The Story of Shiva & Parvati's Wedding
Sadhguru's Podcast- 2,042 views
- 4 Mar 2021
Sadhguru narrates the story of Shiva’s arrival for his marriage to Parvathi. After making a shocking entrance with his Ganas in tow, at Parvathi’s request, Shiva took on the Sundaramoorthy form and became the most beautiful man.
And the marriage was fixed. She's a princess. A huge wedding was set up. Everybody in that region, whoever it is who and who is who of the region, everybody assembled in India, there's a tradition that the bridegroom will come with his party.
Usually you will see today he will come riding a horse and, you know, big they will show off their their wealth and their bridegroom's people will come in full attire, showing off how they're better than the bride's people. But here she came, deadlocked, locked at half, smeared from head to toe in ash, wearing the skin of an elephant which has just been slain, fresh skin. Bleeding is not dripping blood, and he came fully inebriated, completely stoned out like that, and all his people, they're all demented and distorted beings.
They're not in human form and they're making some nobody can understand the kind of NICE's among themselves, a language that nobody can understand. And Mira, part of what this mother looked at, this groom. And you see again, Wal-Mart. Oh, no. And she found it. Then Perotti went and begged Shiva, for my mother's sake, put on a little better, I don't mind the way you are.
I just don't mind how you are all you want. All I want is you the way you are, but for my mother's sake, just show a little more pleasant. He said, OK. And he put on a very beautiful form. I tied himself well, and then he came and then the people said he's under 40, that means he's the most beautiful human being that ever seen. He was nine feet tall. They said when he stood, he was level with the horse's head.
This description is that in many scriptures when it came down to it, they said he's he was twice the height of an average woman. Generally in south India now, it's all mixed up. Otherwise, southern Indian people, women were generally four and a half to five feet, less than five feet, so they said is twice that of an average woman. That's how they described here. There they said he was level with the horse's head. So approximately nine feet tall man, the most beautiful man.
And everybody was awestruck by his presence.
Then he came and said down. Manages to happen, then manages to happen in India, especially in this kind of weddings, then dissident's of the bride and the groom are spoken with great pride.
You know, the industry where they come from, how pure their blood is and all that stuff. So far, the bride, glorious things were said, her father is the mountain king, and many things were said about her.
Now they asked, what about the groom? You simply sat quietly. You said nothing and there were none of his relatives who could speak any language, all these other creatures who were with him, they made cacophonic noises. Then the groom, the bride's father, was disgraced by this, a man without an dissident's. How will you marry my daughter? Nobody knows where he comes from, who his parents are. What is his lineage? How can I give my daughter to this man?
He rose up in anger. Then there was a siege, not that who had a single stringed instrument called Hektor, he just in time can kind. The king got even more angry. What are you doing extra for now that I said this is antecedence? He has no father. He has no mother. Then what's his basis, Ben? His basis is sound reverberation. He's just born out of reverberation. He has no parentage, no antecedents, no lineage.
Then the king was freaking, but the wedding happened. Shivraj three is one of the biggest night outs on the planet, with over 70 million people immersing themselves in music, dance and Barthel guided meditations celebrate with Sadhguru from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on 11th March 20 21, Liben, Sadhguru, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.