“Yogic Superfood” : For High Energy Levels
Sadhguru's Podcast- 2,262 views
- 25 Jan 2021
Here’s the inside scoop on another highly pranic food that is not only good for your brain and heart, but also enhances psychological stability.
The only substance found on the planet was chemical composition is very close to that of human blood. If it can draw, it has one kind of impact, if it is consumed in cold water, it is another kind of impact. Keeping the blood chemistry in a certain balance, keeping the blood pure will definitely happen. Wonderful diet for children in terms of enhancing their intellectual capabilities. In Karnataka, there are certain tribes called Gaono, colobus, Danakil robust means that Honey supports.
Some time ago, I had the opportunity to live with them for a short while. Their diet is like this first thing in the morning when bamboo glass, you know, bamboo shoots, less stuff like this, it takes about three fourths of a liter reports of a liter of honey in the morning. That's how the diet. You drink three fourths of a liter of honey in the morning and then you're out in the forest in a day easily, you walk 30 to 40 kilometers and you climb a minimum of 50 trees and get up and down, up and down the trees until evening.
There is no nothing else. If you as you harvest, honey, whatever comes on your hand, you like that. So in a day almost more than a little later in the half, honey, you're taking in when you come back in the evening, there is some cereal. Usually it's called Juola. That's Javor or you know, it's like maize, maize or raggy or something like this. That main staple diet is funny. And you drink this three fourths of a liter of honey and whole day.
You are so active, but there is no hunger. You just fired up like that. They live on this. They call any shepherds. Their diet is funny. Honey is one of the best things that you can consume.
Psychological stability, physical well-being, vitality. All these things can be greatly enhanced, simply consuming daily, honey. Is the only substance found on the planet was chemical composition is very close to that of human blood. We change a few things. It's almost like blood. Daily consumption of honey can do a lot for your help, especially people who have excess mucus problems. It's very good for your heart. It's good for your brains. It keeps your mind alert and it's highly energetic today.
Kind of honey can do a lot, especially if you have growing children. They must consume honey on a daily basis. It'll do a lot for the development of their intelligence and everything, even that God, Ashcroft and Honey Together will make a wonderful diet for children in terms of enhancing their intellectual capabilities.
If you cook, honey, it'll become poisonous and it should not be cooked. I know people are baking it, cooking it in cakes and other things, it's not a good thing to do a certain part of the honey tense turns poisonous. If you cook it, you should put it in warm water, not in boiling hot water. If you put it in hot water, it sets off a certain kind of enzymes, behave in a certain way in the honey that it tends to take away from the body.
If you put it in cold water, it behaves in a different way and accordingly it adds weight to the body. It is not that a few spoons of honey that you're taking is putting weight to your body. It is just that it sets off a certain reaction in your system that your absorption rate is such that you tend to gain weight. So, honey. It has different types of impacts on the system. If it consumed raw, it has one kind of impact, if it is consumed in cold water, it has another kind of impact.
If it is consumed in warm water, it's a different kind of impact. We want to consume it in warm water here because we want the system to open up. If you want to integrate the system. Just for health, somebody is feeling what endemics? Somebody's enemy anemia means on one level, the blood has lost its iron. That means you lost your steel. OK, you lost the strength in the body. You'll feel exhausted, simply exhausted for nothing, because once the necessary iron is not there, your ability to carry oxygen through the body is less.
That means your body, your heart, your brain. Everything will be on a lower level of function because you don't have enough oxygen. So to take care of this, one of the simple things is you consume a little bit of honey in warm water on a daily basis and you will see slowly the RBC content will go up. If there's more oxygen in the blood, suddenly you feel a burst of energy. Suddenly everything is active. The radio system in the body is going up.
The dead cells are being replaced quickly. The level of energy that you feel in the body is much lower. The level of inertia that you feel in your mind is much lower. So consuming, honey, will bring a certain balance to the circulatory system, which is very, very essential for a yoga practitioner, because you're doing you're pushing the body in certain ways. So keeping the blood chemistry in a certain balance, keeping the blood pure will. Definitely happen with a regular consumption of honey, and it's very necessary for someone who practices yoga and turmeric also does similar things.
It purifies the blood and it brings a certain translucence to your energy. Turmeric is one substance which not only works the physiology, it also works on the energy system. And it is it is also true with UNNY that it also has impact on your energy system. Honey makes you more vibrant. Turmeric kind of calms you and keeps you easy money.
Your having a little bit of honey neeman turmeric.
So consumption of naem and turmeric with a mildly laced honey water. It should be very mild, mildly laced. Honey water together acts as a wonderful way of cleansing the system, dilating the system that when you do sadhana one thing, it brings flexibility to the muscles. Another thing is because the dilation brings flexibility to the muscle and that flexibility as a consequence becomes a way that you slowly build the system into your more powerful possibility. If you want to bring a new level of flexibility, one thing is a lot of toxicity has to go from the system.
If you just go on water diet or honey and watch water diet, which will keep you energetic enough if you are not already born 10. If you can afford to use a little bit of weight, if you put honey, you want to lose weight, also, if you had enough money or you take spoonfuls of honey, you won't lose weight. If you do this for seven, eight days, the amount of toxicity that you expel from the body is tremendous.
If you do this, then you'll see suddenly you find your body so much more flexible. Just experiment. Don't believe all this. So honey plays an important role. People who are doing yoga practice. It is good to consume, honey.