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Performance may vary. Consult with your tax attorney or financial professional before making an investment decision. Message and data rates apply. Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief.


I'm Dan Bongino. Ladies and gentlemen. We had another attack last night in Lewiston. I'm not saying the guy's name because he don't deserve his name out there. The guy's still on the loose, apparently murdered 20 plus people.


Of course, it was only but what? Seconds after we heard that and a thousand different liberal lunatics on Facebook and Twitter trying to get you killed. I mean, literally trying to get you killed. They may not be knowing that they're trying to get you killed. They may just be focus group testing a talking point out there, but they will get you killed instantly, of course.


Calling for gun control now, I'm going to ask you a simple question, because one time joe, you remember C four from WBAL? You remember that guy? Yeah. He's a radio host up in the Maryland area. And I was super nice guy, democrat, but very nice guy, and used to go in and do guest hosting stuff on the show.


And we would chat once in a you know, I don't know where he stands these days on gun control. I don't want to speak for the guy anymore. I haven't spoken to him in years. But he pretty much had a lot of the Democrat stuff on guns. And I remember going in the studio and telling him a story about how my house was broken into.


My kids don't even know this story. They'll know it now, but someone broke into my house while I was sleeping, and I didn't tell my kids that. They woke up, and I told them a different version of events because I didn't want them to feel insecure in the house. But they broke in while we were there, and it was suspected that the guy was armed. And the only thing that probably kept me alive and everyone else is they didn't go upstairs.


They just wanted stuff. They were probably druggies took the stuff and left. We left the garage door open. I don't want to blame myself, but it was my fault. I left the door open.


He's a bad guy. It's on him. But I shouldn't have left it. It was a mistake. They cleaned out my first floor.


I could have been dead. Everyone in the house could have been dead. And I asked the guy I asked C four one time. I said, what do you think would happen if I went downstairs and the guy had a gun? You think I'm going to scream gun control?


What do you think would happen? I said, do you think the bad guy is in any way intimidated? By what? Foul language? Knives?


What do you think he's going to do? And it was interesting because it was such a simple argument, and I remember him looking at me like, gosh, I guess that kind of makes sense. Like, bad guys don't get guns legally. They're going to bring a gun to a fight. You're going to bring what?


Foul language to so I need you to understand that bad guys, a percentage of the mentally ill popular, not everyone who's mentally ill is violent. I've spent a lot of time studying psychology, and it's one of the things that does irk me. A lot of people who have mental illness are not violent at all. However, a significant swath of them is significant enough that can cause some damage, happen to be, and they can turn into sociopaths, like this guy last night who shot up a bowling alley. So immediately, of course, there are calls for gun control.


So I'm going to say this again. Defend yourself. Ignore the nonsense. There is no effort in this country, nor will they be for gun control, because nobody actually believes it. It is a liberal talking point.


It's why it goes nowhere. It's why over the past 50 years, we have had not more gun control, but less. We have had more freedom to defend yourself and the right to self protection, not less. If you look at the number of states that are constitutional carry, where concealed carry and shall issue other than may issue is in effect, gun control goes nowhere, because nobody actually believes it. Criminals don't listen to me.


Listen. Turn it up. See, I got a volume button right here. Turn your volume up. Criminals don't give about gun laws.


Say it again, fellas. Can we say it together in tandem? Criminals don't give a about gun laws. Thank you. That's why they're crit.


Thank you. That's why they're criminals. They're criminals because they don't give a shit about laws. I used to walk around the cells when I was a cop in the 75 precinct, and I would ask these people who got arrested for CPW, criminal possession of a weapon, I'd say, Listen, you weren't allowed to get that gun. You're a felon, which means you're a prohibited possessor.


Did that ever occur to you when you bought the gun? They're like, man, you crazy. They were looking at you like you were nuts. Like, what are you, a dipshit? They love criminals.


There's a couple of people that love gun laws. You know who they are? Democrats, Communists, Hamas, terrorists, serial killers, murderers, and violent felons. Because why? Because they get to prey on people who can't fight back.


So you can protect yourself or you can get dead. And that's it. Now, listen, I'm going to give you some survival advice here, and I want you to take this very seriously. There are hundreds of millions of guns in the world. Probably billions of guns.


I have no idea what the number is, but there's so many. They're not going anywhere. These things are made to last 100 plus years. There are still firearms around from the Civil War that I'm sure if you polished them up would be operable. Maybe not effective, but operable.


They're not going anywhere, okay? Everyone got it with 3D printing. But in the future, by the way, you're going to have guns, plastic guns, everywhere. Okay? You can either defend yourself against them or you can die.


Those are your two choices. There's no option. C, gun control is a myth. Guns have never been controlled. Guns will never be controlled.


It is a fairy tale. It's not a coincidence that cities and states with the most profound and restrictive gun control laws also have some of the highest levels of gun crime because the gun criminals get the guns illegally and know nobody else can defend themselves. Okay? That's not an accident. I'm going to give you some tips here.


Number one, if this happens to you, get away. Get away. Period. Full stop. If you can't get away, try again.


If you really, really can't get away and you are absolutely forced to fight, if you don't have a firearm, I'm sorry, but there's a good chance it's going to end very badly. That's just the folks. There's no way. I want to say again, we got to be realistic about ballistics as well. AR 15 is a common use weapon.


It is a weapon you should have access to as well. It is a weapon that's out there. It is a good defensive weapon. It makes a semidecent hunting round, but is a good defensive weapon. It's also a good weapon against Hamas, Pariterrorists as well, the AR 15 round.


However, if you cannot get away and you are armed and you have a handgun, you're at a severe disadvantage. So you need to know the difference between cover and concealment. And do you know what the difference? Anyone in the chat know the difference between cover and concealment. Cover provides some kind of visual obstacle.


Cover could be a piece of cardboard where you're secreted behind it so they can't see you. Excuse me. Concealment at a backwards. That's concealment cover provides effective ballistic protection. A piece of cardboard may conceal you, but it's not cover, okay?


You can shoot right through it like a hot knife do, but it's not going to do anything. Matter of fact, against rifle rounds, not a lot is going to do stuff. You have a seven six, two round. I got news for you. Even standing behind cinder block, it's only going to take so many rounds.


So you got to understand the difference. You always want cover. If you don't have cover and you can only get concealment, it's better than nothing. Why? Because it's hard to hit what you can't see.


And by the way, most people who aren't trained, like this guy allegedly was this savage. Most people who aren't trained will not instinctively shoot at what they can't see. I know it sounds crazy. What? They won't shoot through cardboard?


They may. They may. You can see the video of the Hamas terrorists shooting into those Porta John things at the Kabuts. If you're a savage enough on drugs, you'll shoot through anything. However, most people, by instinct, will try to shoot at what they can see.


If you can't get cover, concealment is the next worst thing. But you need to understand, too. So what does that mean for you? It means if you're in a place, wherever you are, you should always take five minutes to do a couple of things. Scan the exits.


There is typically always an exit in the back of a place that leads to a back alley, especially a commercial location. It's how they get their deliveries. Every supermarket has it. Every restaurant has it. Those trade stores have it.


If they get their deliveries in the back, there's always an exit. Most human beings will try to run out of the entrance they came in. Sadly, that's where the bad guy comes in, too. So you're running right into a fight you don't want to be in. Go out the back.


There is almost always an exit in the back. You'll typically see an exit sign. Scan for exits. Second, always know where some covering concealment is. When I go to certain locations I frequent, often the first thing I think about is what's covered, what's concealment.


Takes me about 30 seconds. That's it. If you train this stuff in your head, you'll at least stand a fighting chance. Folks, I'm sorry we have to have these conversations, but this show is committed to you keeping yourself alive and not getting dead. The left is committed to one thing getting you hurt.


I'm telling you right now, criminals, Democrats, communists, savages, terrorists, and serial killers all love gun control. No sane person loves that. Defend yourself, and protect yourself at all costs. I was on the line last night at that movie theater saying hello to everybody, and I ran into a lady from Massachusetts. She said, I moved down to Florida because of you.


Welcome. We love new conservatives down here. I'll tell you, when you come down here, the first thing you should do is train. I saw someone in the Chat train.


Get yourself, I'd say a thousand rounds you should be able to put through there. A thousand rounds you should be able to put through that firearm. Get ready to go. More in a minute. But first, our last sponsor today, Omaha Steaks.


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Food is delicious. Train, folks, 1000 rounds. 1000 rounds and you should be shooting every three months, even if it's just 30 40 rounds. Practice loading drills. Practice malfunction drills.


Your tap rack acquired a target. Lock it open. Rip the magazine out. Get ready to go if it's a stage two malfunction. If you've never heard of these things, folks, go take a class.


This is the stuff you need to know. You can't just pick up a gun and expect to be proficient in it. In the worst possible scenario of your life, where there's hot lead flying past your ear, I got news for you. You're not going to be efficient. There are train SWAT guys I know, probably in the chat, who will tell you the same thing I do.


Delta guys and Navy Seal. Some of the best combatants on earth will tell you there's a fog of war. Trained guys. Their fog of war may be 10 seconds before they get back on target. Untrained people, it could be five minutes.


By that time, you're dead. You want a five minutes? Four minutes. Three minutes. Two minutes.


1 minute? 30 seconds, maybe if you're really good. 15 seconds before you're ready to rock and roll and get back into fight. If you cannot escape. Also, if there is no way out, you are going to have to be aggressive like you've never been in your life.


If there is no way out, golden rule number one, get the hell out of there. Number two, really get out of there. If you really can't get out of there, number three, and you are forced to fight, you are going to have to be aggressive. Throw something if it's the best you can do. Even the most trained people on earth will not take something to the face.


Even it's something as silly as this coin, they will always duck. It's human instinct. If that's the best you can do, you are going to have to be aggressive and do horrible things because it's either your life or theirs. If you cannot get away, be aggressive. It's the only thing you can do.


That for all the crazy stuff that comes out of a lot of these government entities, I will say one thing. The run, hide, fight thing is not a terrible idea. Run. I would argue run.


Then if you can't try to hide, and if you absolutely cannot do any of those things and you are going to fight, you damn well better be aggressive. Bite, kick, eye gouge. Kick them in the nuts, folks. Scrape them, throw stuff at them. Stay alive no matter what.


You got a lot of threats coming our way. A lot. And do not listen to these lefties. They will get you killed in a minute. Criminals don't give a about gun laws, period.


That's why they're criminals. These lefties will get you killed. This is something I am passionate about. I've seen way too many people fall victim to crime because they believe leftist fairy tales. Like there's good in a bunch of people and you're going to talk a guy with a gun out of his gun.


You're not going to do it. You're going to find yourself dead. The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino Show. Wherever you get your podcast.