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From ABC, this is the 10 percent happier podcast. I'm Dan Harris. Hey, guys, it's our Friday bonus meditation. This one comes from one of the guests from the election sanity series, Tourie Sala. We had her on the show this week talking about one of the Brahma vihara is called Sympathetic Joy, which we've been calling the opposite of schadenfreude.


This is a meditation, however, on a slightly different subject. It's on the elements or three of the elements. This is drawn from another Buddhist concept, the elements in question here being fire, earth and wind. This may sound a little out there, but it's really not has to worry. We'll explain. In fact, this is a really sort of earthy way to develop resilience. So give it a try. Here's to Precilla. Hi, this is touring.


And today, we're going to meditate on three elements. These elements are universal. It's just part of nature and they're not personal. To begin. Bring your attention to the felt sense of the body's posture. I didn't know the temperature of this body. And B, some places are. Warm. Some places are cool. No need to do anything. The temperature, the feeling of it. Which is noticing. This is the fire element. And you can turn your attention to this felt center of the body sitting or standing or lying down.


Bring your attention to the sense of heaviness of the body, the heaviness of the weight. Heaviness. It's part of the earth element. We do have a sense of earthiness, a heaviness. And finally. As we begin to feel and to this earth and its steadiness. A sense of non-moving. You may feel tingly moving in the body. May feel the rock motion of the breath. This movement. It's wind, the element of wind that moves.


It's this aliveness. Of here and now. So the more we learn to practice connecting with these elements. The less identified we get with every experience. And the more we learn how to respond. From our own values. When you're ready. You can open your eyes. But let the feeling of these elements stay settled in the body. And I'm wishing you a really good day. Big thanks to Tourie, quick reminder, our free election sanity meditation challenge starts in the 10 percent happier app in just a few days, we're super excited about this challenge.


We designed it specifically to help you deal with the commotion of the election without getting burnt out. Another bonus, you do not have to do the challenge alone. You can invite a friend or a member of your family. I've been inviting members of my family who I think could use a dose of sanity during this wild election season. And then the goal is we'll be able to route each other on every day during the seven days of the challenge. So to join that challenge, just download the 10 percent app here app today and it'll be very clear how to invite people see in their.


And now a message from our friends at Disney plus Mandele, thank you for coming. I'm here on business. The acclaimed series returns to Disney Plus have been questioned to bring this one back to its kind. This is no place for a child. Wherever I go, he goes to experience the next chapter. Go, go, go. Streaming October 30 is. This is the way the Mandalorian new season of streaming October 30th only on Disney plus.