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I always like to say I like being an actress, but I love being Kristen. So I've prioritized that a little bit more than my, like, desire to spread my wings or prove to people that I can be some dramatic actress.


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Welcome to Stuff You Missed in History Class A production of I Heart Radio. Hello and happy Friday, I'm Holly Fry, and I'm Tracy B. Wilson. So, Tracy, we talked about a lot of horrific things in the Griffith Jane Griffith episode.


Did I was curious what led you to this specific story? He's been on my list for a really long time. Yeah. And then it came up in another project that's going on, just a fleeting mention of his name. And I was like, oh, I should go back to that. It's horrifying, but fascinating to me. Hmm. You know, because it is one of those instances where there's part of me that finds the whole thing frustrating, because in the long game, he got exactly what he wanted.


Right. His name is still famous. He's still, like, known and considered a founder of of a lot of pieces of L.A. iconography in terms of their landscape.


He got the Greek theatre and the observatory that he wanted. Right? Not in his lifetime, but he got them. Yeah, I. I love a good villain story anyway. I just think it's a really strange and interesting thing. And the thing I really do love, not about this obviously I don't love what took place, but I really loved combing through the original newspaper accounts of the whole thing because clearly especially because he was a prominent citizen at that point.


Hmm. Every journalist was just completely fascinated and focused on it for a while.


And I mean, they really would just like pages and pages of coverage from different angles of the case where, you know, one is like that one that we specifically talked about a lot. That was like the first story breaking where we didn't really have Mrs. Griffiths full account yet because she had just spoken briefly to her sister in the hospital. You know, it really breaks down like here's what the hotel looks like. And they have little diagrams of like where she landed on the roof below and they're trying to puzzle out the whole thing.


And that, to me, is just really interesting because I like seeing one what coverage was like at any given time versus how, like that story would be covered today in terms of journalistic integrity and stature. Like I mentioned in the episode, that moment of the the reporter kind of asking him some really good hard hitting questions, but then at the end giving him the out by saying so is that all untrue?


Yeah, yes, of course it's all untrue instead of just letting him, like, dangle for a minute. But there's a good part that I wanted to say for this as like the ball to the whole thing.


OK, and a lot of people will already know this. I'm not dropping any knowledge that any Disney fan doesn't already know. The merry go round at Griffith Park was installed in 1935. This is a significant feature in the park. It's still there. It when it's not a pandemic, you can still ride it. But it is also significant in Disney history because Walt Disney used to take his daughters there to ride the merry go round and it was sitting on a bench watching his daughters ride that carousel that he got the idea for Disneyland.


Oh, I don't think I knew that.


Yeah, I feel like we might have said it in a prior episode. And I forgot, uh, maybe. But so there there is a lot of really amazing history just connected to Griffith Park, including, like, you know, things that were going on during the civil rights movement. There have certainly been other crimes committed in the park, some of which have been grisly and also similarly fascinated. The press, the park itself has a really fascinating history.


And there's a lot of work has been done to preserve the park's history and really like make a robust archive of it. I know the observatory had a an exhibit for a while. I don't know if it's still up. That was a history of the park. But, yeah, it's a you know, these places are all around us and we don't always think about them having long stories to tell. Sure. But they all do. You I mean, we we've talked about, you know, Central Park and an entire community that was there that most people have forgotten about.


It's it's like that any of these places have probably stories that may or may not be very delightful, but they're an important part of the record and of the identity of that place.


So. Oh, Griffeth. Jay Griffeth. I called him a lot of very, very unkind things while doing this research and then your e-mail, when you emailed me that, I stood in line. It's a show that kids won't listen to, so I won't use any of the words I used, but I don't have a favorable opinion of them.


And one of the things we talked about this week was Andrew Cross, who did a lot of experiments with electricity. Yes, he did.


So every year my spouse and I are on a team for the Amitay Mystery Hunts, which is a puzzle hunt, events where people try to find a coin that's hidden on the MIT campus, which, of course, had to be handled very differently this year because of the pandemic. It was a virtual situation, but because I was going to take Friday off to go with our Monday MLK holiday, the I need to get my work done early. And I was like, what do I feel like?


I can handle goofy scientist guy? I think I can get finished in the amount of time that I have to get my work done.


And that was totally true.


This is one of those episodes that just sort of fell together neatly as I was working on it instead of being kind of hammering things into place, which is how OLAP tegus went.


Yeah, it's funny how those some just go smooth as silk and others are like you're dragging a sack of information to the finish line, like, please, come on, just tie up somehow narratively, yet make a narrative with his second wife.


Books were, of course, the big source of information for the episode. They are online in several places. You can read them for yourself. And if you are interested in more details about the experiment with the meit's, all the details are are in there. Reading through those was a whole lot of fun. I don't have a great explanation for the meit's beyond. Maybe some might lay their eggs on there and it like continues to not really have a hundred percent definitive explanation.


Right. Only two people had this result. A little vague about all of it. You know, I think I feel like I would blame the water for some reason. Yeah. Like it's in there when they set up the experiments. That's what it is. I'm basing that on nothing.


Yeah. Various household mites can also be pretty hardy.


If you have ever tried to, like, get rid of dust mites in your house or whatever, it can take a whole lot to try to do that. All No. One, it's clear that in his school years, like his boyhood school years, he sounds like he was a handful.


And then as an adult, he just became kind of this eccentric. I'm going to do experiments at my house, which I'll you know, a lot of scientific work happening at that time was just people who were enthusiastic and interested and had enough money to support their science habit. That's true. I promised you a story about time. All right. Right. Since he and his brother tried to split up time into ten hour increments instead of the twelve and twelve to make twenty four that we all live on.


I as an adult, do you remember Swatch Internet time?


No. OK, so there was a move in nineteen ninety eight where Swatch tried to introduce this idea that everyone globally should switch to one time Swatch Internet time because they recognize that due to globalization, like people would be communicating with each other and rather than going OK, wait at six where I am, that means it's one where are you are you could just say let's meet at seven hundred.


And like the day was broken down into beats, what they called beats, which were 1000 beats per rotation.


So per day I would have been in my mid twenties at this time and I wanted everyone to adopt Swatch Internet.


I thought it was brilliant.


I tried to live by it, much to the frustration of everyone around me. Because I would be like, oh, do you mean, you know, they would be like, oh, breakfast is at eight thirty. And I would be like, oh, do you mean, you know, 312 or whatever, but it was just never going to work.


I mean, I did some do a few things in my 20s, so I don't feel like I can judge you too much for this. But I do have some questions.


I mean, I just thought it was like revolutionary and smart. But what are your questions?


And my question is really like one of the things about having all these time zones is having a sense of what time it is in another place and whether the person you're talking to is likely to be awake. Right. How did it account for that, where people just going to be awake at? We were all going to. Well, it didn't I mean, it wasn't like that. It was like you would be able to say, no, I sleep from 500 to 800 or whatever, but you wouldn't have to worry about daylight savings.


That was not part of the plan. It would stay completely consistent. Sure. And it would get everybody on the same time, which I think the crosses would have been very into this if they had been living in the 90s.


I thought of them. I thought of it immediately. When I read that, I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, I'd be into this. I mean, I always kind of like the idea of playing with time and not living by the 12 hour clock. You know, I'm also one of those people who really, really wanted to make polyphasic sleeping work. And that was. Oh, yeah, not functional for me. It's like it works really well until it doesn't work.


And then which for anybody that doesn't know, that's when people there was I'm sure there are still people doing it at the time. I mean, this was some years back. The the research I had been doing, the idea was that if you broke your sleep down into smaller increments, that we're on a very regimented schedule. You didn't have to sleep like a full eight hours every night. You could get by with actually like three. But it was like in, you know, twenty five minute increments or whatever.


But you had to do them at like regularly scheduled out interval intervals and a lot of people did it. You can do a search for it and you'll find lots of people's accounts of trying to switch to this. I love it because I have a love hate thing with sleep. I wish I didn't have to sleep. I have stuff to do. I'm going to die one day. I got to make a lot of clothes before then. But for a lot of people that make it work, what they find is that it works great.


And then if you're like in a situation where you cannot get to your. Place to doze off like one guy, I remember reading his account and he was saying, like I was doing a really, really great. And then I was in a meeting at work that ran long. And my body was so used to just like go to sleep at 10 one every morning that I literally just slumped over and fell asleep on the conference table. Oh, my goodness.


And then once that happens, you're like once you get off of it, you have to start all over and it takes a long time to retrain. Your body is probably more about me than you ever wanted to know, but I sure wish I could make that work.


I'm thinking the crosses might have also been a good idea to you. It's kind of like a lot of people point to was it Einstein that would know Edison would catnap? He didn't like have bedtime persay, he would just catnaps throughout the day.


Edison has his own problems, but I'm sure that always sounded appealing to me. But I've never been able to make it function. Yeah.


Uh, yeah.


If you want to write to us about this or any other podcast or history podcast and I hurt radio dotcom, I hope everybody has a great weekend. Whatever is on your plate if you're working. Hope people are not jerks to you. And if you are not working, I hope it is restful as it can be. Stuff you missed in history class is the production of I Heart Radio for more podcasts from my Heart Radio is it by her radio app Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to your favorite shows?


The Therapy for Black Girls podcast is the destination for all things mental health, personal development and all of the small decisions we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves. Here we have the conversations that help black women dig a little deeper into the most impactful relationships in our lives those with our parents, our partners, our children, our friends and most importantly, ourselves. We chat about things like what to do when a friendship ends, how to know when it's time to break up with your therapist and how to in the cycle of perfectionism.


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