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Guys, Jason had to scoot very quickly and apologize this profusely for not being here for this little thing that we're about to do, which we're really excited about.


He's missing the party. He's missing the fun.


He's missing the party. He does feel really, really bad. But we have a couple of guests with us today for a super quick plug for a new smartless media show called Pretty Sure I Can Fly. We can't wait for the show. We're super pumped. One of the hosts is a friend of the podcast. He's been on before, and actor-filmmaker has made us laugh for literally years. His partner in crime is a woman who we haven't had the pleasure meeting yet.


Sorry, and figuratively years.


And figuratively years.


You said literally years.


And figuratively years. But literally years. At least me. A woman who we haven't had the pleasure meeting yet who will be a friend of the show after this little chat and giggle. She's a brilliant writer and produced one of the all-time greats, This American Life. Love that show. Willy, let's say hello to Johnny Knoxville and Elna Baker.


Okay, I'm going to say hello.


Hello. Well, hello. Hi. Hi, guys. This is so exciting that you're here. Tell us about the show. I can't wait. I mean, I know about it, but tell everybody else about it.


It's a show about people with more balls in a bowl and alley. Sure. It's people who have achieved great things while thumb their nose at naysayers, established thought, failure, personal safety, and gravity.


Yeah, I love that. I love the press release that says, For people who have done things that have never been done until someone did them.


Yeah, that's pretty good writing, huh?


Yeah, it's pretty good.


I will say, Knoxville, you've got some history with this. You've obviously spent some time in between over the years doing shit that other people won't do, stuff that seems really scary and gnarly. I can see it. But Elna, how much of an appetite do you have for doing shit that you didn't think people could do?


To an extent, I grew up Roman, so I wasn't allowed to do anything. For me, I guess it wasn't being brave in terms of jumping off a cliff, but it was leaving a religion, giving hand jobs. There were the things that I had to make of.


That was the first thing. Wow.


That's why I joined.


Well, that's what led you to leave, ultimately, one of the things, right? You were 28?


Yes, I left at 20. I touched a penis for the first time at 28.


Is that true? 28.


That is true.


Yeah, 28. Was touching the penis the thing that opened the- Yes, it was. That was the gateway. Penis was the gateway drug?


The penis was the gateway.


When did you have your first Coke?


Coca-cola. Like Coca-Cola?


Otherwise, she's going to say 8 AM.


We were the Romans who drank Coca-Cola, but I didn't have my first coffee until I was 28.


I remember being so afraid to order it just because I didn't know what to say the word.


Wait, so everything happened at 28?


Everything because I left at 28. Yeah, once I touched a dick, I was-Yeah, tell me about it.


Yeah, tell me about it.


Catholicism, same thing. Wait, Do you still have family members in the church?


Everyone, yeah.


Everyone is still women. Do you have a good relationship?


Decent. Yeah, great.


Johnny, what about you?


Well, I started with decent. I'd love to dig into that a little bit. You open with decent.


I'm going to take you a word of- I realized they might hear this.


Wonderful relationship.


By the way, if they're listening to this, then they're lapsed, and then they're just as guilty as you are, and now the playing field is level. Yeah.


But, Johnny, what denomination did you grow up in? Catholicism?


Southern Baptist. It was intense. Oh, that's right. I knew that.


That's right.


Was it hardcore?


I didn't realize how intense it was at the time. But it's not like the Pentecostals who handle snakes. But in Southern Baptist, you're not supposed to dance. But my parents didn't believe in. They weren't that strict.


But if you hit the Pentecostals, they could maybe be on an episode of Pretty Sure I Can Fly because if they're handling snakes.


Oh, yeah. There you go.


That's what I'm saying. I'm saying being so repressed makes you want to go take these risks later on.


Totally. That's one of the things that I love about interviewing the different people we've interviewed I remember this sports writer telling me that all the greatest athletes had some primal wound, that in that thing that happened in their childhood is what makes them achieve or even try. For sure. So many of these people that we've talked to, you find out, oh, like Manny Puig, who you've seen on Jackass and who Johnny knows. I had no idea that his father was killed by a firing squad in Cuba. The origins of what made him- That's crazy. Do these insane, brave things came from something really deep and real. Or like, Garrett McNamera, who's the 100-foot wave guy. He learned about his child. It's bonkers. Basically, at one point, His mother was this hippie, but she put him in this cult. A lot of cults. A lot of cults, but the most memorable.


He was in many cults? Many cults.


But the one they had to renounce all their possessions, he and his brother had to wear bedsheets. They just walked around. They had to beg for everything. They couldn't buy anything. It was just so humiliating to be walking the streets in Berkeley in these outfits, begging for things. That's amazing. These back stories are what get them to do these things.


It's incredible. Johnny, have any of these stories inspired you to try something?


Well, I'm a little slow on the uptake, so I'm trying to not do things anymore. I'm trying to overcome my- Addiction to- It became an addiction.


Put yourself in dangerous situations.


It did become an addiction.


It must. Was there a common trait that you noticed in a lot of these people that you... Other than the childhood, a lot of them came from difficult childhoods. Anything else that gave you that fearlessness?


I think, yeah, If there's a through line for people on the show, it's bravery and being colorful.


These people are extremely determined. Yeah. Very determined.


Yeah, wow. Usually, Usually, it's complicated, though, right? Because you're talking about adrenaline junkies, right?


Some are.


Some get in and then become addicted, and then they're trying to accomplish something great. But they're also putting there. I mean, you're a perfect example, Johnny.


You- Put your life on the- Yeah, you kept putting your life on the line, and then ultimately suffered a traumatic brain injury.


There's this level at which you're on the razor's edge of admiring and also being like, You guys should stop.


Sean wants to know. I'm just asking. He doesn't want to embarrass himself. Can you get a traumatic brain injury from watching TV every night?


You can, but look at me. I'm still here.


Hey, Sean, have you seen 100 Foot Wave, by the way? No. You have to watch this, and it's by that guy, Garrett McNamere. I definitely told you about it. I'm writing it down right now. And watching what these big wave surfers do, not just Garret, but all those guys. When I see those guys when they're like, Man, there's a storm coming to Portugal, to Nazare. We got to get there. We've got 48 hours. We need to get there because there's a fucking crazy storm, and I need to get on a surf I'm going to have a dude tow me in behind a ski-do so I can get on the stormwaves. I'm thinking like, I'm looking for the closest restaurant that's got a happy hour. I'm just going to say. I want to make sure. I'm looking for the next. What do they have on draft?


I'm looking for the next Harry Potter movie. Yeah, man. Crazy. But yeah, that's insane. Wait, so are you guys... Is it fun? Have you guys been having a good time? Is it like... It's got to be fascinating to learn all these stories. They sound incredible. It's so fascinating.


I mean, just talking to Ty Stokes, who was on the Jamaican founding member of the Jamaican bobsled team, the real story behind that team is so much more interesting than the movie. Cool Runnings?


Yeah. Cool Runnings butchered it.


Like the actual story- Wait, now you're telling me that the Disney movie Cool Runnings that was trying to capitalize on the Jamaican bobsled team? It wasn't true.


I'm trying to take this away from you.


Really? That's great. Cool story?


It's an insane story.


He got put on this team a mere month before the Olympics started. They didn't have a bobsled. They didn't have a bobsled track.


They'd never been on ice.


Yeah, they didn't have a place to train. They didn't even get to go down a bobsled down the... What do you call it? The hill or whatever? The track. What, two or three weeks before the Olympics for the first time? Are you serious?


How did they qualify?


Sean, do you know this? They ended up training for money. They I trained on daqueries. They would go…


It's so stupid. How do they qualify? Anyway, you know what? We're going to listen to the podcast. That's how we're going to find out. We're going to listen to it. I can't wait. It's called Pretty Sure I Can Fly. It's Johnny Knoxville and Elna Baker. Together again, you guys make such a great pair. The show sounds so awesome. I truly can't wait to listen to it. It is available right now on whatever podcast platform you're currently listening to. Yeah.


Thank you. Thank you so much, Johnny and Elna. All right.


Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, guys. Thanks a lot. We appreciate it.


We're about to play a clip from Pretty Sure I Can Fly. Follow Pretty Sure I Can Fly on the Wendery app or wherever you get your podcasts.


Ladies and gentlemen, Travis Mastrana.


Everybody in this house is now standing up and cheering on the 199. Go Travis.


Can Can you tell me the story of the double backflip? Because that, to me, was also... I mean, I got chills in that moment in the movie, but I would love to hear you tell me the story.


There's very few times in your life where something that means so much to you means so much to a group around you, and even more rare that it means that much to the world. I still have people tell me almost once a week, I get someone that still remembers where they were at that moment. My grandma and all her friends watch it. It's live on TV. My mom was crying because she had known that I'm about 75% in the phone pit, but if it comes around short, there's a really good chance of a broken neck or paralyzed.


It was a really cool moment. Even up until you did it, it seemed like, was it really like, I don't know if I'm going to go through with it or not.


We were just explaining, you always say, I'm in or I'm out. The reason this was such a tough decision for me, and I think the reason it got built up more, was because I was on the fence on this. I have an opportunity to go out there and try a trick that I've been working for for three, four years, but I'm sitting third. I'm like, if I don't do a double backflip, I still get a medal. I still get paid, which is going to really help everything else that I've been putting into to rally. Is my goal to be a freestyle motocross rider, or is my goal to continue on in action sports and to have a career that's going to expand, hopefully longer? It worked out in rally. I said, You know what? I'm both. I said, I'm going to land this trick. Went out there and decided, literally last second, played Rock, Paper, Sc scissors with my red-neck friend, Hubert.


Wait, the deciding factor was- Was a Rock, Paper, Sc scissors. Oh my God. It came down to that?


Right before I went up there, Hubert, we went rock, paper, scissors. I gave thumbs up to basically Sal and the guys, and they're like, All right. They raised the ramp.


No one has ever done this before.


At that time, I I had done it to a sandpile in a controlled environment. That was a big step up. If you came up short or didn't make it, it sucked, but it was okay.


It was a hard surface that day, right?


It was just blue groove. It was pretty much worst case scenario for me. We took the ramp that was already existing and then raised it on two by fours. It looked like something we built in our backyard when we were five years old. My dad's out there strapping the ramp and trying to get it so it doesn't move because the ramp falls over, then I'm definitely going to deep-So you're up there and you're about to go. Yeah, it was one of the coolest experiences ever. Got up there and the guy that drops me in, he gave me a He comes up. He said, It's on you. Take your time. I looked around and every single person was on their feet. Entire sold out Staples Center. All of my heroes, you had Kevin Robinson, you had Chad Keggie. They were holding hands. I had Brian Deegan. All the militia was all down there looking. It was one of the coolest experiences. I remember inside my helmet smiling, and when I dropped in, everything went to slow motion. Usually, you get a slow motion. If anyone's crashed a car I've never been in a really bad, where you think everything's going bad.


I've never had a slow motion where I took off, and I can remember the smells. I can remember the sounds. I can remember everything was so vivid. I came around on the first poll, and I I checked the landing. I remember thinking, as Trevor Jacob said later, he's like, Oh, you can't check. I'm like, Oh, no. Now I'm short. I whip my head back and I see the lights. When you practice this trick in the foam pit, you got the sky above you and then the ground. But on this day, you've got blinding lights where you can't see anything straight ahead of you. Then below you is dark. I just remember just smiling again. I'm like, Well, I'm all in. I can't get out of this now. I came around and I literally hit, couldn't have hit better. I was just like, What the heck just happened? I dropped down and dropped the bike and I run up. The first person there was just some drunk guy out of the stands that just overpowered the security and gave me a big hug up top. I'm like, I don't even know you, but yes, let's go.


Oh, my word.


Are you kidding me?


How many times can you find the Holy Grail in one building? A double backflip from Travis Pastrana.


That was pretty cool.


I was at home watching it live, and it was like I had tears going down my cheeks like the end of Old Yeller because it was such an amazing moment and so memorable. Yeah, I was blown away. You think that's the biggest moment of your career?


Moment that the world felt what I felt.


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