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The Dubas, Shanehan Lefs exhausted the league. I think every time their name showed up in their email inbox, they were like, It's these fucking guys again, always whining and complaining. They want stiffer penalty, stiffer penalty, stiffer penalties. And then a leaf does something and they're like, All right, you're going to get exactly what you asked for. Guess what? Morgan Reilly, second player this season to get an in-person hearing. I'm sorry. I know I'm a lead fan. I'm very open about my biases. Look at all the bullshit that's happened this season. This is either the worst or second worst infraction of the season. Get the fuck out of my face. What are we doing here? Who are we even trying to fool? Who are we trying to kid? This looks very fishy. That's all I'm.