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Oh, yeah, little Van Halen for you. Wrapping up a long night here in the WSHIT studios. I'm Jizzy Jeff, Quack and Bush. One more I'm traffic and weather before Ham, Bone, and Only. You know you want it, you know you need it. It's Friday morning. If you're anything like me, you're going to take a little nap and tune in. Make sure that Ham, Bone, and Only are staying on the street narrow. Coming back from a long, quite frankly, a long time off due to that pig stunt they did, but I'm happy to have them back here in the studio. They took my job, but that's okay. I don't want to wait anybody else to worry about it. Let's get into it. One last check of traffic and weather with our lady in the sky, Julia Barkin' Pussy. Julia, how's it looking up there? Yeah, everything's real good up here, Jizzy Jazz. Good to see you. It's great to have Handbound and Holy back in the morning.


Wshit checking the traffic here in Crab Apple, the local Crab Apple area. Don't see too much trouble. All the pedestrian areas are good. All the streets are clear, as usual. Most people going to work late today. It's Friday. But you do have a little bit of a backup in front of Tina, Tana, and Tweez as they start anal bleaching this week there at the Tina, Tana, and Tweez. So get 20% off when you mention W-S-H-I-T. Yeah, nothing else to report. It's a great day weather-wise. Minus 32 degrees, another 6 feet of snow due in this weekend, but that's okay. We know how to roll here at Crap Apple. You know how it goes. I'll send it back to you in the studio, Jizzy Jazz, and Super excited to have Hambone and Holden late back in the morning.


Fuck yeah. Excuse my language. Fuck yeah. Hambone and Holden in the morning. I got a couple more minutes of safe harbor. Put your earmuffs on, kids, if that's what you're for. Let's take a short break here on WSHIT, and then we'll back with Hambone and Holden in the morning. They make their triumph from return on a Friday morning.


Oh, yeah. 6:00 AM in the morning, W-S-H-I-T, the Greater Crab Appler is happy to have us back. I can feel it in my boners. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, Hambone. Hey, Hoedley, good to see you this morning. Good to be back. I was going to see you last night, too. You know what I'm saying? Taking my pants down, going round and round the Hoedley. That's how the hambone does it. You know it. All right. Back from a little two-week unsolicited vacation. I just want to say one more time, I'm really sorry to anybody we offended with that pig. We didn't mean to get it pregnant. But everything's turning out okay for the pig. Free veterinary services by Crab Apple's Finest. You know that guy down there? Dr. Dimple working his magic at the veterinary clinic. Got a ton of new music this morning. Got a ton of new music this morning on Ambonin only. I can't wait.


We didn't mean to make him pregnant.


Don't worry about the pregnant thing, only. We got a show to do. All right.


Oink oink.


Oink oink indeed. Those little oink babies be coming out any time. Lots of new music and lots of new pig babies coming your way.


That's right, Hand Bone. We...


Don't you worry. Call her number 7. Call her number lucky number 7 is going to get tickets to see Dee Snyder solo at the Crab Apple Amphitheater. And who doesn't want to go see Dee Snyder solo? I'm telling you what, That guy can still kick it. I don't know what's in his pants, but man, it's not a bass guitar. I'll tell you that much, totally.


That's right, Ambo. That guy still wearing...


That guy was wearing Lululemon long before it was cool. You know what I'm saying? And besides the thinning hair, he seems to be doing okay for himself. I mean, who doesn't want to play the Crab Apple Amphitheater? There's 200, 300 seats in there. Jesus.


He's hit the big time coming to Crab Apple.


That's right, Hodeley.


Oh, my God, Hambone. I really miss you.


I miss you, too. Two weeks off. I didn't know what to do with my sound. I had to stay up late, go to bed early, if you know what I mean. That's how it works.


That's right. Speaking of, we do pass that plate of Coke over here. Oh, yeah, of course.


Just feel free to do it on your own. High energy. That's what we like to bring here to Hambone and Oatley in the morning. I like to thank the general manager of WSHIT for allowing us a third chance here in the morning drive time slot. I'd also like to remind anybody who's going to D. Snyder, Big D. Snyder Fest over there at the Crab Apple Ampitheater, that the Sheriff's office, Crab Apple Sheriff's office, does recommend you leave all glass pipes at home this time because of the incident last time.


That's right, Hambound.


That's right. It was terribly unfortunate.


Yeah, there was a big bus A big bust.


It happened at the Foreigner concert, and it left Foreigner with just three or four people to play for. Let me tell you, a foreigner is a hot ticket at Crab Apple. That's it. Foreigner. That's what I want to see. You can't beat Foreigner. No, you can't beat Foreigner. You know what can beat Foreigner? A That's what could beat Foreigner. Hey, now. All right. I love it.


I love it, Friday.


It's Friday, what? Saturday, Sunday. Speaking of Foreigner, You know I had laid some pipe last night. I was telling my girl, I was saying, Hey, you know what I'd like to see? You know what I'd like to hear? That brand new song by James called Lade. I mean, what is that? We're naming songs Lade now. I like it. In the 21st century.


We're pulling it in. We're pulling in.


We're pulling in. We got James. We got crash test dummies. We got brand new cranberries.


You heard it here last, folks.


You heard it here last. Michael Jackson's newest album, Thriller. It's all exciting. It's all coming up today on Hambone only in the morning. But first, I want to check the time. 6:03 in the morning, and I want to check the weather. That's shitty. Don't worry about it. It's Friday.


We've been waiting all week for the weekend.


We have been waiting all week for the weekend, as we do every week, my friend Christie. I don't know if you've been reading about this Kate Middleton, but she can't be found.


I know. It's crazy. I mean, she's missing somewhere.


That girl wouldn't be missing if she was with me. I'll tell you that right now. I'd wrap her up in some tingle, tangle, twangle. You know what I'm saying? That girl would be hanging from the back of my door.


I I know you, Hambo. You're so naughty.


What a spicy piece of sausage that one is. Hey, speaking of pepperoni, this show is sponsored in part by the good people at Crab Apple Pizza. Crab Apple Pizza. That's not that good, but it's What we got?


Delivered in 30 minutes or less.


Delivered in 30 minutes or less because no one usually orders. I'd also like to say that the people at Crab Apple Pizza would like to apologize for so much plastic in their Saturday pizzas. Seems they forgot to take the wrappers off, but we'll forgive them. It's great pizza over there. It's not great pizza, but it's fine. It'll do.


It'll do.


What else we got? Since Papa John's pulled out of town, there's no other choices.


Oh, Hambout, I missed you.


I missed you, too. I just like to say to the good people at Papa John's, I really don't think that was arson. I really don't. I think that was an accidental fire. Why'd you have to run so fast? I mean, now you're leaving us a crab apple pizza, 50% off. Parties of 12 or more of crab apple pizza after the D. Snyder Fest over there. Crab Apple Ampitheater. Remember, call number seven. You're going to win two free tickets, a styrofoam igloo cooler, one package of free ice from the local Cidco, Crab Apple Cidco, and six. I count them, six Zimas in a glass bottle, of course.


That's a great prize pack.


That is a great prize pack. I tell you what, nothing like a Saturday Night, Dee Snyder and some Zema to get you going. If that doesn't tickle your twingleberries, I don't know.


I will.


6:04 in the morning. Only 6 hours left to go. I thought I'd remind everybody, we're looking for something to do this Saturday night, go ahead and watch the big game over at Barney's. Barney's, the only pub in town that's illegally sells alcohol. And this week, you know who they are playing? Jason Fartenknife. I don't know if you've seen a good Fartenknife set, but he used to play some of the greatest covers ever.


I have not, Hamone, but I know you have.


Oh, I have.


That's where I get the good stuff. I'll be heading down to Yuckles.


Yuckles? Comedy Club. Comedy Club and Dating Service.


That's right.


Yeah, I've met a few ladies through the Yuckles. Let me tell you something. That is a legit service right there. If you are looking for local Crab Apple singles that fit the bill, there's no other place to go except Yuckles. Comedy Store and Dating Service. That is a fantastic place. They also serve some great margaritas over in Yuckels.


Bring your own wine.


I love a good margarita.


It's more like a wine margarita, but it's something.


It'll do.


Listen, you know what I say, Chrissy? You know what I've said all my the entire time here at WSHIT. Lube it up. Doesn't matter what it is. Lube it up.


Well, hold on, Hambone. That's what got us in trouble with the pig.


Well, listen, we didn't realize. We didn't realize Coach Stefan was going to go hard on the pig. I thought there were boundaries that I didn't need to talk about. But when you're coaching high school football, I guess anything goes.


That was a crazy night.


That was It was a crazy night, especially for Coach Stefan.


Got out of hand.




The pig is being taken care of by local Crab App of Veterinary Tech Services. They also offer manicures, pedicures, and massages on Tuesdays and Thursdays over at Crab Apple Vet. I don't know if you've had a good massage from the local vet yet. I have.


Oh, man, I'll tell you what. It's amazing. The sound of the animals really lulls you to sleep. I agree.


All that barking just makes me feel at home. And by the way, a benefit of going and getting your massage at the local vet tech, you leave without flees. So that's the good news. Ask them to get a, I guess, we get a flea oil massage, 20% off. If you've mentioned WSHIT, Hambone, and only in the morning.


Tell them Hambone sent you.


Tell them Hambone sent you.


Tell them there's nothing like a bone, Hambone. My general manager here at WSHIT also wanted us to mention that this week is Crab Apple Scooter Safety Week, Chrissy.


Oh, of course it is. Yes. Make sure all the little ones- Snuck up on me. Oh, yeah.


Well, listen, every year it comes and it goes and it seems like time flies by. There's nothing like a good Scooter Safety Week. I just want to remind all the little tykes out there, put a helmet on. And that goes for the big tykes, too. Everybody put a helmet on.


Cover it up.




And ladies, you need knee pads? I know where to get them. You know what I'm saying? All right.


It's a big Friday here.


You're on fire, Handbone.


Hey, listen, what can I say?


Two weeks off, this is what comes out.


When you've literally been awake for two weeks, what did you expect? I wasn't going to come in here taking a nap. That's for sure. I got to keep my job. I got to feed those twelve children, and the three, I don't count. Oh, Hey, listen, that reminds me. Crab Apple Adoption Services is now open five days a week.


Drop your kids off.


No explanation needed.


What a service.


What a great service. What a world. Yes. What a town.


I wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than Crab Apple.


Why would you go anywhere else but Crab Apple? 500 strong. 500 people strong. We've got this 10-watt station right here in the middle of it. We're the only game in town. Unless you want to go watch television or something like that. Why would you? Everybody's got a radio in their car, right? Radio's not dying, is it? No, that's right. Not about Hambone and Oatly in the morning. I'll tell you that much right now. Hey, while you're stopping by the adoption services, make sure to go next door to the public health services. I also wanted to remind you, it's that time of year to get your syphilis shot. Of course, we've had a terrible run with syphilis the last six or seven years. I know. I think I know who to blame.


That koala.


That koala. That's right.


That's the last time we got suspended. That fucking koala.


He was climbing every tree, every tin pole. Anything that popped up, that koala was climbing. They say they- That's wild. I know. They say they eucalyptus, but I'm not so sure. It was guzzling something else altogether. All right, so let's do I think we should take a short break before the FTC kicks us off again.


I think we should take a short break, and then we'll come back with more high shenanigans here on WSHI.


What do you think? It's a morning zoo crew. It's a morning zoo crew.


Happy Friday.


Happy Friday. Ham, Bone, and Hotly in the morning. Our 500th episode of Ham, Bone, and Hotly. We're so glad you're taking the ride with us. We'll be right back. Ham, Bone, and Hotly. Oh, yeah.


I know you're already on your phone, so pull up Instagram and follow us at the Commercial Break, and then follow us on TikTok at TCB Podcast. Done? Perfect. Thank you. Since you're at the ready, why not text us hello at 212-433-3TCB. Or if you've got some drama in your life, a little fun story, or anything really, we're desperate for content, call and leave us a message at 212-433-3-TCB. And don't forget to check out tcbpodcast. Com because that's got it all. Speaking of having it all, let's listen to our fabulous sponsors and get back to the Commercial Break.


It's after bedtime, the kids are asleep and the moms are out to play.


We're Dina and Kristin, the duo behind the Instagram account, Big Little Feelings. I'm Dina. I'm a child therapist and mom of two who nerds out on all things neurobiology and psychology. And Kristin is a parent coach who wrangles three kids on a daily basis, here to give it to us like it is. We weren't meant to do this parenting thing alone.


Consider After Bedtime, your village.


Follow After Bedtime with Big Little Feelings on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts.


Well, 500 episodes, Chrissy. It's been quite the amazing ride. Sorry, I didn't realize you didn't have your headphones on. I didn't realize you weren't ready.


I was getting my celebratory drink.


Yeah, there you go. Look at Good for you. Cheers. Good for you. What is that? Kettle One and OJ. Yeah. Yeah. They make a peach. A little peach. A little peach spritzer.


A little peach spritzer.


That's Kettle One.


They're getting creative with those drinks.


They are. Yeah, there's a spritzer for everything.


Yeah, we just had Bones Farm when we were kids. You know what I'm saying? Some thick cherry syrup. You know how they make, what do they call them? The Shirley Temples? I think that's what Boones Farm was. Really bad white wine with Shirley Temple juice. I'm pretty sure of it, actually. I think you're right. It was absolutely disgusting. Now, those things They taste actually good. They taste like seltzer water, flavored seltzer water. Then you just get drunk all of a sudden. So what a great product to put on the market. It's gone a long way. I can't tell the difference between an alcohol bottle and a non-alcohol bottle anymore. I wouldn't know. For years, I thought liquid death was alcohol.


Oh, alcohol. Yeah.


Until I learned that it was just water.


What an amazing- They're all over the news right now. Marketing rise. Yeah. No, they're worth 1.4 billion or something. That's insane. That's Water in a can.


How can we not make liquid death? Can we have one fucking good idea that makes us a billion dollars? No. The answer is no.


We could really mine that notebook.


Yeah, we could. But I mean, what's in there of worth value? Brian bitching and ideas that never made us money in the first place. Ideas that we tried for one minute, it didn't make us any money anyway.


Oh, 500.


Well, 500 episodes. I don't know what to say. I think that it goes probably without saying, but I'll say it anyway because we need to kill time, that all of you, every one of you that have been listening from the beginning, from the middle, from the end, however long you have been listening, Chrissy and I are grateful from the bottom of our hearts in all sincerity.




There is no way we would have gotten to 500 episodes unless you, the listeners, had been there on the other end, because quite frankly, it's pretty discouraging to do a podcast to no listeners.


But for 500 episodes, for sure.


Yeah, for 500 episodes. But For about 427 of those, it was true. We had no listeners. So thank you very much for listening. Thank you, my friend, for taking this incredibly fucking wild ride with me. As it has. I have to say this. I am pretty fucking out of us because I've known us for a long time. If there's one thing I know about us is that we're big idea people with lots of motivations and intentions. Very rarely do we actually follow through on them. I'm so proud of us us as a team that we have managed to just trudge it through. Good, bad, money, no money, all of it. Bad times, good times, deaths in the family, everything. It's just been amazing.


It really has been. I love you. I love you. Thank you. Jeff loves you, too. Jeff, Astrid. Jeff said we were talking about last night, and he said, What do you do? I mean, that's a big accomplishment. What do you do 500 times? I was like, Well, more because we didn't air.


It's more like 800 times. It really is. I mean, I went through the server last night because I had to because it's breaking down. I went through the server last night and we have 12, almost terabytes worth of the commercial break sitting on that server. Twelve terabytes. Gold. That includes video. That's gold. That's gold right there. Someday, some archeologist is going to be digging around what used to be North Atlanta, or some dinosaur is going to be chewing up all of them, and they're to pull out that server and they're going to go, first of all, what the fuck is this? Then when they learn how to get it, they're going to go, this is what was going on in the world.




No wonder they died off. No wonder. Yes. These two idiots were representing some part of the population? Well, a very small part of the population, I must remind you, if you get this in the future. But I think that it is 500 of what? I've never done 500 of anything. I know.


That's what Jeff was Never.


I don't even think I've done 500 days of work at any other company. Five hundred whole days of work? No, no way. This is a maze ball.


It really is. It really is. It is a big milestone.


It's been a wild ride, and we've changed it up a bunch, and people have stuck with us. If you go back, like I did yesterday, if you go back to some of those episodes that we didn't hear, but that were recorded very early on, they are fucking terrible.


I know.


They've got to be. Just terrible. But there is a seed of something there, right? There is something there, and we're just trying to work it out. It was the Lotusflower seed. Yes, it was the Lotusflower seed, as you will hear next week. It was the Lotusflower unfolding, and there was something there. We're not there. We're not the funiest podcast out there. We're not the biggest podcast out there. We're not even close to the best podcast out there, but we're a podcast out there. Like the Cheesecake Factory, it's fine. It's fine. We're fine. Everything It's fine. But there was something there, and what grew out of it is insane. I mean, it's just insane. I know.


I'm still amazed.


I'm amazed. I'm grateful. I'm usually stressed out and tired. But this is the hour a number of times a week. These are the hours that I cherish.


The little creation that could.


It is. It's the little creation that could, and who knows how long it'll go on. I think we're contractually obligated to do this for at least a little more while. But thank you very much to you, Chrissy. Thank you very much to Astrid, to Jeff, to Gustavo, to Tina and Christina, and Marion, Will the Champ. These are all special people in the Commercial Break lure because they really helped this podcast putter along. Without you, the listener, and them as listeners, then getting involved in the commercial break, we certainly would not have been able to do half the stuff that we've been doing.


No, super grateful.


Super, super grateful. So 500 episodes. So what do we do for the next 500? Oh, I mean, just to think about 500. Well, the rate at which we do episodes now, it's not going to take us long to get to a thousand. I'll tell you that. I think two years or something like that. We'll be at a thousand in two years. And by the way, just in the podcast universe, I don't think there are many podcasts that have reached 500 episodes. No. I can't imagine. It's certainly not more than a thousand. It's probably less than 500.


It may even be less than 200. Well, because nobody's crazy enough to do four shows a week.


No. The only people... I mean, there are lots of podcasts that broadcast daily, but do they do hours? I don't know. Joe Rogan is, I think, probably the closest example that I can think of. That guy does four or five hours, four days a week, I think, five days a week sometimes. Wow. That is fucking insane. I cannot imagine sitting in the studio with you. I'm sorry, love you. But five hours at a time and then doing anything else with my life. I am exhausted the second that I get out of here. I know. Aren't you?




I keep telling people this, and especially my wife, who is a fucking angel. Yes, she is. But the second I walk out this door, the reason why I think I like where we're at right now is because it's all I am so humbled by all of it the second that I walk out the door. I can sit here and say anything I want to and have fun and all that. But the second that I walk out the door, I got a real life with real responsibilities and emergencies and crazy shit. When you do a couple hours of this show and you're on and you're funny and you're trying to be funny and all this other stuff, you walk out the door, you're quite frankly, you're exhausted. My wife is wonderful because she knows for at least 15 minutes after the show gets done, I just need a little bit of a minute. To compress. To decompress. To think that we've done this 500 times makes me just a little bit more tired. I'm just like, Oh, shit.


I know. Wow.


We don't wrinkle our chains very often, but I think this is one we should be proud of ourselves for, 500.


Yeah, I mean, 500. It's a big one.


There are 612 hours of the commercial break in total. If you want to go listen to it, I dare you to. I dare you to get through the first 50 episodes. I mean, there's a couple of nuggets in Shama-Lama ding-dong, grass-fed grass. There's a couple of Waffle House.


There's a couple of good ones in there. From the first season, you mean?


Yeah. Dee Dee Cantor is another one that I can think of. You can go listen to Dee Dee Cantor. There are a couple of little gems in there. But for the most part, It's just us trying our best to figure out what exactly a podcast should be. I don't know if we figured it out yet, but we're here.


We're here doing it again. We're here, yeah.


Now we have these amazing people that are coming and talking to us. That's another thing that just blows my mind. Oh, the interviews. The interviews are are blowing my mind. Not blowing my mind in the sense that the conversations are mind-blowing. Some of them are. What it really is, is how in the fuck did they end up at the commercial break? I'm being so honest when I ask that question, and it still befuddles me just when I think about it right now. I know.


It's mind-blowing. It's amazing.


It's really amazing.


Should we review Franky?


You want to do a Franky episode? Do you want to close out with a Frankie? I think we might need to close with a Frankie. I think we might need to close with a Frankie. I think that's what we're going to do.


A little Frankie snippet.


Okay, so let me do this. I'm going to find a Frankie snippet, possibly one we've already done before. Let's go back and get a second bite of the apple because not all of them were gold. There's some Frankie episodes I think we were really on, some episodes we were just sleep walking through, because at one point we were doing one Frankie episode a week. I mean, it was getting a little crazy there. He stopped producing so much content, and I think we needed to take a step back from Franky for a minute.


Well, we tried to do that a couple of times, but then he kept putting out content, so we kept going back to the teat.


We kept going to the well and going to the well and going to the well. Quite frankly, there was a time there where I think- I got quite frankly.


Quite frankly.


Quite frankly.


I think we were tired.


I think we just needed something to get us there.


Yes, That's exactly right.


There was a lot going on. It was a pandemic.


I'm going to start saying quite frankly.


Yeah, quite, Franky. It was a lot going on. There was a pandemic. People were having children, mainly me. Lots and lots of children. I think we were just tired there for a minute. That's when we were doing two episodes a week, hour two and four, and we're doing less videos than we ever done before. I know. It's crazy. We did more episodes and we just started relying on Franky to get us through. Quite Franky. All right, so well, then let's do this. Let's take a break. I'll find a good Franky clip. We'll give it to the audience because I know they want it. We get text messages every day on that phone, and Franky B is a part of 50% of them, at least. Oh, yeah. So that tells me two things. Number one, people have been listening for a while because we haven't done Franky in a while. Number two, they do like Franky.


I mean, he's hard to be. Yeah.


One of these days, and I don't know where it's going to be, and I don't know when it's going to be, and I don't know how it's going to go down, but I know it. Our fates are going to Cross. Cross. The destinies are going to come together. It's written in the stars. The Commercial Break and Franky are going to do something fun and amazing at some point. But I just haven't pulled the trigger yet on actually reaching out because I'm like, Well, let's get as far as we can go with it, and then we'll ask Franky to come on. It's not today. I don't want anybody to get too excited. It's not today. But I know it's happening sooner rather than later. Franky is going to find a way to the Commercial Breaker. We're going to find When we've already found Franky. He's going to find a way to us because we've already found him and minded for everything it was worth. All right, let's take a break. I'll find Franky. Episode number 500. Thank you very much. We are so grateful to everyone who has listened, all the people have come on the show as guests and been interviewing, and certainly everyone who's been helping in the background.


You are the loves, the diamonds in our eyes. That's right. That's right.


We'll be back.


Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath, and now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right. It's 212-433-3TCB, and you can text us anytime you want, or you can call and leave us a voicemail, and we might just use your message on the show once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year, of course. Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And of course, all of our audio video is easily found on tcbpodcast. Com. Now, I'm going to thank G one more time that we have sponsors. So thank G, and here they are.


All right, and we're back on the 500th episode of The Commercial Break.


We've been opining on the last segment. Not opining, but we've been thinking back on about all the things and people and places that have been helping us or somehow served us in one way or the other. I forgot to mention memfo, which was a big stepping stone for us.


Oh, that was a big stepping stone.


We actually got out there in the world to realize we should probably just stay right here.


Jeff was just talking about somebody that they were talking about they wanted to do a podcast of at memfo. I was like, learn from Brian and I.


Yeah, it's just not a good idea.


It's too loud.


You can't hear anything. It's too noisy. And no one really cares about a podcast when you've got fucking or radio or somebody up there playing who gives a shit. Caged the elephant.


Caged the elephant. Who really gives a shit about a TCV podcast?


Unless you're drunk and you're at the back of the crowd and you happen to stumble into the tent. Which is what happened. Which is exactly what happened. We gave away a ton of stickers and lost a ton of money. But I was so happy that Jeff was like, Yeah, let's do this. Let's do this. And then within an hour, I was like, Oh. I literally I literally lugged all this equipment, flew all this way. And the Porta Potty smell. You live and you learn. You do live and you learn. Next time I go, I'm going with a VIP pass. Yes, that's what she means.


It doesn't say the commercial break.


By the way, can you get your memfo tickets now?


Not yet, but you can get your Riverfest.


Riverfest, memfo. Riverfest tickets. Let's shout that out for our good buddy Jeff. Well, her husband, my good buddy. Okay, so we've been thinking about all this stuff that's really made the commercial break what it is, and we would be remiss if we did not at least touch base on one huge part of the commercial break.


We got nostalgic.


We got nostalgic about video breakdowns that we started doing early on in the show. I think the very first one that we did was just an audio from a video of Kenny Copeland blowing coronavirus virus away. But then quickly after that, I found this guy on YouTube. Don't ask me how I found him. I have no idea. I don't remember. But his name is Frank. We call him Frankie B. He's Frank Bernardo. We'll give out his real name. His name is Frank Bernardo. Frankie B, big part of the show, lots of episodes, breaking down almost every single one of the videos that he has put out there on YouTube. He's just a big lug nut, trying to teach guys how to get more tail. I mean, he's a pickup artist. Let's call it like we see it. That's true. He's a pickup artist, but he's just a lovable oef. I guess it's the best way to put it. He's not really an oaf.


He has his investment opportunity.


Oh, he does have his investment. Yeah, Frankie B. The Salon Sweet. The Salon Sweet. The Salon Sweet. He came up with that. What's that? He came up with that. He came up with the idea for Salon Sweets 30 years after the first person that came up with it came up with it.


He heard it here last.


He heard it here last. Frankie B, designer and The creator of Salon Suisse. Yeah. Okay. I pulled a little Frankie B. While we were on the break, I pulled the very first video that we ever did. Oh, yeah. You want a second bite of the apple? I do. I do, too. Let's do it. Here's Frankie teaching us how we can identify five signs that she's cheating on you.


Okay. So, gentlemen, in today's video, we're going to go over five more sneaky signs that your wife just might be cheating on your ass.


God, he's worse than Hambone Noly in the morning.


Might be cheating on your ass. Hey, guys.


He's cheating on your ass, and I'm going to show you how to identify it. Okay, Franky, settle down.


We're talking about a somber topic. Why are you so energetic?


All the stuff that we have to waste it. I build muscles and I do cocaine all day. I don't have a real job. I just look at the camera.


I get lots of tail, but it's inappropriate age-wise.


I think you need to go back to the original music. He does. Starring Frank Bernardo. Guys, and welcome to the video.


If this is your first time here, my name is- Welcome to the video.


You don't welcome someone to your video. Welcome to the video. They actually chose to press the play button. They got it.


10:04. Understood.


Frank Bernardo.


This channel is geared for all guys over the age of 50 who want to up their game, look and feel better about themselves in groomy fitness-Fitness, fashion, lifestyle, nachos, cheese, fondu, lighting, camera.


Action. Go. And lifestyle.


But if you're a gentleman- Lifestyle.


You know, Christie, I've been thinking about changing my lifestyle.


That's right, Brian.


I'm eating too many fatty foods. I'm not I'm not getting enough exercise. I certainly don't get my dick wet enough, so I'm changing my lifestyle altogether.


Sounds good. Sounds like a plan.


Thanks, Christie.


In your 40s, don't turn the video off because 40 years old, you think you're the men of the world and you know everything that's going on out there.


And nothing can be further from the truth.


Let me tell you, as a 72-year-old man, when I was 40, I had it all figured out. I was just opening my first Salon. I had a girlfriend who was totally age inappropriate, and I thought I had it all figured out. But you know what I was, Chrissy? I was still at the age where I was scared of pussy.


That's right. That's right.


So take this information, absorb it, utilize it, and put it into play because it just might make you a little bit more wiser.


Chrissy, can you have me the note? A little bit more jaded. A little bit more jaded. Yeah, a little bit more ugly, a little bit more mean. Can you have me the notebook so I could take notes?


When you're a guy my age.


My age.


Gentlemen, before we get cranking into this video, at any time you like it, anytime you like the information, anytime you think that this information is going to help you.


Anytime at all, press the subscribe button. I'm dying for listeners.


Catch your cheating dog wife, then smash that like button.


You're cheating dog, wife. God, he was burned. I'm now remembering this video, and I'm remembering how quickly we broke down Franky's psyche. This clearly happened to him. This clearly happened to him. And not so long ago as he's recording this video.


And don't forget to subscribe. All right, let's get cranking into this video.


But can I get- Crank it.


Can I get... Yeah, crank it.


Let's get cranking into this. It's the third time he's used the word crank. Who used the word crank?


We're cranking now. We're sucking diesel.


Can I just give Franky props where props are due? At least in this video, he is a handsome gentleman. He is. He is a handsome gentleman. He's got that block jaw. If he like that. Yeah, I feel like that muscly, old.


Do you like that look?


Wrinkly. No, I just say the black shirt, the stylish jeans, that weird look in his eye. Like his wife just cheated on him.


It's a wild look.


It's a wild look. I'm a wild man.


There's a lot of you guys out there that are saying, You know what?


He's in a chair, and he just put his leg up.


He just put his leg up. Over the arm. Remember for a while there, the ladies were going crazy over the guys that were keeping their legs spread open? You know? Like that big dick energy, whatever they were calling it, right? This is the ultimate spread your legs wide open.


Why are you think she's not me? Look at this. Look what's going on here. Why would she cheat on me?


I don't know. Because you're an asshole.




Do you pay attention to her? Are you affectionate? Are you romantic? Are you giving her what she needs?


I can't even imagine Frank trying to be romantic.


Yeah. Can you imagine him seducing somebody? No. Like, lighting a bunch of candles and putting rose petals in a bathtub. Hey. Jump out with only a towel on.


Hey, get in the tub. I'm going to get you from behind. Don't drown. Here we go.


But he's so weird, looking weirdly into the camera.


Did you give her what she needs?


Did you lube up?


So weird. It's making me nervous.




Oh, sessually.


Think about it.


Are you?


Wait, hold on. I'm going to think about it. Gross. Eew. Are you? Eew.


Does that excite you? I got more. Does that excite you? I got more. What shape are you in? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you making sure you're the best possible you you could be for your wife? You want her to be that way, right? You want her to look good. You want her to dress nice.


You want her to be- Oh, yeah. I literally stuck a stick on her head and put a $10 bill there, and I have her run around the house to try and catch it.


That's what I do.


See, you think she doesn't want the same to you? Guys, stop being complacent. All right? That's how you get yourself in trouble. Here's the facts. 53% of all wives cheat on their men. 53%.


Can that possibly be real?


I mean, here's the fact.


Here's the facts. Here's the facts.


From where? I need the sources.


According to my on my life experiences, 53% of my wives have cheated on me.


I don't think that's right.


That can't be true, right? No. That cannot be true. I hope it's not true.


I hope so, too.


Now I feel like I'm paranoid.


Let's talk about this. If I got you and nine of your buddies together and I interviewed all 10 of you guys, and I asked you, Do you think your wife is cheating on you?


Well, probably I would say all 10 would say no. But guess what?


Five of you guys are wrong. Five of you guys. So room of 10, at least five of your wives are cheating on your husband.


That is not true. That is not true. It cannot be true.


I am hoping desperately that it is not true.


I mean, if we're pulling in emotional dalliances, then maybe we're getting to 35% of everybody, man, women, whatever, cheating. But it cannot be 53% physically really sleep with other people.


Yeah, I would, like I said, hope not.


God, that's another thing I got to stress out about a night.


Now think about that.


I am. Here's a figure. 67% of all guys cheat. What? 67.






God damn. You got a lot more to worry about than I do, Christie. I'm just going to let you go home and worry about it for the both of us.


30% of all women cheat. 39% of men get caught. You want to hear something alarming? 48% of all cheating wives get caught. And in this video- They got caught in this video?


They got caught in this video. He's going to be the new Joey Grecke or whatever.






I'm going to show you how you catch him.


He would actually be a good host of that Cheater Show.


Oh, he would be the best. I'm actually going to write a note. Who owns that now? Joey Grecke? I'm going to write a note to Grecke and be like, Dude, I realized that after you got stabbed multiple times, you're probably not looking to get back into the Cheaters game, but Frankie B is on it.


Your wife has become more judgmental towards your marriage or your relationship.


Yep, check that one-off the box there. Brian Astrid, more judgmental about my work.


One thing to note about a cheating spouse is she's always going to try and rationalize her behavior. Always going to try and make out that your marriage is far worse than what it is. You know why?


Because- I don't think it's possible for my wife to make out that our marriage is worse than it is. I think I'm safe there. I think I'm good.


Don't check that box.


Yeah, don't check that box.


It makes them feel like cheating wasn't an option. I had to do it. It was so bad. They're getting all theatrical and dramatic on the marriage.


I had to have sex with the pig.


It's the only thing that made sense. My nickname is Ham Bones. What did you expect? Ham I just put two and two together. Oh, good old hand bone and holding.


Mental. Everything you do is wrong all of a sudden. Why? Why all of a sudden? You know why Because she's trying to rationalize her thoughts. She's wrong. You know, women are a strange breed.


They can- A strange breed of what? Oh, my God.


Frankly. They're There's designer breeds.


You can get the designer breed, mud breed. You can get the purebreds. You know how it goes.


They're all weird in their own way.


They're a weird breed. Oh, my God. That is probably one of the more offensive things, he has ever said, and he has said a lot of offensive things.


They're paying themselves in their mind to fabricate this. This marriage that just ain't working so they can justify their ass cheating.


Justify their ass cheating. He is so angry.


Are they ass cheating?


Their ass cheating.


If it's in the ass, then it doesn't count. Listen, I agree.


I can ass cheat all I want. That's an agreement between Esther and I. I said, Listen, it's just ass cheating. It's just a little ass play.


Who's it hurting, really? I went to a prostate massage class, and I was the model. It's just a little last place.


It's like the Catholic. It's just a little last place. Exactly. It's not cheating in God's eyes.


Yeah. Pay attention to that. Also, tip number two.


The intimacy has fated.


Two. Hello. Two.


With Rockstar fingers. Two. Who is he? Brett Michiels? I think Brett Michiels is the only other human being that goes, Two.


Two. The first finger in the pink.


One in the pink, two in the stink. You know how it goes. Just a little ass play.


It could be for a lot of reasons. Women are very moody, so what a telltale.


Oh, my God.


Check that box.


They're a strange breed. They're very moody.


You are a strange breed, you women.


If your sexual life has just been fading on a regular basis? Why is that all of a sudden?


The 15 kids I have sleeping in my bed with me. Yes.


It's very easy, gentlemen. Open your eyes. She's getting laid from someone else. So if She's constantly rejecting you. Open your eyes.


Well, my eyes are wide open, but I don't think that my wife is cheating on me just because I didn't get any nooky last night.


I mean, that's an irrational conclusion to make. When you're in a relationship, long long term relationship, at least in my experience, more than years, things can ebb and flow to some degree. Sometimes you're hot to trot and everybody's on top of it, and then there's other times where you might go a week or two, I don't know, however long without getting intimate, not because your wife is cheating on you or your loved one is cheating on you, but because they're tired. It's been a long day at work. We have other responsibilities. We have to travel. Someone passed away. I mean, there's a million reasons why you just might not be in the mood, not just for a night, but for a period of time. There's nothing abnormal about that. Nothing at all. Franky is just taking way too much Viagra, and he is... Viagra. Viagra. And he is so hepto.


I think he's taking testosterone shots or something.


Oh, yeah. I Allegedly. We don't know that for sure, but allegedly. It seems like it. It seems like, well, and if he's got low T, then he should be taking testosterone shots. So tip number three. Oh, my God. Franky.


He's kicked back.


They're constantly asking you to go take that trip.


Why don't you go get away? Why don't you go visit family?


How about the golf trip with the buddies? You need to go. You know what Esther just said to me the other day? I'm not even kidding. She's like, You need to go on a trip with your brothers, just your brothers. Go four or five days. Figure it out. You guys go. I'll take care of the kids. Now I know what's really going on. That's right. Ass cheating.


That's what's happening. Ass cheating. I knew it. She's ass cheating.


You need to confront her ASAP. I'm going to.


I'm going to be like, Astrid, are you ass cheating? I'll let you know how that goes.


I think you already know how it's going to go. I do. You aren't such an idiot. I'm going to divorce you based on your IQ.


Gentlemen, there's a reason why she wants you gone. So she can spend more time with the person she's cheating with. So she's constantly push, push, pushing for you to take a trip.


What if I came in the door from the boys trip and my bags were packed to go to Europe?


I bought you tickets to Spain. You're spending a month. Enjoy yourself. Go to the nude beaches.


Meet ladies. Have fun.


I get back from Spain and she's like, Your flight to Disney is in two hours. I'm gone for a I was like, this is amazing, babe. Thanks so much. I really had a chance to have some space to myself.


I come home and Franky's in bed with her.


That's right.


There's a reason why. Oh, tip number four. Did you ever noticed that the routine might be changing? Especially if you've been in a long-term marriage. Let's face it, you have a routine and your wife has routine.


Hey, why isn't she shitting first thing in the morning like usual? What the fuck is going on here? Where are the morning dumps? Where are they? I know.


He assumes, too, that it's just two people that have nothing else going on. Yeah.


I've noticed you get your nails done around the 15th of the month. It's the 17th, and I haven't heard a word. That in your morning dumps and the Diet Coke instead of the regular Coke. It makes me to that airplane.


Remember the movie airplane? Where she's like, That's funny. He never has a second cup of coffee at home.


Routine. If all of a sudden that routine starts changing, well, there's a reason why. Because she's making time for the person that she's cheating with.


I'd hate to live in his head. God, I know. Jesus Jones. This is what's happened. Franky got cheated on. They got a divorce. It was probably ugly and nasty, as a lot of divorces can be. Certainly, while you're going through the divorce, they're almost never pleasant. I can share that with you right now. But he's bitten. He's bitten.


I know. He's angry.


He's bitter. Yes. And so he is now looking back and saying everything that she ever did was a sign that she was cheating.


I should have known. Yeah. She was making time to cheat.


She wasn't shitting. She wasn't shitting in the morning. I don't know where she was pooping, quite frankly.


At the other guy's house.


There's the same amount of toilet paper tonight as there was this morning.


I bet she's shitting at that other guy's house.


A little ass cheating. More ass cheating. She's dump cheating. I know it. She's using somebody else's toilet.


So you need to pay special attention. Don't blow it off, okay? Pay attention.


Follow her. Yeah, follow her.


Put one of those tracking devices on the car.


I say two tracking devices. So it into her panties, and then you'll really know where she is. Follow her obnoxiously. Hire multiple. Actually, get your friends to get in on this, too. I want you all triangulating for months on end and see where she goes.


Well, with the 10 guys that half of them are cheating, those five need to just go.


That's right. The other five need to help out the brothers. I agree with you on this. Let's get the cheating pact of 2024. If you're not one of the 55% of men who are being cheated on, you need to help the brothers that are being cheated on. How? I don't know. Follow them around. Follow the lives. Look for changes in bathroom behaviors first. Go through the garbage. What if Astrid woke up in the morning and Raphael was standing in the bathroom Like writing notes? Hey, Astrid, don't worry about me.


The fuck are you doing?


Taking notes on your shit times.


Us brothers are going to help each other out.


Her routine varies. She's going out more. She's dressed in different.


She looks different.


Okay, well, that might be an obvious sign that something is going on.


If all of a sudden, if you have a relationship where your partner is, you guys do things together, you go to the club together, you go to the bar together, whatever you normally do, and then all of a sudden, your partner is looking for extra time away from you in circumstances where you know there could be temptations, that might be something to pay attention to. Sure. If all of a sudden, Astrid wants to go clubbing six nights a week. I'm probably like, well.


And wear crazy dresses.


Yes, stiletto heels. She's dressing like that Bianca Sansori. Well, then there you go. Then you got an issue on your hands. She's going to Cheesecake Factory with see-through her leggings on.


She's coming home a little later. She got stuck at the office where she never got stuck before. Guys, these are telltale signs.


It could happen.


Yes, Is this Berkshire & Berkshire?


It is.


Does Tina Bernardo work here? She does. Okay, just checking. Is she here now? Can I come in and look? Can I sit in your bathroom for a few minutes? I want to see if she shits at 6:50 like usual.


This is the one, too, where we said that we pictured him like, busting through the cubicles.


Oh, yeah. He busted through the office like the high sea guy.


The Kool-Aid.


Look at my body. Hey, honey. I thought you were cheating.


Do you want tie?


I do dinner tonight. Mexican? I can pick some up. Okay, sorry about all the damage. She'll pay for it. Thanks. Bye. Do you mind if I put this ring camera here? Is that okay? I'm just going to make sure everything... What? No. You're going to call security. What? Okay, listen, I'm going to go on my own volition, but someone text me when Tina leaves, will you? Thanks. Appreciate it. That guy's got to stick together.


Once in a while, I get that, but just pay attention to the pattern. You're going to bust their ass out.


Bust their ass out. You're going to get ass-cheating indicators all over the place.


Bust their ass out.


That's That's right, Christie. Ass indicators. That's what I call it.


Who says that? Franky does.


Tip number five. Let's talk about a few things.


Tip number five should just be one thing, but okay, we'll talk about a few things. Why not?


Guys, when they get into their 50s, upper 50s, they get very complacent. They're not really paying attention to what's going on, the obvious signs, because you're so caught up in your own life, your routine. You always take your wife, spouse for granted. And that's probably not a good thing to do.


You know- Is there a mouse in the background?


I know. There's something squeaky. Meanwhile, he's like in a lawn, Jay.


Yeah, he's probably got his wife caged up at this lawn suite.


You choose to ignore all the telltale signs. If you're good with that, then that's fine. But if you're not, you need to open up your eyes. You need to start paying attention to what they're doing, all right? Especially if they know you're very complacent, very lethargic, very non-carrying. They're going to walk all over your ass.


He just loves saying it.


He does.


I swear to God, if I see you sitting downstairs playing that PlayStation one more time, I'm going to have Stiletto heels all over your ass. Hey, hey, chill out, babe. I'm not the one who changed her shitting time from 6:55 to 7:20. I know what's going on around here. Playstation is my friend.


You're like shooting fish in a barrel, okay? You're easy.


You're like shooting jizz at a wall.


Take it easy.


Shooting fish in a barrel.


All right?


Start calling them out. Start asking what they're doing. If you're suspecting things, okay, guys, just open your freaking eyes.


You You said that 70 times.


He's so bitter and excited. He's so angry and bitter and upset about this whole thing.


It's an open wound. Listen, when you get cheated on, and I'm sure it's happened to most of us because by Franky's statistics, it's happened to most of us. It is not a fantastic feeling. No. It actually is extraordinarily hurtful. It is. Because even if you don't like the person anymore, right? Right. Listen, this happened to me, and I didn't even like the person I was with. When I found she was cheating, it really hurt my feelings because it was just a yet another indicator of how shitty our relationship really was and how shitty the whole situation was, but how shitty I was as a human being, too, that she had to go look elsewhere. But now that I'm older, I can't blame anybody. It's just like, well, okay. I'm a little more forgiving in my old age. I'm like, well, once I can forgive you, twice we'll work it out, three times, well, I guess we got to go to therapy now. Four times. We're staying together for the kids. Five times.


I'm too old to perform anyway.


Six times. What do you think about a brother-husband?


All right, guys, we're at the climax, and that is tip number five.


We're at the climax. He just gave tip number five, and now he's giving tip number five again.


The climax. The climax.


This is going to be the last tip in this video.


Thank God.


The last one. But it's the most obvious tip. All right, let's talk about wife's cell phone.


Have you noticed anything- This is my favorite tip that he has ever given in any video, this cell phone. If your wife has a cell phone, she's cheating on it.


It's different in the way that she's being guarded towards that phone. Where before, her phone was laying out on the counter. When you go out to a restaurant or a bar, that phone is laying on the bar top or the table.


I could just see.


Franky, just imagine. I want you to imagine a big house with a big winding staircase in the foyer and a balcony up top. Tina, let's call her Tina, his ex-wife, has left her phone on a table in the foyer. Franky walks in and he goes straight to the table in the foyer. I just see some woman just jumping off the balcony and smashing her body. No. No.


No. Jeez. I just wanted to put my phone down. Oh, okay.


Not hiding anything. Didn't care.


All of a sudden. All of a sudden.


He is so pissed.


All of a sudden.


Out of nowhere. No explanation. All of a sudden.


The phone is hidden. It's in her purse, and it's on silent. There's no ringing going on. Why? Hey, where's that ringing that I usually hear coming from your phone, bitch?


I know you're chaining on me. We're in the movie theater. Oh, okay. All right. I'll settle down. Sorry, everybody. Sorry. Go ahead. I'm sorry. I ruined it. I apologize. Sorry, kids.


Is that all of a sudden? Does it make sense? I don't even have to tell another word because you already get it, but we're still going to talk about it.


I don't even have to say another word, but I'm still going to make more words. I'm still going to talk about it. I don't have to say another thing except for these additional things.


All of a sudden.


She's doing that because she's expecting a text from her significant other. If she's got a code, if she's got a code on their phone, a lockout code, she'll If she gets an iPhone where passcodes are automatically installed, you're fucked.


Out of nowhere, she's cheating on you. Every phone has a code. Who doesn't have a code on their phone? Now, if she's changing her code frequently, well, she either has kids or she's cheating on you.


You're right.


I had it before. Come on, guys.


Open your eyes.


He's so close to the camera.


I know. He's so angry. It's like he's talking to the woman who cheated on him. Yes.


Ask her why all of a sudden there's a lockout code.


Well, in case I- It's not called a lockout code. It's called a pass code. The lady isn't...


It's not an apartment building.


It's not an emergency room in your basement.


Who's it? I want to make sure no one gets my information. No problem. Give me the lockout code. I want the lockout code.


She's not called a lockout code. It's nothing called a lockout code. There's no such thing as a lockout code.


Don't give it to you. It's only a lockout code if you're the one that got locked out.


She'll give it to you and she'll change it again. She's super heavily guarded with that phone, and she's never on it when she's anywhere around.


Hey, who are these two people? Who are these two guys you brought home? Oh, this is Jim and this is Doug. They're from National Security Services, and they're just here help me with my lockout code. They'll be following my phone around if you don't mind, Franky.


On you? Think about that. The number one giveaway is a woman with that cell phone.


So guys, that is- A woman with a cell phone.


It was a cell phone number one.


It's the number one dead giveaway. A woman and a phone. Case closed. Problem solved. I got you. File for divorce because she's She's getting pipeline somewhere else. You know what I'm saying, guys?


Number one.


Man, that's all I got for today. Actually, I do got more. But that's for another video. I do got it.


I do got more.


I do got more.


All of a sudden, I got more.


I'm Franky B.


We covered five secret tips that your wife might be cheating on you. Again, you know, guys, when we get into our age, we get a little bit complacent. We take our wives for granted. We're not always looking at things. I think it's just time to open your eyes. A little homework assignment for you guys.


I don't want any homework from you, Franky. I I don't really like watching these videos in the first place.


Call through the cell phone, Phil. Call every number.


Call Verizon.


Be sure she's at work.


Call your congressman. Outlaw women having cell phones. We'll put this cheating to an end right away.


When she comes home today, tomorrow, whenever you see her- Take her a cell phone.


Tomorrow, whenever you see her, what relationship are you in, Franky?


When you see her tonight, next month, 25th wedding anniversary, you let her know.


I want your cell phone and your lockout code.


Start thinking I talked about the things I talked about.


Yeah, that's all I need is to be paranoid of my entire relationship. Exactly. Thanks anyway.


Just look, just observe. If one of the five fall into place, it's like, okay. If two of the five fall into place, it's like, right? If three are there, I think- You better get an SDD test.


Those kids aren't yours.


You got her.


Guys, that concludes- You got her ass. You got her ass. She's been ass-cheating the whole time. All right.


All right.


Five hundred episodes in the can.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Congratulations to you.


You did it. Five hundred more. Don't worry. We'll do it. Don't threaten us. Why would we stop now? Don't threaten us with a good time.


We're going to be right there.


Don't threaten us with a good time.


Thank you so much. And in case you're wondering, Hambone and Hodeley, we just had to make an appearance. Christie and I. Oh, we've been talking about it. Christie's idea, we've been talking about it for a year, and finally, we had a good reason to do it.


Yeah. Modeled after those zoo crew morning shows.


Zoo crew morning shows. Exactly like the commercial, right? We're born in the fire of early '80s drive time radio. All right. Also, you've been such a big part of the show. We want you to be a bigger part of the show. I'm asking, I'm begging, I'm pleading, I want you, I need you to come on the show and talk to us live here while we're recording. We can hide your name. We can disguise your voice if you're embarrassed. If your family, like our families, are going to be embarrassed of you being on the commercial break, we'll disguise your voice. I'm being serious about this. We really want to have you on the show. We've already got a couple of people who have texted in. I love it. But we need more because maybe I don't like those people, and maybe they're ass-cheating, and I need to do something else. 212-433-3tcb. That's 212-433-3822. For those of you that aren't good with the letters, you can go ahead and you can text us. Ask us a question. Ask us a question. Need our advice. Want to talk to us about the show or anything else? We'd be happy to have you on.


All you need to do is just let us know. Text and let us know. You can also leave comments, questions, concerns, content, ideas there on the voicemail or the text message. We'd love it if you would go to the website, tcbpodcast. Com. More information about the show, all the audio, all the video right there from one location free piggy front and sticker on the Contact Us page. I want my drop-down menu. I want my sticker in the drop-down menu. Give us your address. We'll send it off at the commercial break on Instagram, Tcb podcast on TikTok, youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak.


I have to say, wait, I have to say, Hey, ladies out there, if your husband won't let you have a cell phone- You're in trouble. Then you use your husband's to call in.


Until next time.


We always say, we do say, and we must say, Good Goodbye.


Peace. Peace.