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Yeah went from sleeping on the flow? Now my jury box froze? Fuck up pole, fuck up stove? Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll, can't fold dust a no head shot case close.


What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcella, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions, the modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. It's Saturday, and that means we have audio exclusive today. All right, today I'm going to talk about four mental exercises for elite level execution. Now, there's only one way to achieve goals and dreams, and that's by developing mental toughness. We talk a lot about that on the show. There's a lot of ways I can divide mental toughness. I could break it down. I could talk about the qualities of mental toughness. Grit, confidence, perseverance, fortitude, the ability to endure, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. If you follow 75 hard or you've done 75 hard, you understand what I'm talking about. But I'm going to operate today on a very simple definition of mental toughness. Mental toughness is the skill that enables you to execute, to get everything you need done. No matter what, no matter how you feel, no matter what the situation is, no matter what the circumstances are, you are able to execute regardless of what's going on. The reality is, the entire reason that I've experienced personal and professional success in my life is because I developed mental toughness.


I developed the skill of being able to execute no matter what. Okay? And here's the reality, guys, and I've told you this for years. I'm not successful because I have more talent or I'm more intelligent than other people. I don't have accesses to resources that no one else had. I'm where I am in life for a very simple reason, and that's this. Every single day, I have identified the critical tasks that needed to be done, and I did them. I was able to do those critical tasks every single day, regardless of how I felt, regardless of what was going on, because I intentionally developed this skill set called mental toughness. And this is what I want to talk to you about today, because just as you can do physical exercises to become physically tough, you can practice mental exercises to become mentally tough. Now, obviously, this is what the live hard program is all about. But these are four exercises that you can do in addition to this program that will help you develop mental toughness. And I'm going to walk you through these four mental exercises that will help you develop mental toughness that you need to execute no matter what is going on in your life.


Because the reality is, guys, conditions are never going to be perfect. There is always going to be hardship. There is always going to be inconveniences. There is always going to be things that are not ideal. And if you can only execute when things are ideal, you can not win. You cannot win. Okay, so what are these exercises? Let's get into them. Number one, consistently remind yourself of your purpose. You're not going to get anything done if you don't know why you are doing it. You have to have vision for what you really want in your life. You have to have a purpose that drives all of your hard work. Now, I've told you guys this story about my life many, many times. But for the first ten years or so, in my business, I didn't make any money. In fact, I made $58,380 collectively over the first ten years. And the reason I did that, you guys often think, oh, man, you had so much grit, you had so much fortitude. You were able to push through these hard times. That's not exactly what was going on. What was going on was I was trying to sell.


I was trying to get rich. I was operating my business for me, not in a way of serving or helping other people. And we went through this process. We were going to close the business, and we were going to move on to other things because we weren't making any money. And that was our goal. And you guys know that. I was going to start a carpet cleaning business, and Chris was going to go to officer candidate school, okay? And we were going to close the business. And during the training for the carpet cleaning, I got injured. And while I got injured for 30 days, I was on my bed. We had a bunch of conversations about the business, and we decided that we didn't actually care about getting rich, and we didn't want to leave the business because there were certain parts about the business that we really loved. We really loved when by accident, people would come in and we would talk to them, build relationships, and they would come in six, seven months later, three months later, a completely different human. And they'd be crying and they'd be so thankful and so grateful.


And that was awesome. That was something we could not get in other areas of business, and it was something that we both loved. And so we changed our intent and we changed our purpose at that point in time. And for the next number of years, we grew 100% every single year, because we switched from being about ourselves to being about our customers. And that was an adjustment, a pivot in our purpose that has allowed us to become successful to this day. That sense of purpose drove our actions, and it will drive your actions. It helped us focus on helping people rather than, you know, getting rich, chasing the paper and all this other shit that people talk about, okay? The money took care of itself when we got our purpose aligned properly. All right? Now notice that I realized that my ultimate purpose was helping people and providing value. If you ask most people who are in business and you say, what's the purpose of your business? They will say, to make money. Which is why they don't make any money serving people, providing value should be the ultimate purpose of every single business out there.


If you provide value, you won't have to worry about the money. Okay? Personally, it's okay to be motivated by material goals, but eventually you're going to grow out of that. And either way, you have to consistently call to mind your purpose and keep that at the forefront of what you're thinking about. And what I mean when I say that is you need to literally turn your mind and your mind's attention to your purpose consciously, every single day. Inside your head, you should be constantly asking yourself, why am I doing this? When you ask yourself that question, you should know and state the answer immediately. You should be able to recall that right away. It's imperative that you consistently remind yourself of your purpose, not just because it will keep you along the path, but also it will keep you fulfilled along the path to success. If you don't know why you're doing something, you cannot do it. And you cannot have fun doing it, and you cannot feel fulfilled doing it. So what is your purpose? You have to be able to keep that at the front of your mind. The second thing is, make up your mind that the rules are set in stone.


You cannot change them. Once you start, average people make the assumption that if things get tough, they can compromise the rules, they can change the path, they can adjust the situation, which is why most people are most people. Okay. When you set the rules for what you're trying to accomplish, you have to make up your mind that those rules are non negotiable. They are unchangeable. They are set in stone. Zero compromise, zero deviation. I am going to do this. No matter what happens, no matter what comes my way, no matter what challenges, no matter what hardships, no matter what pain, I am going to do this. You have to have that mentality because compromise leads to quitting. People tweak and adjust and make little sacrifices because conditions aren't perfect. And they don't understand that conditions will never be perfect. So if you give yourself the option to compromise when conditions aren't perfect, you will always compromise. And compromise leads to complacency. Complacency leads to loss of confidence, and loss of confidence leads to quitting. The truth is, guys, you shouldn't even try to accomplish anything if you haven't made up your mind that compromise is unacceptable.


Okay? You shouldn't even go because you won't make it. Make up your mind. Decide that you are going to do this. You are going to overcome. You are going to push through, and no matter what comes your way, you are going to get where you want to go. And when you make that decision and you mean it, you will see major progress in your life. Point number three, get your mind clear on the specific critical tasks that are essential for you. You know the phrase, you've all heard it. Aim for nothing. And that's what you'll hit. Too many people are way too vague in the way they try to accomplish things. They have some general idea of what they want to do, but they don't know specifically in detail what they need to do or what they want to become. Every single day, you need to get your mind clear and get the critical tasks you need to complete that day to move you forward. We talk about this a lot with win the day and the powerless system. You can go to episode 16 and get my exact system for this for free. Okay?


Don't just make a mental note. You have to follow a system, all right? You can't just wing it. You can't just say, I'm gonna fucking do these critical tasks today, and they're gonna get done. That's not how it's going to work. You have to consciously list them out. You have to consciously follow the system. And if you follow that system exactly as I've laid it out in episode 16, you cannot fucking lose. It is the only system that I know of that will guarantee success if you execute on it and it's free. So go to episode 16 and get that. Point number four. Intentionally focus your mind on what you will gain, not what you're giving up. This is a huge thing, guys. Repeat after me. Action follows focus. Your actions will always follow your focus. The reason people fail at achieving their goals is that they focus on what they have to give up when they're dieting. People fall off their diet because they think about giving up pizza and french fries and their brain is constantly fixated, I can't have pizza. I can't have french fries. And eventually it gets to pizza and french fries and pizza and french fries and pizza and french fries, and eventually it breaks them and they go eat the pizza and the french fries, okay?


Instead, you should be thinking about how great you're going to feel when you look in the mirror and you're fucking jacked and ripped and looking the best you ever did and getting admiration from everybody around you because of the discipline that you clearly display on a daily basis. You should be thinking about how you're going to feel when you go on that vacation or when you go to the pool, or when you go to the store and your clothes actually fit. You should be thinking about when you go to that wedding and the suit fits good. That's the shit. You should be thinking about. Not what you give up, but what you're going to gain. If you focus on what you're giving up, you will lose because you will give up. It will mentally break you. So focus on what you're gaining, because if you focus on what you'll gain, you'll keep pressing on. You will stay on the gas. Like I said, focus how awesome your life's going to be. Focus on how great you're going to feel. Focus on how much you're going to gain. Focus on all the money that you're going to make because of the respect and the relationships that you're going to build and these things will help you press forward.


Action always follows focus. The minute you start wavering, you you should ask yourself, what am I going to gain from this? What am I doing this for? Which also ties back to point number three of purpose. Ask yourself, if I keep repeating this action, what will the good result be? Focus on what you're gaining, not on what you're giving up. To recap, we have remind yourself of your purpose. Consider the rules set in stone. Get clear on your critical task and focus on what you're going to gain, not what you're giving up. Remember, guys, mental toughness is the skill that enables you to execute to get things done, no matter what. It is the source of your problems. The reason you are not where you want to be is not because you don't know what to do. It's because you don't have the capacity to do it when you don't feel great, when things aren't perfect and that is a requirement for winning. So yes, go out and live the live hard lifestyle. Yes. Practice mental toughness. But also keep in mind these four tools, because these four tools will help you break down any obstacles that come your way during this path that you have chosen to go on.


When we're sleeping on the floor now, my jury box froze. Fuck up bow. Fuck up stove. Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch booted swole got an own bank row, can't fold just a no headshot case cloth clothes.