Transcribe your podcast

Girls suck at cuddling. Three minutes in, they be like, I got a question and don't lie.


If I'm cuddling you-You're the love of my life. Big man, it's more than what you think it is. Because you keep me calm. I'm in bliss. And you keep me safe. Yeah, fact. So don't be up in the room asking questions and saying not to lie, because the first thing I'm going to do is lie. It's lie. Because I'm trying to keep this serenity. Serenity.


What are your socials flaws? Quote tweet, I'm satisfied with Jussie and Chris. Yeah, it's one of those ones.


I remember I used to chat to a ting years ago, right? She was like, She's such a giver. All she wants to do is give top. She doesn't want to do anything else.


I don't think I've met a human like this. I've not met a human that doesn't want penetration on the side.