How to Deal with Attachment? | Sadhguru
Sadhguru's Podcast- 1,752 views
- 6 Nov 2020
Sadhguru answers a question about expectations, and looks at how it is important to establish ourselves in a state of joy and pleasantness, before performing action in the world.
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I just have one question today. I believe you've talked about expectations and I feel that sometimes I tend to be too inclusive and to say, oh, what are the two inclusive? I get over attached to people know that's not inclusive, that is being exclusive to you. If I get attached to you only in this whole crowd is it being exclusive or inclusive. Exclusive. Yeah. Don't don't give long live wrong labels. You're calling exclusive Nessa's inclusiveness. That's trouble.
I just want to know, how do you how do I make sure that I get rid of the expectations I have from people and not let them whatever their opinions are about me, get to my head.
There are two openings which allow things into your head.
This do we can make your plans if you want.
I didn't know there was a demand for it in our craft department can make its ear plugs very organic cotton ones. Wooden ones are just groundnuts to groundnuts, high protein earplugs.
We're going to do that now. What you call is attachment. Is a natural consequence of exclusiveness, the moment you choose between one one and one and the other, getting tangled up with it is natural. See, we've already gone through this today. We accept both filth and fraud, but when it comes to eating, we choose the fruit. There's a choice we're making when it comes to physical activity, which was. But when we just sit here, there is a need to choose for a specific activity, choices are made, but for the rest of the life, there is no need to make choices every moment of your life.
Inclusiveness means this inclusiveness does not mean you have lost your discriminatory sense. You have your discriminatory sense. Your discriminatory sense is useful only for performing action, not for being here, for being here. You need not be discriminatory in any way to be alive. If you discriminate, it will not work. But to act, you need discrimination. Otherwise you cannot act sensibly.
So this problem of getting attached or overly attached to one will naturally lead to another consequence of having deep aversion to many others.
See, to balance your so-called love with one person, you will have to have deep aversion to a whole lot of people. You can't stand them. Please carefully watch and see. This is how it's working. Whether you are maybe those people with whom you have aversion, you may not notice it unless they happen to be around you. You have a seen, but because they never came near you, it's not felt. But if they happen to come here, you will feel it because this balance is always happening.
Now, your expectations about people, this is not just about people, it is everything. What is the source of all human misery on the planet? Life is not happening the way I want. I think it should happen. Is there any other cause I'm asking. Life is not happening the way I think it should happen. This is the only source of misery in human life, isn't it? Tell me, is it easier to change your thinking or the world?
Changing your thinking is very easy, isn't it? And first of all, now, when what you think is so important for you, have you taken this faculty of thinking into your church?
Now you're in a state of mental Dariya. If everything that happens in your thoughts come through in your life, you're finished. Fortunately, they're not coming through.
My blessing is may your dreams not come true because the way you're dreaming, if all of it happens, you're finished because your expectation is coming from a very limited picture of life.
If you want your life to heal in a maximum way, even in material life, I'm saying in a maximum, I'm not talking about some spiritual dimension. Just in your material life, if you want to yield maximum in this world, no expectations, no meditation, no expectations, no expectation does not mean you don't have an orientation.
It is just that you do not every moment you don't go about calculating or I didn't get what I want. I didn't get what I want. What I want did not happen. No, it's just that we want to move in this direction. How far you will go will depend on how much gas you have, isn't it? And if you have expectation, you are wasting all your gas in simply revving up the engine all the time and you won't go for.
This whole expectation or we're taking you as happened to you, because right from your childhood, people are asking at the age of three, people are telling me, what will you become?
Will you become a doctor?
Will you become a DNA rabbits at the age of three? The expectations that parents have of their children is so unrealistic and stupid. Most of the time it is neither good for them nor for the children and many right from your early age, you cultivate the same trend.
Let's do this much with life.
So all this problem is because happiness is a tomorrow thing, to understand why your expectations have such powerful grip on you is happiness is a tomorrow thing never to late, because only if this, this and this happens, I will be happy.
Now, as you get more miserable as this, this and this gets a little more away from you every day, instead of coming closer, if it's going away, as you get more miserable, the power of the expectation becomes stronger and stronger.
Right now, let's say you really blissed out, but do you want this to happen? Which is that tomorrow, instead of being closer, it's further away. It won't create any great amount of suffering, it will not it will not create any suffering because you are joyful. So without fixing this, you are trying to do things in the world. A long time ago, it seems, Kouchner said, the stockbroker money, that means first establishing yoga, then act.
But now you started your action in a mess. So you come to yoga. So we turn to a justice. You are still a young person. You do this much. Forget about what you want in the world from yourself, from the people, from the world, what you want.
Drop it first established is that what happens within you is determined by you. Nobody else but you just do this one thing. Naturally, you will choose to become pleasant when you are very pleasant. Still, ten thousand things have not happened in my life.
So what with the joyful zest, I'll go after it. And the chances of fulfilling those expectations are far better. If they don't happen, who the hell cares anyway? Because my experience of being here is wonderful. Whichever way, without fixing the fundamental, we are trying to run away. We have not fixed this, but we are trying to take this somewhere.
This is trouble. If you want to drive your car, you must see first. It's properly fixed to wheels are loose. It's under Jack. Now you try to drive, you know it's going to be a disaster. Mr. Lamberton, there's no need for anything to happen in your life right now. This is a time to establish yourself. This is not a time to drive. If you drive before you fix the wheels, it's going to be painful and disastrous.
Don't do that yourself.