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From ABC, this is the 10 percent happier podcast. I'm Dan Harris. Hey, guys, good news are free election sanity meditation challenge starts in the 10 percent happier app on Tuesday, October 27th. You've probably heard me mention this challenge throughout our Election Sanity podcast series, which we're running in the month of October. The plan is to take what we've learned from the podcast and do a meditation challenge based off of all of the wisdom bombs our teachers have been dropping on the episodes.


So download the 10 percent happier app today to join that challenge. And then starting on October 27th, you will be meditating with thousands of other people who have chosen to sit down with us for a few minutes every day to inject some sanity back into this bananas election season. OK, having said all of that, let's get to today's bonus meditation from my friend, the Reverend Angel, Kyodo Williams. This was recorded as part of our Election Sanity series.


Reverend Angel was a guest on Monday's episode, which was part two of our Election Sanity series on the podcast. And today she offers us some guidance on increasing our ability to put our attention on what she describes as our attention awareness. She will explain that. Here we go over to Reverend Angel Kyodo Williams. Greetings, my name is Reverend Angel Kyodo Williams, and I'm going to share with you a meditation that I call point meditation or sometimes just the point where meditation is pretty helpful because you can use it at other times, then formal meditation, including in this particular time where many of us find things pretty challenging.


So I'm going to start by inviting you to just cast your eyes downward, you don't have to have your eyes closed, but if you prefer them to be closed, you can do that. And as you begin, start taking a little bit of notice of your body. And then take a little bit of notice of your emotional state, maybe you brought something in that is particularly difficult that you're working with. We're just the state of the world in general has been particularly challenging for you.


Just notice how that is on your heart. And also, in your mind, what is your mental state if you're feeling a little bit of agitation? Tension. Now, allow your attention to come onto your breath. Noticing your breath as it flows in and out. And begin to draw your focus to where your breath is as it rests in your belly. Noticing how the belly moves in and out. You're going to place your attention, awareness on your breath as it rests in your low belly.


Some people call that the core and it's just a few inches of snow below your navel. And we'll call that location the point. It is the point of our meditation and everything else is other than point. So the meditation is pretty simple whenever you find your attention or awareness at other than point. You'll simply, gently and firmly bring your attention back to point. Just allowing your breath to flow in and out naturally. Perhaps having awareness. Of the expanding and contracting of the belly.


As in breath and outbreath flows naturally. We can let our attention awareness rest in the low belly. Open your eyes completely. Thank you for spending this time with me. Hope to see you again soon. Big thanks to Reverend Angel, and a reminder again that the free election sanity meditation challenge starts in the 10 percent happier app on Tuesday, October 27th. Download the app today and join the challenge. Thousands of people will be sitting down every day to meditate for a few minutes to restore some level of sanity at a really tricky moment.


We'll see you on Monday with a fresh episode.