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I'm Ira Madison III. And I'm Louis Fertile. This year, we're excited to bring you new episodes of Keep It, covering the Holy Trinity of Awards season, Emmys, Grammys, and the granddaddy of them all, the Oscars. It's like the Super Bowl for Hollywood, but with more sequins and fewer concussions.


And we are continually blessed by iconic guests like Michelle Yo, Tori Kelly, Andy Cohen, and Jinks Masun.


New episodes of Keep It drop every Wednesday wherever you get your podcast or subscribe to Keep It on YouTube for access to full episodes and other exclusive content. Content.


You're listening to Comedy Central. The Democratic Primary campaign. It's like love is blind, but for democracy. And because the last few days saw some major changes in the race, let's catch up on the latest developments in another installment of World War D. All right, let's start off with the major news from Saturday. It was a very important day for former Vice President Joe Biden, and not just because he launched his new line of dentures called Joe Bighton's. Strong enough to chew right through malarkey. No, This Saturday was the South Carolina primary, where Biden desperately needed a victory, and boy did he get it. Biden's big win.


Joe Biden gets the landslide victory he needed in South Carolina.


Joe Biden trounce Bernie Joe Sanders in that race to give his campaign more momentum going into Super Tuesday. Biden and Sanders are really neck and neck in several of these states. Just days ago, the press and the punnets declared my candidacy dead. Now, thanks to the heart of the Democratic Party in South Carolina, I'm very much alive. Yes, Joe Biden is very much alive, which isn't something candidates usually need to remind people, but that's still okay. It's a great campaign slogan. Take it, man. Just take it. But yes, thanks to the overwhelming support of black voters, Biden isn't just in the race, he's back to being the favorite, which is an amazing turnaround. But that's black people for you, man. Black people can make anything popular again. Think about it. Before, black people, Biden was losing, and then black people came in, and now he's back on top. Before, black people, everyone was focused on boobs, and then black people came in like, How about Butts? And then everyone was like, Oh, yeah, buts. Yeah. Now, Joe Biden's win in South Carolina was so commanding that it didn't just put him ahead in the polls.


It got three other candidates to drop out of the race. The moderate wing of this party seems to be moving at a pretty quick pace, right, to all unite around Joe Biden. Aby Klobuchar announcing today she will drop out along with Pete Buttajage and Tom Stier over the weekend. Both Buttajage and Klobuchar are now expected to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden. Yeah, that's right. First Tom Stier dropped out, then Pete Buttajage ended his historic run as the first openly robot candidate. We all know that once a gay guy sets a trend, white women aren't going to be far behind. So then Klobusha dropped out, too. So if you're Joe Biden, these past few days are some of the best of your life. Think about it. For Biden, he's made the ultimate comeback. Your opponents aren't just dropping out. They're also endorsing you. And to top it all off, Joe Biden's are now the number two dentures on Amazon. Yeah, right behind the Donald Trumps. Best in the United States. But don't forget, things might be looking up for Biden, but it doesn't mean it's a done deal. He still has opponents in this race: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and billionaire in a booster seat, Mike Bloomberg.


But the most difficult opponent Joe Biden still has to overcome is himself.


Biden in a good position, but his campaign is still plagued by more gaffs.


All right, Chuck. Thank you very much.


All right.


It's Chris, but anyway. I just did Chris.


No, I just did Chuck.


I tell you what, man, these are back to back. Look, Tomorrow is Superstar Tuesday, and I want to thank you all. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by the... You know the thing. Yo, this is not good. Just in the past 24 hours, Joe has gaffed everything. From the name of a TV anchor he was talking to, to the Declaration of Independence. The name thing on its own is bad because interviews are like sex. It doesn't matter how well it goes. If you call the person the wrong name at the end, the whole thing is ruined. I don't know why Biden is still bothering. This is why my life hack, my life hack is that I just stay away from people's names. I just call everybody Buddy. That way I could never mess up. Just like, Hey, buddy. Great seeing you, buddy. And then they're like, Stop calling me Buddy. I'm your mother. And I'm like, You got it, chief. It just helps you out. But that's just the name. That's the name. Messing up a famous quote from American history. It's a little worse. It's a little worse than some report.


People notice. That's one small step for man, one medium coffee, no sugar. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking, Trevor, if Joe Biden debates Trump, it's going to be a disaster for the Democrats because Trump is going to eat him up. But when you think about it, it might not be so bad. Yeah, because Trump is the one person who won't know when Joe has messed up. Yeah. Joe. Joe will be on that debate stage with Trump like, All men are created. You know the thing. And then Trump will be like, That's right. We all know the thing. It was a big thing, the biggest thing. Nobody knows things better than me. Great point, Joe Biden. He'll be like, Thanks, buddy. We'll be right back.


I'm Ira Madison III. And I'm Louis Fertel. This year, we're excited to bring new episodes of Keep It covering the Holy Trinity of awards season, Emmys, Grammys, and the granddaddy of them all, the Oscars. It's like the Super Bowl for Hollywood, but with more sequins and fewer concussions.


And we are continually blessed by iconic guests like Michelle Yo, Tori Kelly, Andy Cohen, and Jinks Masun.


New episodes of Keep It drop every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcast, or subscribe to Keep It on YouTube for access to full episodes and other exclusive content.


South Carolina is the first place Black Democratic voters will really be heard in this primary, so I hitched a ride to the historic city of Charleston. Here I noticed something. No, it wasn't the Antebellum cosplay. It was the ads that candidates were running. They all seemed to feature a familiar face.


This is an extraordinary man with an extraordinary career. Elizabeth understands what I strongly believe.


Mr. Michael Bloomberg is here.


It seems like a lot of white folks think standing next to a cool a black person gives them legitimacy. But is it effective? Let's ask my good friend, Roywood Jr. I know why you brought me here. Because we're in your hometown, South Carolina. I'm from Alabama. We'll back check that. So Roy and I happily went to Charleston to see if voters notice the Democrats' brilliant strategy. Have you seen the ads?


Yeah, I've seen the ads. It looks like Obama's running again. All of them have these commercials now with them and Obama saying stuff about them. It's just the candidate with like African-Americans. Your stance cannot be what Obama did eight years ago. We want someone that's going to be, I feel in that sense, authentic. Every day when you wake up, you want a candidate-Exactly.above all things who cares about you. You, yes.


It has a good picture with Barack Obama. Right.


No. He thinks that Black people like the white people that got a picture with Obama.


I've never said that. African-american- That's what you said. That's the term I use in African-American.


Listen, you can't ride on Obama's coattel. That's not how we vote.


Which Canada has the best OPV?


Break that down.


Obama, Proximity, Value.


The closer you are to Obama, the more black people like you. That's a funny question because I personally never even considered that.


Who's got the best OPV?


Black people don't care about white people in ads with Obama. I don't know because everybody running an ad with Obama in it right now.


That's what I'm saying. On behalf of black people, this is what black people want to see. They want to see how close to these are. Why do you know what black people are? I spend a lot of time around black people. You pay with me.


He's at a table with three black people right now. You got to give the brother credit.


Thank you very much. But even Roy recognizes the power of proximity.


This is a picture of me with Barack Obama. If you look closely, that's Obama, and that's me all the way over there.


Is that technically even the same room?


Yes, that's Trevor, and there's a bunch of White people, and then it's me.


Are these interns? These are Daily Show interns in between you and Obama.


Those are producers and writers. Those are respected people on the show.


That's an intern. He worked at the Daily Show for a month max.


It just looks like you was just thrown in as a prop.


It does look like that. She is 100% right. You look like a prop. I'm not a prop.


I'm an employee. No, I understand that. This is everybody that works in the day. Well, I'm just saying how you look. You look like they're tokenizing you in that picture.


All right. South Carolina voters are not easily duped by the slick political advertising strategy of My One Black Friend. But who was breaking through?


I do particularly like Biden. We need health care, and Elizabeth is going to get that done. Well, for me, Definitely Tom Stier. I'm talking about equality. Wait, what did you say his name was? Tom? What's his name? Stier. Tom Stier? Yeah. Tom Stier has a message that resonates and connects with people. Do I follow my heart and vote for somebody like even Tom Stier? I love Tom Stier. I mean, Tom Stier. Who is Tom Stier? Tom Stier is saying some good shit. Who the fuck is he? I've never heard of him.


I don't know. The words you're saying make no sense to me. Turns out this mythical beast spent more money on ads in South Carolina than anyone else. And Stier's commercial doesn't even have Obama endorsing Stier. It has Obama endorsing a woman.


I heard this voice behind me.


Her name is Edus Child.


Who then endorses Stier. Tom Spider and Trump got to go.


I'm Tom Stier, and I approve this message.


To find out more about Stier, we went to South Carolina congressman, James Clibern, who recently endorsed the candidate with the highest OPV, Joe Biden.


Well, you know, Stier came in. He's made of dicey.


He's made of dicey? In what way?


Well, he's spending millions. Money will make things dicey. He's running second or third in South Carolina now.


It's what John Stier is running third? Tom. Tom? Tom Stier.


Yeah, I think. It's Tom, right? Tom.


So Roy and I decided it was time to go see the candidates like Biden and Warren and- Tom Stier? Tom. Tom.


Tom.thank you.That's his name? All right. Appreciate that. You get to check.


It was inspiring to see candidates engage with the voters of South Carolina. And finally, in a little church outside of Charleston, we got to see the Tom Stier. And while Stier is just a blip nationally, he does have some intriguing ideas. I think I'm the only person running for President who's for reparations for slavery.


And why is that true?


Because I want to tell the truth. Tom Stier. Tom Stier.


Tom Stier.


Tom Stier.


Tom Stier. Tom Stier. You guys are so excited.


Tom Stier. What's up, you guys?


We know this election could go a lot of different ways, and in case it doesn't go the way you want it to go, can I get an advance on my reparations? I'm not laughing. I'm for real.


These Democratic candidates are fired up, ready to go. We are sure that was Tom Stier.


Wait, that wasn't Tom Stier?


I'm pretty sure, 70%.


I'm Aaron Madison III. And I'm Louis Fertell. This year, we're excited to bring you new episodes of Keep It covering the Holy Trinity of award season, Emmys, Grammys, and the granddaddy of them all, the Oscars. It's like the Super Bowl for Hollywood, but with more sequins and fewer concussions.


And we are continually blessed by iconic guests like Michelle Yo, Tori Kelly, Andy Cohen, and Jinks Masun.


New episodes of Keep It drop every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcast, or subscribe to Keep It on YouTube for access to full episodes and other exclusive content.


Let's get right to the program, Indecision 08. Big story this weekend, South Carolina Democratic primary. Let's go to the results. And the historic election, ladies and gentlemen, the winner, Barack Obama. 55% Absolutely historic. By the way, this is what the results would have looked like just 100 years ago. Of course, back then, obviously, Hillary and Barack, they really couldn't run or vote. But what a victory. It just shows this is 2008, baby. A strong victory for Barack Obama today in South Carolina. Barack Obama routed Hillary Rodham Clinton tonight.


We saw a record turnout, Tony. It was unbelievable.


What a victory for Barack Obama. It was a crushing defeat.


He drank her blood. He ripped off her head and got down her neck. It was unbelievable. He destroyed her. There is no way to minimize this historic drubbing.


Jesse Jackson won South Carolina twice in '84 and '88, and he ran a good campaign, and Senator Obama's run a good campaign here.


I believe President Bill Clinton may be suggesting that once South Carolina went black, it could never go back. Is that what your... He ripped off your head, he did. I mean, sure, Jesse Jackson won, but that was the '84, '88 primary, and that was actually a caucus, and the Democratic nominee had already been decided. But my point is, they're both black guys. Oh, Billy. Billy, Billy, Billy, Barouh. What happened to Bill Clinton? You know, Mr. President, people can forgive you having no control over... But this, you're... Wait, hold on. This? Come Come on. Got some control over that head. Come on. That's what's going to ruin your legacy. When's the last time we elected a President based on one year of service in the Senate? Yes, not everyone can be governor of Arkansas. It is wrong that Senator Obama got to go through 15 debates, trumpeting his superior judgment.


This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen.


Your campaign slogan was a place called Hope. Jackson won South Carolina twice in '84 and '88. Your office is in Harlem. You know what? Just get in here. Just get in here. I'm taking it. I want to be President again. No more trouble. Tired of you causing trouble. You know, if his If his wife wasn't running, he'd be all over Obama. You know what? Here, just to keep him occupied. Let me just sit down. All right. There was even more good news. There was even more good news for Barack Obama yesterday. Caroline Kennedy endorsed him in a New York Times editorial. And today, her uncle Theodore granted Obama Obama his blessing.


I'm proud to stand with him here today and offer my help, offer my voice, offer my energy, my commitment to make Barack Obama the next President of the United States.


What just happened to me? Did I just get inspired by Ted Kennedy? Next thing you know, we'll be putting a man on the moon. It's actually been reported that Bill Clinton called Ted Kennedy in a last-minute effort to stop Ted Kennedy from endorsing Barack Obama. Whoa, Bill Clinton calling Ted Kennedy. That's a phone call that would have been ripe with comedic possibilities and may have gone a little something like this. Oh, yes. Yes, hello. This is Ted Kennedy. I'm sitting here right now without any pants on, drinking, as you would imagine, a lot of alcohol. Yes, I'm calling you because I'm not wearing pants either. This is Howard Coselle speaking. I pity the fool.


By the way, if you like that, I'm the greatest of all time.


If you liked what you saw here tonight, check out my Vegas show, Cordless, the mediocre telephone mimicry of Jon Stewart. Next month at... Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I recommend it. I vote Quimby. All right. I suck at many aspects of humor.


Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcast. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:00, 10:00 Central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Fairmount Plus. This has been a Comedy Central podcast.


I'm Ira Madison III. And I'm Louis Fertel. This year, we're excited to bring you new episodes of Keep It covering the Holy Trinity of Awards season, Emmys, Grammys, and the Granddaddy of them all, the Oscars. It's like the Super Bowl for Hollywood, but with more sequins and fewer concussions.


And we are continually blessed by iconic guests like Michelle Yeoh, Tori Kelly, Andy Cohen, and Jinks Masun.


New episodes of Keep It drop every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcast, or subscribe to Keep it on YouTube for access to full episodes and other exclusive content.