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All right, here we go. Here we go. Three hot mics. A good guest, I'm.


Thinking, I'm hoping. Sean, when was the last time you had three hot mics?


That was in my early 20s. My early 20s. Yeah, yeah. And by the way, it was confusing. We didn't know which end was up.


I bet. None of them wanted to be called Michael.


No, Mike, Mike, Mike.


All right. And they were all equally hot?


They were.


All equally. Okay, well, welcome to Smartless.






Smart. Smart.


That was fun that we got to see each other today.


I know, just a.


Half an hour ago.


In person. Yeah, listener, very rarely will the three of us actually see each other in person before we start doing this. And- Oh, wow. -and we didn't expend any magic that.


We wouldn't have.


Left for the show. No, we saved. We kept it real bad.


We saved real bad. No, the magic got staved, for sure. I got to say, Jason was not feeling well, and he was on the other side of the table at this big conference room. I got home, I got a little tickle on my throat.


You do not.


I don't know.


It's in your head. Do you really?


My virus has great reach on it.


Did it?


Well, I don't know. But, Jay, like Wilson, that was so nice if you're feeling sick to go to the party on Saturday, too.


Yeah, it was nice of you.


Well, but I didn't really feel it just yet. I wasn't really sure.


I would have never known you were in a good mood and lovely on Saturday.


Jason did this game. He did this game.


What game?


I was standing outside, Sean, and you had just left. We didn't see each other, but Jason came out and he was holding two advocates. One was a big, normal size one and one was a tiny baby one.


Today, when we had- Today, when we had- -you just left?


No, no, no. At the party on Saturday. Oh. And he's got these and he's doing a whole dance with it. He's like, Eating the little one. Then somebody said to him, Why did you have... Well, I'm just going to eat the little one, and I just got this one. We continued to talk, and he put the big one, normal one down. He eventually... Well, first of all, he was like, Have you seen this before? He took the top off and he turned it upside down and ate it like a sandwich so that you always get an icing bite. But then he put it down. Then this person said that he put it down, then he put it a little further away. Then we went over and he walked it over to another table. Is that right, Jamie? Because you were like, it's too tempt.


And close to you. You don't want to have a.


Grenade near you. Wait, I did not know that there was cookies there.




Well that's the point. So Sean.


That was not the plot. Here's why you don't know. Fuck me, man. Well, first of all, you drifted over... I gave everyone a very useful lesson as to how to eat a cocktail, which a lot of people don't know. I didn't know that. You twist off the top, you flip it over, you make it a sandwich, and then you don't get frosty up your nose. That's A. B, the reason you don't know there were Cupcake there, Sean, is because you did what you always do very rudely. Very rudely. You're the first one at a party so that you can say you were there and that you can't get yelled at when you leave early because you've put in a bunch of time and you get your food and then you pack up your shit and you leave before anyone is there yet. It is true.


Because you know what, Sean? It's not about you. And you're like, I want to go home. Yeah, everybody does, man.


I do want to go. There was a.


Birthday cake that came out later and some singing.


And love.


So why.


Did you leave? Why did you go at seven when it started and then leave so early?


Me and Richard were there, and Jenny were there.


Richard and I. -tricky-dicky.


Richard and I were there. And first. And no, I enjoy going to those things. I was happy to go. I don't have a long fuse for parties.


I'm the one with short fuses because I can't get into my cups like everyone else. That's true. You start laughing at shit that doesn't deserve to be even smiled at.


Did you have the chili? I had the chili.


Yeah, I had the chili. I had the chili at the time when everyone else had it. I had the chili. I had the chili at the time.


When everyone else had it. I'm not really like... Where did you get the advocates? -where did you get the advocates? Jb goes to one point, we're sitting outside and he goes, I got to get out of here. He said, like I said, three times I said, Where are you going? And he goes, I got a gummy and a Lakers game to get into, man.


That late at night on a Saturday?


He was tape.


I'd tell you, record again.


Jason's beard and hair is growing so gloriously long.


It's crazy. I know. It was the talk of the party.


No. Yeah, it was. It looks good. How I can't really grow facial hair?


No, you look good.


No, it looks good like that.


Yeah, shut up.


It looks good. Where do you see it in three more months when it looks really bad?


No, thank you.


Well, not no thank you, but also, I doubt it. I think it looks really good. Whose guest is it today? It's my guest. And guess what? What? You're going to be real psyched.


Hey, guess what?


Guess what? Sean. Thank you. It's true. You guys are going to be...


Let us guess. We've never really guessed. Okay, so male or female?


No, guess. You don't want to be a big...


You know what? You're going to narrow it down. I'm going to get five guesses to nail it down a little bit narrower. Male. Male. Okay. Actor. Yes. Older or younger than us?






Okay, decidedly. Well, not decidedly, but yeah, just a little more than.


Two years. This is a person who is America.


Or the world- He has to get ready for this. His awards nominations has its own Wikipedia page.


Really? Christ. Okay, this is mostly film or television or music?


Mostly film, some television back in then, but mostly film. I mean, two Academy Award nominations, two BAFTAs, four Emmys- Is this person British? No, American. Three Globes, five SAG Award nominations, Tony Award nomination, Critics Choice, Uptowazoo, Every Critic.


I'm getting nervous now.


You know what? Here I'll give you a list of the names of all the directors this guy has worked with. You ready for this? Tell me if you like any of these names. Bradley Scott, Terry Gilliam, Steven Soterberg. Martin Scorsese. This is Russell. Jj Abrams.


Did I just guess.


It right? No. Noah Bomback. Adam Driver. Sean Levy.


Yeah, it's Adam driver. Did I get them?


No way.


You're not Adam driver. Bring them on out. That's my brother. That's my.


Sweet, sweet brother. I know. That's why I said you're going to be...


I was going to say us. You guys-You guys know each other?


Yeah. We worked on a project together. Adam, you were awesome on Saturday Night Live.


Amazing. I just watched it too.


So good, dude. Thank you.


Thank you.




Thank you.


Hysterical. The beep-Beeps?


It's just like when you get a real actor in there doing Saturday Night Live. Every sketch works. This guy's making choices.


Yeah. And I noticed that.


He didn't- Did he just do the key to Saturday Night Live. I don't know. I think he's just sensitive to the material and he's a funny dude, obviously.


Well, he's making choices. It's a.


Good choice. I've seen some good actors fucking bomb on SNL, let's be honest.




That's true. But he's just got... Adam, you were so good. You were so funny. Your timing is so fucking good, dude. We are.


Dating this episode, but all good. What about the piano playing? That seemed very weird. I know. I was blown away.


Yeah, it was real. Is that you? I had played, yeah.


That's amazing. Oh, my God. I'd love to see a piano off between you. That's a term, right? A piano off between you and Sean.


I don't know if they.


Use that. I'd lose. Yeah, that's a term.


I'd lose. Adam, tell me about that. How long did you play piano?


Did you study? I played since I was a kid, but my mom tried to teach me, so I didn't stick to it. I feel like.


You're supposed to- You can cancel, Hannah.


Right. You're not supposed to have a parent teach you how to play piano because you never actually stick with it.


Is that true? Yeah, that's why I dropped it.




Parents thought they were being real crafty when I said, I don't want to play. I hate practicing. You're going to practice. They would make me and you have the same material for a week, right? Because you have lessons once a week. And so they would say, We're going to find out whether you're practicing or not. You're going to record your practice, and we're going to play it when we get home from work. And so I just recorded it once on the Monday, and then just playing the same tape all week. And they never figured it out. There was a lot of progress on Monday to Sunday. Really? But yeah, that was it. They weren't bright, but they were strict.


And you've always been such a fucking shit. Yeah, I know. You've always been just a little shit since the day you were.


Fucking bored. It's not.


About me, though. Let's talk to Adam. Adam, driver. Dude, I'm so stoked to have you on here. Oh, my God. This is so wild. You're just such a talented dude. Everything you do is so fucking great. Thank you. Yeah, man. You're not my guest. You're not my guest. And then when I start to find out, looking back and looking about your background, I mean, you didn't... It seems to me, and tell me if I'm wrong, you're from Southern California, right? Were you raised in Southern California?


No, I was raised in Indiana. I lived in San Diego until I was seven.


Okay, so until you were seven, you're raised in Indiana. So you're raised in Indiana. Then 9/11 hits. You joined the military. You go into the Marines. I know you've talked about it before, but you're going... It just seems like you had to go a long way to get, but you knew what you wanted to do. You wanted to go to Juilliard the first time when you were 17, is that right? Yeah. Then you ended up going later. Walk me through... What I'm driving at is- That is? -you will get.


To talk at some point, I swear I.






Get ready. I'm fine. I could just listen to you guys.


You're just a dude who is destined to do... You knew what you wanted to do, and you were just going to get there no matter what.


Kind of. I did plays in high school, and then I auditioned for Juilliard because they didn't check grades. That was the prerogative of colleges that I was going to. I knew that the Juilliard had a reputation of being the best acting school for theater. Then I didn't get in. Then 9/11 happened, and I feel like a lot of people, a lot of friends in Indiana thought they were going to join, but then none of them did. Then I was the only one that did. We all got riled up, but then I was the only one that actually walked through the door. And then it wasn't until I was in the military, really, that I'm like, Oh, if I get to be a civilian again, or when I get to be a civilian again, I knew I wanted to go back and try again to be an actor.


Was that ever in question, by the way? How deep did you get into your military exploits?


I loved it. The whole plan when I was in the military was to make a career of it, was to retire in the Marine Corps. Oh, really? Yeah. Then it was only because I had a mountain biking accident, I broke my sternum. Then I tried to train on it so I could still go overseas because all of the guys that I went to boot camp with an S. O. I. Then went into the fleet with, it was all the same core group of people. Then they were all going to go do a west pack of Iraq and Afghanistan. Again, I was trying to train on a broken sternum so I could go with them. I got dropped to a different unit and all my friends went, and so it was not good. Then it was taking a long time to heal, so I had to be medically separated.


You didn't get to go?


No, I didn't get to go. Wait, so you were joining the Marine Corp as a response to 9/11, or you wanted to do it anyway?


It was twofold. It was a response to 9/11, but also I wasn't doing anything. I was working odd jobs. I had two telemarketing jobs, and I was working at a- I'd.


Love to hear a little bit of that script.


One was for a basement waterproofing company called Ben Franklin Construction. And then the other.


One was- Are things smelling dang downstairs? Don't hang up.


I used to have to read that same script, but for a different business. Really? For a.


Different business. Sure.


I know. So keep going.


But that was it. And I got something in the mail and my stepdad and I were having an argument about me being a loser and not having any jobs. He offhandedly said maybe you should join the military. Again, it was in the same time of everyone being like, We want to get involved and do something. So it all coalesced. I think I made the decision by January, and by February, I was gone. So much so that they were like, Are you on the run from the law?


Because usually people think- You're very eager, Mr. Driver. How's your relationship with your stepdad now?


That's good. It's surprisingly good.


Yeah? Is he proud of you?


Yeah. I guess you won the question of whether or not you.


Were a loser.


You overachieved. Not only am I going to join the military, but I'm going to go through boot camp. I'm going to become a Marine, and then I'm going to kick ass in the completely opposite end of the.


World as well. Yeah, and become a fucking movie star. I mean, it's pretty remarkable. You come back from serving, you leave the military or you get discharged, as you said. Then you're like, what? Back at square one? You're like, I mean, how do you climb the mountain that you've climbed?


You reapply to Juilliard, yeah?


I reapply to Juilliard. Actually, I should say before I left for the military, I tried coming to LA and doing the whole acting thing, and that totally failed. I had a Lincoln town car, and I was paying rent in the back of my parents' house, and I loaded up this massive car, and I drove cross country to California, and I broke down in Amarillo, Texas, and wound up spending all my money fixing my car. By the time I got to Santa Monica, not even L. A, I was here for 48 hours before I had to turn around and drive right back because I didn't have any more money. I had no money to stay.


I drove out, too, from Chicago, and my car broke down in Colorado, like around a mountain, and I was dragging the muffler for the last part. And I had to pull over. It cost me a thousand bucks, but I made it.


Oh, really? Yeah, same. I slept in my car. It was outside of Amarillo, Texas, and I got a hitch to ride into town and then took my car and got a fix. But that was all my money. I had just 200 bucks left, which I knew from having just made the trip was enough gas money to get home. I made a whole production about saying goodbye to everybody back in then.




Can't believe that.


But, Adam, a lot of people would, after an experience like that, which is not traumatizing, but it's a lot. You go through, like you said, you make a big production out of, I'll see you guys later. You give your farewell to the troupe, as it were, and then a week later, you're back or less. Then you go into the military. A lot of people would be like, You know what? The universe was trying to tell me something. It's a lot to pick yourself up again and to go, No, I want to fucking do this. This is what I'm getting out of the beginning, which is like, you're determined. You knew that you had a purpose in this world, especially doing this.


Not really, no. The idea of being an actor was like being an astronaut. I had no connections to anybody in the acting world and in a small town in Indiana. So I just put that idea to bed. I still liked movies, but I just gave up on that. Then when the Marine Corps came along, I fully threw myself at that. It was only during the military where I thought, well, in comparison to the Marine Corps, civilian life, I think, should be pretty easy. I knew that New York was what I wanted to do if I ever got out and I could sleep in Central Park. I felt more confident than I could be an adult and survive.


How did you know you were any good at acting?


I found in high school, the response I got from people was positive. But it's a high school in Indiana. I didn't really know until I auditioned for Juilliard the second time.


Right. How did that happen? You get out of the military. How do you audition the second time? What was that process like?


I got out and I went to a school called University of Indianapolis. Then I started getting parts and plays right away. I knew that the audition date for Juilliard was they had three days, four days in New York. They don't do this now, but they used to do four days in New York, four days in Chicago, and four days in L. A. I knew they were auditioning in Chicago in February, so I drove up and I stayed the night, and I auditioned in Chicago. Then I found out I got in like two months later.


Did you enjoy your time in the Marine Corps? And while you were there, were you thinking about acting the whole time? Like, I can't get out of here.


No, I enjoyed it until a point. Then really because I was on the verge of being separated, all my guys left. Then I'm like, Okay, then maybe I shouldn't... This time not long for this.


That's weird because the whole time Sean's acting, he's thinking about Marines. Listen.


Like a yin-yang thing.


I get it, Adam.


You're going to fucking Chicago, it blows me away, man. It's just like, not long shot, because you're obviously a mega talent to do, but you go and you audition, and then two months later you find out it's your fucking dream. What's your reaction when you find out you get into Juilliard?


I was beyond. I was working full-time at a Target distribution warehouse and going to school full-time at University of Indianapolis. I was pulling all-nighters and then going to school full-time. I was beyond. I'm not jumping and screaming.


It must have felt like getting like, this is your chance. You're going to get pulled into this, out of your world and into this other world that you've been trying to get into and you've been dreaming of. This is about to happen. It must have felt like that.


But I wasn't even thinking of like, oh, now I'm going to be an actor in plays, or now I'm going to be in film. Just the idea of going to New York was enough. The alumni of Juilliard, I was very aware of, and how it's a conservatory, and it was a great place to put a lot of energy. It was in the early 20s.


Did you have a good idea of what... Obviously, you got a very good idea of what it would be like to live in New York. We all see it in TV and movies and whatnot. But Juilliard itself, did you have a pretty decent idea of what that experience was going to be like? And if so, did it match with that idea once you.


Got there? No frame of reference for what living in New York would be, well, other than films, but no frame of reference of an acting conservatory. A lot of the kids in my class were four years younger than I was and had gone to performing arts schools or they were there for their graduate degree. They don't do this anymore. Even if you went to an undergrad program, you would get your diploma, but now it's a graduate program also. People had come from performing arts backgrounds, and I didn't. When I moved to the city the summer before Istarted and would go to the performing arts library and try to read plays that everybody knew that I didn't know, like Tony cushioner plays and David Mamet plays, and I watched the performances in the video library at Lincoln Center.




Lincoln Center, yeah.


Yeah, that's so cool. I know you did Burn This in 2019. Yeah. I did that in college. Of course, I played Larry. You played Pale, of course. We would have been a brilliant match to you. We would have been great. But a friend of mine was in the play, and on a huge murquée, downtown L. A, he did Burn This. And they didn't separate the letter, so it looked like burnt his. And so that's what we referred to.


That's L. A. Theater for you.


That's L. A. Theater. Yeah.


And we will be right back.


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All right, back to the show.


Now, Adam, I've never met you. I'm a huge fan. I'm chomping at the bit to ask you about Star Wars, which I'm sure you're sick of talking about.


Just cool it.


But I know I won't. But I'm a huge fan.




We apologize. But you do seem like not knowing you at all. You seem to be a very kind, sweet, down to earth, intelligent, yet introverted person. And so what is it like doing something like Saturday Night Live, which is the opposite of being introverted, and it's just going balls out. Is it scary? And is that why you wanted to do it? Or is it just another job?


No, it's theater, in a way. That's what I at least try to remind my... But it's terrifying. Yeah, it is. But I enjoy how it feels like theater on film. I like those old school plays on tape that they used to do live, Richard Burton doing Camelot. That's the only modern day equivalent of a show that does that. And I really enjoy the pressure. I don't know, it's massive. But I'm also in my best behavior and things like this, and in public. The real ecomaniacal asshole is just waiting to come out... I'm not going to come out.


All the time. We can't wait to meet him.


I've been a few weeks with you. Bring him out, please. You did seem beautifully relaxed. Well, I mean, there was an energy there for sure, but you certainly weren't terrified.


No, pretty cool. Yeah, the last, I mean, the first time I did it, I thought I was going to pass out, walk out. But this time, I felt at ease. And I enjoy the pressure, and I like it when there's a lot to do. When the pressure's on, and there's a lot of text, and a lot of moving pieces, and a lot of things falling apart, I actually enjoy it. It reminds me of theater.


I noticed you did not really reading the cards that much either. Did you try to commit certain lines to memory so you could perform.


Them well? Yeah, because I don't like it usually when you can tell that someone's reading the cards, and it destroys the illusion. And when they're well written, it's easy to memorize. Some of it is not that difficult.


They hate it when you don't read the cards, though.


Is there one sketch that you particularly loved doing last Saturday?


There's one that I really liked that was cut. It was this one called Court Case, and it was this three-page speech that's not funny at all. And it only works if it's played as if it's absolutely serious, and we cut it. But then they released it online afterwards. But I love that at the dress, I love the dead air and how awkward it was in the audience. I love.


The- Wait, are they doing that now? Are they releasing the dress?


Yeah, some of it. Oh, that's cool. With those, there was two of them that they were... The two of them that they released is like court case one and this one called Actors Journey.


But Tracy, dress is short for Dress Rehearsal.


That's such a cool idea. For Tracy, let her know that they do dress rehearsal earlier on Saturday night. It's like a full performance of the show with some additional sketches, and they cut a couple of sketches before the live show. The dress usually is over by about 10:00, 10:30, and then the live show is 11:30. But I think that's cool because there have been so many greatsso many great sketches over the years that were cut after dress for various reasons, and not always because they didn't work, just because sometimes political.


Et cetera. They also don't like the term skit either. It's sketch, right? Yeah. Never skit.


Oh, yeah. Never say skit. But I like it.


But I like it. I like Lauren. I like the... Yeah, it feels like a- Yeah.


You're very comfortable in it.


You're so great at comedy too. It suits you. You're really good at it. Do you have... I know you're not a strategic guy. You're so beautifully down to earth with your career, it seems. But do you ask your people to look for comedy versus drama and try to keep a balance there? Or is just like, the best script wins?


Yeah. Lately, now, because I'm trying to change, because I was working consistently basically all through my 30s, and now that I have two kids, I've been trying to switch of how I've been working. Now I'm just like, I can't be gone that long, and I don't want to be gone that long anymore. I'm trying to probably game the system. For me, the only way is now is trying to work on things from the beginning if I can. But I'm not against it. It's just whatever. No one's really asked me to do something like that, and I haven't found anything that I really wanted to do. But if something came along, I would totally do it.


But you don't wake up in the middle of the night, stare at the ceiling and go like, I need to do a comedy.


I'd like to, but I also don't want it to be bad. Right. The Albert Brooks, to me is like the top. There's not a lot of people that are writing like that, and you really got to find them.


Yeah, they're tough to find.


How old are your kids?


Eight months. Oh, wow. The youngest and six is one of my... My other one.


Six and eight. My kids are five years apart.


Are they? Is that good?


For you? Yeah. I mean, it's good because one gets to help you take care of the other, or at least they think they are. But then hanging out at a certain age is like it's not... What are they now? 17 and 12. They're going to be closer when they get older. But there are times when that five-year.


Gap is not worse. Although, Jabby, I will say one of the nice things I've seen a couple of times is your 17-year-old dropping your 12-year-old at school because they go to the same school. That's pretty funny. Watching Frannie Drop maple was one of the funniest fucking things.


That's funny.


I don't like it, though. I miss it.




Are you liking dad stuff?


I love it. I'm in what you're describing as science fiction to me, the idea that one kid will... Even now, he is very protective over her. I feel like we gave him six years of attention, and he's totally fine.


And if you're like me, you missed changing diapers, you missed swaddling, you missed like... I was so excited to get to do it again.


Oh, I am not. No? No. This time I'm like, Oh, we forgot how much babies suck. They don't tell you anything. They get runny noses, and it just destroys the next three days. They have sleep progressions and they're teething. I am more aware of this... There's this time that I'm like, Oh, this is finite. I have to remember this because it's going to go away quickly. We're in the first time I wasn't... I was so anxious for him to get older.


That I wasn't... Also the first time you're not... Because you've never done it, you're like, Is this normal? Should he be sick this much? Should he be not eating? He hasn't eaten for two days. Jesus. Fucking you end up having those. We have a three and a half year old, and we've just emerging from it again after my older kids or teenagers. I'm like, Fuck, man. I just forgot exactly what you're talking. I just forgot all that shit. Waking up in the night all the fucking night.


I'm like, Fuck. Right. And they're durable. I mean, the first one, you don't realize how durable they are in the second one. You're like, Oh, fuck. It's fine. She's fine. She's okay.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So, Forrest the Wakens, Star Wars. I just want to...


Well, let's talk about how you diaper your dog, Sean, real quick.


No, I just want to get through it so you guys don't have to suffer.


Okay. Again, Adam, we apologize.


And then we can move on. We can.


Move on. Do you want to call Scottie.


In here? Yeah, I did. I texted him. You did? Yeah. He said he wrote... Well, everybody knows it's no secret that me and Scottie are huge fans.


Sean's husband, Scottie is like, the two of them are like the massive-.


Adam might not be up on you and Scottie's movie taste. Yeah, that's okay.


That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm telling you. Now, everybody who listens is listening. So Adam, when.


You- Again, that's like 25 people. Here we go. Question, please.


I'm trying.




Think. Twenty-five.


We're good. So I have the obvious stock questions, which is.


Is it real?


Please don't tell me it's not real. Please tell me it's all real.


It's totally real.


I'm there now. Oh, God.


You're walking around. I'm there now.


I want to know, were you a fan before? What was it like getting- What a time. -getting that call to be like you're part of this iconic- Yeah, you can ask for it one time. Okay, sorry.


What was the first one?


The first- First one was like, were you a fan?




You a big fan? I grew up my dad was more of a Star Trek fan than a Star Wars fan, but I did have a couple of Star Wars toys that we got to garage sales, but I was a fan of the movies. Then to be asked to do it was... I thought about it a lot because again, I didn't want to be bad in it.


So you got an offer?


Yeah, I got an offer, but there was no script to read, which I'd never done before. So you had to commit to it. Jj walked me through the whole thing, but there was no script that you could actually see how that played out.


But also, Adam, I'm sure you thought at the time, because we had just finished working together, I was very well aware of you, your talent, your position in the community, what your potential was as far as jobs and fancy directors and all that stuff. I'm sure at a point you must have thought, even though you're not a strategic thinker, annoying like that, must have thought, Well, I don't want to sign up for something where this is going to be louder than anything I'll ever do in my career. Am I tying myself to this for multiple films? Did any of that go through your head? I'm sure it must have a.


Little bit. No, actually, no. I never thought that this was going to be the only job I got. I don't know why. I didn't think that it was going to be... It didn't think I'd do anything bigger than that, but I had hoped, I was optimistic that I would work after it, and hopefully not... But I wasn't thinking that too far ahead like that of what the end result of it would be, because the end result could also be you were in a movie that everybody saw and nobody liked, and they didn't like you in it, and they didn't like the movie. The idea that a movie of that scale that anyone would actually watch it, like I was just coming from Girls, and this is where I leave you, and I try.


To- You were so great in that movie.


Thanks. And it was.


Very- And passionate people about it, like Sean would be like, What is he doing in this? And he's ruining the franchise. No, you don't want that.


No, I would never. But it's got to be cool to go through the process of seeing the drawings of your character, then the fittings, the costume fittings, and then touching the props. And all that stuff must have been so terrifying.


Touching the props. -and touching the props.


-and the lights, and everything. -carefully knocking on them. Don't wreck your pants, John.




Christ. That is so cool. By the way, you're one of the few people that I turned to Scottie and I said, I have such a massive talent crush on that guy. You're so good in everything you do, but especially.


In a friend. I agree. You know what is amazing? And also this fits in, Jason, a little bit with what you were saying is you do like these... Star Wars is one of the most... I don't know if there's a bigger brand in terms of film, and maybe the Marvel Cinema Universe and all that shit. But you do that, and not only does it not paint you into a corner, it does the opposite. It opens you up to all these people globally, and then you continue going. I said at the start when the boys were trying to guess who my guest was, if you look at the list of directors that you've worked with, it's almost pureless, man. You're in that way. It's remarkable how many of these incredible, some of the greatest directors of our time have all wanted, have all asked you to come and go on these creative journeys with them. And that's got to feel very... And I guess I also noticed the way you talk about stuff like, Yeah, you are not a strategic thinker. It seems like you just go with what inspires you. Am I right about that a little bit?


Well, yes and no. I'm not strategic in that I'm like, Oh, this needs to make money. So we... Although I should think that way. I do get now that you don't do movies that make money. They'll stop ask you to make movies. That's what I've been told. But my mind, it's a filmmaker's medium, so I'm strategic in that, well, isn't the goal then to work with great filmmakers? Sometimes I feel like if I connect with it, then I can... But people that I've wanted to work with were the thing that they wanted to do I knew I couldn't do or I felt like I wouldn't get there. I'm not really answering your question. No, you are. But I am strategic in that it's a filmmaker's medium. It's a plays or a playwright's medium. Tv seems to be a writer's medium. Those are the people that I always wanted to work with, and I made myself available to try to work with them if it came up.


You've also, in the last two years, portrayed two very significant Italian men, one a designer and both incredible creative minds if you think about what within their thing. You played Mauricio Gucci and Enzo, and now you're playing currently Enzo Ferrari.


Yeah, I guess that's a good example of not being strategic in a way that I probably should. So many people have been like, How many attacks? It just worked out that way. I think someone probably would have should have said maybe because it's going to come up a lot. But I'm like, Well, it's Ridgeley, and it's Michael, and in my mind some of the best filmmakers of all time, who gives a shit that there's two Italians.


Back to back. Exactly. Yeah, who gives a shit. And also, like you said, two incredible filmmakers and two great stories. Yeah. So who gives a shit what it is? You'd make ten in a row probably. I imagine you would if they were great stories and great directors.


Yeah. Well, probably not Italians anymore, though. Okay, because I'm surprised how much it comes up. Are you have a thing? I'm like, it's two. It's two Italian. I'm like, all right, these things are not a place. This is, but press isn't a place that you have a nuanced conversation. That seems like a hard idea of like, Well, what is it with Italy? Well, I mean, it's less to do with Italy, although I like it, but it's more about Ridgeley Scott, and Michael Maan and the projects themselves. Italy is not the first thing on my mind.


Right. You're not calling your agents going like, Hey, give me another great Italian role to play.


Yeah, right. Campari, I hear, has not done in Italian.


I really like to.


Say car, let's go.


I'm corner of.


That market. What about... Were you into car racing at all beforehand? No?


Probably didn't matter, right? I was into cars. I was into car, but I knew of Ferraris, mostly from Miami Vice. Take it easy. But it was an unattainable... It wasn't part of my upbringing.


Well, again, Michael Manne.


Right there. Are you a sports guy? You play a lot of sports, boxing, anything like that?


I know. I like watching... I'm stuck in time a little bit with in late '90s, Michael Jordan. I'm just now only recently, because I'm trying to work less, have gotten back into going to basketball. But basketball is my sport.


Does that make you a Nets fan or a.


Pacers fan? It makes me a Nets fan because I'm.


In Brooklyn.


A Nets. All right.


So basketball is your thing, but you're not like a watch football day guy or anything.


Like that? No, I wish I did. I mean, sometimes I watch football a day, but not really. No. I mean, I watch like Tyson highlights, like Mike Tyson highlights, but I won't keep up to date with I missed the Tyson-Fury fights, and I'm not a full man.


I missed Mike Tyson. Remember Mike Tyson was just like... It wasjust horrific watching what he would do to people, and I could not stop watching. We haven't had a boxer like that since him, have we? No.


No. I mean, what's his name? The guy, the English guy who's... Wait, you just said him. Tyson Furi? Tyson Furi, yeah. He's been fairly dominant, but not in that same way. His last fight, did he get knocked down twice?


Two or three times. Now it's all USC, right? Yeah.


It's all-UFC. I'm sure we'll have some fans who grow up, but I find USC to be so dark. The energy is so dark for me. I don't know. There's something about it. It seems real.


I used to watch it right before I go to bed. What time in the middle of the night in my dream, I thought I was in a fight, and I threw an elbow at Amanda, and I just missed her freaking nose. Oh, jeez. I just whacked a pillow that she was sleeping on because I was in a fight in my dream. Because you're watching UFC. Right before I went to bed, it was like a stupidest thing. I was like, I might as well have a big steak, too. I'd end up killing somebody. I don't know. Anyway, we digress.


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And now back to the show.


Adam, is there any more talk about more Star Wars stuff?


Oh, boy. Oh, boy.


Look who's back. They're doing stuff. Yeah, but not with me.


I'm not doing it. You're done because the character is done. Yeah. All right. But wait, did you...


But would you? No? But if you did, what character do you think.


You might like? But if they came to you tomorrow, and JJ was really nice about it.


No, I want to know. Can you just give me one good story from filming it? Something that was great or went wrong, or something that was surprising. You know what? You know what? I loved. This is what I loved. It was at the end of Force Awakens, and you're doing the final battle with Ray.


It's like he's stuck in an elevator at comicon. And you're fucking a nightmare for her.


I just want to say what? I'm never going to run into the guy ever again. I hope I do. But when you're wounded, when she got you, and you're walking around in a circle, and you start banging the side of your hip like this trying to get the pain away or something because you're bleeding. Whose idea was that? Such a cool, specific actor. I've never seen that.


So cool. Thanks. I will actually legitimately say that was mine. The idea... How it was pitched to me was, again, none of these were written, but that the very beginning was that his journey was supposed to be the opposite of Vaders, in that he starts almost the most as opposed to someone who's the most dark from the beginning, and then by the end of the series becomes the most vulnerable, that he starts the most vulnerable and becomes little by little more committed to the dark side. I feel like eventually they, I think, got rid of that idea. But in my mind, as I was playing it, that's what I was working towards. So all of this stuff is any time that, even abstractly that by the end of the movie, anything that starts to come into his world that reminds him that he's vulnerable, he has to get rid of it. I think just in an abstract way.


It was- Okay. So then when you got wounded and you were bleeding, you're like.


I got to get rid of this. Yeah. That's really cool. I wasn't very conscious. I wasn't consciously thinking of it. I think that that's just like this pain. It's so cool. He's trying to snuff out anything. He's getting more and more. So by the time after he kills Han, hopefully that you see in his face that he shifts into... He's made a choice that he's going to commit to the dark side.


Yeah. How did you like the pace of that? There's all the effects and stunts and things like that. I would imagine because of their luxury of schedule too, that you didn't have to shoot a lot of pages every day. I just remember working with you that you like to keep a nice momentum going. You stay in it and you're ready. How were you able to throttle up and throttle back with the.


Slow pace? There's a massive adjustment. Even when this is where I leave you, I hadn't quite figured out where to be economical at all. The breaks in between, I never figured out the language of a film set, so I was still figuring it out. I was wasting just a lot of energy trying to keep something like an engine going. That... I made Star Wars was way more exhausting for me than I made it more exhausting than it should have been because I hadn't quite figured out the momentum of a set that was that big before. All the things I'd worked on were really small, and they moved pretty fast.


What did you learn? I love that idea. I remember saying to somebody coming off of rest development and then doing a couple of movies, I was like, Fuck, making a movie is so boring because it would just take so fucking long and you have all this big time in between. How do you say, especially making a comedy, you're like, It's so hard to make a good comedy movie because there's just-momentum. -there's no momentum, and you need that to keep it up. What did you do actively to train yourself to perform in films that was different? Did you have something like a technique.


That you.? Yeah, well, usually the director sets the pace of the set. I don't like to be the person that tries to control the pace or rhythm of a set. I let the person that's to... And so I have to adjust. Like, Spike Lee and Sodaberg shoot really fast. And for me, that's not comfortable. But it's their movie and their film, so I adjust to what it is that they're doing. So things like that, I won't go back to the trailer. I'll stay on set mostly. And then if I need to escape a conversation, a side conversation, then I will just to try to stay focused.


Like questions about Star Wars or something. Yeah, some.


Fucking uber nerds. You're trying to get into being Enzo Ferrari. And you've got... One more thing. When they were on Planet Voltaire, was it true that the Caribbean Sun burned their helmets off?


Sean, of all the characters in all the Star Wars Universe, what character do you think you would have liked to have played the most?




C-3po. C-3po.


Luke Skywalker, of course.


Luke Skywalker.


Yeah, of course.


Well, with a lower octave, maybe.


What's that? Hey, Paul. Yeah. We wanted to go something about the Tashi station. We wanted to go back to the Tashi station or something. Mark Hamels is really whiny. It's such a funny line. Everybody makes fun of it now, but it was so great. Do you know what I'm talking about? I wanted to go back into town to pick up some power converters at the Tashi station. I remember that. I think.


We talked about that to the first one, right?


Yeah, that's the very first one. Adam, but last, we're done with the Star Wars. But are you so happy to not have to talk about it at length? I know we did a little bit here, but are you trying to try to avoid... Idiots like you. You try to focus on moving forward.


No, I don't. Honestly, not a lot of people talk to me about it. When they do, they mostly ask me... Even what you're asking is different than what most people ask me. And the only thing about it is I would talk at length often about some movie that you're trying to support. And then you say one thing about Star Wars, and that becomes the thing there. I'm like, Oh, what the fuck was the point of that?


Yeah. Do you miss shooting a series in Brooklyn? I do.


I do. Do you wish you could-.


I do. Right? Do you really? Oh, yeah. I bet.


You'd love that right now. Yeah, well, because I'd be close to home. I didn't realize how luxurious that was.


Wait, you said this already. Where are you from originally?


Indiana. Where I was raised in.


Oh, look who just joined the podcast. He said it. We talked about it a few times.


He was in a blackout trying to form a Star Wars question.


You know, most people when they talk in the conversation, they don't spend all their time thinking about what I'm going to say when other people are talking. Just listen. That's how.


The conversation happens. What you're feeling about? I think it's fascinating when people-Would.


You ever move to Indiana? Yeah.


You would never live in Los Angeles. It's just not your speed. No. Well, he did.


No, I enjoy the four seasons.


Yeah, I get it.


God, that's been coming up so much lately with us about LA, New York, right? J. B, we were talking about it the other night. I lived in New York for over 20 years. When my kids or my older kids were little, I moved to LA, and I was like, I don't know if I ever want to move to New York. Now these days, more and more, I'm like-.


I've been dying to live here since I was 16. How come you? I would love-.


Why did you say?


I would just love to because because of the seasons, because there are so many different industries that are centered there. The people you talk to have something to say about so many things you know.


Nothing about. It's not a company town like LA. La is such a company town. Right. It is boring in that way. We always say that if all your references are just about this-.


Then what you're working on?


Right. That's what I feel when I come here. But I didn't think... I was like, maybe I'm just... Because every time I come, it's for something that is related to that. I'm like, well, I've actually never spent time here, so I can't really say that. But it feels that way. It feels like with New York, there's just so much other shit going on that has nothing.


To do with that. It's stimulating. It is. See, everybody's working, doing something that you don't know anything about. It's very interesting.


Which if you can, it's also nice to get out of the city if you can, because you can just be sitting in your apartment and feel the energy of the place outside and feel like you need to be doing something, which is also can be exhausting. But I know I love New York. I think all those...




I know. I'm sorry. Just put your guys.


To sleep. I have a question for all three of you because you all three have kids. When you take your kid to a school for the first time, it's got to be like, I don't want to deal with the... I have to meet everybody. How are you? And then they are asking to ask you dumb questions. Like, I'm asking you Adam dumb questions or whatever. You're going to find yourself trapped by teachers or other parents or whatever. How do you deal with all that?


Because you're a known person?


Yeah, you're in the public eye.


Well, when my son was born before he was in school, I didn't really go outside with him much because I didn't want people to bother him. And then the one time I went out with him in Italy, we were like, Oh, it's the pandemic. Clearly, no one's following us. And boom, they got us and people took pictures of my kid. But then it was like to a point where I should go outsidedied with, I'm missing out and all this shit.


Do you get hassled? Do you get hounded a lot by paparazzi and stuff like that?


Not paparazzi necessarily, but people. And it's all good. It's fine. But when you're with your kid and you're trying to do something. Then now he's at the age where he's starting to track- Put it together. Yeah.


What does it look like for you? I do want to ask you a little bit about Ferrari because you're talking about working with- I can't wait to see it. I know. Working with Michael man, obviously. What was that process like for you? Because it was pretty all encompassing, I imagine.


Yeah, it was prosthetics that we didn't realize were going to be as involved. We had no money. I mean, we had money, but not a lot of money for how Michael wanted to do it, and not a lot of time. It was very 17 hour days, sometimes a couple of times 20 hour days in Modna, where everything was happening, where everything happened for Enzo. It's like the barber shop he went to the same, the grandson of the guy who actually was his barber, the actual factory, the place where the crash was. Everything is very meticulous, and authentic, and incredibly thoroughly researched, and going to the factory and seeing the engines shipping in some of the actual cars that won the Millemia, some of these $70 million Ferraris that he would just bring there just to get the sound and hook up nine mics to them and drive it through a tunnel. It's very thorough. You get it. I mean, it soundswith... But at the same time, he's very researched, but is after something pretty abstract. He's famously well researched and very meticulous about clothes and sound, and all of the details, but then is very good about making shit up in the moment.


You mentioned Miami Vice. I was a huge Miami Vice fan. You were? Of the show. Oh, God, yeah. The show? Yeah, because I was a young teen when that show first came.


Did you dress like them?


I bet he did. Dude, and DJ Don Johnson knows this. I've told him he knows this. When he shaved his head that third season or whatever, went to a buzz cut, I did it. That's how into it I was. I thought it was so fucking cool. I'd never seen anything like it. And part of it was A, Donna is great. It was so cool. But the way that Michael Mann understood the making of the film, the balance of really cool set ups, really cool shots, really making the most of it, setting the tone that he was able to set. With the music, he was the first guy who made really cool... A lot of those shows were almost like music videos in the middle that had these incredible montagechallenges. It was just breathtaking to watch him do all that shit. There's that really famous one where they have, in the air tonight with Phil Collins, that whole sequence with the camera set up on the side of the car. You're watching the wheel, and then it's going down the thing, and then it's the reflection off the hood. Then he goes to that phone booth that's miraculously at the end of a pure all by itself.


Calls his ex-wife.


Calls his ex-wife. Yeah. Great shit. You watch that. That was 1984, man, and just elevated shit.


Yeah. He's very into rewatching his movies now. He's obsessed with internal life. He really believes in it. That's cinematic and interesting enough. Then when I watch Last of the Mohecans or Heat or Last of the Mohecans in particular, they don't have a lot of screen time to really fall in love. But because you can tell they're so filled internally, you totally buy it. And he's really into that. All of his notes are about internal stuff. Really? He's rare in that way. Not a lot of directors really talk about.


Internal stuff. No shit. And then he trusts that the audience can read your mind a little bit. If you're really cooking inside, you don't need to say it. They'll lean forward and try to read you.


And is that about staging in the way that he shoots it, that to him in order to get into that.


Inner life? Yeah. He's all of his choices are about... There's this thing where he's obsessed with ties. There's a lot of famous stories about him. Someone will say an offhand comment, I'm like, Oh, that's a nice tie. What did you say? They're like, I was just saying that he had a nice tie. He's like, Okay, we got to go find another tie and spend two hours finding the right tie. And then you ask him, he's like, Well, if you're looking at the tie, then you're not looking at the actress's face. I want you to be engrosed in what's going on. He's like, The blacks in this scene are right. They need to be 50 % darker because then you can really get into the pupils. It's all about internal life. He wants to see, which I think is that's what makes those movies rewatchable and timeless. There's a lot of respect that people will get it. Which fucking- Yeah.


It's got this... He's got a Michael-Man three-quarter shot of this, like a handheld that's right behind an actor's ear, and it just creeps around a little bit and exposes just one of the eyes, and it gets you inside an actor's head or a character's head. He uses that quite a bit. I love that.


I don't know if there's a camera invented yet that would be able to reveal any inner life on Jason. I don't know if that would... No. I've killed it. No, because it's like a fuck, just fucking dead.


Like a desert. It's like dial tone inside.


You think of like, you hear like a wind going through an old outhouse out in the middle of the desert. That's the sound.


Yeah, I fall asleep real easy.


You talked about driving about Ferraris and stuff, so you get to drive. Have you ever driven a Ferrari before? No.


No, no, never driven a Ferrari. No. Do you have one now? No, no. Do you want one now?


Would you ever.


Get one? If they gave me one.


Sure, yeah. Are you like a motorcycle guy at all?


Yeah, I have a couple of motorcycles. You do?




Course you do. You've got children.


Now, though, Adam. Yeah, I know.


But- Yeah, let's get rid of those.


Do you guys know this? That I had a Ferrari for a few years.


Is that right? Really? Yeah, I.


Had a Ferrari.


Wait, wait, wait.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I had that.


Old- Did anybody fucking buy you one?


It's a long story, but I had that. They did. But I was gifted a Ferrari. But it was one of those old, a Ferrari, the 412. It looks like a Coupe. Do you remember that car? At the beginning of Rain Man, Tom Cruise is driving that when he's going out to Palm Springs and he gets the phone call and he's got to turn around with the windmills and behind. It's a beautiful car.


You wanted to be Don Johnson and.


Tom Pax. I know. So you sold that Ferrari, the gift to you, and you turned a little profit, I guess, huh?


I ended up selling it because you know why? Because if you didn't drive it all the time, it would sit there and you would constantly have to repair shit. Right. That was just the way it was. And I.


Did it. What a relatable story. So you just pocketed, what did you get? About 150 grand for it or.


Something like that? No, because I paid so much to keep... Wait, the kid.


A lot of taxes.


You know what I mean?


Hey, Adam, it's been such a pleasure.


Listen. It does seem relatable, though.


No, by the way, I know what you mean.


Wait, when does Ferrari come out?


Christmas Day.


Christmas fucking Day. Just in time. Okay, like a gift from Jesus. Yeah, himself. Adam, I could just ask you. Man, I'm just fascinated with it. I'm such a fan of what you've done, man, and I'm just so happy for you, dude. You do seem like such a genuinely good guy.


Honestly- Big talent crush, like I said.


Yeah, big talent. You know what, like Jason said, I wanted to say this before, and Jason said, When people run into you, it's not like you're just like some... There's a difference between being a celebrity and being an actor. You're such an actor. I mean, that is such a compliment. You're such an artist. I hate using that term, but it's true to you, man. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I just think that you're-.


That means.


A lot. That really means a lot.


Thank you. You are amazing, man. I'm so glad that you joined us today. Thank you for doing this.


Yeah, no.


Thank you for everything. Thanks, buddy. I'll look you up when I get to Brooklyn, and.


We'll No, he's good, man.


He's just.






To love it. Thanks, Adam. Such a pleasure to meet you. Adam driver.


Thanks, buddy. Thanks for taking the time. All right, bye, buddy.


Thank you. Thanks for having me.


All right.


See you. Bye.


Wow. Right?




J. B, I knew you knew him.


Yeah, I'm surprised what didn't come up with some tie into his last name and the Ferrari movie. Who's going to do that? One of these critics are going to do it, right? Somebody writing a review or something. The driver really drives this driving movie. Something like that?


Yeah. They can go ahead and think about it. Well, if they're going to do it, it'll be probably a little bit.


Sharper than that. Probably something like that.


Well, any time you.


Said that word. Something like that.




He's something like that.


He's really cool. It's wild to meet him. He is wild to meet him. It's really cool.


He's a very good dude.




Yeah. He seems very like he's got a generous spirit.


Like you said, he's an actor. He's an.


Actor's actor. And he's an actor. Oh, yeah, he's an actor. He's so good. He's always.


Excited to be with us for a long time. He's going to be one of our great actors until we're old and gray.


Yeah, for sure. I don't know. There's something about I love the fact that... I know. I don't feel like it did a good job of getting into it like this. The way that he just kept... He applied to July 17, didn't get in, but then he went into the military. But then he came back to it. He went to L. A, and then his car broke down, and he fucking went home. But he came back to it. He was not going to be, this is what he wanted to do. And he knew he had a gift.


For it. You don't stop till you get it.


He's a serious person that also has got a great sense of humor.


It's not really -.


Yeah, he's really funny.




-really, really funny. I didn't know, first of all, I didn't know he was in the Marine Corps. And that's why I asked him like-.


He did a TED talk where he talked about it. I saw that.


Oh, really? Yeah. I don't follow all the Ted talks.


Yeah, it's really- You're not up in your TED talk. I'm sure he's not the only actor that's been a Marine, but you don't hear about it a lot. There's not a lot of- The.


Whole time he was there, that's why I asked him if he was thinking about acting, what's that?




Wrigel. Rob Wrigel.


Dad, I knew for.


Some reason.


But yeah, you don't hear about it a lot. So you didn't know he was in the Marines and when I was in.


The- I know he was in the Marine. And I like what he said about Michael Man, too, about you always buy into it. Everything that Adam does.


I think. Oh, I.


Thought you just.


Skipped by your buy right there.


You said buy into it. Every part that Adam plays, you also.


Buy into it.




Was going to say less sloppy and just like, easy way out as if you're late for a bus. I'm going to say hearing what he said, those were really words to live.


Buy. Acceptable. We will allow buy. Smart. Smart.


Plus. Smart.


Plus. Smart. Plus. Smartless is 100 % organic and artisanally handcrafted by Bennett Barbaco, Michael Grant-Terry, and Rob Armjarff. Smart. Plus. If you like SmartLess, you can listen early and ad-free right now by joining Wundry Plus in the Wundry app or on Apple podcasts. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at wundry. Com/survey.


There is nothing more joyous than the holidays.


Joyous? Did you say joyous? There is nothing joyous about Christmas.


Anyways, I have such great memories with my family, decorating, listening to holiday music and watching Christmas movies. Sounds like a.


Lot of noise.


Noise, noise to me.


Oh, hey. Well, he's already interrupted my interest, so I guess I can reveal our next guest, The Grinch. Anything you want to tell our listeners?


Well, yes, actually. I have a.


New podcast. From Wundery, Tiz the Grinch holiday talk show is a pathetic attempt by the people of Hooverille to use my situation as a teachable moment.


So join.


Me, The Grinch. Listen as I launch a campaign against Christmas cheer, grilling celebrity guests like chestnuts on.


An open fire.


Your family will love the show.


As you know, I'm.


Famously great with kids. Follow Tiz the Grinch holiday talk show on The Wundery app.


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