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Last month, the G20 announced a plan to impose digital.


Currencies and digital IDs on their population. Central bank digital currencies essentially could allow the government to track every purchase someone makes. Concerned Americans are diversifying their assets into physical gold with the help of Birch Gold Group. If you want physical gold held in a tax sheltered retirement account, call Birch Gold. Text Dan, 989898, diversify and claim your free information kit on gold because if digital currency becomes a reality, it'll be nice to have some gold to fall back on. Performance may vary. Consult with your tax attorney or financial professional before making an investment decision. Message and data rates apply. Dan Bonino. Welcome to The Bonino Brief. I'm Dan Bonino.


The Oatmeal God has decided again to check off Box 76 and his 1-100 plan on how to destroy America almost overnight. Joe Biden slammed the Right scoop for giving $100 million gift to Hamas while American hostages are still held in Gaza. Folks, this shit is incredible. This story is so amazing, and by amazing, I mean amazingly stupid, that when I heard it yesterday on his presser he was doing on the plane on AF1, that he was going to give 100 million to Hamas. He's like, I didn't get any pushback from the Israelis at all. I thought this can't be true. Maybe the first thing that went to my mind is the Oatmeal God's got it wrong. He didn't mean Hamas. He meant AIDS somewhere else. He said it the wrong way. That's why he's saying he got no pushback because it's not true and he's the oatmeal God. Then I'm looking and I'm like, No, this is actually real. They get into paragliders. They got the AKs. They're like. They're like, mowing down 270 innocent people, there are now, what, 10, 20 American hostages. How this is in a hostage crisis the likes of Jimmy Carter.


I'm still unsure. Joe, you remember the Carter hostage crisis? It only dominated the news cycle every day. Yet this is as bad, if not worse, and yet nobody seems to be talking about the fact that there are American hostages. They're our people. They're our actual people. The fact that what, 30 Americans were murdered in cold blood? What does this dip shit do? He gives them $100 million reward. How is this not the biggest story in the country right now? Can you imagine? I'm just trying for a moment to get you all to grasp this. In the chat, are you picking up what I'm putting down to you? I don't care where you stand on this issue. Well, I care where I stand and I care what... But on this specific issue, can we all acknowledge that this is probably not a good idea? This is not a good idea. They're going to say, Oh, it's going to the Gaza strip and not one dollar. Holy shit, bro, please take an economics course. For the billionth time, money is fungible. If I'm Dan Bongino, Terror Inc, and I need $1,000 to go rape and torture and kill people, and I still need $1,000 to pay my rent and food, and you give me $1,000, I can now take the serial number of bills that were going to be for rent and food and go pay for the rape and torture.


Does he not understand this? You got a bunch of mullets like death to America, the Jews, the United States, kill everybody you can. You've got these insane animals who want to kill Jews, kill the Infidel. We just gave them $6 billion, and now this dip shit shows up with $100 million for Hamas after they just wiped out thousands of people. Listen, man, again, I get it. Frosty, lime, aphro, I'm sorry, man. I don't care anymore. I can't take it. I'm like, losing my grasp of reality because I can't believe we're living in this crazy world right now. But you know what? You're right, Keith. We actually did a show on Fox on this a while ago. People have just become so... We used to have an expression in The Secret Service, embrace the suck. If you went to a country that had no infrastructure and you were just in the worst accommodations around and you were there for two weeks, we would just be like, embrace the suck, bro. Just embrace it right away and get to work. I think America has gotten so bad under Biden that we're right. People have just embraced the suck and nothing surprises them.


American hostages, Americans killed in a terror attack. Even if you're the biggest isolationist in the world, this isn't my position. But if your position is, hey, that was really horrible, but it's not our fight. It's Israel's fight. Not my position, but whatever. Even if that's yours, you're allowed to have it. It's the United States, we have freedom of speech and thought. You're perfectly legal and for you to express that, you get the point. Can we all agree, even if that's your position, that giving the people who did this while they're holding American hostages $100 million is probably stupid, right? Can we disagree on that? Listen to me, man. Do not think for a moment that all of the stuff you read about throughout human.


History cannot happen here.


Listen, it's been.


An emotional couple of weeks for all of us. We're all taking it all in. Last night, I said a long prayer to God. I don't ever talk about praying if I don't, because I think it's stupid for you to pretend you do when you don't. But I said, God, you've given me this microphone and this opportunity and this microphone, especially the radio one, in the light of the fact that we lost Rush Limbaugh, who would be a great leader right now. Please don't let me embarrass this guy. There were his memory or his legacy, even though the podcast is a separate entity, I still consider myself one of the many. It's not just me. You have Clay and Bach and Dana and others who are in those spots, but we're heirs to his 12-3 spot. I thought we could really use him right now. I felt so honored that I was in his spot, but I so don't want to let you down. But can we all.




Agree on this.


That giving a bunch of demon savages who are still.


Literally holding American hostages.


Who killed Americans to $100 million of our money that I worked hard for. I worked hard.


For this money.


So did you, man. Can we at least agree that this is stupid? You can be the biggest anti-Semite out there. I'll condemn you. I think you're gross, but you could be the biggest anti-Semite on planet Earth and still think it's probably not a good idea to give $100 million to paraterrorists.


Yesterday I'm sitting here, actually during the radio show. It's about 2:00 PM Eastern time, and that break is like a five-minute, five, six-minute break.


I'm reading a.


Wall Street Journal, and there's a piece I'll get to later. It was by Gary Saul Morson.


But the gist of the piece is, ladies and gentlemen, we have this recency bias where.


We don't think this stuff can happen here. We don't think this stuff can happen here. The Off With.


Their Heads.


The torture, the.




Stuff, the Communist Gullag, the the Gullag, archipelago-type stuff that was.


Made infamous by Solzhenitsyn. People were like, My.


Neighbor would never do that. My neighbor would never do that. Ladies and gentlemen, listen to me, brothers and sisters. Oh, it can absolutely happen here. If you ever read the historical accounts of the Holocaust and you read the work of a rent, just put in a search engine, the banality of evil, you will see how not only can it happen here on the path we're on now, it likely will happen here. More in a minute, but first.


Last month, the G20 announced a plan to impose digital.


Currencies and digital IDs on their population. Central bank digital currencies essentially could allow the government to track every purchase someone makes. Some believe it could even prohibit someone from purchasing certain products or freeze or seize part of all their money but weren't about this forever. Concerned Americans are diversifying their assets into physical gold with the help of Birch Gold Group. If you want physical gold held in a tax sheltered retirement account, call Birch Gold. I buy gold through Birch Gold? Why? Because I trust them. I've used them twice. Get a free information kit on gold IRAs by texting the word Dan to 989898. Listen, if you have an IRA or 401K from a previous employer, Birch Gold can help you convert it to an IRA in gold and you don't pay a penny out of pocket. Again, text Dan to the number 989898, claim your free information kit from Birchgold. Because if digital currency becomes a reality, it'll be nice to have some gold to fall back on. Performance may vary. Consult your tax attorney or financial professional before making an investment decision. Message and data rates apply. You realize that the Cannon building up on Capitol Hill yesterday was stormed by a group of.




Insurrectionists, who by the way, would murder you in a heartbeat.


Who were there.


In support of a terror group that just murdered thousands of people?


And nobody in the Democrat party even battered an eyelid? That happened here. I want you to watch this lunatic member of Congress who's.


Clearly an enemy of the United States now. Yes, I know exactly what I'm saying. I know exactly what I'm saying. She has the right to say this. I think our responses should be obviously constrained in that I don't.


Recommend nor ever would I.


That we ever cross any red lines here. She's free to say this. She was voted in office, but that doesn't make her not an enemy of the United States because she is.


You now have a sitting.


Member of Congress, Rasheeda Talib, shamelessly trying to start a religious war here in the United States.


Rasheed At Taleb, a United States Congresswoman, absolutely knows full well the Israelis bomb.


The hospitals.




Hoax is fake.


There is no one on planet Earth who believes the story. No one, not no sane person. It's been discredited by everyone, including by Hamas themselves, who their operatives were caught on audio we played yesterday, admitting they fired it from a cemetery behind the hospital. Okay, so no serious person believes this, including her. Doesn't matter.


She wants a religious war here in the United States.


Aaron Mate, the journalist guy.


Who I actually once respected.


Tweeting to me this morning. She's trying.


To stop a war.


Let me ask you a question, fellows. You think the best way to stop a war is to promote war propaganda that nearly caused another Benghazi incident in Lebanon and our embassies overseas? You think that's the best way to do it? That's a little bit, Joe, a little counterproductive, right? Joe, maybe the best thing to do is to tell people that story is not real. That story is not real. But no, Mate doesn't think that. Mate thinks Rasheed to Taliib is a big peacemaker. He was great on the Russia hoax, but he writes for this gray zone place where there are a bunch of terrorists. That's all they are. What's happened to them? I don't know. Any respect I have for this guy, flushed down the toilet. Here's Rasheed of Talibe in her own words, promoting the Israelis bomb the hospital hoax, because again, wants to.


Start a religious war. Check this out. Continue to watch people.


Think it's okay to bomb a hospital. We're children.




Know what's so hard sometimes is watching those videos and the people telling the kids don't cry and let them cry. They're shaking and somebody you know this, they keep telling them not to cry in Arabic. They do. They can cry. I can cry. We all can cry. If we're not crying, something is wrong. And so I'm telling you right now, President Biden, not all America is with you on this one, and you need to wake up and understand that. We are literally literally watching people commit genocide and killing the vast majority just like this, and we still stand by and say nothing. We won't remember this, but all of you, you need to know, I swear to God, my hand to Allah, you are on the right side of history. You are doing everything possible to save lives. What is wrong with that?


You're on the right side of history, folks. The Hamas, demon, savages launched a rocket from behind a hospital to kill innocent people in Israel. The rocket didn't make it to Israel, which by the way, the media seems very upset about. Do you guys notice that too? They seem really pissed that Jews didn't die with that rocket. They're like, Damn it, didn't get those Jews. My gosh, rocket explodes, turns around, hits a hospital in the Gaza Strip, destroys a parking lot, which they falsely claim killed 500 people, falsely claim destroyed a hospital. You can go there now and see is still standing. Then Rasheed and Talibo's, You're on the right... Well, she's crying. She's crying, so the story is definitely real. While she repeats the myth that they bomb the hospital. The lady is an enemy of the.


United States.


She should be thrown out of.


Congress tomorrow, 100%.


She is absolutely free to have whatever opinion she wants, however dumb it is. This woman's an enemy.


Of the United States.


The Dan.


Bon Gino show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to The Dan Bon Gino show wherever you get your podcasts.