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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts. With your host, Dan Bongino. Man, I'm sorry. I don't like technical bullshit problems. They really pissed me off, as you can tell. So now I'm really annoyed. It's not a good thing, because when I'm annoyed, it's hard for me to get unannoyed. But I was talking about something in the beginning of the show. I'm going to have to start over. I hope you heard my whole story. In the beginning. I was given a. Basically a shout out to my friend, had a great weekend this weekend. The importance of good friends, that stuff. But let's get back to this story. Never, ever, ever accept the first narrative, ladies and gentlemen. This Moscow terror attack was a big, enormous, huge deal. Again, I'm really sorry about the beginning of the show. You know, most hosts, I guess, would fake it and pretend, but I don't like that. I feel an obligation to give you guys a high quality product. And Joe's not here. His shit doesn't work for some reason. And it just pisses me off. And I owe you better.


You understand? You guys, I got how many people, 80,000 people here waiting for me to talk. We owe you a better product. So I personally apologize to you. I hope you understand that I'm upset. Not because of me. I still have a show to do. I'm upset because this is a meritocracy, okay? You got a thousand things you can listen to. And you guys and ladies choose to listen to me. And I owe you a top notch product. No bullshit. Now that I got that out of the way, now let's get back to the show. Don't accept this media narrative. Now. Listen. Viewer discretion heavily advised. Here you got some kids watching. You may have seen some of these cuts already, but I think it's important we play them. The worst thing you can do when it comes to terrorism and stuff and malicious, malignant, evil demonic behavior is to look away and pretend it doesn't happen. My humble opinion, and I could be wrong. You may say, dan, there's no reason to show this stuff. You're allowed your own opinion. I have mine. I feel like you should look at it and watch what it is because you need to see what you're fighting.


Because sometimes you have these moments where you want to put lipstick on this thing and you're like, oh, the threat. No, it is that bad. So a bunch of murderers and killers. We know that because they kill people who they were. I'm not accepting the first narrative in Moscow. Pulled this this week. And pull up that first video. I mean, as you can see outside of this crocus city hall building, as you see there, they're shooting people here at point blank. Thankfully, the video is far enough away that the horror of it is horrible enough. But you're not seeing everything you could see. But you need to understand. You need to look this in the face, and you need to see exactly what this is. Don't run from it ever. Ever. Here's another video of this. This inside of Moscow theater and the crocus theater that, folks, there's no reasoning with these people. You got to understand, you're dealing with cold blooded murderers here. They're shooting people point blank. You're dealing with animals. Who were these people? I don't know. I don't accept the first narrative, and you shouldn't, either. The first narrative that came out is that this.


Were these were ISIS killers who did this, folks, maybe they are. But I encourage you to always ask questions and do not be intimidated by the bullshit media who are going to tell you at first glance, oh, anything. Any question you ask is a conspiracy theory. I ask these questions. Who benefits from what? Who benefits from what? Here you've got a dictatorial leader in Russia, Vladimir Putin, who has a specific security interest in him staying in charge. You've got other countries at war with them who have interests. You have other countries funding that war who have interests. The fact that in a security state like Moscow, this happened. I got to tell you, if you're in the media and you're not asking questions and you're challenging people like me who are asking questions, you're the problem. Here's where this gets even crazier. And again, I'm just doing what modern day journalists won't do. I'm giving you a series of facts. I'm not drawing conclusions about who did what yet, because. Because I don't know. I don't know who did this yet. I don't trust anything coming out of Russia, and I barely trust anything coming out of our government anymore.


Why would I? They lie to us about everything. Here's Admiral John Kirby just a couple weeks ago, warning Russia about a terror attack. Take a look.


Also seen, hopefully you saw our state, State Department or embassy there. Put out a notice to all Americans in Moscow to avoid any large gathering, concerts, obviously, shopping malls, anything like that. Just for their own safety, they should stay put where they are and stay plugged into the state Department for any additional updates and information? I'm afraid that's really all I have on that.




In Ukraine today, Russia launched a massive.


Folks, nobody thinks that's a little unusual. Now, I want you to understand something. The United States has a duty to warn foreign governments, even ones that are not friendly of the United States. They have an obligation to warn them if they believe there's a terror attack. So there's nothing particularly unusual about us warning a foreign country about a terror attack if we know about a potential terror attack. The question is, who warned Kirby about the terror attack? I'm out. Let's dig up some more. Again. Let's do what modern journalists won't do. Dumbass journalists who accept the first thing. They're almighty, kiss ass, sycophantic, little puppy dog governments. Tell them, I don't accept any of it. I'm just going to give you a bunch of facts, and you decide who you think did it. This was an article March 21, before the terror attack. Russians are growing tired of war, by Amy Knight in the Wall Street Journal, she notes, Russians inspire. But however inspired Russians. However Russians inspect, but however inspired Russians are, excuse me, by Mister Putin, the war's negative effects are becoming hard to ignore. In a new report, the Estonian Foreign intelligence Service says Russians are suffering from war fatigue.


A foreign intelligence service rebel. Wow. Who warned. The prevalent sentiment is weariness coupled with a desire to minimize the war's direct impact on themselves, personally and those close to them. That's fascinating. So terror attack occurs on Friday, just days before an article is written about how Russians are growing tired of war, that the Estonians know this, and their intelligence service, and apparently filtering this out to the media. And then Admiral Kirby warns about a pending terror attack, and then a terror attack happens. So, again, we'll do what the mainstream media won't do for you, which is this crazy thing is, I'm just going to prevent you with a series of facts and data, and you can draw conclusions when more data comes out and you're comfortable doing so. So crazy. It used to be called journalism. The United States has a duty to warn. And you should understand that when I, as an agent, if you uncovered information, say you were doing an advance in Indonesia, a security advance for Obama, only bring that up because I did one there. And during the course of your protective advance work, you're working with some intel people, and you uncover a threat on the ground that involves some indonesian national.


You have an obligation to warn them, especially if there's a threat to public safety. So the fact I don't. I don't doubt that Kirby. Kirby's warning was. Was an honest one. That's not the question. Admiral Kirby saying in that press conference, hey, there's a threat in Russia. That's not the quote. There was obviously a threat. It happened, correct? Pretty simple, right? The only question is, where did that threat come from? How did Kirby find out about it? Now, we know, just days before, the Estonians are warning people about the Russians getting war weary. Seems like kind of a weird warning, right, from an estonian foreign intelligence. That sounds more like a PR thing. But did the threat here. You ready? I want you get ready to roll with me now, because this is where the story gets a little hairy. Ask questions. Questions. We know there's a lot of division in Russia right now, even in their military and intelligence services, over the ukrainian war. Right? We know that. Did the threat that was passed to us come from the FSB, their former KGB? The Russian FSB. Did an insider in the Russian FSB who knew about a legitimate threat try to run it up the chain in Moscow and then get nothing, so then wind up going to the Americans, us instead?


Now, why would that be important? And why would Vladimir Putin want to ignore an internal threat? Folks, I'm sorry if we're doing mental gymnastics, but this is the shit the media is not going to tell you, because Vladimir Putin's a strong man. If Vladimir Putin agrees with his intelligence service that security is so weak, they could be subjected to a massive attack in a police state, then what's the point of a police state? If you're going to live in a police state, which sucks, period. Period. But if you're going to live in a police state, you at least want a security guarantee, right? If I'm going to give up my money, my kids and everything, I at least want to live in a police state where I can't be mugged on the street, right? If Putin can't even do that, then the purpose of his police state is absolutely nil. So there's a reason Vladimir Putin would likely ignore an internal threat and that the FSB themselves may have went to the United States. One of their insiders have been like, hey, we got a serious threat. Put some public pressure on Putin by announcing it publicly.


You get it? But that would show weakness by Putin in that he doesn't control his own people because they leaked it to the United States. And the police state is so weak that not only you live in a police state, but you live in a violent one where you could be the subject to a terror attack. That's scenario number one. I see. Maybe, maybe not. It's a possibility. I'm going to leave that out there. Here's the second one. The second one I see is the most likely is it was a Putin operation himself. Now, why do I bring that up? Am I telling you that's what happened? I am not. What's the probability? I don't know. I'm just telling you, it's a possibility. Vladimir Putin, if you go and look back with his battle with earlier, how he got into power with the apartment building explosion, Vladimir Putin. And the Russian inside, you know, his inside operation at the FSB has a history of these internal ops. Vladimir Putin. If you believe the estonian intelligence service is dealing with internal strife against the war, the best way to turn people back onto the russian state and away from protesting the war would be to galvanize them in response to this terror attack.


Here's the problem with scenario two. I'm giving you a plus and a minus. The problem with scenario number two is if this was a Putin op, then why the hell would he have told the United States a week or two weeks ago for Kirby to advertise it to the world and make Putin look weak? Does that make sense? But take a break in a second. But let me get to another quick curveball for you. And, folks, I'm sorry, with the spots. Again, my huge apologies. I'm going to have to back them up here because I'm not sure what got read and what didn't, and we're going to have to start the stream over. So we did before. Sorry, not now, but forgive me a second, but I want to throw another curveball at you before the spot here. I want to play this video. Why are all of a sudden the French on high alert now after a news report about the French came out weeks ago? Hey, listen to this.


France have decided to raise their national security alert system level to the highest level possible, and that is attack emergency based on the Islamic State's claim of responsibility for the attack on Friday night.


Okay. All of a sudden, there's a high alert coming out for France. France has got this problem with terror, too. Don't you find it weird, this Newsweek article that just creeped up a couple weeks ago about Russia threatening French. The French threatening the French after french involvement. You got the article about Russia vows to kill all french soldiers sent to Ukraine. Folks, there's something going on here, and I'm just asking you kindly and with great respect, please never, ever accept the first media narrative of defense ever. You don't know, and I don't know who did this. The current media ass kissing, sycophantic line is that it was a bunch of ISIS people. Maybe it was, but why did we know about it? Who told us about it? Why all of a sudden is the threat so grave in France after Russia and France had their own beef over french soldiers on russian soil? There's something big going on here, and I'm going to tell you something right now, no matter what happened there, because we don't know yet, and we'll find out that Putin could use this as an excuse to escalate. He's looking for an excuse for a tactical battlefield nuclear weapon to knock this thing out.


It would change the entire world. Stay frosty in the coming weeks. All right, going to take a quick break. These spots again. American financing. Let me tell you about my friends at American Financing. Family owned company, been around 25 years. They're saving homeowners just like you an average of $854 a month by tapping into home's equity pay off high interest debt. Mortgage rates are now in the fives, much lower than they've been in a long time. All it takes is a ten minute call to their salary based mortgage consultants to find out how much they can save you. Think about what you could do with an extra $854 a month. That's $10,000 a year. Call today. They never charge any upfront fees, and you may be able to delay two mortgage payments. American financing. Call american financing today at 888-99-4760 again, it's a great company. They've been with us a long time. 888-994-7660 visit them online. This is address, by the way, comma, and mLs 18234. apr for rates in the five starts at 6.6% for well qualified borrowers. Call 889-94-7600 for details about credit costs and terms. Are you having trouble staying asleep or getting asleep?


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Folks, I've been warning you about what's going on in Congress, how there's a bigger scandal again, the first line is, oh, a bunch of people are retiring because they're sick of the problems up in Congress. A bunch of Republicans. No, that's not what's happening. Throw that first story you heard out the window. Throw it in a diaper with the dump a one year old took in there. Okay, that's a nonsense story. The reason a bunch of Republicans are leaving in Congress is clearly there's a backdoor deal going on right now to turn over the gavel to Speaker Hakeem Jeffries before election day. That's for a couple of reasons. I don't have a lot of time, so I got to button this up for you quick. Number one reason, if this election gets thrown into the House of Representatives, and yes, please stop emailing me for the people. It'll be the new Congress. I get it. It doesn't matter. There is a power to incumbency to keeping a Democrat in a seat. If they can flip it over republican, can we all agree? Thank you. I get it. No kidding. They want the House in Democrat hands now and after the November election, in case the election gets thrown into the House of Representatives.


If no one gets to 270. If nobody gets to 270 electoral votes, which is increasingly likely with Bobby Kennedy in the race. Small probability. I'm not. I'm not. I don't want to over exaggerate, but it's not. It's not an impossibility. Trump could get to 267 or 68, whatever the math works out to be. You don't get to 270. It doesn't matter. It goes to the House. They want the House in Democrat hands. When I say they, I'm talking about the Democrats and the Republicans leaving Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher. Also another reason they would love nothing more than to pass some law with a Democrat House. Remember, they already have the Senate. They have the numbers in the Senate. Are they going to get any Republicans on board? Probably not. But listen to me. Reason one, House of Representatives, they want in charge if the race gets kicked to the House. Second reason, they want to pass a law to keep Trump off the ballot. However they do it, they can't do it. Right now. The Republicans have a small majority in the House of Representatives. They would love to at least make a statement and pass a law before election day to keep Trump off the ballot.


Why do you think swampy Republicans are the only ones leaving, folks? They want the gavel in Speaker Jeffrey's hands. It is clear as day. It is obvious. They also, one more reason they want to turn all the chairmanships over to Democrats so that the Democrats control subpoena power in committees, judiciary oversight, so they can shut down all these investigations right before, right before the presidential election. It is obvious what's going on. I've been warning you about this for months now, and this is one of those flagged things where everything we flagged has already come true. I said there were going to be more House Republicans leaving what happens on Friday. And thank you, by the way, everyone on Twitter who was like, if you would have listened to Bongino show, you would have known this. Folks, it's not, this is like some faux humility. There's nothing special about my show. I'm glad you like it. But all I did was read you articles that were out there. Any idiot can read the same stuff. Newsweek, March 13. What's today's date? The 25th? I don't even know Newsweek. Five other House Republicans could resign after Ken Buck.


Folks, maybe that, you know what? Call me crazy me. Maybe the reason you like the show is because it's not complicated. I didn't put the, remember Johnny Carson? The Karnak had? What do you do? He used to put like that, you know, baseball car. He's put the thing up in a karnak at man. Dan, how did you know other Republicans were going to leave and screw over Donald Trump? Because they said so. Here's what happened on Friday, Rhino. Mike Gallagher, garbage person like Buck. Wow. Gallagher carefully timed his departure. Listen to how Mike Gallagher, just like Ken Buck, screwed you over and timed his departure perfectly to make sure Democrats are within a hair's length of taking over the House before the election. To do what? To steal it. If Trump, Trump's presidential election gets thrown to the House to pass some law to keeping them off the ballot and to squash all of these investigations by taking over the chairmanships. You think they did this by accident? Under Wisconsin law, hat tip, by the way, Aaron Fritz. Under Wisconsin law, congressional vacancies occurring prior to the second Tuesday in April in an election year get filled on a faster timeline.


An April 19 resignation will keep Gallagher's seat vacant until November. He timed it perfectly. He timed it perfectly to give you the maximum middle finger. This. Do you think they did this by accident, folks? They want Speaker Jeffries. It's clear as day. And when Speaker Jeffries gets in there and these other Republicans that are getting ready to give you the double barrel take over when Speaker Jeffries gets in there, I absolutely promise you one of the first things they're going to do is they're going to pass some, the insurrection act of 2024 to keep Donald Trump off the ballot. Speaker, one chat chances. Can we get flags in there? Give. Just flag it right now. Why? Oh, look, you're so smart. No, no, no, I'm not. I'm not smart. No, I'm not smart at all. I'm mediocre. I just read stuff. You don't think they're going to do that? Oh, no. The Democrats, the same ones who were trying to steal Trump's money today. There you go. Flag that son of a. Right now. Okay. Something happened on 60 Minutes last night, too, folks. Did you see it? The Sir Network, they're getting ready. They will do anything.


Folks, I'm really worried about 2020. I'm gonna take a quick break, but I gotta tell you, I am very, very, very concerned about 2020. This thing that happened in Moscow last, last week, something's going on there, and I think we got a real problem in the election. Here's the problem. It's a fork in the road. The problem is both forks have their own issues. If Joe Biden wins, the country as you know it is over. I have zero doubt. Once you've gone and you push that rock down the hill, it's impossible to stop. We're in a full blown police state right now. If Donald Trump wins, folks, which is what we want and we're willing to fight for. But I'm telling you, November to January and probably throughout the Trump presidency, you are going to see leftist violence like you've never seen before. I don't even, I'm not even sure you're prepared for it. It's going to be that bad. All right, again, appreciate your patience. Got a quick break for responses. I'm going to get back to this because I want to show you what happened on 60 minutes last night to show you how they're getting ready to do anything, anything to stop Trump from getting in there, folks.


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They need to do it because Donald Trump has been the most effective at breaking through the information fog we've ever seen. Whether you love or hate Donald Trump, the reason people hate him is because he's so effective at getting a message out there. They don't like the message. The people who hate him. And that's fine. Fair. I like the message. You don't. That's what a constitutional republic's about, right? We can pick and choose. The left needs to shut this guy down. They are in a massive information war right now. 60 minutes, the Goon Hami Network, communist network. I mean what I say. It is a straight agit prop propaganda network full of bullshitters and liars. Ran an entire piece last night attacking Elon, attacking social media companies, attacking him for what? For not censoring more. Here was an astonishing clip from the 60 Minutes network that ran with the collusion hoax that, that tried to play down the Spygate scandal that hid the russian intel stuff and never did an expose on the russian intel laptop thing. A bullshit commie network ran this segment last night. Check this out. The danger is disinformation could decide the elections in a number of different countries in the US.


He says the right wing has been flooding the Internet with reams of misleading information in order to confuse the public. And he's alarmed by the campaign to silence the academic researchers who have had to spend money and time on demands from Jim Jordan's judiciary committee.


Are you shitting me? You guys. Is everyone. Did you just. Is that so? 60 minutes, the network that ran with the PP hoax, the network that refused to tell the truth when they knew the hunter laptop was likely real, is running a segment on disinformation attacking conservatives who exposed them. Folks, this is the biggest you I have ever seen to America. 60 minutes. Here's a little clip of 60 minutes. For those of you need a reminder. Here's the biggest bullshit artist on that network, this hack commie loser Leslie Stahl. Loser. An absolute life loser. Here she is when Donald Trump tells her an indisputable fact that he was spied on. We know the names of the spies. There is an FBI employee who was convicted in a case involving this. Here she is denying it on 60 Minutes. The greatest bullshit disinformation specialist at 60 minutes is this lady, Leslie Stahl, who hilariously ran that report last night. Check this loser out.


The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign. They spy to my campaign.


There's no real evidence of that.


Of course there is. It's all over the place, Leslie. They spy to my campaign. And they got called.


Can I say something? You know, this is 60 minutes, and we can't put on things we can't verify.


You won't put it on because it's bad for Biden.


We can't put on things we can't verify.




They spied on my campaign.


Well, we can't verify it's been totally verified.


No, it's been.


Just go down and get the papers. They spied on my campaign. They got caught.




And then they went much further than that, and they got caught. And you will see that, Leslie, and you know that. But you just don't want to leave.


As a matter of fact, I don't know that.


This lady's a disgrace to humankind. Any. Any sane person. Any sane person, believe me, this is not a my, you know, no, no, true Scotsman thing. Any sane person without the liberal infection in their brain, the liberal prion virus, bacteria, whatever it is that's crossed the liberal blood brain barrier, knows this lady's full of shit. Trump was spied on. We can't verify that. Here's the name of the spy I wrote about it in three books. You can't ask. This lady is full of shit. She's always been, she's a disgrace and she's just pissed off. That shows like this with, even with a technical hiccup. We got 111,000 people here that we probably have a bigger audience overall between social everything than they do. Look at this one too at NBC News. Another freaking disgrace is brandy Zadrosny. I mean iq of probably 47.5, a total moron. She said this woman is the Leslie Stahl of Taylor Lorenz's. Where is she? Crying all the time too like Taylor does. All this woman writes about is whining about how conservatives tell the truth while they lie. The disinformation war taking a toll, but researchers feel a shift.


Oh, look at that. Wow. That's true. You guys out there in the listening audience. But yes. Do me a favor chesters. Yes, it's a coincidence or no it's not. Do you think it's a coincidence that three liberal agit prop commies, right? Brandy Cedros, Needle Lorenz, Leslie stole all of them. That two of the three in the same time period are writing an article to protect researchers promoting disinformation. You think it's a coincidence they're terrified that they're losing control over their social media companies. Oh and look, NBC in 60 minutes do clips at the same time. Folks, listen man, again can I just go back to the beginning like oh Dan, you called it on the republics. I didn't call shit. There's nothing special about that. Maybe that's why you and I get along so well. Because I don't pretend this is special. I just read what's out there. You think this is a coincidence? That research universities and research groups that have spent millions if not billions of dollars around the globe working with governments and ngo's trying to censor you are now afraid they're losing control before an election. So 60 minutes doesn't attack on conservatives for attacking these fake groups that are trying to censor you.


And NBC writes a piece just what, a couple of days before. You think that's a coincidence, right? Have you ever seen more, more evidence of a blob than you did with that? Folks, this is how it works. They used to get away with it. Now I sent something out this morning. It was about this NBC News hire of Ronald McDaniel. And ladies and gentlemen, I don't give a shit about Ronald McDaniel at all. Not even a little bit. But Ronna McDaniel used to run the RNC she left. And in the dumbest move I've ever seen. I don't know what the hell she was thinking. She signs a contract with NBC. NBC? Really? Like, they weren't going to crap all over you. So of course they're all losing their mind. Chuck Todd had a meltdown. Kristen, Kirsten, welcome whatever the hell her name is. They're all like, freaking out because that's what they do. It's NBC. I mean, what did you expect? Like hiring a Republican? I don't even like Ronnie McDaniel. I don't care. But this story is just full of morons. Ronnie McDaniel for signing with NBC. What did you think was going to happen?


Oh, look, they're going to like me. I'm at NBC. Yeah, good luck with that. You know how comfortable that green room is going to be. Good luck. And then you got NBC freaking out that they hired a republic. There were no good guys in this story. Not Rana, not NBC, not Chuck Todd, not Kristen Welker, no one. Joe Scarborough freaking out this morning. They are mad because we are winning. I brought that up this morning. And some zero on Twitter was like, it doesn't feel like we're winning. No, I didn't say we won't. I said we're winning. We are. We have turned the corner on. Why do you think 60 minutes in NBC are running hit pieces on you for figuring out how the censorship thing works? Because they don't care. It's because they're freaked out. Why do you think bloodbathgate was already gone out of the news? Wait, Donald Trump called for a riot, massive violence, and the story's already out of the papers. How did that happen? Because you won, right? You heard about the bloodbath story over the last few days. You haven't, correct. Why? Because you laughed at them and you made them look like the dipshits they are.


You won. You won that fight. There's another fight tomorrow and the day after. Folks, we're winning. The left is at war with the truth and they're pissed off that we have found mechanisms to laugh and expose them. Here's a perfect example. This would have been a big deal. Here's Joe Biden this weekend. He did some video with Obama and Nancy Pelosi and he trots out again. The Donald Trump told everyone to drink and inject bleach line, folks, 2030 years ago, this would have been a big deal. You know, presumptive republican nominee tells people to drink bleach and inject bleach. But because you guys want to work just like you did on the dopey bloodbath story. This thing went nowhere this week. And not only did not go anywhere, it became a story where everybody laughed at Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, played his cup. So all Americans, not just seniors, pay $35 a month, have a $2,000 cap for prescription drugs. I want to make those dollar 800 ACA savings permanent. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is about the past and serving himself. This is the guy who doesn't care about science and reason. Remember during the pandemic, Donald Trump told us to inject ourselves with bleach?


He said, there's nothing to worry about if you do that. Now. Of course, that would have been a big story 2030 years ago, even ten years ago, when the left pretty much dominated. The information wars are taking, they've waged against us for a long time. But you notice that went nowhere. Only do you know where that went around in conservative media, where we used it to mock him? Because all you had to do was go back and look at what Donald Trump actually said and what did it do? Folks, there's a reason to do this. It starts to drain the political bank account of the people bullshitting you. Nobody respects NBC. Nobody respects Kristen Welker. Nobody respects Leslie Stahl. Why? Because every time they do it, I show up on a show like this and say, please show me in this clip where Donald Trump says, drink bleach or inject bleach. If you can show me where he says those exact words to do that, I'll give you 100 grand tomorrow. Okay, take a look.


Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said, that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said, you're going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, 1 minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see, it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number of lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that, so that you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds, it sounds interesting to me.


Brothers and sisters, man, I'm with you out there. Okay? I get it. Like we've, we've gotten our asses kicked in the culture wars and the narrative wars for so long. I get it. I get it. I'm not knock. I love you guys. I'm not here to be condescending or holier than thou. Screw that shit, okay? I'm no. I'm no different than you guys. The show is only special because you think it's special. There's nothing special about me, period. But we've gotten our asses kicked for so long that there's this kind of, like, woe is me amongst some. Now, you were, oh, my gosh. It doesn't feel like what? Really? I want you to think about something 20 years ago in the same week, if you would have had a story about George W. Bush calls for a brutal bloodbath, violence after the election. Folks, that's a career ender, is it not? I'm. I'm almost 50. Like you. Remember that? It's. You're done. And then a story breaks. Oh, my gosh. George W. Bush said, inject bleach, which would kill you. Drink bleach, which would kill you. And what happens with those stories? Not only do they have zero impact on Trump at all because they're fake, but we take them and turn them around and show independents and persuadables that they lied to you again.


And all it does is beat the media up. It doesn't beat up us. We're winning. We're winning. That is why. Back to the NBC story and the 60 Minutes story. The left is the one are the ones freaking out. They understand they're losing. The narrative wars. Do you get it? So the only response is this extinction burst of behavior to push and clamor for, for more censorship. That's why they're freaking out right now over us exposing their censorship operation. Just put it together. It's right there in front of you here. I want you to watch what I mean. This is a segment from Bill marshall. This is kara swisher, who is a, again, devout leftist. These are these people, again, claim to be journalists and, you know, down the road, straight thinkers. There's a case in court right now about the government censoring conservatives. The Murphy versus a Missouri case. There's no question the government pushed for censorship. You know, put the email up first. Here's an actual email from a guy, Rob Flaherty at the White House pushing Facebook to take down Tucker Carlson and Tommy Lahren's post director of digital strategy, the White House.


You can read the email yourself. The post about vaccines is Tucker Carlson saying it'll work yesterday was Tommy Lahren. He's talking about reduction. He's telling them to get rid of the tweets. You would take any media person, correct. Kara swisher, Brandy Zadrosny, any serious media person, be like, well, that's trouble. We shouldn't be doing that. The government doesn't these, they're entitled to their opinion on vaccines. The government has no role in this at all outside of their own separate information campaign. You want to go promote vaccines? Go do it. Do a psA. Here's kara swisher arguing to bill Maher. Oh, we're not really sure there was any coercion here. Oh, no. Getting an email from the white House director of digital strategy going, hey, it'd be a real shame if your website burned down, right, kara? No, no, that's right. No coercion. All. You really nailed it. Watch this. My question was always, why? Why are your doctors more important than my doctors? The ones I want to listen to? And the social media companies were in the tank with, with the government, as opposed to what you were just saying before about, you're the watchdog and you have been, they just did the bidding of the government.


That's what the lawsuit's about.


It is about that, but it's whether they can talk to each other reasonably and whether they can be coerced. And I think the Supreme Court's going to go against it because social media companies also have first amendment rights, by the way. And so I think the issue is, what is the government talking to these companies about? Is it coercing them or is it just having reasonable discussions? If the government knows, say, about a major threat and it doesn't talk to these companies, we get into all kinds of trouble. So I think what's happened is reductiveness. Like, everyone's got to be, you were wrong, I was right and stuff like that. And what's happened in this culture, and I think it's because of three things, social media, gerrymandering and Rupert Murdoch, folks.


The guy's email from the White House, the most powerful building on planet earth, to Facebook, says, this is exactly why I want to know what reduction actually looks like, as he sarcastically talks about them pumping Tucker Carlson and Tomi Lahren's Facebook post about the vaccine. If you don't see that as coercion, you're one of two things. You're a moron or a liar. And kara swisher's not dumb. She's doing exactly what Brandy Zadrosni, Leslie stahl taylor Lorenz, she is this new crop, this new breed of outright communist liberal where they don't hide anymore what they want. They enjoy government coercion. What they enjoy even more is using euphemisms to hide it. Well with this just, you know, you're just reducing the argument to right or wrong. Actually, I'm just reading your email. I'm not reducing anything. The only one talking about reducing is Rob Flaherty in this freaking email. I just read to you from the White House. You can't read the same thing. You're telling me you're reading something different. The guy is saying, this is exactly why I want to know what reduction actually looks like. He's from the White House. He is threatening Facebook.


Can you not read that? You see why they're freaking out? They have lost control of the narrative game. Nothing they're doing is working anymore. It's just Trump's bond was just reduced to 175 million, folks. The bond that they're losing control of, the narrative. Every attack on Trump, he goes up in the polls. Bloodbathgate made a fool of them. The drink bleach thing makes the guy look like an idiot and a liar. Nothing they're doing is working. Don't trust anything they tell you. Ask questions the right way. The right way. Ask questions because the questions have a point. Who the hell did this thing in Moscow? Who benefits from what? Speaker two. All right. I'm very sorry about the technical thing today, folks. Again, that's on me. It's my show. I'm responsible for it. You guys are better product. But you know, we're gonna try to clean this thing up. It's unacceptable. So thank you all for hanging with me. It's a pretty big audience considering we had a pig snafu. So shows again, why you're the best audience in the business and why I got a lot of love for all y'all, they say. And I just really appreciate it.


I hope you guys understand that. Download the Rumble app. Join us every day at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time live. Someone asked me in church this weekend. Is this show live? Yeah, it's live. 11:00 a.m. It wasn't. We had a technical snap. bongino. bongino. And download the Rumble app. It's free. Start an account that's also free. I will see you back here tomorrow on the radio show in a few minutes. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.