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Um, get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts. With your host, Dan Bongino. All right, this show's gonna be batshit crazy. So I'm sitting downstairs this morning. I'm doing my thing on the elliptical. You know, I have bad knees. I can't run anymore or anything like that. So I'm doing a little elliptical thing, like some tabatas and stuff. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. And I'm watching some videos, and this video pops up. It's from the Rogan Show, and it's about cougars, lions versus lazy wolves. Now, you're like, what? And I swear I'm just watching a video because I'm always interested in hunting. So even though I don't hunt, I'm always interested in the outdoor life. And I must have watched this video three or four times about why these lions were killing animals and not eating them. And these farmers were like us. These are like masochistic animals. They're killing these sheep, and they're not even eating. They just want to kill. But that's not what was going on. And it made me think, the hell do we even have a GOP anymore? What's the point?


What do those two things have to do with joe and I were having a long talk about this before the show. You'll see in a minute. Big show. I got another presidential candidate, Dean Phillips, announcing on the Democrat side against Biden. Big show. Democrats trying to take your guns, too. Today's show brought to you by my pillow. Go to pick up their pillows or slippers. They're all great. Click on the radio podcast square. Use promo code dan, we love their stuff over there. Loaded show for you today. I'm also going to play for you a clip. Joe, should we call Famous or infamous? An infamous clip of me on 60 Minutes in Australia when the whole famous thank you. We've used it a ton on the whole gun control thing. It is hilarious. You're going to love it because they don't know anything about gun control. They want to control guns, which has never happened in human history. Relief Band. Today's show brought to you by Relief Band. What am I looking for? It's my actual relief band. I used it when I was getting chemo. It's pretty simply turn it on. Turn it up right there.


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If you go to Bongino and use promo code Bongino, you'll receive 20% off plus free shipping. Head on over to Relief band. Reliefband. Bongino and use promo code Bongino for 20% off plus free shipping. Thing works. Check it out. All right, Joseph, it's Friday, so let's get the show on the road. Daddy. It's Friday. Yes, siri, bobber in this case, Joe. So, yeah, I'm sitting downstairs doing my thing this morning, getting my workout on. It's kind of an upper body abdominals day. I never really did ABS that much. ABS. You do enough working out the ABS do you know I'm getting old? I want to blow up my back or anything. And I watch this video. I'm going to play this video for you. And let's do a little test, because Joe and I saw this video, and Joe and I like looking at art, right? Two people can see the same piece of art and see two completely different things. It doesn't mean one opinion is right or wrong. Joe and I both came to the same conclusion but got two different ideas out of this thing completely. But I want you to watch this video, rogan's interviewing this guy, Joe Rogan, about cougars and wolves and how they hunt and kill and lazy wolves.


And I want you, after you're done, to say to yourself, how does this describe perfectly the situation situation we're in with the broken Republican Party right now? Check this out.


The lions are so much more successful at killing than the wolves that the wolves just become somewhat lazy. And they'll get in these little packs, and they'll literally find a big tom, and they'll just follow him. And so what this cat is doing is scientists have observed him killing deer, and he'll literally kill and cash deer and sheep so that when the wolves find his caches, the wolves will eat. And so then he can go and eat in peace himself.


So he doesn't get with by the wolves. He's leaving them food.


He's leaving them food, which is why.


The ranchers thought because they're like, he.


Killed a deer, and he didn't do anything with it.


He just killed a deer.


And so they're like, no, he killed the deer. And it was funny because when we tracked him that day, he brought us to nine kill sites that day.


Wow. So he's literally doing that while you're chasing him, saying, look, just eat this. Leaving the alone.




So as you're tracking him, he's tracking you past spots, hoping that you take his cash and leave him alone.


Wow. Oh, my gosh, folks, I had a revelatory moment. I mean, a road to Damascus conversion. I'm like, this is the GOP. Think of the country as the prey. We're being preyed on, right? We're the sheep out there. I know you're not, but just roll with me. For we're the sheep being preyed on by our government. Right now. The people doing most of the destruction of the prey are the Democrats, and the Democrats just want to be left alone. So they prefer lazy wolves like the establishment GOP, like the Bushwing, you know, don't create a lot of controversy, don't get into culture wars, don't really fight for too much stuff. Talk about tax cuts once in a while, but don't ever mention controversial stuff like abortion and guns. Those are only for you cretan hunters. Don't ever mention any of it. Be the lazy wolves. Just follow along. We'll leave you a carcass once in a while. You can scoop it up, you can lick the blood, eat the entrails, whatever you'd like to do, we'll leave it. You don't have to actually hunt yourself. We'll destroy the prey. The country for you. You can just be lazy and follow us along.


Come along, roll around just for you. Don't ever have to do any killing yourself, don't you worry. But don't you dare go out there and start doing, like, your own hunting or or stuff. We'll have to get rid of you guys, too. What a deal. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the GOP if I have ever seen it. The lazy wolves, they don't want to kill America by itself. They don't want to actually go on the record for open borders and spending cuts, so they don't do anything about it. They just pretend while the Democrats hunt and destroy us, the prey, the American citizen through a fentanyl drug crisis, chaos in the streets, economic destruction, inflation. But just sit back and do nothing. And you'll feed and you'll be fat. But although you have the skills as a wolf and the GOP to fight back, don't worry, you'll never have to use them. You'll never have to burn any energy. You'll just live, fat, dumb and happy. Folks, watch that video again. Gee, I'm going to play that one more time. I'm sorry. I want you to now that you heard my description, I want you to listen again to the Democrats.


They are the lions destroying the prey. Inflation, borders, public safety, crisis, all of it. And the GOP are the wolves with the ability to fight back. They've got the teeth, they've got the muscle, and they've got the speed, but they don't want to hunt themselves. All they want to do is feast off the remains because they don't want to be on the record as having done the kill themselves. Watch this one more time.


The lions are so much more successful at killing than the wolves that the wolves just become somewhat lazy, and they'll get in these little packs, and they'll literally find a big tom, and they'll just follow him. And so what this cat is doing is scientists have observed him killing deer, and he'll literally kill and cash deer and sheep so that when the wolves find his caches, the wolves will eat. And so then he can go and eat in peace himself so he doesn't.


Get whipped by the wolf. So he's leaving them food.


He's leaving them food, which is why.


The ranchers thought because they're like, he.


Killed a deer, and he didn't do anything with it.


He just killed the deer.


And so they're like, no, he killed the deer. And it was funny because when we tracked him that day, he brought us to nine kill sites that day.


Wow. So he's literally doing that while you're chasing him saying, look, just eat this. Leaving the alone.


Yeah. You see how the democrats just want to be left alone as long as you don't mention you are a good air quotes, good republican. You know what I mean, fellas? Right? You want to throw some names out? Mitt Romney, you know, as long as you're not running for president. Then they hated him, and he was like, he hated women. And it bind yourselves the minute you turn around and write an op ed for the Washington post about how awful the republican party is, like Mitt Romney does and attack Donald Trump you are, all of a sudden you're the good wolf. I'll leave you. Just don't mess with me while I eat. Just leave me alone. I'll leave you a couple of limbs and a couple of dead sheep. You do your thing, man. You do your thing. The Adam Kinzingers of the world, liz Cheney. Make sure liz Cheney, who they hated for years, make sure you go up there and say january 6 was an insurrection. As long as you do that, I'll leave you some scraps. Just don't mess with me while I'm eating. Feasting on america. The chat's going wild about this.


Thank you. Thank you. Someone said, brilliant analysis. I appreciate that self praise. Thanks. It wasn't brilliant because it's not MYS it just they're not they didn't make that comparison. But when you listen to it now, does it not kick you right in the balls as being absolutely spot on correct? You know it, and so do I. So, Dan, what's the solution? Fair enough question. Great. Well, how do we the solution's already there. We're already wolves. We don't need to be super wolves. The GOP is already wolves. They already have the ability to go and survive on their own and fight. We are on the right side of every major issue education. We think parents should pick where their kids go to school. Well, tax cuts and controlling government spending, because government the more we spend, the more we go into debt. And what the hell does government know about spending my money? Health care? Why would I give my control of my health care over to a government that can't even operate a Department of Motor Vehicles? In many cases, you want them to crack open my chest? None of these arguments are correct for the left.


We are already the wolves. We already have the ability. We don't need to do anything else. We just need to fight. We just need to go out there and be wolves and stop being little beggars for the lions to leave us the scraps from the table as they feast and destroy on the farmland. Don't you want to stand for something? Folks, I'm going to ask you a serious question here in the Chat, and if you're listening anywhere else on Delay, would you rather win an election and be part and parcel to destruction of the country and the farmland and all the prey? You're a part of it. You're an accomplice in the destruction of this country. Would you rather be a wolf out there on your own, knowing you're living the good, healthy wholesome way, doing the right thing? What would you rather? I got the answer to that question, folks. I'd rather lose every damn election knowing that if this country goes down in flames that we stood for something than win everyone be an accomplice feeding off the scraps from these pieces of garbage on the left. I heard that this morning. And I'm telling you, I've rarely been so deeply impacted by something so unintentional.


They were making no commentary whatsoever about politics. None. Folks, that leads me to my second video. And again, this was totally unintentional. I was going to start the show with a clip from Joe Rogan's show. That's not that one. He you could attest to this, right? I sent this over yesterday. The first one and this one. This boy has nothing to do with one another at all. This goes to show you how when you have a show, things just come together in strange and OD ways. I swear, it's like some divine intervention. I put this together last night. Joe Rogan's got a very popular podcast. I watched this video last night. I sent it over to Gee. This guy talks to about eight to 10 million people a day, ladies and gentlemen. Put that in perspective. The most popular show on Fox and was almost Tucker Carlson at the time on a good night, on an amazing night. He had three and a half 4 million. Rogan talks to eight to 10 million people a day. You have any idea how big of an audience that is? The guy is whatever you want to call.


I hate that term influencer, but it's accurate. He influences a lot of people. So when rogan comes out and says something like this, you can see why people are worried and get upset about the status the country's in right now. It's not a guy who's, like, an avid political guy. He's an MMA guy. He does some political commentary, but keeps it light. He's like, hey, man, this country's in really shit shape right now. And the reason it's in shit shape is because of the video I played before, which I connected to. This totally unintentionally, is because we don't have one party acting like wolves. We don't. We have the Wolf Party acting like little sheep when they have the capability to act like wolves and to fight back and stand for something. What's the point of the Republican Party then? We've got a spending fight coming up. The country's going bankrupt. We're already talking about sending a whole boatload of money overseas again while the country is collapsing in front of our very eyes. What's the point? I'd rather have no party than to have a party that doesn't want to fight back. Here. Listen to Rogan.


Even he's concerned. He's verbalizing what we all feel. Take a listen.


The world scares the shit out of me right now. Right now, I'm like, Boy, this is not good. None of this Ukraine thing. Yeah, everything not good. Everything scares the shit out of me. I'm looking at all of it going, Fuck, there's no good solutions to the Middle East. All of it looks terrible, and the Ukraine thing looks terrible. It just scares the shit out of me because it's just like, all it takes is one person to fucking launch a nuke and the world changes forever.




And I've never felt like that was a possibility in my lifetime until now.


Yeah, it is a little bit on the unsure realm of how I feel. Definitely a little bit unsure about what's going to happen.


Yeah, very. Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking at, like, moving to Iceland or some shit.


We're gonna be safe in the fallout, folks. Again. You guys are super into politics. You guys and ladies in the chat, listen on Apple Spotify. Wherever you're listening, you guys and ladies are really wired into what's going on. It's not some false virtue signal to you to kiss your ass. It's just true. This is largely a political show. His a cultural show. He does some MMA stuff. When a guy like that, with an audience that big is feeling and verbalizing what we're all feeling, then, folks, let me tell you something. We should all be worried because he's not wrong. He's not wrong. He sees with his own eyes what's going on. $9 crates of cartons of ice cream. What's next? $25 milk. Five. $6 for gas in California, a drug crisis, a child sex trafficking cris, people getting their asses kicked on California highways when they get in a car accident. What do you mean, Dan? Stay tuned. I'll show you that. That's coming up. I read something last night, folks. I was reading Peggy Noonan's article in the Wall Street Journal. I got a little choked up. She was talking about that video that the Hamas people, that the Israelis put together a montage of all of the Hamas assholes who filmed everything on GoPros.


Just go to my social if you want to see what they saw. The thing about the two kids and the bomb shelter and the grenade, folks, it's hard to listen to, man. What are we doing to each other? What are we doing to each other? They do a grenade killed these two little kids. Killed the dad, and the two little kids come upstairs, one has an eyeball missing. Kid says to the terrorists, where's Mommy? The other kid says, I think we're going to die. Two little kids. Fuck are we doing, man? What's going on in this planet? The hell are we doing? It's human beings, man. Doing this to other human beings. Care what your stance is about wars and foreign wars and money. How the hell you read that and go, you know what? It's justified. I get it. Oh, it is. You would do that? You drop a grenade into a bomb shelter and kill a dad, and two little kids run up in their underwear with an eyeball missing, looking for their mommy. You'd do that stuff's eating me up, man. Tearing me up. Folks, Rogan's not wrong. And I want you to listen to me, please.


You know, I do this show from the heart. I don't care about anyone. I've saved up all my money. I'm good, man. Like, I do this because it matters, and it matters to me. Do not let them take your protection away. We had this incident in Maine, this tragedy, some freaking lunatic shooting up a bowling alley. Of course you did nothing wrong. And we're living in a world where people drop grenades and bomb shelters trying to kill little kids, and they want to take away your right to protect yourself. Folks, do not, under any circumstances, let them take your protection away. We are in a really dangerous world, getting worse by the minute. We'll fix it. We have been in worse. But please, please, do not let them take your protection away. I'm going to show you what I mean in a minute. Kamala Harris is already going there. She's already going down the Australia road. I got some just you need to see this video coming up next, one quick note. Like I said before, too, joe Biden does have another opponent. Now, this guy, Dean Phillips, he's a congressman, is going to announce folks, it's going to really up Joe Biden.


Is he going to win the nomination over Joe Biden? The chances of that are nil. Is he going to really screw stuff up? He could. So keep your eye on that, too. I'm going to take a quick break, get to a sponsor, get back to them. I'm going to show you this video. Kamala Harris is just basically telling you if they have their way. Gun Confiscation is next. Don't listen to me. Listen to them. Folks, you're ready to discover the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep? It's time to awaken your senses and embrace the importance of a restful slumber. Dive into the world of sleep and introduce yourself to an amazing product that could revolutionize your nighttime routine. Paula's obsessed with this stuff. It's called beam. B-E-A-M beam dream. It's a game changer. It's a dream powder. It's a hot cocoa designed specifically for sleep. And it could transform your nights with flavors like delicious cinnamon cocoa and chocolate peanut butter that make it a treat to sip on before bedtime. Here's a secret dream's, powerful, all natural blend of ingredients. And check these out. Do your own homework. You'll see reishi, magnesium, ltheanine and apigenin.


These ingredients work synergistically to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and help you wake up feeling rested and refreshed. No next day grogginess. Here's the best part for our listeners. Beam is offering an exclusive discount on their dream powder for a limited time. You can get up to 40% off when you visit Bongino. Use Code Bongino at checkout. Take control of your sleep. Experience the wonders of Beam dream. Bongino. Use Code Bongino for 40% off. Your body and mind will thank you for the gift of a restful night's. Sleep stuff is legit. Check it out. All right, back to the show. Do not let them take away your ability to defend yourself and your family. Do not be a sheep. Do not be a sheep for the cougars. Do not be a sheep. For the lazy wolves out there in the GOP, you are not a sheep. You are a sheepdog. Learn how to defend yourself. Learn how to defend your family. Ladies and gentlemen, the best day of your life is you're 85, 90 years old. You've lived a glorious life. Your kids are at your bedside. You've had a lot of fun.


You've spent time with them. They say goodnight. You close your eyes and you meet your maker in the next ten minutes, right? And you never had to use any of this stuff. The worst day of your life is your face down with a green headband wearing, terrorist loser asshole who wants to throw a grenade in your bomb shelter. And you have nothing to yell back but expletives. It ain't going to work. You got to defend yourself. And they're already using a tragedy. Although you did nothing wrong to take away your ability to defend your family, listen to Kamala Harris. I want you to notice at the end here, has she already she's going down the Australia road where there was a, quote, gun Confiscation. But is that true? Even Kamala Harris doesn't seem to know what she's talking about. Check this out. Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in this country. And let us be clear, it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated. She's going down that road. So, of course, you remember the Port Arthur massacre. Deadly massacre in Australia. Maniac shot up.


It was just horrible. Australia decided they were going to try a gun confiscation program. So this is an example. You folks write this down anytime you debate gun control, which is a fairy tale, which your leftist friends, they're going to cite the successful example of Australia, how mass shootings in Australia have gone down since the gun confiscation. So we should do that here. So following me, everybody following in the chat. Logically, guys, if this doesn't make sense, stop me. Kamala Harris's logic is this confiscate the guns because less guns will equal less mass shootings. Correct? Well, we know it's bullshit, but you understand that's where she's going, right? Is everybody tracking me? That's what she's saying. Take away the guns because less guns at least equal less mass shootings. Well, that's a problem, because as we've seen in Australia gee, throw that article up from the Australia Institute. Australia colon more guns now than before Port Arthur. New research from the Institute finds that there are more guns in Australia now than there were before the Port Arthur massacre and introduction of strict gun controls. So just to be clear, if your article is that, well, there are less mass shootings now because we took the guns, then your argument is actually the opposite.


Because you're arguing that more guns equal less mass shooting. How are they arguing that? Because there's more guns. Can you put that up again, please? Folks, it's not me. It's not It's literally the Australia Institute. More guns now than before Port Arthur. So your argument to your leftist friends, you should let them say it. Oh, Australia. Oh, tell me more. Yeah, your leftist friend, his name is Samuel, probably. So let me tell you something, youngling. You're probably a dumbass because you're a Republican. Means you're a Nazi, too. Let me explain to you what I learned from my leftist professor, Joey Bagadonuts. He told me that Australia confiscated the guns and now there are less mass shootings. Okay, thank you. So you're suggesting less guns would equal less mass shootings? Yes, of course, moron. Of course. That's you know there are more guns now, correct? No, there are not. Let me show you this article. But can you put this in a newsletter today? Let me show you this article from Dan Bongino's newsletter. There are actually more guns now. So you're making the case that more guns equals less mass shooting. No, no, I mean less guns.


Well, there aren't less guns. You're a Nazi. That's what's next. You're an or a racist or something like that. Because leftists don't know shit now. Their comeback, if they're smart, is going to be? Well, fewer gun owners own more guns. Oh, okay. So the people who are really interested in guns have more guns. So either way, your point is still bullshit. It's kind of like when lefties tell me stupid shit. Like when I say to them, if gun control works so well, how come liberal cities with the most gun restrictions have the highest rates of gun crime? They go well, they bring the guns from out of state. Oh, okay. So basically, states that have less restrictive gun laws, they're scared to commit crime because other gun owners will shoot them. Legal gun owners. So they go to states with more gun restrictions where there's a lot of sheep. And your point is again, folks, I've been debating guns my entire life. The left doesn't know shit about guns. Jack shit, even the so called journalists. Let me show you this gem for those of you in the chat. Have you seen this before me on 60 Minutes.


This is from a while ago. Joe remembers this. I was about 20 pounds heavier. I like to say it was muscle, but probably wasn't, if you know what I mean. So you can look yourself. I lived in Palm City, say, flew all the way in from Australia. 60 Minutes, Australia is the same brand. They wanted to talk to me about gun control. Usually I tell them, but I said, Whatever, come on over, because I know the left doesn't know shit about gun control. This is a journalist who is totally unaware from Australia that there are more guns now in Australia than there were before the gun confiscation. He's totally unaware. He's shocked when I show him this. Watch this. The Marjorie Stoneman School is just down the road from here. What do you say to the students there that say that gun control is necessary? Well, gun control is a myth. We've never controlled guns. Is now the time? Well, how I mean, what evidence does anybody have that gun controls worked anywhere? Australia. You have no evidence that gun controls worked in Australia. So there has not been a single mass shooting since the gun buyback, okay?


And I encourage everyone to do all your own homework. There are more guns now in Australia than before the gun confiscation. It doesn't work, folks. I wish you were there. I wish I had Joe or Gee with me filming behind the scenes. That guy's response after that, because I took out my phone to that guy I don't even remember his name and showed him the evidence, and he was stunned. I swear to you on my life. The guy, it's not on camera because he didn't want to be embarrassed. He was shocked. He had no idea. He really believes that the gun confiscation took all the guns and that's why there's less mass shootings. I showed him the article, and he's like, wow, mate, you're right, brother. Wow. Like Sideshow Bob or something. The guy had no idea. This is how liberals argue about gun control. Where have guns ever been controlled? Nowhere. They'll cite some random example like Australia. The evidence is not even on their side. And then when you bring up an example like, what about Brazil that has strict gun guy you know a little bit about Brazil, right? Before Bolsonaro, they had really, really strict gun control.


There's no gun crime in Brazil, right? Gee Gee says none. Zero. Of course, he's folks, whatever example they give you, there's a counterexample. So if there's no real example, that gun control works. I'm going to err on the side of me being able to defend myself against the savage. Okay, thanks. It's working out awesome exactly down there. Hey, one thing before I take a quick break and I want to get back. This is one of the most disturbing videos I've seen in a long time, folks. You see why you need to protect yourself at all times. How would you feel if you got a massive car wreck in California on a highway in the middle of the freaking day? You're injured and everything, and a bunch of demon savages come up and rob you on the freaking highway? How do you see? Why do you got to defend yourself? I'll show you that video coming up. And also, the Washington Post losing their mind. They say we're 28 minutes in. There are now 80,000 people watching. We filled a college football stadium. And, folks, the Bongino Army out there just want you to know taylor Lorenz thinks you're a bunch of fringe lunatics.


It's a fringe, folks. Rumble's. A fringe site. We only have 80,000 people, which, by the way, is probably bigger than the entire audience of the Washington Post. But it's a fringe site. Bongino army, you're just a bunch of fringe lunatics out there. When Taylor Lorenz thinks you're on the fringe, you're probably doing something right. What a loser. You know Taylor Lorenz. She's always crying. What is this? You know what it is? Liquid IV. Let's sniff it. Smells good. This is what flavor is this? Tangerine. Yeah, let's sniff it. Smells good. Tangerine flavor. Someone's going to have to drink. I don't like wakes and stuff now. I'll drink it after the show. Proper functional hydration is essential. Liquid IV is the number one powered hydration blend in America. I love it. The hydration multiplier is the one product you're missing after your daily routine. Lady and gentlemen, dehydration, you may not even know you're dehydrated. You may be like, oh, I'm tired. I don't know why I feel this way. It's probably because you're dehydrated. I use one first thing in the morning when I get up. Then I go and take a cold shower, and then I use one after a workout.


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Check that stuff out. Getting back to the show, Taylor Lorenz is very upset at the Washington Post. She's crying again. If you ever want to look at Taylor Lorenz crying giffies and stuff, they're all over Twitter, and she makes the face when she listen. Man, I've been known to cry once. I'm pretty sensitive guy. I try to avoid the faces, though. Taylor Lorenz is always crying because some Republicans up to some. She hates rumble, by the way, because you all in there now, 82,000 people. You're all fringe bongino, army people, fringe lunatics out there. What a club. 82,000 fringe lunatics. She's very upset at the Washington Post taylor Lorenz and her budy Drew Harwell that millions of people work as content creators. And listen to why she's upset. This is freaking hilarious. The rise of creators I. E. People like me has allowed anyone to gain access to an audience. Oh, my God, Joe. Anyone? Gee. We're allowed an audience by Taylor Lorenz. How is mean? This is like a moral sin elevating the otherwise voiceless and fueling a new style of inventive expression. But it also has let bad actors make no mistake she's talking about me.


Push out lies and misinformation. You know, like the vaccine doesn't present. This prevent the spread of COVID and masks don't work. Definitely. Lies and misinformation, folks, contributed to a fragmentation of public discourse into thousands of niches and micro trends. And it's eroded traditional you believe this shit? Oh, she's crying right now. And, folks, it's eroded traditional knowledge centers. Key, who do you think she's talking about? Traditional knowledge centers. Nobody trusts The Washington Post. The traditional knowledge center. And it's allowed popular strangers that's you all in the chat and recommended algorithms to rule platforms where most people try to make sense of the world. Bongino army. We're all a bunch of fringe algorithm victims and popular strangers. Why I love you. This is why I get in there early. You see me chatting with you this morning? Dan Bongino Show, by the way. That's really me, guys. Can you attest to me? Scouts honor, folks. That's me. No one. He's got his own thing. Joe's got his own thing. Justin's got his own thing. That is me. If I'm not there, I'm not there. If I'm there, I'm there. I love to hear what you're saying.


We had people from Maine god bless you. With everything going on this morning, giving people shout outs, a couple people want to know about the Police Day film was answer answering questions. I love being with popular strangers because we're popular with each other. You know why? We care about the truth, man. And we care about the country. And the fact that all the right people hate us means we're doing something right. And Taylor Lorenz geese right is probably crying between each individual line of writing. This. Look at these people. They're not going to traditional knowledge centers anymore like the Washington Post, because you guys suck and have got every major story wrong of our time. You're no better than the New York Times that insisted to us a couple of weeks ago and almost caused an international incident suggesting that the Israelis bombed the hospital in Gaza, almost caused World War II, but no problem. The traditional knowledge centers are definitely nailing it. Spygate. The PP hoax. You guys are spot on gun control. You're doing it right. You're an idiot. Wait. Making a little appearance. Some of you will get that. Wait. We got to give him a little boost because he's not going to here we'll give Ren a little boost.


You know Ren, folks. Anyone in the chat. You guys know Ren? If you don't know Ren, you're doing yourself a huge disservice. You're an idiot. You know Ren and Stimpson? JCAT. This is Ren and Stimpy. Stimpy's name is actually Stimson. JCAT. He's got a full name. His name is Ren Hawke. So if you did not watch Ren and Stimpy growing up, you don't know what you're missing. Now, there are rumors. Joseph. Now, you were a musician, so you don't know anything about mind altering substances at all because that's not prevalent in the musician field. So I'm going to leave you out of this. Thank you. Joe's. Like, the statute of limitations may not have worn out on that. Having said that, the rumor was if you watched Ren and Stimpy on mind altering substances, it was a completely different show with a different message. I don't know. I swear. I don't do drugs. I'm not messing with you. But I loved Ren and Stimpy growing up. Maybe we'll leave Ren up there for a little bit. I like, yeah, yeah. They have last names. Stimpson j Kat and Ren Hork. Any of you watch that?


Was it the greatest show ever. My favorite one was the Land of the Left Socks. When they find where everyone's left sock is. It's in a different universe, by far. My favorite show ever. But getting back to the serious stuff, because everybody loves it. Happy, happy. Joy, joy, joy. You don't know what you're missing, man. Me and my boys used to sit around with a Crazy horse. You know Crazy Horse? Remember those 40 dogs? The 40 dog dinners? We would sit around with Old English and Crazy Horse because all we could afford, we would polish one of those off in the dorm room and watch like 50 episodes of Ren and Stippy. But dude, that's unethical. Folks, listen, I was a crazy kid, man. I'm not going to fake the funk with you. You're looking for some kind of, like, paragon of moral virtue. I ain't your boy, man. I'm sorry. I love my I have Jesus right here, right at the desk. That's how much I love Jesus. He stares at me all day. I love him. I even have two. I have Jesus here, too. Here's. Jesus. Again. Someone sent me this. Matter of fact, here's another Jesus.


Because I love Jesus so much. But I don't want you to think for a second like I'm not prone to some stuff, too. You know what I mean? Nah, never. I know, Joe's. Like, me either, man. I was in music. We don't do that stuff. Just sat there and played piano all day. That's why we all kind of get along. Okie dokie. Back to the show. Don't let them take your protection away. Why? Because, ladies and gentlemen, an unarmed populace are a bunch of sheep. And you don't want to be a sheep out there with GOP, lazy wolves and a bunch of lions out there eager to get a bite out of your caboose, your leg and your neck. I want you to watch this video. This is probably outside of the terror videos, the single most disturbing thing I've seen in probably a few weeks. This is a guy filming from his car. Look at this. Look at these demon savages. There's a massive car. The cars are still smoking. The demon savages are robbing this guy as he's injured in a massive car wreck out of California. I mean, you want to talk about people with no moral bearings whatsoever.


Demons. When I say demons because I believe in the spirit world and everything about it, I don't mean it in a witchcrafty way. I believe in Jesus, but I do believe in demons, fallen angels. I believe this stuff is real. You don't have to believe it. I'm not crazy. It's fine. Whatever you do, you demons are real. These people are infected with demons. They will do anything to you. Now you see why you got to protect yourself, folks. Please, God, don't be a sheep. I begged you over and over. And most importantly, you got to go and train, man. You got to train with this stuff. Can I give you a piece of advice? If you can, if you can, if you're up for know, go see your doctor. Ren's made an appearance. Thank you, Ren. See, I got if I had a bunch of coins, listeners have sent me New York Field office coin. He's the Secret Service coin. Listen to me, you got to train. Here is my best advice for you. If you get passed from your doctor and you're healthy enough, that's up to you. I'm not your doctor. You have got to train, folks.


You don't have to train a lot. You have to train your body. And you have to train with firearms. You have to because you without training and without the safety briefing and stuff, you can be just as dangerous. Go and train, please. I'm begging you. In the chat and everyone listening afterwards, go and train. And if you can on the range, most won't let you do this. But if you can and you find an outdoor range that'll let you do some of these stress drills we used to do in the Secret Service, you will see how much different it is to be in a firefight with stress. Jump on the ground, knock out 20 push ups and do 50 burpees until you were totally out of breath, unless you're in great shape. Then do like 1000 burpees. Then get up and try to try to engage the target. And then do it with your offhand. Watch what happens. You get total tunnel vision. We used to do this stress course. It was the greatest thing we ever did in the Secret Service. The gym was about a quarter mile away from the outdoor range in boots, you'd have to sprint it.


They would time you, and they'd be screaming in your ear, move your ass, mother. And you'd be screaming, running. You would get down to a barrel. A barrel on the ground, like an oil barrel. You'd get behind the barrel where I got a picture of it, man. I should have maybe do I have it in my let me see. I'm going to show you this if I can find it on my phone, because this is super important. You'd have to shoot the shotgun over the barrel. Gee, if you can get this oh, here it is. Look at this shit, I found it. Can you get this in the show? Gee. You think it's possible? Here, I'm going to send this over to you now. Producer okay, this is the car. So this is what they used to do. There's a broken down old car in the range. They would leave a shotgun, a Remington 870 on the hood of the car. You're sucking wind, man. You're like you're like legit spitting. Your eyeballs are totally focused in. You don't have any peripheral vision at all. And you would have to unload this shotgun. Not unload it, I mean, unload it by shooting it.


And then I think it's, what, six or seven round tube or whatever? Six and one in a pipe. How'd you get it in the right? Sideways, but you can see it. There you go. That's me in training. Someone took that with the actual shotgun. Then you would go over on a barrel, and they'd have a handgun waiting for you. You'd engage that, and then they'd have an MP 550 yards down range. You've got to train, man. You got to train so you know what it's like. Do not be a victim of these freaking demon savages. Thank you. There it is. That's little old me. And it's the instructor yelling in your ear. Although he's looking at it there. They're screaming at you. That's me with the 870 on that car blasting away. That course went on for, like, ten minutes. Please, man, train yourself. The world's a rough place, man. Don't be one of those sheep out there. You got wolves on one side and lions and cougars on the other side. And I don't mean cougars like you. Pervs out there are talking. I'm talking about cougars that eat your ass alive. Well, depends on show's getting worse by the day.


Smokey ran out of water. Hey, Paul, are you listening? Ran out of my light water. Yeah, you think so? Folks, shocker. The air conditioner in the studio broke again. Can we get a volunteer in the Chat to count how many times the air conditioner breaks? I think what do you think? Can we get a volunteer? This is the fifth time in three months. Can we get a volunteer to keep track? We're taking volunteers right now. Guy, I want you to get an official volunteer, okay? Jim counts the number of warnings I've given you about China. We need a volunteer. Someone please volunteer for this, because it breaks all the time. It's not even a cheap one either. Problem is, although I'm living off the water all right, getting back to the show, folks, another reason I think things could break. Know, I was down in Argentina, I spent a lot of time down there, right? And I will never forget talking to this cop. He was with us on Jenna Bush's details. She spent some time down there and when Argentina fell apart, it fell apart like that. There was a massive inflation cris, a hyperinflation crisis, and everybody lost their livelihood.


We got a lot of volunteers. Pick one. You seriously want one? Samoan Queen. You're it. You're it. Samoan Queen. I'm going to send you the chat. You're it. There we go, we got it. There we go. Now, you know this show is live and I'm not faking it. So the Argentinian cop told me how when the inflation crisis hit Argentina and it got bad, which is what I am afraid we're on the road to if we don't get a hold of spending. Because remember, the GOP are lazy wolves. They're not doing anything to stop, they're feeding off the spending leftovers from the Democrat lions who've already killed the country. He was talking about how doctors were robbing people in the streets, doctors who lost everything. Folks, we're headed down that road now, if the GOP does not take a stand on this spending, and it's going to require some really harsh decision making going forward. Wall Street Journal put this piece out yesterday, you're going to read the whole thing. But they talk about how it's screwing over everyone. They say, ironically, according to BLS statistics, here's the crazy thing, that it's lower income earners right now who are being affected the least by inflation.


I know, that doesn't seem to make sense, right? He notes that it's actually a bite on middle and high income earners reducing their after tax real wages. So, just to be clear, on the income side, it's actually lower end workers who are getting hurt the least. Now, why is that? I'm going to spend a lot of time I think this through, because the service industry is exploding right now and there's a bid for the value of people who can come in and be waiters and servers and restaurants and stuff. So it's middle and high income earners who are getting crushed by inflation. So just to be clear here, because if you're saying in the chat, say you're a liberal and you're like good, screw middle and high income earners, inflation is not hurting. Well, it is hurting low income earners. You know why? Because as the article notes, low income earners are actually harmed the most. Wait, I thought you just said their wages were harmed the least. They're harmed the most because they spend a higher share of their money on food, shelter, and energy, whose price indexes have risen 24, 20, and 32% from their pre pandemic levels.


They're actually getting it the worst. Is that funny? It's just you're getting screwed, everyone, by inflation everywhere. Be careful. Societies collapse like that. The examples are everywhere. And we're on the precipice of a financial disaster if we don't get a hold of this stuff. Okay, a lot of you were asking me questions this morning. I answered one of you in the chat. I'm getting a ton of questions about Mark Meadows. Ladies and gentlemen. Do you know where I'm going with this? Here's the CBS article. Former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to Trump Cooperating with Special Counsel's trump investigation. There was a tweet that went out yesterday from a guy, Ryan, I know of him. I don't know him particularly well. And the tweet went out yesterday and said that Mark Meadows, president Trump's former Chief of Staff of course you know who he me that Mark Meadows may have worn a wire. In other words been recording president Trump. Folks. Dude, if there was ever a time where are we going with this? You all know the Bongino rule is in absolute full effect here. I did not comment on that story. I did not retweet that story because I am going to wait until next week to form an opinion on this.


However you ask me my opinion now, I'm speculating. I don't think the story is accurate. Is Mark Meadows cooperating? He may be. I'm not going to talk about it because I don't yet know, and I don't trust CBS. The wire story, though, to me, sounds highly unlikely, and I'm just going to give you why. My personal opinion. I'm telling you, I'm speculating why that story is bullshit. Number one, recording the President as his chief of staff is a serious constitutional violation. The President has the right to private deliberations with his staff absent the supervision of the other branches of government. I cannot imagine a scenario where you would get away with that. I can't. Someone else asked me, Dan, does Mark Meadows as the Chief of staff get frisked for listening devices going into the White House? No, absolutely not. So in that respect, the technology, yes, he could have done it. And I'll just say. Third, I've known Mark Meadows a long time. I'm not going to bore you with a long story, but when I was running for office the third time, I got into some shit with a reporter. You want to read about it?


My book, the whole transcripts there. I told him to go fuck himself and stuff. It was like, you remember that, Joe? I mean, it's funny because the podcast kind of blew up after that, and everybody was like, oh, my gosh, you're on tape telling this guy to go fuck himself. And it didn't hurt us at all. People actually flocked to my podcast because they couldn't believe I talked to a reporter like that. So the guy taped me, and I'll say, I write in a book. I'm not mad at him anymore. I'm really not. When I had cancer, he reached out and I put water under the bridge. But you can read the whole transcript in my new book, The Gift of Failure. If you want to see what I said to the guy. A lot of people, a lot of gutless politicians who would endorse me in my congressional race against a very rich, influential guy in the Republican Party in the primary, a lot of Republicans bailed on me, and they were know, this guy's a loose cannon. Whatever. Now mark Meadows, so I don't know if he's cooperating. He's not. I'll make a judgment when I get the whole story, but I'm going to put the Bongino rule in effect.


I'm going to tell you, too, there's one more guy who didn't bail on me. You know what was matter of fact, he doubled down and he endorsed me the next day. Was Ted Cruz just telling you what happened? Man, I can't tell you how many other Republicans were like, yeah, we're going to pull our endorsement. This guy's a loose cannon. He curses at reporters. Now you see why I hate politicians so much? Because they hate you. Remember, folks, there's not two sets of rules out there. There's one set of rules when it comes to these Democrats, and that's why I have no doubt they're targeting Mark Meadows. It's a hierarchy. If I hear one more time from people, oh, Democrats are hypocrites. There's a double standard. There's not a double standard that tells me you don't understand Democrats. There's one standard we're in power and you're not. Shut the up. That's the essence of the tyrant. Mussolini, EDI Amin, Pol Pot. They did not have double standards. They had one standard. They were in power and you weren't. And if you challenge that, you had to go away to the gulag or you'd be killed.


Do you guys understand that? In the Chat, I brought this up a lot. I know you get it. I don't want to nitpick people because I get the term double standard. I get what they mean. And I'm just telling you that's not correct. If you tell me the left has a double standard, I'm telling you, you don't understand the left. There is only one standard. And the standard is we don't give a shit about what you think. We're in power. Why am I bringing this up now? After the Meadow story? Exactly. Geej brought up a great point. It's the lion. He ain't worried about the wolves. He just wants them to leave him alone. He doesn't give a shit about them. He'll eat the wolves, too. He's just like, Listen, little dipshits, get away from me. Here's a few scraps. He's not bothered by them. He's the lion. When you're in charge and you're the lion, you don't give a shit. This is what I mean. This surfaced yesterday. You know Jamal Bowman, this ridiculous Democrat member of Congress, the guy who's known for losing his shit and arguing with people all over Capitol Hill?


The guy's a total loser. Is he a squad member or an affiliate or a paid affiliate or, like, an influencer for the squad? I don't even know who like has he got a title? Squad? Squad adjacent. I gotta write that down for this. I'm gonna steal that for later. I'm gonna pretend I made that up on a radio show. I'm just kidding. I'll credit you. Squad adjacent, Jamal Bowman. So there was a vote on the budget, you remember, and he pulled the fire alarm to stop the vote down because the Democrats were going to drop an L. And he said, oh, I was confused. I was trying to get out of an emergency exit. So I pulled the alarm, thinking it was like a door release. Well, the video came out yesterday. This is vior. I want you to watch him now. Does he look like he's ever okay, he removes the sign for the door, never tries to get out there, pulls the fire alarm. So his story is total bullshit. So now the January 6 gulag prisoners we cover in the movie Police State, they're in jail for obstructing an official proceeding. Right there.


Play the game. We go. Does it look like he's trying there he go. Removes the sign. He's not trying to get out the door at all. Oh, look, there he goes and pulls the fire alarm. Ladies and gentlemen, how the is that not obstructing an official proceeding? How if you believe the January 6 political prisoner gulag recipients are in jail because they obstructed an official proceeding, then how is it that guy didn't just do the same thing? It's literally on tape. The answer is because we have two separate sets of rules. That's why we have one set of rules. We have one set of rules. We don't have two sets of rules. We have one set of rules. That's my problem with this double standard bullshit. Jamal Bowman is a protected class. A democrat. He's in charge. They don't give a shit. He was charged with some bullshit. He's going to pay a fine. It's going to go it's remember this? Remember this. I'll sum it up this way. If you remember this, you'll never be disappointed. It is not hypocrisy. Oh, look, it's so hypocritical. Bowman interrupted an official proceeding and paid a small fine.


It's not it's hierarchy. They're on charge and they're on top. And you're not. Well, folks, I get the question all the time. Well, how do you beat people like that? How do you win? How do you come out on top? The answer is you just answered your own question. You better get on top. That's why you better damn well win elections. People say to me, but. They cheat. Yes, they do. They absolutely do. But we've just had major cleanup operations of the voting processes in Florida, North Carolina. You got to vote, man. There's no excuse. But, Dan, you said in the beginning of the show, republicans suck. They do. The republicans may not be the solution all your problems, but the Democrats are the cause of them. And in a world full of choices that are gray, they're not black and white. Oh, vote Republican, they'll save you. I had a guy yesterday tweet I shouldn't address Twitter stuff on the show because I know it drives some of you crazy. I had to block this guy instantly because I was so pissed off. He said, oh, Dan, bought is always telling us that the walls are closing in and they're going to get all these people.


Do you even listen to my show? I have zero faith the Republican party is going to do a damn thing. However, I know for a fact that the people killing the prey right now are the damn lions and the Democrats. And if the best thing we could do to keep our sheep alive right now is to keep the lions away, then that's it. Knowing we're still dealing with wolves, then I'll keep the lions away and deal with the wolves later. Folks, you got to vote. This is not the cutesy time show. It's not the bullshit time show. This is a real show focused on the real world. You've got kids to save. You've got this beautiful planet God gave you. I woke up this morning to the most freaking majestic sunrise I've ever seen busting my ass in the gym right outside of my house. This world is full of beautiful things. My daughter's got a dance tonight. She's so excited to go to it. It's not all ugly, but you got to fix it. And if you're hoping for politicians, a bunch of wolves and lions out there to fix it for you, you're crazy.


You're the farmer. Take care of your own farm. But you got to vote, man. You got to vote. And I'm sorry to have to tell you, you're picking for the lesser of two evils, but you are. They all hate you. You just got to take care of yourself. They're nothing but wolves and lions, man. I had a lot more to talk about, of course, but today's show is pretty emotional. Fridays, I'm always, like, ready to rock and roll. Folks, do me one favor. We got the virtual premiere tonight of Police State. It is pissing off the left like you wouldn't believe. I tweeted out a Mother Jones article. This lady is losing her shit over Police State because she can't believe it's blowing people away. I'm not being dramatic. This is not some money making endeavor. No one's going to make a fortune off this movie. We're doing it because it's an important passion project with me and Dinesh D'Souza, the virtual Premiere. If you want to watch it with the whole country, it's very simple. You just go to policestatefilm? Net Please watch it with us tonight. I will be there for A-Q-A virtually before and after.


So will Dinesh go to policestatefilm. Net It'll say? Join Virtual premiere. It's that simple. It's super easy. You can watch it tonight with the whole country. You will never be the same. After the movie. It's tonight. I will be there. It's going to be a late night for us. I'm excited to do it. If you can't make it, you can preorder the DVD too. Please watch this movie and you'll see what I meant by its hierarchy. Man it's not hypocrisy. They're in charge. We're living in what's soon to be a police state. And if we don't fix it now by winning elections, we're going to be in a world of trouble. Policestatefilm Net, thanks so much for joining us. It was such a pleasure talking to you all in the chat this morning. If you want to chat with me, Bongino. You can just go there. It's free. But if you want to chat, set up an account. It's absolutely free. Follow us. We're almost at 3 million followers. What time? Oh. Tonight, five P Pacific. So that is 08:00 Eastern. So here's the website right there. You just go right there. It says watch online.


It can't get any see, my wife Stephen text me. She said gosh. You should be more prepared. Dan. Hey, thank you, my dear. It says five P pacific. There it is, right there. So just go to the website and click watch online. Right there. Super simple. I will be there tonight night with Dinesh will be answering all kinds of questions, so don't miss it. It's really worth your time and pre order the DVD. Thanks so much for your know. I love you guys so much, man. This show means the world to me. And just remember how many people we got. By the way. Yes. Nice on a Friday, man. It's a slow news cycle too. Thank you so much for being here. Taylor lorenz thinks we're a bunch of fringe crazy lunatics. But it's good to be here with you lunatics every single day. I'll see you back here Monday. Good day, sir. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.