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Previously on The Sean Ryan Show.


I said, This is going to sound odd, but I said, I used to live here. She goes, You did. She goes, Who is your dad? And I told her. She goes, My stepfather. She said, I bought this house from him. And now we're just standing there. It's awkward. And she goes, Bad things happened here, didn't they, son? He put me in a vehicle and drove me to an abandoned house. When we walked in, there was another fella. There was a hole cut through the wood floor and then a dirt hole. I was seven years old, people who don't understand it, you don't run, you don't tell. And I'm looking at the hole and trust me, enough stuff had happened where I thought, Well, this is the day he's just going to kill me.


With everything you've been through as a child, when did God come into your life? You guys are saving kids all over the world now.




This morning we were talking about you are going into ISIS, Islamic State territory, and saving kids. How did it develop from a maybe not from, maybe in addition to a ministry? Yep. How did it come from being a ministry for kids in prison to going overseas? In Iraq, Syria, wherever.


You go. Yeah.


How many places have you gone? How many countries?


Gosh, I think. Actually, I've never counted, but I was looking at it. We're probably 30 countries.


Thirty countries?




Can you rattle a couple off?


Yeah, from Iraq doing work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria to the Palestinian-controlled areas to the Far East and Burma, Miriamar, Thailand, Cambodia, the US, everywhere, but then Mexico, Panama, Guatemala. Latin America. Yeah, Colombia. And there are definitely other places that were Tunisia, Northern Africa, Southern Africa. There's a lot. And it's like we've never really paused. We keep analytics and what are our outcomes because impacts matter, but outcomes. But we've just... We had somebody tell us a couple of years ago. It's like, Do you all celebrate your wins? I'm like, Yeah, by going after another one. Yeah, our tempo, we don't need to pause for however long and just... Because there's more. There's always more.


I don't think anybody that's doing things for a higher purpose celebrates their wins. The only people I see celebrating their wins are athletes, which is essentially for nothing. It's entertainment.


Yeah. That's it. Yeah. I mean, transparent personally. I don't even focus on the kids we've helped. I think about the ones we didn't.


There's no time for celebrating when the shit's for real.


Man, that's bored people or funky organizations. It's like, how do you have time to do all that? I mean, I'll give you a perfect example. I mean, last month, we have some guests come to the training center. They pull up their fifth well, they do marriage stuff, and we're visiting with them. They're going to stay a week. They see me out in the yard with my dogs or drinking coffee on the deck. Then I go up to them one afternoon and I said, Hey, I just need to let you all know, Eilidh and I, we have to go somewhere for a couple of days. We'll be back, just help you all out and stuff, whatever. Then we come back and they were talking to them and they're like... Because they were on the podcast and they go, Can we just say something? I'm like, Sure. They go, Folks, maybe sometime you think what's being posted or on their website is sensationalized. They go, Because it doesn't sound real sometimes. It makes you... She goes, We're here visiting with them. They tell us they have to go do something. They'll be back in a couple of few days.


They leave the country, they go rescue a girl. They bring her back. She's here in their safe house on the property. We just met her. They're like, And it was just you two. None of the other team got involved. I said, Well, we had a jet waiting and team set up stuff, but it was a two-person team. It was the best fit for us to go. They were just like, You all act like this is normal, like nothing. You just went grocery shop on your back. There's no... I go, I mean, my wife were going, Is it that normal to us? Even a couple of our staff were laughing. They're like, Yeah, this is their norm. They don't go, woo. It's like, Okay, now next step. It's part of our life. It's part of our tempo. There's more coming.


Let's get specific because you're not conveying the danger and the sacrifice and the horrific stuff that you're witnessing, I want to bring that out. Let's just talk about some of the safe houses and some of the stuff that you've seen when saving kids from ISIS prison camps?




Let's talk about the whole mission planning cycle. What is step one? Where do you get your intelligence from?


We have an incredible network, I'll say that first and foremost. It's like any intelligence group. It's a network and it's trusted, and it's very accurate. Give you an example. There was a gentleman in Iraq that wanted to meet with me. He is an influencer to about 300 million Muslims. We call him the professor. There were people and lead agencies and all the top aides said, No one can get a meeting with this guy. He wants to meet with you. I said, I ain't the guy. Just so people know, we've never taken any money or resources from our government or any government. Have we relayed information that helped in certain situations? Absolutely. Have they helped us? I'll give you a great example. This guy, he wants to meet with me. I said, Why does he want to meet with me? They said, He's watched you for two years. He says, You actually care about the kids. This guy, Albaic Daddy, asked him to be their spiritual leader. Maybe that's going to put in perspective for some people, but no one could get a meeting with him. He's from Falluia and super influential. We flew in, it was a 72-hour mission.


We was down and up 72 hours out of the country. We had to be our own QRF. We have to be our own medics. We were totally self-contained, which means if things go sideways, we will not rely on anybody to get us and we wouldn't put anybody in harm's way.


How many guys are on... How many people are on a team with you?


It depends on what's specific to the mission.




We've done two to 20. Okay. And But again, layered redundancy for who, what, when, how. Our head of security, the Iraqi, when we were there, but also works with the FBI, agency work, and he's never charged me a penny. Never I've offered. He's like, No way. He actually became an American citizen. Esquire magazine did an article on him said he was the most wanted man by terrorists in the world. He kept his face and name out of it. And he was with the unit for a long time and he still does stuff. As a matter of fact, I'm looking at just a side note. When we started going over there and hammering out because we, in the last eight years, have been there 17 times. So 17 pumps into wherever, for whatever we're doing, over 100 missions complete. With trauma care help, over 45,000 women and children.




Yeah. Right into ISIS, confinement camps, al-haul with my wife, leading a team in. But our head of security, the stuff we were doing, he was blown away, especially because he helped set up that meeting with the professor. And he goes, Victor, I want you to have this. And he wanted to give me Azai Kawis, AK, that they pulled off of him when he got his feelings hurt. He goes, This is mine, but I want you to have it because you're here doing this stuff. I was like, Thank you. I'm honored. I said, But I've got my own. It's tricked out to me. I'm thinking that thing may have some juju on it, man. He goes, But let me at least give you drums. I said, Why drums? He goes, Don't ever estimate the power of just force and loud. He goes, I just hate Islam. We're laughing, but we downplay always the risk, although we ask for prayers. But we don't expect people to understand what we've done or what we do because they don't have a basis for it.


That's why I'm trying to draw it out of you. They need to hear it.


Yeah. What compels us is the love for kids. And this professor met with us and the first question I asked him, We're sitting down like this. I'm using the turp and it was with Delta. I said, Ask me if he wants to cut my head off. This was right when people were watching on TV. He goes, Boss, I don't think that's a good idea. I said, Ask him. He goes, Any of my security guys and some guys you may know because they were part of stuff, they're like, Oh, no, he's going to get us killed. But that's really, I said, I have to be authentic to who I am. And if God called me to meet this guy, so he asked him, he starts laughing. He's like, Why would I want to cut your head off? You're my guest. I'm bringing you here. And that's when he reiterated, We've watched you for two years. You care about our children. You're not here for military gain, oil, money, but you have a pure mission. He goes, I'm here to help you. How can I help you? I was like, Wow! I said, Well, you can teach me about Islam.


I don't understand the customs. He says, Have you ever been to a mosque for worship? I said, No. He said, Let's go to night. We left that secure place where we were, went into a mosque, huge. He was like, You really believe what you believe? I said, Yeah. He goes, You're what we call a man of the book. I said, Well, I just try to live my faith the best I can. Do you know because of that act of faith and trusting him, knowing, Yeah, we could get smoked, wrapped up like that? There's no way we could withstand any type of coordinated attack and they're going to get us. He took me to an abandoned place where Christians, this is when ISIS had just hit, when Christians had fled Keregosh, Hamdaniah. He brings me there the next day with my team. He goes, These are Christians. These are your people. Help them. He goes, Because this is wrong. I'm like, I will help them. We end up getting all of them out of the country.


How many of them are there?


Guys, there was like 45 in that group. As you well know, that's not a small thing to move people to a different country to get them safe in a way. I mean, there were families and kids, tons of children. Then he was that build a relationship with us. He was like, You really do care. I said, Of course. It's not just Christian kids. It's Muslim children. It's kids of ISIS. I'll never not help a kid. Yazidis, Kurds, it doesn't matter. It says children are always the one that pay the biggest price for adults' mistakes. I don't think I've ever said this, but I want to say it. We had many meetings. Many times I've gone, we were sitting, having tea one time, and he goes, Victor, the name he'd call me, he goes, I'd like to tell you something. I said, Okay, professor. He leans forward. I lean forward. He goes, Would you like to know where an ISIS training camp is? A Da'esh training camp. I pause and I said, If you tell me this, what do you want me to do with that information? Because that's going to determine if I want to hear it or not.


He goes, Kill them. Kill all of them. I said, so help me understand this. I know you rejected them wanting you to lead them spiritually under the like, Daddy, I said. But now you want a training camp and these guys to be wiped out? He said, Yes. I said, Why? He goes, Because they're a virus. They are a virus, even to Muslims. He goes, I have the coordinates and it's active right now. I said, Well, I've got friends that are very good at what they do. I'm sure we can take care of that. And we did. There's been a number of things like that happen where-.


How did it get taken care of?


The information went to another group that the US-.


Organized a strike. Yep.


There was another time I got a call and I'm like, and it's from a friend of mine, Dave U-Bank. If you've never heard or met Dave U-Bank, I would tell people watch their movie. It's a documentary. You can stream it tonight. It's called Free Burma Rangers. If you want to see what we were involved in, that is the documentary to watch. Although it's about Dave and his teams of high risk missionaries and his family, I brought Dave in and then funded and equipped and it's unreal. To me, it's a beautiful depiction of Christian faith and on the front lines behind the lines of courage and sacrifice. With Dave, he calls me and he's like, Help. We need help. I said, Where are you all? They were on a front line getting women and children out of a position. He goes, We just got attacked by ISIS. He was with at the time, Pashmarga, and no Americans. It's just them doing this. I said, How many are there? He goes, I'm guessing 70. He says, It's a bunch. He's sitting there because they would come in trucks and offload and just... He goes, We can't. He goes, I don't think we could withstand them.


We can't repel them. He goes, Do you still have, we call a bat number? I said, I do. He sent me like a good SF guy because he was... He was the first Special Forces group. When he was in. But he sent me everything, topography, location, about everything. I'm going to call forward to that. He said it was... He said the heat from the strike was so hot, they're laying down on this side of the trench because of the trench work. He said they toasted them, all of them. He goes, I can't believe howHe just goes, Actually, I can't believe how hot it was. There have been decisions I made that changed the course of things in certain situations. There have been times bad guys were shooting at us. In an appropriate self-defense manner, we would shoot back. I was never there to kick in doors or hunt ISIS is not my goal, but we had our rules and engagement of what we felt was appropriate and decisions we would make that help protect children and women. I've prayed for an ISIS fighter that got captured one night. That was one of my wildest experiences, I think, dealing with ISIS face to face because he's since stuck and he's on his and his sitting legs crossed.


I start talking to him just, Hey, man, tell me about yourself. He ended up being a commander in the area. He was actually well known. We were going in, it was late, and after midnight we're going to, I think, pick up a kid out of Mosul. We were in a staging area. It was a forward fob for five for Iraqis, and we were in a house. That's the fob. This guy talked to him about his family, talked to him about his kids. Then I said, Why did you join ISIS? He said, Pressure. He said, My brother joined. What am I going to do as part of the tribe? Stay and not come fight. I said, Okay. I said, What would you want me to tell young men that are being racilized? Still to this day, it shocks me what he said. He goes, Tell them don't come to the evil. Darkness, tell them don't come. I'm like, Wow! We talked about some other things.


And then- What else did you talk about?


I talked about life and death, his children, his wife. I said, You know you're not going to probably live much longer. He's in Shalan. People must understand we were embedded with Iraqis and their justice system there is 22 cent round. There's no... When you're in combat and heat and stuff's happening, it's when as a person really warrants it, they just putting lights out on people. I told him, I said, Can I pray for your family? He said, Please, pray for his family. I said, What's going to happen to you when you die? He says, Inshallah. I said, Do you mind if I share with you what I consider my security of salvation when I die? He goes, No, go ahead. Then I shared the gospel. I shared the cross, what Jesus did. And and how He's the one that can forgive and pardon any one of our sins. I explained the thieves on the cross and were criminals. One of them wanted to enter into paradise Christ way, not through a false way of killing. I said, Do you want to know you have that assurance of life after thing? He goes, Yes. I said, Do you want to pray with me to receive Christ?


He's like, Yes. He's a nicest fighter. I'm literally stunned this is happening. He starts praying to receive Christ. Right at the end, I'll show you a picture of him, right at the end, I said, In Jesus' name. He stopped and he shook his head, No. I mean, it was out of nowhere, just no. I literally saw evil come upon this man like an evil entity come upon him. Just like that, he broke out of his hand ties. His face contorted and his ears pinked up like a troll or something. My dog was right next to him and she went for his throat. I'm like, night. I'm like, Oh, my gosh. I got her and I was shocked. I was like, Wait a minute. I'm just finishing prayer. And Hassan, who's my personal security when we travel overseas, He's jumping up, he's jumping up. He's got his gun and the Iraqi soldiers come over time up again. I'm just praying like, Lord, what just happened? All of a sudden, this evil leaves him and his face stops being contorted and it gets smooth. I'm like, Do you know what just happened? He was embarrassed. I said, That's not human.


I was like, My gosh, man. I told him, Look, there's no way that God brought me from America here. Then on a mission into Mosul tonight, there's fighting everywhere. I just explained the gospel for you that you would reject him. I just said, You can call out to Jesus before you die and He'll save you. I truly believe that. But it has to be from your heart. He said, Thank you. And he took him away. Hassan, he's quite the character. I mean, like typical Iraqi, dyes his beard. He's just like this sunglasses, cool handlute. But he used to be the personal security for Minister of Finance. And his brother was killed on IED, a VBED rather, and they were both security. And then he worked for the unit. He's got a ton of experience. But he looks at me, he goes, Boss, I'm very sorry. He goes, I've seen the evil come in. Hi. He goes, I was going to shoot him in the face, but I'm wait because you were saying the very nice things to him. I'm like, Thanks for not shooting him in the face while I'm praying. That would be the worst.


I said, No, you got to wait. But that's how recues are. I was just like, Oh, death comes to us all. Yeah, we still have a house there, Sean.


What stuff is happening to these kids?


We always try to find family. Tribal family is the best way. You can't adopt kids out of Iraq. You can't adopt a kid if you're not Muslim. There are prohibitions to all that. Many are still in camps, and it's going to turn in a generational stuff like Palestine where they'll be perpetual victims. It's very sad what happened, and it could have been stopped a lot sooner. But there's always... I mean, if governments can benefit from war, they will, and they'll even sacrifice their own people. I think.


We've all figured that out, especially this country.




What I meant was what's happening to those kids before you get there?


It depends on where, what time frame, what's going on. Everything from they're hiding with their parents and their parents are murdered to they've been abducted by ISIS. Bad things happen. Things that people don't need to know, they don't want to know. I remember I kept one video of a kid. It got sent to me in an area that we were working. I just killed the parents and this little baby, this little toddler, they left him by a garbage can. He's covered with flies. He's got a diaper that's old. People look at this video and you think you're looking at a dead baby, and then it moves. Then you hear ISIS fighters laughing. Kids have seen the worst. They've seen their parents beheaded, shot. They watched other kids get burned alive in fires or in one case it was like an outdoor oven just to reinforce fear. The last girl we had in our house had been held captive for seven years. She was a sex slave. Wes the same. Here's what's amazing about the resilience of kids. She's sitting in our living room at our house, in our safe house, and she's smiling. I'm like, Why are you smiling?


She goes, I'm free. She's got a broke nose. Her back is busted. She's like, I'm free. You all are helping me. No one else is. Rosa, because I give them all names. We reunited nine mothers with 12 children. They had separated, ISIS had separate the moms for sex slaves, and then the children were somewhere else. We got them together for the first time. Then they all stayed at our house. But probably the hardest situation, we have ongoing cases, individual, hard to reach. We made a promise we would never stop searching for girls who are still being held. We never publicly make stuff known. But there's a girl we've been looking for for three years and we found her. She's been held. When we started looking for her, she had already been held for two years, so six years. My team goes, they call, like, boss, we found her. She's such a high value target within the organization of ISIS that they put out a full story in a Turkish newspaper that said her name and that she had been rescued. That's complete false.


Why is she such a target? Why is she so important to them?


Well, she's the last Christian girl that was kidnapped, and they brainwashed her so good. She's recruiting girls to be vest, suicide and-.


Suicide bonders. Yeah.


She's so good at recruiting. My guys, they call me one time. It's not a long ago. We found her, we've got eyes on her. We've been monitoring. I said, What's the risk assessment to get her? They go, Bloody, we can do it. I said, What type of casualties? A loss of life. They go, It's going to be bloody. Then he goes, Do you want my opinion? I need people to understand this. This is not American guy talking. They're in ditch. This is how he goes, Let me kill her. Me. She says it's better for everybody, including her. I prayed and I told them, I said, I can't say yes to that or I still... There's hope. Then they moved her and we know where she is right now. We actually got a video from her mom begging her to please come. This is the type that requires prayer. Because even if you get them out, some people are so damaged, mostly. It's tough. They so identify with what they've been brainwashed by. Again, the normal people and even Christians, they don't understand how nasty and dark this world is and what we deal with. Then decisions you have to make.


Our goal is always to set the captive free physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That's just the Middle East. Every country, every region has its own rules. It's ugly. It's an ugly ministry that's needed. We're all about, again, setting captives free physically when they need it, emotionally and spiritually. But that's caused a lot of people to not like my wife and I. We don't care. That's our job. Like my wife said. My wife said as we're about to pump into a really bad situation. Eilidh looks to me and goes, What's the worst that can happen? We die? I'm like, Yeah, death. She goes, But then don't we win, honey? Because we're going to heaven. I'm like, Damn. You really believe in this stuff at a whole different level. I mean, I believe in what we're doing, but I'm looking forward to the great grandpa death, pons, kids. My wife is like, we follow God's will. If we die, it's His will, not man's. Because she literally believes it doesn't matter how many times there were. One day I counted 30 mortars. They shot at us and I'm moving. I stopped counting it 30, I'll put it to you that way.


And I'm just like... And again, we understand. That's why I tell people, if we're ever killed or rolled up or something, I hope to the good Lord. Nobody thinks we made a mistake or the enemy won instead of just saying, Well, they died well. They died doing what few want to. Again, people have to understand all these pumps and missions were all done in my 50s. God's hands on us. Now we're developing out teams. You know one of the hardest places to do this work? It's the US.


I knew you were going to say that.




Why do you think that is?


Because rules don't only work for criminals.


Do you think that the US government has... Do they want to solve this problem?


Not at all. Do you.


Think that's why the rules are there?


It's the truth. I believe there are good men and women in every part of our government, but they're probably a minority.


I think they're definitely a minority. Yeah. Without a-.




Being nice. -ounce of doubt.


Yeah. They're limited. It's like when you're on the teams, can you imagine going on target and getting an order that says your rules of engagement are this, don't even lock and load? I'm like, What the hell? Are you kidding me? In America, we could be getting a lot more pedophiles. The problem, it's so much bigger than people know.


From what I understand, the US is the largest consumer of underage pornography.


Yeah. We call it child porn. The technical term is CSAM, child sexual abuse material because it's all child abuse. There were over 33 million images transferred and downloaded last year. Our justice department throughout the entire US, and just over 300 cases were prosecuted.


I also have heard, well, not heard from the... He was attached to the Department of Homeland Security said that there are, I believe he said, there are 6,000 law enforcement officers in the world, in the world that are actively combating child sex crimes, exploitation.


I would say that's accurate in the world. Here's what people need to understand here in the US. The departments and we've worked with local departments, Homeland Security, we've worked with major groups, right? I can tell you this. They're overworked, underfunded, and undertrained.


There are so many things that don't add up to me. You know, let's talk about adoption. I have several friends.




Can have children, who are actively trying to adopt an American child. Now, what, about a year ago, and I'm not getting into politics here. This is.


Just facts. Straight truth. Yep.


A year ago, they overturn Roe versus Wade, which means there are going to be a ton of kids going up for adoption. But nobody seems to be able to find out how to adopt an American child. Now, where are all of these orphans who are being put up for adoption? Where are they going? Why is it that we have to adopt kids from wherever?


Ukraine, China, Haiti?


I'm not saying that's bad. I'm just saying, why can't we adopt an American child? Where are they all going?




Just overturned Roe versus Wade. That means there are a lot of unwanted babies in this country that nobody wants to take care of. Well, not nobody. There's a ton of people out there who want to adopt and they're unable to adopt. Why the fuck can they not adopt a fucking American kid? Where the fuck are they going?


The system is not broken, it's rigged. That's why we can't account for 85,000 children that have crossed the border, of which some, my wife and I were right there helping them get out of the water because they made a three-month, nine-month whatever journey. We're looking at these kids. Remember looking at two sisters, both under 11. When they finally crossed over, that night we were embedded with border control and then also a reserve unit. I'll never forget they came off this little raft. When they felt safe, my wife just grabbed them and they both started balling. 85,000 of these children are missing. The system is not broken. It's rigged. Where when a kid gets out of the unaccompanied children's camps, the government set it up where you're only allowed to try to find them one time. One time. After that, there is no monitoring. There's no... It's again, it's so overwhelmed like child protective services, CPSs, they're beyond broken. And the goal is children more than anything else. The goal, because if you can if you can break a child, man, it's a lifetime of trying to even get them to function properly. I believe there are so many pedophiles in the US that it's beyond not safe anymore.


And that's why we've started this new initiative starting with a think tank. Then we've just started a task force. People can find it on our website. We call it the Pedophile Hunter Fund, where weWe don't take any government money. We're privately funded. Don't matter if you're Democrat, Republican, independent, Christian, atheist, Buddhist, doesn't matter. We're coming for you. If you hurt a child, if you use anything that's related to hurting children in a sexual way, yeah. That's why law enforcement is important, district attorneys are important, and we're bypassing the system in some degree with our own private teams to do the hardest work. It's not for, it's not for because a lot of times you can out a person, but that doesn't mean they're going to get prosecuted. We're going for prosecution. Then also other things I can't share right now, but I will in an update that I'm just telling parents you have no clue how bad it is.


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Hey, guys, let me tell you about this subscription service that I've been working real hard on called Vigilance elite, patron. Basically on basically on patron. We have it broken up into three different tiers. We got tier one, tier two and tier three. Let's dive in. Our tier one patrons get all the behind the scenes footage of the Sean Ryan Show. That could include behind the scenes photos, there could be side conversations that we have in between breaks, there could be specific questions that our patrons give us for the guest on the Shawn Ryan show, and a ton of bonus content that doesn't really fit into any specific category. For our Tier 2 patrons, they get access to our tactical training library, which consists of well over 100 videos. We've broken those videos up into separate categories, and those categories are rifle fundamentals, pistol fundamentals, drills, tactics, driving, gear and weapon setups, and everybody's favorite mindset. Also on Tier 2, you will get a live update from me on the first and the 15th of every month where we talk about the upcoming guests on the Sean Ryan Show, plus all the benefits of Tier 1.


Our top tier, which is Tier 3, gets full access to all the other tiers, plus they get full access to me, where we do video teleconferencing, VTC, once a month. We discuss anything from tactics to current events to who's coming on the show. I take suggestions and it's very interactive. No matter what tier you choose, the support is greatly appreciated and it is the only thing that makes this show drive on. Thank you for all the support. See you on Patrick.


One thing parents really don't understand is how absolutely dangerous it is right now. It's to the point where you shouldn't be vigilant, you should be hyper-vigulent. I don't use that term lightly, but that's the state our nation is in regarding the safety of our children on welfare. I'll give this one of the fastest growing groups of people viewing child sexual abuse images are young men in their 20s. People think, How is that possible? Well, it's because of porn. Because when you start looking at porn at eight, nine, 10, 11 years old, which is who they target, they've been targeting kids for a long time, you get desensitized to regular porn and it goes into these fetishes and extreme, extreme to where now a guy in his 20s cannot derive sexual pleasure unless it's so perverted. That's when, boom, that's why I just got into a situation with a conservative leader who was interviewed by first Peterson and then a Catholic fella who it was a good interview, but the guy asked me, he goes, So what do you think about AI child porn? Which if people understand that, that's a literally you can take images of children's-.


I've heard about this.


Yeah. Literally, it's so messed up right now that an image of your child on the internet that you're trying to show people on social media, they can take the face of your child and make a porn movie with your child animated or just this artificial intelligence that everything's real. You can't tell the difference. Then they can insert themselves into this porn film. That's what AI, the danger of it in that realm, that's what The Strike is about right now in Hollywood. What is it? There's this long strike that's been going on where Screen Actors Guild, Writers. What's happening in Hollywood is they're starting to... Were wanting to pay for the image of actors like Harrison Ford. Take his image, AI it, and make a movie with him in it, but him never having to walk on set. And you won't be able to tell the difference. Some actors are like, That's cool. Other actors are, No. Then extras will only work one time because once their image is done, they're out of work. They've paid a small fee or got paid a small fee for their likeness. This is where it's going. My deal was with Dennis Prager, who's Jewish, a conservative.


But he said on this interview that he doesn't find it's evil for a man to mastobate to animated child porn.


That's alarming.


This is a- That's a.


Real human being saying that?


It's a real human being. He's one of the most popular conservative tacos.


When did that come out?


That came out three months ago.


People listen to this guy?


Oh, big time. He's considered one of the... Yeah, that's why I say I don't care, conservative, liberal. Now I believe a lot of laws are being passed on the liberal side and extreme left because they are into openly perversion, but perversions everywhere. When this guy said that, I literally made a video, played his clip in context, and I said, This man is creating pedophiles because he just gave a liberty and a license for young men to watch animated child porn.


Does he not understand what conditioning the mind is?


For such a smart guy, supposedly he didn't because the video I made went viral and it apparently hurt them, his organization, which is a nonprofit. Oh, that's too bad. Yeah. I got a call from his executive person.


Oh, he didn't call you his executive called?




Oh, heck, no. Of course.


Yeah. No. I said, Look, there's two things you.


Need to do. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up right now.


Here's what's more alarming.


His executive called you to what? Speak for him?


Well, it was his CEO of the organization. They said, and it was a female. I'm like, Wow, dude, you're just... Because on the video I said, I'll debate you on this issue or you can interview me whatever you want. Out because he has a big talk show, radio talk show. I said, I'm risking losing a book deal because it's by the same publisher. I have a book coming out called The Dangerous Gentlemen in February. I'm like, This is one of their key guys, and I don't care. I don't care. I'm more concerned about children and this conditioning of the mind. I said, All you have to do is recant what you said and repent. Period. Because he's written things on the Old Testament and a lot of Christians really appreciate this guy. I think he's I think he's plumpus, in my opinion. This is arrogant. A guy that's lived in a bubble that hasn't experienced life and and then for him to give the nod of, and literally his words were, the guy asked him, You can't call this evil if a man is masturbating to animated child porn. He goes, No, no, I can't.


And get on the host. The host looks at him and goes, A good Catholic dude. He goes, That's despicable. And his response was, Really? Why? I'm like, so here is the most disturbing.


That's the end of the conversation.




That's it.


But he actually doubled down to say-.


He doesn't understand why. How do you-.


Well, his position was that no one's hurt. There's no victims in this. I'm going, Wow, you are a stupid man. I said, If you really don't get that, talk to me. I'll talk to me. Of course, he never did. He called other people. Then as CEO called me and I'm just like...


What did the CEO say? What does that conversation look like? I would like to excuse.


What was that? Oh, no, it was, What do you have against us?


You like Kittypaw. That's what.




Trying to get.


Out against you. You're destroying our organization. I said, What does destroying or hurting, whatever the term was, your organization, what does that mean? And this is what she said, Our donations have dropped tremendously. I'm like, And there you have it. That's what it goes back to again, is money and donations. They did this now. They did up. They did a clean-up campaign where he's being interviewed by different people. He's like, Okay, I didn't realize how bad animated child porn is and it can affect people. I'm like, Wow. Know. He never apologized. He only said, and he wouldn't use my name, he just goes, People out there are taking my words out of context. I'm like, It was the clip. This is what I'm trying to tell people and parents. It's a lot worse than you think. When you have one of the top radio shows in the nation of a top conservative, sharing that his position, he couldn't call it evil. Again, he tried to justify it in Jewish position, and I get all that, but at least say it's disgusting. At least say, no, no one should be doing that. No one should be-.


But it sounds like he's condoning it.


I said it. I said, You're given a liberty and a license for young men or men to go. Well, if he says it's... Now he's recanted everything, but I can't judge a man's heart just his words. He certainly ain't repentive to me. It was damage control because they're losing money. But this is my point because I don't want to make this political, is when it comes time for perversion, it's across the board. Let's start just with Christians. I would tell parents watching this, don't put your child in a day-to-day care or a Christian sunny school classroom unless the church requires not only a background check, which everybody knows, but a poly. I would absolutely require a forensic polygraph examiner to come in for volunteers. That's one question I would say too, is have you ever fantasized about any sexual things about children? Two, have you looked at any type of images or child pornography in the last year? Guess what? They're going to find a lot of volunteers, not one to volunteer. Pastors play ignorant by saying, Well, we do a background check. I'm like, That does nothing for a person who's never been caught.


You don't know the increase in the rise of downloads, production of, distribution, and people don't realize that 86 %, I think the numbers right now is 86 % of all child porn looked at transfer these sexual images, is done at work. It's people using their work IP address or it's an addiction. The sad thing is we cannot right now. We can't arrest our way out of this.


Yeah. I interviewed this guy, you know him, Ryan Montgomery. Good guy. Found a Instagram clip on what he was doing. Nobody would give this guy the time of day and brought him out here. It turned out to be the biggest interview I've ever done in my life. And I'm happy because... Oh, gosh. That interview saved more kids-Sure did. -than you and I will ever be able to count. And what I wanted to do with that interview was I wanted to make it real. I didn't want to make it real, but I wanted to understand, because you hear these things. You hear, Oh, they're on Instagram, they're on TikTok, they're in the chat rooms, they're on Facebook, Snapchat, Xbox, PlayStation, computer games. Anywhere that kids are online, I've heard that these predators are there. They're hunting. And so I needed to see this because I have to see to believe a lot of times. And even with my faith, I don't know if you've listened to that episode, but it's I'm just that guy. I've got a C to see to believe. It's hard for me to take anybody's word. Ryan's sitting there and I said, Hey, you got your laptop here?


He said, Yeah. I said, Just pull your laptop out, get in any chat room. I don't care. Social media platform, whatever you want. I want to see how long this.


Thing is.


It was like five seconds. I made the screen name, Ashley 13, New Jersey. I'll never forget it. He goes, Oh, got one right here. I'm like, I couldn't even have typed the name that fast and the username that fast. As the conversation developed, there it is. I think it was a 47-year-old man wanting to get with a 13-year-old girl. Right there just proved to however many people watched that episode.


All of their millions.


You know what I mean?


It was one of the most convincing clips. People understand, too. Ryan is such a solid guy. He's actually both on our Think Tank and part of our task force.




I mean, he'll help. He does work with other people, too. But he had one of the most convincing positions by proof on your program that changed, I think, it changed our nation where people went, Oh, my gosh.


This is real.


The next step of that is for people to understand it's not some creepy, it's not just a creepy weird dude in a basement. It's doctors, it's lawyers, it's government officials. I mean-.


It's the white-collar white man crime.


It is. That's what it is. I'm just going to say it how it is. Because there's no community anymore. There's no community anymore. Man, this child, pedophilia, it leans toward. I mean, we have operations in other countries. I can show you right now a photo of a four-year-old girl who we have in our custody who was being raped by foreigners, by the grandfather. Two days ago, she went to court to testify. Can you imagine that? To be able to testify. She went down to courthouse and one of the abuses showed up. A white dude, older dude that can go over there. We're actually running facial recognition on him as we speak because it's beyond the brazeness of evil is beyond what people can imagine. Beyond what people can imagine.


Do you think this problem is getting worse or is the veil just being lifted?


It's getting worse.




Getting worse. Yeah, because of technology. Because my abuser, as a kid, he had dirty magazines, but to get child pornography, that was a physical something you had to hold. You couldn't email it. You couldn't go online. There was no online. There's no internet. Now, what would take a sailor a lifetime of traveling to see and learn about an eighth grader can't on his phone in one night. That's why it is sped up the process of absolutely destroying the minds of our children. Not a sailor, but our children. That's what people aren't willing to accept and understand.


I think they're starting to.




I think they're starting to. I think this is waking a lot of parents up. I really do. But this brings me into... I mean, look, nothing. It's getting to the point where nothing is making sense. I'm even starting... How do I say this? I think political barriers are starting to be torn down because it was a... It's an illusion. It's a man-made illusion that these are party lines. Yes, I agree with you that, yes, the far left is trying to legalize pedophilia.




There are guys on the right that won't fight against it.


We have plenty of people on the right, and we have had plenty, and I'm guilty of this. I'm guilty of politicizing this. I'm not going to lie. Well, not too bad, but I fell for it. I fell for the bait, I guess, is what I'm saying. I thought this was a political thing. This isn't a political thing. This is everywhere. Where? Yeah, what I was fed was all political. This is all the left. Then I interviewed this guy. This interview hasn't even come out yet. I interviewed this guy who followed up, staying around for 20 years. That'll be coming out hopefully shortly. But he had talked about a scandal called the Franklin scandal. Have you heard of this? It was in Nebraska. It was a child sex trafficking ring that was all Conservatives back in the day. Oh, yes.


Oh, yeah, proven.


Yeah, done. Absolutely. Absolutely proven.


Documented. Yeah, no conspiracy. Factual.


Yeah, it happened.


Oh, yes, yes.


He wrote a book on it. I mean, it's happening right... One of the biggest rings ever to be busted was right here in Williamson County. Now, supposedly this is the 19th safest county to live in the country, if I remember. It's like top 20, whatever. Who cares? Top 50. I don't even... You know what I mean? There's a lot of counties. The biggest sex trafficking ring in one of the biggest ones in the country busted right here. How is this the safest county?


Give me a break. There's no safe places.


That's an illusion.


There are so many other things that are happening that make zero sense. The gender issues, you want to do that stuff when you're 18 years old? I don't care. I don't think anybody really cares. Might make people uncomfortable. So you do. But I don't think they really care. But you start doing that to eight-year-old kids, you see you see these A-list celebrities with three sons, and all three of them want to be... All three of them just happen to want to be little girls. I'm not buying that shit.


No way.


Nobody's buying that. Well, some people are. But there's that. Everywhere you look, it's upside down. And a lot of people.




Think this is political. This isn't political. I think this is a legitimate battle of good versus evil, spiritual warfare. I am very green on this topic, but it just doesn't make sense. I know people who are liberal, who are great people. I'll probably get a bunch of shit for saying that on this platform. But I'll tell you, the therapist that I give credit to saving my life, and just about every spec operator who sat in that chair has talked to her as well. She's helped thousands of tier one spec ops guys get VA benefits, walk them through, talk them out. I mean, just about as far left as you can. Well, I shouldn't say this. She's a lefty. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Amazing human being. The woman that I interviewed who got the four Blackwater guys, she's the one that got Trump's attention to pardon these guys for being innocent, a liberal woman. This is a conservative audience here, but I'm here to tell you, the veilsman, you got to lift it.




Not that far apart.


That's part of the messaging to make everybody so far apart. We're dealing with humanity, and I agree with you a thousand %. What people need to understand, there's an unseen war at the highest level, and it is truly between good and evil. The angels are involved and so are demons. Because out of everything I do, everything we've talked about today, probably the most important thing we do is deal with the demonic. Again, our mission statement to set people free, kids, especially physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Until you get really set free in the spiritual realm, there's unneeded suffering, there's unneeded drivenness, there's unneeded addictions, there's unneeded torment. A person really... It's just of late in our culture that that's all been separated out and dismissed. People, cultures you go around, people believe in evil. You start talking about it here in the US? No. Other countries like, Of course. Of course. I've seen it we've dealt with it. I can tell you it's what makes sense out of all the craziness that there's one higher level of demonic activity driving people in the battlefields in their mind. I do believe that a person's soul, which I would consider as mind, will, and emotions, can be assaulted by a demon entity.


Now, I'm not talking about possession. I don't even use the word possession because I think that's what the devil, who's the highest fallen angel, Satan, I believe that's what he wants people to think, that unless you're manifesting, crawling walls, vomiting what movies are made out of, then a person goes, Well, I don't have any issues with demons because that's not happening to me. I'm like, Oh, my gosh, that's simply not true. Why do mothers kill their children? Why does a teacher and her husband, who's a police officer, literally makeup cakes for her to take to her classroom, children. Kids were getting sick, some came up. They end up finding out that they were putting this man's semen in the Cupcases and she was giving it to the kids. Yeah, both convicted. Why does a good Christian staff member at a church in San Diego, a well-known church in San Diego, her husband is a former Border Patrol and they're Christian-going people. Why were they charged with the death of foster kids they took in who were beaten in malnutrition? Their evil has to be brought into this equation. I believe people's hearts can be desperately wicked.


But when they yield themselves to evil, when they yield themselves to demonic activity, the only way out is to be free. You can't wish that away. I believe there are times you just got to be prayed for because that's how we deal with the demonic is through prayer. I'll say this, we actually have a documentary, an eight-part docuseries coming out soon, and it explains really what warfare is, spiritual warfare. It explains the tactics, the strategies. But the greatest thing it actually teaches people their authority how to stand against and not be a victim of demonic attacks.


Well, what is it? How would you define spiritual warfare?


Yeah, I think it is a battle between good and evil, demonic, the devil, God and his angels. But the prize is actually humans. That's who they're going after.


Is it souls?


Sole ultimately, that's the biggest thing. But if they can't get a soul, then they'll just destroy God's creation. They'll destroy something God loves, and He loves people. That's their goal to ruin their life, to make them miserable, to cause divorces, to create addictions, to lie in a person's mind enough where a kid goes, I think I am a girl, or a girl saying, I want my breasts cut off because I feel like a boy. This is a new phenomenon. This never happened in the history of the world. It just goes on and on, the destruction of the family, fit in all deaths. There's an evil that is active and working, and people need to understand the only way you can fight it is through the power of Christ, the blood of Jesus, and your authority and who you are. I've dealt with thousands of demons now, thousands, easily.


How do you think this ends?


I think the Bible is true. I think that we're on a timetable of what's happening through prophecies being fulfilled in the Bible. I think we're heading toward certain... It's a certain absolute, unchangeable destination of the world, yielding itself to the antichrist. For the antichrist to rule, people have to be willing subjects by and large. I told people, and I mean it, if as bad as cancer as let's just say cancer is the worst thing in the world or child abuse, as bad as those things are, if we use those two or let's say, divorce, for people who hate divorce or adult, whatever, think of the worst pain. If it all could be solved in one week, cancers, a cure, no more children would be abused. Those are just unmistakable. Those aren't religious issues. Those are just human issues. But the requirement would be for everyone to stop using their cell phone.


That's impossible.


It's impossible because of the human heart. I'm convinced that it's just people feel like they're preparing for the worst and they're going to overcome it. I'm like, You're just building a sandcastle in the devil's sandbox. When he comes with his waterhose, there's nothing you can do. They're definitely, I mean, the enemy has a legal right to some people who yield themselves.


It's- What do you mean by that?


Well, the Bible says God resists the proud, but he gives grace to the humble. The Bible is very clear that if a person is in rebellion to God, if they embrace sin, it does open them up to the works of darkness. And it's very snakey at first. In some cases, in other cases, it's just blatant. I have interviewed and talked with and met with more violent, chronic offenders in the juvenile system than anybody else in the country. The top 3-5 %. Your mass shooters, your rapists, your baby killers, all of it. It boils down to this. Evil is acceptable nowadays in our society. That's the slow frog in the cattle. It's slowly being warmed up. He's swimming around, swimming around, and it's not boiling yet. He's not worried. Then by the time it gets to a boiling point, he's dead. It's too late. That's what's happened to the human mind and our heart. It's because of television. It's because of movies. It's because of music, and it's because of social media, the internet, that cell phone, and people will not give it up. I was in Burma. We did a month-long mission inside Burma. Bad stuff happened and trying to help good people.


I remember laughing, going, If a person says they have a porn problem, then come here. Because you ain't getting reception, you ain't looking at porn, you'll find out how much you don't. It's what our culture is set up. The Bible says that Satan is the God of this world, small g. He runs it. He controls it. It's not Schwab, it's not Saurus, it's not WF. Those are all puppets and pawns of the wicked one. I believe they yield themselves to evil and he's happy to oblige. Then he has a legal right to have people do his bidding. I've seen it again and again and again.


What do you do if you're on the good side of this? What can people do?


Well, you get excited about the ultimate outcome, not the temporary. The ultimate outcome is heaven for those of us who want to believe the truth of God's word and know that He's made a way of escape, including temptation. The Bible says there's no temptation. That's not common to all mankind that God actually hasn't given us a way out of. There's a truth and a power in that to go, I can live far above the base human nature. When people say, I don't get porn, it's not a big deal. I'm like, Well, there's different types. You got people who are exploring, you got people who struggle like, Oh, I shouldn't look at that, but everyone's all they do. They got people addicted. I mean, it's ruining their life. It will destroy their marriage. It will take them to dark, dark places. It's like, Well, if you just believe the truth that the power of God is in you, same power that raised Christ from the dead, you don't have to be a slave to anything. Anything. The good news is we can occupy until we die or until Christ comes back. That's the good news. But we live with the purpose known ultimately we're fighting a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of kids, women, children, humanity.


That's always our ultimate goal. But yet I never force it. I've never had one Muslim friend feel like that I was trying to help a kid in order to present Jesus in the gospel. Never. Never. I was like, You know why? Because I wouldn't want anybody doing that to my kids or my grandchildren. I think we can live a life. I never forget I just finished a firefight. Again, as a missionary going into an ISIS-controlled village that they've had for three years. We know there's women and children in there. We embedded with this Iraqi force. Boom, we hit this town, this little village, all hell's breaking loose. When there was Allah, of course, it's lunchtime, so people eat. I'm leaning against the wall and there's guy next to me, somebody actually took a picture. We're leaning against the wall. He looks at me and he goes, Why are you here? Why are you here? It's only you and one other American, Dave Eubank, that are on this mission. Why are you here? I said, Well, God loves me and I love him. But he's giving me a love for you and your people. I think all women and children should be protected from evil, so we're here to help.


That guy, his eyes started leaking. He's like, You really believe your faith? I do because I believe in evil and I believe that ISIS as an organization and their leaders are evil because of what they do. Again, it doesn't matter a country or a region or a realm I'm in, I always try to look at it the highest level. Then I would encourage people, come to faith, grow in faith. Just like if you want to be good at anything, you got to be intentional. You can never go wrong. Just spending time, read the word. I listen to it more than reading because of TBI and whatnot. Last night I listened half of the New Testament in the first two books in the old because I just play it. I want my brain to be soaked in that. Then learn the strategies of the enemy and learn how you can defeat any demon in hell or all of them coming at you. That's and that's what's lacking in the Western church today.


Where would you start to educate yourself on defeating them the evil?


Yeah. The first thing is to learn your identity in Christ. If you hyper-focus on the devil and demons, it's almost like counterfeit money. Bank people, vault people who are going through cash, they're not looking for a counterfeit. They're just focusing because they know the real thing so well as they're just pouring through it. A counterfeit will- Sticks out. Oh, blaring. But if they're trying to look for the counterfeit, and that's the same thing in the spiritual realm, don't focus on demons or the devil. Focus on the Lord and learn your identity. Because if you stay close with the Lord, if you grow, then when you get a thought, remember that's the battlefield, you may see it manifest in people. I have. I've had demons speak to me through people. I hate you. I know who you are. I'll destroy you, your family, your ministry. I had one just start saying, I'm effie. I will effie kill you. I will murder you. I'm like, Shut up. No, you won't. You're being judged right now. Stop using this man's voice. When you learn your position and your power in Christ, you don't fear demons. I had a...


It was a spec-up guy. He was a tier-one dude, and he launched at me. He was struggling so bad he was suicidal and all that. I started praying for him. When I asked this demon its name, this guy launched at me. For me to you, and I mean, I thought I was about to have to do the tango with a dying demon because rare cases, but people can yield themselves in the evil, evil manifest room, rare. But halfway to me, I promise you and I have witnesses as him being the main one. It was like an angel grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and slammed him right in front of me. He hit his knees so hard and he's growling. I'm like, Demon, you released this man. You have no right in the name of Jesus. And this demon was like, You can't have them. I said, Well, you don't own them. You just tricked them. And the guy gets set free in like five minutes. And he was like, What the hell is that? I said, We call it freedom. It's the highest form of battle you can ever get into.


Eddie Penny talks a lot about this stuff too.




He? Oh, yeah. You guys need to meet.


It's real. And once you know how to crush demons and set people free for the warrior, you're like, Oh, yeah, because you really can destroy demons. People know me as a pedophile hunter. We had patches. But in reality, I'm really hunting demons.


Good for you, man. The world needs it. We need a lot more people like you.


Well, I hope we can produce a botch before it's my time to go.


I hope this helps. But Victor, this has been a phenomenal interview, and I know it wasn't easy for you, and I just want to say thank you for opening up like that. To me and my audience, and I think a lot of good is going to come from this, a lot of education is going to come from this. A lot of hope is going to be sparked and a lot of young people's lives who are going through a tough time because of this. Man, it's just a real honor to know you and have you here. Thank you.


You're welcome. Thanks for having me. I appreciate your friendship and your brotherhood.


Me too. Let's stay in touch.


We will.


Cheers, brother.