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I realized that any.




Somebody tells me to do something, I'm.


Going to.


Say, Fuck off.


On this episode of The commercial break.


I would love to bring this home to my parents.


Yeah, this is the guy you want to bring home to your parents.


Hey, what do you do? He's a party organizer. I'm a party organizer.


I'm a party organizer. Ken, what more do you need to know? And I love your daughter's tits. How much more information can I.


Give you? She's 21. We met at my friend's 21st birthday.


We met at the kindergarten party down the street. I brought the pony. The next episode of The commercial break starts now. Oh, yeah, cats and Kittens, welcome back to The commercial break. I'm Brian Greene. This is the director of Everything Wonderful, Chris and Joy Holdley. Best to you, Krista. Best to.




Brian. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Alien. You get an episode and you get an episode and you get an episode. Tcb now, four episodes a week. If I don't have to remind you then… If you would just download the episode, then I wouldn't have to remind you. But because you don't download the episode, I have to remind you to download the episode. There's this guy that I know, and I swear this is true. I'm not being even a little bit exaggerative. Every single Facebook post or Instagram post that he puts out about their podcast is, go listen to my podcast. Go listen to my podcast. Go listen to my podcast. I have a podcast. Go listen to my podcast. Every single episode. I've noticed a declining amount of people liking those posts. Over the years, they went from like, I don't know, 50 to now two people liking as well. Because you know what? No one wants to hear about your fucking podcast. No one wants to hear about our fucking podcast either. But we keep talking about it and put out more episodes. So yes, four days a week.


Thank you very much we really would appreciate it if you would go, subscribe, and follow, and all that other stuff so you do get the latest episodes. You don't have to listen to all of them. Just download. We don't care if you listen to it. We just want you to download it. That's correct. The Vanity metric upon which the podcast Universe Rolls is the download. Please go download the episode. Chrissy, I wanted to share something that I thought was very interesting. Did you know your favorite band from the '90s, early 2000? The early Ots and the '90s is making a comeback, a reunion, if you will. And so now I'm going to leave you to guess at exactly who that is. Oh, God. And while you do that, I'm going to turn off the fan in this studio that's making all that noise. So you go guess. We're going to keep rolling here.


Okay. Oh, my favorite band from the '90s and early odds. From the '90s.


Well, they started in the '90s, and then they went on, I think, to the early odds. I think they were around in the early 2000s. The Pixies? No, the Pixies have been together for a long time. I know.


I love The Pixies.


Oh, I do love the Pixies. But I've seen them in concert a few times. And here's the thing about the Pixies, which I think is a lot like a lot of other bands that we talk about that are very heady type of band. I think Frank Black, quite frankly, is one of the most underrated singer-songwriters.


I love Frank Black so much.


Yeah, I just love him. I love him. And some of his solo stuff, I think, is so much better than the Pixies, too. Yeah, I.


Know what you're talking. What was that one album? Here comes your man. Wait, it was.


Not a Pixies album, or was that Frank Black on his own?


I think that was Frank Black on his own, but maybe not.


No, I think that was a Pixie song. But anyway, Frank Black- In person, though. -in person. The Pixies are one of those bands where it's like, there's going to be about 25 minutes of the two hours where I'm really enthralled with what's going on. Then I'm going to have to listen to the.


Other songs? You're making me feel better because I cannot tell you- You cannot tell me what- -the amount of concerts this year that we have missed that we bought tickets for.


Oh, really? Yeah. Why?


It just happened. Either we were exhausted, we were coming back from a trip, we were just exhausted and didn't want to go far away to Verizon, whatever, or Papa Joe recently. Yeah, that's true. He was going through a lot, and I just wouldn't have felt like I could have a good time because it was major news the day that stuff happened. So anyway, there's been about four or five concerts we bought tickets to, Pixy is being one of them.


Okay. Have you ever seen them live?


I feel like I did maybe at a festival or something years ago, but not, you know.


I saw them at Lollapalooza first, and then I went and saw them a number of times when they got back together in the early 2000s, I think. And I love them. They put on a great show. We went and saw them at the Fox when they just got-.




Together. Reunited, yeah, the reunion tour. And everyone was so fucking excited. But I get the feeling a little bit like most of the crowd was like me, right? Big Seys have some fucking fantastic music, but they also have some music that's a little lesser known. You know, it's like- For a reason. Yeah, it's like going to a Smashing Pumpkins concert, hoping to hear disarm, mayonnaise, and Silverfuck all back to back to back, just keep on playing those songs. And then all of a sudden, Billy Corgan goes on some weird musical exploration of jazz or something like that. You know what I'm saying? Right. Yeah, I do. And I love Billy, don't get me wrong. And I get it. But it's like Radiohead not playing creep. It's like, okay, guys, just play that one song that everybody knows and we really like. Right.


Because it's not the Pixies, is what you're trying to make. It's not the Pixies. I have so many- Do you.


Want me to give you.


A hint? Yes, please.


Let's go there. Let's make our escape. Come on, let's go there. I just can't wait. Can you take me higher?


Oh, my God.


To the place where we be alone.


That's a really good clue, and I wish I could place.


The- Creed. It's getting back together. They made the big announcement on their Instagram.


And- Everybody's been waiting.


At least 16 people liked it five days later. It was the lamest... It was all the guys practicing, the guys that are not Scott, right? Okay. The lead singer who I have had a little interlude with at the airport one time. It's not Scott Stapp.


Is he still in it?


Yeah, he is. Okay. He hasn't been for a long time. I didn't know. I don't know. I haven't been keeping him. It's just been the other guys with some other singer. It's like the, I don't know, the Van Halen years without...


Eddie Van Halen.


Not David Lee Roth, right? Yes. So he opens the studio door where they're practicing, and he goes, Hey, guys, you want to take it higher? And you're like, Oh, my God, this is the lamest way to... So anyway, they're going to be together for two cruise concerts, which is where all the bands go to die. What just happened there? I've never seen that before. What in the world just.


Happened there? The news just went up on our screen. Chrissy. That was weird.


What in the world just happened there? I don't know. That was so fucking strange.


Let's roll with it.




I don't know. I don't know either. Somebody sent you a little emoji. I don't know how they would. I don't know how they would. It was Creed. Oh, my God. They were saying thank you for promoting our reunion.


That was weird. Okay, I don't even know what to think about that. We've been hacked. We've been hacked. Just to let you know what's going on here in the studio that has completely derailed the show. Chrissy and I are sitting here. We have three camera angles, one on Chrissy, one on me, and one center forward, which you've seen if you've been to the YouTube show. We recorded through a program called OBS. It's pretty widely used. All of a sudden, as if someone had sent you a happy birthday message on the iPhone- Yes, with the balloons. -the balloons just came floating up into the picture, and there is no button upon which I have balloons anywhere. Should we stop or should we just keep rolling? I think we should keep rolling. All right, let's keep rolling. So anyway, happy.


Birthday to you. Yeah, happy birthday. Well, I said it was Creed saying, Thank you for announcing our reunion.


So Creed is... Well, here's a couple of interesting things. I actually think this is an interesting story. Creed was known as a Christian rock band.


That's right. I forgot.


About that. But they actually weren't. No. And when people started identifying them as a Christian rock band, they rolled with it. But I know for a fact, and I know this... I mean, I don't know this for a fact. It's second-hand information. I wasn't actually in the room, but I heard it from somebody. Let's call him friend who also happened to always have cocaine on him. That I would go and visit, and sometimes he would give me some. So he was like a friend who.


Was- Friends with benefits.


Yeah, friends with benefits, who I always owed $30 to. Maybe $60, possibly a hundred, I don't know. His wife was a waitress at The Cheetah.




She would tell me that Scott Stapp-.


The Cheetah is a strip.


Club, by the way. The Cheetah is a very fancy, high-fallute, and very famous strip club here in Atlanta. She would tell me that Scott would go into The Cheetah often. And this never lined up with this Christian rock band thing that I always thought about creed, right? And she was like, Oh, he's far from a Christian rocker. He's in there spending money, getting wild, going private rooms with the girls, drinking, doing whatever. I was like, Wow, that's interesting. This was back when they were huge, when they were at the top of their game, their heyday, when they were selling out arenas. But they broke up because Scott fell off the wagon. He had a very public mental breakdown. Do you remember that? At The Cheetah? No. No, he didn't. But remember him and his wife, and he thought that the FBI was after him and the CIA was watching him and he was calling his wife. I think this is probably drug related, drug induced paranoia. So he had a very public, very embarrassing, I'm sure, humiliating breakdown in public, broke up with his wife, bad divorce, lots of public information came out that I'm sure he would have rather not been public when most of us don't.


When most of us have our mental breakdowns, we get to keep it to ourselves. But Scott got all everywhere. So I feel bad for the guy in that sense. They've been broken up for many years because the band, they just didn't see.


Scott as a good fit. They didn't align with their Christian.


With their Christian values, which they weren't even Christian band to begin with, according to Scott in a recent interview. I would love to discuss this with him on air. Maybe we can get him on. But so, Creed is back together. They are doing it. They are going to jump on that money train that I'm sure has long since left the station and is probably not coming back. But, Creed, you have had to have lived in this time period, and I'm sure most of you have, when Creed was the biggest rock band in the world. They had four or five songs that went straight to number one, and they were all really about Scott singing about Scott. He would have videos where he would be on the cross, crucifying himself in a shirt. He would have to take a shirt off.


Maybe that's where the Christian thing came from.


Maybe. I think he actually thought he was Jesus Christ at one point, and it was a little.


Bit weird. I did not think about creed as much as you.


Did, I don't think. The only reason I thought about creed is because I disliked them very much.


That's the only reason. You were a hate listening.


What's that? You were a hate listening. I was. I got to be honest. Every time... It was in two, when Navy got really popular, it was the last breadth of MTV being an actual music channel. And so they had these videos and they were absolutely ridiculous. It was all about Scott with his shirt off and he was just-.


I do remember that, like ripping it or something.


You remember that? The penis or something. Let's go there. Let's make all the square. Let's go there. And he sounded like a cross between- It was everywhere. Yeah, Eddie, Veter, and Elvis. Let's go there. Let's make all the square. Let's go there. I hate it. I hate it every better than that.


Well, part of your brain was probably a little intrigued because of the Eddie, better.


Like- Connection?


-little. Because you love Eddie better.


You're a huge Pearl Jam fan. I love Pearl Jam fan. I'm a huge Pearl Jam fan. I embarrassingly say that out loud. I'm a huge Pearl... I don't embarrass me. I love Pearl Jam. No, why isn't? I think they're one of the great American rock bands of.


All time. I think so, too.


But it's the same thing that I felt when Stone Temple Pilates came out, I felt like, oh, here's an Eddie Vetter knockoff trying to sound like Eddie Vetter, because that's what everyone thought when Stone Temple Pilates first came out. Everyone thought it was Eddie Vetter. They didn't know that it was another band called Stone Temple Pilates, especially that first song. But I grew appreciate that Stone Temple Pilates was a different thing altogether.


Yeah, I loved S.


T. P. He just happened to sound a lot like Eddie Vetter. However, I'm 99.9 % sure that Scott Stapp was just imitating Eddie Vetter, trying to make that voice that is so emblematic of Eddie. Did it, you? Yes, of course I did. Of course I did. The waiting room, you throw me mad. Boom. You finally hear and have a mess. I'm successful. A day. Well.




Off the stage. Ladies and gentlemen, due to an unforeseen circumstances, the opening act, Chopper Johnson, will not be able to play at 12:15 this afternoon.


The lunch crowd.


Yes. However, we still will honor the two-for-one coupons on our special seafood piea. So Green is getting back together, and I can't wait to see how this goes. I do think that should they come to Atlanta, I'm sure it's not going to be at an arena, but should they come to Atlanta? Right now, they made this announcement about the reunion. The only thing that they're really doing, they just announced they're going on one of those cruises that that company.


Puts together. Oh, the cruises, yeah.


I don't know that I want to be stuck on a cruise for a whole five days with people has been musical acts. And I realize that they're popular, and I don't- Some people.


Love it. Some people love it. People love cruising in general. I don't or I don't think that I would. I've never been on a cruise.


You'd love cruising. You would love cruising. I'm telling you you'd love cruising. You'd love cruising, Chrissy. It's freeboos everywhere you go. The ships are bigger than cities now. You can do what you can go. That one ship that we went on?


I don't want to be stuck.


I'm an explorer. But there's no stuck about it. It's so big.


But then you got to go stop at the ports and be back at.


A certain time. Oh, God, all the walking and inconvenience of having someone drop you off.


Right in the heaven. No, I like to walk. I want to go down little alleyways and explore and not have to be back at a certain time.


You can. Okay, we don't have to be back on the at certain time, they just may leave without you.


Exactly. I think that's what would happen with me. I'd be like, I'm having too much fun in this place.


Some of my favorite videos on the internet are the cruise ship docking videos where people are running to get on the cruise ship. Wait. Wait, and they've been left behind. That would be me. And it's like everyone's waiting to them. That would be me. Of course. I think you'd really love it, especially you went on one of the big ships because there is a lot to explore. But okay, let's get past that. These are not the ships that do these cruises. They're on small carnival boats, and they basically put a stage on top of the pool, and then you have to listen to five days worth of Creed because you're there to see Creed. I just always feel bad.


For the people. Is it a Creed-only cruise? No. It's got to have other people.


There's like Smash Mouth, but that guysays yes, but has died, so it's going to be Smash Mouth without that guy.


Did anybody else can.


Do that for you? Somebody once told me we're not a have no lead singer, and now we have a cruise to go on.


Oh, my God, that was good. You're welcome to. Thank you.


Don't know who will be singing, but Scott steps on the boat too, so maybe it'll be all bad. The hits keep coming and people keep dying.


Oh, God. Fry.


We're all getting old and we're all start crying. So much to do, so much to stay. We're all stuck on a boat for five days. Creed will do two sets on Saturday because Smash Mouth's no longer coming. I'm sorry to all the Smash Mouth. Thanks, I apologize to all the Smash Mouth fans out there. Too soon? Too soon? Oh, here goes the printer again. Thanks, guys. Don't worry about it. Between the balloons, the printer, and the fan, this has been a banner episode of the commercial break. Now you're getting.


Four of these a week. This is, I think, the trajectory. Yeah, this is the.


Trajectory of the commercial break. We're just heading in this.


Direction left and right. Yeah, whatever. We'll take the rolls, we'll take the.


Punches, and roll them. Amen, sister. I am interested to follow this Creed reunion- Are you? -and just see how it goes. Well, I'm interested to see if they actually do shows outside of the boat.


They might get a little confidence there on the boat because people would be.


Like, Yeah. Yeah, Smash Mell. We're Creed. We're Smash Mouth! The guy died, did you hear? I thought you died. No, I'm Scott Stab. I'm Scott Stane, also known as the guy who saw Brian at the airport. From the.


Commercial very- This Mottley crew going to.


Be in there too. My ha. We're down the ha. We're out there, ha, indeed. Nurses andDogs on a bus or 19. Ladies and gentlemen, due to the hot fudge machine being broken on this crew ship, Vince Neale has refused to play. My fries, French fries! I need some ketchup. Wow! It's so funny. Oh, my God. There goes the printer again. What are we doing around here? Who's sending me balloons? Why is the printer going off? Who left a fan on I did. That was my phone. Oh, my God. I'll tell you what, this might be a good time to take our first break. This might be a great time to take our first break. We'll find out why the printer keeps printing, and we'll be back in just a few moments. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Brian, we get it. But back to me. I mean, this TCB promo. Leave us a voicemail at 626-ask-tcb3, and you might just hear yourself on the show. Want to.


Text us instead?


Lucky for you, we also have a number just for that.


Text us at.


855-tcb-8383, and give us compliments. You can also always go to tcbpodcast. Com for all of our audio and video. Find us on Instagram @thecommercialbreak and on TikTok @tcbpodcast, and find.


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Comthe commercial break.


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Now that that's done, let's listen to a few sponsors and get back to this episode of The.




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Did see that.


Richard Roundtree, the famous actor from all the Black's location films. He is just an incredible actor. I know, I did see that. Who I don't think ever got the credit that he deserved for a series of what was colloquially referred to as black exploitation films back in the '60s, '70s, and even into the early '80s. But he starring one of the most famous movies ever, Shaft. Left, which I think Samuel Jackson did a remake of that a couple of years ago that was terrible. But he was such a good actor, and everything that he acted in was, in my opinion, better off because Richard Roundtree had actually showed up on set. He was such a badass. Yeah, he was amazing. He was such a badass. He was amazing. And I really hope that he posthumously gets the credit that he deserves for being such a great actor, because I really have enjoyed his films throughout the years. And just more of me appropriating culture here. But I think that Shaft was one of the great characters in Cinematic history.


I think so, too. I know I was telling Jeff because I just read that the other night. He does his end-of-the-year playlist. Yeah. It was... But it's usually musical acts that somebody died or somebody put out something new, blah, blah, blah. Anyways, I was like, Shaft. And he was like, Well, Isaac Hayes is the music of that.


Oh, yeah. Isaac Hayes- I was.


Like, Put.


Shaft on there. I know. Isaac Hayes, who was the music for Shaft, he did so many films. And I don't want to go through all of them, but I just wanted to mention that he had passed away because I think just an amazing actor and from some of the interviews that I've seen, such a cool cat, too. You can only hope to be that cool. You can only hope to be born like that, where you're just born cool. Everything happens and you walk into a room and you're the coolest guy in the room, not because you're trying to be the coolest guy in the room, because you are the coolest guy in the room. You just are. Look at.




Swagger. You do. You got that. Not the coolest guy in the room. That's that guy. That's that guy.


That's the maroon5 did that song.


Maroon 5 did that song. Here's the printer again, printing out throughout history. I think we're having a complete technical meltdown here. I think I started talking about Creed and Creed hacked into our... Are they cytologists?


I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think it's a flu.


Are they Scientologists, Creed? Richard Roundtree passed away. I think I read that he was 89 years old when he passed away. Okay. And he was starring in movies as late as 2022.




Good for him. God bless you, Richard.




On your way to-.




Next realm. To the next realm. Hopefully a really cool place. He does. It's got to be. Yeah. We'll see if we can get Theresa to contact him. Although I think if Richard is as cool as we all think he was, he's probably going to stay far away from that head of fucking hair. Amen. Did you also read that Quentin Tarantino's starting production on his last film? He's not going to do any more after this next film.


Until he comes back? I mean, why do you have to say it's last? I'm never doing this again, because you might change your mind. Most people do.


I don't understand this either. Okay, good. There are people who do. There's a lot of actress, actresses.


Artists types who do this. I mean, if you're 90 and saying it's your last, okay, that.


Probably is your last. But when you're 56, yeah. I mean, really, is that really your last?


Why? Why does it have to.


Be final? Steven Spielberg, Francis Fort Coppola, there's all these fantastic directors that are still making movies well into their 60s, 70s, and 80s. That's their passion. That's right. And it.


Seems like that's Quentin Tarantino's passion, too. So why is.


He quitting? And he happens to be really fucking good at it, so don't.




Right? I totally.


Agree with you. You don't have to announce you're quitting. Just don't do something if you don't want to do it. But I think you might want to later.


I think you probably will want to.


Did you say why?


He gave this long, convoluted explanation on Logan, but I just couldn't take more than 15 minutes of it. But then he also, I think, was with Stern at some point, and he gave a long, convoluted explanation, just basically, he feels like he wants to spend the rest of his time following other pursuits, and that he's made the movies he wants to make, and he's got one more story to tell, and that's going to be it. I can imagine for a guy like Quentin Tarantino, the movie making process has got to be very intricate and detailed. Intense. He writes all the movies, too. I think most of the movies have been written by Quentin. 10. What was that? I don't know. Was that like a trumpet? What?


This needs to be our Halloween episode.


It seriously does. Are we on 13 something?


What was that?


I don't know. I have no idea. I have no idea what's going on here.


It's our Halloween spooky episode. Let's turn into that. Why not?


Guess who's starring in his last movie. Uma? John Travolta.


Oh, he's bringing.


John back. Yeah, who he has not done a movie with since pulp fiction. Okay. Which pulp fiction changed the Cinematic Universe forever. It really did.


For a lot of people, too. A lot of the actors, a lot of the director, and just, yeah, your the con.


Yeah, absolutely. You know, the two movies, three movies that changed my life as a young man, and one of them was.


Pulp fiction.


Yeah, me too. The other one was Natural Born Killers.


Oh, that.


One was good. And the third one was The Doors, right? That was great. Made by three ex-outstanding directors and outstanding movies. Oliver Stone, Quentin Tarantino, and then who did the- I can't believe.


The Never Ended Story isn't there.


When you're- The Never Ending Story. You're three.


Come on, Ryan.


No, but that did come on HBO Max yesterday. It did? It did. So now you have access to The Never Ending Story. I would watch it, but it still makes me a little bit scared to this day. I loved it. I loved it, too. I think I told this story. When I went tothe first time I went and saw The Never Ending Story, it was our birthday, Kevin and I. So we got to take one friend a piece because my parents have permanently damaged my psyche by not celebrating birthdays. But we got to take one friend a piece to the movie's to see, never ending story. That was nice. We got any snack that we wanted, and I picked machos with cheese.


Oh, you went machos?


I went machos with cheese. Let me tell you, in 1990-something, when I was six years old, the macho cheese sauce was a little bit different than it is now. It was basically - Diarrhea. Yeah, it was basically diarrhea, is what it was.


It still can be to this day.


I'll never forget. And I still cannot eat that cheese sauce from the movie theater because I ate the cheese sauce, and then I directly threw the cheese sauce up, the cheese sauce and all the stuff. I missed a little bit of the movie because I was throwing up. But then on top of that- In the.


Theater or did you have to run to the bathroom?


No, I had to run to the bathroom. I do remember my mom holding my hand and taking me to the bathroom. So we get back into the movie theater, and then I remember they're already into the meat and potatoes of the movie. And it was just scaring the shit out of me that there was this flying dog, this beautiful woman, these naked breasts, the turtle who talked. I just thought it was all too much. It was overwhelming, right? Sensory overload for a kid who just threw up all over.


His shit. Yeah, you were traumatized.


Yeah, I was traumatized. But I love the movie. The movie is so fucking fantastic. It was way ahead of its time, wasn't it? Yeah. So, Atrey, you and all the kids now are on HBO Max. You can go back and watch it.


I'm so excited.


I love that movie. The lesser known, but probably just as good movie, Never Ending Story Three. What? There's a Never Ending Story Three.


Was there a two? There was a two.


I don't know if there was a two. There was a two. There was a two that came out just a few years after that.


Oh, I didn't.


See that. It's terrible, crazy.


No, the story ended with the first. I know it says Never Ending Story, but it did end with.


The first. Yes, the Never ending story actually ended. It should have been called the almost ending story or this will end story.


The never ending story, the end.


Yeah, the never ending story then. In the grandpa on that movie with the fake mustache.


Let's you know that it's Billy Crystal. The grandpa? Yeah, the little troll.


No, I'm talking about the grandpa who's telling the kid the story. Oh, the grandpa. You remember? Oh, the grandpa. This all starts with he goes to the bookstore. It's a magical bookstore.


I know. Well, I see I loved reading books when I was young, and I still do to this day. I was like, Yes, you can just get lost in a book. But did you ever go to a-.


Your imagination. Did you ever go to a bookstore that looked like a-.


Where you got trapped in the.


Attic upstairs? Where you got trapped in the attic upstairs?


No, but it sounded fun to me.


Have you ever seen a book that's so intricately designed and heavy with gold? Gold, gold.


Leaf, I've.


Done it. You open the book and all of a sudden you have a flying dog at your disposal.


I can only hope.




Been searching my whole life. I'll keep searching. That's why I love libraries.




I loved it. I thought it was so incredible. And we can only hope that Quentin Tarantino's last movie is as good.


I'm sure it'll be great.


I agree with you on this one. I hate when people announce that they're retiring, because I don't think you need to announce it. I think if you don't want to make more movies, just don't do it. It's like Daniel Day Lewis telling us his last movie is going to be The Thread or whatever the fuck it was, which is a beautiful movie, by the way. The Thread. But he goes from, you know...


Was it a.


Fashion one? That was a fashion one. Have you seen it? Phantom Thread or Phantom Threads?


I think I started to watch it. I don't know.


If I've watched it. It's really, really good, but it's incredibly slow. You got to be in a Daniel Day Lewis mood in order to watch that movie and really enjoy it. But I did. I have watched it and I did enjoy it. But There Will Be Blood, Gangs of New York. I mean, this guy is Lincoln. These are some of the most brilliant performances ever put on celluloid. And then he just decides, Phantom Threads is going to be my last movie. Phantom fucking Threads is going to be your last movie? Why can't you and Quentin team up and retire together? Why don't we see some really good acting with a really good director, and then you guys can walk.


Off into the sunset together? I don't think that Quentin can walk away from the whole industry. I guess maybe he'll be involved in another way or something. I don't know. Oh, no. That's what I got. Why do you have announced I'm done.


I don't know. I agree with you. Imagine if we came on tomorrow and said, 500 more episodes and we're done. So get ready for it. It's like Howard Stern during every contract negotiation. I'm retiring. No, you're not. You're not going anywhere. Everyone knows you're not going anywhere. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself when you woke up. What's Quentin going to do in his free time? Smoke pot and have sex with old pictures of Case Winslet. I don't even know what he's going to do. He's got to make movies. It's in him. It's in his blood. He's got to do it. I'm still waiting for Kill Bill, Volume 5. Where's that coming out?


I know. Those movies were great.


Pold fiction, too. Why don't we make that with.


John Tarvolta? Maybe that's what it's going to be.


A lot less hair.


Well, he has no hair.


Oh, that's right. He's totally bald now, isn't he?


Yeah, but they have wigs.


Well, I know that dumb ass.


And they have Frankie's follicles.


Frankie's follicles. Oh, that was the best. That Frankie video that we watched was just-.


It was just incredible. The latest Frankie.


The latest Frankie.


But he's drunk, he's drunk Frankie. I don't think I've ever seen drunk Frankie, except in his intro video when he's smoking the cigar and knocking back one. But that's just intro. This was him doing a full blown video.


Well, he did an intro, so he could just follow that girl around with the camera and show himself with his brand new Farragammo shoes, which is such a boner move. I mean, honestly, it's such a boner move. You and I go for photoshoots, and we do that under dress, right? We're like, We have no interest in taking.


These photos. I know. It's time for another photo.


Time for another photoshoot. Is it really? Do we really have to go there? Isn't 100 pictures enough of us? Do we need updated photographs? But I don't go buy Farragammo shoes for it.


He was trying to impress that girl.


He's known that girl for years. Maybe that's the true love of his life, and he's just trying to get... I think he highly impressed her with his knowledge and opinions, not the last- What? Huh? Oh. Okay, so I wanted to get into something because it's been a long time since we've done this, and this is a prelude to more episodes coming on later this week. Okay. I want to do a deep dive into some of the new dating shows that are out there, like The Cut, Jubilee, and some of these other stuff that's just online-only dating. Remember we did The Cut that one time? Highly fascinating and equal measures disturbing.


Disturbing, yes.


But I also wanted to piggyback, piggyfront, off of a trend that's happening on Instagram. We have been breaking down these videos of a show called Blind Date from the UK, the UK version of Blind Date, which is a lot like our dating game or dating shows, which is you put one single man or woman behind a curtain, three eligible bachelors or bachelorets. They ask a series of questions, and then they pick someone as the winner. They go on the date with them. In this version, in the UK version, they go on a weeklong holiday.


With someone. Yeah, vacation.


So weird. They ask two questions.




Picks somebody and then you're off. She picks somebody and then you're off. I guess you're just supposed to spend the week with them. It sounds horrible. It sounds terrible. Terrible.


It sounds like torture. Oh, hey. So where are you from again?


What was that name? That'd be me. What was that name? What do you do? Yeah. What do you do? Who are you? What do you say we just take this free vacation and leave each other alone?




Yeah. You want to fuck, I'm up for it. But other than that, I don't want to do a whole lot of talking. Right. So we've been breaking down these videos. We've probably done four or five of these videos, but Celia Black is the host of the original version of this show.


She's sassy. She is sassy. She's smart. She knows the right thing to say at all times. She's an interesting looking lady, right? She's got very British teeth, but she's a lovely human being. And all of a sudden on Instagram, I realized or I learned that Celia Black is not only an entertainer of measure on television, she is an entertainer of measure all around. She had a singing career. And on one of her albums, she sang a song called Surprise Surprise. And that song is now one of the most popular memes.


On- She's having.


A moment. Yes, she is. Now, let me put to play this in the microphone, because if you're on Instagram, you've probably seen one of these. Hold on. That is definitely not it.


Well, Spuki. Spuki. It's our Halloween episode.


Okay, here we go. Ready? Oh, let me turn the volume on here. That's the surprise you see.


Surprise, surprise. Surprise, surprise. Surprise, surprise. Okay, Celia, you might be a better host of a game show than you are a singer. But I play that because anybody that's been on Instagram and seen these memes, you'll know this is the lady who is hosting this blind date show, the same lady who is singing that clip. So without further ado, I would love to review another blind date video. What do you think, Krissy?


I think so.


We should do it. Let's do it. Okay, here we go.


Are you trolling on the internet?


Oh, yeah, I'm showing on the internet. I was showing on the internet as I do like to do, and I found some blind date we can review. That just made a rhyme there.


Ladies and gentlemen, it's Blinddate. And here is your host, Ms. Cillia Black.


I don't even think he got her name right. I think it's Cillia Black. Oh, she's just so.


Lovely, isn't she?


She is. She's just fine. A real dame. She's a real dame.


She is aI see. I like.


Her outfit. Yeah.


It's like semi-carpet. It's all monochrome.


Now, aren't teenagers weird? Yes. The other day, a postcard came from Spain, addressed to our Ben. It just had his name and address on it, no message. When I gave it to him, he said, Oh, yeah, that's from my girlfriend. I said, But there's no message on it. He said, I know we're not speaking at the minute.


It's But right now, I'm going to speak to three young lads, hoping to.


Spend the next few minutes looking for a blind date. Is it a teen? Is it a teen-blind date? I think it's teen.


What? A teen? Oh, teen. Oh, Lord. Well, maybe we shouldn't be doing this one. Well, let's see what happens. I think they're adults. And here they are. Guys, definitely not a teen. Or he was born in that time when teenagers look like full.


Grown men. I was going to say like the Johnny Depp?


Twenty one jump street. Twenty one jump street.


Hello, number one. What's your name and where do you come from? Good evening, Sheila. My name is Neil and I'm from Kent. Wow!




Very popular out there, Neil. What are you doing?


Whatever, I'm used to it. Every time I say the word Kent in Kent, I get a round of applause. Whatever.


Well, I actually work in London, but I'm originally from Kent. I'm a party organizer.


A party organizer? I literally bring the cocaine, also known as a drug dealer. Party organizer. This is why we've got all these fucked up titles for jobs now, is because people were like, Party organizer? It doesn't sound good. How about event coordinator? I mean, what parties?


I mean, rock and roll parties. All sorts of parties, yes. I'll do 21st. I will do big functions, private weddings.


I'll do 21st birthday parties. I'll do bar mitzvahs. I do four year olds, kindergarten graduates. I'm really into everything, Silla.


Anything that's a party.


Anyway, they need cocaine on there.


What music do you play at these parties? Depending on the age group, really. If it's.


A- Creed. Smash Mouth.


Age group of 14 to 17-year-olds and it's a lot of charty stuff and bit of house music. Well, if you like to dance, what music do you like to dance to? And who with? Oh, I like dancing to all sorts of music. I'm not really bothered, but I like to dance with Paxi Kensing actually.


What would we like to bring? I would love to bring this home to my parents.


Yeah, this is the guy you want to bring home to your parents.


Hey, what do you do? He's a party organizer. I'm a party organizer.


I'm a party organizer. I'm Kent, what more do you need to know? And I love your daughter's tits. How much more information can I give you?


She's 21. We met at my friend's 21st birthday.


We met at the kindergarten party down the street. I brought the pony.


It was funny when you said her name. It fell off my chair, actually. Well, I wish you a lot of luck on Blind Day tonight. Thank you very much. I shall see you in a moe. Enjoy it. Hello, number-.


I shall see you in a moe. She's already reducing words like we do on text messages now.


Number two. Hello, Cilla. What's your name and where do you come from? My name is George, and I'm from Lancashire.


Well, George is an interesting-looking creature. George is an Asian guy, which I don't think I've ever seen anyone of any character whatsoever on this show. They've all been white men, right? Obviously, there have been a few people of Indian descent, but this is... It's what he's wearing that really.


Stands out. It is what he's wearing, and that is a carpet vest.


Carpet vest.


A- Like an Oriental carpet.


He's got an ASKAD around his neck, as English people do. And courtroys. And courtroys. What are you doing?


Big, round glasses.


What's your job, lad? I work in the hospital, Silla. Oh, what job of work do you do? I'm a junior hospital doctor.


A junior hospital doctor? Is that the hospital, but smaller? Or is that the junior hospital? It's like the minor leagues for actual hospitals.


I'm practicing in.


The junior league.


I think you're a junior doctor.


Oh, a junior doctor. Yeah, they take care of juniors, I guess. I don't know.


Wow, that's nice. Are you one of those dreadfully overworked, poor lad. I'm dreadfully overworked, yes. That's why you're.


Here tonight. I'm dreadfully overworked, so come back and give me a hand shandy and let's have some champagne.


I'll be able to spend no time.


With my date. We can have sex, Silla, but I'm not taking my ass card off. It's part of my personality.


You can leave your ass card on. You can leave your hat on. Well, she never.


Get any third.


Time of it? Well, do you ever get any third.


Time of it? Surprise, surprise! I've been to his parties.


That song, You can leave your hat on.


You can leave your hat on. You can leave your hat on. You can leave your hat on. You can leave your ass on. You can leave your ass on.


Do what you do with it. We do get some spare time, and when I have it, I just try to do as much as possible. I just like to go out and have a.


Good time, really.


I've been to his parties. I literally try and do as much as possible. I run around town.


I've been to his parties, in fact.


Actually, every time I take a day off, I have him but arrange a party.


We're all dying to know. Come on, tell us. I'd really like to go out with Annie Lennox, actually.




Annie Lennox. In 1986, I would like to go out with Annie Lennox, too. I'd like to go out there now, actually. Me too.


She's already talk, isn't it, Rui. Enjoy blind days, George. I shall see you in a moe.


Hello, number- See you in a moe. In a moe. I'm going to start.


Saying that.


I know.


That's crazy. See you soon.


See you in a moe. See you in a moe. Hey, do you have a moe? Do you have a moe? You've got a moe for me. You've got a moe for me. Just want to fire you real quick.


Three, what's your name and where do you come from? Hello, Silla. I'm Jamie and I'm from Maven.


I'm from England.


No, he said Maven. He's from Maven.


I'm from England.


Yes, but his haircut looks like a dead bat on top of his head. Did you see that? Now, a plus symbol just came, like someone thumbs up the...


Are we on live?


I don't think so, but I'm starting to suspect that maybe something's going on here.


Okay, Jamie, what's your job? Well, I'm a consultant for an insurance company, a big insurance company in Avon. What do you like about your job? I do find it interesting. A lot of people think that work in the office is very, very boring, but there's a lot of fun that goes on. What about favourite ladies? My favourite lady, I think, is Michelle Pfeifer. Michelle. I don't need to ask what she's got that, Amy Lennox and the rest of them. I mean, well, come on, tell me, especially. I think she's got a very, very nice name for start, but I just...


She's got a nice name. She's got a nice name?


You're leading with that?


Of all the things that I use to determine whether or not I'm attractive to somebody. Name is not one of them. Name. Not at all.


I can see you on a dark night, Michelle Hefe. Yes, I can.


See that.. I'm just like, I'm not in a bad way. But we'll see what happens here.


She's just very, very nice. I do like her a lot. Very well-defined face. You will die when you see the lady that we've got lined up.


We know she's going to be a knockout.


They always are. Oh, she's going to be a knockout, yes. Every time they pick somebody on the show, she is- They're every time. She's like.


Cat suit, like- Belumshuid.






Yes. They picked straight 11 out of 10 for this show. Straight 11 out of 10. You know what? Actually, Kristi, let's take a quick break right now. Okay. And then we will be back with more Blind Date. Okay, podcast besties, time for one more quick break, and then it's back to the drama.


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At (855) tcb-8383.


Now, let's listen to some sponsors.


And get this show going.


All right, we're Cecilia Black. We just took a Moe and now we're Black. Here we go. Ready? This is one weird episode of the commercial break. This is the Halloween. I'm going to remember this forever.


In fact, I think she's better than Michelle, five-to-five. I think she's gorgeous, and may the best man win. I shall see you in a moe. See you later. Thank you.


See you in a moe. I think she should probably just use one moe per episode. You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, see you all.


In a moe. Yeah. Your cool points are going down here, Celia.


Well, Richard Marley, lads, will be lucky tonight. It all depends on this young lady. Her name's Katrina, and she's from Tyne and Weir. Come in, Katrina.


Tyne and Weir? They have the weirdest names for villages over there. Tyne and Weir. Oh. Oh.


Well, I.


Guess not everyone is a 10, 11 out of 10. She's cute. Yeah, she's cute. She's cute, like next door cute.


Katrina, welcome to the show. Now, you're studying at the minute, aren't you? That's right, sir, I am. I'm doing travel and management at college. Travel and management? What do you hope to be then?


Well, a travel and management.


Travel and management.


Management. Travel agent?


What is that? I'm here to apply for the management position. I'd like to travel also. I've majored in travel and management, so I could manage while I'm traveling. It's perfectly British.


I wish I'd like to travel all over the world, but a career perhaps presenting my own programme would be nice to watch it. Oh, yes, watch it. My job's on the line here. You do a very worthwhile job in your spare time. I mean, you do hospital radio. Yes, that's right.


Hospital radio? Welcome to hospital radio. Everybody's dying on their weekend.


I think it's the dispatch.


Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was like a Robin Williams Good Morning Vietnam for the hospital. You know those Brits, they love their radio over there.


I'm a hospital agent at my local hospital, and basically, I present ward call. That's when you sit down and I take the request from the patient and you play what they want to hear.


Oh, it is hospital radio.


I can play what they want to hear.


I'd like to hear asurprise, surprise. My son is in the back. Surprise, surprise.


We're well worthwhile past time. I think you're doing a great job. But I mean, in your fantasy, when you're playing these records and sending these messages to the hospital patients, I mean, there's one man in particular. Oh, that's right, sir. The love of my life. Who is the love of your life? It's Kevin Pets. Who's that? I don't know. It's a page seven model for you. All right, Katrina. Best of luck with this show. You've got three questions done. Okay, Katrina, see you in a moe. To ask those lovely guys over there. So fire away in your own time. All right, okay. The first question is to number one, My mother told me never to talk to strangers, and you're a stranger. So why should I talk to you? I'm a party organizer.


I'm a party organizer.


That's just a standard answer for everything.


I've done more kindergarten graduates than any DJ in the entire Kent surrounding area.


It's part of my job to get involved with strangers meeting. We're actually taking a look at these two. I don't think you'll find anything strange about me. Right, well, I thought you could be organising me a party, you wouldn't say?


Oh, yeah, most definitely. Oh, yeah, most definitely. I got some blow and I've got a dick.


I got a blazer on. I got a blazer.


Just can't take the blazer off. It's Standard Fair for the bedroom in 1982.


All right, same question to number two.




Katrina. Hi, yeah. Well, they were both strangers. Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Junior. That's a good one. Junior, Doctor in a junior hospital for juniors. Same question.


Number three, please. Well, I think your mother is absolutely correct. I've been told I'm a bit of a fast worker. I think I have to spend five.


Minutes with her. I don't know, what is that? That can't be good. It can't be good when someone calls you a fast worker and-relations to strangers. -relations to strangers. I'm a fast worker. I could kidnap you quickly. I don't know how to tie a stranger up in three seconds and have them in the back of my blacked-out minivan quickly.


I'm a pretty girl like you. I need a good talking to. You haven't even seen me yet, but maybe I could pay you off with my mum.


Oh, snap, girl.


Was that number three? That was number three. Right, the second question. To Number two. I love reading.


Who do you work for? I've never... I've never worked for a.


Junior doctor hospital. I have a junior degree. I have a junior PhD. I've never seen glasses so big on a human being.


Have you? They're very round and big.


They're very round.


What books do you enjoy? Well, I like to read in the bath, Katrina, and I really like romantic fiction. So as you can imagine-.


Wait, hold.


On a second. I think it's like a bubble path with a harlicon novel.


Yeah, with one of those weird drawings on the front of a breast sticking out.


What was it?


Favio. What happened to that butter guy? Where's Favio now?


Most of my books.




Pretty steamy. I think it's dubious. Okay, same- Sounds what?ubious. Oh, dubious. I thought that was a new word for it.ubious. All right, same-I'm going to turn to number three. I think we're fine. Well, I like to read a lot of mystical fantasy novels with witches, sortsers and faraway lands.


Oh, my God.


Oh, my God. Sweet, Dragon Sex.


That's right. He's going to the local, Scalastic Fair at the elementary school to pick out some books on flying horses and witches.


J. R. Tolkien's one of my favorites, but I don't like to make a hobbit out of it.


That's a very British joke. I don't want to make a hobbit out of it.


Same questions, number one, finally. I actually like fiction, Katrina. I like especially, Leslie Charter is the saint. But I'm sure if I went out with you, I wouldn't be a saint for much longer.




Have to get a heads up on these questions. This is way too smooth.


Yeah, of course they do. Yeah, it's way too smooth, number one. Number two, I think this guy should probably have a restraining order for parties specifically. He should be 30 yards away.


Okay, finally, the last question. Number three to number three. I've done a bit of local radio and have reported on many local events. What event in your life would you like me to report on?


Well, I'd like to- Well, I've just got a haircut that looks like a spider on my head.


I'd like to report on that.


Yeah, I'd like to.


Report on that one. I have charity work, actually, at home. And if you'd really like to, I'd love you to report on me with a bungee rope and to jump off the top of the Clifton suspension bridge and catch you on the rebound.


I'm not even sure what that meant. I don't even think he knows where he was going with that. And yes, they probably got these questions ahead of time, and the producers probably worked on the answers. The producer is like, No, no, no, that's not what we said. There is no improv on blind date. The same.


Question to number two, please. Well, Katrina, I like to do a bit of painting and collage, and I'd really love to have my own one-man exhibition. So if you came to report on that, then I'd invite you to a very special private viewing.


It's called Junior Doctor's Junior Dictus. A collage. A one-man exposition by a man who.


Takes bats. It's a very Renaissance man. He is. Got it here. Right there in the Bath with the Harlequin romance novel, Collages.


Collages and paintings. And thriving shows. Yes. I'd like to see where this guy is now. You should talk to me. I don't know. Number two.


Just tell me what things would you exhibit? Oh, all my own artwork. And finally, could I have number one's response, please? I'd rather put on a party. Well, try not. I like my helicopters. So if you actually reported on my maiden flight, I'd be in the air, you'd be on the air, and we'd both definitely be on the same wavelength.


Oh. Cheese, Dick. Hold on one moe while I figure out a classic interpretation of a 1980s Coke dealer in downtown London.


Katrina. Yeah, you've asked you three questions. Hello. Three varied replies. Who are you going to go for? I'm stuck. Are you stuck? That's for the first time this evening, isn't it? Don't make your mind of just yet. Here's our Graham with a quick recap. Katrina, will your blind date be whirly bird number one? His hero is the saint, but watch out, he's really a bit of a devil. A steamy number two, the medical man who'd raise your temperature, increase your heartbeat, and make.


You say, Ah.


Or perhaps you fancy elasticated number three, who, if you throw him over, would bounce right back again and again, and again, and again. The decision is yours.




Didn't help, Graham. It didn't help not one bit. And by the way, we can remember the last five minutes of our life. You didn't need to recap that, dude.


So stupid. Yes, Katrina, the decision is yours. We're all dying to know. Have you made your mind up yet? I think so. Who's it going to be? Number one. Oh, no.


No. You should have stuck with number two. He's a doctor. Yeah. All right.


I wonder where they went.


Who cares? To that guy's party. The number one's party. That's where they went.


An helicopter.


We're going to Beacon O'Neil. We're going to make it as a helicopter with number one. All right. Okay, fun. A great episode. Thank you very much to all the people who are sending balloons and hearts and thumbs up on our... Where in the world is all this stuff coming from? I don't know. I don't know either, but I'm going to get to the bottom of it. I'm investigating what's going on here at the commercial break because some strange stuff is happening with the technology. Not that that part is new, but usually- It's our doing. Yeah, usually it's not additive, it's subtractive. We usually lose a camera or audio or something like that. All right, four days a week now here at the commercial break, and we are so ever excited to be bringing you more content than ever. We're going to do almost 200 episodes next year. Isn't that crazy to think about? It's insane. But we're super excited about it. Tcbpodcast. Com is where you go. Find out more information about Chris, you and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location, the entire library. Most importantly, you can get your TCB bumper sticker.


The brand new one is Piggy Fronting, the Theresa Caputo sticker. I just love it. I just love it. I think it's awesome. It makes me laugh. I know. The Piggy Fronting sticker, now available, you go to the website, send us an email, tell us you want the sticker, give us your address. We'll send it out the door sooner rather than later. 626, ask TCB the number three. That's 1-626, ask TCB the number three. Yes, there are little letters on your dial pad, and that's how you dial it up. You can leave us your questions, comments, concerns, or content ideas via text message or via voicemail. But if you leave a voicemail, you may appear on the commercial break. So be mindful about what you say and what name you use. Though I'll edit out the names. I don't know that I'll catch it 100 % of the time. You can see how things go here in the studio. Don't trust me to edit out your name. Add the commercial break on Instagram. Tcb podcast on TikTok. And most importantly, we really would appreciate it if you would go to YouTube. Com/thecommercialbreak. Subscribe, like on your favorite video, comment, you know how to do it, and do us a favor.


Set your settings on your phone to download new episodes of The commercial break. So we're not doing all of this in vain. All right, Krissy, I guess that's all I can do today. I think so. But I'll tell you that I love you. I love you. And best to you. Best to you. Also, best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for being a listener of the commercial break. We always say, we do say, and we must say good. Good bye. I've got to get some cocaine. I'm trying to be crazy.