Why Did Shiva Become Half-Woman?
Sadhguru's Podcast- 1,970 views
- 3 Mar 2021
Sadhguru narrates the story of Bhrigu, one of Shiva’s direct disciples and a great devotee, for whom Shiva became Ardhanari or half-man, half-woman. Sadhguru also explains the significance of nurturing the masculine and feminine equally within oneself to become a full-fledged life, and to know the ultimate nature of existence.
Blago became intensely devout. About Chiva that he became very feminin, Parvati felt looked at by this, so he asked her to move.
I was just amused by this. If that is going on between his wife and his deputy. If you are not aware of this already. Shiver in yoga is seen as the not as a God, but as the ideology, that means he's the first Yoki and the guru, that means the first guru. And today, yoga is a science, yoga is a system, yoga as a technology for inner well-being is available to us only because of the feminin play that is already compelled him to teach.
By himself, you would have never done that. So because he became the first guru, naturally he developed disciples and deputies. Of the first seven disciples that he taught yoga to. Who are known as Aptera, she's. Of these other issues. The whole of Southern mysticism. Has come from Augusta. Money is everything, Grozier, because everything that we know is from him. He was his she was Darick disciple. Another disciple was. Briggle became intensely devout.
About Chiva. Then he became very feminin because devotion is feminin. He became a great devotee of shivah. So every day he comes and he wants to do three times, he wants to circumvent ambulate chiva, that means he wants to do production three times. He doesn't start his day without doing that. And part of it is right here by now, she's also fully enlightened, being that he ignores her completely and he goes only around Chiva never around both of them.
Parvathy felt looked at by this. So one day she sat close to him. Then Briggle came and there was no way to go around Cuba without going around Parvathy, so he asked her to move.
This is the way for duty. They are not logical people that are feminin that intense and what they said.
Why should I hope they said I will go only around the Lord, not you.
You saw there was not enough space for him to go around Séba alone, so he converted himself into a mouse and went around Chiva alone, ignoring it, excluding Parvathy from the circumambulation.
So I was just amused by this stuff that is going on between his wife and his deputy. So you looked at the whole thing and he grabbed Parvathy, put it on his lap. Just to see what he will do.
How is he going to circumambulation Chiva without circumambulation Parvathy now because he's sitting on his lap, then Briggle transformed himself into a bird and went around just chiva.
And she was completely amused by this devotion, very pleased and also amused by the way the world is expressing himself and the way with these getting fired up because of this discrimination.
So Chiva. Said, OK, let's see what you will do. And he just merged it into a part of himself. She has become Parvathy and half half woman, Half Men. This is half man, half woman, if one knows how to nurture this one to its fullest extent, this will become half man, half woman, and that is how it will be. So this is called the nativities, half man and half woman. So he made her a part of himself just to see what the do what he will do now.
Briggle made himself into a beat and went around only the right leg.
So chivalrous and proud with the both of them laughed and he said they said, this is not a man. Is due feminin. What is dedicated to everything to him is blind to everything else. So you just buzzed around the right like. Refusing to go on the left like. Because this is part of a. Then this childish way of devolution of Briggle was. Amusing and nice. But at the same time, she did not want to be lost in this devotion and missed the ultimate nature of the existence.
So he got into the yogic posture of seduction where there was no way for him to circumambulation his leg or any other part of his body. If he has to do it, he has to do it for both, these principles are feminine and masculine. So this is how this body became like this, that it is half male and female or masculine and feminine in equal proportions. Everyone knows how to nurture this one. Both will be fully active and alive in every human being.
If we let these two parts of us reverberate. As intensely as the other. Each one of us can be a 100 percent men and 110 percent woman within ourselves. The whole science of yoga is based on this, that you should not misuse that the masculine or the feminine in your.
Because any one of them will be a lopsided life. Now, when we say yoga, we are talking about a dimension which is all inclusive. It is not an exercise or a process for creating helmets. It is about ultimate well-being of the human being in which you cannot exclude any aspect of life. It is about attaining to a dimension beyond all dimensions. It is about a system and a method to use your own existing system as a ladder to the divine, to make your body, to make your mind, to make your emotion and your energies a ladder to the divine, to make yourself into a stepping stone towards your ultimate nature.
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