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Is this a march or a mob? At the front between the banners, Welsh singer Charlotte Church led the throng. Cease fire now, cease fire now. Behind her, bus loads of protesters who'd traveled from across the UK to march through London, calling for a ceasefire. Ian is from Hartfordshire. Guys, it's a hell on Earth. I know these people in power. Just sit by and watch it happen. Barkees is from Coventry.


It's standing up for humanity, and that's what we're all here for, from all races, all religions, standing up for wanting early, and that ceasefire now.


For all the clamor of this protest. The build-up to it has had more political noise than most, with the Prime Minister warning police chiefs that mob rule is replacing democratic rule, and appearing on the steps of Downing Street to warn that extremists had infiltrated the ranks of this march.


Pat from Scunthorpe says Mr. Sunak's got it wrong. What do you think about the Prime Minister saying it's mob rule?


Well, it's a ridiculous statement to make. It's not mob rule, is it? Look at these people along here. The government is just inflammatory against people trying to protest peacefully.


I don't see an extremist here. I've got my 10-year-old daughter with me today. The family's here with young kids. How do you feel about what's happening in Gaza? Sad. Sad. We're right at the front of the protest here, and this is where the main protest meets a big contingent of Jewish protesters who are joining in on the main march. What do you What do you think of the idea of this being a no-go zone for Jewish people?


I think that's absurd. Obviously, I'm surrounded by Jews. We're in central London. I also live in central London and have lots of Jewish neighbors, and none of us are scared.


But counter-protesters say this chant strikes fear. From the river to the sea.


Palestine will be free. So many people who consider themselves liberal, marching here and chanting from the river to the sea. Again, I ask, where does it leave us, the Jews, the Israelis that already live there?


It's ironic that they're saying, Stop the genocide, when they are calling for a genocide. Can you not see the hypocrisy in that? So the hypocrisy has to stop. In that chant from the river to the sea.


It is a conflict away, yet so close to home. Jason Farrell, Sky News.