The Amazing Power Of Your Spine
Sadhguru's Podcast- 3,219 views
- 1 Feb 2021
Sadhguru speaks about the significance of squatting in Yoga, which exercises the spine and enhances one’s clarity and in turn one’s intelligence. He also gives us a simple practice which results in overall wellbeing of the body.Learn Yoga Namskar Free on Sadhguru App: (Download)? http://onelink.to/sadhguru__app
Not an upsurge of energy will happen, it activates the no region of the spine in a tremendous way, strengthens the muscles along the spine, the sharpness of your intellect. You will see you can see a difference just because you're doing a simple few things. Ultimately, whatever whatever you wish to life, how much clarity do you have is all there is isn't about anything.
Should if you don't have clarity, you will try to make it up with confidence.
Confidence is a very poor substitute for clarity.
It's like with a busy highway, vehicles are moving at a fast pace. Your vision is not clear, you bring confidence. You can you can refer to your horoscope. You have a horoscope. You can refer to your horoscope and say, my horoscope says, I live for 90 years, nothing's going to happen to me and just cross. You may make it. I'd use one of your slogans which would bring you confidence. You can sit going, can allow a Hail Mary whatever you want.
Whatever works for you. Loudly shout the slogan and run across it may work. Just by sheer chance. Or because of the compassion of some driver? But every day, if you decide we know where to pick you up one day, you can make it with confidence.
So confidence is not a substitute for clarity. If you want to do anything successfully. You must have clarity, isn't it? If clarity has to come. The most important thing is your spine should be in a certain condition. Because your perception is largely handled at. This ban is not just a physical substance. It is a communication network. The serious communication network, if you lose it or if it becomes insensitive, you don't know what you're losing. You just losing something phenomenal, so it's not just a physical substance.
It is the basis of communication that's happening in the system, isn't it? The spinal cord is the spine is not just one single piece, it's many complex assembly every day needs to stretch. If it telescopes into one, into another. Then the communication capability in the spine is usually lost. So this Yogananda scarred, it activates the lumbar region of the spine in a tremendous way, strengthens the muscles along the spine.
Giving it a reinforcement so that as one ages, the collapsing of the spine, which causes pinching of the nerves, does not happen. And if already there's damage is setting in, the best way to regenerate your spine would be by doing your namaskar. It has all round benefits for the entire body, NUGA Namaskar is a very simple and complete process by itself. A natural upsurge of energy will happen if you just keep your feet together and sit down in a squat.
So this court is best. If you can put your feet together and squat, which most of you cannot do right now, very few people can do.
Uh, we don't want too much energy to happen. So the next best defense is to keep your feet in line with your shoulders, just the same with your shoulders. You can do up to twenty one. Twenty one is a good number to do if you cannot do that, start with seven. Slowly, every two days, one extra if you do in about 40 days. You will be at 21, which is a good number to do. You will see it will make a phenomenal difference in the way you function.
If there is some way to gauge your intelligence, the sharpness of your intellect, you will see you can see a difference happening just because you are doing a simple few things to relax and activate the spine.