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While I haven't been gay, I have experienced a ton of homophobia because I have a bidet. Yeah, my straight guy friends will be like, Can't do it, bro. Can't have water shooting on my ass. I'm like, Are you worried about... Look, if the only thing keeping you from being gay is water hitting your ass, you are gay. On this episode of the Commercial Break, I'm dating someone with a kid, and I relate. She's the kid, the boy, her son is three and a half, and it's just incredible.


That's the age, too. That's the age.


I keep hearing that. That's why I'm going to break up with her.


He's four now.


Because I'm not going to stick around for a bunch of garbage ages.


The next episode of the Commercial Break starts now. Yeah, boy. Yeah, I got to get in Welcome back to the Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is my dear friend and the co-host of this silly show, Chris and Joy. Totally best to you.


Best to you, Brian.


And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for joining us on today's TCV infomercial with one of my faves, Neil Brennan. He's so funny. He's coming on the show. He is funny. We've been headlong into his material for a couple of weeks now that we've been preparing for him to come on the show. And I do have to say he's one of my faves right now. I know. I think he's one of the most intellectual comedians on the circuit right now, and I'd be happy to pick his brain about it when he gets here in just a few minutes. And coincidentally, or not coincidentally, his news special comes out today on Netflix. And feel free to go give that a gander, because I think you're going to like it. Christie and I had an opportunity to get a look in.


Yeah, we really felt very special.


I did feel very special. I do have to say that after- We got a preview of the show. After months of interviewing celebrities, after weeks and weeks- Of promoting Netflix. Of promoting Netflix, they finally gave us an opportunity to take a look at what we're talking about. We got one of those screener accounts, which they give them to everybody. I mean, they give them to anybody. I don't know about anybody who wants them, but they will say to certain outlets, they'll say, Hey, if you're going to do promotion on this particular show, why don't you let that show take a look at what you're promoting ahead of time so that you can go and look at it? And so it doesn't look anything like a screener account. It's just, Netflix, screener account. There you go. But your name is bouncing all around the screen while you're watching it. That's true. Which is the only a little bit, the thing that was a little bit off-putting, I guess, is that your name is there. And that's so, of course, you don't then release that material out there into the wild. They'll know who did if you did it.


If you did it, you get caught and you will be in trouble and you will not have that account anymore. But I do have to say Neil was nice enough, and Neil's people were nice enough to let us in on that screener account so we could watch his special before coming on the show. And it is fucking hilarious.


Jeff and I, we were saying we haven't laughed straight through a comedy special in a long time. It was the whole time we were laughing.


It was very funny. It's ball-bustingly funny. You have to watch it, so go now and search that Neil Brennan special on Netflix. Available today, April ninth, as you're listening to this, what is going to be old, old news by the time we get there, but I think we do have to talk about it at least just a little bit, is P. Diddy getting busted.


I know by the time this comes out, many more developments could happen. He'll already be in jail. Who We're just getting this today.


We're just getting this today. I'll breeze all over all the details because they will change every minute from here until when we actually release this. But I will say this, is that his drug dealer got busted with him. He's got a private jet, which people tracked as this is happening over the last couple of days, that people tracked down to the Caribbean. So they thought, Well, he flew the coop. He went down to the Caribbean. But not true. He was in Miami waiting to get on a separate plane to fly to the Caribbean. I guess he decided, Well, everyone's going to know my jet, so let me get on another jet and I'll fly down there. And he decides to take his drug dealer with him. Well, his drug dealer-We saw a picture. Looks like a kid bumming a cigarette from me outside of a bar. I know. This does not look like a drug dealer. He's like, 24, 25 years old, white as the driven snow, wearing a hoodie, clean shave, and doesn't look like you could grow a mustache if he tried. And I'm like, That's your drug dealer? Yeah. All the people you know?


You were all the people you know, did he? And that's the guy that's bringing your shit with you? It's silliness. Don't do that. Can't you get it where you go? I mean, honestly, if you're going down to the Caribbean, it doesn't make sense that you would be able to find somebody to get you a little whatever it is you're into? Blowing strippers? I don't know, whatever it is you're into. But let's wait to see how all this pans out before we talk more about it. That's true. But I will say that if true, whatever he's being investigated for, if true, it's pretty That's fucking horrific. There are so many people now coming out of the woodwork saying, I told you so, and pointing to past media or posts or whatever that they put out there, including that Danity Cain. Remember that Danity Cain band that he put together? Then they had the girls group. Yeah. No. Forever or something like that. I don't know. Maybe I'm mixing up a Netflix show called Five Forever. Is that it? Yes. Five Ever?


Five Ever.


Five Ever? Maybe I'm mixing that up with it, It was the PDD special with the PDD group that he put together on MTV making the band.


Oh, right.


I forgot about that. But that girl came out and she said, Hey, listen, I told you guys this long time ago. There's a lot of other people who are saying this, too, including 50 Cent.


Now, Cuba Gooding Jr. Is getting wrapped up into it as well.


I think Cuba... I mean, I think this is true. I hope it's true. If it's not, then allegedly, Cuban Gooding Jr. Didn't he grab molest some girl at a bar at one point, then got arrested for it, and then he had to pay a fine or something like that? I can't keep up now. I can't keep up either. But I haven't seen Cuba in too many movies lately. So I think that generally people have shied away from working with Cuba after this whole incident occurred. But then there's that preacher that Oprah loves, is now was hanging out with... Everybody was hanging out with Diddy at Diddy's Parties. We had huge parties. What's that?


He had huge parties.


Apparently, the best best parties. But the best is like a... I don't know, it's a pretty loose term when you're talking about parties, right? You go to the best party and it could have Half Song, Hodeley and Brian half drunk looking to score blow from D. Or you go to the best party at a mansion in Miami where there's lots of illegal things going on that clearly you would have to have no moral compass to avoid. You know what I'm saying? So I don't know. When they say the best parties, I think that's just code word for was way too crazy for me, bro. Sorry, I even showed up. Erase the video. You know what I'm saying? I think there's a lot of people right now wishing they didn't go to the craziest party that did he through for sure. You know what else is just happening now, in case we mention it to Neil, is that bridge collapse that just happened in Baltimore. The thing that I find interesting about the bridge collapse, clearly, I don't think it was terrorism or anything. I think it was just a captain who lost control of his ship.


But the thing that I do find interesting about that is, how are they going to get all those other ships out of port? If that's the port, where do they send all the other ships? It's like my kids running up and down the hallway right now. I have a gate and I close it so the kids can't get out of the port. But now, clearly, they've been let loose inside of the port. Release the hounds. Release the hounds, indeed. Listen, I just got to say to Diddy, if you managed to get out of this without being in cuffs or in a courtroom, then we were all wrong and we're very sorry. But you need to change your drug dealer. This is not the guy you want running around with you. In a group with P. Diddy, that's the guy I'm pointing out as this one is not like the other. You know what I'm saying? This guy, something is not like the other. It's this kid, 25 years old, just fresh-faced. I mean, I went to Catholic school with kids like this. But then again, the Catholic school kids did get the basic drugs. That's right.


Yeah, because they could buy them from their parents. You know what I'm saying? That's the way that it went.


Speaking of Catholic school, Neil went to Catholic school.


We'll talk to him about it. It's going to be a fun time with Neil Brennan, his new special out today on Netflix. Go watch it. I promise you, you won't be disappointed. Grab your wife, grab your loved ones, grab the kids, probably not the kids, grab them all, put them all up on there on the bed, and watch this Netflix special. It is ball-bustingly funny. So let's take a break, Haudley, and then we will be back with Mr. Neil Brennan. Let's do it.


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Neil, thanks so much for joining us on the show. How are you?


It's a pleasure to be here, guys.


How you ended up here, we have no idea. But fire your manager immediately, if not sooner. Neil, I have a question. It's a burning question. In these times of uncertainty, bridge collapses and Diddy collapses and all this.


It looked like, I got to say, pretty well made bridge from what I could see.


Well, we just heard it. We were just listening. A side note here. We were just listening to a press conference, and one of the reporters asked, That bridge, it fell so quickly. Was there something wrong with it in the first place? I'm like, Did you expect a bridge to fall slowly? How That was a bridge supposed to call it.


No, I will say it just looked like it was made of wicker.


It did collapse. It did look like a movie. It did look like something out of a movie.


It was the Francis Scott Keybridge, so maybe it had been around since that long.


It had been around for a while. Yeah, great. Neil, where are you keeping your Bored Ape NFTs? What crypto wallet are you using?


You know what's funny is, they're joking about the fact that I have a crypto joke in my new Netflix special, Crazy Good, April ninth. I had more to that joke, but I wrote it so crypto could go either way. Good thinking. So I omitted the part about it being down and how watching crypto go down was like watching the fire festival from a nearby boat. How it was enjoyable for those of us not invested. But now we're all idiots.


Now I'm a moron because because I divested all my crypto at the very bottom. But NFTs are a whole different animal. Never got into that. It's still not good.




I mean, I'm stupid, but I'm not a moron.


Exactly. I figured a collection of pixelated PDF dicks is probably not going to make me any money in the first place. So I chose not to collect.


You could have talked to me about NFTs for a million years, and it never would have made sense to me.




It still doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, I'm sure there's some value People have just stopped talking about it.


Thankfully, people have stopped.


They don't want you to know what a fucking moron they are, that they had spent $30,000 on a picture of an ape. Neil, you did ayahuasca a number of times. Our intrepid researchers have figured out I'm listening to your specials. Have you done it quite a bit?


Fifteen-ish times.


When you do ayahuasca, are you doing the legit ayahuasca down in a ceremony, mixing up the tea, throwing up everywhere?


It's I mean, I'm doing it. It's legitimate in that it is the tea. I don't mix it. It's in North America. In fact, it's by Six Flags in California. All right. And it's legitimate. You just want the juice, whatever. And none of it... How it gets created or whatever is less important than the actual meat of it, as it were.


I've done ayahuasca a number of times, and I did it in a ceremonial setting. I did this, I want to say, 15 to 18 years ago. I get invited to do ayahuasca in a ceremony. We're going to bring some dude up. He's going to bring the ayahuasca with him, make the whole tea right in front of us. There were doctors.


Like guacamole.


Kind of like guacamole.


The tableside guacamole.


Only, I got to be honest, I would have rather thrown up from the guacamole than from the ayahuasca, but same principle.


Yeah, beggers can't be choosers. You want to meet God or not, that's what we're talking about.


People have asked me, What was it like to do ayahuasca? I had to go to a meeting before we did the ayahuasca because they had to tell us about the things that could or could not happen. There was a paramedic in the room. I tell people this. I say it was like getting invited to the can't miss party of the century. Only they explain, fine print on the bottom of the invitation, may die a million deaths. They conveniently leave that part out. It's an intense fucking experience. Just a number of times that I've done it, it's been both helpful, revelatory, incredible, but also very scary and intense. Did you feel the same way?


I mean, scary is not even scary. I know. I would have paid for scary. What I went for was worse than Scary. But the all the upside, and it was worth it for me.


That's great. Did you find that it helped? Were you a different person after you did ayahuasca? I felt I was. I felt I was. I just looked at the world in a different way. It was hard to shake it for a long time. I think that got built into my DNA somehow. Did you find that also?


Yeah, I think it changes your brain. I know that I'm different. People that don't know I did it You see me differently. If you watch my three Netflix specials, this one is the brightest and fastest and most fun, and there's none of the emo on that emo garbage I was doing. There's none of the... It's like a buddy of mine said it was guilt-free. Yeah. I think that's correct. It's a combination ayahuasca. I did DMT once, exploded my brain. And then I've done MDMA a few times this year, and that's been really helpful as well.


Yeah, I think. But there is a notable difference in the new special that's out today on Netflix. There's a notable difference in the other specials and then the new special. But I do think that three mics, it was a revelation for me. I mean, just the refreshing nature, your honesty on stage. It's not all yuckles and laughs, even though some of it It's really you just opening yourself up to the audience and saying, Here is what I struggle with. Here is what I deal with. I know that's hit a note with so many people. I've seen you on so many shows and so many podcasts, and everyone says the same version of what I'm saying. But did it feel better or different to you to do this new special, or is it just like, This is just where I'm at right now, and I'm going to be there? It's where I'm at.


Yeah, it was where I'm at. I don't want to disavow that. In fact, the reason I have an announcement at the beginning of the special, going If you're here because I'm sad, I have some horrible news. And I put that in because someone complained. What? A guy DM me and was like, Where were you? Came to the show and was like, Well, I was waiting for you to show up. Basically, he was complaining that I wasn't sad enough. What? Yeah, basically. So I put that in. And I'm not like that guy that you may like from the other two specials is dead. Right. No, there was the same thing. I'm just saying I'm the same guy. Now there's just no heaviness, or there's significantly less heaviness than normal.


Yeah. Can I ask a question piggybacking on that? When you deal with such clinical depression, it's something that really resonates with me, is I think something that you said in three mics, which is my self-esteem, I don't have a floor, right? It's just a hole that I'm constantly trying to feel. It's something that I identify with at times. When you are out so publicly in front of people and speaking your mind, does that twist you sometimes when people have these expectations that you're going to somehow help them, fix them, do this, or does that just bounce right off you?


I don't really get caught up in people's expectations. When I'm doing a show, I'm trying to do a show. You know what I mean? Even when I toured blocks, I didn't have the blocks. So I just did stand up and it was a good hour. It was just as effective somewhat, so to speak. With this, I'm not like, The people are out there and they're waiting for me and they need me. I'm going to do a show and hopefully... I think a lot of what people remember is that I was confessional and maybe something that they remember. I think most people just like jokes. Yeah.


Are you sure you're clinically depressed or you just have a bad case of Irish Catholic? I mean- Look, where does one end and the other be?


I don't know.


As an Irish Catholic, I don't know.


Yeah, that sure is a good question. People are like, Are you sure? That More than anyone Irish Catholic is, they're like, How do you know? How do you know you're ?


I don't want to get out of bed.


I can't technically prove it, but it seems… I mean, they're trained professionals that told me I am.


We'll start there. That's probably a good indication.


Yeah, pretty good start.


Irish Catholic is a religion. I'm not going to say it's a strange religion because I think they're all a little bit strange in their own way. But when you grow up and you hear this messaging repeatedly that you are the original sin and that these things are to be repressed and we don't talk about these things, and then all the other bullshit that comes along with being a Catholic. My family life was affected by the scandal that rocked the Catholic Church in such an intimate way. Which one? What's that? Which one? The one about the- Great question. The one about the priest running around touching everybody. Which one? Yeah, which one? All of them. But then it's just this weird It's not a good...


You're not supposed to feel good as a Catholic. No. That goes against the entire ethos. And literally, it's in the Bible, spare the rod, spoil the child. So you're supposed to feel bad. You came out broken, and you're to be beaten into submission. Anyway, church is open, nine to five every day. It's not a It's not a great religion. I think it's had some positive, some negative.


Listen, I mean- Yeah.


I don't put it yet. Christopher Hedgen said, It's like Celestial North Korea. You're bad. And he goes, But the difference is you can escape North Korea. You can't really escape thinking you're bad. It's hard. You have to do a lot of ayahuasca.


Yeah, you have to do a lot of ayahuasca, and it gets beaten into your head. I think you say something in one of your specials, and you're like, Listen, like all good Catholics, I left at 12th grade or something like that. I think that is so fucking true. I mean, I didn't believe it from about seventh grade on, but then at 12th grade, I went to Catholic school also, and it's like the daily Mass and the bullshit and the bullshit and the bullshit. But after 12th grade, I'm like, I'm out of it. My parents didn't even like the Catholic tradition.


It's like, yeah, the joke, if I can put it in a joke for it, if I can just defend my honor real quick. The joke is that being Catholic is like playing trombone after 12th grade. You're like, I'm not doing that. Thank you. April ninth on Netflix.


Youngest of 10 children. That's a lot. That's way too many.


It is a lot. Yeah, it's a lot. I can't really... That's the only way I grew up, so I can't really compare it. But Are you close with everyone? But yeah, 10 kids. And with those numbers, you don't have.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.


You couldn't be. It would be a full-time job. But yeah, 10 kids in 16 years, which is insane.


Ten kids in 16 years. Yeah. It's like by the time you're born, one of the kids is almost out of house. What do you have in common with them? Almost nothing. Yeah.


My oldest brother Joe was like, I just realized we barely grew up together. I was You just realized?


I forgot about you.


Yeah. By the time I'm conscious, he's gone.


I'm curious about this. Did you guys share bedrooms? You must have.


Or did you have- Yeah, I shared a bedroom for probably half my childhood, from zero to maybe more than half, zero to 12. Then around 13, we moved and I got an Yeah, it's sweet. Out of the hostel into my own room, like the king of England. I guess it was what you call hard Scrabble. I'm, thanks to the ayahuasca and the DMT and the MDMA, I don't think about it as much anymore or feel a ton of negative feeling around it. It almost It feels like a hazy memory. That's the other advantage or one of the advantages of age is you forget everything. You forget everything. Now I've stopped holding my mother. My standard now for parenting is, did they make an effort? And is it better than their parents? And my parents for all of the, not grief I've given them, but all of the taking the task in these specials. They were better than their parents. Yeah. So that's something.


That's something.


And it was hard. They made it hard on those. Also, Catholic made it hard on them, where they couldn't... I don't think my dad wanted kids at all.


That's familiar to me. I don't think my dad wanted kids. Then I don't think that he even liked the Catholic Church. But it's like a cult. We grew up in Chicago. When you're there, you're there. It's, what else are you going to be? What else are you doing?


I grew up in Chicago. I grew up in Wilmette. Yeah. Yeah, I grew up in Wilmette. The funny thing is when you say your dad didn't even like Catholicism, I remember toward the end of his life, my dad, I said something about... He said something about, I'm beating I'm not beating cancer cancer. I'm not fighting cancer. It's beating. It's whipping my ass or something. I go, That's actually a Christopher Hitching's line. He goes, Oh, I know. I loved his book, God is not great. I was like, Why was I an altar boy?


Were you an altar boy? Yeah, man. Me too. Yeah. What a weird time. I'm lucky to have avoided any mischievousness with priests.


I have a joke where I'd say, everybody asked, Were you molested? I'm like, I didn't get molested. I fucked a few priests, but I got molested. I wasn't molested. But it's just a weird... I don't know, man. I don't know what to make. Life's incredibly odd.


It really is. The older I get, the more it unravels a little bit. But the more, I don't know, for me, the more purpose I find in the small details and the less I understand the big stuff. It seems like the big stuff is very complicated, but the small details. I know you don't have children, but I have children in moments in the children or moments of beauty that I see, and then I go, Oh, that's it. That's what this is all about. But the big complicated stuff, I'm like, Fuck it.


Well, the level of complexity about everything is incredibly massive. Anyone who claims it's not and has a solution is lie. So keep that.


So you said you were dating someone?


I'm dating someone with a kid, and I relate. The boy, her son is three a half, and it's just incredible.


That's the age, too. That's a good age. That's the age.


I keep hearing that. That's why I'm going to break up with her.


He's four now.


Because I'm not going to stick around for a bunch of garbage ages.


Little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems. But that's the age. When they are starting to wake up to the world and then you can... Like these little moments that they have or these little interactions that you have with them, you're like, That's pure. That's good. That's the thing. All the other, and Trump and Biden and all this other, that's all the bullshit, right? I don't give it. It's like, What am I going to do about that? I wish I could do something about it, but I can't do anything about it. So I'll sit here with my hands side like the rest of the fucking world. Yeah? Yeah, that's how it rolls. How long have you been dating this girl?


A couple of weeks. No, like a year.


Sorry. Having moments with the child. Couple of weeks.


Yeah. Like a year. It's I'm in an amazing relationship, and I don't mind the kid, even though I don't want my own kids. I really... I get it. People have told me kids are great, and they were right.


One thousand %. Hey, you mentioned this in a couple of your specials in a couple of different ways. And I'm not going to bastardize your joke so you can tell it.


Why stop now? Keep going.


You say that You like the athletes, the crazier, the better. It's just that's the way that it should be. I agree with you that these men that were out there killing each other on the football field or You do this bit about Tiger Woods. It's so hilarious. I'm not going to ruin it for everybody. Go watch it today on Netflix. But you do these bits on these athletes that are so funny and so absolutely true.


They're not your Lying to yourself if you think that these people are normal or can be held to a normal standard, and I include women in it as well, where it's like the gym fitness girls. That should be illegal. It stunts their growth. They don't menstruate for eight years. It's like veal look and are like, Hey, relax with those little girls. Gymnastics, those bigger skating girls look like they're under duress. That was so funny. Tiger Woods and Tom braided and Michael Jordan and Kyrie Irving and Oscar Vistorius and Lance Armstrong and Dennis Rodman. I don't even mention Mike Tyson or or Ray Krooth or the O. J. Simpson, or just the guys that are convicted of crimes. But this idea that they're somehow... It's so dishonest. You know what I mean? It's like expecting extraordinary things from ordinary people. I end up talking about comedians in the same vein where it's like, What are you... This is not normal. What I What we can do isn't normal, and I'm not breaking any laws, but a few comedians have. And by the way, they're really good at comment. I don't know if they're There's a direct correlation.


But if the job is to question and break norms, you can't be upset when they break norms. That's it.


It is so 1,000 100% true what you're saying. When you say it like that, it becomes blatantly obvious that that is true. Yes.


What are we taught? Everything I say in the special, like, Go to therapy, take medication Just know that everything good on Earth is from psychopaths and drug addicts. It's just always been true. It's always been true. And then people go, Well, it is Is Michael Jordan a good husband? I don't care. I'm not going to marry him. I have no plans to marry him. So it's a joke I didn't do because it's too elitist, but when people are like, Is Ellen nice? I wanted to go, Don't worry, you're never going to meet her. Unless you're a $50 million house in Santa Barbara, she's not interested in you. It is so true. This The idea that they need, or I do a joke, is Kevin Hart humble? Why would you think that billionaire is humble? Where did you get that? It's like a word jump, just like a spin a wheel. Is Kevin Hart humble? How did you get humble? How did you get humble from that person? What has he ever done that would lead you to believe he's humble?


Yeah, exactly. What has he ever done that makes you believe that he's there to serve everybody? Somebody else's interests? Which part?


Yes. When he popped out of a stage, what a sign... Well, that's a sign of pure humility. Last time I saw that do that was Michael Jackson before that, gone. Right.


That's humility.


That's the dead giveaway of raw humility.


Are you a huge sports fan?


Yeah. My interests are fading in it in that Jay Leno has a hilarious joke. He just says it in a conversation. He's like, What do I care if the oranges beat the peanuts? But yeah, I still like basketball.


I'm just asking this question. It's completely random, as the show usually is. What do you think about Mike Tyson coming out of retirement?


What's funny is I just happened to like Mike Tyson for I think he's having a very difficult life experience. The problem is if that kid beats him- It's not going to get better. Meaning Well, no, but I'm saying it's going to be worse. We're going to have to deal with that kid for 10 more years.


Yeah, exactly.


I'm praying to the good Lord, the good Catholic Lord, that Mike Mike can beat him up.


I find that Mike, in his older age, and I think we're of similar age, and we grew up and Mike Tyson was destroying human beings. I mean, he's just like a... A wild man. Wild man, a monster.


The most exciting athletic events ever were Mike Tyson first round.


We all watched them, and then he had this super rough patch, right? But then I find him to be a bit philosophical now. I find him to be- He's totally philosophical.


He does He's done DMT a hundred times. I did it once in Brooklyn. I like how he's just living publicly, I think. I'm like, rooting for him.


I am, too. Yeah, we are, too. We were saying that. Yeah, 100 %. I do hope he kicks that kid's ass because I think that we just need a little less Paul in our life. A little less Paul. Sure. I want to ask you about your early days. I just found out that you lived with Jaymore. Is that right for a period of time? I did, yeah.


Where was he? We were roommates. I also wrote for all that on Nickelodeon. I saw that. You were not touching that.


Oh, you did.


I'm just watching that. Jaymore, I lived with in New York for a while, and I think we were only roommates for a month, but it felt like a decade.


I'm just watching that Netflix. I think it's on Netflix, the Nickelodeon thing.


No, it's on HBO Max. Yes. Yeah, the Nickelodeon thing is an odd. I wrote there, and I wrote for that guy, Dan Schneider, and I received a full salary, I think. I don't remember. It wasn't a ton of money. I don't really know what to say about it other than I will say Dan Schneider was the greatest crank call maker I've ever witnessed in my life. Oh, really? Yes. I don't want to say anything else in public.


Fair enough. Yeah, no problem.


I just happened to fall asleep the other night.


Oh, yeah. Women pick horrible shit. I know.


I was like, What am I? And then I couldn't stop watching it. And then it's getting worse and worse and worse. And I was like...


It's something about watching five hours of murder documentary makes it hard to get rem sleep. I know. Yeah. Do better, ladies.


Do better.


So he's just making prank calls for no reason?


No, in the middle of writing days. He was a great prank collar. I once heard him convince a guy to go outside and measure his driveway. He was extraordinary. Oh, wow. This is not going to be useful. I have stories.


No, I don't want to hear them. We're not looking for that popularity. Too soon. Yeah.


You don't want those kinds of hit.


We're not that podcast, if you know what I mean. We're like, Listen in the Morning with your Kids in the Car, Where We Tell Dick Jokes podcast. Morning Zoom crew shit. Morning Zoom crew. Wonderful. Wonderful. Are you taking this out? Are you taking this out on the road? Do you intend to tour?


I've already toured this. The Crazy Good Show I toured from 2023 and filmed it in the end of 2023 and now. Then I'm taking my time writing a new hour because I don't want to... The temptation, I think, is to take the positive attention and sell tickets, but I don't want to sell tickets on a show that's not done yet. So I'm throwing away perfectly good moments. But you can go on neilgrinnon. Com and join my mail.


I just signed up. I just signed up. We're in Atlanta. There you go.


You're over 100. Oh, great. Yeah, I was at the Varsity Theater last year. No, the Variety Playhouse. Yeah, it was awesome. I wish we had- Yeah, that's walking distance from where I live. We had caught you.


If only you had walked past it every day for three months.


It was unavoidable.


There was nothing we could have done to get you to the show. Good attempt. Pretty half-ass attempt at lying, but God bless.


Well, I have 13 to 15 children, so I don't go out anymore. Blame her. Yeah, great.


Yeah, great. Yeah, great. Yeah, great. Yeah, great. Yeah, great. Yeah, great. Yeah, great. Yeah, great. Fine. Fair enough. You're forgiven.


Neil's special comes out today, April ninth, on Netflix. Please go watch it. It's fucking hilarious. It's the first time my wife and I have laughed in the same room.


A long time. Serious.


That can stop laughing. Yeah. It was great watching. It is so different than what you do. I think you're one of the smartest comics working today, and that's just my own personal perception. But I think the fact that you're willing to take the camera and point it at yourself in a very real and then keep everybody abreast of what's going on along the way is refreshing and funny and at times heartbreaking. It makes you... I don't know. It's a very intimate type of comedy, in my opinion, and I really appreciate it, Neil.


It's very- Yeah, this one's just funny.


So there's no- Yeah, this one's just funny. There's none of that shit I just talked about that he do on this particular show, but please go watch that one. It's really good. You're awesome, Neil. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you. We really appreciate I appreciate it.


Thank you so much.


You got it. Bye. Okay. Bye.


Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath, and now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right. It's 212-433-3TCB, and you can text us anytime you want, or you can call and leave us a voicemail, and we might just use your message on the show once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year, of course. Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram at Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on tcbpodcast. Com. Now, I'm going to thank G one more time that we have sponsors. So thank G, and here they are.


All right, and we're back. Neil Brennan was wonderful. I do have to say Neil is still one of my favorites.


I'm sure he's going to be happy to know that.


Yeah, I'm sure he's going to listen. I'm sure that's the first thing that he's going to do, is putting it on his calendar. He's like, Well, got to listen to the commercial break on April ninth. Make sure that I sound great on the show. It's probably his 12th podcast today. He's probably like, I'm done with podcast today.


Yeah, exactly. But he is great. I mean, his delivery is just so funny. It is. It's very dry, very dry wit humor. But the things that he says resonate so much with- I know.


It's all very I don't know. I feel like his sense of humor feels right to me. It fits for me. I like his sense of humor. He's smart ass. He has these whip smart comebacks. I wanted to say this to him, but then I didn't find that maybe that was… I had the feeling that it was the appropriate place to say it. He reminds me of my aunt, and I don't know why. It's not because he looks like my aunt, even though his mannerisms are like my aunt, and she has a very similar sense of humor. My aunt does. He grew up in Chicago. She grew up in Chicago. I don't know. There's something about him that I go. They could have known each other. Yeah, they could have known each other. They could have been twin sisters. She might be one of the 10 children. The 10 kids. You never know. Ten fucking children. Can you imagine? No. I can. I can. Let me tell you something right now. More than seven is a brood too many. But I guess when you do have 16 years of age difference in there, it's like the first ones are leaving the house when you're just coming into your existence.


Yeah, that seems crazy.


Isn't it? Isn't it insane?


Yeah, it's the household all at once.


Yeah, but that's what Irish Catholic did back then. They did, yeah. They were like, Have as many as we can. We'll populate this half of the United States with all Irish Catholic, and everything will be fine. The Catholic Church encouraged it because the Catholic Church said, Hey, listen, prophylactic's not allowed.


Well, right.


Abortion, not allowed. Birth control, not allowed. They encouraged this dramatic fertility Of all people, it's just like, Go spread your seed as far and wide as it can come. Then you have a family with 10 children. I don't even know how you pay for 10 children. No. Even back then, I don't know how you pay for 10 children. But Neil's special is hilarious, and you do have to go watch it, or I would encourage you to, Why you have to go watch it like I'm your dad. You have to go watch it.


It's your homework. Go watch it.


One of the things I wanted to ask him, too, is he says that his dad had sandwich rules, or his mom or his dad had sandwich rules. I always saw that, yeah. I had sandwich rules also. You could only There was a certain amount of meat when you were making your sandwich. There were certain things that you could do or couldn't do when you were making your sandwich. Then I still somehow always ended up with a peanut butter and fluff marshmallow sandwich for lunch, which is not that good. I mean, it's fine. It's fine. It's like a cheesecake factory. It's fine. Of sandwiches. Yeah, of sandwiches. And then my mom would go get these big packs of Cheetos, Doritos, whatever. And if you were lucky, there were still some of those left and you'd have one of those in your bag. If you were unlucky, then she'd take some shitty old stale potato chips and just throw them into a ziploc bag, and that's what you'd get. I was always disappointed by that. So you only For the... My mom would go to the store, and then only for the first two or three days after the store visit, would you get the good stuff?


Of course. But then you knew when my mom had to go to the store because you would start getting shitty stuff.


It was down to the bare bottom there, to the bottom of the cabinet.


Yeah, I think a couple of times it was peanut butter and fluff sandwich minus the fluff. You know what I'm talking about? It was just peanut butter with a woof of fluff.


Are you a crunchy peanut butter or a smooth creamy butter?


Well, I used to be a smooth peanut butter guy, but now I do crunchy peanut butter. But one of my kids is allergic peanut butter peanuts. Oh, that's right. So you fizzle. So now I don't do peanuts anymore. Oh, that's right. So you get some. Yeah, you got to be really careful. We're putting her through that like, Here, eat a little bit of peanut every day so that you can hopefully build up a tolerance. And so far, so good. Oh, good. But it always feels to me like walking the edge. We have to take her to these appointments where then she gets a high dose of peanuts. So we give her a small dose, and then once a week, we take her in, she gets a high dose, and they keep increasing it every time they go.


That's so interesting that they treat food allergies like that now.


Exposure therapy. Yeah, makes sense. Yeah, they're doing it for cats and all different stuff. I mean, they don't actually put a cat in your face. I guess, I don't know, they blow some cat dust around or something. I'm not sure. Some dander. Yeah, some dander. I'm not looking to do that because I've had a really serious reaction to cats, and I'm never again am I interested in having that reaction? But they take her. But it always feels like we're walking a knife's edge. Sure. You come in and they're like, Do you have your EpiPen with you? I'm like, I'm at the doctor's. Don't you have an Epipen? Aren't there professionals here that would take care of that? Should it happen? And then their answer is, Yeah, we have a doctor here, and if she has a serious reaction, we'll get her to the hospital. I'm like, Get her to the hospital. You're at the place where you're supposed to know what to do when someone has an allergy attack that's this serious. There's nothing. There's nothing you can do here. You're relying on my EpiPen and my knowledge of how to get to the hospital from here in order to protect my child.


This doesn't feel very legit to me. This exposure therapy seems like exposure therapy for your wallet. You're exposing my money to your wallet. Fuckers. I mean, honestly, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, if you've had exposure therapy, don't yell at me. I'm just a thing. I'm just a person trying to make it in the world, Chrissy.


Fine for your life.


Fine for my life. All right, well, we do want to thank Neil. Go to neilbrennan. Com. Join the mailing list. He'll make you join the mailing list. Don't you worry about that. I joined. I joined. There's two more. He's probably up above 100 now.


Which is still more than we have.


Well, we're getting close. We're at 57 now, 42 of which are Neil's brothers and sisters.




I mean, you would hope that at least he has a couple of his... I realize he can't be close to all of them, but you would hope that at least a few of them are on his side paying attention. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think his brother is a comic, too. Okay, so neilbrennan. Com. Go watch the Netflix special out now today. Delay no longer. Wait no longer. The moratorium is over. Neil's new special can be watched right this second, so go and watch it. We certainly would appreciate it. We'll put all the links in the show notes to make sure you got the proper information. Yeah, what else is there to say? I think that's it. Neil was great. Thanks, Neil, for coming on the show. We'd also like to tell you we'd like you on the show. How do you do that? We got to text us. You got to text us at 212-433-3TCB. That's 1-212-433-3TCB. 822, for those of you that can't spell, TCB. Let us know you want to be on the show. You have an ask, TCB. You'd like to tell us a story. You have anything interesting. We'll take it.


We want you here just as much as we want our famous friends like Neil, Brandon on the show. We want our unfamous friends on the show, too. So text us and let us know. Comments, questions, concerns, content, ideas. You can leave us a voicemail, all that stuff at that phone number, 212-4333-TCB. You can go to tcbpodcast. Com if you want more information on the show, all the audio, all the video right there, one location. You can also get your free piggy fronting sticker. If they're still around at this point when we release this show, hit the Contact Us button. I want my free sticker on the drop menu. Give us your address. We'll send it off to you. But those piggy fronting stickers, if they're still around, will be gone soon, and we'll have to think of the next one. We're already working on it. You can also find us at youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak at the Commercial Commercial break on Instagram and TCB podcast on TikTok. We would appreciate it if you patron our sponsors. Thank you so much to everyone. All right, Christie, I definitely know that's all I can do today. I think so.


All right. I'll tell you, I love you. I I love you. Best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christie and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye.


Oh, hell, yeah.