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I did have a couple gay roommates. Not at the same time. I wasn't, like, living in a gay house, but I had a gay roommate. I had a gay roommate when I was living in Orlando, Florida. And when I first moved to LA, I had a gay roommate and we shared a room. It's expensive, and I'll tell some guys that, and they're like, you shared a room with a gay dude? I can't share in a room with no gay dude. And I'm like, why you don't trust yourself? On this episode of the commercial break, I want to date a girl that's like, I really like. That's the main thing. Thing I like is when the girl like me, you know, that's my number one thing. You like me. Oh, wow. We have Wayne act.


Are you a boob guy? Are you a butt guy? No, I'm in. I'm a guy who's into girls who like me. Guys.


Yeah, I'm a light guy. I'm a light guy. And what if she doesn't have a booty? Does she like you, though, with her non boobies?


That's all I give a shit about. I can deal with the rest. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh, yeah, cats and kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green. This is my dear friend and the co host of this show, Kristen Joy Hodly. Best to you, Kristen best, you out there in the podcast universe. A new day, a new dollar, as they say. Kristen Joy Hoadley.


I thought it's new day, new dawn.


Oh, it is.


I don't know. Okay, well, I don't know.


I'm just, you know, checking the revenue line and new day, a new dollar. Yes, I think we made a dollar. We'll find out at the end of the month. Hey, did you hear about the most that ridiculous thing that's ever happening, that Jake Paul is fighting Mike Tyson? Did you read about this?


I did indeed. See that, the clip, you know, the news headline, I hope. That is ridiculous.


Mike Tyson rips a Mike Tyson sized hole in the middle of Jake Paul's chest. I really do. I think that guy is such a yahoo. I just completely. And there's no doubt he's a fighter. Like, he can fight. He's now had a number of, you know, fights, and he's done well in most of them. And so I'm not looking for a fight with Jake Paul. No fight. That's not me. But I just can't stand the guy. He drives me fucking crazy. And him fighting Mike Tyson at 57 years old, I think Mike Tyson really has the upper hand here.


Good for Mike. For even a green, he is the.


Best professional fighter since Muhammad Ali, maybe the greatest ever. And he knocks people out.




Cold. And I'm. I'm on board. I'm on board with this. I just say, July 20, Netflix. I'm excited to see what happens. It's gonna be on fucking Netflix.


Yeah, that's right. It's their first live sporting events. Yeah.


Well, what a way to go. I mean, how much do you think they're getting paid? How much you think they're getting? Tens of millions of dollars each, right? It's gotta be like. I think Floyd Mayweather makes, like, a hundred million. He made a hundred million dollars for his fight against Pacquiao, if I'm not mistaken. A hundred million dollars. Now, I am not a fighter by trade or by want or by desire, but I will say this. If you paid me $100 million, you'd.


Get in the ring.


I'd get in the ring. I would get in the ring. I would train up like a little rocky. You know, I take a day, I'd do a little rocky montage. I'd chase the chickens around, beat the meat, run up the stairs, or in phases, like, you know, some stairs in the morning, a few more stairs in the afternoon.


Two at a time.


Two at a time. Take a break to smoke a cigarette, get up to the next two stairs. You know, I would. I would do all the right things. I would stare. Stare somebody in the face and, you know, maybe headbutt them or something like that. I'd make a show out of it. But if you gave me $100 million, I would get in the ring with about. Just about anybody, with the notable exception of Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson?




I don't care how old that guy is. I think he's to be feared because he is a monster in the ring.


Looking at something a little while back with the guy that antagonized him on the plane, remember? And then. And then he, like the young, leashed on it.


Yeah, he really did. I mean, Mike.


And rightly so.


I'm sorry. Absolutely.


I mean, absolutely. That other dude knew what he was doing.


First of all, the plane behavior's gotten out of control. I wish Mike Tyson was on every flight. But second of all, order, the guy has turned into kind of like a. I don't know, like a. Like a heavyweight Gandhi or something. He's like, you know, he. Now when he talks, there's some wisdom there. Like some. Some life lived. He understands a few things. He's raising pigeons. For what reason, I don't know, but he's raising pigeons and he's got some. I don't know. He's just got some wisdom now. He's obviously. He's had some troubles in his life.


I was going to say his early.


Bit off an ear. He assaulted, you know, who was it? Robin.


Robin Gibbons.


Robin Gibbons went to jail for it. But now he's, you know, it seems like the. The last 1015 years of his life, he's just kind of become a revered.


Well, I think it's kind of been.




He was in the hangover, you know? Oh, you said since then, people have kind of.


The tide has turned a little bit.


Yeah, exactly.


I mean, it's hard to forget that he raped somebody. That's not obviously something I would ever want to put on a resume of anybody that I enjoyed watching. But sometimes I do see interviews with him and I think, wow, he does have some wisdom up in that head of his. And he still has blocks for hands. He's going to train. He's going to kick the shit out of Jake Paul. That's my prediction on the show right here. And, Jake, after you get the shit kicked out of you by Mike Tyson, if you would like to set up another fight on TCB, minus the new Netflix competitor that Chrissy and I have been planning for four years, if you would like to do that and you want to bring $100 million to the table, I will also fight you. I don't mind. And I won't be embarrassed if I get my ass kicked. I just won't. I don't care. I got $100 million. The fuck do I care if I can just survive ten? How many minutes are in? Around three minutes. If I can just survive 30 minutes worth of fighting, I think the paycheck will have been worth it.


Don't you think that's life changing cash? We could go back down to one episode every month and we wouldn't have to worry about it. You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, but you might be recovering for, like, the next year.


You might get serious head damage.




Yeah. That's why I won't fight. Fight Mike Tyson is because I think all's it takes is one punch from that guy. Those are murder weapons in his hands. Honestly, his hands are murder weapons. And if you put me in the ring, scrawny, little, shitty, little non fighting Brian in the ring, and I get hit one time squarely on the jaw. At least my kids will have the $100 million. Actually, think about it. I'll fight Mike, too. No problem. I got it. I'm in the ring.


It's your legacy to leave to the pin.


My legacy? I'll be a vegetable just doing the commercial break. I'll go back to the commercial.


Stephen Hawking's it.


Oh, God. Well, so I'm excited to see this fight, and I do.


I can imagine everybody is gonna be watching it, and everybody has Netflix.


Yes. And everybody's gonna be rooting for Mike. Everybody. Because I think Jake is. He turned a joke into a profession, and he made a joke out of the profession. You know what I'm saying? He was the same guy that was doing, like, tick tock dance challenges, like, ten years ago. And now, all of a sudden, he's interjected himself into this professional boxing world. And it's not to say that's the wrong way to go about it. There's a lot of ways to skin a cat. But I think that the. When Jake Paul fights, I still look at it as. And most of them are exhibition matches. They aren't professional. They're kind of jokey, you know, not. His brother does it every once in a while. Like, it's just. It's just enough already. It's enough already.


Specifically, or is there some kind of mma?


No, no, no. This is boxing.


This is only boxing.


I don't think Mike. Mike. I think he was just filmed, like, walking around with a cane. Like, I think his knees are not.


No, I don't. I wasn't thinking Mike Tyson was doing mma, but Jake Paul.


No, I think he's been just doing boxing.


Straight boxing.


Yeah, he's been doing boxing. So, July 20, mark your calendars. We will have a lot to say about that in the upcoming months, and we will watch it. Maybe we'll have a watch party where we, like, put it on, and then people can tune in on discord or something like that. That would be fun, wouldn't it?


Yeah. Or they could just tune into Netflix.


Fuck you. They want the commentary. That's what they want. They want Brian to talk over there. The real professional announcers. That's what you want. Record the Netflix. Come listen to Brian talk about it.


That's right.


That's what they want. They don't want to watch it. They want to hear Brian talk about it. Hey, listen, it's a TCB infomercial day, and today we have preacher Lawson, very funny comic finalist at America's Got Talent, I think is where most people would know him from millions and millions and millions of people watch that super popular show. Super popular show. But now he's kind of carved a path of his own. Preacher is where you get tickets to his new tour. He's got a YouTube channel. It's got, you know, tons of subscribers to it. And we've been watching some of his material. It's really funny. So I'm super interested to talk to preacher about everything. Coming, going. And I have important questions for him because I was laying in bed last night. Actually, it was like two nights ago, I was laying in bed and I woke up in the morning and I thought, I'm going to give my wife big, fat, smelly kiss on her lips because I love her. And then I got nervous like a little kid. I was like, well, I got probably have that morning breath that's really stanky.


And I don't know. I don't know if, you know, every once in a while, even in marriage, you got to make an effort, right? So I went and I did the whole mouth wash rinse thing and brush my teeth and felt really good about going to give her a kiss. And then she left the house, running out the door, like, wait, let me give you a big fat kiss with my morning breath. Because my morning breath sometimes is fire. Isn't yours sometimes?




I mean, not always. Yeah, I felt. I actually felt like my best friend.


Tells me that mine is just so lovely every morning.


Oh, well, what are you doing different than what I'm doing? I almost feel like when I quit smoking cigarettes, my morning breath got worse. Like, at least I had that tobacco flavored mouth, you know what I'm saying? It's not the best thing in the world, but it could be worse, I guess.


It's pretty bad.


Yeah. I think it's all the coffee that I drink in the morning is actually what it is. So. I don't know. I'll kiss you in a minute and we'll figure it out. Let's go. Listen. Let's go take a break. We'll listen to some sponsors, and then when we get back, we'll be with Mister Preacher Lawson. Hello. Are you excited?


I'm very excited.


All right. We'll be back.


Well, thank the baby Jesus Brian took a breath. And now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right. It's 212433 TCB. And you can text us anytime you want, or you can call and leave us a voicemail and we might just use your message on the show once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year. Of course. Anyway, you can also find and dm us on Instagram, at thecommercial break, and on TikTokcbpodcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on dot. Now, I'm going to thank g one more time that we have sponsors. So thank g, and here they are.


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And we're here with Preacher now. Hi, Preacher. Thanks for joining us. We really appreciate it.


Hi, Preacher.


Thank you. Hey, how you doing?


Hey, preacher.




Before we get into the meat and potatoes of the interview, I have some. I have a question. Acquiring minds. Want to know? Here at the commercial break, we just having this discussion. Where is your stance on morning breath make out sessions? Do you or don't you? Will you or won't you?


Oh, yeah, I'll do it, man. But it's bad. I don't know why we're acting like it's not. It's so bad. And I know what I'm getting into, but it's like, honestly, it depends how much I love this person, you know?


Oh, yeah.


True, true.


Yeah. Like, if I'm full on making out in the morning, we're getting married because.


Or we are married. One of the two. Yeah.




Yeah, we are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're married. Yeah. I think that. I don't know why breath stinks so bad in the morning. What's the reason for that?


I think it's because your mouth's open all night long and flies are crying, roaches are crawling in there, hydration. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Or it's just time to brush your fucking teeth. You know what I'm saying? I do it in the morning and before I go to bed, but it just doesn't last that long. That. That good smell doesn't last long. Chrissy here is. Says that she has magical morning breath. I do not have more magical morning breath, so I don't do morning breath. Making out usually, but on occasion, maybe.


It'S because I get up in the middle of the night and have, like, some water.


Oh, you do?




Oh, maybe that's the key.


Wow. Who does that? Who gets up in the morning and has water and that makes you not sleep? Cause you gotta pee.


You gotta pee.




I don't know. And if you get to my age, you gotta pee four to five times a night anyway. That prostate's like a bulletin ball.


I just gotta get thirsty.


Are you get. You're a young man, so you're not there yet, are you. Are you getting there?


If I drink water within 2 hours, maybe even 3 hours, if I drink water two or 3 hours before I go to bed, I'm gonna be waking up peeing. So I just don't drink any water.


Yeah, no, I'm with preacher. I'm with preacher.


I can't drink.


A good morning breath.


What am I gonna do? Go get my bladder tag?


Yeah, I can't. Yeah, I don't know. They're doing surgery on bladder.


Upside, it's a stretch.


Yeah, I feel like I have a normal size bladder. I haven't really compared it to other people, but I'm like, that probably looks like a good amount of platter. I haven't really been on too many football teams where I could be in a locker room and be like, yeah, I'm even. That's about even. But I think I'm. I think I'm regular. So if yours is bigger than mine.


You know, like, yeah, Chrissy just has magical breath and magical bladder.


Big bladder energy.


I got that. Big bladder energy. You are on an epic tour right now. Tell me, do you, like, are you a big fan of the. Of the touring? Like, we've talked to a. We talk to a lot of comics, and some of them say, yes, it's just my natural state of being. I like being out on the road and changing up scenery, and then quite a few will say, no, it's not ness. It's just part of the gig. Right. I just do it because I have to. How do you feel about the tours?


Yeah, I just understand both of what they're saying. I. Both sides, you know, like, I. I have to be on tour because I just have to be working. And I love performing. It's just, I think we, all the comedians hate are the traveling part, like the TSA, and they're going to the airport and then being on a plane, being uncomfortable on its. On a lawn chair in the air, so for hours, you know, I think that's. I think that's uncomfortable. But if you can teleport and just do the show, I think people would love it. But I just think that uncomfortability of, like, being in a different bed. But I I I'm not going to complain, even though I want to complain about a lot of things because I. It's better than my other jobs, you know. You know, the only job they can't fire me in, and. And I've been fired a lot. Like so many. I think most of the times I was. Was I fired? No, I think I was on the fire one time. I just was really bad at other jobs.


You quit before you got fired? That's what happened. Yeah, that's what I used to do. I knew my time was up, so I would beat him to the punch. It was kind of like my. That's my track record of the relationships, too, is I would just break up with them before they had a chance to speaker one.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I spare myself the embarrassment, but, you know, now the TSA, I don't know if you read the story, but the TSA is now testing in Vegas. I saw that you can go through the TSA security by yourself, and they just walk you through the process. And if you have a problem or a gun, I guess, then they'll call you out on a screen check out. It's a self checkout. So you self check in. You just walk through the TSA. You put your hands up so that they can screen your body and throw your bags through the. Through the machine. But you. You come in contact with no TSA agents whatsoever. It's just like, you just go, wow, thanks. Crazy. Yeah. Amen.


That's awesome. That means it's gonna be full time in, like, three years, you know? You know, yes, that will be awesome.


We live in Atlanta, and I think we get a lot of that technology early. But you're right. In five years, we'll see that happen.


But you have a connection to Vegas, too, right? Have you been doing some stuff out at the Jimmy Kimmel.


Oh, yeah, that's right. You were Jimmy Kimmel's place.


Yeah, I was a Jimmy Kimball. I was. I was there a few months ago, and I was doing some shows, and. And I used to host. I used to host America's got talent in Vegas at the Luxor. And if. Man, that show was. I mean, first off, every show in Vegas is crazy. They're amazing. I mean, it's like, it's. It's like if you live in Vegas, too, you know, some. You know everybody, so, you know, not everybody, but you know somebody, they can get you, like, free tickets to show, right? You can kind of just go. You can just watch the most amazing things you'll ever see in your entire life. It's crazy. But it's funny because I say, you can't fire me for my job. But I. When I was. When I was hosting at the luxury for America's got Talent, I didn't get fired. Okay? I didn't get. I didn't get fired. But this is what happened. This is, like, in 2020. Was this 2021 or 2022 or early? I think it was 2022. It was, like, early 2022, and I was hosting. It's an amazing show. If you ever get a chance to watch it, just definitely watch it.


But I was. I was, you know, I brought up all the, you know, the acts, and I'm like, yeah, give it up for light balance and give it up for, you know, this person that. And I do up. I do five minutes, and then I, you know, I bring other acts and I do find another five minutes, and.


And then I just.


I do outros and I'm like, give it up for Jimmy Harad and daily game and do a transcendent. And then I was like, thank God, you know, for his wife. He won last seasons of America's Got Talent. Dustin de Villa. And Dustin de Villa walks on stage and he slapped me and he keep my wife's name out. Right? This is like the same week that Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, right, right. So everybody was dying. Everybody was dying. We didn't tell anyone. We just set it up ourselves.




Cracking up. And the whole crew was like, look at this. You guys are idiots. You know, so everyone. Then the next day. They, like, wrote me up.


They wrote you up?


They wrote me. I didn't know what it was. I was like, what is this? They're like, we got it. We just need to sign this because, you know, you agreed to not do this. And I was like, okay, you guys are writing a comedian up for being funny, like, in school.


You got a demerit for doing. Yeah. Your job.


Yeah, but it's not. I don't even know if it's ran by America's got. It's ran by Sergis Olay, I think, or something.


Okay, gotcha.


I don't know, but anyway. Yeah, they wrote me up, but, you know, it was. It was a. It was the one. It was the most amazing show I've ever been a part of. It was crazy. It was amazing. But I don't want to do that. That's not what I wanted. Like, now it's. It's like working on a cruise ship, you know? That's what it feels you, like, three.


Times a day, too. Is it like, how many shows?


No, it's like twice a day. It was really comfortable. It was something I could have got comfortable doing.




I mean, it was. But that was the problem.


Was good. Like, did you make good money doing that? Is that it? Or is this part of, like, some contractual agreement when you go on AGT and you become a top one? Yeah, yeah. Take your time.


Sorry. Okay, cool. Thanks, man. Doing the podcast right now. Oh, you are. You're being disrespected.


Keeping this in.


I know.


You just got lunch. You.


Thank you, Derek. That was, like, my best friend. Anyway, hey, how you doing?




Hey, nice to see you again.


So what were you saying? I'm so sorry.


I would say, did you, like, do you make money, like, good money doing the Luxor hosting thing, or is that part of, like, a contractual obligation? When you get on AGt and you make it to a certain level, then.


You say part of your duty.


It's just part of your duties. And you get paid, like, a flat before you even got. You know, I say famous, but I know you were a comic before AGT, but is that a good paying job? Could you get comfortable, like, and make good money doing that?


Yeah, I definitely make way more money on the road, but it is a decent paying job for the little mouth that I do. Yeah, I don't do much. Yeah, I'm not doing. I'm doing five minutes. I bring some people up, I change my outfit, I do another set. The show as a whole is amazing. I mean, it's like, I think it's live chat.




You see people, like, laugh during the show. They get scared. I see people cry. I mean, it is, is. It's an incredible show, but it's not my show. It's not about me.




It's not about, it's not about, you know, Cody Lee. It's not about, you know, Jimmy Harad. It's not about any of these people. It's about America's got Talent and it's, and it's, and it's an incredible show and it's really cool the way they put it together. I don't know what they're doing now. I'm sure it's great. You know, it's probably not as good, you know, for one reason, because I'm not in there. That's the reason.


Do they put you up at some suite in the Luxor? Like, do you get like.


No, no, no, they. I didn't. I had, I lived in Summerlin. I didn't even go to the strip.


Oh, wow.


Yeah. I lived in Summerlin, which is 25 minutes away from the strip, which is. It was great. I love living in Vegas. I love, I love, I love Vegas. I mean, I think I, I love Vegas. The same reason I love Orlando, because when people think of Orlando, they, they always think of Disney World, and they think of universal and fun spot and Seaworld. And when they think of Vegas, they think of, like, a strip. They think of like, you know, shrimp clubs and all stuff. But it's like, outside of that, it's like a dope city. You know, it's like a, it's like a super dope city. Everything's super cheap. There's no traffic. Yeah, it's awesome. Zero state tax, you know, that's real good.


Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I have a friend who lives in Vegas and he just loves it. He's like you. He's like, you know what, Brian? It's like, it's like some people who go and they live at the beach, right? And they say to me, and I've heard this before on numerous occasions from numerous people living on the beach. I don't go to the beach. That's what tourists do. I love my town because I love my town. I like to go, you know, I like my little spots in my town. And occasionally, if a friend comes in town, we'll go hang out at the beach for a couple of hours. And they say the same thing about the strip. It's like, I don't go to the strip. I mean, maybe on a Friday night, if I got to go meet some, you know, out of towners or some people that are coming in town, I go to the strip. I like Vegas because of the stuff outside the strip and Orlando, too. They're like, I don't go to Disney World every day.


I know I'm not going to Disney World. You know, I know it's there, but.


So is the traffic, right?


Yeah. Oh, my gosh, bro.


But you live in Orlando, right?


I used to. I haven't lived there in about eight years, but I lived there for. I lived there for, like, five years. And I love Orlando. Like, I. It's like my. I can't live there anymore, but I love. I love, like, Florida in general. I know people, man. I love Florida. And I know people trash Florida, and they say things and everything they say about Florida, that they're.


Right, exactly.




It's a magical place. It is.


It's a magical place. Yeah, I love it. But it's. Yeah, I lived in Orlando for about five years. That's why I grew as a comedian. I think that helped me out so much because it's actually funny because a lot of the comedians that are popping off right now are from Orlando. But Orlando's so diverse.




You know, it's so diverse. You have people. I mean, when you're doing Orlando, improv is. All you do is just a bunch of tourists the whole time. It's a bunch of tourists coming from different cities. So a lot of people are not even from that part of the world. They just kind of, like, just. They kind of visit. They stay, you know, like, I thought all. I thought all. I'm not even gonna say it. You can see we don't give. I thought all spanish people were mexican to Abuja. I was like, people, like, I'm ecuadorian. I'm like, what part of Mexico was that? Like, I didn't know. And then I moved to Florida, and there's all. I was like, look at all these different Mexicans. And I didn't know that. That was super disrespectful, but, yeah, so my, you know, my ex is puerto rican. I mean, they got, like, they have dominican people, which I didn't know. I thought they were just black. I was like, why is black dudes speaking Spanish? Like, I just don't use. And then you have, like, you know, like, haitian people, the brazilian people. It's just. It's so many.


It's just cultures, people european. Yeah, it's just like. It's just pretty it's crazy. So I. But I love Florida. I love, I love Orlando. And it was just like we do too.


And, you know, so my wife is venezuelan from Venezuela. Not like, you know, she was born here. You know, her parents were born here or whatever from Venezuela. If you go to Miami, you and you lived in Miami your entire life, you might not be faulted for thinking that all Latinas or Latinas are venezuelan because it's like all of Miami is. There's more Venezuelans down there than, than Cuba. And I think, like, one of the things that my wife and I often laugh about is that some people, you know, there are a lot of people who do think that all Latinos are. Latinos are mexican. Yeah, kind of.


It's kind of west coast. Because if you're on the west coast, that's all Mexicans. Yeah, this all is all mexican people.


It's geographically where you. Where you grow up or where they came from. Right. It's like, you know, in Venezuela, they fly through Miami and, you know, Cubans, obviously. Sometimes they even take boats over to Miami, which is super fucking dangerous. And it shows you how much they want to get to this country for their. For their freedom. So I want to go back to Vegas for 1 minute. So you're. So I see you have upcoming dates at Jimmy Kimmel's place, too. Chrissy and I, we had Lunell on a couple of days ago and she. It's the first person. It's the first time I ever heard that. Comedy club. Yeah, Jimmy, did Jimmy do it? Right? Is it a nice comedy club?


Yeah, there's not nice comedy clubs for sure. And that. That one is a nice one. Yes, it's. It's fine. It's. It's. It's like most common clubs are fine. It's too. It's very rare when I'm like, this is amazing. I'm like, this sucks. That's. I think that's so. But most comic loves. I'm like, yes, works. You know, like, so I think that the other very professional because, you know, Jimmy Kimball's club, you know, but yeah, they're great. They're great. She does it. She does. Luna does that. She has like a residency there.


Yeah, she does. Yeah, she does. Like a month, I think. Yeah, two or three.


She was there after me when I was just, when I was just there a couple months ago and it was like, yeah, so I'm going back this summer. But yeah, I was. Yeah, she was. She packs it out.


So I. I gotta tell you, you are a really dynamic comic. Now, we've been watching a lot of you because that's what we do when we get prepared for somebody, right? We watch a lot of their material. And you are just like, I think you're a really funny human being. Like, naturally funny. Did you, and I know that, you know, you joke a lot about, in your, in your sets, you'll joke a lot about how your childhood was, you know, not always, you know, super shiny. You move 20 times, and, you know, your, your mom bought you a car bed when you're a senior in school. That's the funniest bit. I think that's so funny. Do you think that comedy, like, grew out of the circumstances, like, as, I don't know, as a way to cope or what. Why do you think you, what, gravitated? What made you gravitate toward comedy?


You know, it's wild because I just, like, think everyone likes making people laugh. I think everyone, when you make someone laugh, you, like, it's just, oh, snap. That felt good.




You know, when you, when you make someone blush or you make someone, you just make someone feel good. It feels good. So I always just, like, making people laugh. I wasn't, like, a super class clown or I wasn't like, honestly, I didn't even know my life sucked until I started talking to other people.


That's usually the way it is. Yeah, yeah, it's normal.


Yeah, I feel like it was. I feel like I had a great life, and I'll talk to other people than them. Like, what, you guys had, you guys had air conditioner, you know, but, um. But I. But, but then I'll talk to other people, and I'm like, oh, my life was great, you know, perspective. Some people's life is trash, but, uh, which is not funny, so. But I just like making people laugh. I never thought I was funny enough to be a comedian. You know, I just was like, I'll do it because I want to be on a sitcom. That's the only reason I did it. I never really thought I was funny enough. And people made sure, they told me that they're like, you're not funny enough to be, which people are. Told me, which is fine. Yeah, you know, they were wrong.


People are wrong. We get that all the time. At the commercial break, people will come up to us and they'll be like, oh, I heard you had a podcast called the commercial break. And I'll be like, yeah, it's, yeah, we do have a podcast. And they'll go, yeah, I listened to.


It and then that's, and that's it.


That's the end of the conversation.


So our tagline for a little while was, it's not for everyone.


It's not for everyone.


I did, one time, I did a must. I made a, I had a thin mustache. I was just trying some stuff out with my fasier hair.




And then I had my friend say, why'd you do that? And I was like, so you don't like it? That's fine. Just say you don't, you like it. Or you could just not say anything. That would be, you know, but they would.


People are silly. But you know what? That puts fire in my belly. Like, then I want to go out and prove people wrong. Right. I don't think I've done it yet, but someday I intend. Someday I intend to go, people wrong.


Yeah. I'm just going to keep proving me right. That's what my goal. Yeah. Because I don't, I don't want to convince people that don't like me. Someone doesn't like me. They don't like me. Like, you know, like, so I remember someone asked me, they were like, what's your perfect audience? What do they look like? I was like, they look like they like me. Yeah. I don't care what they, yeah. They were like, what age? And this is that gender. This. I was like, bro, I want people that like me.




I don't care. That's how I feel with dating. I'm like, I'm not. I want to date a girl that's like, I really like. That's the main thing I like.




Is when the girl like me, that's my number one thing. You like me? Oh, wow.


We have, are you a boob guy? Are you a butt guy? No, I'm in. I'm a guy who's into girls who like me guy.


Yeah, I'm a light guy. I'm a light guy. And what if she doesn't have a booty? Does she like me, though, with her not give a shit about.


I can deal with the rest. Do you, when you like, what's the catalyst to going on agt? Like, if you're knocking around, probably, I would imagine, you know, being a journeyman, like a lot of comics do, just hitting the clubs and doing improvs and, you know, doing open mic nights. And then what spurs on agt. Does someone say, hey, you should go trial for AGT, or is it just your.


Yeah, bunch of people said that. Not tried out before I tried out for Mary. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I did it. It just didn't. I never got past a certain point, you know? And then, you know, like, you know, there's a lot. There's so much you have to do. Like, it's not. It's. Bro, there's tens of thousands. There's so many people that audition that they're not all going in front assignment, so they have other producers where you audition in front of them, and then they're like, all right, you know, here, you know, we'll push you on. You know, so, you know, they got comfortable, man.


It's got to be uncomfortable to sit in front of one producer and try and make them laugh, and they probably have, what, a minute to do it. When you, like, when you first go in for the audition, it's probably just a bunch of people in little, small rooms, right? You go in, you. You try and make.


Yeah, I was with some woman, and she had her three kids there, and their three kids were like, her three kids were, like, doing a bunch of. They were just not behaving. So I'm, like, doing jokes. Why? One or two of the kids are fighting, and then the older kids, like, I hate my siblings, you know? And then she. She just kind of, like, trying to listen to me, but she's like, I stop. Okay, go ahead. Go do your joke. I was like, okay, well, I'm not gonna get past this point. And then I ended up getting past that point. But, um, you know, this. There was time. There was a time where I was. I auditioned, and there was three producers, and there was. There's one lady in the middle, and there was two guys on the side, or. I think. I don't know. I know there's a guy next to. I don't know who's on her, right. But I remember her laughing the whole time, and then the other people not laughing, and I was like, what? She laughed? She likes me.




Then they didn't like me, and it's all good, you know, I think I wasn't ready. I was so glad they didn't pick me back then, you know? I'm so glad they picked me when I. When they picked me, because I had more material developed. But I was the reason I auditioned for America's got Talent. You know, I was like, I. You know, I was broke. Like, I had to borrow money from my first episode to get a haircut from my brother. So I just was like, I need something. And then I. Man, I remember, like, there's some people I don't want to throw them on the bus. But they were like, begging me. They were like begging me not to do America's got talent. They're like, don't do it. You know, you got it, like, because people always think, you know, back to, like, American Idol when it first started, when people win, there's like a contract and you're stuck in the contract. You can't be yourself. And America's got Talent, they don't want. They don't want that. They like superstars. So when you blow up and become a superstar, we're like, hey, we were a part of that.


They like that. They like when I do. When you do well, you know, especially on your own, so.


Yeah. And were those other people, those naysayers, were they other comics that were like, listen, or managers or whoever who were.


Almost honestly, I'm not gonna tell you who they are, okay. Cuz I don't want to put them. I don't want to put them on the bus, you know, I want to put them on blast. But I. But they begged me not to do it. They begged. They were like, don't do it. The con, I just read through this contract and it's like slavery.




And I was like, I don't think it's like slavery.


I don't think slaves had contracts.


Yeah, I don't think slaves were like, well, they did have contracts. They weren't a part of it, though. They weren't like, this is just like getting judged from Simon cow, you know?


Like, they.


I think it's a little different, so. But they were like, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. You know, because they had a. There was. They knew someone else that did it, and that person did really bad. Gotcha. You know? You know, just. They were like, it negatively impacted their career. And I was like, well, I'm not gonna do bad, and if I do bad, I just do bad, but I'm not gonna not take this opportunity. It's crazy. So I did it and then it, you know.




Yeah. You were a fan.




We have a lady that works for us. Her name is Marianne. She is a huge preacher Lawson fan. When we told her we have, like, we communicate in this little chat group, and when we. When you agreed to come on the show, she got so excited. She was like, oh, my God, preacher Lawson. I love him for agt. And so when you do so well in agt, is it like an instant change in your life? I mean, you're doing network television, tv in front of millions of people that's gotta show up at the comedy clubs here you're playing at like, you know, all of a sudden your name is in bright lights. Is there like an immediate change once you get that?


I mean, I had, like, about 3000 followers on Instagram when I first got on America's Got Talent. And then after it aired, I think I jumped to, like 25,000. By the end of it, I was like at a hundred thousand. And, you know, it's just like, it gave me my first boost. And now I'm at like 700 something thousand on Instagram and I got 3.4 million on TikTok. So, I mean, it, that's all from, like. Yes, all from like, me being on, like, you know, network tv and all these. And, you know, my special helped me out a lot. But, yeah, it for sure has absolutely, positively changed my life. I've been super lucky. I mean, every show this weekend besides this past weekend have been sold out. So I just had three months of sold out shows this, this year, and it's, and I did the show America's got Talent in 2017.


Yeah. That's insane.


Oh, wow. Congratulations.


Yeah. I'm really happy for you. I'm a big believer that there's a lot of different ways to skin a cat. My kid, one of my kids, he's in the back of the car. He loves directions. He loves to know which way we're going. Are we going right or are we going left? Which way are we going to go to Grandpa's house, this or that or the other thing. And so one of the lessons that I've taught him through this, his love of directions and knowing where we're going, is, I say, listen, son, there are a lot of different ways to get to the same place. And sometimes it's just because you, it's just because you choose a particular road. It doesn't really matter. You're going to get to the same place. And I believe that about careers, too, or your destiny, or the thing you're supposed to fulfill is, it doesn't matter. Go whichever way you want to. Everyone's going, heading in the same direction. And so I think, you know, having that kind of exposure, there's no comparison. What, what else in the world, maybe with the notable exception of being a random comic who gets on, you know, Kimmel or something like that, like, what else in the world could give you that kind of exposure?


And quite frankly, I think AGT has about 20 million more people watching than even Jimmy Kimmel. It's a crazy popular show.


No, it is, it is the new. It was the new Jimmy, you know, like, late night show. It was a new late night. You know what? America's got Talent. That's what it was. And now the. Now it's tick tock. Yeah. Now tick tock is the note. The new one that blow. I mean, listen, like, there's so many ways to blow up. I mean, some people are blowing up on YouTube. Some people are blowing up a Facebook. You know, like, there's. Everyone's famous. You know, it's not even like, everybody's famous. You know, it's. And, and so it's room for everyone to do whatever they want to do. I mean, we're in a, we're lucky. Lucky enough to be in the world where it's like, your praise for authenticity. So you, you know, you, you be yourself. And people like, I love that. I'm also like that. You know, people are like, oh, I'm also feeling like this, or I also, you know, have this, this anxiety, or I also have the. I struggle with this, or I also, this makes me, you know, so all, all comedy is, is relatability. That's funny. You know, and, and so, yeah, I mean, yes, I think that there's a.


Everyone's, everyone's doing really well right now. I mean, not everyone can do well.


Remember that famously people, Andy Warhol, and he said, everybody will have their 15 in the future. Everybody will be famous for something. They'll have their 15 minutes, right, which is where the term 15 minutes of fame comes from. And it's so true. Like, you don't need Agt anymore. You can connect directly with people who like your comedy. Exactly. In a way that you can cultivate your own audience. And we talked to, when we talk to calm, everybody says the same thing. It's like, can you imagine, you know, George Carlin or Eddie Murphy back when he was getting started? Whoever it was, they were like, they were like little gods. They appeared on HBO, you know, once every seven months with another hour, and that material was sitting there to be revered, and you didn't know much else. Now everything is funny, and you can connect with your fans at every level at any time. All the. And people.






No, I'm just saying, like, people, like, what you were tagging. What you're saying, like, people know you from different things.




You know, like, so there's people, some people that know me from AGT, some people know from my special. Some people just know for tick tock. I was on. I was on stage yesterday, I went to open mic with my friend, a friend of mine. I was in town. He's a comedian, and he goes, open mic. I was like, I'll go with you. So I went on stage before I even got on stage, before I even said anything, there's a woman that was like, oh, my gosh. You the booty dude. And I was like, oh, that's what I'm known for now. I was like, I don't know how I feel about this, but so some people know me for that, you know?


So it's like, you know, I had seen some of your comedy special, and I knew who you were. I didn't even know that you were on AGT until. Really, I had no idea. I had no idea I had seen you on YouTube and other. And Instagram and other places, but I had. I didn't know until she told me that you were on agt. So I think in, you know, in some world, you're. You've surpassed agt. Like, you know, your agt, it stepped you up, but now you're being recognized for its work on its own. So you're Astrid. Chrissy. And I wanted to know you're going to the Bing Crosby theater later in your tour. Yeah.


Speaking of tick tock, how's Bing?


Is bing on TikTok?


Isn't he dead? He's dead, right?


For, like, 80 years. For a while, I just thought it was so funny. The Bing Crosby theater. Like, that's a draw.


Come on now.


Crosby theater? Yeah.


I don't even know who that is.


Yeah, don't worry about it. You don't need to know who that is.


I know another Cosby. And I was like, should I perform there? I'm not going to drink that water on stage.


And is it your birthday coming up? Because I see that you have a birthday show coming up. So when's your birthday?


Yeah, two days. It's my birthday.


Happy birthday.


That's my dad's birthday, so really? It is. Yeah.


I'm your dad.


You could be. Actually, I could be. Your dad is probably more.


It's like, I don't think you could be my dad.


There's no way I think I could be your dad. How old are you?


I'll be 33.


I could be your dad, but I would be a real creepy.


That would have been a creepy situation that happened to make that happen.


Yeah. You could be, like, a older brother where the parents thought they were done for the surprise. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yo, this idiot came along. I didn't I couldn't do what you was doing and you get mad at me for that? When I was younger, they could. They didn't let me breathe outside.


Is that your brother playing with you or just the same? Sharing the same last name? That the. There's another law playing on your.


That's my brother.


That's my big brother. Yeah. That's super.


That's your big brother?


A big one. The youngest, yes. All my siblings are older than me.


Do you guys go on tour together? Do you play shows a lot together?


Yeah, sometimes I'll take my mom and my brother and it'd be a family show.


Wow, look at that.


That would be amazing.




Super cool. Yeah.


If any of my brothers had a sense of humor, I'd bring them on the show.


Yeah, it's pretty awesome.


Oh, man, that is. What fun.




Hey, so preacher is where you get tickets for the tour. He's got a new special. It's going to drop on YouTube. When are we dropping on YouTube?


It'll be a. March 18.


March 18? March 18 on YouTube. Preacher Lawson. My mom's birthday socials is your mom's birthday?


It's my mom's birthday.


Happy birthday to your mom.


Yeah. Being born in March, baby.


My stepmom, my dad, my little brother, and one of my first cousins is actually. They're all born in March. Something about March.


That's wild.


Isn't that crazy? That's. Wow.


What about. Where are you?


I'm a Virgo in September, so I am an asshole.


I just had a February 19 birthday.


Happy belated birthdays.


I'm actually on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces, so whichever horoscope is better for the day, that's the one I go to.


Are you coming to Atlanta?


I was in Atlanta, like, a couple years ago. Yeah, I mean, I. Yeah, I try to go there at least once every year and a half, you know, you.


Kind of try and make your way around, like.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I try to get some new material and come back, but, yeah, I was there. I should be there soon, but, yeah, I got a. I got a house in Decatur.


You do away?


Yeah, my mom lives in Atlanta, so.


I'm down in Graham park.




You guys away from each other? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I used to live in Atlanta.


Nice. Okay.


We love Atlanta. And when you come, look us up and if you come for a show, then we will definitely be there, because we like to. We like to see our guests in action. That's a lot of fun.


Absolutely. If you need tickets, I know a guy.


All right, buddy, I'm going to take you up on that offer for sure. I got you All the socials. Don't miss his special dropping March 18 on his YouTube channel. Please go there. He's a super funny gentleman and a really nice guy to talk to.


Absolutely. I've thoroughly enjoyed this.


I think he'll be back. I have a suspicion.


Thank you.


Absolutely. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.


I know you're already on your phone, so pull up Instagram and follow us hecommercial break and then follow us on TikTok tcbpodcast. Done. Perfect. Thank you. Since you're at the ready, why not text us? Hello at 212433 TCB. Or if you've got some drama in your life, a little fun story or anything, really, we're desperate for content. Call and leave us a message at 212433 TCV. And don't forget to check out because that's got it all. Speaking of having it all, let's listen to our fabulous sponsors and get back to the commercial break.


Oh, man. I really enjoy talking to preacher.


Amazing. He really was so down to earth.


I agree.




You watch him on his specials and he's got this certain kind of energy, you know, there's, when you get through a few of these, like we have, there's certain people, you give them one word and they talk for a half an hour, which is great because, quite frankly, it takes the pressure off us to do all of the talking. And then you get into some people, like Tom Papa, where you just have, like, a really thoughtful exchange, you know, back and forth that feels interesting in ways that aren't necessarily silly or goofy. And I felt that way about preacher, and I expected, you know, that kind of go, go get him energy. And what I got, what I we got, I think, was a really thoughtful conversation. I agree about a number of things, like morning breath working out exactly important subjects that are all there. So, that's where you get all the information about preacher. We'll put all the stuff in the show notes, as we usually do. Also catch them on Instagram. And TikTok, 3.2 million followers on TikTok. Jesus Jones, he's got more followers than Hannah, and she's like the queen of TikTok right now.


Not that it's a competition, but come on, Hannah, what's going on? Throwing the gauntlet down here. We have 137 followers on TikTok. Of course, we haven't posted in a year and a half, but that's okay. We'll get to it. We're finally breaking a thousand on Instagram. Yeah, we're almost at 5000 on Instagram, which I probably shouldn't be sharing on the show. I should probably just leave it alone. I should probably not say anything at all. Yeah, like my mom used to say, if you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all, but whatever. Thank you to the few of you who are jumping over to Instagram and following us. You can do that.


You followed it. You followed us last.


You followed us last. The Internet, you heard it here last. The Internet's here to stay. Instagram is becoming a thing. I don't know if you know, but Instagram is becoming a thing. So follow us. Yeah, just like clubhouse. Get on the bandwagon, fireside, all the rest of the social media platforms that we purposefully chose to make content on while ignoring Instagram and TikTok. I mean, look at us. Just like real estate, podcast networks, and social media, we have a keen instinct for finding the right ones. But not Odyssey. We love odyssey. Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about odyssey. Love that odyssey. They are fantastic., please go there. And he's on tour all over the place, so I'm sure you can get tickets at a town near you, because he's on one of those tours, like a lot of the comedians are. I also wanted to say that Chrissy and I, after episode number 500, we'd like to start bringing you on as a guest to do an ask TCB, tell us something interesting. You know, whatever it is, we'd like to hear from you live on the show. So if you do us a favor, text us or leave us a voicemail at 121-2433 TCB, we'll give you some information on how you can get on the show if you're interesting enough.


If you're not, then I'm just not going to respond to you.


So congratulations. Exactly. And we could also respond to voicemails if you don't feel quite.


Yeah, if you don't want to get on here, you can do voicemails. But most of the voicemails that have been left have been. I don't know. I don't know what to say. I'll talk about it. I'll talk about our voicemails. And my ring doorbell are getting the same action. I'll explain on a different episode or an episode you've already heard. Who knows when this comes out. But we'd like to thank preacher for taking the time out of his busy schedule to be with the commercial break today. Really enjoyed that conversation. And I do think we're going to put him in the comeback bucket. Yes, we are. Yeah, he's in. Out of the seven guests we've had, six of them have made it into the comeback bucket. And I'll leave you to guess who the seven days. All right,, that's where you go. You find out more information about the show. You can watch all the video, listen to all the audio right there from one location. TCB podcast. You can also get your free piggy fronting sticker now available to you for free. Go to the contact us button on the website. Hit the drop down menu.


I want my free sticker. Give us your physical address and we'll send it away. And some people who have been long time listeners of the commercial break are getting a special, extra special gift. I'm telling you what, Chrissy, I'll tell you what it is. After the show. We want to save it as a surprise, but it's a badass gift. We use it here in the studio ourselves. You'll have to guess until it shows up at your front.


It's a microphone.


It's a microphone. It's a contract to be the co host of the commercial break. It's this tv that I can never get straight, as I mentioned before. 121-2433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Text or leave a voicemail. Questions, comments, concerns? Ask TCB. Ask Brian's mom if you want to be on the show. That's the number. Go there. It rings right here in the studio. We'd love to hear from you. And if you do leave a voicemail, be on notice. You may end up on the show, although no one has yet. You may end up on the show. I mean, make it interesting, guys. Make it interesting. You know what I'm saying? Also at the commercial break on that newfangled Instagram TCb podcast on Tick tock. Promise I'll start posting there real soon. And we would just love it if you would go to, thecommercialbreak. As Doctor Phil would say, follow us, watch our videos. All the interviews are up there, selected episodes. Get up there also and follow us on your favorite podcast platform.


That's right.


Especially if you're an Apple user. You actually have to go and download the episodes yourself now, so make sure that you do that. Every Tuesday through Friday. All right, Chrissy, I guess that's all I can do for today.


I think so.


Thanks, preacher, for coming on board. I love him. I love you.


I love you.


Best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, chrissy and I will say we do say, and we must say goodbye.


If you got a softie in your brain, you're gonna have a softie in your pants, you know what I'm saying?