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Hi, everyone. It's Sean. I've been short on time lately, so I haven't been able to keep up with everything going on in both the sports and pop culture landscape these days. You know how huge I am on sports. But I've heard of this new podcast called Over the Top. It's hosted by Michelle Beatle and Peter Rosenberg. And it's a fun Royal Rumble style format that packs everything you need to know from the world of sports and pop culture into one weekly podcast episode. The way it works is two stories enter. One gets tossed over the top rope, rinse and repeat until one final story from the news is left standing as the undisputed most important thing on planet Earth that week. Give it a try. I'm about to play a clip from Over the Top. While you're listening, follow Over the Top on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts.


Our next challenger is an old friend. Really? We're friends already? Just days after dominating the conversation on this show, leading us on a dazzling five-story streak, which never happened before. It's the longest we've ever had. Zach Wilson heated our advice. He manned up, he bald out, and they crushed the Texans, just like the script called for, 30-6. Do we continue talking about the hip hop homage or do we go back to Zach Wilson with positive energy this time, Peter?


How could I possibly want to talk about Zach Wilson more than something related to hip hop, greatness, and celebration? But what do you say? It was a wonderful celebration. You can go watch it back. I believe it's on Paramount in full, so you can watch it there and you can find pieces elsewhere. It's amazing. The hip hop 50 celebration that's been going on since last spring has been amazing. Sorry, Fresh Prince. Just like Uncle Phil used to toss Jazzy Jeff out of the bank's household by his belt loops, we're throwing you out and over the top. I got to talk about the Zach Wilson thing because this was, whoever wrote the NFL script for this season really threw us a curveball with the Houston game. Houston has been good. Cj Stroud has been amazing. This is a team that's really vying for the playoffs. The Jets are finito. There's nothing left. We've seen what we need to see. Zach Wilson stinks. He has no confidence whatsoever. Oh, yeah. Twenty-seven to thirty-six, 300 yards, two touchdowns, no picks. Are you kidding me, Zach Wilson? Just when I thought I was out, he pulls me back again.


I got to watch next week now.


Of course you do. And not only because of that, because now it's being reported that Aaron Rogers has been, quote, medically cleared to play on Christmas Eve this entire... It's a soap opera. It never stops. And by the way, how awkward must it be? Like, if you're Robert Sala and you bring Zach over, it's raining, it's miserable conditions, and you're just like, Good job. But he has to know that the world is against him and you can't trust anyone. It's like the Sopranos in there. You can't trust anybody in that locker room. Wait, are we talking- You on an island, Zach. You on an island.


Wait, are we talking Tommy DeVito or Zach Wilson?


No, I'm never going to talk to him. Unless I'm forced again to talk about Tommy Cutlets, I'm not doing it. Well, in.


This case, let's keep it to Zach Wilson. That was a poor joke because you referenced the Sopranos. I get.


It, but I refuse to give him those props.


I appreciate you.


Denying it. Because he calls them cutlets.


The Zach Wilson thing is an incredible drama. And jets fans have to ask themselves, do you really want to see Rogers play at this point? Or are you now just curious to see, can Zach Wilson give you a few games in a row where he actually raises his trade value and you maybe get something for him? Because what's the point of Rogers coming? They're not winning the Super Bowl this year.


The reason he would come back is because Aaron Rogers wants the world to know that Aaron Rogers will be the first to do it. That's why.


That's not a good enough reason.


That's not a good reason. It's his reason.


Yeah, and at this point, I think he's starting to know it's not happening. I think he knows, Rogers, that this is not a good idea. Yeah, last week with McAfee started finding a way to be like, Well, we'll see, blah, blah, blah, vaccine joke, vaccine joke. I'm smarter than you. I'm better than you. We'll see. We'll see.


I don't know, dude.


You still think he might?


I still think he would just for the sake of showing the world that he wants to be the footnote, the one, the first, the guy. And then those stories, the legend would grow. It's like he wasn't playing for anything, but at Honor and Lens' Eve, Christmas Eve, Miracles. The whole thing is just... But it's going to happen.


It's going to happen. This time he made it six plays before injuring himself horribly in front of everyone.


Miracle my ass.


Does anybody really process? Because it was sad at the time.


Oh, it's still almost surreal.


But we need some distance to appreciate. Your man ran out on TV going full, Hulk Hogan, flag. Basically, he planted the flag into his own foot and keeled over. That's basically what happened.


That would be amazing.


It's pretty remarkable. All right, our final challanger before the break is approaching, and guess who it is? Maybe the MVP of this show when you think about it, you know who I'm talking about. My boo- boo, Tate. Taylor Swift, named the time person of the year. I know there's going to be tough. Are we talking Zach Wilson or Taylor Swift, person of.


The year? Well, Peter, obviously, when you think about legacies and what each has accomplished, it's neck and neck. Oh, my dog is so angry about any of those things.


Your dog doesn't like Tate.


No, I think she does. I think she's chosen. It's the cat that put her over. I'm sorry, Zach Wilson, you were great. We love you. We are really on your side. But no, you have to go. Because the year 2023 is Taylor Swift's year. It is. She's a billionaire. Her tour is one of the biggest tours in the history of the planet. She brought her cat to the covershoot, which speaks to us as animal lovers. I have my dog at work. You have your dog at work. If I ever made any an award situation, the dog's coming with me. And for that, when you read about all the stories and the tons and ton... And when I say tons of money, I mean six and seven figures of money that she gives that stops on the tour. As much as I have mocked her voice and her songwriting ability and the music itself, and I will continue to do those things because I am true to myself, I think as a person, she's incredible. I got nothing but positive.


And it was a dominating year. This was a year to be had. She put out new music. She redid old music. Her tour was insane. The movie, she's dating Travis, Kelsey. So everyone's talked, she somehow infiltrated football. You can say whatever you want. And Beatles and I are apt. As you know, neither of us are true Taylor Swift people, but I appreciate greatness. You know what I mean? I put everything aside. I just watched the... And it wasn't great, but it was worth watching. I watched the thriller 40th anniversary documentary on Showtime. Okay. And it's not the greatest Michael Jackson documentary. They did an off-the-wall one, which was, I think, done better. But I just appreciate no matter who the person is, seeing someone at the absolute pinnacle of greatness that's unimaginable. That's where Taylor Swift is right now. Whether you're a fan of her music or not, there's no denying. In this moment, she is the most famous and acclaimed person on planet Earth. We got to just.


Live in it. She is the moment as the as the cool kids say. And by the way, this thing comes out, this actual episode we're doing right now, Happy birthday, Taylor. We did it on purpose. Our entire lives are molded by Taylor. Taylor?


Happy birthday.


What do you get a billionaire for her birthday, dude? Good luck, Travis. That is tough.


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