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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck a.


Bowl fuck a stove counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got her own bank row can't fold doesn't.


Know headshot case clothes. What is up, guys? It's Andy, Priscilla, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies of fakeness and delusions of modern society. Welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Guys. Today we have Andy and DJ Cruz.


The motherfucking Internet.


What's happening, bro?


Hey, how's it going?


Good. I'm not going to do the intro. That's fine.


I won't do the intro, either.


All right, cool. Good. We got a guest today. Regular guest at this point in time.


That's number three.


Four times.


Is it fourth time?


I think it is the fourth time, yeah.


Well, I think you're the only one that's been on show four times.


Occasionally, you guys need some real jokes, so I'll take it.


That's right, we do. We do need.


Comes in shooting.


Yeah, DJ has been dragging us down.


I almost stole his intro again. How? I usually steal the motherfucking Internet intro, which I've done every other time. I almost stole it from.


It's fine. Won't be the first thing I got stolen from him.


Usually it's the other way around.


That was great. Shit. So, guys, welcome Mr. Kyle Creek to the show. It's good to see you, bro.


Thanks for having me.


That was so fast.


That was good.


That was.


A fucking sharpshooter over, man. What's going on, man?


Yeah, man.


Like I told you, I've become a plant nerd recently. I think we talked about that. I've been laying low. I took Instagram off my phone a couple of months ago, and I've really just been focused on planting trees at my house and writing books, and it's been nice.


Would you become one of these Greta Thunberg weirdos?


No, not that kind of weirdo.


Trying to make up for your carbon footprint.


No, not granola. Guys.


We were just talking about how the new truck. I want. I want to get that new big dodge. That'll make up for the opposite.


There we go. So you're planting the trees to make up for the truck?


Yes. It's all about balance. The thing that you say doesn't exist.


Yeah, climatology.


Wait, hold on. We got to get into this. How did you get into plants? Because you show up here and all of a sudden you're fucking botanist. Like, what's going on, man?


I think it's my personality. When I get into something, I get addicted pretty hard.




And so I got this new place down in Florida, and I was just trying to plant originally. I was just trying to create some privacy between me and my neighbors. And so I was trying to find plants that grow big and wide. And so I started researching, and then I just got into it. I didn't realize there was, like 50 different kinds of palm trees. I wanted to make sure I was planting stuff that wasn't going to get my dog sick. And so I just became a plant nerd. And like I said, I walked into.


Your scour the Internet for pretty much.


I just been reading about plants, like, a lot. Like, if you look at the ads I'm getting served now up on the Google Ads. Like, they're all for plant farms and nurseries and stuff.


It's funny. Are you into that, bro? I don't know the difference between any plants, bro.


Well, you got a chinese fan palm. When you first walk in the big one in your corner that goes really wide.


Is that a big deal?


Yeah, I mean, you're up here in Missouri.


Oh, really?


Chinese fan palm.


All I know is we pay a whole bunch of money for our plants in here.


So we got fucking China in the building. Is that what you're saying?


Pretty much. You should check. That's probably Mike's. It's probably Mike.


It's the transmitter from the chinese fiber. Yeah. They send it over here.


Now. Wait, now we got some shit. You ain't fucking vegan, right?




All right.


No, not at all.


That shit here?


Yeah, none of that shit.


We eat meat, but, yeah, I mean, in six months, I'll probably move on to another hobby. That's just how I've always been, though. If I'm going to get into something, I want to really get into it.


Yeah. Well, I mean, that makes sense because, dude, you have a wide variety of knowledge on just things.


I'd appreciate that.


That's probably why, right?


Yeah. I mean, that's why it's probably bad in a sense, because I hop around a lot. I don't really stick to things too much, aside from writing. And that's the one thing in my life I've always wanted to really stick to. But as far as, like, hobbies, man, I've always been all over the bro me.


I'm like that, too, dude. Once I get it, I'm like, okay, this is what it's about. I'm like, onto the next thing, super.


Into it, and then I'm like, all right, no plants. Now I got to figure out. Now I'll get into fish next, and I'll dig a pond, and I'll start putting weird fish in.


Yeah. I don't cross the threshold into master of the thing. I get to where I'm like, okay, better than most.


Here's what it is.


I understand it. And then I'm like, all right, this is boring, but that's still more than.


Most people will ever do.




And that's what I think is cool. And that's probably why you and I get along, because I feel like we can talk about a lot of different subjects, too. We all have at least knowledge of one of those things.


You know how, like, some people, they get into shit and then they stay into it forever? Like Star wars or golf. You know what I'm saying? Like, they're fucking Star wars people. They're a perfect example of that shit, bro. They get into it when they're fucking five, and they stay there. You know what I'm saying? Still with you, bro. Look, there's some cool shit in Star wars. There is. Like, the big walkers. Those big walkers.


I was one at s, bro.


I wanted one of those.


The giant, like, you pretty much have.


One now with your tanks. Yeah, you need to call your guy and say, hey, I want one of these at at.


I do. I want the four walker, the four one.


Four legged.


The two one looks a little unstable.


And then you need to get that power loader from aliens that Ripley comes out in when she grabs the queen alien. You need a power loader, too, dude.


I don't know, man. I might want the power loader more.


Well, imagine that out in your warehouse.


It'll be badass.


I think you should get one.


Someone's who could build me a power loader somewhere.


Someone has reached.


One of you guys can do it. Let's do it. You know what I really want in a Pacific rim?


I never saw that.


Oh, bro, the Jaegers and Pacific Rim.


No, let me see.


They're like these big fucking 300 foot tall transformer things, and these dudes drive them and they fight each other.


I thought you said some jaegers, like, we can get you some jaeger. I don't know about the Jaeger.


There was a Jaeger, bro. Pacific Rim.


Isn't that Pacific Rim? Isn't it just giant robots fighting?


But there was another movie like that back in the fucking 90s or the 80s called robot jocks and nobody remembers that movie.


I've heard of that, but I've never seen.


It was the same premise as Pacific Rim, but it was called robot jocks. Yeah, those big ass robots, dude. So, dude, Google robot jocks.


This is like Rockham Sockham robots, but brought to life.


Yeah. Do you remember that game as a. Yeah, no, no. Here it's.




There it is. Robot jocks. J o X. Go up to Google there.




There you go. Go to that top picture there on the right. You can kind of see what they're like. Yeah. So they're like these. Fuck.


It's like Power Rangers when they come together and create those giant robots.


Yeah, but less gay.


I don't know about that part. We have yet to.


What was wrong with Power Rangers?


Here's the tight.


Power Rangers were fine.


Power Rangers is pretty fucking.


Is it gay?


I think so. Oh, man. I think it's programming.


I remember when I think everything's programming. The black Power Ranger wasn't really black.


That disappoint you a little bit? Yeah, a little bit. Because I thought they were all the.


Color that they were.


So you think it was red people and pink people?


Listen, bro, I was young, man.


Did you think the red guy was like an Indian?


No, I just thought he was a white guy that got sunburned.


Oh, fuck, dude. All right, onward. Look at this guy. Yeah, man. It's clean. That's a fucking pimp right there. What is that building?


That's the Villa Zarata Museum in St. Augustine, Florida. So this was some guy's summer home?


That's in Florida.




He lived in Boston most of the time, and then he built this summer home for himself down in St. Augustine. I think it was like the late 18 hundreds. And the interior of that home is one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen. But there's so many of these cool old homes down there in Florida.


What architecture is that considered?


Looks like it'd be middle Eastern for sure. That's like some asian inspired.


It's cool.


Yeah, it's rad.


You know what I like, bro? I think we should get back to is like gothic type.


Yeah, gothic Roman esque.


Yeah, bro.


I like the richardsonian Roman esque, which is what you see a lot of down in St. Louis. Like the downtown, the stonework and the. Yeah, that's like a know, like the outside of the Union Station hotel. Like, that kind of stuff's gorgeous, dude.


People don't realize that there's an actual reason why buildings don't look that way. And it has nothing to do with what they cost to make.


They just want to make you depressed.


Yeah, that's right. It's called brutalism. It's demoralization of society.


It's the big heavy concrete.


They don't want you to have pride in your city, in your country. It's about removing pride and everything.


Well, it's like what you were talking about in a recent episode and you were saying, if you tell someone, are you going to lay 1000 bricks and just create a three mile wall? Or are you going to lay 1000 bricks and create like this beautiful cathedral? It's the same thing when you have a city center that has a cathedral in it that took 50 years and hundreds of artisans to make. Anyone in that town is going to feel connected and be like, wow, this is a beautiful piece of architecture. My grandpa did the stonework there. Oh, my dad was the glass guy that was doing the stained glass. You're going to have this pride, but when everything looks like a parking structure, you don't give a fuck about it.


That's right. That's intentional.


You're not going to fight for it. You're not going to fight to save it. And you go to these city centers now and you sit in like, these wind tunnels where everything's just uncomfortable and people are sitting to. Sitting out on a steel bench trying to eat a sandwich and no one looks happy anymore. But then you go to Europe where they still have a lot of that stuff everyone talks about. Oh, I love the european culture because there's a lot of dining on patios and people socializing. Well, look at the areas they're doing it in. Like, they're still built for. You know, our modern cities are not designed to accommodate that kind of social connection. Or just like, you're like the pride in something beautiful.


Dude, have you been to Barcelona?


No, I have not. But I've scoured the Internet.


You should go. Yeah. It's some of the coolest architecture.


Have you been to Barcelona?




When did you go?


Yeah. Fuck, I don't. It was probably. It had to be like two.


I'm just surprised whenever I hear you've left your house.


That's a more recent thing.


If I see you leave Missouri, I'm like, oh, shit, Andy's going places.


Yeah, that's more recent. Dude, that's really since kind of like COVID and since I started doing this show, COVID really kind of fucked up my ability to go out in public with the people harassing you and screaming at you. I don't forget things. So for me, when I go out. Now, I look at everybody, and I'm like, those are motherfuckers that will fucking turn on me in a fucking second. Scream at me and shit. And they're not saying shit right now. And it's just a very inauthentic. I don't know. I know it's wrong to think that, but that's how I feel, dude.


Inauthentic is the right word for it.




It's like you guys are all in here acting like we're all nice and cool and, bro, you were telling people to put us in fucking camps. I just don't forget that shit. And unfortunately, with this show we deal with, you asked me earlier, we deal with a lot of fucking weirdos that show up, and they don't agree with the things that I say, and I just fucking stay at home, bro. And then I got fucking, like, as you build a business and as you become more successful, the relationships that you have become transactional for people, everybody wants shit from you, and when you don't give it to them, they fucking hate you. So I'm just like, fuck it. I just won't let anybody come around me. So now I just chill, dude. And honestly, I fucking love it. It's not like I don't like it. I like it a lot. So pour myself into our companies and doing the show and just keep to myself out here, man. I'm not one of these fucking people, bro. I'm not one of them. I see all these people on the Internet, and they're out trying to. I don't know.


I don't connect with it.


Out trying to play each other. Like, oh, I went here. I went there. Here's my photo from here.


Yeah, it's just not. I'm not one of them, dude. I just like my life. And the reason I do this shit is hopefully, people get value out of it, and that's what it is.


I think the difference there is, I think a lot of people. We were talking about this earlier. A lot of people. I even think with traveling, a lot of people are traveling for other people more than themselves. Like, they're going to a destination to get the Instagram or they're going there to get the picture, as opposed to going somewhere they genuinely want to go. And so I think when you talk about things to become transactional, I think even travel has become transactional for people. The whole reason I.


It's a mission.


Yeah, I flew here to get that photo at that spot, and so I can put it on my Instagram and people are like, oh, I love to travel in world of where it's like you're not really, though?


Yeah. You mean like when they all go to Greece and take a picture? The exact same fucking photo?


Yeah, but I was going to say, though, real quick before we move on, if you like that gothic architecture, you need to go to Edinburgh of Scotland. Yeah, that's just like that deep spire, really dark, creepy looking shit.


I love that shit, dude.


Edinburgh of Scotland, below the castle there, walking those little cobblestone streets there is probably, I think, the coolest city I've ever been to.


Dude, you would love Barcelona.


Yeah, I've seen like the cathedrals there. It's the same kind of look.


You see the Sangrado, la familia.


That's probably what it was.


Fuck, dude. It's insane.


Well, let's go. Let's go to those concerts over there we talked about in Europe.


Yeah, I'm in on that with Zoltan. Yeah, let's fucking do that.


You said, you know where else I.


Want to go is. I've talked to a lot of friends of mine that have traveled.


Bro, it took 100 years to build that building.


What the fuck?


Yeah. There's an architect that has all kinds of buildings through Barcelona. His name is Gaudin. And they are all ridiculously cool. Yeah, bro, that thing is fucking massive.


Yeah, there's a lot of this in Paris, too. Some of the.


Look how many spires it has.


But this is exactly what we're talking about. Now, imagine this is your city center, bro.


DJ, I'm not shitting you, bro. I've been all over the world. That is the craziest fucking building I've ever seen, person. It's fucking massive. The detail is insane. I've never seen anything like it.


You said 100 years to build.


Yeah, and the thing is, it's probably still constantly being worked on. It is either updating something, they're fixing something, they're adding, they're reinforcing, but it's saying, like, easy. So I think in a good example where we're talking about here is, do you remember when the Notre Dame cathedral caught fire?




Do you remember how many people rallied to earn money for that building? Do you think anybody is going to do that on one of these modern skyscrapers? Topples, no.


Year to build them, they can fucking build another one.


And there's no pride, there's no memory, there's no attachment to it. But you better believe if that's your city center and people start rioting and they're throwing Molotov cocktails and breaking.


People are going to fucking defend it.


People are going to go out there and fucking get violent on the streets just the same way to defend something like that. But it's not going to happen in these modern cities.


Yeah, well, dude, I think a big part of the revitalization of this country has to do with the legitimate architecture that we rebuild here, because this is an intentional demoralization of our country. And I've heard Trump talk about it a few times where he's talking about getting some of the money going towards revitalization of some of the inner cities with good architecture. Hopefully someone follows through on that. I could tell you if I was president, dude, that'd be a huge priority.


Even like, I mean, you cook downtown St. Louis has some beautiful buildings that have just been left to rot.


Yeah, if they would just enforce the law, that'd be great.


Might be all right. Yeah, it's real shit, man. Well, Kyle, you want to do some cruising?


Let's do some creaking. That's where we do creaking, too. Whatever you want, man.


Let's get into it, guys. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to You guys can find them linked there. With that being said, let's get into it first. Headline, talk of the day. This one's catching a lot of eyeballs. Let's dive into headline number one. Headline number one reads, shocking moment. TikTok tells illegal immigrants how to invade american homes and invoke squatterites, as provocative video is viewed almost 4 million times.


Provocative. Have you guys seen this? You saw this?


I have seen it.


You seen it?


I saw it yesterday when I was actually on my plane and watched it flying in.


Let's dive into this a little bit. So a TikTok influencer is advising illegal immigrants on how to invade american homes and invoke squatter rights, making it difficult for them to be removed from properties. Lionel Moreno, who goes by at Leto official underscore 25 online and appears to be a venezuelan migrant, has told undocumented immigrants that under us law, if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it. He's referring to squatters rights or adverse possession laws, a common law principle that allows an illegal inhabitant to acquire ownership of a property based on continuous occupation without the legal owner's consent. Moreno, alleging he has friends who have already taken about seven homes, argued the only way for migrants to not live in the streets or be a public burden is to seize and invade abandoned properties. The now viral video, which has been viewed almost 4 million times, has prompted outrage for many social media users. Some have claimed Moreno is promoting terrorism and are now calling on the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to action. Squatters, right?




They exist in all 50 states and have sparked a crisis across the nation. Quote, serial squatters are overtaking homes and helpless families booted out of their houses by crooks and are desperately turning into vigilantes to reclaim their homes. Here's the video. It is in Spanish, but we'll read the subtitles as it goes along. My people, I have thought about invading a home in the United States. Now that I have became aware of a law that exists, and if a house is not occupied, we can take it over. Capiche? Guys, the law of taking over land applies here in the United States. That will be my next business that are abandoned. Now, I have found some information. Like my african friends, they told me that seven homes, that they have seven homes confiscated. And the saying goes, daddy, you got to find the way around. And the way around is now invading home. Now that we are homeless, that's the only way we have and not be a public charge.


Capici Lavi.


Law says that the house is abandoned, deteriorated, and in poor condition. We can come and repair it, live in it, and if we can, sell it. What do you think about. So Moreno, who is believed to live in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, with his partner and their infant daughter, has amassed a following of more than 500,000 on TikTok by creating videos targeted at migrants. The migrant influencer, in a video posted four days ago, is encouraging illegal immigrants to take over unoccupied homes.


Guys, what do we got on this?


Fuck this guy. First of all, I don't think squatters rights should even exist. I think that's just like an oxymoron. You shouldn't have rights as a squatter for that. And if I didn't see the seriousness of his tone or his facial expressions, I would almost think this was like satire. Like, he was joking about how this is going to be a business venture for him, but you can tell when you see his face that he's serious about it. And I also find it funny. And this is how I think a lot of people are going to defend it, is how he's saying, we're going to do this, so we're not a public charge. It's almost like he's saying they're going to do it to be helpful. Like, oh, we're not going to be on the streets, we're going to be helpful and live in a house. This whole thing is just problematic. And I know Andy's going to have something to say about this, but people need to not stand for this shit. Like, you can't let this happen. The fact that people have been able to squat in someone's house in New York or wherever it's been happening, and the neighbors, first of all, if I was a neighbor, I knew someone was squatting in the house next to me, know was probably here doing a bunch of criminal shit, or someone know, I don't want next to where my kid lives.


I'd be over in that house myself that night, kicking those people out. I wouldn't wait for the police to do it. I wouldn't wait for my neighbor to find someone to do it. I'd go help myself just because that's my community. And I think it's kind of pathetic that it's been allowed to go on.


As long as it has them now.


It's just getting started.


That's the fact. It's just getting started. That's the point that has to be understood here. I told you guys this was what was going to happen. I told you like, two years ago this is what was going to happen because it's already happened, okay? This isn't rocket science. We can look at what's happened in other places in the world and tell what's going to happen here. And when you look at what's happened in Europe and when you look at what's happened in some of the countries of South America, El Salvador, Venezuela, this is what they did. And I said very clearly a number of years ago that if you don't stand up against this, you will go on vacation and you will come home and there will be somebody living in your house that you can't get out. And then I told you that the law would side with them. And you guys call me fucking crazy. Well, here we go. Okay. And what's going to have to happen here is american people are going to have to legitimately stand up against these people. And that's what they want. That's what they're creating. They're creating a situation where over the summer, it's not going to be George Floyd this time, it's going to be migrants and citizens.


And when you shoot a fucking migrant for being in your house, they're going to arrest you. And that's what's going to happen. These people better be careful because real talk, Americans might have been docile and they might have been. There's a huge amount of Americans that have guns that are really kind of just waiting for the signal to do whatever needs to be done. And once the law fully breaks down, which it's going to, and people are not concerned about being held accountable for standing up for themselves, there's going to be a literal fucking problem for these people. And this guy getting on the Internet and saying this shit, if I'm being honest, I think he's putting his own life in danger because if it got that viral and just the way he said it in his cocky little fucking face and all this shit, his face.


Makes it a lot more.


Makes you pissed. Yeah. And he's sitting here saying they're going to fucking take this and that. Come fucking get some, dude. That's my attitude with it. I hope you do. I hope you come to my house and I hope you try to get some.


Do you think every state would side with a squatter, though? Because I don't think it would happen in every state, would it?


Well, I mean, every state has squad of castle laws and stuff, so I want to play devil's advocate here a little. You know, you look at a city like St. Louis for, right? You go over to the north side of St. Louis, there are thousands of abandoned homes. Thousands of them. Right now, obviously, we understand that. The issue here is that the fact that these people don't belong in this country, that's a side issue. But squatter rights, they have existed in this country for a long time. I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, but is there a certain degree that we talk about taking responsibility and accountability for your life, your community as a homeowner, as somebody that's owning property, and if you're not taking care of it, what do you think is going to happen? You know what I'm saying? What's the flip side of this? You know what I'm saying? If you're just letting this piece of property just sit there like, yes, in a perfect world, you should be able to just let it sit there. But that's not the case, right? Where's the accountability on the homeowners at this point?


Well, I could see with the example of what you're talking about, St. Louis, because those buildings are dilapidated and been left alone for 10, 20, 30 years. But talking about this lady in New York, for example, that was like a house she inherited, that's in a neighborhood that is not a dilapidated house. That's the kind of shit that people need not stand for or like, where was it in Oregon when someone went on vacation and came back and there was tents in the yard?


That's crazy. These people are fucking stealing. They're committing violent crime. They're not supposed to be here. They're not being held accountable to law. They're getting all the privileges that an american citizen should be getting that they're not getting. Right? Okay? Our veterans don't get treated like this. Our inner city communities don't get treated like this. These people are having the red carpet rolled out for them and they are immune to any consequences for anything that they do. And that's intentional. It's intentional because what they're trying to do is bring in a new population of people because the current population of american citizens does not believe or support the government right now. So their response is not, hey, let's fix our policies. Their response is, well, fuck them. We'll bring in more people. And that's what they're doing, which we.


Cannot handle our country.


No, these leftists are going to say, well, this is great for the city because they're maintaining the houses and they're doing this and they're doing that. Okay? How are they going to get the funds to fucking fix these houses when we have Tyson chicken laying off Americans, thousands of Americans to hire thousands of illegals because they can have cheaper fucking? Like, can we not understand the flip that's happening here? And it's intentional. They're trying to flip Americans into extreme homelessness, poverty, and replace the lowest class of Americans with these migrants because the poorest Americans typically vote Democrat. And they're not voting Democrat anymore because they realize that the Democrats are full of shit. So this is their solution. And these people are not the Rhodes scholars of these countries. They're not the humanitarians of these countries. These are people who have been in fucking prison who commit crimes that their own country is happy to fucking remove. Okay, dude. Americans are going to have to stand up. Dude, listen, dude, your ass is going to have to stand on the line. That's it. And it's not just one person. It's not just a few persons.


It's not. Oh, well, you first. It's in our own neighborhoods. We're going to have to hold the line. That's not an organized movement like people think. They're waiting for an organized leader and movement to come along that they can join. Listen, this is your responsibility in your neighborhood, just like you said you would handle it in your community. And to your point, DJ, I can understand. Okay, well, nobody's using these buildings well on somebody's balance sheet. Those buildings are an equitable asset. Okay? If you own 100 rentals and half of them aren't occupied and they get taken over by venezuelan migrants, do you deserve to lose that equity off your balance sheet? Because for people that don't belong here. No. Or for anybody who even belongs here. You see what I'm saying? So, dude, I can understand people trying to justify it, but it's not right and it's not cool.


That's people that have never earned any.


Of their, well, I think what we're going to see, who's been buying all the homes the last couple of years.


Two main companies, private equity, Blackrock. Blackrock.


Okay. Now I think what we're going to see is we're going to see Blackrock come out and say, all those homes we bought, we have a migrant program. And they're all, and I think that's the purpose of why they've been buying all these houses. Which means they're going to put these fucking people potentially in your neighborhood as your neighbor on your fucking dime because they're all going to be on government assistance. And by the way, I saw this meme last night where somebody was making fun of. Actually I got it right. Uh, the headline was from, it said, and it was MSNBC, it said Biden is going to win election reasonably, handily. And people were laughing in the comments. Well, he is going to win the election handily because between now and then he's going to figure out a way to get all these people to vote. Okay? And they're going to vote for him not passively, not moderately, but enthusiastically because their ass is on the line to be deported at a mass scale. So when we really think about what's going on here and you guys think the election is in the bag and the culture has changed and everybody, no, it hasn't.


Because these people are importing people at numbers that are greater than what the numbers are for the other side. So Americans are going to have to stand up. They're going to have to fucking make sure that these people are not allowed to vote. They're going to have to man the polls. They're going to have to do all the shit that the other team does. They're going to have to ballot harvest. They're going to have to work. They're going to have to make sure there's no cheating. And that's going to be a requirement. And I don't know the conservatives will do that.


I think the funny thing about all this is the people you're saying that are going to support it and say, yeah, but they're maintaining. These homes are the same people complaining that they can't afford a home. You have this whole millennial generation, and I'm part of that generation myself, where they're complaining about the price of housing. But you're totally fine with someone just coming in, taking a house. When you've been busting your ass trying to get out of an apartment your whole life, you shouldn't be okay with that.


Yeah, and they're not going to let you take a house, dude.


We joked about it last night. When you called me. I was like, man, Andy, I'm thinking about selling my place and just taking something. I hate paying a.


House, but if this. There's a person, DJ and I got it all right.


Yeah, I think if this happens in your neighborhood and you don't do anything about it, you're just as much a part of the problem.


No, you are a part of the problem. And if you stay silent about it, you're part of the problem. Like, at this point in time, if you're silent about what's going on in this country, you are part of the fucking problem.


This wouldn't have happened in, like, the 1950s.


This wouldn't have happened four, five, six years ago.


I'm just saying, like, back then, it was like you took out your neighbor's trash for them. You helped your neighbor. There's a real sense of community back then that we've totally lost. And I think social media has kind of created a lot of that failed community.


Well, that goes back to the demoralization of the country.


Yeah, but you see what I'm saying, though? I have a good relation with my neighbors. I talk with them. I help them take their trash out when they're traveling. I know to look after their yard. And so I would do this for them. And I don't think a lot of neighborhoods have that anymore.


No, I got some cool neighbors I.


Know one of your neighbors you're not a fan of.


Most of them are really cool.


Yeah, most of them. Majority. Yeah. But no, I think that's the real thing with this whole situation, man. It's like we have to get back to this concerted effort and intentional push of unity amongst Americans. Right. Because that's the only way this shit is going to get fixed.




This even goes back to what you're talking about with architecture. Like, if you lived in a neighborhood that was all beautiful victorian homes and wasn't a bunch of cookie cutter looking little shit boxes, and you saw someone come in and take one of these homes and start fucking it up, you'd be like, no, that's such and such's home. That's that family's home. Like, you'd feel a connection to that.


House, tell you their neighbor's name.


Bro, listen, this is a time in history where american men are needed more than ever. That's the truth. I believe this is the most important time in our country's history. I believe that. And I believe that if we don't stand up and we don't speak up and we don't start getting our shit together really fucking fast, we're going to lose the country for real. So do you guys understand? If you want to really understand what's going on, go find out how many european immigrants came between the year 1800 and the 1920s to the United States. And then go look at how many of these immigrants, fucking migrants came in the last four years, okay? It's fucking insane.


Like a ten x multiple I think I've seen.


So where do you think this country is going to be in 20 or 30 years? Okay. People don't understand this. People are not thinking about this. These people have to be deported. They have to be deported. It's not optional. They have to go. And that's just the reality. Otherwise, the country is over in terms of any sort of european descent at all. Over the next fucking dude, the birth rates down. Elon Musk talks about this all the time. It's a genocide over the course of time. Intentionally.


Well, and Elon also talks about, you know, he's all for expediting, like, the legal path to citizenship because he himself is an immigrant.


He's african American.


I think a good way of thinking about this is, like, you have a concert venue, for example. You have 30,000 tickets. By selling tickets, you can control the flow into that concert and make sure only 30,000 people are there, which gives a better experience for everyone. If you just announced you were having a concert, didn't sell tickets, and just let the doors open, it would ruin the experience for every fucking person there because the whole thing would be a pandemonium. And I think looking at immigration that way is important, because when it's done legally, the flow is controlled. It's better for everyone. You know, what's going on where. But right now, it's just like, this pandemonium where. I mean, you look like what happened at Woodstock 99 where they didn't know what the fuck they were, and they got too many people in that area. It was disastrous. People were dying, shit was on fire, and it became like, basically a shit box for three days. And that's kind of essentially what's happening now without this control.




And I have a question. You might know that she might not, but with these squatters rights, if you squat on a house, can you use that as a permanent residence to now expedite your citizenship?


I'm not sure, because it seems like.


Something that certain places, you can certainly use that to vote.


It seems like that would be a path.


They are going to come up with a way between now and election for these people all to vote. People don't think that's going to happen between now and then.


They've already put those.


That's 100% going to happen, 100% New.


York City, a couple of places in California, they've already put legislation down.


Yeah, but, dude, when I read the comments on that post, they were all laughing at them. This is why you fuckers lost in fucking 2020. And besides, they stole it. But they can only fudge so much. And here's what happens. Every time conservatives and common sense people and pro America people get all riled up and patriotic, and then they don't do shit. They don't show up, they don't fucking do any of the shit these other people do. They assume that they're going to steamroll and then they get beat. And it's just like sports, when people think. When a good team that thinks they're going to run over the other team and the other team beats the shit out of them. That's the problem with the middle and the right. And not only that, they don't work together. Look how many people argued over Trump and DeSantis so fucking passionately, even though they're on the same team, right? Look at the way the conservative influencers consistently attack each other for who does more or who does what or how they do it. Like, bro, that's never going to win anything. We're not going to win that way.


Common sense will lose that way because what we're facing here is a fight to the death. Elon tweeted this today. It was a tweet that he tweeted. Um, it fucking says, this is a battle to the death with the anti civilization woke mind virus. My positions are centrist, secure borders, safe and clean cities. Don't bankrupt America with spending racism against any race is wrong. No sterilization below the age of consent. Is this right wing? Well, according to them, it's far right wing. But he's correct about that first statement that this is a fight to the death because these people will not tolerate anything other than their narrative. And I think they've proven that if you don't accept everything they say, you're a bigot, you're a racist, you're a misogynist. Cancel you fire you, ruin your reputation. These people are communist and they intend to win, and they're not fucking around. And Americans think that can never happen here. And it's happening right in front of their face. And half of the fucking people are like, bro, you don't even know what communism is. No, you don't know what communism is. You don't know what communism is because it doesn't look like communism until the fucking mask comes off and they tell you to face the fucking wall.


Okay? And if we look at all the things that are happening in this country with the migration invasion and the weaponization of the DOJ and people being held responsible, like Daniel Penny, for standing up in society, how can society function without great men standing up for their community and being put in jail? You see what saying? So, like, all the pieces are in place for America to legitimately be conquered. And unless people start coming together as Americans, which we have been calling for on this show for years, it's not black, white, left, right, gay, straight. You are a fucking American. And now we are facing a legitimate invasion from people who are not a member of that. And if you are on the team of the other team, then you are an enemy of America, bro. That is just real shit. And people need to come together. They need to put their differences aside. They need to say, hey, you know what? You're right. I don't agree with you necessarily politically or socially, but this is our fucking shit and nobody's going to take it. And that's the attitude that Americans have to come to for us to fix what's going on here.


That's real, man. Guys, jump in on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's cruise some. And I saw this comment, thought we'd go down the rabbit hole a little bit, really see what you guys thought about this comment. This comment comes from at Kevin Lewis, 91 51. He says Mike Tyson is illuminati. I guarantee he's got someone giving him 18 year old blood transfusions daily. And he's going to be an animal and rip Jake Paul apart.


That's a troll comment. He's just fucking around.


I bet he's beer bong and infant blood, right? Yeah, he's eating fucking babies. Which is kind of funny, because during the fucking fight that one time, I think it was when he fought Evander Holyfield and he bit his ear.


Yeah, totally.


He went fucking crazy after the fight, and he goes, I'll eat your fucking children.


I remember that.


Say that.


Really? Oh, fuck, yeah. There's a clip of saying it in the show.


Didn't he talk about, like, eating someone's balls too?


I don't know. Probably. No, I'll eat your balls.


I swear to God. Part of that same rant or another rant. He talks about eating someone's balls.


Listen, I say you fucked some white boy in the ass. He said that one. That was during the interview.


I mean, he did go to jail. Fuck you, Ned.


White boy, you love it.


That's what he said. Something to the effect of that.


Well, I read today they're trying to get this sanctioned as, like, a real fight in the state of Texas. So hopefully know makes it less of an exhibition, more of an actual fight.


Turn it up.


Always confusion with Mike Tyson, who's standing by with Jim Gray. Jim, yeah.




Thank you, Steve. Mike, was that your shortest fight ever?


I bear witness there's only one God and Muhammad. Blessings and peace be upon him is this prophet. I dedicate this fight to my brother, Darryl Baum, who died. I'll be there to see you. I love you with all my heart. All praise be to my children. I love you, God.


Man, what is this your shortest fight ever? Anytime, amateur, professional ever.


Maybe it is.




I don't. Man. Yeah.




Lennox Lewis. Lennox, I'm coming for you.


Is it frustrating to train like you did and then have this in seven.


Or 8 seconds for this fight? I only trained probably two weeks or three weeks for this fight. I had to bury my best friend, and I dedicated this fight. I wasn't going to fight. I dedicated this fight to him. I was going to rip his heart out. I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one could stop me. Lynx is a conqueror. No, I'm Alexander. He's no Alexander. I'm the best ever. There's never been anybody ruthless. I'm Sonny Lynston. I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like, I'm from Nairclaw. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah.


At that time, he definitely wasn't. No, I think he was very much a savage at that point in his career.


Yeah. Fuck, man. I don't know, man. I don't know. Kevin, listen, maybe.




Why do we talk about Tyson every time on, like, I think the first time I was on here is when Tyson had, like, a gun pulled on him on a rooftop at some comedy club.


No, I remember that.


And we talked about that, too. It feels like Tyson's always disarmed.


You know? I don't know. Eats children. I mean, maybe he was being serious.


Maybe. I don't know. Guys, we appreciate you guys coming.


Kevin, everybody's illuminati, man.


Yeah, it's real, bro. You're doing the hand, just.


Yeah, dude, I'm doing the hand stuff. Look how Andy's holding his hands. He's controlled opposition the fuck out of here. Fucking moron. Guys, we appreciate more fucking kool Aid.


We appreciate you guys commenting. Thanks for being a real ass fan. Let's get back to the cruise headline number two.


Bro, have you really seen how fucking far out there some of these people have gotten with this shit?


Oh, some of this shit's wild, bro. Some of this shit's wild. But then some of that shit, I'm like, Michelle might have a dick. Well, you know what I'm saying?


The problem with that, though, is you make the legitimate stuff just get brushed under the rug. When you get too crazy and too deep into these holes, it makes everything that's actually real just part of the same just bullshit. And so all the real stuff gets ignored because they're like, oh, that's just part of.


I'm not saying I don't think that shit's real. I mean, I think these motherfuckers do actually do that. They. I think they're into fucking. I think that adrenochrome shit is probably real. I think it's an underground thing. Like, dude, there's so many celebrities that have come out and kind of given the same account. You look at what Ryan Garcia is saying, and, dude, there's a whole bunch of celebrities that have been kicked out of Hollywood. They all have similar stories.


I think you got to look back at, you know, because he originally wrote about that in the fear and loathing in Las Vegas. I think it was like, the first time adrenochrome was mentioned in the mainstream was in that book. And at the time, Hunter S. Thompson was a journalist, and he was known as being a very brutally honest journalist. I mean, he wrote that Hell's angel book that know kind of put him on the map. And so he talked about adrenochrome in fear and loathing Las Vegas. And a lot of people point to that as like, him being very honest about stuff he'd heard or seen because that's what he was known before. He became the gonzo character and coked out of his mind and really lost know the last couple years of his life, he couldn't understand a word that guy said. He was so fucked up. But for a while there, he was a very legitimate, very honest, straightforward journalist with what he wrote about.


Well, I mean, we're voting. I'm voting. They probably do this shit.


They probably do it.


Yeah, I'm saying claims. The problem is you make claims about Mike Tyson and stuff being Illuminati and jokes like this, you disparage the reality of what it really is when you go that far.


Yeah, but I think he's joking around, though. I don't think that's a serious comment.




I don't think Mike Tyson's doing it.


No, I don't think so either.


But somebody's doing it.


Mike Tyson, did he still have all his money?


That's true.


Yeah, that's true. For real.


That's true. Guys, let's keep this cruise moving. We got headline number two. Headline number two reads, no charges filed after New York City subway riders shot at passengers, took cover and screamed there were babies on board. Let's dive into this. This is coming straight out of New York City, coming out of the Big Apple. This headline article reads, a 36 year old man was shot with his own gun on a New York City subway Thursday as terrified riders took cover, screamed that there were babies on board and begged for someone to open the train doors so they could get to safety. While Brooklyn District Attorney's office spokesperson Orin Yaniv on Friday said the shooting, quote, was shocking and deeply upsetting, he added that, quote, at this stage, evidence of self defense precludes us from filing any criminal charges against the shooter. So the incident on a northbound a train, which was captured on video, comes on the heels of a string of violent crimes on the city subway system that prompted New York Governor Kathy Hawk to deploy a force of 1000, including 750 National Guard, to increase security on the transit network. Videos posted on social media show the unidentified 36 year old man approaching a 32 year old passenger and getting into a verbal dispute.


The Footage appears to show the 36 year old ranting and yelling and threatening to beat up the 32 year old. Now you guys can tell this is obviously who shot who?


The 36 year old.


So the 36 year old is the aggressor.


Okay. So he got.


He's the one with his gun. He has a gun. Got it.


So he started and got shot.


He fucked around and he fucking found out. Here's the clip.


I'll beat you up, cop. Your people beat up cop. Beat you up. Beat you up. I'll beat you up. Can't do. Will never like her. You know me. You know me.


So that's him starting. The video continues. Then there's the altercation that gets going. It you can hear the gun and hit the seat.




Baby gun.


There's babies on here. What you trying to do? What are you trying to do? The minute you up, the minute break you up, which I made me hit you first. There's something like that. Oh, something like that. Oh, stop it.


Was that his gun?


No, his guns in his jacket.


So that, I believe that was like.


I don't know if she stabbed behind you, bro. Come on.


That's where he starts screaming. Yeah, there's blood.


Oh, yeah, you can see him bleeding right there on the backside.


I got you. But that's me. I got you. Yeah. You stab me, I do nothing. You stop me. Stop me. No, I'm getting out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Don't.




So charges have been dropped. It's all been ruled. As of right now, it's self defense. But it did make me think about a different case that also happened on a New York City subway. Andy, you actually alluded to it a little bit. The Daniel Penny situation. So this comes out literally right at the same time that the same DA's office that charged Daniel Penny. His trial just got set for October eigth of this year. Former Daniel Penny is, quote, confident he'll beat the manslaughter charges he faces for killing homeless man Jordan Neely on a New York City subway last May. His attorney told the Post Wednesday as a Manhattan judge set the trial for October eigth. The proceedings will likely last about four weeks, although they could run as long as six. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Maxwell Wiley said during the think. I think I know what the difference is between these.


Can I say it?


Well, I was going to say it. Okay, you can say what you think. But I have an interesting one of.


Them is Brown and the other one is not brown.


Okay, that's one. See, I thought that the reason that charges were pressed in this case with Daniel Penny is because they were able to find a nice picture of the person that makes him look so sweet and innocent. But, yeah, I can see your point, too.


That's the guy who shot the guy.


No, no, this is the guy that got shot. Daniel Penny.


That's the homeless guy. Right. Got it.


Daniel Penny.


Yeah. Well, people don't realize.


Find a picture of you from, like, preschool or something, then, yeah, you're getting charges.


No, bro, listen. The guy who just shot that guy is brown. Daniel Penny is white. And they're holding this guy in jail for the last. Since last May, all the way through till October, and who knows how much longer after that. And he was standing up for a bunch of people in the subway against this guy who was going fucking insane. The same shit that other guy was doing, right? Threatening people, getting in their face, fucking with them. And he stepped in as a man trying to protect the people on that train. And if we create a society where good men go to jail for doing the right thing and protecting women and children and other citizens, we cannot have a functioning impossible. So, you know, it is what it. Man. Like, the guy's being held because it's okay to charge a white person and hold them right now. And in cities like New York and cities like St. Louis, black people are not being held to the same standard, and that's just reality. So we have to get back to everybody. No matter what race they are, if they break the law, they are held accountable equally.


And this kind of double standard only promotes more racial animosity between white people and black people. And that's intentional. And so it's very important for everybody out here to not buy into that artificial division that's happening. And it's bullshit that Daniel Penny is in there 100%. But you can't allow that to make you see your fellow citizen a different way. We have to realize better than that. We have to realize that we're being sucked into racial division very intentionally. It doesn't mean that what they're doing isn't happening, though, because it is happening. Yeah.


I mean, aside from racial division, too, I think the real problem with this case is it makes men not want to stand up. It makes you afraid to do the right thing. See what happens to other men. Who do we talk about? People that need to stand up for all this shit going on. It makes you be like, well, look what they did to him. It's very intentional because it makes you not want to act well.


And that's why they've passed those laws, too, where now police can be held personally liable for something that happens on the job.


I mean, going back to that subway shooting, though, I was honestly just surprised that any guy who wears a cross body bag was able to wrestle a gun away from someone.




That, to me, was shocking.




If I see a guy with the cross body bag, I'm like, I can fuck that guy up. He came out victorious, so props to him.




I mean, want to know, man?


Who's that guy?


This is the guy that shot him.


Oh, is he not brown?


No, I would say he's not white. Yeah, no, he's not white.


Well, I mean, look, dude, these people that commit these crimes as migrants, they're marking them as white people.


They are doing that.


Yeah, they are doing that, man.


Listen, it sucks, but here's the important thing. We say this all the time, especially when it comes to legal stuff, right? It's all about precedence. Right? And what is the precedence that's being set in this case? And so I see this, and I hope that with this being set, how it is that more people do see this and like, okay, well, it didn't happen to this guy, so maybe there is a chance of gleam or hope. I don't know if the DA's office in. You know, we are in a different environment than we were even a year ago. You know what I'm saying? So I don't know, man.


This guy should not be in jail.


No. Daniel Penny should not be in.


Is he being held without bail and stuff?


I'm not sure. I believe that he's in jail right now.


Yeah, I think there were some issues about them trying to deny him bail. Initially, I think he made out, but they raised it up so fucking absorbently. But I think he ended up getting, like, a GoFundme. He might be. See if you can pull that up if he's in or out. But I know at first they were not trying to let him have bail at all, bro.


Yeah, dude, listen, here's the reality. If enough people stand up, there's nothing they can do. What are they going to do, arrest everybody, right? It's time for people to stand up. It really is like, if you see some fucking shit going down and you don't assert yourself, you're part of the problem.


Well, that was the thing. I was watching that video. I was trying to see if anyone ever tried to step in and break it up. And that one guy wearing a construction vest, like, he was kind of trying to look like he tried to get in a minute. But other than that, everyone else just cowered away. And that's very common on the subway system right now, from my understanding. I was talking to some friends that I have that still live in New York. I used to live in New York, and one of my good friends I was talking to, I was telling you about her last night. I mean, she's lived in New York her whole life. And she's like, I don't ride the subway anymore. She's like, I used to always ride the subway. It's pretty critical to getting around New York. Like, the subway is the backbone of that city for a lot of people. And it's at a state where people don't even write it anymore because there's so much shit like this going on. And you're locked in a box with someone and it's bad. It's bad news. And like, what we're saying about this other guy is you see someone stand up and get in trouble for it.


Why the fuck is anyone else going to try?


Yes. See, here in Missouri, dude, what would have happened is one of us, we would have had a gun and that guy with the gun would have got shot.


Well, this is the problem with New York. And we talked about this. You can't even carry a pocket knife in New York.


Yeah, that's.


Know when I moved there, I had no idea. I grew up in Utah. I always had a pocket knife on me. It's just something, know, it's like a set of keys. You put a pocket knife in your pocket, you never know when you might need it to cut something. Or I consider it like a tool that I always had. I lived in New York for a year, walking to my office every day with a buck knife in my pocket. And I had no idea that had I been bus with that, I would have been charged the concealed weapon. Until I read a story about a chef who had been gotten on the subway after work with his chef knives and got busted for it and did jail time for it. I had no idea. And that was one of the things that prompted me to leave New York too. I felt like once I learned that, I was like, wow, I don't like it in this city. I love New York for a lot of reasons. That, to me, was one of the reasons why I started looking to move out.


Isn't that crazy though? The states or the cities with the strongest fucking weapon laws are also the states and the cities with the most amount of violent crime.


Isn't that weird.


Not really. It's like if you put a wolf in a hen house, it's going to do what it wants to do.


Yeah. And there's no good wolves. Yeah, you prevent people from. You take all the teeth out of the good wolves.


Well, you take the one sheepdog and then you punish it for defending the flock.


Dude, look, man, what's happening here? This is what J Six was about, too. J Six was about coming down so hard on the people that were there that no one wants to protest, no one wants to assemble, nobody wants to do anything. It was a completely orchestrated event, intentionally. The footage that comes out supports that claim. The denial of 25,000 troops that Trump requested supports that claim. The unavailability of all the footage supports that claim. These people up there in Washington know what happened on J six. They just don't want to say it. I'm talking about the Republicans now. They just don't want to say it because they're afraid of the backlash. And that was about intimidating people into not protesting. It was to squash preemptively any sort of resistance they might have. And this Daniel Penny case is no different. This is a good opportunity for them to show everybody what happens when good men stand up and try to defend what's actually happening. That is evil. And without that element in society, our society cannot function. And all of these middle, upper class white women who do brunch, that fucking champion all these causes.


Feminism, no guns. They're going to be screaming when all this shit comes to a head, and they're going to be saying this, where are all the good men? Where are all the great men? Why are you men such pussies? Where are the men? They're going to say that over and over again, just like they say right now. Where are all the men to date? Well, nobody wants to date you, because anytime someone gives you a compliment, it's harassment. Anytime someone does anything as a man, you guys go on the Internet and fucking destroy them. And men have figured out, like, fuck these bitches. That's what they figured out, okay? So they don't want to open my door for me. Yeah, right. Like, you guys have caused this. And for this to get corrected, women have to correct it. And so, dude, this situation is going to lead to such violence and such destruction and honestly, the rape and murder of many, many women, because that's what's been happening in Europe, all right? And women are going to be screaming. They're going to say, where are the good men? Where are they? Where are they? Remember you're the one that championed all the rights for these people.


You're the one that simped for these people. You're the one that felt sorry for them. You're the one that said it was racist to hold people accountable. You're the one. You're the one. You're the one. Okay, so when this shit comes to your fucking brunch table and some dude follows you home and follows you into your house and fucking sexually assaults you or steals your purse or beats your ass on the street because he wants your fucking handbag or corners you and does some shit to you, just remember what you did before that happened, because good men in America are willing to stand up. But we have been villainized and we have been neutered by the law and punished now because of these progressive far left policies that the little brunch crowd decides they're going to fucking champion every single Sunday and Saturday with their mimosas. Yeah, that's real shit, man.


Guys, jump in on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline, headline number three. Headline number three reads, ex NBC exec Mike Sington deletes tweet calling Baron Trump's fair game on his 18th birthday amid wave of criticism.


This fucking pedophile.


Let's dive into this.


Is that what he meant by that?


Fuck yeah.


I thought he meant fair game. Like to attack you.


No. You look back at his old tweets and he's talking about he's a pump man, how he's handsome and likes that. He's tall.


Oh, no shit. All right, well, let's go.


There's a pedophile.


Let's see this.


Woodchipper, a former NBC executive who caught Baron Trump fair game on his 18th birthday like he's turned in 18. Now he's fair game, right? Yeah, I've been watching him. Yeah, I've been watching him since he was a little kid. Now he's legal, right? Now he's fair game.


I originally thought it was. You thought, Andy. I thought he was saying fair game, like we can talk shit on him. That's what I thought until I looked into it and saw people pull his old tweets where he's constantly.


No shit.


His looks. Talking about how tall he is, like everything.


How he wants to get dicked down by Baron.


Pretty much.


Well, he wants that Red Baron.


That red rocket. Hey, man, we got plenty of wood chippers for people like this.


That's what it needs.




He deleted the tweet after being accused of inciting attacks against the former president's son. Even this article is not even painting it how it really is. But Mike Saintton enraged followers yesterday with the post, with many reporting him to Elon Musk.


Because they're pedophiles too, bro.


Right. Elon Musk and Twitter. He has since removed it, but is yet to apologize, instead telling Newsweek, quote, I posted he was fair game now, meaning as an adult, he's fair game for criticism from the press. Quote, someone pointed out to me, fair game could mean fair game to be harmed in the booty. He says, I don't wish physical harm on anyone. So I took it down. I listened to the comments and criticism I received. NBC, where Sinkton says he worked for 30 years, is yet to publicly comment. So this is the tweet he put down. Baron Trump turns 18 today. He's fair game now. And this is the guy who said it. This is Mike.




This is Mike.


Why they all look the same, bro?


I don't know, man. He likes booty.


I'll tell you that, dude. He likes little kids.


He likes booty.


He likes booty. Charlie Kirk. Hot. Wait, hold on. I want to see these tweets of him with his little kid. Tweet.


The old ones.


We got that.


I can pull them up.


Let me see. Man, this guy don't look right, does he?


No, he doesn't. He's a creep, man.


Look at that. Like, if you saw that dude, you would know he's into some weird ass shit.




So this is Mike Sington. This is April 6 of 2022. He says, quote, heterosexual grooming, a set of practices and expectations based on a child's assigned gender at birth, which promotes the formation of a romantic relationship with the opposite sets. It begins at a very young age and is often aggressively carried out. Why would you post that?


Well, first, because you're mad that you're homosexual. Okay? He's upset that he's homosexual. Let me explain something to you, bro. There's this thing. It's called a fucking penis. And there's this other thing. It's called a vagina. And those things go together naturally from nature. And when the penis squirts out a little juice, it fucking makes a little baby and it comes out the vagina. All right? This is not grooming. This is called the way it fucking works.


Birds and the bees.


Yeah, bro. What the fuck? There's no heterosexual grooming. It's called the way it is.


Is that your birds?


So who grooms all the animals in nature?


I was going to say, you don't have to groom your dog.


Who grooms all the deer and who grooms all the bears? And who grooms all the fucking gorillas? Like, who's out there grooming these motherfuckers to be heterosexual? This might be the dumbest tweet I've ever fucking seen in my life.


This is the starts to get creepy.


This is from March 20 of 2018. Mike Sinkton tweets out first, son Baron Trump celebrates his twelveth birthday today. Let's take a look back. Just weird fucking pictures, bro. Weird pictures. He says, quote, everyone's talking about how tall Baron Trump is here towing over Mike Pence for his family's sake. I only wish him the best, that he be gay and ends up marrying a guy from a shithole country and they buy a nice home together in Mexico.


Dude, what's wrong with this motherfucker? Whatever, man. Put him on the woodchipper list.


Charlie Kirk called him disgusting. Other people were in the comments. Sounds like incitement to me. What a horrible thing to say. Somebody else was even like, even. He's like, I'm a Democrat and this is bad. They said this is bad, and I'm not even a Republican. People have been on it, man. But Baron is fucking tall.


I think he's like six seven. Dude.


How tall are you?


Six six.


Oh, damn, he's fucking tall. Yeah, he is. Trump's a big dude, bro. And he towers over Trump.


Trump's like six four, right?


I think he's like 6363. Yeah, Trump's a big dude, bro. He's like 280.


I think the thing about this that I find very hypocritical is for a long time, a lot of men have been like, the hustler, barely legal club, barely legal girls that are 18, and women have always been like, that's disgusting. That's creepy. And most guys will get creepy. Why aren't any of them saying that about this guy at this time?


Mike's happy right now.


No, dude, listen. These people are afraid. They've been bullied for the last 1520 years pretty hard.


But I'm saying, if it was someone saying that about someone's daughter just turning 18, they'd be on them all over.


Well, I think people are reading it how we read it.


I think he's happy we're reading it.


Like, how everybody read it.


Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.




It is a little bit of a weird situation where the intentions can be mistrude.


I would check that dude's fucking hard drives, bro.


Check all of them, bro. Check his fucking hard drives.


Those accounts that we follow on Instagram that chase the pedophiles down, J and them. Yeah, fucking.


That's the one I was telling you about. Pinterest. He was one of those.


Yeah, dude, look, dude, those guys are exposing to the world just how common this shit is. This is very common. Like, these people are everywhere. They're in your grocery store, they're in your gym. They're in the places that you go every day.


I saw one where it was a school principal.


Yeah. And so, like, dude, you guys with kids, you need to be very careful. And you men out there, when this shit starts to happen, you need to handle it.


Got to handle it. Is that Trump Towers? That's a lot of fucking gold.


It's got to be. Trump likes gold.


Trump likes that shit.


That old school gold, man. That's a lot of.


He likes that royalty type.


Well, that's what made him, like. I mean, prior to him being a president, he was huge in the hip hop community.




Everyone had a rapper. They talked about living like Donald Trump.


Bro, I would tell you this. I don't hate on it. At mean, it's like his own style. It's a little old school for me, but it's fucking.




Did you see they're trying to take Trump Tower from him now?




What do you mean?


Letitia James, she filed paperwork today.


Yeah. Because he can't pay half a billion dollars. I thought he was a billionaire, first of all. Who's going to have that liquid?


Like, nobody. Well, actually, there's a few guys, right? There's a few, but, I mean, you know their names, right? You know what I'm saying? Nobody walks around with hundreds. It just shows you how financially illiterate the average person is. Because I saw, like, hundreds of those comments. I'm like, what the fuck? What the fuck do you guys think? Do you think even if I had.


It, I'm not fucking paying it, bitch.


Hold on. Do you think that this dude just walks around with fuck. Like, they think that eight, $9 billion. They think this guy has $9 billion in cash or whatever the fuck he's worth, right? The general public dude nowadays is so misinformed about just basic life skills. Every person who has wealth, their wealth is usually tied up in equity and opportunities that grow faster than the interest rate that they can get on other sorts of investments. Trump is a smart man. He has his money working for him. Regular people don't fucking think about it like that. They think, oh, you're a millionaire. You got a million dollars in cash, or you're a billionaire, you got a billion dollars in cash. That's not how it works, bro. Almost all these dudes, their net worth is tied up in their assets that can then be borrowed against or sold to create the liquid that you think that they have. And what Trump is doing, he's saying, I'm not fucking selling shit to pay you motherfuckers. That's what he's saying. And it's being played as, he's broke, he doesn't have any money. And it's not the truth. What he's saying is, I ain't selling shit.


Fuck you. That's what he's saying.


Well, it's not even the general public I saw. I think it was a representative for the state of California. I'm not sure it was someone in Congress who said, I know Trump's not a billionaire because I can do math, referring to this guy.


I saw that Ted Lou is who that was.




Was he, like, representing California?


He's a congressman for California.


What math was he know if he.


Was a billionaire, he'd have the cash.


But then Mark Cuban, dude's got golf courses worth almost a billion dollars.


What I thought was cool, though, is Mark Cuban stepped in and cuban and Trump hate each other. Mark Cuban stepped in and said, listen, you don't know anything about finances. Let me explain to you how finances work as a billionaire. And Mark Cuban basically said what you just said, attacking this congressman. So it's not just the general public, it's like anyone in opposition that is making up this lie about finances. So I actually thought it was really cool of Cuban to step in and explain to him how liquidity assets work.


I think Mark Cuban is off on a lot of his opinions politically, but generally, as a dude, I've always been a fan. You know what I'm saying? As a business guy. And what he's done, bro, he's badass. He's smart, too. So he would be an interesting guy for us to talk to because. Why? Are you gay? No. First crush? No. Because, dude, when people are that intelligent, they usually have logical points to base their opinions in. And his opinions, they're just still wrong. They're wrong, bro. They disagree with mine, so they're wrong.


Cuban, let's do it. Yeah, let's fucking do.


On the show.


Let's get him on here, man.


Look, I've always liked him.


He seems like him on shark tank, bro.


Yeah, I love his fucking passion for his shit that he does. It's badass. It's admirable. And I think this brings up another point, is that we have to get back to being cool with people that we may not agree with everything they fucking say politically. Dude, it's so funny. I get these DMs sometimes that are like, fuck you and your fucking opinions, and you're a fucking idiot, blah, blah, blah. And I'll just write them back. I'll be like, well, I mean, everybody's entitled to their opinion, man. This is America. If that's really what you feel, that's cool. And they're like, well, bro, I didn't think you were actually going to message.


Me back also, you just being a dick.


And usually they're like, oh, dude, I was having a bad day or whatever. It's kind of like customer service these days. Customer service has gotten so bad that when people want something done, they actually call the company and motherfuck them up and down, right out the gate because they think that's what it takes to get something done because everything else is so bad. And when we think about the discourse that's happening in society, it's been so bad for so long that people automatically go to the attack and sink and kill their entire lives mode instead of actually having a conversation based around why you think what you think and then being able to say, okay, well, I disagree with you, bro, but, I mean, we can still drink a beer, you know what I'm saying? But here's the problem, bro. A lot of people on that left side are unwilling to do that.


They can't do it.


Yeah, they're not willing to do it, dude. And you know why they're not willing to do it? Because most of their points are not based in actual fact, and they have a hard time backing them up. That's why they go immediately to name calling. You know what I'm saying? When someone goes to name calling on you, you've won the argument.


They've lost you.


That's right.


100%, man.


I don't know if you had this experience growing up, but some of my best friends I didn't like initially like friends that I have from high school. In high school, we didn't like each other. I mean, I even have friends that we got in fights, and then we ended up being like, wait a minute, we're really similar. And those are the friendships that I've had for 20 plus years. And if I had had that mentality back then of like, I'm never going to talk to this person. I would have missed out on some really good friendships that I've had because of that.


Yeah, for sure, dude. I totally get that.


Yeah, it's real shit, man. Well, guys, that was our third and final headline. Let's get to our last segment of the show. We get thumbs up or dumb as fuck. That's where we bring our article up.


We talk about.


It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck. Headline reads. Watch the incredible moment. An Oklahoma City Thunder fan wins $20,000 from stunning half court shot on the night his team record 119 to 107 win over the Jazz.


Typo on the night his team recorded a.


On the night of his team's record 119, 107 win. Record win over the Jazz.


Oh, I got it. Yeah. What's that a record for?


Record win is how they're meant for that to be read.


You record a win, okay?


Like, you record a win when he records. I think it's how he.


I think it's saying, like, record win.


I think it's written by a dumb ass.


I think so, too.


Look at his name, Lociano.


He sounds italian. He might not be that dumb.


It sounds brazilian.


Yeah, maybe we're dumb. Maybe it's us.


We are Missouri.


Yeah, that's right.


So Oklahoma City Thunder fan left paycom center with $20,000 after making a half court shot on Wednesday night during the game between the Thunder and the Utah Jazz, 18 year old Cody Hoover was selected to attempt the big money shot courtesy of midfirst Bank. Hoover marched onto the center court wearing a white thunder jersey. The crowd cheered on the teenager as Oklahoma City mascot. Rumble grabbed him by the head to wish him good luck. As the drum roll commenced, Hoover took one dribble and a few steps toward the center court before pulling up for the shot. The ball kissed the glass before going in the hoop. As the Oklahoma City crowd erupted in celebration, Hoover celebrated with the storm chasers by the OKC logo as he received his massive check. Arena Mc Malcolm Tubbs noted that Hoover was the first fan to convert a half court shot this season.


Here's the clip moments ago.


We've been waiting a long time for one of these to glass Mike. It's just a special dice and that's just a start. But I'll tell you one thing that's pretty cool.


My goodness.


Mutated Ewalk.


How much did he win? I think it's a Buffalo.


Look at those numbers.


20,000. And that sent this crowd on its feet. Cody Hooper. Hooper. Getting a big time. Big time.


Fuck it. That was pretty cool.


He's going to throw that all in crypto and lose it tomorrow.


Fuck. You know, I say, good thing it.


Wasn'T a duck contest.


Yeah, well, that's probably true. There's some truth to stereotypes, man. I can accept the white people stereotypes. It's just you all can't accept the other ones. What? White people can't jump? I mean, very mean.


Didn't they make a whole movie to prove that?




Didn't they make a whole movie about that?


Is there a movie called White man can't jump? It's Woody Harrelson. Did he jump? Isn't it Wesley Snipes in there, too?


I think so. I've never seen it.


But didn't it prove that they could?


I can't remember.


My dad used to watch it when.


I was a kid.


Yeah, he does, right?


Once. Is it the dude who's won the dunk contest the last couple of years? White dude? Yeah, that's what I thought. He's pretty badass, too. So maybe there is exceptions.




That guy's not fucking dunking.


Yeah, but good job, though.


That's awesome.


Don't waste it all in crypto.


What we got on this thumbs up, obviously.


I don't know.


That's, like, no contest.


I think crypto is maybe a little bit better than going down just being real. We'll see. Yeah, we'll see. Yeah.


Sweet. Well, that was our thumbs up, man.


Guys. Andy. Kyle. That's all I got. Yeah. All right, guys. Thanks, Kyle.


Thanks for having me back.


It's always good to see you. We got a special episode with Kyle coming up that you guys are going to like.


Oh, we do?


We do.


Oh, yeah. Okay.


Black leather couch.


It's not this. Yeah, I don't. It's gonna learn why they call me big Reggie. Not this. See, that's one of them. Stereotypes is not true. Ha.


Because I'm tall. That's all there is to it.


All right, guys. Don't be a ho.


Share the show went from sleeping on the flow. Now my jury box froze.


Fuck up bow. Fuck up stove counted millions in a.


Cold, bad bitch booted swole got her own bank row, can't fold just a.


No headshot case cloak. Cloak.