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Stacey had an exchange of courts with the gunman that she now regrets. I said to him, I'm like, That looks like a fake gun. He's like, You want to know how real it is? And so then it just stacked me in the forehead with it. On this episode of the Commercial Break. Hey, listen, you got to be careful in this neighborhood. It's like the hood. And I'm like, Oh, really? It's like the hood. I felt no danger whatsoever. None. Zero danger whatsoever.


They're tripping on that stuff.


You know what?


I will say I did get politely mugged while I was in London.


Politely mugged. Do you mind if I borrow your wallet?


I got the most polite mugging I think I've ever had.


The next episode of the Commercial Break starts now. Oh, yeah, cats and kittles. Welcome back to Commercial break. I'm Brian Greene. This is my dear friend and the ET of this stupid podcast, Kristin Joy-Hotley. Best to you, Chrissy. Phone Home. Phone Home. Best to you. Best to you out there in the podcast universe. She's character acting, kids. Character Acting Kids. Character Acting.


I do what I can.


Oh, my gosh. T-c-b Infomercial Day with Mr. Henry Hall and Mr. Daniel Thrasher coming out. Brand new television show called dinner with They are the two preeminent stars of the show, and we're super grateful to have them on. Henry Hall, of course, the child of Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Brad Hall, the famous comedy writer Brad Hall. His mom is Julia Louis-Dreyfus. You might have heard of her. She's an up and coming actress.


Yeah, she's going to make it in for herself.


She's going to make it in for herself. I feel it. What is going on with this microphone? It just magically just cuts out any time that I get my arms around it. What's going on? Hey, hey.


You're very expressive.


Settle down there. Settle down, microphone. It works. I swear to God, I'll be in here doing commercials or edits or cuts or whatever. It'll work for hours and hours on end. The second I press record, it starts acting like a fool. Fucker.


I mean, I don't know what to say.


Well, I wish you had something to say.


This is a podcast. Well, speaking of people making a name for themselves, I think Henry is well on his way, too.


Yeah, Henry's doing well for himself. His first big television gig is with Amazon Free TV, and of course, dinner with parents, which Christie and I have had a chance to get a screener of. It is a funny show. We encourage you to go watch it. We'll put links down in the show notes, as we always do. But if you have Amazon Prime, which everybody does, go to Amazon Prime, type in dinner with parents. Up it will come. Then Daniel Thrasher is no shrinking Violet himself.


No, I was going to say he's made a name for himself.


He has made a name for himself. I mean, Henry, too. He was in actually one of my favorite shows, which was Whitehouse Plumbers. I'd like to ask him about that because the Whitehouse Plumbers was a really, really great television show by HBO around the Watergate, the two guys who essentially orchestrated Watergate. It's a comedy, and it's really like a dark comedy. It's really fucking funny. You should go watch it. I'll ask him about. He was in one episode, so I'll ask him about that. Then Daniel Thrasher is a YouTube sensation. I think he might own YouTube.


I know.


Yeah. He's got 5.71 million followers on YouTube, 4.71 million followers on TikTok. I mean, just Share a little bit, Daniel. Will you? For God's sakes. Can we just glom on to some of your- Yes. Can't we get like one-seventh, one-tenth, one-thirenth of your followers just to jump onto our social media? I would be Happy Clam. Do you know what I'm saying? I do.


I don't know what you're saying.


Daniel's young. He's been doing it for a long time. He's really good at it. His channel is really funny. So it's all the things that we haven't done.


We are not.


It's all the things that we're not. Hey, before we get to Daniel- TCB minus. Tcb minus. All your favorite shows somewhere else. Tcb minus. None of your favorite comedies or documentaries anywhere on the platform. But hey, 599 a month anyway. Two things I wanted to mention. First is, if you are interested and if you think you might be in the Florida area anytime in the next year, we'd love to hear it if you would like to come see live shows of ours. That's where we're planning on doing our first show is in Florida. So if you're in Florida and you'd like to see TCB Live, please just text us and let us know because we want to get some interest. We want to gage interest.


We want to test the waters here before we actually jump in. Yeah.


I don't want to...


Although we talk to no one now, it seems like. What do you mean? Well, there's no one here in the studio with us.


No, there's no one here now.


So getting on stage is going to be a wholly different situation. But if there's no one there.


Well, that's true. If there's no one there, it'll It's going to be like doing another episode of the Commercial Break. Only we'll have some very pissed off promoters. You'll never work again in this town, greener, holy manner. Yeah, whatever. We've heard that a lot. What's new? Stand in line.


We're just going to keep going.


Yeah, that's right. But before we go booking out where the dolphins play, what would we like to know? Stadium. Stadium. Stadium tour. You know that I might give you to somebody else's podcast. We'll do it on a different show. But that's number one. Number two is what I wanted to mention is a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about Beanie Babies, and we were so floored by how much those Beanie Babies are still worth to this day. We were going in to try and make fun of people who thought Beanie Babies were going to have some value later on down the road to find out halfway through the episode that Beanie Babies are more popular and more expensive than they have ever been. Their value has skyrocketed. And some of those Beanie Babies are worth $50,000, even unboxed, 50 fucking grand. It's insane. I got on the phone with my dad who- You did.


Because Everybody needs to be asking their parents where those things are.


If you haven't to ask your parents, you're a fool. Where are those Beanie babies? How do I get a hold of them? Can I have them back? Or can I have them, period? Don't let on that there's something going on with your parents. Just I want to take some junk off your hands. I've got kids. Or you just tell your dad, I'm thinking about having more children, and I need those Beanie Babies because I need some toys for the kids. Don't let on that they're worth a whole lot of money because then you might get into a fight with your parents. But I want to know from my father, do you have any toys, quote unquote, toys from the kids? You know what I do think? I do think my father has some Beanie Babies up at his house. I do think he's got some Beanie Babies, and I am going to steal them from his house. Not ones that he bought for me, but ones that he's bought for the grandchildren. They're like the grandpa house toys. You know what I'm saying? They stay there. They're only supposed to stay there. We don't take them home.


As a matter of fact, I beg the children not to take any toys home because we don't need another fucking toy in this house. But this time, I'm going to just put them in my backpack and head off the house.


Yeah, just swipe a couple. Why not? They're small anyways.


My dad doesn't need money. Doesn't he have money? I think he has money. Does he have money? I don't know. You know better than I do. I don't know. I think my dad's got some money. He doesn't need those Beanie. Me, however, I am a struggling podcaster. When I say struggling, it's a capital S, struggling. But those Beanie Babies are insanely high in value right now. Insanely high.


Yeah, all the older ones, the original ones.


Yes, and they're being traded and people are buying them. It goes on the backs of an interesting story I read, probably six months ago, how millionaires and billionaires are now putting a lot of their wealth into collectibles, all kinds of collectibles, from Pokémon cards to fine art, Van Gogh's. They are dumping their money into hard assets like art and collectibles because the collectibles market, Especially Fine Art, is going nuts right now. Oh, especially art. It's raising in value. There's some tax benefits. You remember that movie? The movie we were asking Wendy about whether or not Wendy had seen any of the- Oh, yeah.


It was- Inception.


Christopher Nolan. Christopher Nolan movies Inception, his most recent one, which I can't remember the name of. But the one about... Did you see the movie? Mm-mm. The one where everything's traveling backwards? No, I didn't see that. You didn't see that? No, I guess I need to watch that. Okay, there's a big part of the movie that takes place in this... I forget what they call it, but they call it an art port. It's a safe harbor where you can't get taxed and there are no local laws, and they build them at airports, and they're for billionaires to store their wealth.


Oh, right. Yes. You know what I'm talking about? I do. I've read about that. They're like these big storage- Huge storage facilities. Containers, yeah. Yes.


Some of them have the most high-tech security you've ever heard of in your life. They are basically bulletproof, bombproof, fireproof, anything proof. Christopher Nolan does a great job of telling you why that is not exactly true. I won't ruin the movie for you. But a big part of the action scenes take place in one of these safe havens for art. But they're real, and they really happen. People are really putting billions of dollars worth of fine art and collectibles into these safe havens that are highly securitized. I think that's where I'm going to put my Beanie Babies. Can you imagine showing up to one of those places in your private jet and just walking out with an old, rusty backpack full of Beanie Babies that are all cut up and shrewed up?


I like it.


I need your identification card, your fingerprints, your eyeball scan, a little bit of your saliva, and a sperm donation to make sure you are, in fact, Brian Green. And what do we be storing today? Princess Di Beanie Baby. Snort, sniff, snackle, and snuggle. The Beanie Babies.


The original nine.


The original seven. If you have Beanie Babies out there, I know that this is going to reach somebody. I know that this podcast doesn't reach a lot of people, but it's going to reach somebody who's got Beanie Babies somewhere who had no fucking clue. They're going to think about it. They had no fucking clue. They're going to go down in their basement, they're going to dust off that old bin or whatever, and they're going to be like, Holy shit. I got $200,000 worth of Beanie Babies in here.


The guy on the show said it was for your retirement, and no joke. He was right.


No joke. It's true. He was selling a whole 94 of them for $2,000. Chrissy and I could not stop laughing at how expensive this guy thought Beanie Babies were going to become. He said, This is the new retirement. This is where you be putting your retirement funds. Chrissy and I estimated on the low end that what he would sell, those 94 Beanie Babies were worth over a million dollars in today's value. In fucking credible.


I just want one.


I know.


I just want one. I think now we should buy some NFTs.


Yeah, I'm thinking NFTs. I'm thinking we get- Just give it a shot. $10,000 together from who or where. I don't know how. I don't know where. I don't know where. We'll get $10,000 together and we'll just go buy a bunch of $1 NFTs, sit on them for 40 to 50 years, and then only check them 40 to 50 years from now and see how much they're worth. 0.0. We'll ask Henry and Daniel about it. I wonder if they have any... They're young, so I don't know if they're into the Beanie Baby thing, but let's see. Okay, this is what I want to do. I want to take a short break, and then I'm going to bring Daniel and Henry on the show.


What do you think, Chrissy?


I think we should. Chrissy, what do you think? Sir. Would you like to take a break and bring back our guests?


Yes, sir.


Yes, sir. Indeed, we'll be back after we check our Beanie Babies for a collectible dollar value. We'll be back. What?


Oh, hi. It's Christina again, here to remind you to go to tcbpodcast. Com for all things audio, video, and T-C-B-D-O. Give us a follow on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at T-C-B podcast. And guess what? We have a new phone number. I know what you're thinking, but I promise this is the last T-C-B phone number you will ever have to remember. So call us and leave us a voicemail or text us at 212-433-3TCB. Once more for the people in the back, that's 212-433-3TCB. Oh, and check out our YouTube channel at youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak. That's all for now. Let's listen to our sponsors and get back to the show.


I'm Tanksynatra.


And I'm Investigator Slater. And together we co-host a podcast called Psychopedia, which is a true crime podcast infused with comedy making it a crimety. Each week, Investigator Slater brings us a wild and thoroughly researched true crime case. I'm here to digest it all and react just like you probably are right there on the other side of the microphone. Somehow, I've got to present each case with the detail and respect it deserves while also cracking up at Tanks' perfectly timed humor and thought-provoking questions. Listen to and follow Psychopedia on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. We're here with the two gentlemen from the show right now. We're here with Henry and Daniel.


Hi, guys. How are you? Hello. Welcome.


Hey, how's it going?




It's going good. Congratulations on the show. Are you excited? Are you getting great feedback? What's the word on the street?


Word on the street is my aunt Jamie in Virginia is loving it. You know what I'm saying? My aunt's texting me. I got my sister messaging me.


Un unbelievably, I think your sister is the only person to listen to the commercial break, too. We got something in common there. Tell her that. We both have one viewer. Tell her that. We both have one viewer.


Yeah. No, great, great feedback. People are loving it. What about you, Henry?


Yeah, my girlfriend, who is aunt Jamie.




Loves it, like Daniel said.


I guess it's better than her sister.


Yeah, we've watched episode together, and she loves seeing her nephew. Yeah.


And your neighbor James. And your neighbor James, the sandwich guy down the street.




Yeah, they're both enjoying it. They're more like, Prestige era, like Breaking Bad This, Wire That. It's like, Come on, guys.


Come on, guys. I can't do White Housing right now.


It's not the only plumbers I know. Yeah, people, it's definitely... It's exciting to be on a show that's as open to any person in terms of potentially enjoying it, I think. I've had all sorts of folks chime in and say they're enjoying the show.


I'm a big fan of the first... I don't even want to say a reboot because what I expected was a reboot, but it wasn't a reboot. The show lives on its own. It really does. It gives a little bit of homage to Friday Night dinner, which was a huge hit. The BBC. Yeah, the BBC. Huge hit in the UK. I think it's loosely based on that, and there's some similarities, and there's some callbacks to some of the stuff that goes on in the show. Did either of you, were you fans of the show before you got cast in this version?


I know for me, I had to watch the first... I watched a few episodes that I could find on YouTube. It's hard to see to find the full episodes in the States anyway. I don't know, Henry, you struggled finding them. But I saw three episodes, and then I was like, Oh, this is great. At first, I was like, Wow, this is really farcical and really fast. You have to switch your brain into a different gear to catch everything. That's what I noticed when I was watching it. I was like, Okay, this is a different show. But then once I got it, I was like, Oh, this is freaking awesome.


Yeah, it's brilliant.


You're right. It's going to be fun to make.


You can rewatch that show show multiple times and still catch little things that you didn't catch. There are so many people that are in love with Friday Night dinner. What I loved about your show is that it didn't try to be Friday Night dinner part two. It was really something that just... It's funny on its own, and you get into the characters, new, fresh. I think in that sense, your director and your writers really made a good call. Henry, were you a fan of the first show?


Yeah, I never I had never seen it before I heard about our show, auditioning for it. But yeah, I mean, I'm a huge British comedy person. So I had seen bits and pieces of it, and I actually had the same issue. There's just weird licensing stuff.


I think you can buy the first season on Amazon, but not the second, third, and fourth. It's like it is strange. Yeah.


And Well, our show is... We've taken it, like you said, it's the most, most, most basic skeleton of Friday Night dinner. Yeah. And then we just bust a move, an original move in every other way.


When you guys get on set, are you... So you play these two brothers that come home for dinner every week, and it follows it along the So I think in that sense, the premise is loosely based on Friday night dinners, right? We're coming over for dinner every week. Exactly. A large amount of the plots revolve around the family getting into hijinks. Right. And the two brothers pranking each other, of which the both of you play. Do you guys have fun on actual set? Are you guys pranking each other on set? Oh, yeah.


Daniel would... Well, you can give more details, Daniel, but he would very frequently, right before action was called or just right after, whisper something just so profane into my... Right into my ear. So we had many, many moments of prankage in that scene.


Yeah, I think there's the-Tell it.


You can say it, guys.


You can say anything on this show.


Also, to all the listeners, the show It's called dinner with the Parents. I don't know if we've said that yet or not, but it's called dinner with the Parents, so that's the similarity. It's on Amazon Freebie, FYI. Henry and I, right before we go on, right before they call action, an example of something that I would constantly do would be there'd be a boom microphone right here. As the boom mic was just right there, right above frame, I would look at it and I'd look at Henry and be like, What the fuck is that?


What is that?


Somebody tell me what action. We go right in the line. That's an example. I thought it was a little just me being a weirdo to Henry until one time, Henry looked at me and we were upstairs or something. We were about to go downstairs. Henry was like, Daniel. I was like, What? Then he tooted a little bit. I was like, We're back, baby. We're in here, baby.


It was the only appropriate response.


It was perfect. He didn't have to do anything. He never has to do anything again. I'm just like, Okay, he wins.


Fart trumps all.


I think so.


Yeah. Mic drop.


I love it. I'm on for a good fart joke. I think that's funny. We've talked to other actors and comedians, they've shared with us that sometimes they get into situations where they get on set and there is no... They get on set, they get on stage, they're doing improv, whatever. It's just like there's dead no chemistry between the two of them. It's really hard to make something work. When I'm watching this show, I'm imagining that there's a lot of this going on behind the scenes because it just, I don't know, it seems natural. It seems like you two are brothers, antagonizing each other in a way that feels very organic on screen. It shines through on the show. You guys did a great-Thank you. You guys did a great job. How did you get cast? Daniel, you own YouTube, the research says here. Is that correct? You're owning YouTube now?


Yeah, I'm the new CEO of Alphabets. Congrats.


Alphabets, so thank you so much.


Thrasher tube.


Yeah, thrasher tube. No, I do okay on YouTube. Okay, so basically, Basically, how I got cast was through legit means I have a manager and an agent who found this audition. I think at the time, they had already cast or were heavily considering Mikaela Watkins. She and I have similar facial features, I guess. Dan Backetal was high in the running. They were looking for the Brothers. Actually, I don't know if Henry knows this, but initially, I auditioned for David. Oh, really?


That's right. Yeah.


It was during my callback for David where Trisham Shapiro, their director, John Beckerman, the showrunner, everybody was there. I'm 31 in real life, but I look like I'm 25 or 26 or something.


You could pull off 19, bro. You're aging well. Good docs or good genes will figure it out in People magazine 10 in the road.


All my Botox is paying off. But no, I think they got a sense that I was playing it a little young. John asked me, he was like, Are you the younger sibling or the older sibling? I said, Well, I'm actually the younger sibling. John went like this. His eyebrows went up like that. He started twiddling his fingers together. I saw a vortex. There was a spiral vortex happening on the to Zoom link. Then Teleport 2, it was the... I'm on YouTube and stuff. Vidcon is this big convention for all the internet people. I was opening for Vidcon. I was the opening act, and nobody else was doing anything all day. I performed for this crowd of a thousand people, all this stuff. A lot of my fans came and gave me artwork and stuff. The next morning at 9:00 AM was my call back to play Greg. Meanwhile, I had just the night before, screamed and ran around on stage. I was exhausted. The next day, I had my lines pretty much made, but I had a pretty big monolog I had to do. What I did was I took a screenshot of the monolog on an iPad, and I set the iPad next to my laptop.


Brilliant. Nice.


I love a good cheating story. I was heating it up.


I was doing my I was talking to everybody in the callback, and I was like, You know what? At this point, man, in my career, because I've gotten so close to so many things and I haven't gotten any of them, I'm just going to tell them that I'm a big deal on YouTube. I know that sounds dumb, but for example, I was like, Can I show you guys the fan artwork that they gave me yesterday? No way. And the fact that I was opening this thing. I showed them. I was like, This is crazy. It wasn't really an ego flex, really. It was just also like, We're all working on something really cool, whether I get this show or not. I'm really happy with the life that I have. Sure. I did the call back, and I did my very best. We met for a whole hour. I mean, it was the second callback for a different character to play Greg for a whole hour. Then at the end of it, I felt really good about it. I got a call a few weeks later while I was at Disneyland, and I screamed at Disneyland.


That was it. I'm already here. Listen, I think you should flex a little bit. My personal opinion about flexing, in whatever way that it is, is that that's how life works. Sometimes you just have to share with people that I'm not that I'm a big deal, but that I do have my own thing going. I do have these cards in my pocket. I can pull them out. Without being braggadocious, which sometimes it can come across as braggadocious, but don't you have to take every advantage that life gives you? In my opinion, I think you should. In Hollywood, man, sometimes that can be the currency.


I don't know. Yeah.


Henry, how did you get cast in the show?


Gosh, let's see. I had a bit of a roundabout-ish, or not really. I mean, honestly, my story is not exactly that.


Did you also bring out posters? That's all I got to know. Would you like a poster?


I read for the show in spring-ish of 2022, something like that. Okay. And didn't hear anything back. And then months later, got a callback and proceeded to do two or three callbacks over the course of a couple of days. Yeah. And then not... And I didn't really even know what the next step would be per callback. I was like, okay, am I about to get the part or is there another... You know, whatever.


Are you just torturing me on purpose? Yeah.


I was just rolling with the punches and then I got a call that I got the part. I was in a Michael's, the art store.


Getting something framed?


I remember that.


He was drawing posters for Vidcom. I was literally...


I was getting a Daniel Thrasher poster frame.


Framed. That's right. Exactly.


That's the place to go. No, I was getting a birthday, this really cool... I'm going to obviously... Wait, I think it's a poster. It's a photo of Jean Tierney and Rock Hudson, I think. I'm fucking up here with the guys. But it's Jean Tierney and Rock Hudson on set. It's like a venture still, whatever.


Yeah, it's an astound.


From a Douglas Sark movie. I was getting that framed. It was something my friend Hannah got for me.


So, yeah. So, yeah. So, Michael's brings you luck.


Michals brings me luck.


Who knew you? Yeah. Who knew you? Michals, we I'm going to bring you luck. At Michals, you got the part.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


That's right. At Michals, you got the part. Welcome to Michals, you got the part. Now go on set and give him a fart. You guys, you guys. We need to go in on that.


Any struggling actor listening to this, go to Michael's right now.


Michael's right now. Yes. Yes.


Starfoum balls, get yourself some yarn. Yeah.


But we shot in London.


I was going to ask you guys Yeah, it's also enough.


That's confusing for people.


Did you film on the same set? Did you film on the same set? Because the houses, and I know that they have townhouses in the original, but if you haven't seen the original, the actual houses look remarkably similar. I mean, I know they're not exactly... If you get a chance, look through the foot, if you can find it, if you could buy it from BBC, if you got a friend you can call, the houses do look remarkably similar. The set pieces look similar. Not in every single way, but when the opening shot of the house is, I was like, Oh, my gosh, are they using the same house from the actual original? There's a lot of similarities in the set pieces, I think. Actually, I think that's where the comparison stops, is the set are similar, and they mention Friday night dinner once in the show, and that's it, right? Right. Did you move to London? Did you move to London?


Yeah, we moved to London, and I guess that's the best part of my getting there.




Yeah, what an experience.


They were like, Yeah, you got the part. Pack up. Pack up, bitch. We moved to London eight days later or whatever the fuck it was, something like that. It was a really quick turnaround.


It was a quick turnaround.


Oh, yeah.


That's like a week. Yeah.


Good math.


Thanks. Henry, we're in London. It's maths. Maths.


They do love saying that. They do. We moved to London and- For how long? Shot there. We were there for four months, four-ish months.


What a dream come true. What time of year was this, and two?


The worst time.


I was going to say.


October through everywhere. Like early Feb.


Oh, wow. Yeah, that's not a great time to be there. But let's be honest. London weather's hit or miss anyway.


The Christmasy stuff.


Yeah, that's true. Yeah, we got the Christmasy stuff. The Christmas is cool. Yeah, the Christmas stuff was pretty sweet. I loved it there. Yeah, I can imagine. I lived in New York for four years, a little more than four years, something like that. It's like New York. I love New York. I love, love, love New York. But... Careful. London is like New York without the...


The bullshit.


Really horrible, shitty stuff of New York.


I remember being in an elevator, going down to a sub underground line.


In New York? No, sorry, in London.


In the lift? Yeah, it was a big...


In the lift? Yeah, it was a big... Yes, a lift. It was a big freight elevator, and I was in there with 25 people or something, people commuting to work and whatever. I just remember thinking, If this was New York City, we would all be getting stabbed right now. It is literally we're just all staying there like that. Everyone's like this.


Very polite.


Smiling. That's right.


Smiling. No one's saying, Fuck you.


There's a big podcast conference that happens in London every year. Actually, it's in a couple of weeks. I've been. The hotel was over here and the podcast conference was over there, and I just decided to walk. It was like a three-mile walk. It's me and our manager, and we're walking. We're just taking the way that the maps go because I don't know where it's going. We're walking through and we see another podcaster that we know. He's British and he says, Hey, listen, you got to be careful in this neighborhood. It's the hood. I'm like, Oh, really? It's like the hood? I felt no danger whatsoever. None. Zero danger whatsoever.


They're tripping on that stuff.


You know what?


I will say I did get politely mugged while I was in London.


Politely mugged.


Do you mind if I borrow your wallet?


I got the most polite mugging I think I've ever had when I was like, I didn't tell you guys. I guess, well, this guy was like...




Henry, what?


Me and my My girlfriend at the time, we're walking out. We were going to the grocery store or something. We were going to some restaurant. I don't know. This gentleman, a little scraggly, walked up and he was like, Do you have a couple of pounds? I'm trying to catch a bus to see my sick mom, and that's not what was going on, but that's fine. I was like, Oh, no.


What's your problem? He's going to see his sick mom. I didn't help him.


I was like, No.


You've let the posters go to your head, Daniel. It gives a guy a few pounds.


I was like, No. He was like, he was like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's grumpy about it. Then he said, Yeah, Christmas sucks because it was right over the Christmas holiday or whatever. He was like, Christmas sucks this year, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He goes, Well, there's an ATM down this way. Let me walk you to the ATM. Yeah, let me walk you to the ATM. You can pull out money. I was like, and I looked at my girlfriend at the time. I was like, You go to the store. You go to the ATM. No, I was like, You go to the grocery store. I'll meet you there. I'm going to walk with this guy. If I'm not there in 20 minutes, something horrible has happened. I walk with him to the ATM and I'm looking around. He's like, Let's go to this one, which was a secluded one by a Tesco. Oh, my God. I I was like, No, I'm not going to do that. I was like, Let's go to this one instead, the one that's right here in front of everybody. We did that and I handed him like 20 pounds.


He's like, Oh, thanks so much. I was like, No. No.


I think I just got robbed. Okay, so now we know the difference between getting robbed in New York and getting robbed in London. In London, they give you a backstory. At least they've got it. They're prepping for it. In New York, they just stab you and take your money. But in London, they're kind enough to give you at least a little bit of information about why they're robbing you. Hey, listen, my sick mom in Christmas sucks. That is the most polite robbing I've ever heard of Christmas sucks. Christmas sucks is a good reason.


I can't believe that is crazy.


That's really the lead, Daniel.


I've never heard that story.


I should have told you guys. Oh, my God. I was probably just a little embarrassed.


I'm sorry. That's fucking sucks.


I could see It stuck even though it was really polite and awesome.


I can see you laying in the hotel at night debating about whether or not you should share this with the rest of the crew.


Did I get robbed or did I just get scared?


I'll save that story for later.


Save it for the commercial break.


That's so crazy. Jesus.


That's weird, man. Oh, my gosh. Because now I have to follow this down the rabbit hole a little bit. What did your girlfriend say? How did you explain it to her when you got back to the grocery store and met her? Were you like, I think I just got politely robbed?


No, she was like, Is everything okay? That's a good question. She was like, Is everything okay? I was like, Yeah. He gets to see his mom.


An angel got its wings.


No, I mean, obviously, to address the elephant in the room. It's like, look, being homeless, being somebody on the streets, that's a horrible thing. Of course. I'm literally in London to film a TV show for a major network. It's like, yeah, man, whatever. I'll give you 20 I don't like being forced to do it, though. That's the only part I didn't like. You know what I mean? Being like, let's walk to an ATM and you pull out money now. I'm like, God. But you know what? I have the means or whatever, and he wasn't violent or whatever.


Well, I do like the attitude. I do like the attitude about it. You're right. What are you talking about? Well, listen, I don't like that it happened. I just like that. This is so confusing.


I just like that he has I'm not going to answer you about it.


Say what you mean, Henry. I've been mugged in Atlanta, and I'm telling you what.


Okay, here's the interesting thing to me, and this shows that Daniel's very nice. The guy didn't He said, Let's go to the ATM, or like, There's an ATM down there. He didn't say, You're coming to the ATM with me. Or like, I am... You know? He didn't...


He asked if you could go to the ATM, basically.


And then you walked together and you did. You basically just gave money to a guy. This counts as the mugging story, but if you wanted it to be a, I just gave a guy money story.


I just gave a guy 20 bucks.


Yeah, I don't see it that way.


He was very tall.


He felt threatened. He had a backpack and he No. He was like, If you stretched out Liam Neeson from taken, that's what it was. I was like, I know that you're technically suggesting we go to an ATM. I know that I could turn this down, but I really don't think I should.


Don't want to find out what happens.


Especially because he knew which grocery store we were going to based on where we were walking or whatever. I was like, All right, to protect me and the lady, I'm going to go. It was That's freaking weird.


You were trying to- You went with your gut. Yeah, you went with your gut and you quickly got away from it. I'm not sure by the international laws of thievery that this guy... He suggested you felt- I can't file a report on that. No, no, no. What are you going to say? He asked me to go to the ATM Yeah, my dad. The cops are like- It looks so silly. The cops will be polite. Someone's going to give you back the 20 bucks. Well, not technically a robbery, but here's $20. Here's £20. 20p. That's so crazy.


I love it. 20p.


Sorry. I don't love it, but it's a good story. That's for sure.


You mentioned some other people that you guys work with, and I'm curious about the fabulous Ms. Carol Caine.


Oh, yeah. I love her.






Like a living legend.


I know.


She is a living legend. You feel it when you're with her, for sure. Oh, you do? For sure. Yeah, she's like a total iconoclast.


Yeah. When you're on Is she just... I'm just curious about this from a personal side. Is she naturally just very, very funny? Because she seems like one of those people that could really make you laugh.


I noticed that, yeah, we I noticed that whenever we were sitting around the little cast holding area or whatever, if we all started doing a bit together, Carol would, and correct me if I'm wrong, Daniel, but I'm pretty sure this is how it would go down, we would all be doing a bit. She would always get the last word.


Yeah, I can see that.


But you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be coming. She'd be reading her little book, and then before she'd go to stage, she'd be like, Oh, or whatever.


She loved sandballs.


Yeah. She has It has her voice, which is totally unique to her and nothing you've ever heard.


It's a cartoon. It is a cartoon.


Yeah, totally. She was just the greatest nana of all time.


Is she really vaping in those scenes or is that smoke put in there? I'm just curious. That's CGI. That's CGI, but we did have a vape.


No, Daniel?


A vape? Yeah, we had a vape. A vape.


Yeah, no, it was a real... I I don't know if it maybe was like fake or something, but there was smoke coming out of it.


But they added the CGI for effect.


But they added... Yeah, it's the huge... When she's blowing clouds.


Yeah. She's a vape bro.


Nana's a vape bro for sure.


Yeah, she's a 16-year-old in flag staff.


She's wearing just in her ears.


Ripping clouds.


Hey, Henry, you wanted a Purple Nurple? Exactly. Am I Purple Nourple? Exactly. This one is great. I love cotton candy. Oh, my God. That's the best Carol Cade impression I've ever heard. You got it down. It's my favorite.


That's brilliant. Mikaela Milla Watkins's impression is legitimately perfect. Yeah, it's insane. Daniels is actually an incredible impressionist.


No, no.


Just saying.


No, no. Mikaela's SNL, man.


Yeah, I love Mikaela, too. She's brilliant.


She's brilliant.


She's scoted.


Yeah, for sure.


She plays your mom, by the way, for listeners. I got to tell you, I got you on, Henry, is that I loved the show, Whitehouse Plumbers.


I loved it. Were you in episode of that? Who did you play?


I sure was. Yeah, I played a ballet guy.


You did? What a brilliant television show. I sure did. I think not discussed enough, in my opinion. I thought that was a brilliant show.


I mean, anything David Mandel, the showrunner of that show, touches is going to be... Actually, yeah, I'm pretty sure he's a showrunner.


Yeah, showrunner director. Whatever, whoever the show.


He directed the episode I was on. He's a genius.


Yeah, we miss say things here all the time.


Yeah, don't worry about it. We miss you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Our tagline is, You heard it here last. So don't So don't worry about it. That's good.


I like that. Yeah, I played a ballet. That was my first proper... Actually, first or second First or second proper scene on a TV show I'd ever done. And the scene was incredibly... It's a period piece, as you know. So there's a ton of extras, set dressings, and all these things happening. The scene that I'm doing is the end of this big montage. They have this huge crane shot coming in and into the Beverly Hilton hotel where I was ballet in the show. And it comes across all these old cars from the '60s and people, 50 extras walking in and out of the lobby and Well, it's this huge coordinated, choreographed dance as the crane's coming in. And then it lands on me and I'm supposed to catch some keys that are being tossed to me by the guy who's parking in the ballet. So I'm Okay, no matter what, I am making this catch.


Yeah. Right? Says the guy who misses the catch.


I'm not going to drop these fucking keys.




The crane comes in, extras in, out. Craziness. Tosses the keys. It's a decent throw, but I decide that I'm going to milk it.


You're going to get cuised with it? Yeah. Right?


Behind the I'm Randy Moss or something like that.


I reach out and I make the catch.


I'm like, Yes, I made the catch.


Right as I make the catch, my pants ripped. No.




My pants ripped up right off my ass. Right off the ass like that, dude. And then the director was right behind me and he saw the rip. They ripped and he goes, Cuts.


It was so...


I profusely sweat immediately.


Of course. Of course.


Dude, it was so bad. That's awesome. The wardrobe person, like an absolute soldier, flies in. She has me spread my legs and she goes under and she stows me off.


While they're on.


Yeah, while they're on.




She's right below your scrundle sex. She probably knew they were weak.


She was like, I bet she bought those from some guy. Maybe it was the guy who mugged me.


She got those jeans.


She was like, I don't think they're going to hold up. Henry's got too much cake.


I was caked off. Income In comes, in comes, Carol Caine. Balls. Balls. Balls. That is crazy. Did you have to read the scene? In the sweep shot, do they get the pants ripping? Do you have to do it over?


I'm sure they got the pants ripping. And yes, we did have to do it over.


Did you catch the keys the second time?


Caught the keys the second time. It was a slightly higher toss. And yeah, did the scene and it was okay.


We all love a good redemption story. We all love a good redemption story.


Gosh, it was so gnarly.


Oh, my gosh. All right, I got one last question to ask both of you. I know you're younger than I am and younger than maybe Chrissy might be. She hasn't told me your age yet, but do you remember Beanie Babies?


Oh, yeah.


Did you have Beanie Babies? Did you own Beanie Babies? Hundreds. You did. Where in the fuck are they? Can you send them? To me? Hopefully, you still have them.


Yeah, Henry, do you have Beanie Babies?


Interesting. Dude, you know what? Yes. This is such a bummer. Okay, so my room at my parents' house, you to have a huge chest. What the hell do you call that? Like a toy chest. There was like a... Yeah, it was a bench and a toy chest.


At the bottom of the bed.


All in one, right? Yeah, exactly. But my fucking mom, whatever, redid the room recently. So that chest is gone.


No. It was full to the brim with Beanie Bambi. Oh, my Mom failed.


Brian's mom got rid of his- My mom got rid of mine, too, because I had a number of them.


I know. And now, on Fridays, we go, we break down a video, right? So I think it's going to be cute to break down this video of this guy on QVC going bananas back in the '90s over these Beanie Babies are going to sell for $2,000. You get 94, the original seven. These are retired, that's retired. This guy is going bananas.


So we're laughing at it.


We're laughing hilarious at this going, Who the fuck kept their Beanie Babies?


And then we looked them up and there's somewhere $50,000 that he was selling.


The original seven are worth $50,000 a piece, and we're not laughing anymore. Now I'm crying because I'm like, Holy shit.


Can I ask some questions about the details here? If they're out of their package, what's the deal? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.


It's still worth a lot of money. You're kidding.


Look them up on Etsy.


I think the tag is really important, though. I think we have a tag, a A-Y tag on it. I think that's a big deal.


You have any, Daniel?


There's still worth thousands.


There's still more thousands. I straight up have a gym bag in my mom's house of all the Beanie Babies. Go check it out. Dude.


Go check it out.


I mean, I loved I think maybe that's where I got into characters, probably, is giving each different Beanie Baby a different voice. Sometimes I'd come home from school and have them all sit around, and I would teach a class to them, trying to reiterate the things that I learned.


That's sweet. That's really sweet. He would politely ask them for 20 pounds because Christmas sucks.


I'd be like, Now you have to walk me to an ATM Tabasco, the little red bull. Oh, Baby.


You know what that guy's name is? Snort. That's Snort. I learned that. The Bull, yeah. Snort is worth $20,000, Daniel. You need to go home immediately.


Yeah, go check those out.


I'm not selling it.


I'm not selling my friend.


What do I look like to you, man?


That's his audience. Yeah. Let me sell. Exactly.


Those are my subscribers on YouTube.


What are you talk about? 5.1 million. Our Beanie babies. Oh, Lord. Okay. Why don't I sell them and I'll give you a cut of the sales? How's that? That way you don't feel bad about selling your friends. Oh, a little foot in the door. You need to go back to your mom, Henry, and say, Where did you put that chest?


Yeah, it's probably somewhere. I'll tell you this, though. If you guys Where are you guys based?




Oh, Atlanta. Okay, cool. Well, if you ever come out to California, the guy, Ty Warner, who is the Beanie Baby guy, he lives in Santa Barbara, California, which just north of Los Angeles. It's where my dad is from. Okay. And he's like, fourth generation, whatever. So his mom knows Ty, just from the grocery store or something. She's like this little old lady. I'm telling you, if you show up to Santa Barbara, I'll get you in with Ty Warner through my.


There you go.


I'll take you up on that.


We're going to have to do it. You will hook it up.


Yeah. If you ever come to Atlanta, I can hook you up with $2.19 double cheeseburgers for McDonald's. We get them all the time here. No problem.


God, that is the ticket right there.


I'm sure I have a coupon somewhere. You know what I'm saying? You got an Emily Starbucks.


East Atlanta Santa be damn.


There you go. Look at that. Henry dropping some ATL knowledge.


I know. I love that guy. Bad Santa.


I do have some ATL.


The Bad Santa.


I'm not a man. Have you ever been to Atlanta, Daniel?


I went to SCAD, actually. I went to- You did? Yeah, I went to the Savannah Coldenard Design in Savannah, Georgia. But yeah, I've been up there a few times. I recently was there because I hosted SCAD's commencement address, and I introduced Amy Poehler and David Yeermann and stuff.


It was really cool. Wow, Mike.


That's cool. Who's that?


David Yeermann. I'm kidding. Amy Poehler. I'm kidding.


What? A bunch of yuts as We probably don't even know who they are. My god, my goddawn. That's a big deal.


Listen, listen, listen, we wish him luck.


Yeah, we wish him luck. God bless him.


Good luck on the jewelry. Good luck on the comedy thing.


At least you've got the Beanie Babies to back you up.


A woman in comedy? Imagine that.


It's never going to go down. She thinks she's funny. She thinks she's funny.


I actually- Deep irony, listeners. We love her, okay?


Yes, yes, yes. Deep irony, Amy Poehler is a badass bitch. Yeah, just in case you didn't know. She's great. That's true. Gentlemen, the show is great. I highly encourage everyone to go watch it. It's on freebie right now. Amazon. Amazon's freebie. What's next for you guys? Anything in the works? I know you've got an album coming out, Henry, in summer.


Yeah, I do. I have an album coming This summer, I don't have an exact date yet, but it's going to be probably July seventh. But that's not confirmed. That's what my kid's birthday.


But it's going to be something like that.


Yeah, that's my sister's birthday.


Oh, you're kidding? Oh, my God.




Well, then it is going to be July seventh. We had that living now.


Can we say the name of the album?


Absolutely, yeah. Please tell us. The album's called Stop Doing Funny Stuff. Which I'll give it very quickly. It's my brother, me and my best friend in fourth grade were playing basketball with my brother, and my brother, he's a really legit basketball player. Very tall. But he was in first skin, he's super tall. And he was in kindergarten or something. And me and my friend were messing around so much, and he was taking a free throw shot, and we just would moon him every single time. That's awesome. And he really wanted to play the real and play a real game. So he starts going, You guys, stop doing funny stuff. I love doing funny stuff over and over again. That's awesome. I named the album after that story.


I love that.


Oh, the homage.


And Daniel, ever popular YouTube creator. Go check out his channel. We'll put all the information inside of the show notes. We'll talk more about it as we wrap up the outro. I'd like to thank both of you for coming on. We'd love to have you again, guys.


Thank you so much. That was so fun.


Thank you so much. And congratulations on the show. It was a blast. I do think it's funny. Thank you. Yeah, I hope this was better than your regular press junket. No, this was a gas.


It was hanging out.


Well, when you do the album, come back, and Daniel, you're welcome. Anytime you can hit us up. I'll be a cheerleader.




You're cute enough to be a cheerleader. Daniel, you're a nice-looking gentleman. I'll say that right now. My wife won't mind me saying that you're a nice-looking gentleman.


I'll pay you 20 pounds after that.


If you want. If you want. If that's okay with you. If that's okay with you, do you mind? Can we go to the ATM and you borrow 20? I'll tell you what, skip the 20 pounds. I'll take your Beanie Babies. Henry, tell your mother, what was she thinking? I mean, I know she may not be hurting for cash, but the rest of us need those Beanie Babies, okay? All right.


I don't know what's... Yeah, I'll check in with her.


Henry and Daniel. Thank you. Start dinner with parents on Amazon's freebie right now. Thank you both. We really appreciate it.


Thanks, guys. Thank you.




Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath, and now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right. It's 212-433-3TCB. And you can text us anytime you want, or you can call and leave us a voicemail, and we might just use your message on the show. Once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year, of course. Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCB podcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on tcbpodcast. Com. Now, I'm going to thank G one more time that we have sponsors. So thank G, and here they are.


What a delight. What a delight those two young men are. They really are. What a nice young man, Daniel. They robbed Not at not at gunpoint, at mouthpoint.


I know. I didn't know what to expect.


I think that's the takeaway from the interview is Daniel hit Daniel up for 20 pounds next time here in London. I think that's the takeaway. I'm going to fall on the controversial side of this debate. I don't think technically that was a mugging. I think technically, but I do understand where he was coming from.


I do, too. Yeah, you're in a strange country, and an intimidating guy. Guy comes up and suggests, Let's go to this ATM. You know, the truth is, I could see myself getting into a very similar situation.


Absolutely. Fasterad was with me, and I felt a little sketched out, and this guy was being a little bit more pushy than I thought he should be. He said, There's an ATM right there. In my mind, because I exaggerate everything, I over-exaggerate what was going on. I'd be like, I'm being robbed. I got to go to the ATM and pull out money. I'm kidnapped now. I'm kidnapped. But how interesting a story that he has that he never shared with anybody. I can also understand why he never shared it with the rest of the cast and crew. Carol Caine would probably be like, You're an idiot. But they are a lot of fun. They are a lot of fun. Danny was such a nice guy, and Henry was a nice guy. Henry's mom, of course, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, which I didn't want to mention. Now, I didn't purposely stay away from it. I just didn't come up in the conversation. But I don't think I would have mentioned it because I he's a good actor on his own. He probably is sick of that pulse. Don't you imagine? Yeah. He's got to be sick of people going on shows and people just ask him about his mom the whole time.


Yes, I can imagine that. I don't want to offend anybody. That's not my personality. I just want everything to be nice. You know what I'm saying? I never wanted to be nice.


And it was. It was fun. It was. It was just a great conversation. Great. I'm excited about the show for those two.


Yeah, those two. Listen, a lot of people talking about dinner with parents. If you haven't watched it, go watch it now. It's on Amazon's freebie. Daniel Thrasher's incredibly popular YouTube channel. Or his TikTok, or his Instagram, or his Facebook, or at VidCon, or wherever you find anything.


Or the Savannah College of Art and Design Commencement.


Yeah. Opening up for Amy Poehler. What the fuck? I mean, what the Fuck. Honestly, no one asked us to do the SCAD commencement speech. Well, probably because we- I don't think they will be. We've never commenced anything at SCAD. But my goddaughter goes to SCAD. I wonder if she was there at the commencement speech. I don't think she was graduating, but can't you just show up anyway? I guess. If you're a part of the school, you just go. I don't know. I never got that far in college. I don't know if you could actually go to the commencement speech. If someone was giving a big deal speech at my campus, I would think you could just show up. I think so, too. And buy tickets and show up. It's like anything else. It's like an event. But Amy Poehler, did she go to SCAD? I don't know. I have to assume she did. Or no, I guess they invite all people to do commencements, right? Obama's always doing a commencement here and Bill Clinton here.


They I get honorary degrees and things.


I don't see Trump doing a lot of commencement speeches, but I'm sure he's probably been invited somewhere at some time, Trump University or something like that. You got the deets on the show. Go watch it, dinner with parents. Then you can check out Henry's album later on this year. Stop doing funny things. July seventh. July seventh, one of my kids' birthdays. 7/7. You heard it here last. Yes. There you go. You know, it was funny because when I was doing some homework on Henry before before they came on, I actually saw that there was a musician named Henry that was putting out a new album and doing this music in my Google searches. But I didn't even click on it because I was like, Oh, that's clearly not the same guy. But apparently, it's the same guy.


Was it Henry Hall? Or you just said Henry?


Well, I didn't just put it. I just did type in Henry into Google. What do you think I am, a moron?




Henry! Yay!


It's Henry. So, Henry, it says here you're derived from the British term for scundalbunking. Henry. You have a king name after you. Henry. What do you think? What do you think I'm doing here all day? I don't know. Just type in Henry. I did the same with Daniel. Daniel.


It was just Daniel. Yeah. He probably pups it first.


Yeah, he did. For just Daniel. You have a famous show on Comedy Central called Daniel 2.0. Henry, Daniel. It's so nice to meet you. I've always wanted to meet Daniel and Henry. Meanwhile, Henry's farting on set.


That was my favorite takeaway.


I know. I love it. I just love a good fart joke. I don't know what it is. I can't help myself. I can't help myself. Fun, fun, fun. Good times. Good times. But Daniel and Henry, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Daniel and Henry. Henry. Let me go. Let me type in Henry and see what pops up.


I was thinking that might take you a while.


How was it to be the ruler of England? So there's like five of you. You've all taken your turns, ruling England. Good times. Those two, by the way, a lot of fun. We had a lot of fun with them. Yeah, that was great. On and off there. They were a lot of fun. So thanks again for coming on the show. All the links in the show notes. You know how to do it. We don't need to tell you. You know how to do it. Unlike Brian's googling skills, you can figure out how to click a link on the show notes, I hope. Oh, man. All right. Well, that's another TCB infomercial in the can.


That's right in the queue.


Oh, Christie, stop doing funny things. Stop it. Can I borrow 20 pounds? Yeah. No, seriously. Yes. Seriously. All right. Tcbpodcast. Com is where you go. You'll find out more information about Christie and I. All those show notes with all those links are right there on the website or on the podcast player you're listening to right now. Click away, my friends. Click away. Feel free. You You're going to get all the audio and all the video right there at the website, and you can get your free TCB Bumper sticker by hitting the Contact Us button drop down menu. I want my sticker. Send us your address, and away we will go. Alert, alert. Merch drops soon, so keep I don't want to look out for that. I don't want to merch drop. I don't want to beat it to death, but merch drop. Buy some. Merch drop over the next... Merch drop soon. I need a new T-shirt. What's that? I need a new T-shirt. Me, too. We need new T-shirts in general. We need to it up. I look back on those T-shirts and I'm like, Yeah, we could probably do that over again. Why not?


212 433 3TCB. That's 212 433 3TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas. If you want to be on the show, text us and let us know what you want to talk about. We'll get in touch with you and tell you how to be on the show at the Commercial Break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok, and youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak. All right, kids and That's all I can do for today, but I love you.


I think so.


I love you. I love you. Best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks, Daniel and Henry. Until next time. We always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye. I take a dick and keep on licking.