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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts. With your host, Dan Bongino. All right. You know, it's tough to talk about this stuff. It's hard for me to talk about this stuff because I don't want to panic anyone unnecessarily. If I panic you unnecessarily, I'll be accused of, you know, eliciting a fear response from the audience. And that's not what I'm looking to do. What I'm looking to do is keep you all informed. Keep you all informed, because if I don't do that, I'll have failed to do my job. And my job is an important one. My job is here. I am here. I've been given this platform, I believe, by a higher power, because this is what I was meant to do to keep everybody informed. And there's no doubt that there's a lot of information going around about tomorrow, Friday, major attacks around the country. Is that going to happen tomorrow? I don't know. But I can tell you this. Our enemies out there are known for headfakes. And just be really careful about that. I got a big show today. A lot to discuss.


Trump spoke last night. Some audio clips from him at the prior UN. A lot to talk about, folks. Almost all Americans are going to owe taxes for this year or owe from a previous year. Unless, of course, you're the son of a president or the wife of an ex president. The IRS and Biden's government want your money more than ever. And as you know, it's been reported they're hiring thousands of agents. I want to tell you about a tax mitigation company called America First Tax Group. America First Tax lawyers and experts routinely stand up to the IRS and save taxpayers thousands. Call them at 802 727613. Whether you already owe taxes or are going to owe this year, america first can help put those dollars back into your pocket where they belong. America First Tax Group's professionals are also experts at state taxes and can help protect you from levies, liens, and garnishments. Call 802 727613. By using the same tax laws the global elites use, america First Tax Group could be your own private tax army. Check them out. 802 727613. That's 802 727613 or go to Now. Again, call 802 727613 or go to All right, Joseph, let's go.


It's showtime, Dano. Yes, it is. Okay, so did you see this notification that came out from the NYPD? NYPD orders all cops to report in uniform after eximas chief calls for global protests. Now, having been a member of the NYPD, they call these things mobilizations. Mobilizations are when if you were a police officer and you had a vacation or a day off, that day off is canceled. There are levels of mobilization. Now, I don't know what level this mobilization was. I'm hearing it was one of the higher level ones. This is typically a big deal. The reason the NYPD doesn't like to do this, and this is kind of the inside baseball you're going to get here, you're not going to get anywhere else, because it's not anybody's fault. They just didn't work there. The reason the NYPD doesn't do this is why any employer doesn't like to call a mobilization their employees. You don't want to piss your employees off, folks. Nobody wants to hear that their Miami vacation or their vacation to the Bahamas was canceled because there's a threat. Because here's what happens if the threat isn't real and the cops show up to work and they had to cancel the family vacation or the family goes without them, what do you guys in the chat think happens?


Well, what happens is they get back to work and they go back home. The wife's pissed at the husband. What the hell, man? You got to go to work again? Nothing even happened. It was all BS, man. What I'm trying to get at here is the NYPD doesn't call these things often, so they probably know something. And the NYPD, the members of the NYPD, the detectives, a lot of first grade detectives, second graders as well. These guys I would make the case to you strongly, are some of the best terrorism investigators in the world because they're in the terrorism heart of the world, which is New York City, which is always number one or two on any threat level. Now, these are the guys who are feeding the information. The NYPD is one of the few police departments around the country that has a direct channel to overseas intel outlets, something a lot of people don't know. They don't go through the federal government. They can, and they do. But they can go around them and use their own channels, and they will. The NYPD, you get guys in there, and I'm not listen, we got good and bad guys like anyone else.


However, the NYPD has got detectives in there, some of them who've been working ten and 15 years specifically on terrorism. Now, even some of these FBI guys, they'll work financial cases, computer crimes, bank robberies, maybe surveillance, and then eventually you get to terrorism. Some of them are good, but some of them just aren't. Some of them are new. They just don't have a body of experience. If they're ordering all their cops to report in uniform, and this is, say, a level one mobilization, folks, they know something. They definitely know something, and they know something serious. Now, why do they know something? Because Hamas is talking about it. Hamas commanders are talking about it themselves. I'll show you the evidence in a second. I just want you to keep one thing in mind. These terrorists are known for headfigs. When I was in my last line of work, someone said to me once, the safest day to be in a presidential motorcade is the day after an attack, because that's when everybody's on alert. So sometimes what these guys will do, these terrorists, is they'll call for the obvious. Like Friday the 13th, there's going to be a mass massacre, and then nothing happens.


And again, all the NYPD guys and others are like, oh, man, look at this. This is just another false alarm. And then what happens? The next Friday, they come in. I'm not telling you to live in perpetual fear, folks. And I'm not going to give you pithy, stupid lines either. Then the terrorists win. The terrorists only win if they kill you before you kill them. Okay? Forget stupid lines like that. But it is one of the goals of terrorism to make sure you live in fear. I'm telling you, fear is a real thing. Fear is a healthy thing. It'll help you keep your head on a swivel. Don't live in fear of fear, though. Embrace it. Fear is what keeps you alert and keeps you alive. It's nothing to be afraid of. Which sounds kind of oxymoronic, but it's true. It's a natural part of life. Keep your head on a swivel. If you're in crowds, make sure you know how you're going to get out of a place or duck into a place. If you're in a restaurant, sit looking at the door. If you're in a restaurant, make sure you understand that there's a back door outside the kitchen.


Typically, if you're in a church, understand that when the attackers come into churches, which they typically do, they always come in the back. Why do they come in the back in church? Anybody know? Joe, you were in church with me this weekend where's everyone looking front, right? Why? Who's up front? The priest is up front. So it's Joe playing the drums. Joe's not in the back. They're not watching Joe. This way, everybody's facing forward. It's why they like attacking churches. It's also like why they like attacking schools. Everybody's attention is in one direction, nowhere better in a barge in and starts shooting a place up. Just telling you to be careful, but don't live in fear of fear. That is exactly what they want. Everybody hiding, scared. We can fight these people. We're going to have to fight these people. But why are we putting this stuff out? Because, folks, they're putting this stuff out again. This is hysteria. Oh, my gosh. Where are you guys getting this from? For all the people out there, for the thousandth time, I did an interview this morning on the great KCMO station we just won live on out in Kansas City.


I'm happy to be there. And they asked me about the situation. This one, I said, one of the most frustrating things about this situation I've said for a few days now, and, you know, beat this thing to death because it's eating at my soul like you wouldn't believe. The savage doesn't care what side you're on here, folks. You are not going to be able to put up a sign that says free Palestine in front, they will shoot you dead. They don't care. Your sheik Guevara hat is not going to help you here's. Hamas commanders going public with what I've been telling you. This is coming here. This is a global fight. May have to vo it a little bit. So I'll watch it on the screen here because it's not obviously in English, but play that, if you would. When we speak about the army of Jerusalem and the battle of the promise of the hereafter, we are not talking about liberating our land alone, but we believe in what our prophet Muhammad said. Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake, and I have seen its eastern and western ends.


The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me. The entire 510,000,000 planet earth will come under a system where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity. We're not talking about liberating our land alone. We're talking about planet earth. You don't have to listen to me. Listen to them. All the talk in the world out of whatever political party you align with, from libertarians to conservatives to neoconservatives or whatever, it doesn't matter, bro. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. They don't care. You're going to negotiate with this guy? Oh no, I'm a libertarian. I'm genuinely trying to help you, man. I'm really trying to help everyone out. This threat is real. When you stare at the demons and you see the demons, you can never unsee it. This threat is real. They don't care. They're talking about the entirety of planet earth. What concerns me most, and I brought it up yesterday, but I'll bring it up today, is the drones, folks. The drones are a new technology. I don't know what they're going to put on these drones, but even minor explosives set off over Times Square, Beverly Hills, st.


Louis, Nashville on a Saturday night could cause real death, real chaos, and people wouldn't know what to do. The problem with drones and explosives is they're in the air, as I said yesterday, and we can't fly. They're hard to take down, but small arms attacks are on their minds. If you've seen some of the notifications lately, you know they're trying to obtain large belt fed weapons with the ability to these guys. This is why you need to be armed as well. Why do you need an AR 15? That's why. Because the guy with the high powered rifle staring down you, he doesn't care about gun control laws. He cares about killing you. Your choice is to shoot back or be killed. That's it. There's no option. C, I want you to watch this video here. This is a small arm attack. This is what happened in the kibbutz right on the Golan border. Watch what they do here. You'll see there's this car. They can't get into the community because the gates closed. Shows you how even minor deterrence like a gate can delay them. But it only delayed them if there was someone in a security presence up front.


This may have gone down a little differently, but they go to the front, they wait for this car to pull up, obviously shoot up the car. They don't care that anyone's innocent. The guy could have had a free Palestine thing in the car. Again, my point. It doesn't matter. They shot up the car. It doesn't make a difference. Everybody's dead. They wait for the car to buzz the gate, they walk in. Folks, the massacre in this community is really unspeakable. And given that we've suffered through now, four days of this horror, I'm really trying to keep the imagery, not because I want to minimize it at all. But, folks, I think it's just getting hard to take. I think for a lot of us, these small arms tactical assaults are really difficult to stop. The only barrier is sneaking the weapon in. It is still a barrier. Some of these weapons, if it's a Kalishnikov or a full length barrel AR, they're not easy to sneak into downtown Times Square, they're not. What are you going to do? You could take it apart and put it together in a bag, I guess, in a store or something, and come out.


But they're not that easy. That's the only barrier. And believe me, it's a small one. But these small arms attacks with drones and explosives, this is how it's going to go down. They've got experience doing this. And when you have a bloodlust, it doesn't make a difference. You don't really care if someone's holding a baby. Wait, I got my baby. Doesn't matter. This was Trey Yinks yesterday, who's been doing amazing reporting. Yinkst was from Fox. He was at the kibbutz where this happened. And I want you to just keep in mind the reason I'm using him and the imagery here is bad, but it's the best I can air right now. The reason I'm using Yinst is we're not friends. We never went out for coffee together or anything like that, but worked together at Fox and Yankst has a real reputation for being kind of just a reporter and not a bombastic guy. So when he's talking about seeing a crime scene and being emotional about it, he probably means it. Here, listen to this. Bodies littered the town of Baheri. You can see here, it's complete and total destruction. All of the houses are destroyed.


Looks like many were blown up with RPGs or other explosives. People were shot and killed in their beds, executed at point blank range. This is the most horrific thing I have ever seen. Yinks was in Afghanistan with the Taliban. The guy's been in every war zone, russia, Ukraine, he's been all over the world. He's telling you it's the worst thing he's ever seen. This is why I'm cautioning you right now to just yes. To ask questions is fair. To ask stupid questions is dumb. The details and all the horrors, fine. Some people are going to get details wrong. That this stuff happened is absolutely indisputable. If you're going to get lost with the Psyops bros, you're going to find yourself dead, too, one day. I have no problem people asking questions. What I do have problems with are people discrediting the severity of the danger we're in right now in an attempt to get some likes on Twitter. It's freaking stupid. Now, is it bad enough yet as the Biden world in chaos? And by the way, why is Joe Biden getting a pass? One of the questions I've had and I've had for a few days and some people on either side of this debate not really a side of this debate, but at least a debate about our involvement, not so much what happened.


Some people, fairly enough, have said, you know what? We shouldn't talk about the intelligence failure now. We can wait till later. I disagree. I want to talk about the intelligence failure now, what happened in Israel and what happened here, but I've noticed that a lot of this is focused on Israel. Obviously, that's where it happened. Good question. How did the intelligence fail? Why would we want to know that? Because we don't want it to happen again. But if you noticed a strange lack of curiosity as to how our CIA, NSA, Dia, army intel, military intel in general, have you noticed a strange lack of curiosity about our intel failure, folks? There were 25 Americans killed. How did we miss this? Was the CIA too occupied spying on Americans at school board meetings? Is this not a fair question? If you all in the chat like, ask this as well. Do you notice Biden gets a free pass on this? What did the Netanyahu government know? Good question. The hell did the Biden government know? You're right. Joe Crickets. Jack shit. Or maybe they did. As I told you on Monday with all these Iranian sympathizers in our government.


Is that not a fair question to ask? That's why I'm skeptical of anything that comes out of this administration. By the way, is it bad enough yet that they'll start asking questions of Biden? Because I'm asking questions here's. Even CNN shocked by the depravity of all this stuff. CNN, oh, my gosh. It's like anti Semitism on the left. You're just figuring this out now? Ilhan, Omar, AOC and the squad. Come on, guys, get with the program, man. Listen to this. This does these last few days have been a real eye opening period for a lot of people, a lot of Democrats, a lot of progressives in terms of anti Semitism on the left, a lot of people who seem more shocked at dehumanizing language used by world leaders to describe Hamas than what Hamas actually perpetrated on this. It's just like, I don't know what to do. The evidence is right in front of your face that these people, they hate you. They hate anyone who's an infidel, anyone who's not a totalitarian Islamo fascist. They hate everyone. They say it. They scream, Death to America. You didn't know this. Are Democrats finally going to wake up?


That the party that the home of terrorism in the United States sanctioned legal political terrorism, sadly, is on the left. Here's Senator Ed Markey again. Another liberal lunatic nutbag. Is it bad enough yet? Are people waking up? I don't know. He was speaking at a rally of probably a lot of Democrats, and he starts talking about de escalation after Israel was just brutally attacked. I want you to listen to the response in the crowd. Check this out. There must be a de escalation of the current violence. The United States should joe said it right. Just look at his face. He's so used to going out in front of Democrat liberal Kooky groups, spouting the talking you know, the talking points, guys, right? Every occupation tax the rich, and everybody goes, the white patriarchy de escalate. He didn't even know how to respond. He didn't have a backup talking point. Someone tweeted out this morning this Wall Street account I read it was a fascinating tweet key. You'll enjoy this one. The guy, he said it right. The libs are all confused right now. Folks, wait. I first say I'm going to get to the spot in a segment.


They're confused right now because libs don't think for themselves. They're like the Borg in Star Trek. They think with a hive mind. And here's the thing. They don't know what to think, because the traditional liberal talking heads who've now seen their own families, some of them killed or friends of them killed in Israel, are now like, hey, listen. Maybe those end the occupation talking points were stupid, and the libs are don't. You've been you've told me to say that for years. What do I say now? They don't know, right? They don't know. The Wall Street account was hilarious. He's like, they are genuinely confused. They're saying what they've been told to be saying. And the occupation and CEOs are like, I'm not hiring this guy. He supports brutal savagery, the butchering of children or raping of women. Like, I don't want to hire. And I'm like, Wait, we said that a year ago, and you gave me a promotion. Nobody knows what to do on the left. Do you see how pleasurable it is to be on our side and act with moral clarity in hard times? Folks, I'm so honored you're here with me, and I'm so honored in the last three, four days that not only have none of you left, but the audience has gotten bigger and more massive because this is easy to speak with moral clarity.


You don't have to commit US. Troops. You don't have to commit a dollar to anything, but you should absolutely be able to say if one baby was shot in the face or decapitated, or 40 had their heads and legs cut off. We probably shouldn't kill babies. There's no justification. You see how when you're clear, you don't have to worry about any of this? It's not hard, man. It's not hard. I don't know. He says a lot of liberal Jews may vote different. I hope so. I hope so. But I'll ask you again, is it bad enough know I don't know. I want to play a clip of Trump at the UN a while ago, because again, you have to speak clearly on this stuff. You have to speak clearly on this stuff. And I want you to watch this, because the Iranians didn't like this at all. They don't like to be called out. I want to play that for you coming up next. And then I want to show you again how BLM and these terrorist murderers how it's a natural symbiosis. They've talked about it forever. They share one thing in common a hatred of liberty and freedom.


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[00:22:21] 10% discount with the promo code These statements of products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Thanks. Savira cleanse. We appreciate it. Okay, this is important here. I want you to listen to this clip, because this is what has to happen in front of international audiences. This is a flashback to years ago when Trump spoke at the UN. I remember the moment I was there, not at the UN. I mean, I was watching it as it happened live. I don't mean I was at the actual speech, but I was watching it live. I think I was in an airport somewhere and watching the Iranian response to this was just epic. You have to speak clearly to these people and understand the enemy. Take a listen. The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy. It has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. The longest suffering victims of Iran's leaders are in fact, its own people.


Rather than use its resources to improve Iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund Hezbollah and other terrorists that kill innocent Muslims and attack their peaceful Arab and Israeli neighbors. The Iranians didn't like that guy. Pretended to check his phone, was moving around in his chair like he wet his diaper or something like that. What I'm trying to get at here is it's not the only one. Other people speak clearly on the issue, too, but the savage doesn't understand anything other than strength. The savage doesn't understand anything other than threats to their own livelihood. I know you get that in the listening audience, and I don't mean to sound in any way condescending to restate the obvious, but the savage doesn't understand negotiation. They don't understand being bought off. There's no amount of land you're going to give them. This is not a land deal. This is about one thing jewish blood, Christian blood, and any blood of the non believer. That's what this is about. Make no mistake. Speak and think with moral clarity. You'll be safer and you'll never be on the wrong side of history. It's really stunning to me. I've been the last few days have been really hard for me because it's provided.


I woke up this morning and I put out on my Twitter account how I've never been more clear or resolute in what I know my mission is now. And too many people are conflating political arguments of yesterday with life or death arguments of tomorrow. I mean, imagine being in a horror movie, getting ready to have your head cut off and trying to negotiate about marginal tax rates. I don't know how else to explain it to you. You have a unique at any time in human history because of the technology, a unique threat right now. And you know, I hate the word unique because it's ironically overused, grotesquely overused, but it's real. You have drone technology, explosives technology is more powerful. EFP technology, EMP technology, nuclear proliferation. You have real issues going on right now. You have the ability of people to walk across the border. There is a very unique threat right now, folks. I've been warning you forever something was going to go down. What happens? Something goes down. And people are like, oh, Dan Bongino is always saying something's going to go it went down. How much else you need to go down?


I told you they knew something. Everybody was telling me they knew something. I did not know what it was. I was clear on that. Maybe now we know, but they're being assisted by leftists in the United States. Here's. BLM leader. Patrice colors. I want you to listen to all of this again so there's no confusion out there whatsoever. Oh, they're not coming for me. They're just coming for the Judas. Oh, they're coming for you. You heard the Hamas commander himself. You think he's lying, and they're finding a home with liberal nut jobs, with liberal lunatics. Here's the BLM founder Patrice. Colors on Israel. The exact same. Please explain to me how these talking points are anything different than what the terrorists say. I'll wait. Listen.


The other thing I'll say is Palestine is our generation South Africa, and.




We don't step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that's called Israel, we're doomed. And I think that I had learned about Palestine for a long time. I'd known about it, been wanting to travel. And I was really, really grateful when the Dream defenders asked me to come on the delegation. But nothing would have prepared me for the level of militarization and the level of violence that we would witness those ten days inside of Palestine. Nothing would have prepared me for the ways in which we witness people's terror. People live in terror on a daily basis. And nothing would have prepared me for how much clarity I would have on why we have to be a part of Palestinian solidarity.


I played this for you because she's spouting the exact same talking points of the people who perpetrated the terror this week. The exact ones, folks, what I've always respected about our side, the liberty and freedom fighters, the real ones you the real one is we understand real nuance, not fake nuance. We understand real nuance. Like, yes, there's going to be civilian casualties. Yes, we should do our best to minimize them. As a civilized man, targeting civilians in any way is abhorrent targeting them. There are, however, going to be in a real world, in a real fight, casualties of war that are unavoidable. But again, I ask you in a chain of logic, if Patrice Colors wasn't talking in categoricals and was open to real nuance, not fake nuance, she should say to herself, the terror. I saw where's the terror come from. Why are they in this situation in the first place? Oh, because the Israelis are constantly under attack by a terror group residing in their territory that's committed themselves to the extermination of the Jews from the river to the oh, kind of an interesting first six chapters of the book to leave out, right?


You started in chapter seven, patrice, maybe get through one through six first. They share one thing in common BLM antifa. And the people who shot that baby, they hate you. And they don't care about your Sheik Wavara shirt at all or whatever allegiance in the Republican Party sub brands. You have. Oh, I'm a libertarian. Great. I have a lot of libertarian tendencies myself in the economy, global wars. They don't care. Not even a little bit. All right, I want to get to some other stuff. A lot of stuff happened this week. Folks, please. The RFK stuff. This guy I have vigorously defended RFK's right to speak, and I will continue to. But I have warned you. You know it, you've heard it. This guy is not one of us. Don't fall for this stunt. Oh, my gosh. He's going to take away Trump voters. He is not going to take away Trump voters. I respect that. The guy's running for office. I respect his right to speak. We platformed him and will vigorously defend him at rumble to the end. No doubt about it. But that doesn't mean we should be supporting this guy. I got to be absolutely clear on that.


I'll show you what I mean coming up in a minute. Because people are getting played by this guy. I got that in Penn State. Something happened at Penn State. I went to Penn State. I did my MBA there. I got to tell you, I'm embarrassed by their handling of this Riley Gaines thing. I'll show you the video screen. Am I being arrested? Yes, you are. You know what it's time for, folks? In the chat. What's the time for? Tell me. Oh, you know it. You think there's any sniffs left? Joe, any sniffs for you? Yeah, you got them. He try it. What are we talking about? Blackout coffee. Tired of the same old liberal coffee companies that suck. So I'm proud to personally recommend because I drink it. Blackout coffee. Drink it all day. Had it this morning. It was awesome. Folks. It is strong, but it's never bitter. It's incredible how they made it so strong without tasting bitter. I love it. It's a coffee company, 100% committed to conservative values. From sourcing the beans I love you all in the Chat to sniff. You guys are great. They love the country. They don't hide it.


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They find themselves in jail. It's the craziest thing. Now more than ever, we have to be fully prepared to protect ourselves and our loved ones. But the fact is, most people just aren't. You got to be prepared for the mental, physical and legal ramifications of self defense. That's why I've been a member of the USCCA, the US. Concealed carry association for a while now. Right now. The US. Concealed carry association is giving away this free concealed carry and family defense guide you need, especially now, and a chance to win one. $600 to buy a gun to protect yourself and your family. 100% free. You can get it when you visit, Dan. You're going to learn how to detect attackers, what the USCCA has learned about school shootings, equipment and training, basics, law and justice systems, and how to responsibly own a gun and store a gun, especially with little kids, in a 58 page guide loaded with valuable information. Get it today. Don't wait. These are dangerous times. Go to Dan that's Dan. You'll get instant access and a chance to win one. $600 so you can buy a gun to protect your family.


Go to Dan Go today. Thanks, USCCA. We appreciate it. Okay, folks, you saw this article. We put it up the other day. RFK, this is super important. Please do not fall for this. This is a big scam here's. The scam going on with RFK right now. And listen, Joe, flag it, chasters, flag it. Flag it in the chat. I want to see it. Flag it now. Here is going to be the talking point as we go forward. You're going to see it every day. They're going to say, oh, my gosh, RFK is going to do so much damage if he gets in the race. He's going to take all the Trump support away. It's going to destroy Trump. There we go. Seeing some flags. It's going to happen. You're going to see these articles going forward. Got it, guys? Ladies and gentlemen, let me just tell you something. I love it. You guys are the flags. This is like the big family here. If the mainstream media is telling you something, it's probably wrong. You can almost never, almost never go wrong if the left wing lunatic media is telling you something and you do the opposite.


So if they're saying RFK, man, you conservatives better be careful. This guy's going to take out Trump in a three way race. If he wins it, that means what? That means he's going to take out Biden 100%. Let me ask you a question, chatsters question. Bongino army. Do you know a single Trump supporter out there? I'm serious. If you are, let us know. I'm not dicking around, right? Do you know a single Trump supporter out there who's like, you know what, man? I like that, you know? F trump. I'm going with RFK. I don't I'm not saying they don't exist. I know a lot of people. I don't. I've heard a few people say, oh, I like that RFK got in. I like, he's speaking out against no. Do you see any no? Okay. Fuck no. Sorry. Trying to keep the cussing to a minimum today. I've been hot all week. No. It was one yes. Okay, so it was one person. Now, I guarantee you if I were to ask that question in a Biden chat room and my name wasn't Dan Bongino, but Don Bonjourno, the answer would be about 50 50 yes.


Don't believe it. You are totally getting played. Here's why I respect this guy. I will absolutely platform this guy. This guy can be I've invited him on my radio show because I believe in hearing what everybody has to say. I am a free speech absolutist. But he is not one of us. He's not even close to one of us. He's not even in the ballpark of being one of us. Here's what I mean. He was on Hannity the other day, and Sean just basically roasts him and asked him some simple questions and he doesn't have an answer for him. Tell me again how this guy's going to take Trump support away. Stop. Check it out. Do you still believe the NRA is a terror group? I support the Second Amendment like I do all the amendments of the Constitution. And I'm not I didn't ask you if you support the Second Amendment. You called in 2018. You said Parkland students are right. The NRA is a terror group. Do you believe that? I don't consider the NRA a terror group. Do you regret tweeting that in 2018? Well, I don't recall tweeting it in 2018, but if I did, as I said, Sean, I don't consider them a terror group and I support the Second Amendment.


Do you regret endorsing Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders over the years? I don't recall endorsing Bernie Sanders. I like Bernie Sanders. I voted for Barack Obama. I don't regret don't, folks, the guy's not one of us, okay? Period. End of story. He doesn't recall saying the NRA is a terror group. He doesn't recall endorsing every single Democrat that ran for president in the last 20 years. He supports Barack Obama. You think this guy's going to take what you have to be a real tool bag of a Republican to vote for this guy? Why do I bring this up today? And I put this here because I did not want to miss this story and the week's coming to an end tomorrow because it goes back to the argument in the beginning of the week about the Speaker's race going on right now, we still don't have a speaker. Do not fall in love with politicians. Fall in love with their actions and the outcomes of their actions. That is it. That is it. There's a couple of smart ass conservatives oh, I bet these conservatives who gave a platform to RFK regret it now.


I don't regret shit. What supporting the guy's right to speak? He's got a lot of guts running for president. His decisions are bad. The outcomes of those decisions would be horrendous if he was president, but those are two different things. I'm absolutely in my right to question why he doesn't seem to recall calling the NRA a terror group, but he's right to say it. He has a right to say it. He's not right to say it. He has a right to say it. A big R, god given right. He should have just said, yeah, I'm sorry, I tweeted that, and I don't believe it. Don't fall in love with politicians. There are now people, amazingly, to tie it into the Speaker's race going on. We still don't have a speaker. Steve Scalise has the GOP nomination, but that doesn't matter. He got 113 votes. He needs 217. Just because he got a majority of the GOP caucus doesn't mean he's going to be the speaker. I'm amazingly, some of the same people who were telling me last week, you better cheer on this guy, or as if, by the way, giving me an ultimatum. That's the quickest way for me to tell you to go F yourself, like, instantaneously.


You think I respond to ultimatums? You don't know me, bro, at all. Like, even a little bit. Some of the same people say, you better get behind this guy. I'll get behind him when we get a good outcome. Some of the same people telling me I better get behind this guy are now complaining that Gates endorsed Scalise or said Scalise would be better than McCarthy. I don't have this problem. I don't care what he says. All I care about is the outcome. If you get Scalise and he acts more conservative than McCarthy, way to go, Matt Gates. If you get Scalise and he turns out to be a squish worse than McCarthy terrible job, Matt Gates. I don't need to applaud anyone or kiss anyone's ass. Bobby Kennedy, Gates, McCarthy, Scalise. No one. And you shouldn't either. I told you before, politicians suck. I'm sorry. They get paid to lie. Their incentives are to lie. I saw it when I ran all these groups, oh, come meet us in the Capitol Hill Club. And you think they're there to help you? They're not there to help you. They're there to help them. Don't give a damn about you.


They don't care about you. Once you keep that in your head, you'll understand. All right, on a lighter note, it's been a tough week, so I wanted to kind of give you some good stories so this happened at Penn State. You know Riley Gaines, the swimmer who strongly objects she's a female, obviously to swimming against men. Who wouldn't? It's like, I don't want to swim against a dude I think I should swim against. Know, there's that whole testosterone, lung capacity, muscle strength, bone density thing. It's got a name, fellas. It's called biology. Well, she was going to speak in Penn State, and it turned into a big debacle. And they had a table set up. Want to talk know regular common sense policies like maybe we should have women compete against women. And a couple of lunatics showed up and I guess they didn't watch the video we're going to play next. They probably should have. They decided they were going to turn over the table and then in a world without consequence, they'd be celebrated. But it didn't quite work out that way. Didn't quite work out that way. Check this out. What? Get the fuck out my face.


Are you not transphobic? Why should I be transphobic? You are transphobic. What the fuck is the sign you're holding right now? Get this shit out. That's on camera, right? Calm down. Calm down. What? Where's the police don't have better ideas? Behave. No one's fucking attacking you. Push my way out of the way. The girl and the guy in the back no, just went over here. This one and this one here with the backpack and the mat. Don't fucking touch me like that. Are we being detained? Are we being arrested? Are we being detained? Don't touch. Are we being detained? Yes. Okay. Am I being arrested? Okay, you can put it in the bank. I just don't want it spilling. All right, fine. What's he being arrested for? Disrupt conduct right now. All right. What's that mean? He said it right. No. Shocker, folks. What do you see in that video? Come on in the chat. What do you see in that video? The chats, they're all wearing masks, of course. The same people who believe a microscopic virus can make its way around a mask with holes basically relatively that big compared to a virus.


The same people wearing a mask. And I think entertain. This is the smart ass generation now, the smart ass generation. I encourage you to watch the great Roger Scare. Anybody in the Chat know? Roger, Scare. You listen to my radio show. Roger will occasionally make an appearance on the radio show. Roger Scare. We love him. Roger Scare's got these kind of like lessons he puts online, and they're really short and brief. But listen for the generation of mask wearing, table turning smart asses who thought they could destroy people's property and not get arrested. Now you'll have a criminal record because you're a moron. I encourage you to watch this fine tutorial it's about 30 seconds. And spread this around to your friends and you won't have to find out. All right, today we're going to talk about how we can find out and how much we can find out and what it takes to get there. So first we have to decide how much do we want to find out. So let's say in this case, I want to find out at a level of seven. So I find that level on my graph, and I come horizontally to my gradient line, where it intersects with my gradient line.


I'm going to come straight down to where it intersects with my fuck around line. That there is going to tell me how much I have to fuck around to find out what I need to find out. See, as you can see, the more you fuck around, the more you're going to find out. And also, if you stay down here and you never fuck around, you'll never find out. So I hope this lesson is helpful. Thank you. Thank you, Roger, for that valuable lesson. I encourage all the smart ass generation morons out there and listen to the kids out there fighting for liberty and freedom on campus. Man, I love you. You got a lot of balls. Ain't easy to be a conservative out there on campus. To the smart asses wearing the masks, flipping the tables, watch Roger. It's a valuable lesson f around. You're going to find out. I got a couple more things I need a little bit of comic relief yesterday. It's been a hard day. You can always get that, of course, from the White House and Kareem Jean Pierre, anyone changing their vote? No. Joe. Gee. Anyone? Jim, if you're changing your vote, please just inform me via text.


Corinne john Pierre was given a press conference yesterday, and journalist actually asked some journalisty type question, which is always a surprise. He's like, hey, listen, you guys keep talking about lowering the national debt and deficits, except the deficit is $300 billion more than it was last year. You got an explanation for that? So it's more, folks. You get more like not let more. It's more, which means they didn't decrease it. It's actually more. So Kareem Jean Pierre, of course, who never, ever escapes the talking point ahead. Just rock and rolls with the talking point. Anyway, check this out. So the CBO yesterday that the budget deficit totaled 1.7 trillion, which is an increase from 300 billion from last year. Why did the deficit increase of the US. Economy?


It's doing so well, as President Biden has said. So, a couple of things. As you know, the President has when it comes to the deficit, he has done a record amount of work in reducing the deficit, as you just laid out. And one of the things that we have seen is that congressional Democrats continue to do the trickle down economics, which we don't. We know it doesn't work, right. You've heard us call Meganomics, right?


She can't get off the talking point, man. She can't get off the talking point. She can't no matter what, she just fires away with this. Well, we are focusing on deficit reduction by the way. It's only getting worse for the Biden administration. Look at this article. The federalist, the no evidence crowd is running out of reasons to keep saying no evidence as Vice President Joe Biden emailed his brother and son about foreign business more than 22.9 times 20, no, 29,000 times. That sounds like kind of a problem. What were they emailing about? I thought there was no evidence of a relationship between the two. Well, this happened yesterday too. The Oversight Committee put out an interesting tweet, folks. Joe, unflagged this one. This was a big flag. I told you this was going to come out. Hey guys, unflag this. unflag it. I told you this was coming out, man. I told you. The Ukraine documents they were squirreling away in the Biden Center clearly, clearly at this point are related to Joe Biden taking money from Ukraine. I think what Joe Biden was doing was selling information to Ukraine, classified information through his son Hunter.


Oh look breaking yesterday by the House Oversight Committee discovered new information about the documents scandal. Biden's attorney said that the discovery of the documents occurred on November 2, 2022 at the Penn Biden Center. But the committee developed some evidence showing the timeline of events that involved at least five White House employees. Really? Biden and his legal team omitted months of communications, planning and coordination among White House officials, a VP staffer and Penn Biden Center employees and Biden's personal attorney to go and get those boxes of info at the Penn Biden Center. There's no reasonable explanation as to why this many White House employees and lawyers were so concerned with these boxes they believe contained only personal documents and materials. Dan Bongino shows right again, you all are six, seven months ahead of the news. What did I tell you a while ago? What was Biden hiding classified documents in the Penn Biden Center for? Because they were likely Ukraine documents with information he was trafficking to Ukraine and getting paid because he was appointment on Ukraine through his son. Oh, and look at this. Who was the managing director of the Penn Biden Center? It was a guy by the name of Dr.


Michael Carpenter. There it is right there. Where do we know him from? I don't know Joe maybe this video where he's on stage with Joe Biden talking about firing a prosecutor in Ukraine, looking into his son's business relationship and at the end he says, Michael knows that's the same Michael Carpenter. Watch yourself.


There was another billion dollar loan guarantee and I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yachtsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn't. So they said they were walking out to press conference, going to we're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said you have no authority. You're not the president. The President said I said call him. I said I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said you're not getting a billion. I'm going to be leaving here. And I think it was what 6 hours. I looked, I said I'm leaving in 6 hours. If the prosecutor is not fired you're not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time. Well, there's still they so they made some genuine substantial changes institutionally and with people. But one of the three institutions there's now some backsliding.




And they had made that commitment that they wouldn't do that. And so when we left, the first thing I spent a lot of time, as did Mike because this was his territory. Mike because this was his territory. People like Charlie Cupchin and Victoria and anyway.


I appreciate guy putting that sound effect together. It's obviously edited but it's not edited for content, it's edited for effect. He's talking about Michael Carpenter because this was his territory. Thank you. Who runs the Penn Biden Center where they were squirreling away the Ukraine documents because this is his territory. What does Michael Carpenter know? Folks, listen, not to be a dick here, but why am I the only one talking about this? I was a criminal investigator but you need none of those skills to put this together. This tape of Biden, the Sob tape is famous. Everybody's seen it. All you have to do is listen to the rest of the tape to find out. He's talking about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor looking into this deal with Michael Carpenter right on stage, who then went to take over the Penn Biden Center, where they squirreled away documents alleged to be about Ukraine, and then, as the Oversight Committee reported, got a bunch of lawyers and White House people freaking out over months to go get back. They note in the Tweet there is no reasonable explanation why this many employees were so concerned with these boxes.


If they were only personal documents, what's the big deal? I'm not trying to be a know it all. I miss a lot of stuff too. I get it. You can't like juggling chainsaws in this business. What are we going to talk about? What are we not going to talk about? I understand it, but this is the most obvious scandal in American history. Joe Biden got access to classified information about Ukraine and Russia and basically appears to have been selling it to Ukraine through his son. Someone found out about it at Ukraine. Biden wanted him fired and Carpenter probably knew about the whole thing. So because he knew about the whole thing, he went over to the Penn Biden Center and it appears they took all the documents and brought them with him. This is the most obvious scandal in political history, bro. You just got to look at it. Oh man, it's frustrating. I don't know what the House is doing behind closed doors. So I don't want to indict anyone there. I'm sure they're on this. I hope. But this is such an easy scandal to dismantle. Yeah, I'm going to go to the Jeff Clark thing.


Good call. I'm just going to do that. Folks, one last thing. I want to leave you with some good news. Some really good news. I get this question a lot. Fairly enough, Dan, the voting system is screwed up. What's the point? I get it. Brothers and sisters. Because my elbows don't work. Heart pound. I'm with you, brothers. I get it. It's a fair question to ask. If the system isn't fair, what's the point? However, when there's good news, I need you to be realistic, too. Florida has done a lot to clean up its voting system. Can you cheat? Of course. You can cheat in even the most secure system. It's hard in Florida. Georgia has taken some big steps. Remember, we don't have to have a clean voting system in 50 states. I'd love to, god willing. Please. But if we have enough in swing states, we can still win a national election, even with cheating. I don't want that. But I can't make the perfect the enemy of the good. Huge news out of North Carolina. We now have some cleanups in Arizona. Big changes in Georgia. Big changes in Florida and North Carolina.


The general assembly just overruled the governor. The Democrat governor tried to block these election reforms. Listen to this. Zuckerbucks out retention of election records for 22 months now to combine with the Voter Rights Act clarification to authority and restrictions on some of these poll observers. There's more. They're good restrictions, not bad ones. You get the second part? Yeah, there's more. To this same day, registrant addresses are now checked. Return mailings will be trigger. Or retrieval of voted regular ballots extends absentee ballot challenging period to five days. Polls will close at 730. All absentee mail in ballots must be received. Makes it a misdemeanor crime for anyone other than the Board of Elections to affix a tracking code to an absentee ballot. Provides a new process for removing non citizens from voter lists and implements a pilot test for signature verification on mail in envelopes. This is good stuff. Is it the best stuff? No. Is it good stuff? Yes. I'm just telling you. The reason we got these voter reforms in Florida and Georgia and North Carolina is because you voted despite the cheating, got a boatload of new Republicans in in North Carolina and changed the whole system.


I get it. There's cheating, and sometimes we have to win in spite of it. But when we win in spite of it, we should change it so that we can minimize the cheating. And that's what's happening. This is really, really good news. Give a pat on the back to people. The Republican legislators in North Carolina. They're getting it. All right, folks, I got to run. I'll be back here tomorrow. Again, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with the show. You know where I stand. I'm a United States first guy, but I'm also a humanity first guy. And I will never be on the side of the savages. And I'm glad you're with me in this fight. 102,400 people here today. It's such an honor to fill this football stadium every day with patriots like you. I love you all to death. Join us every day at 11:00. A.m Bongino. I was in the chat about 10:00, talking with some folks. I'll see you there. Set up an account. Download the Rumble app. It's all free. Bongino. See it back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.