed?
I mean, Shaka smart is like the.
Universally hated guy of every team in the big east. It's crazy. Watch this.
Watch this. Watch this. Look at him. Look at him play defense. He's on the court. He's guarding guys on the court. No one's saying anything.
I actually think he stepped over. I think he was like, he would have shot a two pointer.
If he had the ball.
He's actually more on the court than off the court. He spends more time on the court in this one possession that everyone was noting. It's insane. He's in a perfect spot for a three point shot if someone wanted to pass on the ball.
That film's going to get out, though. Refs are going to be looking for it in the next game.
It's crazy. We also had Matt Eberflus and Matt Lafour sitting next to each other. So Matt Eberflus.
Matt Eberflus is hot, dude.
He's becoming Zaddy.
I was going to say he's a daddy.
Yeah, he is.
He is.
Big daddy vibes. He's got the nice gelled up hair now, the stubbly beard.
I don't think it's going to work, but I appreciate him trying something new. Yeah, he looks like a bear. I would almost guarantee that Matt Lafleur probably tricked Matt Eberflus into giving him some type of secret about the draft or something, which has been like, so what are you guys thinking about? One in nine? And then Matt Eberfl is like, well, here's what we're going to do.
Do you think they actually talked any football at all?
Matt Lafleur probably tried to talk football. Matt Eberflu is like, what do you. I don't speak that. I don't speak that language.
Matt Eberfluz was like, you know who's really good is Justin Fields. You could use Justin Fields, right?
You could use. Yeah, well, people were creating funny memes where it was just Matt LaFleur being like, so if you're ever down eight, you always want to kick the field goal. And Matt Eberflux being like, okay, okay. That's good strategy. That makes sense.
So, by the way, Matt Lafleur, we got to get him back on the show. He did reach out to me. I think he was happy that Dan Quinn got some field goal anger little take him off the hot seat for.
A. Yeah, yeah, I've been holding that.
One for a long time.
I was able to overlook Dan Quinn making the Matt LaFleur mistake because honestly, I would suck a dick to get to the NFC championship game in general. So if he fucks that up in a late game scenario against Tom Brady, I would be okay with that.
At this point, I'm a loser. I don't care about that.
We have, in football, we do have cut day. The Bills cut their entire team. Uh, no prayers up for no, they.
He was the original Clemen.
They cut Mitch Morse, which was the big surprise. He was the original clemming. He was the big surprise. Their center. I think Jordan Poyer's out. A couple other guys, DJ Poyo, they're doing a whole reset, which is, I.
Was, yeah, I was seeing all these cuts yesterday and there was a lot of window talk about the Bills. You have to talk about their window if it's opening or closing. Trudeavious white is really fucking good. He's good when he's healthy, but he's been out.
Yeah, he hasn't been healthy.
I almost feel like the Bills could deal with just getting new blood in there that haven't been around for the heartbreaks because you carry that baggage with you. If you're a player on that team, if you're a coach on that team, every time you have a heartbreaking loss to Joe Burrow or to Patrick Mahomes, especially Patrick Mahomes of that's a scar that you keep with you for a long time. And in the back of your head you're like, are we going to be able to do it this time? Get some guys in there that don't know any better?
Yeah, I mean, I think they were smart in the fact, well, not even smart. They had to do it. They were in Capel and they don't want to become like the Saints, where every year they're just in cap hell. So they did a hard reset.
Yeah, I don't mind.
Get some players in the draft. There's a lot of centers in the draft.
Get some new blood there. There was another report that came out, I think it was on the Pat Mac show. Dalton Schultz was talking about the difference between playing for the Texans and the Cowboys, and he was saying some things about Hanks Dallas Cowboys that seem kind of ridiculous to an outsider, somebody that's not like on that team or familiar with Dallas. He said that in Dallas, it's like being in a zoo, that when you work out in the workout facility, in the weight room, there are tours of people that go by, and there's a one way mirror and people can walk by and just watch you work out and tap on the glass and try to get your attention. So they're doing like, it's like an amusement park for football fans going through there, seeing the team work out, he's like, it's nice to just be in an environment where football is football.
And that's what it's kind of always going to be like in Dallas if Jerry Jones is the owner. So you take the good and the bad. But that's the prime example of why Dallas, if you're a player on the Cowboys, like, why do you pay so much attention to us? Why are we the only thing that you talk about? What are the hot takes? Well, because you turn.
You're a zoo.
You're a zoo where people can go through and it's more of like an entertainment thing. I would imagine being on that team, it wouldn't be the best thing in the world to be working out and have people watch you.
Yeah, having people watch you work out. Like, you're making weird noises, you're sweaty. That shit sucks.
You need a hair. I don't probably, but yeah, all that stuff. We also had. Michael Thomas's time with the Saints has ended, and he ended in the perfect Michael Thomas way, where it was reported by a Saints insider who wrote a long article being like the know Times with Michael Thomas. It didn't work out. Michael Thomas then went to Twitter and he said, jeff Duncan. Funny how they planned on releasing me if I was on a one year deal. Don't fall for it. He the same dude that tried to be my friend in season after saying I wasn't the same player in training camp. Next topic. But not next topic because we're going to stay on Jeff Duncan for a minute. Jeff Duncan is a hoe. No, that's a new topic. Trying to stay relevant. So let's speak on it. The Saints leak information to him to try to ruin players value. But see, I'm not broke, so I can speak on it. He is broke, so he needs clicks. Go look at all his articles that never ended up being true. Next topic. Look at this clown. It's a picture of Jeff Duncan. Y'all think he know ball?
Yeah, right? Y'all really clicking links to what he write. Hashtag good luck. Look like he take them salt things. What is that?
What's a salt thing?
I don't know.
Smelling salts.
Maybe bath salts.
Bath salts. Do you think that's what it is? Chips, salt things.
You take them salt things.
What are the salt things?
It might be bath salts. It might be bath salts.
Yeah, salt things. I'm looking up. Look like you take them salt things. What are salt things?
Michael Thomas from Florida.
Salt things. Bath salts, margarita salts. I think he means bath salts.
I think bass salts.
He's doing the zombie thing.
Or maybe he's just salty. He's a salty person.
Hank takes those salt things.
Hank is on those salt things for sure. Absolutely. But, yeah, everyone's getting cut. We're getting ready for NFL free agency.
Everyone's getting, actually, I forgot that Michael Thomas was still on the Saints.
Hand up. They got to find a new slant.
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So, yeah. What else is going on now? There's some more fallout with the arch manning decision.
People are still mad about that. It's not really new fallout. It's just more people getting mad about arch Manning. And I think they're actually going to stop people from creating their own arch manning in the game.
Which is.
I don't like that.
No, I don't like that.
Create your own arch.
We have Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson.
So I'm going to watch.
I'm still of the mindset that I think Mike Tyson could kill anybody steps into the ring with.
I've said this before, but we're both of the age where I remember the end of Mike Tyson's career and still begging my dad to buy the pay per views because I was like, he could knock anyone out.
And just getting 20 years ago into getting absolutely, like, the end of his career, he was just biting people's ears. He wasn't trying. But the idea is that Mike Tyson, one of the most ferocious boxers of all time, could knock anyone out at any moment. And that's how you sell fights, and I'm in on this fight.
So this is kind of crazy.
It doesn't matter. Still, one punch, Hank.
He could kill a man.
One punch. Unless they have the no knockout rule, then it's going to suck because remember, they did that.
Oh, they can't have the no knockout rule.
They did that, though. If they don't sanction the fight, they make it a no knockout rule. I don't like that stand around exhibition.
That would be sanctioned, the fight.
I would not buy it. If it was no knockout, if it was Mike Tyson and no knockout.
I think it's free.
Okay, well, if you have a Netflix.
Okay, well, that's. So, again, I think it's free because everyone has Netflix or you have your mom's, but, yeah, I'm going to watch because Mike Tyson could knock anyone out, so accidentally knock him out.
It's a rare fight where I think most times when Jake Paul fights somebody, in fact, I'd say almost every time people buy the fight because it's Jake Paul. Let's see what he can do. He's the main attraction in this one. I think Mike Tyson might be the main attraction.
Without a doubt. Without a doubt.
Like, Mike Tyson, I think, could fight almost anybody, and I would.
He. I'm in no matter what, and it's free. So I'm doubling. But the no knockout's gonna suck.
I also respect Jake Paul for taking every single fight where afterwards, the question is, that was impressive. Do you think he could do it against a real fighter?
He just finds new ways to redirect the conversation.
And this is a perfect one because Mike Tyson is a real fighter. But he's 57 years old. He's going to be 58.
He also lost to Tommy Paul.
Jake Paul.
Yeah, he did.
Or Tommy Fury.
Tommy Fury. Tommy Paul.
Tommy Paul.
You have tennis on the brain.
Oh, just Tommy Paul.
Tommy Paul. Did you see Chris Sims also released his top six QBs in this year's draft?
I did not see that.
Okay, I will read it to you.
Is this something that people are talking mean?
Chris Sims is for everything he's wrong about with Tuanon. He actually has been pretty good with his tiers when it comes to the quarterback stuff.
When I think Chris sims, I think Tuanon, and then I think Blake portals. Yeah, you hated Blake.
Okay, so tier one, a class of his own. Caleb Williams.
Tier two, number one in other years, Jaden Daniels. Tier three, franchise starting quarterbacks. There's a lot of franchise starting quarterbacks in one year Bo Nicks Michael Pennix Jr. JJ McCarthy Bo Nicks. Bo Nicks is number three, tier four talented project Drake may he knows what he's doing. Drake may he knows what he's doing.
I think two years ago on this very podcast, we said, I can't wait until Bo Nicks enters the draft and some team takes him in the first round. And then I think the other person, I forget who was on each side of this conversation, the other person said, that's never going to happen. Have you watched him play?
Now, Chris Sims has been very wrong. Just, I do know that he actually watches the film and he's making his own decisions. So I at least respect him thrown out there because I do think he had Zach Wilson number one with the draft, with Trevor Lawrence, which that whole draft.
Hmm. So we've got Drake as an interesting project and it sounds like how many franchise quarterbacks do we have? Because I'm going to six. Six franchise quarterbacks.
That would be the best quarterback draft in the history of the.
Listen, if there's six franchise quarterbacks I'm going to miss on the 7th, that's what it's going to be.
Chris Sims did. I'm looking back right now at his previous ones, 2017. He did have Patrick Mahomes as his most talented, most special QB talent. So he's been right at least once.
You know what? It's in the hands of the Lord.
That's how you got to feel it. It's just like. It is what it is. It is what it is. What will happen will happen. All right, I'm looking 2018 rankings of quarterbacks. Number one, Lamar Jackson number two, Josh Allen number three, Baker Mayfield number four, Sam Darnold number five, Josh Rosen. He kind of nailed that.
Yeah, nailed that. Well, Josh Rosen number five.
Yeah. I mean, you had to put someone number five.
I guess so.
Yeah, but he kind of, I mean, I would put Josh Allen number one, but he like to have. Because Sam Darnold went first out of all of them.
So he kind of nailed no Baker.
Baker went one.
One, then Sam Darnold, then Josh Allen, then Josh Rose and then Lamar. So he kind of nailed that. So Chris Sims, maybe. Let's see. 2019. This is actually a sad thing to go through. Record with QB 2019. He had Kyler Murray one, Drew Locke two, Dwayne Haskins three, Ryan Finley four, Jared Stidham five. Daniel Jones six. So he kind of nailed that one. 2020. What?
Daniel Jones.
I put Daniel Jones above Finley harder.
Yeah, but Kyler Murray, number one. Six or 2020. He had Joe Burrow one, Justin Herbert two. Jordan love three. Two of four. That might age well.
That might age.
That might age well.
He's got, in terms of franchise quarterbacks, Bo Nicks, JJ McCarthy, and Michael Penn. And Michael pennicks.
And then he obviously had Zach Wilson number one in the 2021 draft, so that did not go well. But he's been more right than wrong.
It's a lot to think about.
He's been more right than wrong. That kind of scares me. But he's been more right than wrong. Except it doesn't scare me because I have the number one pick. Is there a chance this is. You got to take Jaden Daniels.
So that's the thing, is, I've never been more sure of the fact that whichever quarterback that we don't take is going to be really good.
And then Hank gets the one that we don't numbered. I would rather be picking third. I would.
Because then you're like, well, we had to do it.
We had to do it. Our decision was made for us, the Texans, because I like Drake and I like Jaden.
You're in the worst spot.
I am in the worst spot, Hank.
One in three is great.
Would you like to trade up to number two? I'll trade back to number three, and then I'll throw in, like, a long.
Snapper, because even if Caleb Williams doesn't pan out, which he probably won't, because he's going to go to the bears. But even if he doesn't, it was the consensus, like, if you were number one pick, if you were number one pick, if you were number, you all would have taken Caleb Williams.
You had to do it.
So. Yeah, I'm clear with that. Well, that happened before.
With whom?
With Mitch.
Well, he was number two pick, and he also just got a new contract. I don't know if you saw that.
Yeah, no, I know. I'm just saying, cut all their good players to pick up Mitch, being like.
Oh, it's consensus number one.
Five years.
If it doesn't pan out, you'll be like, fuck.
Well, yeah, no, but everyone would have taken Caleb Williams.
Yeah, of course you'll say, fuck. It didn't work out.
But Mitch wasn't fully consensus.
But I would say that Caleb Williams is the right pick to make it number one right now.
Right. If you guys had number one, like, if the Chiefs had had number two in that 2017 draft, they would have probably taken Patrick Mahomes. I don't know if there's another team that if they had number one, would take anyone but Caleb Williams. Right. And then two, you have to decide. And then three, you get whoever's left. So, yeah, Hank and I are in a good spot.
I need to know who's controlling the monitor computer for. Why do we right now? Because it keeps searching on Twitter for Sydney Sweeney and then scrolling through all the images. Who's doing that?
Memes, is that you? It's not.
I'm not going to say who it.
Is, but it's not me.
Somebody's just looking up Sydney Sweeney right now.
She was trending, Max.
No, you typed in Sydney Sweeney wrong. Look, it's trending.
It was.
The first thing was trending. I thought maybe something.
Max, I would think that Sydney Sweeney wouldn't be one of your favorites.
No, I was just seeing what was going on. I've looked up Mitch before.
I showed Mitch, and then I thought, oh, maybe he's got something.
Max, you absolute freak. Did you forget that we could see that?
I don't know.
I guess. Add to the list, Hank.
Add it to the list. By the way, I have a weird thing going on that memes you might be interested in. I don't know how this happened. I don't know if I've ever met him in my life. But Greg Zerline just texts me randomly.
One of the weirdest. He, like, sends me, like, memes and stuff. Like, he sent me a text. Good luck with the free throws today, GZ.
I like that.
Have a great Saturday, big cat. Hope you enjoy this meme. And it's just a meme. It's like a blurred meme. I don't even understand the meme. Yeah, I don't know either one of the weirder line. I like you, dude.
We had him on the show, I think, like 2017.
Oh, we did.
Remember we did punt week.
That's right.
It was him. Marquette.
King McAfee.
But he's a place we had kicker week.
I don't know that we had him on.
I don't think we did have him on. I think he just has my number. And I'm friends with Greg Zerline. He just texted me. Hope you're having a great day, man. GZ, I like that. Same to you, Greg. I've never met him. I kind of want to call. How'd you get my number, dude? But yeah, he's Greg Zerline.
How about that?
So you're looking at Sydney Sweeney right now, Max, while we're just doing the show.
She was trending. I thought maybe that we could get some.
Maybe something happened, that we could talk about some info.
So why were you only looking at the images result.
That's not true.
Just, if you click on her thing, it's all images.
So why is she trending?
You were on the media tab.
No, I wasn't.
Yes, you were.
This is a different tab than it was before. Max. This is a lie.
So why is she trending, Max?
I don't know.
Max, how much did you look at that Steph Curry picture last night?
Not for me.
Are boobs back?
Boobs? I told you, Sidney Sweeney has done it.
I think boobs are back, guys.
That picture, all time for people who didn't see. There's a picture of Steph Curry after he hit a big three. And in the background, there's a woman who has large breasts, very attractive, and then a guy sitting front row with his two kids just completely turned around, staring at her rack. And that guy had probably the worst walk into his house, where he was like, that was great. I took the boys to a game. Dad of the year. Then his wife. No, the official NBA account. Cropped it out. Oh, I love that. Yeah, they cropped it out. She's right behind it. You know what?
That's disgusting on the part of the NBA.
There it is. That's the picture.
To me, that's actually body shaming that woman.
Who went to the game simply to celebrate, to cheer on her favorite. And the NBA is like, your body is so inappropriate that we won't include it in a picture of the game.
That's so perfect.
That guy, just, like, he's sitting with his two young sons and just, bam. Whoops. How was the game, honey? It was great. Did Steph Curry hit any big shots? Yeah, of course. What did you think of his celebration? This picture? I think there was a fight going on.
Yeah, I was telling her to sit down because she was disrupting the crowd.
Maybe we do mount Rushmore top moments when you're in the stands, that being one of them, when there's just that happening behind you. But there's nothing better than being in the stands. And there's a fight breakout, and everyone stands up, and the whole section takes their eyes off. You're like, ooh, what's going on?
Remember when the Caps won the Stanley cup? And I think Ovi was getting the cup, and that woman in Vegas just took her tits out and pushed them up against the. That rocked.
Yep. That happened in a World Series game. Yeah, Marlin's man. I think he was right there.
He was.
We have some inside sources, and when I say inside, I was Jake Paul's girlfriend.
Keith the endel saw. I don't even know if I told you this.
Keith the endel ran into Marlin's man at the Saturday.
Okay. All right.
So I picked up. He did the usual. So Keith Yandel Facetimed me. Marlin's man was staying next to him. He did the usual. He was like, hey, Hank, where's Rita? Hey, where's Pft's mom? I was like, all right, what are we doing? Marlins. Yeah, they're real. And then I hung up. And Keith Yandel text me after he goes, I ran into Marlins man. And I was like, I know the guys from. Pardon my take. And Marlins man said, if you know them, what are Saturdays for?
The passcode.
The passcode is boys. You'll never get it so perfectly. Marlins man.
What a gangster.
Only other thing I had from the sports world is Ben Simmons is out for the year. Oh, okay. I don't even know. He's at the point now where it's not even news anymore.
We're doing the. Ben Simmons and Michael Thomas are not playing their sports.
That's leading the show today.
No shit. But yeah. What has Ben Simmons been doing?
It was news to me that he was in for the year.
And now he's out.
Well, that's too bad.
Oh, yeah.
Carl Anthony Towns, the meniscus. Yeah, the wolves. That's tough for the Wolves.
Very tough for the Wolves.
Poor Wolves. Out indefinitely.
But the warriors might be back.
No, they've been playing good ball. Other than the steph said.
I know the term gets overused a lot, and I coined it, and sometimes we say it tongue in cheek jokingly. That was the definition of a start of championship DVD loss against the Cavs. Against the Cavs late in the season, they got complacent. They blew a huge fourth quarter lead. It doesn't affect them in the standings. They're still number one. They still have a good lead. Like, as long as they play out the rest of the season, good. But that was a wake up. That was a good wake up call.
I would make the argument that it's the very definition of a start of the championship DVD loss for the warriors to get hit by four, get hit.
By a bus by the Celtics.
Yeah, that's fair.
I think that fits both a lot more.
No, but the Celtics blew a lead. It's like number one team on the road. They were up like 17 with nine minutes left, and they lost. And there's no excuse for it, but ultimately, it shouldn't start of the championship. They're still going to be the ones.
So what's more powerful if it's Warriors Celtics in the finals? Which one? I think it might be warriors getting. If the warriors go on a run here.
I would love to play the warriors in the finals. Love to.
Because the last time you played them, you killed them.
And we're just a way better team. Like, we've upgraded since that team. Steph is old. Draymond's old. They don't have Jordan Pool. Jordan Pool killed us in that series.
And then he got punched, and then everything changed.
Yeah, but they got that big man. What's his name?
Warriors new big man. The guy that's playing more.
Are you talking about. No, wait. Are you talking about their usual big. What's are you talking about?
Is playing more?
The cum bucket.
Yeah, I like it.
Yeah, that's his nickname.
Yeah, the cum bucket.
Coming. Of the cumbucket. Okay. Should we get to the Hanks? Patriot. Patriot of the day before we do that. Coors Light. Brought to you by Coors Light, the most delicious beer in the world. The coldest beer in the world. Coors Light is our favorite beer in the world. From day to day, annoyances to the big stuff life throws your way, it's easy to get worked up. But there's a better way. A chiller way. Turn that canceled concert into a parking lot dance party. Too cold for an ocean swim, play volleyball and light a bonfire instead. That's choosing chill. And when you choose chill, reach for a Coors light. When the mountains turn blue, it's as cold as the Rockies. When you choose to rise above it all. Choose chill. Choose Coors light. Get Coors light delivered straight to your door with Instacart by going to celebrate responsibly. Coors Brewing company, Golden, Colorado. Coorslight.com. Take Hank. The Patriots dynasty documentary is at the stage now where they're having to release statements on. Did you see this? The director had to release a statement because at the end credits of every episode, it's like, all rights craft, LLC or something like that.
And everyone's like, well, clearly the crafts created this as a Bill Belichick takedown piece, and then they had to release a statement being like, no. The Patriots gave us a bunch of footage, and we had to create an LLC so that Apple wouldn't own the footage. The craft LLC would own the footage. Seems like a lot of talking about the fact that the public opinion is like, this is a crazy, crazy documentary, how they've done it.
So they're saying, wait a second. It actually isn't the crafts documentary. It just is owned by the craft.
All right. Fair enough.
I'm glad they said that.
I'm glad they said that, because until that statement came out, I was like, I think that the crafts might own this.
Right. So we have two new episodes coming out.
Two new episodes coming out. Can't say I'm looking forward to them, although, selfishly, hopefully, I'm in one.
What would you be in? Oh, deflate gate. Wait, what would you say the percentages are that you're in deflate gate?
I think the shot of us getting taken out, getting arrested, I think, good.
Give me the percentage. It would be so fucking awesome if you were in.
They asked the. I will say this too.
Oh, you have inside knowledge months and.
Months and months ago, but who knows what made the final cut? Producers hit me and gaz up, and.
We'Re like, oh, you're in. You're in.
Looking for footage.
Hank, why did you say that you're in this documentary?
Because I don't know what they use or what they don't use. When you're making these, you just get everything you can get.
And then, well, if it's holy, if it's you and Gaz, they definitely have you guys either marching outside, sitting down in the lobby, or getting taken out.
I'm guessing it will just be like a quick shot of us walking out.
Hey, you're in this thing, I hope.
Are you getting paid?
Does Robert Kraft own you?
They were like, yeah.
What do we have to do? Clear the right to.
Me and Gaz were like, just use whatever you want.
Wait, do you want to be in this now that it's become a takedown of Bill Belichick?
Yeah, just Leo. Leo meme.
Yeah, the Leo meme's going to hit hard.
Yeah, that'd be. But I don't want to get overexcited.
It could very well get cut.
Yeah, no, I understand how it works, but I feel like they will use a b roll shot of us walking out of school.
What if it's just Tom Brady getting suspended, had patriots fans, like, and then it's a picture of your workout picture?
That would suck. But for today, you want me to do honorable mention or my player first?
You traditionally do your player first, remember? If it's not Mike Rabel. He might beat your ass.
Well, it. In hindsight, I wish I put him higher.
Remember, you can't cheat on this.
I didn't.
Cody Bellinger has the.
I didn't. I didn't cheat on it. I'm saying in hindsight, if I knew what I knew, I would put him probably in the three spot. Great linebacker for a long time, great pass catcher, legendary touchdowns. They didn't even show that in the documentary, which is crazy.
So what number did you have him?
He is number nine.
Number nine.
Top ten.
Put me on this text.
Well, I was thinking I would just.
Put me on the text.
I was just thinking I would call him.
Yeah, call him. No, don't put Hank on the text.
No. We're going to call Mike Varable and get his immediate feedback.
Congrats. Top ten is good. He also beat Tom Brady in his last. It's kind of like the Chris long thing. There is some bad.
Your call has been.
All right, so text him.
That's tough scene.
Put us all on a text.
Very tough.
No, don't put it, Hank.
You're not going on the text. So he's your number nine. He was featured pretty heavily in the first couple episodes, but I would have liked to get interviews with would. I wanted to see Vrabel, like, talking to America.
I want to hear more. I want to hear from Brady about what Vrabel used to say to him because they glossed over it a little bit, but they were like, we were all pretty mean to Tommy and Mike Vrabel was by far, like, the most.
He was just like. Yeah. But great guy. Recurring guest of the show, number nine, patriot.
All right.
Saved your ass, maybe. And your honorable mention.
My honorable mention is Lagarrett blunt. The bowling ball.
He was fun to watch.
Super fun to watch.
PFD just says, hank has you, number nine on the Patriots all time. Do you have a comment? So we'll wait for comment. We'll wait for.
And then write quotation.
You can do that on your own.
I'll just actually, actually, I might have kind of low. Not going to lie. I'm going to add kind of low. Not going to lie.
I mean, that is disrespectful. You said you wish you had put him number three.
Well, yeah, now that I do, he's locked in.
Why did you.
Because I was going off number three.
I did this with recurring guests. I don't think I'm stupid and I don't.
Well, you don't think you're stupid.
No, I don't think. Period.
All right.
I forget that this is a show that's listened to by a lot of people, including the people that we talk about. So when I make these lists, I'm just making the list. I'm not thinking about same, actually. People coming back and being like, obviously I should have put julian Edelman in Mount Rushmore. Guests like, I love Julian Edelman. He's a hero. I just wasn't thinking like that. He is up there, but realizing that he was going to be like, what the fuck? You hurt me. Versus he could have been like, you're my boy. You put me top four. We're boys now. That was dumb, rable. Same thing, Teddy. Brucey's not going to hear it.
Bruce doesn't give a fuck. I should have put Rable three and we would be boys. But now he's going to be like, hank's a fucking loser. I'm going to give him a nuggie the next time I see him.
Yeah, he's going to nugget your ear.
And it probably hurt a lot.
Probably give you a concussion with it.
So that I need to get better at pandering and thinking. It is thinking about clout and not about just my honest, not about truth. I think it is.
The beauty of this show, though, is that we all kind of do the same thing where we just tape a show and then send it out and we're like, no one's going to hear this. Wait, shit. A lot of people heard this.
The real world exists.
What were you going to say, Max?
Nah, I was just going to maximum be like, nah, everyone's going to be talking about me looking at tiny Sweeney's tits on the Miller show.
No, I was just going to bust your balls. And it was stupid. I was going to say that Julian.
Edelman should have been in the Mount.
Rushmore, but you said, breaking moose. Breaking moose. Breaking moose. Mike Frable has responded and he said, fuck, hank. I'm going to noogie him. What the.
He said, that's a good spot.
Let's go.
There you go.
All right.
He said, it took seven final ballots to get into the hall of fame.
Okay, so, yeah, it's a good spot.
Charge braves.
Oh, we didn't even say. Probably the biggest news of this podcast this week is that we're in contact with Big Dom.
Yeah, Max is like, bigger news.
Yeah, well, I'm saving that for my fire fest. We're in contact with Big Dom now. What's the bigger name.
He doesn't know.
He does know. Whatever, just shut my. Max was so excited. He asked me if I could screenshot the text I got from big Dom so he could send it to his family.
Yes, that actually is exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to send it to my family.
We were talking about on the show.
We were talking about my name, the different eulogies that you're going to get when you die. I think Max, if he died, would like to have just a screenshot of that text displayed over his casket.
He did say Max's name. The exact text was, this is Dom with the eagles. I just wanted to say I appreciate and respect the shit out of you. Pft. And Max, I'm a big fan of your show. If you're ever in Philly or need anything, you know, I got you my Pisans with the italian flag emoji.
The best.
He's the best.
And later that night, my older brother gave birth to a second kid, named him Dom. Your brother gave birth to a second kid? My brother's wife gave birth to a second kid, named him Dom.
Big Dom.
Did he name him after Dom? I'm going to say.
Yeah, I'm going to say that for his entire life, that he's named after Big Dom. If you're listening right now, that's your godson.
That's your God.
I would go so far as to say that the name Dom might be on the Mount Rushmore of boy names that you don't want to get into a fight with.
Like, this is my budy, Dominic. He's coming over. Dominic's going to stab you.
Dominic de Lente is a strong name. It's a good name.
Double D is like.
You have to use your hands to say that name.
Dom Delente.
Dominic de lente.
I can't wait for like 20 years from now when we have Dominic de Lente, like, sitting in the intern spot. We're just trolling him.
Dom Delente is going to spend twelve years in prison for tax evasion.
We're just like, Dominic, question for you. Is it a must win or can't lose? Fucking do this. Fucking do this for me. All right, let's get to our interview. It is a must. Listen, I'm going to say right now, Pat Bev is the man. We came in on a Saturday, we had him on for an hour and 15, talked about everything. Very good interview. So let's get to Pat Bev. Before we get to Pat Bev, want to talk to you about our friends from proper twelve with a huge fight night this weekend in St. Patty's just around the corner. Time to grab a bottle or two of proper number twelve irish whiskey. Proper number twelve is a delicious blend of golden grain and single malt. Age four years in bourbon barrels for a rich and smooth taste as proper twelve founder Conor McGregor would say. Anything else just wouldn't be proper. Try the original rich and smooth proper twelve irish whiskey or new crisp and fresh irish apple. Smooth to the core. A proper fight night starts with a proper irish whiskey, the fight night. Pour the roar with proper number twelve. Pour the roar.
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Thank you.
Long time overdue. It is Pat Bev. Patrick Beverly. How many years in the NBA now?
No, 1112 years in the NBA. Go check out his podcast on Barstool sports. Pat Bev, pod with Ron. Roan.
Roan. Yeah.
You stole Roan from us. We should just get that out of.
The way right away.
Stole Roan from us.
So I was told that by a very intelligent woman. Her name was Erica. She goes, when we picked you all, we knew something good was there. So I'm guessing you're a part of that group also. Who did the picking?
I did say Roan would be perfect for it, but I didn't know that was also signing my death sentence. Never see Roan again. It's fine. Roan is incredible.
No, he's incredible.
Perfect co host.
He's incredible. He's one of the best.
Yeah, he is. He's one of our most talented people, elites. And the thing about Rona is you could put him in any situation. He will be good.
He was just with the housewives of Salt Lake City in Milwaukee.
Back room, chilling, eating shrimp or d'oeuvres.
Ronan and I actually have talked about doing a Bravo podcast. He's locked, and I both like the housewives. All right, so you're here.
Shout out the wrong.
Like I said, long time overdue. We got a lot to talk about. I don't even know where we want to start. Actually, you know what? I know where we want to start. Who's the number one beef right now for Pat Bev?
Beef. Yeah.
Your coaches aren't shaking your hands. Your former coaches aren't shaking your hands after games.
Steve Clifford from the Charlote Hornets did okay.
Finch didn't.
Billy Donovan told me he loved me.
He did okay.
So we're back on the right track. But what happened with the other two?
I don't know.
That was weird.
Nurse and Finch didn't. They didn't shake your hands?
Did you go up to them? Did you try to initiate a handshake?
I did to Finchy, but I walked down at a nurse. He was already gone. And I've been on the side where I watch because I want to be a future coach. So I like to watch the mannerism of coaches and what they do before games and how do they greet the other coaches after games. And I like to try to. Okay, cool. I'll use that. I'm not going to do that. And Finchy is one of those guys who stay and this person and this to this coach? Yeah, a little instantly, because I wanted to say, what's up to him, because I ain't talked to him since trade. So it wasn't like, we just beat you all. Fuck you. Like, whatever. I play off of that game anyway. So when I was trying to exploit anything, but, yeah, I look over like, damn, what the fuck?
He go.
Is that because you're an opponent today?
Probably. So I'm going to take it that way. I hope it's like that. Imagine if it's not.
I don't know you that well, but from what I do know about you, I would imagine that you as a head coach would kind of be the same way, where it's like, fuck them. We're playing you guys today. Afterwards, we can be nice.
No, you don't think so? No, not me as a head coach. I'm on some shit like, you got to understand. Like, I'm there the first Sixers practice ever with 3G league guys. And me and tyrese Maxey on the first year coaches bid. You remember shit like that. His first preseason game, we played Boston, he started. Me, I remember shit like that as a player. So obviously as a coach, I will hope that he remembers shit like that. So when you build those type of relationships. When I got kicked out of school, he was the first coach that I met when he was Iowa energy. I played for him when I was in the G league. So the relationship isn't like, oh, we just met this season. It's deeper than it's what it's ever been. So for him to walk off, I felt some type of way.
What about Daryl Mori? Still beef?
Just. I know Darryl. You understand what I'm saying? He literally came and got me from overseas. So I've been on the Rockets teams while I'm like, yeah, Darryl, give me the fuck up out of here, man. Find me somewhere else to play. You know what I'm saying?
So it's business. I understand how it is. You get a 35 year old, you pay him the minimum, right? You get Pat Bev for the fucking minimum. Like steel. Literally steal.
You get all the vibes.
You get all the vibes. He changes my locker room. He literally helps the organization make millions and millions and millions and millions more dollars.
We're talking about Pat Bev right now, right?
We're talking about Pat Bev, right? Belt ass comes in locker room, gets locker room in order, plays. Well, then you trade them. You get a younger campaign, and you get a 14 year old a second round pick?
Thousand. Like, wait, did they actually get a 14?
15 years. Whoever it is, he's literally 15 years.
Just hit puberty.
He's probably listening to this podcast right now. He doesn't even know.
Like, you just.
Congratulations. You got traded to the six.
You don't even know.
Exactly. So you get that from a guy you paid minimum 35. You got to think that's a hell of a business move.
You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I understand it.
I think Roan took it harder than you took it.
Everyone in Philly, Roan's like, it's devastated. I know.
Devastated. We were there the moment it happened. And it's a super bowl tradition now because last year, you got traded to, I think, the jazz. For a minute, he was like, oh, shit, I got to go to Utah.
So I get traded. Jazz, sick story. I don't think I ever told this. I get traded to the jazz, and I don't know. They just literally traded everybody. Donovan Mitchell's gone, and Rudy Goldberg's gone. I'm like, okay, are you guys trying to be competitive? But I really don't know anyone because I literally just got traded there, and I'm like, I don't know what's going on. I show up every day, 536 days in a row. Show up every fucking day. 530 I'm the first month fucking there. By that time, I'm done, people. GMs are just walking in. Are we trying to win? And just let me know. Let me know if we trying to win. I got muffled out they bed. 06:00 in the morning. Yeah, I'm talking about professional. I see GM. He walking there with his son. I go, hey, man, I got to get out of here. I got to take my son to school. I mean, you know what? I'm glad you said that, because I'm just trying to see where I'm going to take my son to school this season.
And I'm going to be in Utah or I'm going to be. I need to know. Same vibes. You know what I'm saying? So, yeah, that was mean.
That's tough.
Two days later, I was out. That.
Mentioned something I want to talk about, because you have such a unique know, you were at Arkansas, you left school, someone wrote a paper for.
To turned in a paper that was hers and put my name on it.
And did you get an A?
I don't even think I got a grade. Okay.
They were like, this isn't pat pepper's.
And they tried to put the gun case on me, right? And I'm like, nah, that ain't how it happened. Nor am I about to sit here and tell neither.
Right, right.
Hold the fort down. I shut know lady, you be quiet. She goes, said, I took her laptop, I got a USB, I imported it. I took the paper off that, put it on the USB, put it on my laptop. I stopped the mid.
Hey, yeah, right.
I'm from Chicago.
I don't know how to do, don't get her in trouble.
I don't know how to do all this. That's cool, though. But I don't know how to do all this.
It's like walking them through a mission, right?
Yeah, I don't know how to do all that, but I appreciate it. Later on she said that she did it. By that time, it was too late. She should have just held the fort down. Yeah, it would have been in Arkansas. Whoopig.
But it's crazy because you left school and then you went and played in Ukraine and Russia.
Second division, Ukraine.
How old were you when you were at Ukraine?
That's nuts. What was that like? Just like being like, all right, I.
Lead practice every day. Was no per diem for food or anything. So they had a team restaurant that it might just been like an area restaurant. They called the team restaurant. And it was a lady in the back, like a movie. Big ass pot of red borsch, big stick. I don't know what's in that motherfucker beach. I would hope so. But I don't know what's in that. Yeah, I'm in the nepertois, Ukraine. It could have been rabbit in that motherfucker. You know what I'm saying? Anything. Every day, right? Every day the owners come in. They come in with these tennis brackets. I go, oh, man, they athletic guys. They know pad the main tennis brackets. Oh, okay, cool. Okay, good. AK 47, say less. Right? I'm in second division, Ukraine, 20 1 hour train rides. I'm talking about the wet trains. It's so hot that the glass vacuum fog. And I got a bump guy up here and another bump high in there. Like, I'm doing 23 and one. That's my Ukraine life. I'm thugging it out. I leave a big game hit gang winner, take shower with 70 year old who just got done playing racquetball.
You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that was Ukraine.
That's wild. And I assume the answer is no, but was there ever a moment where you were like, fuck, this is not going to work out. Yeah, that doesn't seem like a Pat bev thing. So when you're playing Ukraine and Russia, and then you get the call from Daryl Mori being like, hey, we're going to bring you to the. Like, what was going through your head?
So I go Ukraine, I go Ukraine, then I go Greece. I play on one of the best teams in Greece. Don't play at all. Don't play at all. Championship game. I'm the youngest american to ever start in the Euro league. Championship. Championship game. He starts me, right? Six story. Coach spoke very little. Very little English, mind you. At the same time, Giannis and the Nasas, they're younger, but they don't like the smaller team. So they actually looking up like, man, who is this black guy that's on Greece? Yeah. Layup line is my fucking game. I don't play at all. So the layup line is my game. I'm doing all crazy dunks. Whenever the coach grabbed me. Hey, lock in layups. I mean, I go off, lose my shit. First time I ever lost my shit on a coach. Fucking touch me, man.
What the fuck?
I'm in here and wait for my fucking family, man.
This. This.
I'm not fucking playing. He grabbed me. Imagine I got a team full of greats. I got Josh Shields, Lindis Clays. I got von wafer, Papa Lucas, european greats. He grabbed me. One day, you're going to be better than everybody. English gets great like this, right? I knew it. Since then. So I go Ukraine, Greece. Get drafted by the heat. Get cut by the heat. Russia. We fly this team called vaudevo. Stoke. That shit's 9 hours. It's near Japan. It's 9 hours away from the current destination. I'm in. In St. Petersburg, Russia. Right. We get the call before I take off to play volleyball. Stoke, do you want to play Cleveland? Do you want to play for the Cleveland Cavaliers, or you want to play the Houston Rockets? Mom already moved to Houston, right? Jalen's in Houston. Kyrie Irving's in Cleveland. I don't think I could take Kyrie Irving spot and decided I can get Jay land. Shit, yeah. Fuck it. Jay land. Make decision on the way to volleyball. Stoke. 9 hours, flap, 9 hours back, 9 hours to St. Petersburg. Pack my stuff. The Russians, what they did to me with that contract was literally bent me over.
Really bent me over. I had a no clause. I couldn't get into the. I can go anywhere, but I can't go to NBA. No NBA clause.
You had to pay them.
Yeah, I had to pay them.
You bought yourself out.
Bought myself out. Not only did I have to pay them, had to pay, like, the GM of the team to go talk to. Even had the conversation like, yeah, I talked to him. I need 50,000. My damn. All right.
Hit you up, shook you down the russian way. And I respect it, because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here right now either. I understand it. They asked all their money back, right? They gave me, I don't know, almost $2 million. I was one of the highest paid Americans in Europe at the time. Imagine I got MVPs.
I don't.
Took a second division team to the top team. This they do to me. But it's part of the business. That's why I don't what Darryl's doing. I don't dealt with the Russians, man. You understand what light work is?
Yeah, light. So, yeah, they bent me over, put me in a hole about $3 million. Fuck. Then I had to come back. Oh, man. Okay, cool, man.
I'm in a hole about two mil. I'm cool now, because the NBA got the buyout. I go to NBA buyout. My buyout is like one four NBA. The maximum they allowed to pay is 400 or, like, 350 at the time. So I got to come up with another meal. So I come to the NBA. I come to NBA, like, 2,000,002 point something in a hole in the dough.
What would have happened if you had just left? If you had said, fuck this, I'm.
Going to leave Russia.
I know, but it was a story. One time, a guy took some money from Russia, used to play basketball. He left. I'm a fast forward to real story real fast. Now I'm going to say the names he plays in Russia doing. I don't know if it's lockout or the past lockout or lockout before. Plays in Russia. Gets the money, leaves, goes, gets. Knock at the door. Two russian guys. That's the story I heard. Don't know if it's true to it ever since then. I don't like to fuck with the Russians.
Yeah, but great grocery stores, though.
Yeah, good prices on grocery elite. And every woman wears heels, too.
Wait, who is that guy?
Maurice Evans.
Damn bald head. He used to play for Atlanta Hawks.
So I was reading some of your career achievements here. It said that you were a two time russian league, all symbolic first team.
What does that mean?
Oh, no, I'm thinking it's just all first team. I hope it's all first, maybe it's the guys that's not russian. The other guys.
But the whole story is incredible. I would imagine it has a lot to do with why you are so loved in the NBA and your teammates everywhere you go, because you probably just don't take anything for granted. You've been through it all.
St. J lan.
St. J lan went to Houston. St. J Lyn for I play a game. They sent me down to the G league. Hey, Nick. Nurse. Long time no see, right? Get called back up. I literally pick up Jay Lyn when he walked on the practice court. I picked him up for defense every single day.
That had to suck for him.
Every single day, full court, he's coming.
Out of the locker room, and you're just in your stand, right?
Because you got to think, this is my life. I'm in a. Yeah.
You understand what I'm saying? It ain't even like about basketball, man. I got to get the fuck out this hole, mind you. I signed a deal with Darryl Moore. Gives me a three year, $1.2 million deal. A three year, $1.2 million deal.
That's the total.
That's the total. Not each year.
And each year is non guaranteed, which means. Oh, man, at this time, I'm young. I tear meniscus. Oh. Not guaranteed. I'm in the whole 3 million. So when Darryl trades me, come on, man. Yeah.
It's history there.
I already know what the fuck going on. Sign me to a three year 1.2, right. Non guaranteed.
Is that why you competed so hard of the skills challenge? I need every dollar.
Everything pay me. Yeah, everything. So, yeah, my mindset was very different going there.
It's also a testament to your love for basketball. I saw you said, I think, on your podcast that what 50% of the NBA are. Guys that don't love basketball.
Don't love it.
Now, I assume that's all big guys, or a lot of it is big guys, because I always just assume any big guy, any seven footer is like, well, I have to play basketball because I'm 7ft. But this fucking sucks physically.
So let's raise that number to 70. Yeah, 70% of the big guy.
Is that right? Like, big guys, it just sucks being 7ft. And then you have to run around.
Like it's forced upon you.
Yeah, right. You're like, well, I guess I got to play basketball.
Or the guy who you see at a club just like, hey, bro, what the fuck are you doing here, bro? You're supposed to be hooping.
Yeah, you can't if you're above six. Like, ten. Didn't play basketball some wrong. Your life sucks because everyone's like, where'd you play ball?
Yeah, you tore some shit just tall.
I just love selling insurance.
What's the difference? When you're saying, like, someone who loves basketball versus doesn't, but they're in the NBA. It's just. How can you tell that? It's, like, not a love, but they're in the NBA. They're incredible at, like.
So I'll get on the bench and I'll say some shit like, okay, cool. I told Bees yesterday, the Bulls, what they like to take away he the paint. Obviously, every team likes to take away the paint, but what do the Bulls like taking away he? I don't know. Our corner threes. Right. So why are you putting yourself in a corner?
Be the guy who wants to get the shot. You're literally in a three point contest, right? Everybody on the bench look like, damn, he right. Even the coaches behind me look like, damn, he right. People don't think that deep into the game. Right. I see something that's not working. I don't like this lineup, coach. We need more rim protection. We got to go taller with this lineup, especially in the second unit. We got to fix that. You know what I'm saying? Some coaches don't see it. Hey, doc, what's the play we ran two games ago? Man, that should work right here. I just got a different feel about it. But I'm the same kid who, in those Houston days, I find out in the playoff that I'm starting, I pull a car over, I call mom, we cry.
Like, I'm a starting point guard in, you know, you gotta think this is my first year ever. Coming off the. I've been a decade starter on every team I've been on. Come to the hey, Billy Donovan.
I don't know how I'm going to play you. I mean, the best guy in the world. I love Billy. I don't know I'm going to play you. I don't know what Jarol would be after the first practice. I'm going to start you tomorrow. You know what I'm saying? So, for me, the appreciation of the basketball is much different than a lot of people.
Yeah, I would say so. I mean, the story from college to overseas to getting cut, going back overseas, back to Houston, and then when you get that first contract, I would imagine that that was probably a pretty emotional moment for you.
When you get some serious long term financial stability. Were you expecting, like, was that something that you knew was in the works and when it happened.
Was there, like, a moment where you're like, fuck, this is awesome.
No, I really thought I took a pay cut. I really thought they kind of got me on the steel. But I'm in a position again. I'm working with Darryl Moore. I'm in a position where I really can't argue.
I don't really know the ins and outs of everything. I know they offered me $24 million, all guaranteed. I'll take it. Now?
Yeah, sign right now.
Expeditiously, please. If you don't have Russians to owe straight up. I got to pay these folks back. They owe my ass.
That's like the plug training day.
Like that.
Fucked, right? And then if you don't have pen, you have anything sharp so I can cut my finger and sign it in blood.
Now, the first paycheck was that direct deposit.
So I did some wild shit. My first check was, like, I wanted, like, half a million dollars up front in July was. My birthday is July Twelveth. So, yeah, July 1. Hit that motherfucker. Hit that. Call my mom. You see that shit? Just did a push up, right?
Yeah. Hell, yeah.
So I got that. I was able to take care of my mom, get a nice crib. But, you know, in NBA, if you're not financially, literally, your mindset.
I went through that shit.
A lot of guys.
All sports, first paycheck, what?
$6 million a year.
It's hard.
So, yeah, I had fun. But my big one, I signed the 40 ball, then turned around, signed the 13 million. I've been doing well.
Have you had coaches that are like, hey, Pat, just chill out when you're trying to tell them what you were just saying. Like, hey, our second team is too short, or we got to do this? Different coaches.
Doc in the beginning, relax. Me and Doc. In the beginning, really? Right? But then over the time, he's seen, like, my commitment to the game, my love for the game, me wanting to always be a student of the game, always asking questions. Now he gets me.
Now. Yeah.
Now it's like, oh, yeah.
An extra coach on the floor is do his thing.
We have to build a certain level of trust with you, where it's like, if he's saying this stuff, he's probably right.
Let him say doca. Say shit like, did you just shut the fuck up? I say some shit like, how long you been waiting to get that off your chest? You know what I'm saying? But now he literally, pat, take the room. Right. At first, when you're around me, my approach and the way I talk, it seems like, who's this fucking asshole?
Then once you see it consistently, you see it every day, and it's like, damn, that's really impressive now, because you've.
Been on so many teams and you've been traded a bunch and around everywhere.
Many teams, you have been on a lot of teams.
But what I'm going to say is a compliment to be a teammate that everyone loves almost instantly. How do you do that? Because you walk into a locker room. It's a bunch of guys that have been together for a while, and you're the new guy, but it seems like everywhere. I mean, I saw it last year with the bulls. It's like instant pap is the culture.
So what you see on TV, right? And this is prior me having podcasts, right. So you have to take what you see on TV, inform your opinion about Pat Biff, right. Because I have no other outlets while I'm giving people I'm on Instagram, but I'm not on Instagram. Like, I'm not doing my everyday. I'm posting some little cool shit, maybe a flight, a know whatever, know people post. But once you get me there, obviously, you see. But now I have my podcast. Everyone sees a whole different perspective.
It's like they look at me and say, man, I didn't know. You can be smart, talk, have a vocabulary, get my point across. Without cursing or saying it. N word or being disrespectful, like a good human.
I opened the door for everyone. Please and thank you everywhere. Which you didn't know I was.
No, I can say that personally. We've known each other now for a year, since you come to Barstow, actually. What is two years now? A year and a half? You can tell right away when you're with a professional athlete, you can almost tell instantly. Like, this guy, obviously, he's thinking himself on a different level, and he's, like, kind of removed himself from the regular people.
Not me.
Never got that vibe from you. You are as much of a culture to Barstool as you are to your NBA team, straight up. And it's like that. It's just instant where you're like, pep. Pep is just a real dude.
Yeah. And that's the approach. Come. So, like, I'm in the locker. I go through a shoot around a guy, might miss an assignment, I go coach. That shit was wrong. He what? I rep it again. That shit was wrong. Don't feel right. Rep it again. You don't want to be great. We all out here, it's a competitive sport. Like, let's be great. We do some shit wrong, let's rep that shit again till we do it right. Right. And then the coaches see that. They see it for a week, they see it for two weeks. They see it for a month. They see it for two months, they see it for four months. I got coaches on the 76 ers who go to me who was like, man, I didn't know shit about you, but, man, literally the best I've ever seen in my life. Like, you do this every day. Every day. I don't drag into practice. I take care of my body. I got my training staff. It's me on the court and tyrese Maxi.
Like the 35 year old and the future. I don't miss days. I don't cheat the games, which is probably why I've been so successful.
Yeah, I think it's because you care, too. It's obvious that you don't. Same thing with your podcast. And if you walk into a new locker room, it's obvious that you care about what you're doing. You see the fieriness on the court, but there's a lot of care that goes into it behind the scenes. Like, you're doing all these small things.
And no matter what organization with somebody sees something like that, and you're like, I want to be on that guy aside because that guy is going to bring the best out of me.
You got to think. So I leave these organizations and they get like, you got to think I leave the Rockets.
They got Chris Paul.
Yeah, right.
Traffic cone.
I lead the Clippers. When I go Clippers to where the fuck I go out to Clippers Minnesota. Clippers Minnesota, right. I think so.
Fucking got Rudy Gobert.
You know what I'm saying? Out the Minnesota trade. So not only are these teams, like, they know my value because they're trading other assets according to my value.
You know what I'm saying? But I don't get the money as.
Campaign is an awesome player.
Yeah, but the 14 year old guy we don't know might be the best.
I'm going to put a bet on whoever that guy is to win MVP at some point in his future.
You might be coaching him.
Yeah, imagine. Imagine.
Holy shit.
I'm going to look up the year of that pick.
You asked us before we sat down to ask you some hard questions. So here's a good question that we've.
Talked about a lot of me on the neck since I put it in.
What happened in the tunnels? What happened in the tunnels?
What happened in the tunnels?
What happened?
Tunnels in La Clippers. Blake Griffin.
Say anything bad about Blake? The podcast over.
So tell us who was going in these tunnels to like.
Yeah, you're thinking about it now.
Who was sneaking up on people? Were you guys ready for them? How'd that go?
So we in locker room. Fuck was the rocket? And good friend of mine, great friend of mine, Trevor Reeza. I think Austin was saying something to Trevor, and I think Trevor was like something little rivers, right? It got him agitated. I think he said something. I think Trevor Ta was the first by the door I go to, and these are all my guys I used to play with literally six months ago.
So I go, no, man. Come on, man. We ain't about to do this right here. But it was just arguing. Blake came and Deandre came. But I was the first there, though.
And my locker was across.
So Blake was the one who basically.
He was the second one there.
But everyone saw Blake and they're like, oh, we don't want any smoke.
That's how we're going to say, yeah.
Okay. All right.
That's perfect. What about.
But no fight? No, none of that. It's good to hear.
It sounded like there was like a.
Game of thrones battle that, and then it got to a point where security's hopped in front, right? One security is pulling the door, the other guy's security on the back of it like this. Like, come on, y'all don't have to do all that.
Okay, so another tough question. Where is the beef with Chris Paul right now? And you see him, do you guys even talk?
Yeah. Nothing. No, nothing said no. So it's just, you stay over there. I stay over here.
When we see each other, it's on from outside. But I think like that about everybody but him, for sure.
Did he have anyone reach out to you after you went on, like, you went on first take or. No. Was it get up and you were calling him a traffic cone.
You went on a tour that week and just fucking ripped everyone. It was awesome.
Yeah, but talking about basketball. Yeah, we were talking about basketball, and I was just like, I don't know. The guy who beat him for the Bulls. What's the guy, the new guy that got the shooter beat him? Bitm.
Oh, yeah. Cone.
But you got to think, I'm also the same guy, right? I'm also the same guy. When Coach writes up on a. Right. Writes up on a. Ah, he's a cone. Coach put cone right next to his name. So now when guys see it instead of trying, because all NBA guys don't love it. So if they don't love it, then their mind isn't as sharp and isn't smarter.
Yeah, they're mad. They're playing mad.
Okay, so now you see a guy who you put a red mark to, who can't shoot free throws. When he gets the ball down low, you foul him.
Okay, cool. I seen red. Red means can't shoot free throws. All right, coach. Fuck that red. You see green? Green means he can't shoot. Okay, cool. My fucking shoot. You put cone. Oh, he can't guard. So now when I see him, everybody attack him.
So it's like a game plan. Yeah, that's all I was. That was the cone thing. That was the game plan.
Okay, so if you're in an opposing locker room, what's next to Pat Bev's name? Let him shoot.
Let him shoot.
Let him shoot.
Let him shoot. Yeah, go ahead.
He'll miss him.
Yeah, let him shoot. Maybe put the center on him. Right.
But I know that.
Yeah, put center. Drop coverage, no problem.
Yeah, cool. Send him to his left hand, but, yeah, let him shoot. You can't shoot.
But not a cone.
Not a cone. Definitely not a cone.
No, as a traffic stop.
But they probably hit me with the. Let them shoot, but close out in corners.
Like. Yeah, because they like to keep the exact. What about.
What about the beef with Russ? Where's that at? Do you trick us?
Pep trick y'all?
Are we tricked?
I mean, I've done it. I got three awards.
Yeah, what'd you call him? You said he's the magician.
Yeah, right. That was funny that time. Yeah, so, man, you know what? Russ been on the same thing with Russ. I'm talking about Russ breaks hand yesterday. Six story. Russ breaks hand yesterday. I text Russ, 121 in the morning. Damn.
What's up?
You running away from me? You ducking me? You go break your hand. We know we play y'all next. You know we play y'all next. Yeah, what's up?
Seems like he's ducking you.
Come on, man. Get your fucking hand fixed. That's wrong.
Don't break your hand.
You know what I'm saying? Like, you know what the fuck? He responded back like, man, fuck you, man. Hell, no. Thanks, gang. So it's always love shout to Russ.
Yeah. All right.
What about LeBron as a teammate.
Great. Yeah, he was great.
Is there any truth to. It's a little difficult to be LeBron's teammate. Not on the court, because obviously know one of the best basketball players of all time. He's probably the second best basketball player of all time. But is there anything to be said for when you're on LeBron's team? If you lose, it's all his teammates. If you win, it's LeBron.
That's the air above it all. Yeah, but, no, I just think that team we was on, man, we could have won a ton of games. We played it wrong. Yeah, we just played it wrong, and it happens. It happens. Coulda, woulda, should have been in teams. We should have won a championship with. With Dwight Howard and James Harden.
Jokic kind of carved you guys up.
You know what I'm saying? We played it wrong. Yeah, we played it wrong. We played it wrong. We played it completely wrong. So we just played that team wrong. That's all we had. Guys that was on the bench that should have been starting, guys that were starting that should have been on the bench. It just wasn't right. But as a coach, you live and you learn, and as players, you live and you learn, too. He was phenomenal. But you got to think, I know LeBron since I'm with, you know, like, I get a call from, think you should. I think you should hit Bron up, man. He'd be a great mentor. I'm like, okay, send me his number.
Yeah, right. Okay, I'll just hit Bron.
I remember I'm taking my trainer at the time. I'm 21, 22. I'm taking my trainer at the time to the airport. On the way back, I call Brian. I'm like, hey, man, this pat Bev, man. I'm reaching out. Shout out to Ramos. Shout out the four horsemen. One is, guys. Ramos older guy who kind of put it all together, gave me his number. Abraham, man, I got your number from Ramos. Whatever you have for me, bro, I want be a better person, a better man, a better athlete. Like, everything. Everything. Like, I want to go on your wing. I want you to show me the way, bro. Every single day of every minute of the day, I was with LeBron James. He showed me the blueprint.
All right?
So he showed me how to do everything the right way. We went out together. He showed me how to. Okay, cool. Be different. That was his whole thing with me. Be different. Guys, sit on the back of the bus. You don't have to sit on the back of us, right. Be different young guys. They want to laugh and goof around. Be serious. Be serious about your craft.
All that foundation he gave me with the Miami Heat is probably why I'm sustainable now.
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Pat bev, so you're on. Pardon my take. Grade this, take that.
And I have.
LeBron's actually not that special because we kind of called it like we said that he was going to be incredible. He just kind of lived up to his expectations. Damn, that's a. I mean, really, every.
Time LeBron scored a point, it's like, that's a check mark in the column of immediate.
Yeah, he was the chosen one. He was on his high school games were on ESPN.
He nailed it.
Cover Sports Illustrated. Like, he didn't do anything, that we predicted it.
We were right, man. The homies just say he's been playing high level basketball at this level since he was a sophomore.
It's nuts. It is nuts.
It is crazy.
Longevity is.
And people still don't, like. You're going to appreciate him when he's gone.
Watching him play basketball is insane.
He's windmill and Duncan, opposite hand, 40 years old.
Yeah, it's crazy.
He's 39 because we're the same age.
As him, so don't do that.
Hank tries to do that to us. He calls us 40. We're not 40 yet.
He calls you and him 40.
Hank calls us 40. We know that.
Us and you and LeBron.
I think LeBron is a month older than us.
Got it.
We're basically contemporaries.
But always, anytime he accomplishes something, I'm like, I still got time left because he's only a month older than got. I'll make up for that.
Kick it into great. Like. Like. And that's it.
Okay. But we did say he was going to be great. Kind of credit to us, too.
Yeah, true.
So if he's the unquestioned leader of that team, but you're not afraid to have your voice be heard. You're not afraid to point things out. Was there ever a situation where it's like, okay, you're taking up a big leadership role in Los Angeles, and then it's LeBron's team, and you guys have to sort out like, hey, pat, Bev, let me handle this. You handle that.
No, anything, like, know, he's tobacco. His leader should come with the way he takes care of his body and how he plays. I'm a lead by actions. I ain't got time for all that shit. Yeah, I'm going to go in here. You feel me? If my team need to be talked to, I'm going to be the first motherfucker to say something. I'm going to be the first motherfucker in the gym. I'm going to be the last motherfucking in the gym, and I'm going to produce every single night on a fucking basketball court to a point where it's like, damn, I'm a dunk on you. I'm a hitch. Clutch free throws. I'm going to always make the right play. I'm going to do everything.
So, there was a play that you.
Had this year that was maybe my favorite play recently in the NBA. The game ends, and you sprint to the locker room and grab your phone and immediately send a tweet. I thought you ran every game. Every game. But it was last week, right?
Which one?
The buzzer sounds, and you ran to the locker room, and you fired off a tweet within, like, I want to say a minute, 30 seconds.
No, you have to understand. I have the tweet wrote, depending on how halftime is.
Okay. Oh, you draft it?
Yeah, I'm just chilling like. Okay, cool. It's looking like this because I really want. Literally, I want the fans to see.
The game just ended. How the Fuck. I want them to have that reaction.
Yeah, man.
That shit is fired up.
So what do you write at halftime? Like, let's say you're losing.
I got to go five points. What do you do?
Belt ass is always up.
Always up. It's either if I should add, oh. Came up short, or.
Yeah, fuck you all. Belt ass.
So, yeah, my shit. I'm locked in.
I love that. How did you start with the belt to ass world tour?
I don't know. I think we had the career one day. What was it? Yeah, the pod. Yeah. That's exactly what it was. We was doing the pod. Shout out to the pod, my man Ron. And we just kept saying, like, man, belt to ass, belt to ass, and it became, like, a thing, and I'm like, cool. I like barstool. Love barstool. Let's see if we could do the merch. Merch came out to be cool. Boom. People love it. Mom hits me. Like, fuck that. Put tour dates on them. Real rock star shit. Okay. Love it. See her yesterday at the Bulls game? She got on belt to ass T shirt.
She's on tour with know. We're making it a whole.
Making. Okay.
We got our band members. We made it.
He's our leading know. At the point we was talking about Joel. He's David Ruffin. He doesn't have to come to practice all the time. He doesn't have to come to know. No, he's David Ruffin. So we just kind of played on with that shit, and next thing you know, it became everybody's family. Every arena, I go belt. It's crazy.
It's awesome.
But I thank you guys, though. You got to understand, none of this is happening unless Barstool gives me a platform.
Right. Obviously, I had to mature in that role. It didn't take that long. But it took, I don't know, two, three months for me to kind of like, okay, cool, this was the fuck going on. Let me embrace it. But if it wasn't for barstool, you got to think, if it won for Barstool, a lot of people wouldn't even see this perspective of an NBA player.
Like, what we give into the NBA, it's like, literally gold.
Literally gold it is.
Every clip I see is just literally gold. Incredible.
I think a lot of players, they think themselves, like, I want to do a podcast. Doing podcast sounds fun. No, but once they start doing it, they're like, oh, shit, this is hard work.
Ran out of stories, but it's clear.
That you love doing it.
Yeah, I have endless stories, and I'm great at telling them. Yeah, I've been through so much shit. You got to think, like, I go from selling nickels and dimes on the block to burying my cousin to talking to my girlfriend about meetings with billionaires, right? My spectrum is, it isn't like this. My shit's from like this to this.
It's the whole fucking world.
So I could talk about a homie getting shot 14 times. Coming up to a lady. Coming up to a lady door asking for help. Please, lady. Please help me. Help me.
Help me.
Lady sees him pass out, right?
I don't know if I'm a die now, and I can know how it is. His baby.
What's that?
Caviar. I like why I'm in the bees on a boat. You know what I'm saying? So my shit is different. I understand what baby mamas is. I understand what being the ultimate father is, too. So I've seen everything, right? I've seen everything, and I still got so much more to see. That's why the stories are really endless. Endless.
Well, so I think a lot of the success of the pod, and you just alluded to it was maybe the first few months trying to feel it out, but you embracing bar stool is a big part of it, because I think we've tried it with other athletes, other people from outside the bar stool world, and it sometimes doesn't work because the guy doesn't buy in or the woman doesn't buy in all the way. You've bought in all the way. So I got a question about that. The 41 free throws. So, for anyone who didn't see it, I think everyone did. But we had to make 41 free throws in a row. We weren't going to leave the gym till we finished. It took us 16 hours. Pat Bev showed up after a game, drove from Milwaukee to Chicago after a game. He showed up at, like, two in the morning. What was going through your mind when you saw the scene of us just standing around like, dejected, trying to shoot free throws? These guys are fucking stupid and they're crazy and what the hell is going on?
I didn't think about that at all. I thought it was genius. I also thought, like, damn, man. Like, that last shit, they got us fire. Finished game. I think you text.
Yeah, I was texting because you were like. I was like, listen, I didn't want to be pushy. I was like, we're going to still be going at midnight when the game.
I'm currently reading a book. It's the tool of Titans, right? And the way the book is formatted, you don't have to read in a specific way. You can flip page. Whatever page you land on, you can start reading it. Our first page, I flip, it says, greatness equals the ability to fall in love with the work.
I like that.
That's all. Greatness is not only going to work. Like, man, I got to go to work. Like, come on. Shit, let me go to work. Like, actually loving your job. And the person that gave me the book was like, you're going to see some shit in this book about you that you already do. Right? So when it comes to job, basketball, first there, last to leave. I watch film every fucking game. I watch film of practice. Now when I have another job, when it comes to Barstool, no, this is my job. I'm going to fall in love with this shit. I'm going to come in New York and I'm going to bring pieces, and people might think that, oh, he's trying to get. No, I'm not. I'm just a great fucking worker. I love my job. These people took a chance on me when nobody ever seen me. These people gave me a platform when no one else wanted to give it to me when they tried to shut me up. Call me dumb, call me silly, try to paint the nigga role right on top of my head. Straight up. So, no, I'm going to be a great worker.
I'm going to be here. My squad needs me.
Straight up.
My boss man is actually texting me. I'm a smart individual. What the fuck? He never texts me just because he texts me. I'm on my way.
Yeah, it was great fucking work. It was awesome. The vibes change everything. Now, the other question I have about it is, did you think we were ever going to get out of that.
No, because when you left, I felt.
Bad, bro, when you left and I.
Think everybody in the gym understood that you had to go.
You have very important back to back to back. He was hiding.
But the momentum swing that we had when you left and we still haven't done it. And we're like, wait, we still haven't done it? And an NBA player just had to leave. We're never going to have another meal be. We're going to die in this gym.
Listen, you have to understand. We leave, go to sleep. I got my producers with me. I wake up 430 in the morning.
Did they do it?
He watching a he? No, not yet.
It's not dark when real bad, you.
Know what I'm saying? Then I wake up. Okay, cool. Did they do the heat? They did it.
They did it.
You know what I'm saying?
So, like, as a worker, being part of it, being part of the crew. Hell, yeah, we fucking did that shit.
You're on the shirt.
Yeah, I'm at the end, but I'm on the shirt.
Yeah, you're on the shirt. I think we have some here. Yeah. There was a moment where I left at seven in the morning to go take my son to school.
Yeah, see, I didn't see that. I heard about that.
So I went to take my. I was like, I'll be back in 35 minutes. Got to take him to school. And I was driving my son to school and I was talking to him like I was going to war. I was like, I love you so much. I don't know when we're going to be able to see each other again.
I thought I was going to just.
Never see him again.
And he was like, what are you talking about? I'm just going to school.
And then we got back and we did it. And it was the best moment ever.
You all did that shit.
It was fucking incredible.
So I didn't see because you all switched up the way of shooting because I'm like, man, cat, I think you might have to shoot some more.
So when did you guys do Mulligan?
So we had two things happen. One was we got a kid from. Not a kid. He's a grown man. What's his name? Scott Morris. Scott Morris. He played at University of New Hampshire for sure.
Can shoot 100%.
He shot 14 free throws in his entire college career. So he shows up and we're like, oh. He's like, no, I shot 14 free throws because my coach was like, you can't dribble. You can't do anything. You can shoot. So he just stood out on the three point line and just hit shots. He was incredible. So he came. That was huge. He was just hitting everything. I think he missed, like, one free throw out of, like, 200. He was insane.
So he came. I went to take my son to school. We used the mulligan on 15. Dave hit 30, showed up from taking my son to school, and it was me. It was 39, 40, and I was like, God fucking damn it, I'm going to ruin this. Like, everyone's going to want to kill me.
No, I didn't worry about you, Dave.
And then I hit 39, 40. Then Dave hit 41, and it was okay.
The Mulligans fit okay.
And that guy, Scott Morris, he was so good, and he saved our lives.
We would have been fucked without that's fire. I was never worried about you because I said when I was shooting on, like, cat man, you might got to shoot some more, bro.
But it started my legs. I think I took, like, 1600 free throws.
How did you feel afterwards?
So the problem was I had a trip to Cabo, and I was like, this is going to be the worst divorce of all time. Having to write like, why'd you get divorced? I had to finish 41 free throws, and I couldn't go to Cabo.
Oh, my goodness.
I got to Cabo, and I went to bed for, like, eight more hours. Literally showed up, and I was just went right to bed.
I was fucking worth it. Dead, but, yeah, worth it so bad.
For Titus at the end of it, because Titus, he was in the role of no matter what we need from Titus, he'll step up and hit him.
And so the expectation was he would make ten in a row every single time. He's a good foul shooter, right? I think he ended up shooting like, 93%.
93. Literally. That percentage would be better.
Everybody in the went the other day, we were just fucking around, and he's like, let me see if can hit 41 in a row, no problem. Hit 41 in a row.
But after 5 hours, 16 hours of doing it, and your eyes start to go, your brain starts to go, and now we're just like, oh, Titus is up.
He's good.
Don't worry about it. And then he'll make nine out of ten, and everybody will be super disappointed. What the fuck?
Beef squash with Titus, right?
Yeah, we do.
You have respect for him.
I saw. I'm looking. Motherfucker got the Frito line on Titus. I'll look everybody else's jerseys. Make sure that's that motherfucker, right? Huh? I seen him. You look a dude.
You gotta understand from our, you know, this is barstool. We're all a bunch of out of shape, middle aged bloggers, podcasters. When we get one athlete in the building, we talk them up. So we're like, we got Mark Titus.
Yeah. I can tell. And then if you're that athlete, you carried it on you. Yeah, I'm fucking mark Titus. Watch out.
So Pat bell walks in because we.
Play fives on Friday. Yeah, we play fives on Friday afternoon. He'll play with us, and he'll just go, like, half speed and just hit threes in everyone's face, being like, you guys suck.
Fuck you guys.
I told you I was on my Pat Bev stuff.
I'm guarding Mark Titus.
I was telling your producer, I was yelling out what his defensive assignment was on my Pat Bev stuff. I was like, let him shoot.
Let him shoot.
All right, so. All right, I got a couple other hard questions.
Come on.
I'm waiting on it. Let's go.
Kevin Durant, KD. Is he online too much? No. Okay.
I like it.
We've gone the whole spectrum from KD. We've had some moments where we've maybe said some things, but I've come back to respect him just because I actually appreciate that he's online as much as he is. He mixes it up with people. I don't like when people don't get in the weeds and don't mix it up and don't reply to people, that means that you're out of touch and you don't want to get down there with people. He's an interesting guy, though. Are you friends with him?
So me and Katie, we first started playing. I think he was at the University of Texas, and I was at Arkansas. Obviously, a huge rivalry that I don't know about, and that's what we first started our plan from.
I mean, he's one of the best all time.
I like the fact that he is online, though.
I think that every.
It's a good, healthy outlet because people are talking about him.
Especially him, day in, day out.
Right? Especially him too. Right? Like, easy, sniper. Like, sick fucking name.
You know what I'm saying? Like, fuck that, I'll go. Go to his tang, win championship. Fuck that, I'll leave here.
Go to.
You know what I'm saying? The dark horse. But you need them. Everyone in the league is afraid of them.
You know what I'm saying, like, oh, man, Katie.
I sell the highest shoes.
I'm 611. I'm going to get your ass buckets anytime. There's nothing you can do, right? I'm a killer. Everyone in the league knows it. Yeah.
Everyone in the league is afraid of.
Are you afraid of them? No. What? I mean, afraid of, like, okay, cool, man. I got Katie. I got Katie tomorrow. Let me go ahead and get my rest.
Yeah, you're not afraid of anybody.
Yeah, but if I got Katie, I'm gonna get my rest.
You know what I'm saying? I ain't go. What about Luca?
Are you afraid of Luca?
No. I'm gonna get my rest, though. Yeah, I'm gonna get my rest.
Do you think that the NBA is a little too much, like, the league has changed a lot? Obviously, offense is insane right now, but is there times when it bothers you when team basketball is a little bit. It's not in the league as much as it used to be. It's a lot of one on one. Like, Luca will have the ball, know an insane amount of time. Some of these guys will just basically feel like they're playing one on one, and there's four guys just standing around ready to shoot threes.
Yeah. Student of the game. I don't think that's the issue.
The issue is the fans.
Right. Obviously, I'm online all the time. Yeah, man. Luca, man gave you 50. Obviously. He shot the ball 30 times. He has the ball literally every fucking possession game, I got to share my possessions. I got eight fucking attempts every fucking game. And that's on a great day. Unlimited attempts. He should give me 50. Muffler got the ball all the time.
That's when you get kind of like with the fans. But as a basketball player, you also know that. Okay, cool. Luca has the ball all the time because this team needs him to have the ball all the time.
They made the team so he can have the ball all the know, half and half.
Is it hard, though, being a teammate, like, on a team like that? Like you were teammates with James Harden? When a guy has the ball all the time, is it harder to get into a rhythm when the ball's not being spread?
No. Okay. Like, so we create this thing called guard to guard screens. I'm a student of the game. I know. Okay, cool. If I'm about to play a put. If I'm a coach, I'm going to put my weaker defender on who? Patrick Beverly. All right, cool.
All right.
Hey, James, let's do this. I'm going to come set a screen for you. And I'm just either I'm a roll, I'm literally going to be the center right. I'm a roll. I'm a pop for three. And I found ways to give me the ball. They don't want to switch that now. They double tan it. I'm in the pocket. I get to shoot my floater. Okay, cool. Now I have to work on my floater. I'm skilled here and I have to work on my corner. Three. Okay, James, when you drive left, I'm going to be in the right wing. I'm not going to move. You can throw that bitch blind. I'm going to be there. So now I have these, okay, cool. These, okay. Mental notes in my head how the game is being played. I take that and I go with Kawhi and I go with Paul George, and I learn a little bit more. And I take that and I go with a younger ten car Anthony towns. Anthony hours. Let me teach you this. And I'll take that and go with LeBron.
This is easy. I've been down here before, so that's why so easy for me playing with all these superstars.
By the way, we had your back when you acted like you won the championship after the playing game. Yeah, we had your back in the moment. You weren't even a coworker at this time. We were like, fuck that. It's sports celebrate.
I was so hyped. Yeah, you got to think, like, I come in locker room, right? Fuck locker room. I get traded to people don't understand. I go Clippers to Memphis. Right? I go Clippers to Memphis. Grizzlies. I'm talking to the GM in Memphis.
We'll bring you to training camp. We'll see what happens from there. I train, motherfucker. I'm supposed to be starred next to my training camp. Get me out this fucking team. I don't want to be here. No, right? So that's how I go to Minnesota. I get to Minnesota. Yeah, man, let's roll up, man. I like this team, man. We better go to fucking playoffs. Guy on the team goes playoffs. Pat, we won twelve games last year.
Shut up.
Lock in. Going to the motherfucker playoffs, right? And to build that, to put work in that bitch and to Pat, man, you going to Minnesota, bro. You know what happens out to Minnesota? I what? Hey, it's over with. That's what. People go to die. They go to Minnesota. End of the career, whatever. Bye bye. No, this is joke, Bill. Get confidence. Get confidence. Win some games. You want 52 fucking games that year.
Fun team. You have people gluing their hands to.
The court, you know what I'm saying?
Wild atmosphere.
Got a contract extension. Middle of the fucking season. It's wild.
So out of all those teammates you just mentioned and any others that you've ever played with, who are your favorite teammates?
Favorite teammates?
I assume that a lot of people would say their favorite teammate was Pat Bev, who's Pat Bev's favorite teammate?
So I'm not saying this because he's my teammate now. McGallinari. Okay, right. Trevor Reza, James Harden, Ryan Anderson, Big Zubach, Kawhi Leonard. PG. Right. Anthony Edwards, Carl, like every. Every team.
So I wanted to do this with you because I saw you did this with Richard Jefferson.
You didn't say mantis.
He's a teammate of yours one day.
I heard he's not with Barstool. He's not.
For one day. He got a one day contract. Okay, so he was. I saw you did this with Richard Jefferson. It was great. Can we go draft me and you for your, like, draft the best team of Pat bets?
How about we do that? ESPN comes the next day and does it and doesn't show us.
They always do that.
The guy from who did our game yesterday, he goes, yeah, man, I love your material. I might steal it a couple of times, but I always give you a shout out on the pot, like, damn.
This is why you're perfect for Barstool. Because this is the story of this company, is where I'm convinced Fox, ESPN, all these places stealing, they have a meeting where they're like, what did Barstool do yesterday?
Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, let's put that on there. Yeah.
Underdog 100%.
All right, so let's draft starting five.
I'm not on first.
You're not on it.
I mean, this ain't going to be hard. Joel and bead at the five.
Okay. I'll take Yokich on the five. I'll take Yanis to five.
You didn't play with Yokich. I was thinking Embiid, because Embiid always ducks Yokich, which is a fact. Yeah.
Remember that when he played in Denver?
No, Embiid doesn't play in Denver.
Can't remember.
He just gave him 40 in Philly, though.
When you played with Embiid, he was probably like, look at the schedule. We're playing the nuggets. I'm going to be mysteriously gone, right?
No, that's what we heard. He was hurt.
So I got Giannis, you got Embiid.
I got LeBron James. Okay, good pick.
That's a decent pick. I'll take Anthony Davis.
Cool. I'll go James Harden.
Okay, I'll go Kawhi Leonard.
Okay, I'll go Anthony Edwards.
Yeah, he was on my list. I'll go dame.
I'll go.
Oh, I actually have this one. I have this one. Unless he does it. I have this one.
No, you don't.
I do. I have this one.
You don't.
Yep, I have this one.
You don't. You ain't gonna like this one, though. Okay, shake. Good.
Oh, that was what I was gonna pick. That was how I was gonna win. I swear to God. He was my first pick. A point guard.
I'm just gonna hat always is, though.
I'm gonna get.
I'll take Tyrese. Maxi. So we'll put those up.
I'm just gonna put up a. I.
Mean, Yanis and Anthony Davis.
How are you stopping that?
You're scoring 80 points.
Do you hear my team?
You hear my team? I have Kawhi, Anthony Davis and Yanis, you will literally not score.
I have James Harden. No, I have Anthony Edwards.
No, I have Yanis, Anthony Davis.
Anthony Davis.
Anthony Davis. And Kawhi, you're not scoring. And then Dame will just give you 50.
Have Joel and beat.
Okay, no problem. Yanis will eat his fucking lunch.
I have shay goods, Alexander.
That one hurts a little, but tyrese Maxi's next up.
You're actually looking at the.
Oh, yeah. No. And you have to play me in the playoffs, so we know how that goes.
Fair point. Fair point.
We'll put those up. You played with some fucking awesome players, everybody. It's crazy. Yeah. Still on the list is Blake Griffin. Kat Dwight Howard.
Dwight Demar. Demar debo.
Some good fucking players.
Great players.
Zach Levine on that list.
Alex Caruso on that list.
Fuck yeah.
He's on that list.
Yeah, he is. Yeah.
What was your one pick?
I was going to take Blake Griffin.
Oh, yeah.
NBA jam cell me and Blake to everybody.
Blake now or no?
Blake now. He can still dunk.
Yeah, he can still dunk.
Say that.
He told us he could still was.
He was great as a teammate.
The best. He's the best guy ever. Blake Griffin. There's a few guys.
No, I'm not, I'm not going to sit here and lie. First game we play, first practice I've ever been to Clippers any trying to hear that shit?
Him and DeAndre Jordan arguing with Doc. I look at will.
This is what we signed up for. Mind you, it's prior shit that probably happened before that we don't know. Yeah, we get in the. And I feel like I'm one of the top five post feeders. Meaning get the ball, pass it to the guys in the know. Blake yells out, get a fucking ball. You could talk to me anyway. Don't talk to me like that, though. But Blake was cool.
Yeah. There's a few people in the history of. Pardon my take. We've been doing a long time. I can be like, that guy was a huge part of our success. Blake is one of them because he's been a guest for six, seven years. He just bought into everything. He's the best. The best. He gets it. Okay. So what's up with you and JJ Reddick?
Ain't no smoke. That's my guy.
Oh, you guys squashed it.
It wasn't never no beef.
I just seemed like there was some beef.
Obviously. That's how you tell.
What do you mean? The media.
You said it.
You're the media. I am literally the biggest media, and they give me zero credit for it. It's crazy, but yeah. I don't know. You think this tape was, I don't know, caramel color? I think it's brown. I disagree with you. That's all it is. I still like you. I like your shades. I like your capital's cat. Like, I even love your hair. You feel me? But I just disagree with what you said. I'm not disagreeing with the person. I'm disagreeing with the message.
Separate the art from the artist.
That's it. That's all I'm doing. I just disagree. That's all.
Do you love playing defense?
I feel like in order for me to sustain a career in the NBA, the key or the code to the bank or to the key to getting the door was defense. Now, once I've set the stone in six years, like, I always play long game. Okay, I'm going to play defense for six years, right? I should be cool if I ride that wave. I should be good for another eight or nine years doing that. Eight or nine years. I can show offense now. I should be close to my thirty s. And that's all that's happened.
And I get to respect the defense. So now I can go up and smack the shit out of somebody. Hit no ball. Hit all arm. Ref, give me still. You know what? I'm saying. And now I can go, okay, cool. Let me shoot fadaways now. I'm 35 years old.
You go, tell me. Don't shoot it. Trying to hear that shit. So I used the defense to get in the door, and now I'm allowing people to see the offense. Yeah, it's been great.
Has it become harder to play defense in the NBA now with all the like, you can't touch.
I just, it's always. But as offensive players, they find a tricks. As defensive players, I find my tricks. Yeah, okay, cool. I can't touch you, but I can overhelp because you don't like the pass or I can't touch you. Okay, cool. I'm going to just deny you mom.
Can't score, you don't got the ball. Oh, I can't touch you. All right, cool. I'm going to touch you in areas where refs can't see all the gray area spots.
What are those spots? Pause it. What a ref see what the ref see what the refs see. Oh, okay. Right wing, underneath the elbow. They really don't see that. I can hit you, I can grab you, I can hold you.
Hey, Jersey. I'm six years in with defense. I'm three all defensive guys. Okay, cool. I can check them off. Fucking ref don't say nothing. So I try to find my cheat codes just like offensive guys find theirs.
I love that.
There's the old hypothetical, like, if you were to take an average fan and lock them in a gym with you for, let's say, like 2 hours, how many points could an average fan score?
Average fan?
How tall is this average fan?
Average height, let's say, like hank. Let's say hank, he's 6ft tall, he can't dunk.
He thinks he's going to be able to dunk.
Maybe the one shot know, you dribble, dribble, dribble. Pick up your dribble. Can't shoot. Turn around, throw over your head, you get a lucky bounce. Probably two of those, but that's it.
Four points, 2 hours.
What about. That would be a great next challenge.
Good stream.
You versus Dave portnoy. Lock in a jeep till he scores.
Yeah, you know him, he'll probably make that shot like the. Oh, my God, the heave.
Yeah, but no, he can't also be like my shoulder.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He might do this from the behind, goes in, clamp him, he runs off.
But you get like, probably in 2 hours, I think you could have 300 block shots against Dave and just swat him.
Yeah, easy. But you got to think, I don't block shots. So in basketball, I've learned, like, okay, cool. I don't jump like the way I used to. I'm fucking 35, so I have to figure out another way. Hey, coach, you look through the rulebook. What is count as a block shot? Obviously, Pat over the top is count as block shot, but swiping down, hitting it before it goes up, count block shots. I go to Kawhi. Hey, Kawhi tells me, hey, Pat, you want to be on all defensive team, you got to get more blocks. Okay, cool. I can't get the block up top, but most of the guys, when they got out of the ball, they take it low to their hip. Yeah, if I have my hand right there above the belly, I can get everyone's ball. I led the league in blocks.
How many block shots a year do you have just screaming, like, WHOOP in someone's ear right before they shoot? Like yelling, no.
You know, my shit is more like.
Give me that shit right before they shoot because that counts as a block shot in my eyes. Yeah, I did that when we were playing pickup yesterday. One of the guys admitted it. He was about to shoot, and I couldn't get to him, and I just went, whoa. Right as he was shooting.
Yeah, most of the people, but most people, they kind of scared anyway.
You know, my trick used to be when I was playing pickup, if somebody was shooting a three, I would just fall down in front of them. If I'm playing defense, just like, make a big display out of falling down their face, and they start laughing as they're taking the shots.
They're like, what the fuck was that? It's so crazy. You said that. We in training camp with the Clippers. We run into play. It's so crazy. You just said this story. Doc Rivers, like a yo, Pat, I just want you to just fall down inbound the ball. I fall down. Everybody look at me. Corner three. Yeah, same thing.
It feels like a dog.
Literally worked.
All right, I got one last question. This has been awesome. We're going to have you back on in the playoffs now that we've done it in person, which was long overdue. Even though you stole roan, you guys.
Literally gave them to me.
Yeah, that's true. That was a mistake.
That was a trade I'd like to have.
There's a 14 year old right now, though. That's going to be on part of my take.
We go talk about. Right?
So last question. Rowback question. Rhoback.com use promo code, take 20% off your first purchase. Qzips, polos, hoodies, joggers, everything. The best clothes out there. Rowback.com. Use that code. Take 20% off you. And referees, do they respect you? And is there one ref that gives you a really hard time? Because I love that about the NBA, where they'll be, who's the ref who would just always tee up Tim Duncan no matter what?
Was that Joey Crawford?
It might have been Crawford, but is there one ref that you're like, all right, they're repping tonight and they're just going to give me hell? No, they mostly respect you.
Yeah, but they also know that I like to the lines, too.
So where is the line? Is it obviously different with each ref? But how close do you get to the line on a night tonight?
I always know before a game. I go up to ref for the national anthem. I go up to ref. What's up? What's going on? I see who talks, okay? But you got to understand, it's still human, too. The kid might be sick or it's a lot going on. Right? Refs are human, too, so I kind of get the energy from there. Right? Okay, cool. I see a rookie or something. Hey, man, you ever ref me before, man? No. Hey, y'all tell them how to ref me, man. I'll be calling that soft ass shit, man. I ain't got time for this shit, bro.
For real.
People watching me on TV, bro, you go fuck up my defensive rating straight up. So don't be calling all that ticky tack shit. And I have a ref, I'm like, yo, what's up, man? What's up with our relationship? We used to have a good relationship last year, man. When do we end up to this point? We can't fucking talk. This is all before the game. Yeah, right. And I have refs that come into me like, yo, Pat, last game, man. Last game I repped you, man. You right. That was unacceptable. And I have also refs that. Yeah, Pat, I looked at that play. You know what? I was wrong about that play. You're right. So my energy always starts before. So now when I'm getting to a game, it's really like your homie cursing at you instead of like a basketball player cursing. Because I go up there with the rookies, people don't see this. The things people don't see either. I go up there with the rookies. Shake yields. Alexander, make sure you know every ref take them to the huddle. Make sure you know all their names. Anthony Eritz, all their names. All my rookies, all their names.
Make sure you know the refs all names. So when they see that over years, it's not like I'm coming at a disrespectful way. I don't fucking foul him, man.
I'm going to waste my foul on this bum ass motherfucker for you trash. I'm going to waste my foul on Demar de Rose and not fucking him. You know what saying, like, so when I say stuff like that, it's not like that. Oh, man. He's cursing me out like, all right. Okay, cool, Pat. No, fuck that, man. All right, Pat, chill now you fucking chill. Don't start that. But it's never like a.
That's smart. You're establishing the.
Yeah, it's very.
What about.
What do you think about. He kind of. He does some similar things with you, with the podcast, with the media? Sometimes I think that Draymond does wild shit on the court because he knows that he can talk about his pod and get better ratings on his pod. So he's, like, doing marketing for himself when he plays basketball sometimes. But in terms of his game on the court, he's known as a fiery guy. He's known as somebody that crosses that line. What's it like playing against him?
So what people, you have to understand with Draymond, regardless of people, like it or not, he's a champion. 1234 time champion. Right. Their team makeup isn't anyone who gets text. Literally no one else on their team. Right. Wiggins? You don't get no text. Steph definitely didn't get a text unless he throw mouthpiece, some shit.
Yeah, he did do that. That was very dangerous.
Clay really don't get no tech. So somebody got to establish a foundation of. Hold on. Yeah, we're the champions, and we ain't no motherfucking pussies know? And that's Draymond. But what comes champion? He's able to say things that no one else in the NBA can say. Yeah, he says shit sometimes.
What the fuck? You can say that. Even if I say that, I'll get a know, and I got whatever I have and whatever individual wars I had defensively and whatever. But when you're a champion, not just 1234, you can say shit, and you can get away with it.
I mean, I love watching Draymond play. I think he's gone a little crazy at times. But what he does on defense is, like, just everything he's doing on defense means something. And he's never, like, wasting a step. And he's always in the right place.
And they let him roam, too.
Right. They give him the JJY treatment. Right. They let him do whatever the fuck you want.
Oh, I like that cross sport analogy.
They give him the treatment, you know, freelance.
How much football do you watch?
A lot.
Not a lot.
But when I have microfracture, first person I reach out to is JJ Watt.
He reached out to me. The doctor who did his, did mine, and he. Listen, man, I want you to plan small milestones, Pat. Each way, small goals.
Today I'm going to take this. I'm going to do a thousand quad squeezes this day. I'm going to take my first step. I'm going to get off crutches this day.
He literally gave me the whole thing to get back from microfraction. No one's ever come back from microfraction.
It's like the hardest surgery, right?
I've been off microfraction for five years. People don't even come back. Chandler Parsons don't even come back. Amari Stonemeyer hasn't even come back. Kenya Martin hasn't even come back from the injury. Five years strong.
You know what I'm saying? Didn't miss a day. Listened to everything. You know what? You know what? Watch. I watch people who had a little influence on me, so I used to watch JJ.
JJ is a good dude. He's another one where we bullied him into an interview way at the beginning of part in my take, and he's become part of the history of my great. We literally online bullied him.
But I go from know, as you say, I've been on so many teams, so I just kind of take up the makeup. My original team is obviously the most of the time, so I usually adopt the team. I usually go to.
You can't do packers.
You can't do that. You're not allowed to.
I don't like the pause you're taking right now.
Let's see how this year.
Okay, fuck.
Let's just see how this year plays out first, and then I'll see if I'm going to get a cheeseheader, make.
You an owner of the team, sell you a share stock.
That means nothing.
All right, well, I got one last question. Do you guarantee a championship this year?
I guarantee a chance to compete for a championship, yes.
That's a smart answer.
It's the only answer.
I mean, you're good enough. The bucks. That must have been like. It's a big mood swing.
You have eleven starters.
I get traded again, and then.
It's to a team that I actually think I might be a good piece on this team.
That's why the trade happened. The trade happened like, okay, cool. We need something that you have. Take campaign, take the 14 year old. Everything's cool, right? You got Doc back. Doc already. Pat, do your thing. But you got to think, I'm also like, doc's not coaching, Doc. I'm thinking about you. You feel me? We lose with the Bulls. Hey, Doc, man, y'all got a chance to win a championship, bro. I'm rooting for y'all. Like, he texted me. Pat, what? You see anything you see out there now? Doc, before games. Pat, what you think about this game?
Fuck that. Doc.
We playing the bulls.
Rebounding is the only thing we should think about. Right? So, like, influences are real big when it comes to all that.
So when it comes to coaching and it comes all that, I can't wait.
How many years you want to play?
How many more years I got? Probably got another six in me.
Okay. And then you'll just start being an everyday guy here. You've already been here. I mean, you had a party here last night, which, thank you for taking care of all of my people. It was a wild text to get. Pat was just like, but you got.
To take a m on Friday. But guys think like, oh, man, what? Pat taking us to the motherfucker hood or something. Especially when I send address and they don't know. Then they get here, like, oh, shit, Pat, I should have came an hour early.
I'm like, literally the best place.
He texts me, 10:00 a.m. On Friday. He's like, cat, I need a place for after the game.
Day of game.
He's like, teammates, cards, friends, chicks, hookah. I need it. And I was like, all right, I guess so. We'll do it.
Listen, big cat made it so easy, man. Everything was yes.
I couldn't say no to you.
Everything was yes. Everything was okay. Cool. I need 20 hookahs. Can't have 20 hookahs.
I said.
I was like, we got a lot of expensive equipment. I was like, how about five? You're like, how about ten? I was like, all right, right?
So, yeah, it was cool. It was a vibe. It was great. Got a chance to shoot basketball, play some cars.
I love it.
Hire, like, a blackjack dealer. Comes in Friday nights.
I mean, I love it. You are part of the barstool culture, and it's awesome. It's like, your podcast has been incredible, and you buying in has been awesome, and it's fucking great having you be able to show up. Like I said, you're a regular guy. You wouldn't think a guy's been in the NBA for as long as you'd be like, come hang with us.
So you got to think, this shit has made me more famous than basketball. You got to think, we got 100 million views.
That's crazy. That's crushing.
You know what I'm saying? So, like, 100 million motherfuckers, unsaw me.
99 of those are roan.
The platform in here has been great, but you guys don't understand, man. I study so many people here in this office at night, just like I do on my film. Okay, cool. I come in here, I take video pictures. Okay, cool. I can put that with mine to try to.
I try to add little shit, gold Mike shit that.
I might have seen, like, I study so many people in this office, it wouldn't be a mistake that everything's successful with the pod.
Give us a scouting report on somebody in this office.
I got a content idea because I'm always thinking content, but go ahead.
You go first. Then I got a content idea. Son of a. Boy, dad sass the other guy.
No, but he's ducking you on video games.
Francis Francis.
The best.
Just call him Harvard. We know Harvard.
The best.
The way he's able to go in different, like, without honking a horn, without hitting a brake, like, his transition to the lanes that he wants to get to when he wants to get to them. I'm talking about the smoothest transitions I've seen, so. Okay, cool. I have unique perspective, so I'm going to use the same smooth transition, but hit crazy topics. So now when I'm done, you're like, whoa, what the fuck? Rush it back. What did you just say? Watch it back. What did you say? Watch it back. What did he say? Next thing, you watched it 78 times.
Right. Then I go, Tommy smokes. I go, cool. I'm light. I'm here, but I'm not here, but you feel me, I'm heavy.
We're going to cut this part because we don't want Tommy to get an ego.
Okay. You know what I'm saying?
That'll be a real shame if Tommy had an ego.
But I go down, I see the little hitters, big cat throw in. Okay, cool, man. Is down there. He knows. Manch is like the back of his hand. Man is down there shooting threes, and he's not even looking down, even literally not. Head is Fort Mantis behind, shooting only free throws. Mantis, he knows exactly what's going on.
So. Okay.
Being aware of the room, you know what I'm saying?
I knew he was going to show up and just start whapping three.
Dave, obviously. I watched Dave so much, just unapologetic. Just whatever. Erica, when she was here, the one on ones and the one on one. So I'm just. Okay, cool. I'm just still in a little bit of everything, and I'm just trying to form in my shit.
Can I throw out a content idea? You can say no, and maybe not this year because you already gave me one, though. Which one? Lockdown Dave.
Yeah, but here's definitely still in that.
What if I could give you someone to be part of your team for maybe like a week or two, and we can document it? He just goes everywhere Pat goes. He's part of your team. You can maybe even have him drive for you. He's bag man. He's doing everything with you.
Ben Mints, the guy who said nigger him. Right? That guy. I believe in Jesus Christ. So I'm the turn of the cheek type of guy.
Maybe someone else. Good point. Fair point.
But I'm the turn of the cheek guy, so, yeah, come on, have him slide with me.
Ben Mins turned his cheek the other day, got hit in the face with.
A football, a concussion style.
What about Frank the tank?
I've gone on record to say Frank the tank has been. He's really the magician.
He's more famous than anyone at, like, people when we talk to coaches, athletes, everything, they always like, JJ Watt is like. He texts me. He's like, I can't get enough of Frank to tell. Watch all of his videos.
I come in the office, I think because he was running late. Yeah, I was in office. I brought donuts. It was a lot of content being put out. You seen people that were not in the office, in the background? Obviously, if they don't know you guys don't watch that, they're crazy, right? He comes in a little late.
Pat, all the trains are down. What? All the trains. I got to get a train back. Everything. Everything's down. Everything's down. What the fuck is going on, man?
We had Blake Griffin come in the office when he was on the nets, and Frank was a Nets fan. And Frank, I think, said he was like, yeah, Blake, you like a B minus C plus this year. Just straight to his face. Blake's like, what?
Right? Yeah, that's Frank. He knows, but he doesn't want you to know. He knows everything. He's great.
Yeah, he's great.
Shout out to Frank the tank.
Well, Pat, thank you for making time for us.
Thank you allowing me to have me on here, bro.
Yeah, you'll be back on. We got to get you back on playoffs, whether in person or zoom. You're only 90 minutes away.
So we'll come up to you. No, you came down here. We got to come up.
I like coming here. The office is ready.
Get Yanis on, too.
Yeah, I like that.
Yeah. All right.
You're the best. Go subscribe.
Love. Love, Pat bev.
Pod with roan.
With roan.
Yeah. Love, guy.
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Okay, fire fest of the week. Let's wrap it up. Hank.
Yeah. My fire fest. I still have a Christmas tree and I don't know what to do.
Oh, nice, Hank.
It's March.
Yeah, I respect that.
Well, we were January. I was locked into comedy. Was not. And it was still going to be.
A great spin zone.
Then we were in Vegas. Then I was in Arizona.
There's a lot of time the entire time.
We're going to be in October, and hank's still going to be using this.
Comedy show as a reason.
Seriously. Well, no, that was for January. Then it was Super bowl.
Then we were in Arizona. Then I was kind of sick. I didn't feel 100%. And now.
Wait, you've barely been here.
You were like. Then I was hungover for a week, and so I couldn't take it out.
And then last week, probably should have taken it out. And now it just stares me in the face. It's like, fuck.
And make it an Easter tree.
In my old building. Both my old buildings. I used to have, like, you could pay for storage or whatever, because I bought. It's like, $150 tree or something. I don't want to just throw it out.
Throw it off the balcony.
Not doing that.
But what I was thinking is, like, this room could use some.
No, we're not taking your garbage.
There's no chance you're going to bring it in? Because I would. No, because the worst part about it. So here's the thing about the Christmas tree, Hank, is it's gotten so dry now.
What's a fake?
Oh, that's what I'm saying.
I should just fucking. I can store it or just throw. No, you can't store it here.
I'll take it back next December.
No, because you'll forget to take it back.
No, I won't.
I'll need a tree. Just store it somewhere. Where? In your car or your closet?
Not storing it in my car.
Put it in your kitchen.
I don't have room in my closet.
Just keep it up. You can't break it down.
I don't have closet space.
You have no storage in your.
Wait, the tree.
Definitely closet with a part shit in it.
Put it in the front of your parking spot. No.
Just put it in shotgun and drive around with it.
Yeah, you're going to. We're now his storage.
If allowed, I think it could help.
No spice. Hank, I'm going to know how to principle.
Walk me through the content brain on your part. We're not allowed to have a flight simulator in the office, but we can have a Christmas tree taken up pretty much storage space.
I'll put it in a bin in the back of a closet.
No, we're not your storage.
All right, so then I'll just throw it away. I don't know.
Oh, no. Don't threaten us. Well, no, I was hoping you guys were going to get. Throw it away.
So why don't you just put it on your hallway and hope it disappears?
Because that's throwing it away. And then my building is mad at me.
Yeah, put it in someone else.
When you said you still had a Christmas tree. I think we both assumed that you had a live Christmas tree or a tree that was at one point alive.
Dude, just throw it in a dumpster.
I'm probably going to do that. It's a nice tree. I like it.
You have enough storage in your apartment. You live in a two bedroom apartment by yourself.
And there's not a fucking closet that you can break it down and put it in a box.
I guess it's just going to take up a lot of space.
Put it under your bed. Wait, are you going. You're going box spring on the ground?
No, he's got a nice bed.
He's got a nice bed, but I don't have, like, a child's bed where there's not.
There's definitely a closet in your apartment that closets. Yeah. You got a third closet?
Yeah. All right, I'll think about it. Well, I'm getting rid of it, but I guess it's either trash or closet.
Not here.
Yeah, I was hoping you guys are like, we need a tree.
Finally. No, it's white.
It's a white Christmas tree.
This is a fucked up tree.
I don't want that tree talked about. Sick joke.
Get a live tree, Hank.
Oh, my God.
Have some Christmas spirit.
All right.
Was it white before Nicky smokes came over?
No, he's never been over my.
Well, let's get that clear. It's a condo. People he owns. I didn't know that that was a.
Difference until people are like, why don't you say condo?
Condo does sound a lot cooler.
Yeah, but before, I thought they were the same thing.
Have you had to talk to the board at all for anything?
When I was moving in, and then I went to. We had like, a monthly meeting once.
You went?
I went in the summer, and it was just literally eight super old women drinking wine.
And you went, yeah, it was great. That rules.
Do you offer any suggestions?
No, we just talked about life, actually. Wait, Barcelo. To them, they were like, oh, wait.
Till the next board meeting. Go to it, bring a bottle of wine, and then be like, hey, ladies, I got a good idea. How can we spruce up the lobby? How about a white Christmas tree? Boom, problem solved.
Vicket, I've got some news for you. Some breaking news. Oh, Hank.
Can I get a shifter alert?
Jalen Johnson extended.
Oh, okay.
Let's go.
Four year deal.
Yeah, he was franchise tagged, and they were saying they were going to keep working on it. Fucking love it.
It's a good move.
Oh, bears are back. Bears are back.
I don't think pft can be tripped. I mean, I saw you say this, too, which I saw. It was like Arnold brothers meme when you posted a picture of Blake. And people were like, how long have those picture frames been on your floor? Yeah, I'm 95% moved in.
But for whatever reason, I have two.
Pictures that I haven't hung up, that.
I have the material, that's where they live. I have a room in my house that's my office, and it just has boxes that have never been unpacked.
Every kitchen should have two pieces of art that just kind of lean up against the refrigerator.
Yeah. All right. Pft, your fire fest.
I've got two. The first one is that Hank owes me $60,012.
Ooh, that sounds like a lot.
It's a lot of money. So I've taken $60,000 from Hank.
$60,020 over the last two days playing golf against him. He paid me eight.
Well, you set? I was like, do you have change? You're like, no.
For 60,000.
For 100, then I give you eight.
You're like, okay, now you still owe me twelve. So that was kind of.
I'll tell you what I'll do, Hank. I'll wipe the $12 clean. Hank owes me $60,000.
You guys should keep playing until one of you hits a million, I'm down.
And then that person owes you a million.
Yeah, I like that.
So I'm never going to collect on that. Shut the fuck up, Hank. So my other fire fest is, I was talking with some of the Chicago guys today, and I do this every year for baseball season, getting in the mindset for betting on baseball, because I have a system every year. My system is very simple. It's bet against one team for every single game. And I've done it with the Pirates, and I've done it with the athletics, and it's been profitable both seasons that I've done it. Now, I haven't done it to the extent that I'm planning on doing it. And then I got all worked up about it, about a content idea, and I think I'm just going to have to do it because it sounds like a lot of fun. But I think I'm going to bet $100,000, okay. Against either the Athletics or the Chicago White Sox every single game this season.
I'm going strictly based off of every game you're betting. 100,000.
Correct. Total bankroll. That's the bankroll. So over match, over the course, of the season. I did the math. It's a $617 bet every single day that they play now.
What? Oh, yeah. You won't have to ever put up 100.
How much?
I'm going to be betting a total of $100,000.
How much?
He's going to bet 617.
617. Match every game. The real trick in this, that was a tricky way.
You said that, whereas you started it as, like, you're betting $100,000 like, every game, and then that was smart.
No, I'm betting $100,000 total this season.
Right. But that won't count. Yeah. When you say that, I was like.
I'm not going to lose $100,000.
It's 617 every day.
Correct. So I think it's going to be profitable no matter which team I pick. But I always do it based strictly off vibes. And this year I'm leaning right now towards doing the athletics again. The athletics are leading the league in bad vibes. Nobody in Oakland wants to go see them anymore. The team is halfway in Las Vegas putting up, like, fake bullshit, coked out photoshops.
Vegas doesn't want them.
Vegas doesn't want them either. The photoshop they put out of the new stadium, did you see it?
It's insane. It's an insane photoshop. And the plot of land that they're going to say that they're building it on is not big enough to fit that ballpark to put that on. And the athletics have turned off replies to all their tweets.
I love that.
So you can't even reply to a single tweet that they have, which goes against the First Amendment. And judging by their pitching staff, the second Amendment as well. Look at this Photoshop right here.
It's crazy. I love it. I want this stadium.
It's just insane. I would love it, too.
It's also probably Sydney opera house.
I was going to say it's probably violating some sort of copyright infringement on the Sydney Opera house.
I think you should do the A's because I don't know how much you talked to White Sox Dave, but I was talking to him the other day. He had the White Sox for 60 wins, but then he went to spring training and talked to the entire White Sox organization. He's upgraded to 66.
So I did talk to talk to.
The guys who actually are like. He was like, yeah, they're really bullish. I was like, at spring training, I.
Talked to White Sox Dave about it for this specific reason. He's like, I think they're going to be better than last year. And then chief was like, does this have anything to do with you spending a week hanging out with them?
Right. Yeah.
Probably spring training where it's the best vibes possible.
Because his explanation was, they're all young, hungry guys that are going to bust their ass that nobody believes in.
And I also don't feel like sticking my finger in the south side of Chicago's eye.
So I think it might be the athletics.
Yeah, I think it is.
Officially decided. I'm betting $100,000 against the athletics.
Love it.
Although that's not breaking it down. 600. I'm betting 100 grand against the athletics.
You said it was fine.
Yeah. So I guess I'm going to have to do that this season, but I feel like it's going to make me money.
I feel good about this. I might take this journey with you.
You want to do it? Yeah.
Do it every single day.
Because fuck John. Not run line.
I was thinking about run line, not moneyline.
Because I was going to say moneyline is going to get expensive and it's risking 60. You'll risk 600 to win, like, 150.
You want to do run line?
Yeah, I think we go run line every day minus one and a half against the A's.
So the tricky part is going to be remembering to do this.
So someone's got to remind us Jake's out today. Somebody Max remind you every day.
Every day that the wife.
You know what? You know what? I got the perfect.
Okay. Absolutely.
Remind us every day and we'll want to fucking kill him.
I need him to send us a text with, like, a link to the bet slip.
He will do it pre filled out every day. Every day. Okay, my fire fest is a little bit of a teaser, but we knocked off another white whale and it's coming Monday and we've had to sit on it all week.
Yes, we sure did.
We sure did get excited. Awls.
Because the man or woman has been a recurring topic throughout the history of. Part of my take.
Are we putting the short teaser in?
Should we maybe could just do his voice? Like, it fades to black and it's his voice.
So viva TV. Viva TV.
Tune in. Viva TV.
On Friday night, there will be a teaser on who it is. And, yeah, get ready.
Just have it be as, like, it goes to black and then you hear his voice.
Very excited.
We nailed it, too.
I think so.
I think so. I think we did as best as we could, given the circumstances. Let's just leave it at that. Max, do you have a fire fest?
This whole week was a fire fest.
Oh, yeah, the toilet.
Nova, how's your.
His name is Max.
Is your toilet fixed?
Toilet's fixed.
Your nephew has a way cooler name than you.
Yeah, I mean, that's not a fire fest.
I'm never going to let you meet Big Dom.
Don't say that.
Oh, future fire fest.
It's all right. Next week would be better, right?
Biggie's tournament. What could go wrong?
Saturday, big game. Who are you playing?
Crayton. Got to win Super Bowl. I know, Kyle. Neptune said it was a Super bowl so bad. Oh, man. All right, let's do numbers. 40, 23, 77.
Max and I are in a dangerous dance. 99 numbers. Dangerous.
Love you guys.
Get excited for Monday.
Love you guys. Talking away today's another day to find.
You shine away I'll be coming for.
Your lover coming for your lover lover.
Take me out all the, um.
Is okay say after me it's a.
Better to be safe it's all better.
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