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Hey, this is Dana Schwartz. You may know my voice from Noble Blood, Haleywood, or stealing Superman. I'm hosting a new podcast, and we're calling it very special episodes. A very special episode is stranger than fiction.


It sounds like it should be the next season of true Detective. These canadian cops trying to solve this mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.


Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Hello, this is Susie Esman and Jeff Garland. I'm here, and we are the hosts of the history of curb your enthusiasm podcast. Now, we're going to be rewatching and talking about every single episode, and we're going to break it down and give behind the scenes knowledge that a lot of people don't know. And we're going to be joined by special guests, including Larry David and Cheryl Hines, Richard Lewis, Bob Odenkirk, and so many more. And we're going to have clips, and it's just going to be a lot of fun. So listen to the history of curb your enthusiasm on iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you happen to get your podcasts.


What up, guys?


Ola catal. It's your girl cheekies from the cheekies and chill and dear Cheekies podcasts. And guess what? We're back for another season. Get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice, discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. I'm sharing my experiences with you guys, and I feel that everything that I've gone through has made me a wiser person. And if I can help anyone else through my experiences, I feel like I'm living my godly purpose. Listen to cheekies and chill and your cheekies on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.


This is Rachel goes rogue.


Hey, guys, it's Rachel. Savannah Levis. We are back with another episode of Rachel goes rogue today. I'm super excited because I think we all just watched the Vanderpump rules premiere, and we have a lot to say about it, so I would love to get into it. I'm here with my iHeart team, and they'll be helping me really start this dialog now that I'm a step outside of this chaos.


Literally chaos.




Okay. So, rachel, last night we obviously watched the premiere episode, and there was one really big important thing missing, and I think we all know what that is, and that was you. So just, like, walk me through it. The intro song raise your glass starts playing and you're watching it and just about to get into it. What does that song mean to you? How are you feeling? As you're hearing those intro credits and seeing the montage of the cast and all that kind of stuff, what's going through your head? How are you feeling? Tell me all of it.


The intro credits are probably one of the most exciting things. I don't know. As a viewer, who knows? But as a cast member, it's an honor to have an opening credit, an opening title, as the season is premiering. And so I thought that they looked really good. They were on point, and it's like, okay, I am watching this show, and I'm really having to accept the fact that I'm not on it this season. And that was a decision that I really had a lot of weight in making. I didn't take that lightly. And so it's almost like part of me grieving what could have been in a different, parallel timeline. But I do think that I made the right decision by not going back, and we can keep talking about that as we go on.


I think it's interesting that you're saying that there was, like, a little bit of a grieving in it at any point of watching, right when that song started playing, was there any part of you that kind of felt a little fomo or, like sadness?


A little fomo? A little bit. Yeah, I can own that. But I don't know. As it went on, I just kept thinking, like, oh, my gosh, I'm so happy that I'm not part of this.


You say you're not part of it, but ironically, you are. I am the one biggest storyline in this premiere episode, which is kind of crazy, but I do think that's really important to set up because the timeline of this is all very interesting. So in the first episode, we established that it's been three months since the scandal reunion. All that kind of went down. So we have this timeline of it's been three months. James and in are in their house together. And if it's okay with you, I do want to ask you about that. You're seeing your fiance on tv or ex fiance, sorry, on tv with his new girlfriend. Did that hit anything in your heart? How did that feel seeing him in quote, unquote, a healthy relationship? How did you feel seeing that?


Sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but I don't think that that's a healthy relationship. I don't think any relationship with James is healthy, especially knowing that we broke up, and he got with somebody else so quickly after. There's no time to really reflect on yourself. In a span of three weeks or four weeks, however long it was, the same problems, just a different person, and I don't know why. Feeling a little bit, like, anxious, nervous, talking about it, because, I don't know, there's a lot of emotions there. That was my fiance. That was somebody that I thought I was going to spend my life with. And we were looking at houses that had a pool, and we were ready to take that next step. And here he is in this new house with a pool and a backyard, and it's really nice, but I don't know, I just thought it was funny that an airplane, they're in a flyover zone.


Really close to the Burbank airport.


Yeah, I don't know. I enjoyed that.


So, I mean, that's interesting that you say that, that you guys were looking at houses with pools. So do you think he's kind of, like, plugging and playing a little bit? In the sense of he's like, okay, I'm obviously not with Raquel anymore, but he's using the same dream and just inserting Ali into this.


Yeah, I know this guy. I know him well. And it does seem like I can.


Kind of finish your sentence here, because I do feel like it's a tale as old as time. We're seeing the same thing play out. Like he's sober again, right? Like California sober again. So he is having a repeat storyline in the sense that he's deciding not to drink again. How do you feel seeing that with.


I said, it's, you know, a new girl with the same problems. James was sober for a good amount of time. I think it was about two years. And when we broke up, he was sober. And so I realized that his issues weren't stemmed from drinking. It was something deeper that was unresolved. And so it's just going to be a repeat of patterns. I can see it from a mile away. And of course, Ali doesn't want him drinking. Like, he's not a stable person when he drinks alcohol. I think cutting out alcohol is a great first step, but being sober and feeling all of your emotions without the influence of any drugs is so important when you're in a recovery phase in your life and then also going that next step and really focusing on healing that inner child wound and that childhood trauma. And I know they've said that he's gone to therapy. I won't be surprised if a therapy session is one of the things that they show on the show. I feel like it's a lot for show, but that's just me looking in and giving my opinion on. Yeah.


So looking in on it from a third party perspective, but also knowing a lot about the situation. Do you at all see James and Allie making that? Do you feel like that can be a future for them or do you think a few years from now we're having a very different conversation?


We'll see. Yeah. I think Ali is a very patient person. She reminds me a lot of me, and I think there's a motive in her to help, and I think time will know. He is older now, he has more life experience, but it doesn't seem like there's a lot of growth there. So we'll. Yeah, we'll see. I don't know. My advice to Allie would be don't fall in love with the potential of somebody because you're going to be let down. And you could just focus on yourself and really develop yourself so that one day you can find someone who is on that same level and has done the same amount of healing. So there's a healthy relationship there.


I love that you're there right now that you've learned that that's a very mature thing and self aware thing to really understand and come out of such, at the time, a toxic relationship and getting that understanding.


Yeah, I've done a lot of therapy, like, intense, intense therapy. And I've done a lot of reflecting on my patterns and my relationships and looking at the things with James and then looking at that relationship with Tom and seeing what was overlapping. And for me, this affair, it was kind of manifesting in a different way. Like, I didn't see the similarities when I was in it. But as I've been able to take a step back and look more clearly at it, I can see it for what it is. Like, it was that potential I was in love with, the potential of us having a real relationship out in the open and not in secrecy. And I didn't even see that as a pattern until I was able to remove myself from the situation totally.


So let's go back to the timeline of three months. I'm going to probably bring that up a few times throughout here because I just want to know what the process is. So three months has passed by. Tom and Ariana are still living under the same roof, which, by the way, I cannot get more flabbergasted at the condition of each of their rooms. I need them each to clean up their rooms. Please put your clothes away, clean up your room, tidy up. I really need you to do that, especially when you know that cameras are coming.




Yeah. Right.




So aside from that, Ariana makes a comment that she knows you guys are still together because you're sending packages back and forth to each other and she's seen them come in the mail and all that kind of stuff. This is kind of the first time that we get a mention of that, that you're very much a part of the storyline on this new season and that you're still sending stuff to Tom and the lightning bolts and all that kind of stuff. So how was it seeing that? And Ariana mentioned.


Know, it was hard to see because I'm in a different place than I was back then. And it's a weird time warp when you're watching a show like this and living one reality in that moment. And then months later, when the episodes are airing, you're living in another reality, but you're also reliving those moments that they captured on camera. And so it's a nod to my younger self, who was still in love and infatuated. And I feel like with my apology that I made at the reunion, I had all the right intentions and I was extremely sorry. But there's another part of an apology, which is your actions afterwards, they have to align with what you're saying. And by sending him letters and being in contact for a good amount of time, I still want to take this time now to apologize again because I am in a different place than I was back then. And I. I can see things a lot clearer now. And also, you saw the part where they did the flashbacks, and I got emotional watching that. I recognized that my behavior was so hurtful to her.


I feel like there's not that you had an aha moment, but in a weird way, you kind of did. You were able to see the situation from a third party lens, and it kind of. I don't want to say trigger is the right word, but it is something that triggers a reaction in you. And I can tell right now that seeing those scenes and seeing, okay, during this time, I did hurt somebody really bad, and I'm still kind of putting salt on the wound a little bit.


Yeah. And it's that part of me really wanting to take accountability because that is a part of true healing and growth and how we can resolve these painful memories that we're having to address head on with this show. And I just hope that the listeners listening and the people that were involved know that I have done so much work on myself, and I've really taken that time to have that introspection to understand why I did the things that I did.


I think that's like a really grown up way to look at it.


Hey, this is Dana Schwartz. You may know my voice from Noble Blood, Haley Wood, or stealing Superman. I'm hosting a new podcast, and we're calling it very special episodes.


One week, we'll be on the case with special agents from NASA as they crack down on black market moon rocks.


H. Ross Pro is on the other side, and he goes, hello, Joe. How can I help you? I said, Mr. Pro, what we need is $5 million to get back a moon rock.


Another week, we'll unravel a 90s Hollywood mystery.


It sounds like it should be the next season of true Detective or something. These canadian cops trying to solve this 25 year old mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.


A very special episode is stranger than fiction. It's normal. People plop down in extraordinary circumstances. It's a story where you say, this should be a movie. Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Hi, I'm Susie Esman.


And I am Jeff Garland.


Yes, you are.


And we are the hosts of the history of Curb your enthusiasm podcast. We're going to watch every single episode. It's 122, including the pilot, and we're going to break them down.


By the way, most of these episodes I have not seen for 20 years.


Yeah, me too. We're going to have guest stars and people that are very important to the show, like Larry David.


I did once try and stop a woman who was about to get hit by a car. I screamed out, watch out. And she said, don't you tell me what to do.


And Cheryl Hines, why can't you just.


Lighten up and have a good time?


And Richard Lewis, how am I going to tell.


I'm going to leave now. Can you do it on the phone? Do you have to do it in person? What? Not canceling cable. You have to go in and he's a human being. He's helped you.


And then we're going to have behind the scenes information. Tidbits.


Yes, tidbit is a great word.


Anyway, we're both a wealth of knowledge about this show because we've been doing it for 23 years. So subscribe now, and you could listen to the history of Kerber enthusiasm on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you happen to get your podcasts.


What up, guys. Ola ketal, it's your girl. Cheekies from the cheekies and chill. And dear Cheekies podcasts. You've been with me for season one and two, and now I'm back with season three. I am so excited. You guys get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice and discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. For a long time, I was afraid of falling in love, so I had to. And this is a mantra of mine, or an affirmation every morning where I tell myself it is safe for me to love and to be loved. I've heard this a lot. That people think that I'm conceited, that I'm a Mamona. And a mamona means that you just think you're better than everyone else. I don't know if it's because of how I act in my video. Sometimes I'm like, I'm a baddie. I don't know what it is, but I'm chill. Cheekies and chill.




Listen to cheekies and chill and dear cheekies as part of the My Coultura podcast network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


I don't mean to take a tangent off from the premiere, but it did make me think about something that obviously came out and is all over the news right now. And the Nick Vile podcast with Tom.


Let's talk about it.


Because it's just thank mean just from like, a fan of rules. Like, I really appreciate the fact that you're taking a second to take accountability for your actions and know, take a second to just re apologize from, like, I think also an authentic standpoint. I think when you guys were doing the reunion, it was too fresh for you to even make that kind of statement.


It was so fresh. And I really wanted to allow everyone to get their thoughts across. It was such a new, fresh wound, and I knew that people wouldn't really be able to hear what I had to say anyway because all you see is red in a situation like that. And now that some time has passed and we have been able to process.


Through everything, at the time, you weren't even able to process it like, you were sorry, but you also weren't able to understand why you were sorry. Because I think at that time you were also like, I'm in love with this guy. Yes, I'm sorry, but I'm also in love with this guy.




Not to make it right or whatever, but it's just giving a reason behind it. I just do want to give you credit where it's due in the sense that you were taking the second, because I feel like now you're in a very different point in your life where you're able to reflect in a way that you've done the work. You're able to reflect, and you're able to actually understand the situation and process it. But someone who hasn't done that is Mr. Sandoval. And it's very obvious. Oh, my very. Just watching that vile files interview, it was just, oh, my lord. I don't even know what to even say about it, other than he still can't take accountability for his actions. He did mention you in a weird way. He was kind of, like, blaming it on you and also blaming it on Ariana. And he's like, well, sorry, rachel was, like, thinking I'm the hottest person in the entire world and also sorry that Ariana hasn't paid attention to me in ten years. No, dude, it's on you. But those are just, like, my viewpoint of it. But how did you feel?


I hated what he said. He said someone like Raquel, some 20 something year old, doing that whipped cream bikini thing, like varsity blues. And I was like, okay, what is this reference? And I youtubed it, and I was like, gosh, what? And we've already talked about it on my podcast, like, how this came to be our first moments. That really shifted the dynamic into something more of a love connection, if you could even call it a love connection. But the way that he was describing it really made it sound like I was the temptress and that it was this seduction that he fell into. I can take ownership of my part in that because, yeah, it was a choice that we made every day, and it was a really bad decision, but I just felt like he was putting a lot on me, saying it was my fault for seducing him, which I don't think is right.


Yeah, I don't think so either. And I think he also put a lot of blame on Ariana, saying that she belittled him and basically caused him not to have any self worth. And just like, come on, can you just please say that you're sorry and that you're at fault? Just take a little bit of accountability and stop blaming it on other people that are around you.


Yeah. And if he got good therapy and some introspection, he would come to the conclusion that your self worth isn't based on your significant other. You can't get your self worth from somebody else. It has to come from within. Totally.


Totally. So I had to just go off on that tangent for a second. But I do want to bring it back to the premiere. And we do have this scene where James says that his feelings are hurt. And Ali asked James if he could ever be friends with Tom Sandoval again. And so I want to ask you, could you ever be friends with James again?


Oh, no.


What about Sandoval? Could you ever be friends with Sandoval again?


No, I can't. No.


Those two are iced out.


No. Yeah. No.


You're like the 11th of ever.


There's a reason why I have a no contact policy with James, and there's a reason why I didn't want him to have, you know, thank goodness that Graham is doing well and debatably thriving. But no, like, I don't need James in my life. That would be just not good for my well being. And then with Tom, oh, man, it's so clear to me now. But back then when I was still in communication with him but trying to distance myself and not haul him from the meadows. And this is a landline conversation, by the way. We have scheduled phone times in this inpatient trauma therapy center. Then if I didn't reach out to him one day or two days, he would be upset by it and really kind of take out his frustration on me. So it made me feel like I had a responsibility to maintain his emotional needs. And, oh, man, the amount of times that Tom called me selfish while I was in the meadows and that I'm running away from my problems and I'm dependent on this place that's basically an assisted living facility. Like, really guilt tripping me and saying that I left him to deal with all the fodder and I'm just running know that just reveals the type of person that he is and knowing how important mental health has become in my life and how much of a priority that is to me, there's no question that Tom and I will never, ever be friends.


Okay, that's. That is very fair. But it was a question I had to ask.


Yeah. I do think it's interesting, though, the amount of times that the cast has mentioned processing their own trauma, like in reference to Lala saying that she had a lot of trauma to process with her past relationship with Randall. Lala commenting on Ariana getting into a new relationship so quickly and not having enough time to process that trauma with Tom Sandoval. There also was mention of Tom Schwartz's emotional trauma that he experienced with Tom Sandoval over the years and how that's impacted him yet if I go away to process my emotional trauma, I'm running away from my problems. I don't know. It doesn't add up to me. Yeah.


And speaking of not adding up, on the premiere episode, we see Lala have a complete shift of heart, I guess, in the sense that she decided to send you this voice memo on instagram and was basically kind of the only one on the episode that I wouldn't even call it having your back, but opening up that bridge to speak to you, and in a weird way, being empathetic towards you, she didn't want you to wear the mistress badge of honor the rest of your life. And she was kind of, like, being really empathetic towards you personally. For me, as a fan watching it, I was just kind of like, this is a little bit of a storyline, but I did want to hear your perspective of it. I also want to know, being on the receiving end of that message, you did say that you listened to it. When you listened to that, how did it feel? Were you receptive towards it? Did you respond?


When I was at the Meadows, I didn't have access to my phone. And at that point, when she sent me the voice memo, I was in that treatment facility, and my publicist has access to my Instagram account. So she got the notification that Lala reached out to me via Instagram and she listened to.


So it was even you?


It wasn't me, no, not at that time. But, yeah, I did listen to it when I got out of the meadows. And immediately, I just felt like I didn't trust Lala and her intentions. But as I'm watching this season and this episode, immediately I was like, oh, she did it on camera. Okay, that makes a lot of sense because it's allowing for the dialog to take place, for me to come back into the group. It allows for that integration to happen. And at this point, Vanderpump rules did want me back, and they were trying to figure out ways that I could reintegrate with the. So I think, first and foremost, it was a way for that to happen. I think Lala did have a lot of trauma with Randall in that unhealthy relationship, and I don't doubt that she had those feelings of being isolated and feeling like she didn't have anyone. That's what she says prompted her to reach out to me, seeing me open up about that in the last five minutes of season ten. But I also can see it for what it is, just knowing that she didn't reach out to me on her own time, and it not being related to the show and filming tells me everything that I need to know.


And also seeing it from a different perspective, not being in that drama anymore, I can see how she's moving around this concept that I learned. It's called the Cartman triangle. And basically there's three points. There's the victim, there's the rescuer, and there's the offender. And so I could see how she was moving across this triangle, first as the victim, relating to the situation that I was in, and then as the rescuer to reach out to me. And then also you'll see her at the end telling Ariana that she reached out to me, and that's where she's being the sender. And this dynamic causes drama.


So then just from a surface level perspective. So you did not know prior to watching this first episode that that was on camera?


No, I didn't. No.


So then when you listened to it for the first time, what was your initial gut reaction?


Oh, my God.


You gave me the cringiest face.




For everyone that can't see.


Well, I don't know. I feel bad saying it, but I just don't trust her. I don't. Immediately, I was like, no, and you.


Don'T have any reason to trust her, right.


Because there has been so many instances she's hated me since the moment she met me for no reason. And she has not held back her feelings about me throughout the seasons. I feel like frenemy is a good descriptor. Word of lala, because we do get to a point where we can see eye to eye, but it doesn't usually last long. And it seems like she was, like, the one person that we just could not come to solution for whatever reason.


You couldn't.


Yeah. So when I got that voice memo, I think at first it's nice to hear that somebody can empathize with you, especially on this cast. But ultimately, I was like, no, red isn't. This doesn't feel.


Yeah. And okay, so I don't really actually know the answer to this, but what is your relationship with Lisa currently right now in your life? Do you have a relationship with Lisa? Or then, because it's interesting, because you see this scene with Lala and Lisa, and they're both extremely empathetic towards you, Lisa's like, oh, you should reach out. Like, she probably would know.




And then you have Lala, who's like, I just want to make sure she's okay and that she doesn't live with this forever. So seeing these two people who are not close to you whatsoever have this conversation about you, how does that make.


You know, it makes me feel like they're really pushing for me to come back this season, and they're really trying to find a way to make that happen. And I feel like there's a little bit of truth behind it. There's that authentic part that I think Lala, like I said, could relate. Think, you know, seeing Lisa so empathetic to know, and this is before all the Graham stuff, so sure, there was a piece of that that was authentic, too. But just knowing that she's an executive producer on the show, it's very apparent that this conversation happened so that we could.


She's also driving a.


Yes. Yes.


Hi, I'm Susie Esman.


And I am Jeff Garland.


Yes, you are.


And we are the hosts of the history of Curb your enthusiasm podcast. We're going to watch every single episode. It's 122, including the pilot, and we're going to break them down.


And by the way, most of these episodes I have not seen for 20 years.


Yeah, me too. We're going to have guest stars and people that are very important to the show, like Larry David.


I did once try and stop a woman who was about to get hit by a car. I screamed out, watch out. And she said, don't you tell me what to do.


And Cheryl Hines, why can't you just.


Lighten up and have a good time?


And Richard Lewis, how I going to tell him?


I'm going to leave now. Can you do it on the phone? Do you have to do it in person? What's the canceling cable? You have to go in and he's a human being. He's helped you.


And then we're going to have behind the scenes information. Tidbit.


Yes, Tidbit is a great word.


Anyway, we're both a wealth of knowledge about this show because we've been doing it for 23 years. So subscribe now, and you could listen to the history of Kerber enthusiasm on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you happen to get your podcasts.


Hey, this is Danish Schwartz. You may know my voice from Noble Blood, Haley Wood, or stealing Superman. I'm hosting a new podcast, and we're calling it very special episodes.


One week, we'll be on the case with special agents from NASA as they crack down on black market moon rocks.


H. Ross pro is on the other side, and he goes, hello, Joe, how can I help you? I said, Mr. Pro, what we need is $5 million to get back a moon rock.


Another week, we'll unravel a 90s Hollywood mystery.


It sounds like it should be the next season of true Detective or something. These canadian cops trying to solve this 25 year old mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.


A very special episode is stranger than fiction. It's normal. People plop down in extraordinary circumstances. It's a story where you say, this should be a movie. Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


What up, guys? Ola ketal. It's your girl. Cheekies from the cheekies and chill. And dear Cheekies podcasts. You've been with me for season one and two, and now I'm back with season three. I am so excited. You guys get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice and discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. For a long time, I was afraid of falling in love, so I had to. And this is a mantra of mine, or an affirmation every morning where I tell myself it is safe for me to love and to be loved. I've heard this a lot. That people think that I'm conceited, that I'm a mamona. And a mamona means that you just think you're better than everyone else. I don't know if it's because of how I act in my videos. Sometimes I'm like, I'm a baddie. I don't know what it is, but I'm chill. It's cheekies and chill.




Listen to cheekies and chill. And dear cheekies as part of the Tura podcast network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


I do want to bring up something that Lala said. She keeps playing. When you said in the reunion, if I don't follow what Tom has told me, I don't feel like I'll have anybody. And so listening to that, like, that was, like, a very vulnerable part of your life where you felt that you had to listen to this person, because if you didn't, you wouldn't have anybody. So, like, hearing Lala repeat the words that you said, does that bring back any emotion to you?


Yeah. It was a very scary moment for me in that interview chair, because by revealing the truth, or at least starting to reveal the truth and not sticking to Tom's story, that he know I saw it as this ultimate betrayal to him. And I think it's sad to think that was really my mindset, but I did feel so isolated. I had lost all of my friends. It felt like my whole world completely turned upside down, and I didn't know who to trust because the people that I was talking to every day, I was just filling them in, like, telling them all the information that I've been keeping for so long. And then it was like these articles kept coming out with the information that I was saying, and I wasn't keeping track of who I was saying what to. So it just was like, oh, my. Like, I can't trust anybody. I can't trust anyone. I can't talk to my friends because I don't know who's saying know. Like, that really forced me to confide in Tom in that crisis moment, and I wasn't processing what happened. It was just, like, on this survival mode, and it really, truly felt like I was going to lose everything if I betrayed Tom in that moment.




And like lala said. Yeah. You're willing to risk it all for this? Did I really risked it all? And in ways, I really lost it all.


You did, but you did. Didn't.




You lost Vanderpump rules. Who's to say you actually even lost? Like, sure, but you gave a whole different perspective on your life, which I think is kind of the gold. In all of know, I've come closer.


To who I am, and knowing myself so much better now.


Does it bother you at all that throughout this episode, they're calling you Raquel?


No, actually, I didn't even really notice. So it's just a nickname that I've had since first grade, so I respond to both Rachel and Raquel. In fact, it's a little bit weirder for me to hear people calling me Rachel that I've known for so long, calling me Raquel, so it doesn't feel off to me at all. Yeah.


Okay, my last question is, you had a very strong relationship with Sheena. You had a really strong relationship with Ariana. Tom, just reflecting back on this first episode, what is your rose and your thorn from? Like, what is the one thing that really hurts you and what is the one thing that really makes you happy after watching that first episode?


Oh, wow. Let's start with happy.


Let's do good news.


Okay. Yeah. When I watch it, I'm just happy that I'm not in it. I'm so happy that I've been able to find more peace in my life, and my day to day is stable and as serene as it could be in this stage in my life, I believe I don't have to worry about things that are coming up this season. Well, that's not true. I do worry about things that are going to come up this season, but I'm just happy that I'm not in it like I used to be.


And then the thorn, what's the.


Is it is hard seeing Sheena and know two people that I did call friends. I think I have a lot more resentment towards Sheena. So I think the thorn for me is just seeing Sheena's face. And I'm working through that. And I think with time and more therapy and just more. I don't know. I don't want to always feel that way when I look at her. But I guess right now it's not an enjoyable thing for me.


Are you continuing to watch the season or are you going to take a step back?


I think I'm going to continue watching. I don't know how you guys felt watching it, but I was on the edge of my seat. But I think that's just because this has been a part of my life for so long.


Hey, this is Dana Schwartz. You may know my voice from Noble Blood, Haley Wood, or stealing Superman. I'm hosting a new podcast and we're calling it very special episodes. A very special episode is stranger than fiction.


It sounds like it should be the next season of true detectives, these canadian cops trying to solve this mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.


Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Hello, this is Susie Esman and Jeff Garland. I'm here, and we are the hosts of the history of Curb your enthusiasm podcast. Now we're going to be rewatching and talking about every single episode, and we're going to break it down and give behind the scenes knowledge that a lot of people don't know. And we're going to be joined by special guests including Larry David and Cheryl Hines, Richard Lewis, Bob Odenkirk, and so many more. And we're going to have clips, and it's just going to be a lot of fun. So listen to the history of curb your enthusiasm on iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you happen to get your podcasts.


What up, guys?


Ola Catal, it's your girl cheekies from the cheekies and chill and dear Cheekies podcasts. And guess what? We're back for another season. Get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice, discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. I'm Cher sharing my experiences with you guys, and I feel that everything that I've gone through has made me a wiser person. And if I can help anyone else through my experiences, I feel like I'm living my godly purpose. Listen to cheekies and chill and your cheekies on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.