Episode 509: Tantra is not about Sex – Sadhguru | Occult & Mysticism
Sadhguru's Podcast- 1,590 views
- 30 Nov 2020
Sadhguru looks at what tantra is really about, and explains that the popular belief that tantra is all about sex is a huge misconception.
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Tantrum means extreme discipline. It's not unbridled promiscuity, learning to use your body and your mind like you would use some other outside instrument. This is a tremendous gift that Agosti many offered that he established a tantric process, 100 percent rooted in the body, nothing outside. When you see Dantrell, when it's often those that don't drink and, you know, there's various kinds of things floating around about it, can you just shed some light on what essentially is there something like Elkhart's or.
Most of the existence is dark and light is only a small happening in its existence, isn't it? Is in most of existence dark? Yes, light is a very small happening, a very limited happening.
If light has to come, something has to be done to have these lights going. Something in this planet is burning right now. You must understand this ecologically about people to have all these dots of light. Something is burning somewhere. We say the bulb is burning. That is also burning, but something else is burning to keep this burning, isn't it? This is the way of the light, whether it's the light bulb or the sun. Something is burning.
Whatever is burning is bound to get over someday.
Yes. So that's why we say if you're burning irresponsibly, we say you're burning the candle from both ends because we understand if light has to come, something has to burn. So if you're burning to cause light, you better control the light and keep it at the minimum. Otherwise, things will burn up very soon. So light is a very limited happening. The whole cosmos is a dark art.
Oh. So there is a lot of dark art that one can practice, not necessarily life, negative dark arts and not necessarily in life, negative when we say a cult, because you have heard of some lousy occultist who is trying to destroy somebody's lives, caused disease, caused death because of that, you think that a cult is always a negative thing because socially you are exposed to only that kind of people. But our culture is also of the highest order.
She was an accomplished every guru is an archaeologist. OK, right now initiate you, Duchamp of its own accord and that is how would it work? Occult means a certain capability. It's a certain technology. Right now I can pull out my cell phone and speak to somebody in another part of the world. This is a technology, I suppose, without the cell phone. Right now, if I speak to somebody in the United States just like this, this is a cult.
So technology is not very different from a cult. You're using different kinds of material. But it's actually the same thing. When modern technology was not there, a cult was extremely relevant. But today, a cult relevance is receding as modern technology progresses. See, now you came from Mumbai, Bombay, Mumbai.
I'm getting it right in your head so that you don't get into trouble. Suppose a thousand years ago, you heard of Sadhguru in Quambatook, but your heart is longing, you want to go but Mumbai to climate or walking and coming, not a simple journey. If you venture, you don't know whether you'll again go back to Mumbai or not. You don't know what to expect on the way. You may never make it. So you sit in Mumbai and or Sadhguru.
Please reach out to me. I cannot come. Please.
Now, if I felt like doing something to a toll booth in Mumbai and incapable of coming to Coimbatore, then maybe I want to initiate him into somebody in Mumbai.
But Attles mind runs all over the place.
He sits down and he feels something when he thinks, oh, maybe I'm just imagining nonsense. His wife tells him, You're going crazy, man. Somebody that you are not seen is doing something. You shut up and go back to work. He's beginning to feel something, but his logic is reason. The family tells him, don't be stupid.
And then what Sadhguru will do is pick up a South Indian jasmine flower, which cannot grow in Mumbai.
And actually sitting like this, it fell into his hand.
Now, I told now he will sit ready for some of it to be initiated because one jasmine flower was delivered.
But today I would rather call you and say, come or send somebody with a brochure and say, come and get it here. Or if I want to send you a jasmine flower, I'll use DHL. So modern technology is making occult obsolete. But I want you to look back 2000 years ago, just see the immense value of occult. Yes, thousand years ago, just imagine you were in Mumbai and I'm still in Coimbatore. You wanted something from me.
Imagine the value of Ackert, isn't it? So today the value has receded.
So all kinds of charlatans are doing all kinds of nonsense. Occult need not necessarily mean negative now.
They were a code doesn't clearly specify what is it that they're calling this called? Recently, someone asked me a question in the summer, you might think, it seems some guru, you said Tantra is just a way of getting over what obsessions? Just getting over obsessions. This is nonsense. We need to unfortunately today redefine the word country because it's been distorted by people. First, let's understand this. The word tantrum means a technique or a technology. But because the threat that you're hearing of is a rebound from the American coast, you think tantrum means unbridled promiscuity?
No tantrum means extreme discipline.
It's not unbridled promiscuity, it's extreme discipline, learning to use your body and your mind like you would use some other outside instrument, like how you would use your computer or a screwdriver like that, you learn to use your body and your mind.
It takes enormous discipline, not promiscuity, not looseness.
Tantra is not things the books they have written largely by Western authors, all kinds of things, no tantric texts are of extreme discipline, not of any kind of looseness, because they're talking about the body.
And right now, the modern societies, if you say body, they're fixated about reproductive organs in the body and nothing else about the body. So if you say body, they're only thinking of a few body parts. They forgot the brain.
Because they're only thinking a few body parts, they're thinking about sexuality and nothing beyond that, it is about learning to use the body like a phenomenal mechanism.
And it is if you do not know how to use it, what will you do here?
If you do not know how to use your physical self and the energy behind it, what will you do? You will have no impact on anything. So this is. Tantrum in technology, tantrum into certain capability, there is no girl without a tantrum, if he has no technology, he is not a guru. He can only be a gentle saint who will bless everybody. Bless everybody. Bless everybody.
A blessing. He has no discretion. Now, if you were a thief. If you if you met a saint, you would seek his blessing and he will bless you so that you could do your job well today, because his blessing is no discretion. He cannot be because that's not in control. Even the bandit tribes, you know, the Penderecki, some people like that, they had their own gods and goddesses, they had their own saints.
Their God's always guided them, which home to hit today, very successful. They were. They pursued their profession for centuries, banditry is a profession. So unless you are just. The gentle little kind of a saint who just blesses and blesses and blesses, I'm not trying to belittle that the beautiful in their own way, but they are not of any they are not for people who are. Lusting for enlightenment, they're not for those people, they're only for people who are just seeking small improvements in their life.
If you walk into a Home Depot, you can make some improvements to your life, isn't there? So you can actually I see every day on the television people come and say, oh, I just bought this bed.
My whole life has changed is amazing. I mean, I didn't know some of better pillow could do that. I didn't know that I seen this. My whole life has changed completely.
So if you're walking to the Home Depot and walk out with something that you didn't have, you could change your life a little bit. Life changing the word life changing. How much of it changes subject to so many things? What has been the subject of many things isn't. Zippos. We are cold right now. You didn't have a jacket like me and you got one. It's a life changing right now, it isn't it? So is that what we're talking about?
If that is so, it is fine blessing and blessing and blessing.
But if you're talking about spiritual growth reaching towards your ultimate nature, what is a guru without a capability? You can call him a guru. So capability means a certain ability to do things which people cannot do for themselves. So if there is I want this to be clear in your head, if there is no Panthera, when I sit and try, if there's no technology, Tantra is just a Sanskrit word for technology, not the way you been psyched to believe.
So if there is no tundra, there is no good, really. Because Google means you have to roll up your sleeves and it's a mechanic's job.
You've got to fix things to fix things. You must know what's what. You must have some technology in your hand. And that is Tantra, is it? And reignition very much all across the board. Various kinds.
But the significance of yoga is. That it is not ritualistic. There are two dimensions of Tantra. One is you use outside material and stuff to do things which is ritualistic in nature. The yogic tantra is such that you use only your physical body and the energy system, you don't need any other material. So these two Loosley have been classified as right hand path and left hand part, left hand parvenus outside material, right hand. But that does not use any material, just uses the body itself.
Largely, this is yogic tantra, largely just what we do within ourselves. This is a tremendous gift that Agusta many offered that he established a tantric process 100 percent rooted in the body, nothing outside, not one grain of rice or sand is being used to perform all the different dimensions of Tantra, everything internalised within the system. This is his gift to us. This is one of the greatest things in terms of human mechanism. This is one of the greatest things that's been ever offered to us from any source.
This is his offering.