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But like, Leef fans, we got to be honest with ourselves. If a Leef did what Ridley Greg did, we would acknowledge one thing. Lol, shouldn't have done that. Also, Lol, that was awesome. Oh, yeah. You know what I saw? And there's just no answer to this. The comparisons to the Jose Bautista bat flip.


Where Runet or Ador punched him in the face the next year?


Well, that was the next year. And I know you can't... Someone flips their bat, you can't run up the bases and go punch him in the face. I know they're two different sports. But you can't think-I mean, you can. I mean, you can. We've seen it. It's pretty rare, but we've seen it. But there are certain moments, like hitting a three late in a blowout game and basketball. There are things you can do that are deemed disrespectful. Hockey is the only one where you can count on someone trying to kick your ass after. Yeah. Right? So I guess what I want Sends fans to do, what I want them to be more reasonable on, is this reaction didn't fall out of the sky.


Oh, yeah. They're acting like Ridley Greg, who is a-What do you mean? Innocent, sweet, pure little Ridley Greg, who has, by the way, embraced his heel role perfectly. Oh, great. Keep doing it. I love that. If he was a leaf, I would love that guy. I would love that chicken shit stuff because it works.


Of course I would. But don't... Where does that come from?


Condescend to me. We know what type of player.


Those are just fans defending their team. That's fine. Yeah. That's why I'm like, you can't fault them.


No, it's not just fans, though. There are media members today in Ottawa.


Media members who are fans of the Ottawa senators. Media members who are fans of the Ottawa senators. Yeah. Okay.


Oh, no. No, they're all in part of that.


Hey, fans.


Media are not fans. By the way, Greg is on the ice today, and he's perfectly fine. Oh, good. I thought he had died. Morgan Reilly will get a few less games for that.


He, Ridley Greg, by the way, listener of the SDP.


Is he?


Yeah, he pretended he'd died.


Oh, yeah.


That's the advice I've been given.


And you know what? It works. Totally works. You're fucking right.


It works. You got to stick to the face. He got to stick to the face. He's allowed to fall down to the ground.


And stay there like he's dead. Listen, let me say the thing that AllSends fans want to hear a Leef fan say. Reilly shouldn't have done that. He should have done something. Anyone who's ever watched the sport since it's been around from the Red Dead redemption 1800 times knew something was coming. Is it hilarious that he did that? Yes. Objectively, that's hilarious and awesome that he did that. As a Leef fan, That made it... The fact that it's hilarious and awesome is why we're mad. That's why we're mad. That's how that works. It's weird how you got to explain everything from the beginning. The fact that it was hilarious and awesome is why we're mad. But it's hockey, and Morgan Reilly's reaction did not fall out of the sky. That has always been what's coming. Also, imagine the There's stories. Imagine how much more shit this team would be taking today had they done nothing.


Oh, right. Oh, my God. Well, it would be Boston again from earlier in the season.


Yeah, and they would have learned nothing.


I think it's interesting that you started this by saying in the LFR, you focused on the wrong thing. And then we spent 14 minutes talking about everything surrounding the leaves and how we got to that moment and not the moment itself, because I think there's a lot of backstory to it.


There is. Sorry.


Sorry, I choked.


It's all right.


It's just like the leaves in tough ways. Yeah, they're way, whoa.


We've been doing a show together for way too long.


But you go to the incident itself, and on its surface, it makes sense for both guys. Both guys were doing wrong things. Like, Morgan Reilly is fine if he just cross-checks him a little lower. If it's not a cross-check to the head, it's probably this is a whole other-Or punches him. Or punches him because that's fine, apparently.


Punching is not even frowned upon in hockey. It's not even frowned upon.


If you punch him in a way that's okay, then it's okay. As long as you don't use a stick infraction. Riddly Grigg, as you guys outlined, is hilarious for doing that and all power to him for showing up the least in the final seconds. But there's going to be a reaction to that, and that makes sense. The reaction was just a poor reaction.


I think both guys did their job.


Both guys are right and wrong.


Yeah. Yes. But they were right by their team and their fan base.




So Riddly Leefans left the building that night furious. Good. Job well done. Do you know how many years it's been since a Sen's player properly did that?


Like Chris Neil days. Yeah.


Like, oh, you're forgetting about blowing the five one. No. Man, that's just regular old blow in a hockey game.


Regular old leaves blowing a hockey game, too. That's not anything special about the Seniors.


I I'm going to get chewed out. I've been chewed out before. Yeah. No, they're just blowing a lead. I've seen them blow a lead before. I'm talking proper Battle of Ontario days. This was proper Battle of Ontario heat. And if Reilly doesn't cross-check him in the mouth, we're not talking about the suspension or any of that.


We're talking about them losing the game. Yeah, you're talking about- If the whole incident It doesn't come away with something that's going to lead to a suspension. We're just talking about the least losing. Can this team make the playouts? Tampa and Detroit are right there and all this stuff. That's what we're talking about today.


Yeah. I also think- Look, to us, is at the very least, hugging someone for fuck's sake?


Yeah, You're a little bit exaggerating what them getting punked post-Not punked. Post-scrum because Tavares is the one who grabs the guy here. I can't show it fully, but if we go here, Tavares comes in and grabs his guy who is going to-Shabbat? I don't know. To the player. And then Matthews and Tarasenko tie up because Matthews is the second guy into Tavares' guy, and Tarasenko is like, No, Matthews, I'm going to grab you.


Yeah, But then he punches him in the face.


No, he grabs him by the shoulders.


No, you're not watching it close enough, Jessie. He punches. Look at that.


No, he grabbed. Look at that. So he has him by the collar and he shoves him. What if it's a rabbit punch? And then they grab and they tussle. It's not... You can't describe it as the dude got punched to the face because on audio, that sounds a lot more extreme than what it actually is, visually.


Who says you had to punch second?


Fucking... I'm just trying to be fair.


Well, here's me trying to be fair. Get a load of the temperature on the ice. Get a load of the temperature in the building. Do something. Do something. I don't know.


I want to read this-The one you described accurately as Mitch Marner glided him to the whole action. That's not... There's nothing-What's going on, fellows? There's nothing untrue about that.


Dude, he's such an incredible player, and he's had such an incredible run recently. But that's a big part of the reason why a lot of this fan base sees him score like 100 points a year, and they just go fart. They don't care. Look at that. You wear 16. You wear 16.


Everybody else is at least talking about.


To be fair, who was he going to grab? There was nobody else to grab. The other guy to grab was on the ground.


Okay, you know what the Panthers never do?


They never go man to man.


There's never anybody standing around.


The odds are stacked against them. I'm just going to sit this one out.


Yeah, no. What murder should do is grab Tarasanko from behind and just put him in a headlock. Yes.


He has his mouth guard sticking out of his mouth, his expressionless psychopath face, and he just starts wailing on the smallest, most vulnerable person on the ice. And they're punished. They're punished, though. Their punishment every year is they're forced to play hockey longer than the Maple leaves.


Don't forget, George Paros was a panther, and I don't care how bad he was with the Panthers and how short he was there. He was still a panther.


Adam, that started as a bit. This hearing-I don't care.


He was a panther, and he was a Canadian.


It started as a bit. George Paros absolutely has it out for the least. Absolutely. That's the one conspiracy theory I'll subscribe to. The one pants-shitting thing I'll have as a big baby leaf fan.George Peros is absolutely anti-The what? The what? The one. The one. Yes, the one. Oh, yeah? The one. Only one. Singular. Where are you going?


I want to read this tweet because what was interesting about the situation is obviously the reaction to it. Obviously, you expect leaf fans to react the way leaf fans do, sends fans to react the way sends fans do. But I just I saw certain members of the media who are diametrically opposed come together in some odd assortment of allyship. They hate the leaves. No, actually. No? No.


What are you talking about?


Everybody who had anything to say. I look at Scott Wheeler. I know he grew up in the area, but he's not a Leifs fan, I don't think. He's just a guy who does the things. He does the prospect things. But Scott Wheeler doesn't ra, ra, ra, go for the Lefs. He was like, Yeah, well, that's Ridley Greg, and he just got you to take the bait. And Mark Specter, and I don't think Mark and Scott agree all the time, but one of the things that Mark Specter said was he said, I'm agnostic about this, and I could care less about Riley suspension. He's like, whatever. But when I hear him referred to as the, quote, unsuspecting Ridley Grigg, we enter a fantasy world. Oh, 100%. He said, He is not unsuspecting after that, Clapper. Then you have people on both sides going- Because it didn't fall out of the sky. All right. This is my point. Listen, if you're a Sense fan, somebody responded to him. It's like, If I cut someone off at the grocery store, it's not the grocery store. Oh, shut up. It's not. This is a hockey game. This is what happens.


Frankly, Ridley Grigg knew two things, and he's really smart to do this, by the way. I'm complimenting him. A, the leaves do nothing and they look chicken shit. B, they overreact and they get a suspension. And L-O-L, I don't have to play them again. So I don't have to answer the bell. This is our last game. That's such a good- Next year. Ridley Grigg doesn't have to do shit.


No, next year, there's still something.


The Lefs will get them next year.


No, but next game, 100%, they got it. We're going to be looking forward to that. It's going to be a Wednesday night. It's going to be awesome.


Now, we're going to be looking forward to that. Who's going to be there?


Morgan Reilly.


Morgan Reilly. All right. Wrigley, Greg. Their best defense can get suspended again. Sounds good. No, on the leaves. Morgan Reilly is going to be there. John Tavares is going to be there. Not going to do shit.


Ryan Reeves will be there. He's locked up for 80 years.


Yeah, I want to talk about that, by the way. Can't wait for that.


Fucking wheel him around the ice like a Civil War canon. Matthews is going to be there. He's not going to do shit. Willie is going to be there. Milander is going to be there. He's not going to do shit. Marner is going to be there. He's not going to do shit. Oh, but Max don't... Oh, he'll probably be somewhere else. Well, Tyler... Oh, he'll probably be somewhere else. Well, maybe Noah- Well, he'll probably be somewhere else. Jake McKee might be there.


Okay, so you don't think they're going to do anything? No. I think they'll be. I think they will. I think there'll be some fight. But again, if you're really great, it's But if you're Ridley Grigg, you don't care.




And it's not the drama that would happen if next Saturday, Leifs and Sens play. That will be explosions, but it'll be a tussle.


Even if they pay him back, they got to wait something like nine months.


Yeah, Listen, so let me say this. One of the things that I think goes completely untalked about is Keef does the right thing in hockey terms, and he sends out Ryan Reeves for the last five seconds. And what does that do? Ryan didn't even grab anybody.


The refs wouldn't allow it.


He could have grabbed the guy. Just grab him.


The refs were grabbing Ryan Reeves before. I think if Ryan Reeves tried to fight somebody, it would have been a little bit of a dangerous issue..