4 Things You Should Know About the Dead
Sadhguru's Podcast- 3,036 views
- 22 Jan 2021
What happens after death? Can ghosts haunt you? Is there heaven & hell? Sadhguru answers these questions in this compilation of short excerpts from the Sadhguru Exclusive series “Disembodied Beings”. Watch the full videos from the whole series plus lots more exciting content on Sadhguru Exclusive. Register at https://isha.sadhguru.org/Sadhguru-exclusive
There are hundreds of people who think they are possessed and all this there is a science like that, one can use energies negatively to cause harm to somebody else.
A COBRA also has a certain influence on this life simply because it holds its breath for long periods of time.
Don't take body lightly. It's not a small imprisonment, but when one realizes how they got in, now they know how to leave.
This disembodied life has no discriminately mind, it will tend to go by its tendencies.
Whatever karmic substance, which is still not dissolved, which will which will form a certain type of tendency, will drive it in certain directions. Certain directions means wherever there is life. And the life of such a nature that it bleeds minimally. For example, a tamarind tree, if you go and watch the other trees, you will see a lot of birds will be sitting for the night's rest.
No bird will settle down on a tamarind tree because the level of oxygen around the tamarind trees extremely low. It may also move in the direction of a yogi who has a certain mastery over his breath because he is not breathing as much as others are breathing.
A COBRA also has a certain influence on this life simply because it holds its breath for long periods of time.
There are hundreds of people who think they are possessed and all this there is a science like that, one can use energies negatively to cause harm to somebody else.
It's mostly see that very little of that is happening. But if you live in a certain area, certain parts of the country, this is very rampant. One thing, if you have such impact, you come and sit in the sphere of the unlink.
Because there are a couple dimensions to Diana which just nullifies all this. One pound on me and I'm always giving you things are more receptive for you, just one, they just sit there and go outside, gets taken care of them. Sure, by your physical body is something that you have learned from the planet on which you're living and the time comes, the planet will claim it back.
But the other dimensions of you, especially the karmic shell, continues to play. If it is in a certain level of awareness. The disembodied being is in a certain state of pleasantness. It is this that is being referred to as heaven. Because they have left their physical body in a certain state of awareness, they enjoy the sweetness at a certain period of time, a holiday application before you take on another physical body.
Similarly. If people leave in certain states of fear, anxiety. In certain states of ignorance, the karmic shell has acquired a certain kinds of unpleasantness about itself. This unpleasantness is what we refer to as hell. Not only that, somebody that this person is mall, but that's not the normal, the way we want you to meet any other places, don't take body lightly.
It's not a small imprisonment unless you break it open. You can't leave. It isn't. But when one realizes how they got in. Now they know how to leave he to the body parts, damage the body. Like you said, you're close to your body.
Then we said this is impossible when a person leaves like this. That's really normal. Once again, whatever is part of myself, I just got out of the. You could see the. What happens to dead people? Do they become ghosts, do the haunted houses, do they possess you? Sadhguru demystifies the dead and a person dies. And this information is not done, his product is not done. Then life is still vibrant, but body's gone.
Whatever karmic substance, which is still not dissolved, which will form a certain type of tendency, will drive it in certain directions. There are many aspects to it, if I say these things, you would start imagining things to night, watch disembodied beings for six part series only on Sadhguru exclusive.