Do These 5 Things Before Sleeping – Sadhguru
Sadhguru's Podcast- 3,445 views
- 25 Dec 2020
The way we sleep can sometimes cause psychological and physiological problems over a period of time. Sadhguru shares a few simple things that we can do to eliminate such things.
You can incubate a lot of other negative things, have positive things in sleep. This is getting too easy, just sweeping southern. So coming a week to an alarm bell with the sudden talk is not the best way to do your life.
How many of you will find that one day morning when you get out without any reason, you're just feeling ugly for no reason? If it is happening even at least two, three times a year? If it is, then you must do certain things before you go to bed. It's really very important because unconsciously, you need to understand this. You can incubate a lot of other negative things or positive things in sleep, either pleasant or unpleasant as you can incubate very effectively, uninterrupted in sleep.
You can also incubated in the day, but there are so many interruptions, it doesn't happen very efficiently. But if you have a tendency to go to bed in a certain way and you wake up in the morning a really nasty for simply no reason, that means you are incubating things in the night very efficiently. But this is not just about psychological disturbances. It can cause major physiological problems over a period of time. It's important that you eliminate these things from your life.
So before you go to bed in the night, there are certain things that you need to take care of. It's most if you're eating meat and other kinds of meals, you eat at least three to four hours before you go to bed, the dietician is over before going to bed, drink a certain amount of water and go to bed. You will see it gets taken care of just like this.
One simple thing can be just a shower, always to shower before you go to bed. It'll make a lot of difference in this weather. Maybe cold showers are difficult. So you go for lukewarm showers. Don't go for hot showers in the night, go for lukewarm showers. It makes you alert. So you will think, oh, I cannot sleep. It doesn't matter. You'll sleep 15, 20 minutes or half an hour later, but you will sleep better.
Because it will take away certain things when you. It is not just the dirt on the skin that you are taking away. Have you noticed if you are very tense and anxious, whatever, just a shower you came out, it feels like almost a burden has been taken away from you. Have you not noticed this? So it's not just about washing the skin. A whole lot of things happen when water flows over your body.
The shower is a very rudimentary boot because over 70 percent of your body is actually water. If you run water over it, a certain purification happens, which is beyond cleaning the skin.
One more thing, if you want to do you just like an organic oil lamp, a carton a week, some or anything.
What do you use here?
Normal cooking oil, linseed, oil, rice brine, oil or sesame oil? What do you have on live oil? Find any organic oil with the carbon. We just burn one little lamp somewhere in the room where you sleep.
You will see these things will completely disappear if you can bring in a channel or there are nightly practices, yoga practices before you go to bed, sit on your bed and do this practice. Do you know enough about if you live for about 60 years, you're on an average? Most human beings are eating anywhere between 1100 to fourteen hundred tons of food.
So that means even what you think is my body is not this is changing every day. New input is happening and all things are going away. So fourteen hundred tons, you don't have to carry that much weight right now.
So obviously what you have as a body right now is just a transient amount of food and soil, isn't it?
So what do you think is mine also, is not it?
It is just all the time changing tonight before you go to bed, spend at least 12, 15 minutes reminding yourself you're neither this body nor this mind. Just lie down and just remind yourself this body is not really you. It is mine right now for you. But it's not really me.
Just if you're not able to do it, just link it to your breath inhalation. I am not the body exhalation. I'm not even the mind. Just lie down for twelve minutes and do it till the last moment till you fall asleep with something you must not.